NR1 Lecture Notes 1, Introduction
NR1 Lecture Notes 1, Introduction
NR1 Lecture Notes 1, Introduction
Qualitative research is an
The role of EBP is to:
investigation of phenomena,
- Improve the quality of health
typically in an in-depth and holistic
fashion, through the collection of
- Reduce health costs
rich narrative materials, using a
- Enhance patient safety
flexible research design.
1. Consumers of nursing
research where nurses’
involvement in research is
indirect and at a minimum
-------- level.
- biologic and physiologic phenomena
to develop better clinical evidence
- translate research findings into
Exploration (or exploratory research) Explanatory research seeks to understand
investigates the full nature of the the foundations of specific natural
phenomenon, the manner in which it is phenomena, and to explain systematic
manifested, and other factors to which it relationships among phenomena.
is related.
It attempts to offer understanding of the
Exploration underlying causes or full nature of a
Like descriptive research, exploratory
research begins with a phenomenon of Example: Researchers tested a
interest; but rather than simply observing model to explain exercise
and describing it, exploratory research behavior among older
investigates the full nature of the adults on the basis of
phenomenon, the manner in which it is social support, age, and
manifested, and other factors to which it is self-efficacy expectations.
Prediction and Control
Example: A descriptive quantitative
study of patients’ Many phenomena defy explanations, but it
preoperative stress might is possible to control phenomena based on
seek to document the research findings, even in the absence of
degree of stress patients complete understanding.
experience before surgery
and the percentage of Example: Research has shown that
patients who actually risk of abnormalities in a
experience it. child increases, the closer
the parents are to being
An exploratory study might blood relatives
ask the following:
We can practically control
-What factors diminish or the outcome by educating
increase a patient’s the young people about
stress? the possible outcome, or
-Is stress related to the by discouraging close blood
patient’s cultural relatives from marrying
backgrounds? each other