Dira Dawa University Dira Dawa Institute of Technology: Proposal For Final Project (Thesis)
Dira Dawa University Dira Dawa Institute of Technology: Proposal For Final Project (Thesis)
Dira Dawa University Dira Dawa Institute of Technology: Proposal For Final Project (Thesis)
March, 2019
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Proposal for final project (thesis) 2019
First of all we would love to thank to GOD for helping us to write this report. Again
we would like to recognize our sincere thanks to Ir. Gardew Aambaw, for his
progressive help, consultation and follow up during our proposal. Next to this, we
would like to mention the contribution of members of the school of mechanical and
industrial engineering department. Finally we wish to thank our family for everything
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Proposal for final project (thesis) 2019
Executive summary
This thesis proposal presents every requirements of the final year project pertaining to the design
verification, manufacturing and testing of modified model of manual centrifugal pump. Problem
justification and how to solve it, what advantages could have if the design is implemented, the
scope and limitation project and cost each item clearly specified in this proposal.
Contents page
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... II
Abstract ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter one ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
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Background ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of problem .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Literature review ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.1 General objective ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Specific objective ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Scope of study ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Significance of study........................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter two ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Cost analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Time table (work plan).................................................................................................................................. 6
Reference ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
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Chapter one
1.1 Introduction
Small-scale irrigation is a key factor in the development of many rural communities in
developing countries. This small-scale irrigation by itself needs a variety of water-lifting devices
called irrigation pumps. Some of these irrigation pumps include the shallow well pumps (row
pump, suction hand pump, foot pedal (treadle) pump); intermediate depth pumps (direct action
plunger pump, bucket pump, direct action pump); deep well pumps (diaphragm pump, rope &
disk pump, progressive cavity pump and piston pump). Pedal or treadle pumps are being
increasingly promoted as an affordable means of lifting and moving water needed for irrigated
agriculture and so replacing arduous and time consuming manual lifting and moving of water.
High population densities, small land holdings and shallow sources of water have provided the
ideal circumstances for the rapid up-take of treadle pumps. Treadle pumps still remain hard
work, but the effort is more efficiently used giving the small-scale grower with more time for
other cultivation and domestic tasks. Special attention may be needed soon to introduce more
efficient irrigation methods, such as drip irrigation, at smallholder level to make better use of the
precious water that has required major efforts for its mobilization. This will lead to the concept
of centrifugal type treadle pump which is the main concern in this report. [3]
Development of the most recent range of treadle pumps started in the late 1970s by Gunnar
Barnes, a Norwegian engineer working for Lutheran World Federation in Bangladesh. In the mid
-1980s, Daniel Jenkins of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
developed a version of the treadle pump capable of delivering water under pressure. In 1987,
Appropriate Technology International engineer Carl Bielenberg modified the Jenkins version so
that it could be manufactured in the small metal workshops typically found in Africa.
The treadle pump has two significant advantages over motorized pumps for irrigation of
agricultural land of less than one hectare. First, the treadle pump is considerably less expensive
than motorized pumps. Under typical market conditions, the treadle pump is about 25% of the
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retail price of motorized pumps of comparable flow rate capacity. Second, the treadle pump costs
much less to operate, having no fuel and only limited repair and maintenance costs. [1]
One of the strategies to rapidly increase food production in a drought prone country like
Zambia is the introduction of technologies that would make it possible to produce food all
year round by utilizing the available water resources. The study has identified a very simple and
inexpensive water lifting device (the treadle pump) as a low profile technological miracle, which
has made millions of the world's poorest farmers from developing countries such as Bangladesh,
India, Vietnam, Nepal and Cambodia double their incomes and step beyond bare subsistence. [5]
The first design criterion was a pump that was easy to operate and had a sustainable output well
enough for irrigation. It began with the concept of a foot-operated pump. This decision was made
because leg muscles are stronger than arm muscles, and tire less easily. Drawback: it was
expensive and had a low output because it used only one cylinder and the operator used only one
leg to work the pedal. [1]
The next design resembled a see-saw with an operator at each end. This time, the pump head
used two cylinders and hence high output. Drawback: the operators stood with one foot on the
ground. The effect was to tire the idling leg of the operator as much as the working leg. [1]
A third design had the two cylinders placed in a Y-shape on top of the suction pipe. The
cylinders were buried in the ground. The plungers, of a special and more efficient design, were
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operated by a foot and hand-driven rocking frame. Drawback: although the use both hands to
help the foot was a significant improvement, the operator used just one leg still tired easily. [1]
The new pump was foot-operated, it had two cylinders, and used treadles connected with a rope
to engage both the operator's legs and full body weight. This new pump immediately attracted
passing farmers in a way the other pumps had not. They size, the ease of operation, the output,
the price tag, and demanded their own specimen. [1]
All the above studies have one common drawback, in which all requires somewhat high deriving
energy because, they all are piston type and uses treadle type driving mechanisms. This study
solves the above problems as match as possible. Compared to the thus studies, this one consumes
very less energy, ease and simple operation, inexpensive in cost and rare existence of tiredness
because it is driven both by hand and on foot and also it is pedal type.
1.4 Objective
1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to design and manufacture the manual derive centrifugal
To design and analysis the detail components of manual drive centrifugal pump
To prepare manufacturing drawings of the main components using
different professional mechanical software’s like Auto CAD, Solid work
To assemble the model of machine.
To write and examine the cost analysis of the machine.
To develop scaled model of the machine and conduct performance analysis.
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The less initial cost or purchase price, reliability and expected life time, efficiency use of energy
and locally availability makes the study more preferable. And again it plays a great role on how
to solve problems, which are faced on agricultural industries of rural areas.
In addition to this, this project helps for late comers (or researchers) by giving a direction in
building of industrial and agricultural machines without consumption of their time, energy and
1.8 Methodology
In order to target the objective of this project the following methodology will be applied.
Available documents, published researches and different literature studies shaped the
system on the way to design this project basically for agricultural irrigations.
Survey of previous relevant works, review of previous accomplished thesis works,
relevant articles and other documents will be taken.
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Chapter two
Material Cost
Items Unit(mm) Quantity Unit Cost(Birr) Total Cost(Birr)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No of activities
literature review
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Proposal for final project (thesis) 2019
1. Alastair Orr, A. S. M. Nazrul Islam, and Gunnar Barnes THE TREADLE PUMP: MANUAL
2. Yamaha YPG30N, petrol powered pump in Malawi for the smallholder farmers.
3. SE3WE senior experts for the third world, our small –scale irrigation pumps, emmenbruecke,
Switzerland http://www.se3we.ch
4. Rural water systems, The Handpump option in Africa, Amsterdam, Netherlands www.hand
5. Modification and introduction of treadle pumps as technology for optimizing land use in
6. R.S, KHURM-J.K.GUPTA, A text book of machine Design, Eurasia publishing House, 2001,
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