7 CFR Ch. I (1-1-02 Edition) 29.127: (46 FR 62394, Dec. 24, 1981)
7 CFR Ch. I (1-1-02 Edition) 29.127: (46 FR 62394, Dec. 24, 1981)
7 CFR Ch. I (1-1-02 Edition) 29.127: (46 FR 62394, Dec. 24, 1981)
I (1–1–02 Edition)
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Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA § 29.401
oriental and cigar tobacco, shall be in- (i) Port of entry. Any place designated
spected for grade and quality. Tobacco by Executive order of the President, by
subject to inspection shall be inspected order of the Secretary of the Treasury,
at the point of entry. or by Act of Congress, at which a cus-
(b) All flue-cured or burley tobacco, toms officer is authorized to accept en-
including stems, offered for importa- tries of merchandise, to collect duties,
tion into the United States, including and to enforce the various provisions of
tobacco entering foreign trade zones, the Customs and Navigation Laws. The
but excluding transshipped tobacco, term ‘‘port of entry’’ incorporates the
shall be accompanied by a pesticide geographical area under the jurisdic-
and end user certification completed tion of the port director when such
by the importer. Any flue-cured or bur- port is one other than a district head-
ley tobacco that is not certified as quarters port.
being free of prohibited pesticide resi- (j) Tobacco. Tobacco between the
dues shall not be permitted entry into time it is cured and stripped from the
the United States until the Secretary stalk or primed and cured, in whole
has determined that the tobacco meets leaf or unmanufactured form, and the
the pesticide residue requirements in time it is utilized in product manufac-
these regulations. turing. Conditioning, sweating, stem-
[49 FR 27467, July 3, 1984, as amended at 51 ming, and threshing are not considered
FR 30198, Aug. 22, 1986] manufacturing.
(k) Transshipped tobacco. Tobacco
§ 29.401 Definitions. that arrives within the territorial lim-
As used in §§ 29.400 through 29.500, the its of the United States for the purpose
words and phrases hereinafter defined of continuous transportation without
shall have the following meanings: being unloaded for warehousing, ma-
(a) Importation. Arriving within the nipulation, or manufacturing, to a des-
territorial limits of the United States tination outside the territorial limits
with the intent to unload. of the United States.
(b) Importer. The owner of the tobacco (l) Unload. To remove from a carrier
at the time of importation or the own- at the port of entry or at a foreign
er’s successor in interest if the tobacco trade zone.
is sold prior to the completion of the (m) End user certification. A document
requirements of §§ 29.400 through 29.500. issued by the Tobacco Division in a
(c) Inspection certificate. An official form approved by the Director con-
written representation of a lot of to- taining a certification by the importer
bacco made by an inspector and issued or subsequent purchaser to identify
to an importer. any and all end users of imported flue-
(d) Invoice. A writing on behalf of the cured or burley tobacco.
importer that is used in commercial (n) Pesticide. Any substance or mix-
transactions of tobacco for selling, pur- ture of substances intended for pre-
chasing, shipping, or consigning. venting, destroying, repelling, or miti-
(e) Lot. A unit of shipment of tobacco gating any pest, and any substance or
encompassed by a single invoice. mixture of substances intended for use
(f) Package. A hogshead, carton, case, as a plant regulator, defoliant, or des-
bale, or other securely enclosed parcel iccant.
or bundle. (o) Pesticide certification. A document
(g) Packing list. A document itemizing issued by the Tobacco Division in a
each package covered by a single in- form approved by the Director con-
voice listing, among other things, the taining a certification by the importer
kind of tobacco in each package, the that flue-cured and burley tobacco of-
net weight, and the marks and num- fered for importation does not exceed
bers identifying each package. the maximum allowable residue levels
(h) Point of entry. The place at the of any banned pesticide.
port of entry or foreign trade zone (p) Prohibited pesticide residue. The
where tobacco is unloaded from a car- maximum concentration of residue al-
rier or unpacked from a container for lowable for a specific pesticide or com-
the purpose of warehousing, manipula- bination of pesticides as set forth in
tion, or manufacturing. § 29.427.
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