The Role of GIS in Military Strategy, Operations and Tactics
The Role of GIS in Military Strategy, Operations and Tactics
The Role of GIS in Military Strategy, Operations and Tactics
57.1 Introduction
The United States military has used geospatial information in every conflict throughout its
history of warfare. Until the last quarter century, geospatial information used by commanders
on the battlefield was in the form of paper maps. Of note, these maps played pivotal roles
on the littoral battlegrounds of Normandy, Tarawa and Iwo Jima (Greiss 1984; Ballendorf
2003). Digital geospatial data were employed extensively for the first time during military
actions on Grenada in 1983 (Cole 1998). Since then, our military has conducted numerous
operations while preparing for many like contingencies (Cole 1998; Krulak 1999). US forces
have and will continue to depend on maps—both analog and digital—as baseline planning
tools for military operations that employ both Legacy and Objective Forces (Murray and
O’Leary 2002).
Important catalysts involved in transitioning the US military from dependency on analog
to digital products include: (1) the Global Positioning System (GPS); (2) unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs); (3) high-resolution satellite imagery; and (4) geographic information
systems (GISs) (NIMA 2003). In addressing these four important catalysts, this review is first
structured to include a summary of geospatial data collection technologies, traditional and
state-of-the-art, relevant to military operations and, second, to examine GIS integration of
these data for use in military applications. The application that will be addressed is the devel-
opment and analysis of littoral warfare (LW) databases used to assess maneuvers in coastal
zones (Fleming et al. 2008).
executed tasks. A common system for providing key location data for friendly units, enemy
targets and critical terrain was required.
Joint US combat operations in Grenada (1983) demonstrated the need for improved
positioning technology. Although US forces prevailed as a result of large amounts of
non-standard geospatial data between services, the conflict was not an efficient, well-coordi-
nated effort by any measure of warfighting (Cole 1998). Since then, GPS integration and
employment has accelerated, becoming the answer to many location-based challenges
brought about by mission and interoperability changes.
The GPS, including satellites and monitoring equipment, undergoes constant
improvement cycles to increase accuracy, reliability and capability. Currently, military GPS
receivers reliably provide position accuracies to within one meter (GPS JPO 2000). These
receivers have been made smaller, more accurate and easier to use. Microelectronics have
made them very affordable so that every individual, weapon system and command post
can share the technology, making available the benefits of a reliable, accurate worldwide
navigation and positioning system (Huybrechts 2004).
The user-equipment segment of GPS consists of the military receivers, antennae and other
GPS-related equipment. Global positioning system receivers are used on aircraft, ships at sea,
ground vehicles or hand-carried by individuals. They convert satellite signals into position,
velocity and time estimates for navigation, positioning and time dissemination. Most of the
user equipment is employed by more than one branch of military service with very few (if
any) having utility for just one.
System devices and GPS-aided weapons have been employed in numerous warfighting
applications including navigation and positioning, weapon guidance, targeting and fire
control, intelligence and imagery, attack coordination, search and rescue, force location,
communication network timing and force deployment/logistics (NAVSTAR 2001). Major
benefits of GPS realized in these applications include: (1) improved position accuracy; (2)
more accurate weapon placement; (3) enhanced systems performance; and (4) time synchro-
nization (GPS JPO 2000). Table 57-1 provides a detailed listing of benefits derived from
GPS employment.
The GPS has a bright future; it is being improved to preserve the advantages it brings to
the battlefield and to prevent its vulnerability to attack (GISDevelopment 2004). The vulner-
ability of the GPS includes terrorist use as demonstrated by the tragic events of 11 September
2001 where al Qaeda loyalists exploited GPS technology in guiding airliners into their targets
on the US mainland.
Changes designed to better support the warfighter in an evolving threat environment are
planned. They will provide more flexibility through more portable systems as well as military
anti-jam capability, meaning that GPS accuracy will be maintained closer to the target in a
high-jamming environment. In this, the GPS has recently been linked to commercial laptop
computers and personal data assistants. Overall, GPS will provide a more secure, robust
military signal service, assuring acquisition of the GPS signal when needed in a hostile
electronic environment (Kimble and Veit 2000). Ongoing changes will deny an enemy
the military advantage of GPS, thereby protecting friendly force operations and preserving
peaceful GPS use outside areas of operations (SPAWAR 2001).
Unmanned aerial vehicles are remotely piloted or self-piloted aircraft that carry cameras,
sensors, communications equipment or other payloads (Reinhardt et al. 1999). Not a new
idea, the UAV has been employed by military units since the late 1950s (Pike 2003). Until
the last 15 years, however, their usefulness was viewed as limited because the analog data they
collected were not accessible (in most all cases) until after they returned from their missions.
Digital technology changed this paradigm. As a result, since the early 1990s, the Department
of Defense (DoD) has employed UAVs to satisfy surveillance requirements in close range,
short range and endurance categories. Initially, close range was defined to be within 50 km,
short range was defined as within 200 km, and endurance range was set as anything beyond.
By the late 1990s, the close and short range categories were combined. The current classes of
these vehicles are the tactical UAV and the endurance category.
Numerous digital multispectral, hyperspectral and radar sensor platforms are used on-
board both tactical and endurance UAVs for military applications in a variety of regions. As
the ability to move data more quickly and in greater volume improves, military commanders
now receive current details of battlefield events like never before. Commanders are trained
warfighters; they have a basic understanding of aerial photos/video, but typically are not
trained in the interpretation of IR and radar data. For simple utility purposes, much of the
tactical data gathered for military use by these systems are high-resolution multispectral
images, predominantly from the visual portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Average
spatial ground resolutions now routinely achieved by these systems are on the order of 1 m.
Systems collecting IR, thermal and radar data are quickly approaching similar resolutions
(FAS 1996).
In all cases of UAV employment, tactical control stations (TCS) are used to control the
vehicles and their on-board systems. The TCS is the hub where all software and commu-
nications links reside as well as connectivity links to other battlefield command, control,
communication, computers and intelligence (C4I) systems (FAS 1999b).
Tactical commanders routinely control UAVs from within their command posts. Three
tactical UAVs (TUAVs) are discussed here. The Pioneer was procured beginning in 1985 as
an initial UAV capability to provide imagery intelligence for tactical commanders on land
and sea at ranges out to 185 km. Used temporarily by the Army, it is currently only used
by the US Navy (FAS 2000a). The Outrider was designed to provide follow-on, interim
support to Army tactical commanders with near real-time imagery intelligence at ranges up
to 200 km. This system, still in limited use, helped developers create the systems’ capabilities
requirement for future TUAV design (FAS 2000b). The resulting product, now in extensive
use, was the Joint Tactical UAV or Hunter. This system was developed to provide ground and
maritime forces with real-time and near real-time imagery intelligence at ranges up to 200
km and extensible to 300+ km by using another Hunter as an airborne relay (FAS 2001a).
Complementing TUAVs, Endurance UAVs have seen tremendous application and
experienced great success over the past five years for military commanders, particularly in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The medium altitude endurance UAV is called the Predator. This vehicle
provides imagery intelligence to satisfy Joint Task Force and Theater commanders at ranges
out to 830 km (FAS 2001b). Global Hawk and Darkstar are high-altitude endurance UAVs.
These latter two vehicles are used for missions requiring long-range deployment, wide-area
surveillance or prolonged acquisition over the target area. They are both directly deployable
from the continental United States to any theater of operations (FAS 1999a; FAS 2001c).
Micro unmanned aerial vehicles (MAV) are currently under development. Experiments
are being conducted to explore the military relevance of MAVs for future operations and to
develop and demonstrate flight-enabling technologies for very small aircraft (less than 15
cm in any dimension) (FAS 2000c). As portable systems capable of receiving and utilizing
image data proliferate the littoral battlefield, data volume will continue to be a challenge.
Communication systems designed to monitor, control and filter bandwidth at different levels
of warfighting (strategic, operational or tactical) will play critical roles in “moving” the data.
When combined, the aerial reconnaissance data collection methods provide an important
resource for populating military databases. These technological benefits offered by the various
systems are a tremendous improvement to the intelligence assets available to military forces
only a few years ago.
In the early 1970s, another major US classified initiative, the Defense Satellite Program
(DSP), was established. The satellites from this program, a key part of North America’s
early warning system, detect missile launches, space launches and nuclear detonations.
Operated by Air Force Space Command, the satellites feed warning data to North American
Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and US Space Command early warning centers at
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colorado. The first launch of a DSP satellite took place
in the early 1970s, and, since that time, they have provided an uninterrupted early warning
capability to the US. The system’s capability was demonstrated during Desert Shield/Storm
when the satellites detected the launch of Iraqi SCUD missiles, providing warning to civilian
populations and coalition forces in Israel and Saudi Arabia (USAF 2004).
In December of 1988, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA)
launched the $500 million Lacrosse satellite. Lacrosse’s main attribute, like most spy satellites,
is its image sensor. Lacrosse uses SAR technology to detect objects only 1 m across, the level
of detail necessary to identify military hardware. Instead of providing a constant stream of
images like most radars, Lacrosse records a series of snapshots as it arcs over the Earth (Pike
2000). Lacrosse also actively beams microwave energy to the ground and reads the weak
return signals reflected into space. This allows the satellite to “see” objects on Earth that
would otherwise be obscured by cloud cover and darkness. In order to send out these signals,
however, Lacrosse has very substantial power needs that are met with solar panels larger than
would be found on most satellites its size. Lacrosse uses a rectangular antenna, 15 m long
and 3 m wide, which is very different from the standard mechanical antenna (Pike 2000).
This antenna is covered by rows and columns of small transmitting and receiving elements
that help Lacrosse pick up the faint return signals bouncing back from the Earth. Today, the
National Reconnaissance Office continues to design, build, launch and operate classified
satellites. Its future looks promising with over $25 billion planned for the next two decades
(USAF 2004).
Table 57-3 Commercial high-resolution satellites and their sensor systems (Wilson and Davis
1998; DigitalGlobe 2004 and 2008; Orbital Sciences 2006; and GeoEye 2008).
SYSTEM Ikonos QuickBird OrbView-3 WorldView-1
Date of September 1999 October 2001 June 2003 September 2007
Orbital Altitude: 681 km Altitude: 450 km Altitude: 470 km Altitude: 496 km
Parameters Orbit type: sun-sync. Orbit type: sun-sync. Orbit type: sun-sync. Orbit type: sun-sync.
Orbit time: 98 min Orbit time: 93.4 min Orbit time: 98 min Orbit time: 94.6 min
Sensor Spatial Resolution Spatial Resolution Spatial Resolution Spatial Resolution
Parameters 1m (pan) 0.61 m (pan) 1m (pan) 0.55 m (pan)
4 m (XS) 2.5 m (XS) 4 m (XS)
Swath Width: 11 km Swath Width: 2.12 degrees Swath Width: Swath Width:
at nadir (nominal 16.5 km at 8 km at nadir 17.6 km at nadir
nadir – can be 14 – 34 km;
altitude dependent)
Data Scene Size: Scene Size: Scene Size: Scene Size:
Parameters 13 km by 13 km 16.5 km by 16.5 km User defined 17.6 km by 14 km
in-orbit stereo pairs at nadir
or ease and speed of movement, varies with the type of ground cover, topography, mode of
transport and season of travel (Aronoff 1991; Fleming et al. 2008).
GIS technology is rapidly moving from its historic niche usage of installation inventory
and monitoring within defense organizations to becoming a critical defense-wide infra-
structure. The importance of GIS is based on the fact that defense operations depend on
battlespace awareness—and the battlespace is geographic. This involves more than an under-
standing of location—geography is a science that creates a framework for understanding the
relationships between all battlespace entities. This, in turn, develops knowledge from the
flood of data. Defense-wide spatial infrastructures break down the divisional “stovepipes” of
the separate military services—Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines—to provide a common
framework for handling mapping, charting, geodesy and imagery across all defense systems.
This is important because it avoids having the government pay time and time again for the
same core functions to be developed for each system. Defense-wide spatial infrastructures
also ensure that the warfighter receives the latest capabilities from the commercial off-the-
shelf (COTS) community where information technology (IT) innovation occurs.
The idea of delivering interoperability is only part of the rationale of creating a defense-
wide infrastructure. Far more important is the contribution that this spatial information
infrastructure contributes to network-centric operations that represent a revolution in military
affairs that is affecting every nation in the world. Such an infrastructure fundamentally
reengineers defense organizations, doctrines, and systems to take full advantage of the capabil-
ities of modern information technology. A GIS is the critical infrastructure that connects the
three concepts of network-centric operations: 1) situational awareness (intelligence, surveil-
lance and reconnaissance, or ISR); 2) command, control, computers, communications and
intelligence assessment, or C4I; and 3) precision engagement. Sensors in the ISR domain are
being directly coupled to geodatabases that are then distributed and replicated into the C4I
domain to support decision making. They are then, in turn, distributed and replicated into
the precision engagement domain to coordinate and target weapon systems. GIS is the COTS
technology that makes all of this possible and affordable. ArcGIS, for example, supports
the very scalable and rich geodatabases that are populated from a wide range of sensors,
distributed and replicated across low to high-bandwidth networks. The advanced analysis
and dissemination of information supports precision engagement, thus permitting the more
effective employment of existing weapon systems. Numerous products are now being created
for military use, such as assessments of cross country mobility, mobility corridors, zones of
entry, aerial concealment, line-of-sight and fields-of-fire, as well as perspective views and fly-
throughs of 3D terrain (Fleming et al. 2008).
The Cross Country Mobility (CCM) product demonstrates the off-road speed for a
vehicle as determined by the terrain scenario and vehicle type (Figure 57-1). The makeup
of the CCM includes surface traction and resistance, slope, vehicle dynamics, obstacles and
vegetation. The CCM is used to develop the best axis of advance for a particular course of
action or development of an engagement area.
The aerial concealment overlays describe the most suitable areas to conceal a force from
overhead detection. This overlay is important to judge where enemies may be located,
especially in areas where guerilla forces may be operating. This overlay also may be used by
friendly forces to develop concealed movement routes and staging areas. Concealment may
be provided by woods, underbrush, tall grass or cultivated vegetation. This product is predi-
cated on canopy closure information within the vegetation layer. Line-of-Sight Profiles show
an area of direct observation possible from one location to another based on digital elevation
data or a digital surface model (DSM), if available. This line-of-sight analysis is used to
anticipate enemy positions, plan locations for communications platforms and develop
engagement areas (Figure 57-2); obviously, the higher the resolution of the DEM (or DSM),
the more accurate the results.
Figure 57-1 Example of a cross-country mobility product. See included DVD for color version.
Figure 57-2 Example of a line-of-sight analysis. See included DVD for color version.
Figure 57-3 Example of a perspective view for battlefield assessment. See included DVD for
color version.
validated and implemented. Second, data must be properly maintained. Finally, human
intervention must apply a “sanity check” after each step in the decision process; where
problems are determined, inspections of the models and/or data are required.
At the direction of the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), an effort to
leverage and consolidate GIS technology for military commanders (in all services) is now
being developed. Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor for NGA’s Commercial/Joint
Mapping Tool Kit (C/JMTK) Program. The C/JMTK will be a standardized, commercial,
comprehensive tool kit of software components for the management, analysis and visual-
ization of map and map-related information (Northrop Grumman 2002). The commercial
software companies involved in this plan include the Environmental Systems Research
Institute, Inc. (ESRI), ERDAS, Inc., Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI), and Great- Circle
Technologies. The developing foundation of the C/JMTK is ESRI’s ArcGIS framework,
which includes Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst, and Military Overlay Editor (MOLE), extended
by the ArcSDE database engine and distributed by the ArcIMS Internet server. These
products provide a seamless package that give unprecedented capabilities in viewing map and
map-related information along with tools to support the analysis and storage of map data
(Birdwell et. al 2004). The program integrates the best of government and industry into a
common, long-term solution that will advance operational mission application development
into the next generation of interoperable systems for the warfighter (ESRI 2003).
Taking full advantage of such inventions as the C/JMTK, it is envisioned that the
Objective Force—the planned future combat systems for 2020 and beyond—will operate
on four war-fighting tenets: (1) see first; (2) understand first; (3) act first; and (4) finish
decisively (JCS 1997). Unprecedented intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabil-
ities, coupled with other ground, air and space sensors networked into a common integrated
operational picture, will enable forces to accurately see individual components of enemy
units, friendly units and the terrain. Data integration systems will enable decision makers
to have a synthesized Common Operational Picture (COP) (JCS 1997). Using the COP,
Objective Force commanders will be able to leverage the intellect, experience and tactical
intuition of leaders at multiple levels in order to identify enemy strengths and conceptualize
future plans. As commanders decide on a course of action, they will be able to instanta-
neously disseminate their intent to all appropriate levels, affording maximum time for
subordinate levels to conduct requisite troop-leading procedures. The time gained through
effective use of these information technologies should permit Objective Force units to seize
and retain the initiative, building momentum quickly for decisive outcomes.
Seeing and understanding first gives commanders and their units the situational awareness
to engage at times and places with methods of their own choosing. Objective Force units
will be able to move, shoot and reengage faster than the enemy. It is planned that target
acquisition systems will see farther than the enemy in all conditions and environments.
The intent, here, is to deny the enemy any respite or opportunity to regain the initiative.
Objective Force units will be able to understand the impact of events and synchronize their
own actions. Finally, Objective Force units should finish decisively by quickly destroying the
enemy’s ability to continue the fight. Units will be able to maneuver by both ground and air
to assume tactical and operational positions of advantage through which they will continue
to fight the enemy and pursue subsequent military objectives.
Although these advances will not eliminate battlefield confusion, the resulting battlespace
awareness should improve situational knowledge, decrease response time, and make the
battlefield considerably more transparent to those who achieve it. The integration of
geospatial technologies and GIS will likely provide an improvement in warfighting success.
Commanders will be able to attack targets successfully with fewer platforms and less
ordnance while achieving objectives more rapidly and with reduced risk. Strategically, this
improvement will enable more rapid power projection. Operationally, within the theater,
these capabilities will mean a more rapid transition from deployment to full operational
capability. Tactically, individual warfighters will be empowered as never before, with an
array of detection, targeting and communications equipment that will greatly magnify the
power of small units. As a result, US forces will improve their capability for rapid worldwide
57.4 Conclusions
There are numerous critical and advanced image data collection technologies that now define
unprecedented military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. These
advances enhance the detectability of features and targets across the littoral battlespace,
improving distance ranging, “turning” night into day for some classes of operations, reducing
the risk of friendly fire incidents (fratricide) and further accelerating operational tempo (JCS
1997). On the horizon, improvements in information and systems integration technologies
will significantly impact future military operations by providing decision makers with
accurate information in a timely manner. The fusion of information with the integration
of sensors, platforms and command organizations will allow operational tasks to be accom-
plished rapidly, efficiently and effectively.
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