1 Goetic Enns PDF
1 Goetic Enns PDF
1 Goetic Enns PDF
Working with the spirits, goetia is one of those topics that get a great deal of lip service in magic
circles. Most of the discussions of goetia tend to revolve around rites of evocation. There are number
of students who wish to try their hand at gaining the aid of a goetic spirit for their various needs, many
of these peoples have no training in ceremonial practices and may not wish to undertook such training
in order to enlist the help of a goet, hence a straight forward method of working with this class of
spirits. This method has been on the internet for a long time now and I am not the originator of this
method. I learned it from a post from Brother Moloch’s EvocationalMagicsyahoogroup by a skilled
practitioner named Aghor Pir, who took a technique that he first heard from a long ago list member by
the screen name “Theif” and added a few elements from his own sphere of knowledge and a piece of
technique from Brother Moloch to make it more reliable and increase the effectiveness of the method. I
have discovered from others that this method bears striking resemblances to some Arabian magick
method of spirit work, in using this material appreciation should go to Aghor Pir for being kind enough
to allow his work access to the public without demanding any imbursement from the users. Also
thanks should be given to Queen of Pentacles Conjure & Wichery Blog who commented on the
technique and made the information available to the public. The Enns pronunciation was compiled by
Valerie Corban who the users own appreciation and permission to use his work.
1. Incense
2. Three colour candle (appropriate)
3. One white candle
4. Spearmint essential oil or power oil (as payment)
5. Magnet (magnetic sand)
6. A picture of target or personal concern
7. A herb or condition powder (suitable)
8. A string of prayer beads
9. Parchment paper
Draw a triangle onto the parchment, on the each outer sides of the triangle write your petitions.
Prepare the spirit sigil or seal in appropriate colour ink (dragon blood ink/oil), while chanting the Enn.
Dress the three coloured candle with condition oil, and place one at each corner of the triangle. Anoint
the white candle with the spearmint oil and set aside (later to be placed in the middle of the triangle).
Put the picture of your target or what you wish to be affected by the spirit in the centre of the triangle.
Sprinkle the top of the picture with herb or condition powder,
Place the magnet (magnetic sand) on top of the picture (target); put the spirit seal on top of the magnet,
Then place the white candle dressed with spearmint on top of the spirit sigil.
Light the coloured candle on the points of the triangle in a clockwise direction.
Chant the spirit Enn 108 times to attract his attention, may ring a bell.
Light the white candle and repeat your petition 3 times.
Do this ritual in number of days corresponding to the number of the spirit.
Go thou Great Spirit ……… and help ……….. Fulfill their desire for ………… Quickly! Quickly!!
Quickly!!! And without causing any harm to anyone. (create this statement to suite your need)
Colour candle
White candle
Spirit Sigil
Petition Petition
Chose which spirit suits your task by doing a bit of research and have their seal/sigil near by,
also look up the spirits Enn which is phrase in the invocation that attracts their attentions used
by Demonolatry tradition.
Compiled by Valerie Corban and are used here with her permission
RULERS Amaymon Goap Ziminiar Corson
ELEMENT Air Fire Water Earth
DIRECTION East South North West
Marbas Bael Vassago Agares
Naberius Barbatos Samigina Valefor
Ronove Buer Amon Sitri
Asmoday Laraje Paimon Beleth
Gaap Aim Gusion Zepar
Stolas Glasya-labolas eligos Bathin
Phenex Berith botis Sallos
Malphas Furfur ipos Purson
Shax Marchosias forneus Marax
furcas Halphas Focalor Bune
Caim Raum Vepar Astaroth
Ose Sabnock Vine Foras
Orias Alloces Vual Bifrons
Vapula Amy Crocell Haagenti
Andrealphus Andras Murmur balam
Amdusias Haures Orobas Zagan
Dacarabia Belial Gremory Volac
Seere Andromalius Dantalion Cimejes
Bael –
Ayer Secore On Ca Ba'al
[Ah-yer she-core on ka Bah-al]
Agares –
Rean ganen ayar da Agares
[Ree-an gah-nen a-ya da Ah-gay-res]
Vassago –
Keyan vefa jedan tasa Vassago
[Keh-yan veh-fa yay-den Vass-ah-go]
Marbas –
Renich tasa uberace biasa icar Marbas
[Ren-ich tah-sa ubur-ak-a buy-ass-a ick-r Mar-bas]
Valefor –
Keyman vefa tasa Valefor
[Key-man veh-fa tah-sa Val-ef-r]
Amon –
Avage Secore Amon ninan
[Ah-vah-jay she-core Ah-mun neh-nah-en]
Barbatos –
Eveta fubin Barbatos
[Ev-ee-tah fu-bin Bar-bah-tos]
Paimon –
Linan tasa jedan Paimon
[Lin-an tah-sa yay-den Pay-eh-mon]
Buer –
Erato on ca Buer anon
[Eh-rat-oh on ka Bu-er ah-non]
Gusion –
Secore vesa anet Gusion
[Seh-core veh-sa ah-net Goo-ci-on
Sitri –
Lirach Alora vefa Sitri
{lir-atch all-o-rah veh-fa Sit-ree]
Beleth –
Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth
[Lir-atch tah-sa veh-fa Bel-eth]
Eligos –
Jedan on ca Eligos inan
[Yay-den on ka Ee-lig-os eh-nan]
Zepar –
Lyan Ramec catya Zepar
[Lie-an rah-mek kat-yah Zeh-par]
Botis –
Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis
[Yay-den hoe-stah nok ra Boat-is]
Bathin –
Dyen Pretore on ca Bathin
[Deh-yen pree-tor on ka Bath-in]
Purson –
Ana jecore on ca Purson
[Ah-na ya-core on ka Pur-son]
Ipos –
Desa an Ipos Ayer
[Dey-sa an Ip-os ah-yer]
Aim –
Ayer avage secore Aim
[Ah-yer ah-vah-jay seh-core A-im]
Naberius –
Eyan tasa volocur Naberius
[Eh-yan tah-sa vol-o-cur Nah-ber-us]
Glasya-Labolas –
Elan tepar secore on ca Glasya-Lobolas
[E-lan the-par seh-core on ka Glass-ya-Lobo-las]
Ronove –
Kaymen vefa Ronove
[Kay-men veh-fa Row-no-vee]
Berith –
Hoath redar ganabal Berith
[Hoe-ath re-dar gah-nah-bell Ber-ith]
Astaroth –
Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth
[Tah-sa All-o-rah four-en Ass-tar-oth]
Forneus –
Senan okat ena Forneus ayer
[Sen-an oh-kat eh-na Four-nee-us ah-yer]
Foras –
Kaymen vefa Foras
[Kay-men veh-fa Four-as]
Asmoday –
Ayer avage Aloren Asmoday aken
[Ah-yer ah-vah-jay As-mo-day ack-en]
Gaap –
Deyan Anay Tasa Gaap
[Dey-ahn ah-nay tah-sa Gah-ap]
Furfur –
Ganen menach tasa Furfur
[Gah-nen men-ack tah-sa Four-four]
Marchosias –
Es na ayer Marchosias Secore
[Es na ah-yer Mar-chi-os-ee-as seh-core]
Halphas –
Erato Halphas on ca secore
[Eh-rat-oh Hal-fas on ka seh-core]
Lirach tasa Malphas ayer
[Lir-atch tah-sa Mal-fas ah-yer]
Raum –
Furca na alle laris Raum
[Fur-ka na ah-lee lah-ris Rah-oom]
Focalor –
En Jedan on ca Focalor
[En Yey-dan on ka Fo-kah-lor]
Vepar –
On ca Vepar Ag Na
[On ka Veh-par ag na]
Sabnock –
Tasa Sabnock on ca Lirach
[Tah-sa Sab-nok on ka lir-atch]
Shax –
Ayer Avage Shax aken
[Ah-yer ah-vah-jay Sha-ex ack-en]
Vine –
Eyesta nas Vine ca laris
[I-es-tah nah-es Vie-en ka lah-ris]
Bifrons –
Avage secore Bifrons remie tasa
[Ah-vah-jay seh-core Bif-rons ray-me tah-sa]
Haagenti –
Haaventi on ca Lirach
[Hah-ven-tee on ka lir-atch]
Crocell –
Jedan tasa Crocell on ca
[Yey-dan tah-sa Kro-kell on ka]
Furcas –
Secore on ca Furcas remie
[Seh-core on ka Fur-kas ray-me]
Balam –
Lirach tasa vefa wehl Balam
[Lir-atch tah-sa veh-fa weh-el Bah-lam]
Alloces –
Typan efna Alloces met tasa
[Tye-pan ef-nah Al-oh-sees meh-t tah-sa]
Orobas –
Jedan tasa hoet naca Orobas
[Yey-dan tah-sa hoe-t nah-ka Oh-ro-bas
Vapula (also Naphula) –
Renich secore Vapula typan
[Ren-ich seh-core Vap-uh-lah tye-pan]
Zagan –
Anay on ca secore Zagan tasa
[Ah-nay on ka seh-core Zah-gan tah-sa]
Andras –
Entey ama Andras anay
[En-tee ah-ma And-ras ah-nay]
Andrealphus –
Mena Andrealphus tasa ramec ayer
[Men-ah And-reel-fus tah-sa rah-mek ah-yer]
Belial –
Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehl Belial
[Lir-atch tah-sa veh-fa weh-el Bee-lee-el]
Decarabia –
Hoesta noc ra Decarabia secore
[Hoe-strah nok rah Dee-kara-bee-ah seh-core]
Seere (also Sear or Seir) –
Jeden et Renich Seere tu tasa
[Yey-den et ren-ich See-er too tah-sa]
Dantalion –
Avage ayer Dantalion on ca
[Ah-vah-jay ah-yer Dan-tah-lee-on on ka]
Andromalius –
Tasa fubin Andromalius on ca
[Tah-sa fu-bin And-ro-mal-ee-us on ka]
He answers questions and gives one power and control over others.He
protects one from the persecution of evil spirits and also from one's
enemies. He will put a stop to slander and gossip. He can fortell the
future, discern the past and present.
Paimon gives the power to influence and control others and teaches arts
and sciences. He provides good familiars and gives one position and
honor. He can reveal anything about the Earth and one's mind. When he
apprears, he is attended by other Demons. Paimon is known to make
noise. Someone revealed that their smoke alarm went off all by itself
with no explanation when Paimon appeared after a summoning.
Paimom is full of energy. Loud noises and bright lights tend to make him
more active. He is very colorful and was very friendly.
Gusion can grant position, bestow honors, and make those who are not
liked, to be loved by everyone they come into contact with. He forms and
reconciles friendships, fortells past, present and future and answers all
Gusion has wispy hair. He has high cheek bones and tanned skin. He is
well built with glowing white wings. Gusion is very calm and peaceful
and brings a feeling of security and comfort.
I notice that Gusions answers are usually something the person HAS to
accept in order to be stronger (even if just as a possibility) to strengthen
them -- it's weird. But Gusion is good with questions too. All of them are
honest if you make it clear, I think seriously they don't want to hurt our
feelings. Gusion's method is to deliver hard information
Dantalian has a blue aura. He usually departs through the ceiling. He can
assist in acheiving altered states.
Amdusias is the Musical Director in Hell and is the God with the highest skill
in Music*