Study of River Harvesting & Trash Cleaning Machine
Study of River Harvesting & Trash Cleaning Machine
Study of River Harvesting & Trash Cleaning Machine
Rajendra Patil1, Rahul Itnare2, Sagar Ahirrao3, Amol Jadhav4,
Ajay Dhumal5
B.E. Scholar BVCOE&RI Nashik (Pune University)
Assistant Professor BVCOE&RI Nashik
Mechanical control methods involve the complete or partial removal of plants by mechanical means, including:
harvesting, shredding, mowing, rototilling, rotovating, and chaining. Mechanical control methods can also be
used to expedite manual harvesting activities, including hand harvesting, raking, and cut stump control, with the
use of motor-driven machinery (Haller 2009; Lembi 2009). These management techniques for plants rarely
result in localized eradication of the species, but rather, reduce target plant abundance to non-nuisance levels.
A range of machinery for managing and controlling aquatic vegetation is in use today, designed for specific
plant types (floating,submersed, and emergent vegetation) and for operation in specific aquatic habitats (open
water, canals, shorelines, and wetlands).
A mechanical aquatic harvester (harvester) is a type of barge used for a variety of tasks, including aquatic plant
management and trash removal in rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors. Harvesters are designed to collect and
unload vegetation and debris using a conveyor system on a boom, adjustable to the appropriate cutting height,
up to 6 feet below the surface of the water.
Cutter bars collect material and bring it aboard the vessel using the conveyor; when the barge has reached
capacity, cut material is transported to a disposal site and offloaded using the conveyor.
This invention relates to skimmer boats, i.e., work boats for collecting and disposing of floating solid waste
materials in harbors and waterways. The invention is more specifically directed to highly maneuverable vessels
equipped with means for picking up floating debris, means for storing the debris on the vessel, and means for
discharging the debris from the vessel to a storage area, which may be ashore or which may be another
vesselsuch asabarge.
Many work boats and vessels have been proposed for collection of floating solid waste and other debris. These
may typically be formed as a catamaran-type hull, i.e., a pair of pontoons or sponsons, or as a monohull, with
paddle wheel or screw drive propulsion, and an operator station. In one typical trash skimmer design, one or
more hydraulically powered open mesh conveyors are positioned between the pontoons of a catamaran-type
twin-hull vessel. Twin over-the-rear propellers are used to propel and maneuver the vessel, and these can be
tipped up for cleaning weeds and debris from the propeller blades. A main pickup conveyor extends off the front
end, and extends into the water to catch the floatables, which it picks up and carries back to a main storage
conveyor. When the storage conveyor is completely loaded, the boat is taken to a discharge position where the
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debris can be transferred to a truck or barge or other facility. A rear conveyor at the stern of the craft carries the
debris from the storage conveyor up and back to drop it into the barge or on-shore storage facility. In some
cases, a separate, on-shore conveyor can be used to pick up the trash discharged vessel
The use of mechanical control equipment is limited by environmental and site conditions. Mechanical control
activities are non-selective. When operating mechanical control equipment near water intake structures or flood
control channels, the direction and velocity of flow must be considered to prevent vegetative debris from
blocking the structure or channel. In addition to potentially preventing the downstream establishment of plant
ANS, collecting vegetative fragments generated by mechanical control methods prevents the accumulation of
decaying plant material in the channel, which may pose water quality issues.
Mechanical Harvesting
Most harvesting equipment needs approximately 36 inches of water (for a loaded barge) to operate, and enough
room to maneuver a barge 30 feet long by 10 feet wide. The control mechanism is highly effective for
controlling vegetation, but cannot selectively remove target plant or animal species from weed infestations.
Harvesting is traditionally used for emergent vegetation and SAV in lake or riverine systems. The equipment is
not as effective at managing shoreline or marsh vegetation in shallow or seasonal water systems.
Shredding is used throughout the world to manage weeds that impede navigation, or for flood control functions.
These tools are also common tools used tomanage vegetation in lakes, rivers, and waterways. Cutters are used in
Florida to manage floating mats of Cuban bulrush as well as other floating and emergent vegetationThe primary
operational considerations for cookie cutters are water depth and maneuvering room. Operation of these
machines requires less water and little maneuvering room relative to mechanical harvesters. The cookie cutter
does not have any type of harvest capability; it only cuts mats of vegetation. As such, biomass is still present in
the water system and there is often a need for a harvesting machine to support this type of operation (USACE).
Mowing and Rototilling
Mowing and rototilling require site conditions with firm enough soil to operate a rubber-tired piece of
equipment; this may be possible in standing water, but water depth and soil types must be evaluated before
starting work. Significant ecosystem damage may occur if the operation is not carried out properly, including
soil disturbance that may allow for ANS establishment. Special consideration should be given to suspension of
sediment and sediment management when using this technology to control invasive vegetation in wetland or
aquatic habitats.
Rotovating –
Rotovating requires enough depth to float and operate the piece of equipment (which issimilar in size to a
harvester), but also cannot be too deep, as the rotovating head has limited reach. Special consideration should be
given for suspension of sediment, and sediment management, when using this technology to control invasive
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Chaining has been used to non-selectively control vegetation in flood control and water supply canals
throughout the United States.Chaining requires unobstructed paths on both sides of a canal, so that trucks or
tractors canbe operated with minimal downtime over long distances. Chaining stirs sediment causes turbidity
and disturbs aquatic species that live in the targeted area
Harvesting starts when plants have neared or approached the water surface. The harvester’s cutting head is
lowered into the water and the harvester moves forward, cutting and collecting plants as it advances. Harvesters
vary in size and capability. Most cut plants about five feet below the water and in a swath between five and ten
feet wide. Bigger, faster machines with larger cutting heads and holding capacities may be more efficient, but
are also less manoeuvrable. Depending on time of year, weather, and depth of cut, the same area may need to be
harvested again in a few weeks.
The cuttings are collected on a conveyer belt and deposited in a holding area on board. Although the harvester
collects most plant materials as it operates, inevitably some fragments are missed. Not overloading the carrying
capacity of the harvester helps to keep plant fragments to a minimum. Along with plants, the harvester also
inadvertently collects small fish (some are able to escape from the conveyer belt) and invertebrates.
When the plant storage area is filled, the harvester must off-load the cut plants. Plants can be off-loaded to either
a barge stationed offshore or to a trailer or dump truck. These plants may be used as compost or disposed of in a
land fill. As the distance from the work area to the off-loading site increases, the time spent on plant disposal
activities can exceed the time spent cutting. This can add greatly to the duration and expense of the project and
is a critical limitation to some harvesting projects. The plant density and machine specifications will also
determine how often the harvester needs to off-load the cut plants.
Delays in the harvesting schedule can result from high winds, thunderstorms, and mechanical failure.
Unscheduled maintenance or machine breakdowns can also result in lost harvesting time.Complaints about
harvesting have included reports by homeowners that plant fragments wash up more frequently on their beaches
after harvesting. Homeowners may also report that their neighbor’s property was harvested sooner or the job
done more thoroughly than at their own property. It is important to establish some clear guidelines and policies
to help make decisions and to settle dispute
Methodology used for whole processing of pump is given below; this methodology gives way about how work
is to be carried out in systematic way. It is standard process of describing process, how it is done in simplest
4.1 DESIGN Design consists of application of scientific principle, technical information, and imagination for
development of new mechanism to perform specific function with maximum economy and efficiency. Hence
careful design approach has to be adopted. The total design work has been split into two parts.
1. System design
2. Mechanical design
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4.2 System Design:
System design is mainly concerns the various physical constraints and ergonomics, space requirements,
arrangement of various components on frame at system, man-machine interaction, no. of controls, position of
controls, working environments, of maintenance, scope of improvement, weight if machine from ground level,
total weight of machine and a lot more. In system design we mainly concentrated on the following parameter:-
System selection based on constraints Our machine is used in small-scale so space is major constrain. The
system is to be very compact so that it can be adjusted in small space
Arrangement of various components
Keeping into view the space restrictions all components should be laid such that their easy removal or servicing
is possible. Every possible space is utilized in component arrangements.
Man machine interaction :-Friendliness of machine with the operated that is operating is an important criterion
of design.
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All the elements of the machine should be arranged to the height from where it is simple to operate by operator.
Machine should be slightly higher than the waist level, also enough clearance should be provided from the
ground for cleaning purpose.
Weight of machine
Total weight depends on the selection of material of all components as well as their dimensions. Higher weight
will result in difficulty in transportation; it is difficult to take it to workshop because of more weight.
In mechanical design the components are listed down and stored on the basis of their procurement, design in two
categories namely.
1. Designed parts
2. Parts to be purchased
Mechanical design phase is very important from the view of designer as whole success of project depends on
the correct design analysis of the problem.Many preliminary alternatives are eliminated during this phase.
Designer should have adequate knowledge about physical properties of material, load stresses and failure. He
should identify all internal and external forces acting on machine parts.
These forces may be classified as,
a) Dead weight forces
b) Friction forces
c) Inertia forces
d) Centrifugal forces
e) Forces generated during power transmission etc.
Designer should estimate these forces very accurately by using design equations. If he does not have sufficient
information to estimate them he should make certain practical assumptions based on similar conditions which
will almost satisfy the functional needs. Assumptions must always be on the safer side. Selection of factors of
safety to find working or design stress is another important step in design of working dimensions of machine
elements. The correction in the theoretical stress values are to be made according in the kind of loads, shape of
parts & service requirements Selection of material should be made according to the condition of loading shapes
of products environment conditions & desirable properties of material provision should be made to minimize
nearly adopting proper lubrications method.
A shaft is a rotating element which is used to transmit power from one place to another. The power is delivered
to the shaft by some tangential force and the resultant torque set up within the shaft permits the power to be
transferred to various machines linked up to the shaft. In order to transfer the power from one shaft to other, the
various members such as pulleys, gears, etc are mounted on it. These members along with the forces exerted
upon them causes the shaft bending.
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The shaft usually cylindrical, but may be square or cross shaped in section. They are solid in cross section but
sometimes hollow shafts are also used.
Material used for shaft
It should have high strength.
It should have good machineability.
It should have good heat treatment properties.
It should have high wear resistance properties.
The material used for ordinary shafts is carbon steel of grades 40C8, 45C8, 50C4 & 50C12. Also M.S. & En8
can be used.
Stresses in shafts
1) Shear stress due to transmission of torque. (i.e. due to tort tonal load.)
2) Bending stresses (tensile or compressive) due to the forces acting on the machine elements like gears,
pulleys etc. as well as due to the self-weight of the shaft.The shafts are designed on the following basis.
The following cases may be considered.
a) Shaft subjected to twisting moment or torque only.
b) Shaft subjected to bending moment only.
c) Shaft subjected to combined bending twisting moment.
d) Shaft subjected to axial loads in addition to combined torsional& bending.
Operation and maintenance costs would include monitoring effectiveness of the Control method, modifying
application parameters if necessary, and scheduling and completing periodic reapplications.
Design and cost for mitigation measures required to address impacts as a result of implementation of this
Control cannot be determined at this time. Mitigation factors will be based on site-specific and project-specific
requirements that will be addressed in subsequent, more detailed, evaluations.Harvesting starts when plants have
neared or approached the water surface. The harvester’s cutting head is lowered into the water and the harvester
moves forward, cutting and collecting plants as it advances. Harvesters vary in size and capability. Most cut
plants about five feet below the water and in a swath between five and ten feet wide. Bigger, faster machines
with larger cutting heads and holding capacities may be more efficient, but are also less maneuverable.
Depending on time of year, weather, and depth of cut, the same area may need to be harvested again in a few
The cuttings are collected on a conveyer belt and deposited in a holding area on board. Although the harvester
collects most plant materials as it operates, inevitably some fragments are missed. Not overloading the carrying
capacity of the harvester helps to keep plant fragments to a minimum. Along with plants, the harvester also
inadvertently collects small fish (some are able to escape from the conveyer belt) and invertebrates.When the
plant storage area is filled, the harvester must off-load the cut plants. Plants can be off-loaded to either a barge
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stationed offshore or to a trailer or dump truck. These plants may be used as compost or disposed of in a land
fill. As the distance from the work area to the off-loading site increases, the time spent on plant disposal
activities can exceed the time spent cutting. This can add greatly to the duration and expense of the project and
is a critical limitation to some harvesting projects. The plant density and machine specifications will also
determine how often the harvester needs to off-load the cut plants.Delays in the harvesting schedule can result
from high winds, thunderstorms, and mechanical failure. Unscheduled maintenance or machine breakdowns can
also result in lost harvesting time.Complaints about harvesting have included reports by homeowners that plant
fragments wash up more frequently on their beaches after harvesting. Homeowners may also report that their
neighbor’s property was harvested sooner or the job done more thoroughly than at their own property. It is
important to establish some clear guidelines and policies to help make decisions and to settle disputes.
All standard Marina Cleaners are featured and equipped with the following :
• A complete Hydraulic System for all skimming, load handling, and propulsion functions, with variable speed
control at the operator's fingertips.
• A Air CooledDiesel Hydraulic Power Unit, placed into a noise proofed,lockableeengi room .
• Lockable Hydraulic Oil Tank, Filtration, Hydraulic Oil Cooler, Hydraulic Directional Valves.Stainless
Steel Hydraulic CylinderRods.
• Operator's platform with a seat and console with engine controls monitoring system including warning lights,
tachometer and hour meter, and hydraulic controls with pressure gauge.
• Conveyor Belt System made of heavy duty Stainless Steel supported by UHMD plastic tracks and
interchangeable floors. Articulated Skimmer Wings
• Front Conveyor with adjustable depth setting and cleats mounted to belts.
• Storage Conveyor with load indexing and height adjustable discharge
• Twin Pontoon Steel Hull “hydro-dynamically” shaped, including multiple compartments, inner ribbing, tie and
lift cleats, drains and vents, anti-skid deck, bottom skids rub rails, gunnels.
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• Two independent, bi-directional Hydraulic Propulsion Units with variable speed controls, bronze propellers,
stainless steel shafts, drop arms, and hydraulic connections, as well a tunnel guards, and power tilt.
•Railings and Guards
•Stainless Steel Fasteners
• Marine Coating, following sandblast preparation, includes priming and finishing coats. Standard colors are
Safety Orange and Blue
• Fire extinguishers, life jacket and life ring with 50 Ft. (15M) of rope
• Operators Manual, Parts Catalog and One Year Warranty
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Water can be used immediately following treatment. Some aquatic herbicides have restrictions on use of treated
water for drinking, swimming and irrigation. Also, plants are removed during mechanical harvesting and do not
decompose slowly in the water column as they do after herbicide application. In addition, oxygen content of the
water is generally not affected by mechanical harvesting, although turbidity and water quality may be affected in
the short term.
Nutrient removal is usually insignificant because only small areas of lakes (1 to 2%) are typically harvested;
however, some nutrients are removed with the harvested vegetation. It has been estimated that aquatic plants
contain less than 30% of the annual nutrient loading that occurs in lakes.
The habitat remains intact because most harvesters do not remove submersed plants all the way to the lake
bottom. Like mowing a lawn, clipped plants remain rooted in the sediment and regrowth begins soon after the
harvesting operation.
Mechanical harvesting is site-specific because plants are removed only where the harvester operates. If a
neighbor wants vegetation to remain along his or her lakefront, there is no movement of herbicides out of the
intended treatment area to damage the neighbor’s site.
Herbicide concerns remain widespread despite extensive research and much-improved application and despite
use and registration requirements enforced by local regulatory agencies. Mechanical harvesting, despite some
environmental concerns (as outlined below), is perceived to be environmentally neutral by the public.
Utilization of harvested biomass is thought by many to be a means of offsetting the relatively high costs and
energy requirements associated with mechanical harvesting. Unfortunately, no cost-effective uses of harvested
vegetation have been developed, despite much research
The demand for aquatic weed harvesters is very small, so the equipment associated with these operations is
often custom-made and expensive.
The area that can be harvested in a day depends on the size of the harvester, transport time, distance to the
disposal site and density of the weeds being harvested. These factors can result in a wide range of costs. The
cost of harvesting is site-specific, but mechanical harvesting is generally more expensive than other weed
control methods due to the variables noted above
1. Mechanical removal is used for management of aquatic vegetation in a variety of habitats including streams,
rivers, lakes, and canals. The equipment is limited by the depth of water in which it can navigate.
2. Mechanical harvesting has been used throughout the United States to manage a variety of floating, submersed
and emergent vegetation problems, as well as to collect organic and inorganic flood debris.
3. Shredding is used throughout the world to manage weeds that impede navigation, or for flood control
functions. These tools are also common tools used to manage vegetation in lakes, rivers, and waterways.
4. Cutters are used in floating mats of Cuban bulrush as well as other floating and emergent vegetation.
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5.Chaining has been used to non-selectively control vegetation in flood control and water supply canals
throughout the United States.
6. General Effectiveness: Mechanical control is an effective method for managing vegetation, but this Control
has limited ability to target isolated populations. This trait of non-selectivity does not allow mechanical control
methods to be as effective in mixed communities of target and non-target plants, because there is limited area
over which the equipment can be used without harming nonmarket plant communities.
7. Proper timing of mechanical control operations can improve control and reduce the spread of propagates.
8.Vegetative debris fragments must be contained onsite, in order to prevent plants that reproduce vegetative
from infesting downstream
9. Mechanical control methods can also be used to expedite manual harvesting3 activities, including hand
harvesting, raking, and cut stump control, with the use of motor-driven machinery
The Clean Rivers Project and the health of area waterways may be at risk if financing depends solely on D.C.
Water’s rate structure. The present approach puts the burden to pay for this project on District residents,
businesses, and property owners based on the “polluter pays” principle. Such a financing principle could be
risky, judging by the projections of costs. What if rate payers’ will or ability to pay fails? Using D.C. Water’s
projections for water and sewer rates and the IAC (which is dedicated to the project), water bills as a share of
income for the lowest-income retail customers will more than double by 2019.
Utility payments are the biggest proportionate burden for households at the lowest income levels. Will this
project continue through to completion at a cost that can be borne by the District’s economic and household
base alone? Further, there is no indication of how much more the IAC and water and sewer rates will have to
rise between 2019 and 2025 to complete the long-term control plan and meet the stipulated water quality. Over
time, there will be pressure to ease rate increases. Any inability to sustain rate and IAC increases may jeopardize
project completion. It may also result in deferred maintenance, or the shrinking, delay, and postponement of
other basic improvements. To minimize these risks to a project that will be of enormous benefit to the capital
region, the time has come to ensure that all the beneficiaries pay their fair share. Water, like transportation, is
inherently cross-jurisdictional. The entire region benefits from cleaner water and must be part of planning,
implementing, and funding the cleanup strategy
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