Resource Person Contract Form
Resource Person Contract Form
Resource Person Contract Form
Ms._____________ as Resource Person (Herein after called the Resource Person). Whereby the Resource Person
has agreed to provide his/her services to the IRM for the following training workshop /programme.
Terms of Contract:
1. IRM shall pay the Resource Person Rs. _______/- (In words) __________________Per day, and total amount
of Rs. _________/-__ (in words) only. If the total payment is more than Rs.
5000, it shall be made by cheque and tax will be deducted at source.
2. The Resource person will provide reading material to IRM without any additional cost.
3. Data collected and material produced during the course of this training event shall be the IRM’s property.
Approved by CEO
• In case of any mis-statement by any employee, his/her supervisor shall also be held responsible
• All columns must be filled and incomplete forms will not be accepted.