AOU No Affiliation To Recruitement Agency
AOU No Affiliation To Recruitement Agency
AOU No Affiliation To Recruitement Agency
I, NAME OF AFFIANT, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of AFFIANT ADDRESS, after
being duly sworn to, under oath and in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state:
2.) That this affidavit of undertaking is one of the requirements by the Regulating
Agency that form part of the application documents to be submitted for compliance
to the Omnibus Guidelines for Program Registration, thus issuance of Certificate of
TVET Program Registration in order to have the permit for the conduct of training
would be granted in favor to this Institution.
4.) That I execute this Affidavit attesting to the truthfulness of the foregoing facts and
for whatever worth this may serve for the best interest of the public and of the
people we serve.
5.) Further, I understand that any misrepresentation as to the truth of the foregoing
shall cause the disapproval of the said application and/or outright revocation of the
CTPR granted without prejudice to the filing of any suit against me.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this ____ day of _______,
2023 at _______________________.