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IEEE Recommended Practice for

Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill

Containment and Management

IEEE Power Engineering Society

Sponsored by the
Stationary Batteries Committee


3 Park Avenue IEEE Std 1578™-2007
New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

7 December 2007

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. Downloaded on March 08,2018 at 21:49:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1578™-2007

IEEE Recommended Practice for

Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill
Containment and Management

Sponsored by the

Stationary Batteries Committee

of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved 7 June 2007

IEEE-SA Standards Board

Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. Downloaded on March 08,2018 at 21:49:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Abstract: Descriptions of products, methods, and procedures relating to stationary batteries,
battery electrolyte spill mechanisms, electrolyte containment and control methodologies, and
firefighting considerations are provided.
Keywords: active neutralization, battery, battery container, battery room, battery string, battery
system, caustic, cell, corrosive, electrolyte, electrolyte release, electrolyte spill, irritant, lead-acid
battery, lithium battery, Ni-Cd battery, passive neutralization, spill containment, spill control,
stationary battery system, thermal runaway, toxic, valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery,
vented battery


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA

Copyright © 2007 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 7 December 2007. Printed in the United States of America.

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National Electrical Code and NEC are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The
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Print: ISBN 0-7381-5651-5 SH95706

PDF: ISBN 0-7381-5652-3 SS95706

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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1578-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery
Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management.

Battery users have identified a need for guidance in response to an unplanned loss of electrolyte from a
stationary battery. The intention of this recommended practice is to fulfill the need within the industry to
provide common or standard practices for the design of battery spill containment systems and the proper
handling of released electrolyte through to its proper documented disposal. This recommended practice also
references the impact of electrolyte release mechanisms for battery spill containment design.
Recommended safety and firefighting practices are also discussed.

This recommended practice can be used separately or with IEEE Std 450™, IEEE Recommended Practice
for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications,
IEEE Std 484™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-
Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications, and IEEE Std 1106™, IEEE Recommended Practice for
Installation, Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary

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For information on references, see Clause 2.

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At the time this recommended practice was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the
Battery Containment Working Group had the following membership:

Harold F. Taylor, Chair

Stephen W. McCluer, Vice Chair
Curtis L. Ashton, Secretary

John Billigmeier Doug Frazier Ric Mohri

J. Allen Byrne Tim Furlong Kimberly Y. Mosley
Mark S. Clark Roy Gates Bansi R. Patel
Garth P. Corey Mark Hlavac Randall Ritch
Dan Cox Gordon Johnson Tom Ruhlmann
Hollen Crim Roger D. Johnson Robert J. Schmitt
Thomas G. Croda Wayne E. Johnson Sam Shah
Peter De Mar Del Kotowski Frank Tarantino
Ramesh Desai Daniel S. Levin Rick Tressler
Eddie Davis Joel Long Shawn Tyler
Michael L. Flack José A. Marrero Leslie Varga
Kyle Floyd James A. McDowall Doug Zachau

The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this recommended practice.
Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.

Steven C. Alexanderson Randall C. Groves Gary L. Michel

James W. Anderson Paul E. Hellen Kimberly Y. Mosley
Curtis L. Ashton David A. Horvath Jerry R. Murphy
Adam J. Bagby Dennis Horwitz Michael S. Newman
Gary M. Balash James E. Houston Bansi R. Patel
Thomas M. Barnes Ramon L. Jesch Ralph E. Patterson
Steven R. Brockschink Liang J. Ji Percy E. Pool
William P. Cantor James H. Jones Robert F. Rallo
Bill Chiu Jim Kulchisky Michael A. Roberts
Mark S. Clark Saumen K. Kundu Randall M. Safier
Ronald L. Daubert Thomas W. LaRose Devki N. Sharma
Jesus M. De Leon Diaz Lisardo Lourido David Singleton
Gary L. Donner William Lumpkins David R. Smith
Randall L. Dotson G. Luri Joe Stevens
Gary Engmann Jose A. Marrero Hal F. Taylor
Mehrdad Eskandary William J. McCoy S. Thamilarasan
Rabiz N. Foda James A. McDowall Richard M. Tressler
Harry D. Gianakouros Peter F. McNutt Donald W. Zipse
David L. Gilmer Ahmed F. Zobaa

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When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this recommended practice on 7 June 2007, it had the
following membership:

Steve M. Mills, Chair

Robert M. Grow, Vice Chair
Don Wright, Past Chair
Judith Gorman, Secretary

Richard DeBlasio Hermann Koch Narayanan Ramachandran

Alex Gelman Joseph L. Koepfinger* Greg Ratta
William R. Goldbach John Kulick Robby Robson
Arnold M. Greenspan David J. Law Anne-Marie Sahazizian
Joanna N. Guenin Glenn Parsons Virginia C. Sulzberger
Kenneth S. Hanus Ronald C. Petersen Malcolm V. Thaden
William B. Hopf Tom A. Prevost Richard L. Townsend
Richard H. Hulett Howard L. Wolfman

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative

Michael H. Kelley, NIST Representative

Michelle D. Turner
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development

Matthew J. Ceglia
IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development

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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 1

3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms .................................................................................................. 2

3.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2

3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................................................... 3

4. Safety.......................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 3

4.2 Electrolyte............................................................................................................................................ 3
4.3 Heavy metals ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Toxic vapors ........................................................................................................................................ 5

5. Battery descriptions .................................................................................................................................... 5

5.1 Lead-acid batteries............................................................................................................................... 5

5.2 Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries ...................................................................................................... 6

6. Electrolyte spill mechanisms ...................................................................................................................... 6

6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 6

6.2 Transportation and storage .................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Installation/removal ............................................................................................................................. 7
6.4 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................ 7
6.5 Operational issues................................................................................................................................ 7

7. Introduction to spill containment and management.................................................................................... 9

7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 9

7.2 Transportation spill containment and management ........................................................................... 10
7.3 Installation/removal spill containment and management................................................................... 10
7.4 Operations/maintenance spill containment and management ............................................................ 10

8. Firefighting considerations ....................................................................................................................... 15

8.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 15

8.2 Water and sprinkler systems .............................................................................................................. 15
8.3 Firefighter exposure to electrolyte..................................................................................................... 15
8.4 Fire extinguishers .............................................................................................................................. 15
8.5 Limiting combustible material........................................................................................................... 16

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Annex A (informative) Hazardous materials calculations............................................................................ 17

Annex B (normative) Model code ................................................................................................................ 18

Annex C (informative) Glossary .................................................................................................................. 20

Annex D (informative) Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 21

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IEEE Recommended Practice for
Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill
Containment and Management

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This recommended practice discusses factors relating to electrolyte spill containment and management for
vented lead-acid (VLA), valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), vented nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), and valve
regulated Ni-Cd stationary batteries. Suggestions are made for drafting model codes.

1.2 Purpose

This recommended practice is intended to assist code-writing organizations. It seeks to develop a full
understanding of and describe some electrolyte spill containment and management issues related to
stationary battery systems, and the ways in which battery chemistry and construction can influence
requirements for spill containment and neutralization.

2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.

IEEE Std 450™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented
Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.1, 2

IEEE Std 484™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of Vented Lead-
Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications.

IEEE Std 1106™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of
Vented Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for Stationary Applications.

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1331, USA (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

3. Definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms

For the purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. The
Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms [B5]3 should be referenced for terms not defined in this
clause. A list of glossary terms can be found in Annex C.

3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 active neutralization: The process of converting acidic or basic material to a neutral pH that must be
initiated by human intervention. An example would be adding a neutralizing agent to a contained electrolyte
spill. See also: passive neutralization.

3.1.2 battery container: A receptacle or vessel that holds the plates, electrolyte, and other elements of a
single unit in a battery (frequently referred to as a “jar”). A battery container can be a single cell or multi-cell
unit (also called a “monobloc”).

3.1.3 battery room: A portion of a building or facility that is physically set off from the rest of the building
by walls or barriers, the primary purpose of which is to house stationary batteries. (A battery room may
contain other equipment as well.)

3.1.4 battery string: Multiple battery containers connected electrically in series to produce a cumulative
increase in voltage.

3.1.5 electrolyte pumping: A release of electrolyte through the sample tubes on the side of the battery
container or through the vent.

3.1.6 electrolyte release: Any escape of electrolyte from a battery, whether in vapor, liquid, or gel form.

3.1.7 electrolyte spill: An unintended release of liquid electrolyte that exceeds 1.0 L.

3.1.8 irritant: A chemical that is not corrosive but that causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living
tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.

3.1.9 lead-acid battery: A storage battery in which the active material of the positive plate is lead dioxide, the
negative plate is lead, and the electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid.

3.1.10 lead-acid battery electrolyte: A dilute solution of sulfuric acid in which the electrodes are immersed.

3.1.11 Ni-Cd electrolyte: A dilute solution of potassium-hydroxide in which the electrodes are immersed.

3.1.12 passive neutralization: The preemptive process of converting acidic or basic material to a neutral pH
that occurs without being initiated by human intervention. An example would be installation of a neutralizing
agent under a rack of batteries to neutralize any electrolyte drips or spills. See also: active neutralization.

3.1.13 spill containment: A system, either permanent or temporary, to enclose and confine an electrolyte spill
and limit it from spreading to areas where it could pose a hazard to personnel, facility, or equipment.

3.1.14 spill management: A program addressing elements of battery electrolyte spills, including training,
containment, absorption, neutralization, disposal, and reporting.

3.1.15 zone containment: The use of a room or area including the floor, walls, and other barriers to contain a

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex D.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

3.2 Abbreviations and acronyms

AGM absorbed glass mat

ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for the Testing of Materials
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DOT Department of Transportation
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
H2 hydrogen (gas)
H 2O water
H2SO4 sulfuric acid
hazmat hazardous material
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICBO International Conference of Building Officials
ICC International Code Council
IFC International Fire Code
IFCI International Fire Code Institute
KOH potassium hydroxide
LiOH lithium hydroxide
LOI limiting oxygen index (see Annex C)
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
Ni-Cd nickel-cadmium
Ni-MH nickel-metal hydride
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
pH power of hydrogen (“pouvoir hydrogene”)
also [−log10(H+)] where (H+ = hydrogen ions in solution)
s.g. specific gravity
UBC Uniform Building Code
VLA vented lead-acid
VOC volatile organic compound(s)
VRLA valve-regulated lead-acid
WFCA Western Fire Chiefs Association

4. Safety

4.1 General

If an electrolyte spill occurs (see 3.1.7), safety precautions must be taken. The primary safety hazards are
listed in Clause 6.

4.2 Electrolyte

Electrolyte can be caustic and/or corrosive. Electrolyte can be harmful if its fumes are breathed, if it comes
in contact with eyes or mucus membranes, or if it remains in contact with skin for extended periods of time.
Most people can tolerate momentary contact with electrolyte on their skin (provided electrolyte is promptly
washed off). Some people may develop allergic reactions when they come in contact with electrolyte. Refer
to material safety data sheets provided by the battery manufacturer for a full explanation of risks and
corrosive actions related to a particular electrolyte.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

See Annex A for assistance in calculating quantities of acid or potassium hydroxide for hazmat reporting.

Precautions should be taken to protect personnel with the proper safety equipment when working with
batteries and electrolyte. See the following list of recommended equipment to be kept on hand (for use by
trained, authorized personnel only):
a) Chemical goggles and face shield
b) Chemically resistant apron
c) Chemically resistant gloves and sleeves
d) Chemically resistant boots or overshoes
e) Portable or stationary water facilities for rinsing eyes and skin in case of contact with electrolyte
(the use of pH-buffered neutralizing eyewash solution is recommended)
f) Air-purifying respirators for electrolyte vapors and mist
g) Absorption material, neutralization material, or a combination of the two
h) “Flat-head” or “flat-nose” shovel4
i) Brush5
j) Chemically resistant container to safely store materials until proper disposal

Eye protection (chemical goggles and face shield) is of particular concern, as both sulfuric acid and
potassium hydroxide may permanently damage the eyes. Portable or permanent eyewash stations (including
safety boards with buffered solution bottles) and/or showers are required by IEEE standards relating to the
installation and maintenance of lead-acid and Ni-Cd batteries (see IEEE Std 450, IEEE Std 484, and IEEE
Std 11066). Rinsing each affected eye with copious amounts of water is the appropriate first aid. For
potassium hydroxide, a pH-buffered solution is necessary in addition to flushing with water.

Electrolyte vapors may be in the air, especially if spread by firefighting, or by exothermic neutralizing
reactions. Air-purifying respirators for personnel are recommended to protect the internal membranes of the
eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.

Routes for an electrolyte to enter the body are as follows:

⎯ Inhalation: Vapor or mists in the air may cause respiratory irritation
⎯ Skin contact: May cause irritation, burns, and/or ulceration
⎯ Eye contact: May cause severe irritation, burns, cornea damage, and/or blindness
⎯ Ingestion: May cause irritation of mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach
⎯ Skin absorption: Not a significant route of entry

4.2.1 Absorption

Absorption is the immobilization of electrolyte into an easily handled, solid material. Absorption materials
can be loose (suitable for shoveling on top of a spill, especially one that is not contained) or in pillow-like
mats (suitable for passive absorption of small spills less than 5 L or for creating barriers/dams to limit the
spread of spills). Some commercially available absorption mats also include neutralizer and may change
color when they come in contact with electrolyte. Caution must be used with the latter due to concerns
about possible off-gassing or misting inside a building (see 4.2.2). Absorption material should be

Where applicable; some spills can be absorbed, neutralized, and disposed of without shovels or brushes.
See Footnote 4.
For information on references, see Clause 2.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

appropriate for the type of electrolyte being absorbed. The absorption material should be able to safely
absorb and hold the electrolyte while it is removed from the location of the spill. Caution must be used with
loose absorption material to ensure that its use does not create excessive dust (see also

4.2.2 Neutralization

Electrolyte can be acidic (for example, sulfuric acid inside a lead-acid battery) or basic (for example,
potassium hydroxide inside a Ni-Cd battery). Neutralizer should be able to safely convert the electrolyte to
a pH between 5.0 and 9.0.

Neutralization should not be attempted without use of appropriate eye, nose, and mouth protection.
Electrolyte can effervesce when it comes in contact with neutralizer, possibly causing splattering and
atomization of some of the electrolyte. Electrolyte mist could then pose a hazard to personnel in the area, or
in adjacent areas if the areas share the same ventilation system. As a general rule, neutralization of large
spills greater than 5 L should not be attempted indoors. The electrolyte should be absorbed and moved to a
safely ventilated area. Minor spills less than 2 L can usually be neutralized where they occur. The decision
about where to neutralize should be left to the judgment of trained members of the hazardous material spill
response team. When in doubt, move it out (see also 7.4.3). If neutralization of a spill occurs indoors,
increased ventilation may be necessary to ensure proper oxygen levels.

Sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide should never be used to neutralize one another.

4.3 Heavy metals

When a battery container cracks or breaks and electrolyte is spilled, there is an additional hazard that lead
particles and other heavy metals (e.g., antimony, cadmium, or selenium) may also be a part of the spill.
Personnel should exercise caution, and be aware of the residue of these heavy metals, and their associated
health hazard. Single-use protective gear should be properly disposed of along with other contaminated
materials. All other clothing should be decontaminated or properly discarded in order to abate the health
hazards of exposure to heavy metals.

4.4 Toxic vapors

The potential for toxic gasses is present with some absorbent and neutralizing agents, along with the added
risk of airborne particles. Any spill should be cleaned up as quickly as possible (by trained and authorized
personnel), but only after ensuring there is no visible chemical reaction.

5. Battery descriptions

5.1 Lead-acid batteries

The lead-acid battery is an assembly of lead-based plates that are immersed in an electrolyte of dilute
sulfuric acid. The electrolyte concentration varies from 1.210 s.g. to 1.350 s.g.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

The two general types of lead-acid batteries are as follows:

a) Vented lead-acid (VLA), also known as “flooded cells” or “wet cells”
b) Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries, sometimes called “recombinant” or “starved
electrolyte” batteries (sometimes incorrectly referred to as “sealed” or “maintenance-free”

5.1.1 Vented lead-acid (VLA)

The VLA cell has a liquid (free-flowing) electrolyte. Breach of the battery container below the electrolyte
level will cause a release of electrolyte. Among other materials, lead may be present in electrolyte. VLA
battery containers are usually transparent so that the user can see the level of electrolyte for maintenance
purposes. Flame-retardant battery container materials are available as an option.

5.1.2 Valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA)

The VRLA battery has the electrolyte immobilized with either a gelling agent or within an absorbent glass
mat (AGM) type of separator. These materials contain the electrolyte in a suspended state such that it
would not flow like a liquid in the event of cell damage. Each cell or monobloc has a sealed container with
a valve used to vent excess gas at a fixed internal pressure. Electrolyte mist or vapor may be expelled into
the air if excess gas is vented.

5.2 Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries

Ni-Cd batteries are constructed with nickel positive plates, cadmium negative plates, and a dilute aqueous
solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) electrolyte. Spilled alkaline electrolyte and cadmium must be
treated differently than acid electrolyte and lead.

5.2.1 Vented Ni-Cd

The vented Ni-Cd batteries are designed to allow the products of electrolysis and evaporation to escape to
the atmosphere as they are generated.

5.2.2 Partially recombinant Ni-Cd

Partially recombinant Ni-Cd batteries incorporate features to promote recombination of charge gas,
frequently with the use of a fiber mat separator and sometimes with a low-pressure valve. These batteries
generally contain some free-flowing electrolyte so they are treated the same as vented designs with regard
to spill containment.

6. Electrolyte spill mechanisms

6.1 General

For a flooded battery, electrolyte spills can occur at any time during battery life. Most spills occur during
transportation or installation activities. Other spills can occur as a consequence of maintenance activities,
seismic events, and operational failures.

In valve-regulated batteries, the electrolyte is immobilized in a gel or absorbed glass mat. The
immobilization limits the potential release of electrolyte to much less than the definition of a spill (see
3.1.7). For this reason, valve-regulated designs do not require permanently installed spill containment

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

systems. Electrolyte releases from valve-regulated batteries, while small, can occur and the necessary
supplies for manual cleanup should be available in the battery area.

6.2 Transportation and storage

Table 1 gives common transportation and storage activities that can result in a spill. The probability of a
spill and its severity is covered in Table 1 (not the probability of the event).

6.3 Installation/removal

Table 2 gives common installation/removal activities that can result in a spill. The probability of a spill and
its severity is covered in Table 2 (not the probability of the event).

6.4 Maintenance

Table 3 gives common maintenance activities that can result in a spill. The probability of a spill and its
severity is covered in Table 3 (not the probability of the event).

6.5 Operational issues

Table 4 gives events that can result in a spill. The probability of a spill and its severity is covered in Table 4
(not the probability of the event).

Table 1—Common transportation and storage activities that can result in a spill

Probability Spill Spill

Activity Mitigating conditions
of a spill mechanism severity
Banding for shipment Low Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Cells tipping over Low Leaking past Low Electrolyte clean up kits
shipping plug
Dropped pallet or cell Moderate Cell breakage High Electrolyte clean up kits
Punctures Moderate Cell cracking Moderate Electrolyte clean up kits
Pallet not properly Leaking past
restrained or stacked Low shipping plug Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Moderate Cell cracking Low
Moderate Cell breakage High
Shipping shock and Leaking past
vibration Low shipping plug Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Cell cracking Low
Road conditions Low Leaking past Low Electrolyte clean up kits
shipping plug
Cell cracking Low
Traffic accidents Low to high Leaking past Low Electrolyte clean up kits
(depending on shipping plug
the severity of Cell cracking Low
the accident)
Cell breakage High

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Table 2—Common installation/removal activities that can result in a spill

Probability Spill
Activity Spill mechanism Mitigating equipment
of a spill severity
Overflows during Moderate Human error Low Electrolyte clean up kits
water additions Permanently installed spill
control system
Dropped cell or pallet Low to Cell breakage High Shipping boxes designed to
moderate contain electrolyte releases
Electrolyte clean up kits
Punctures Moderate Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kit
Cell breakage High Permanently installed spill
control systems (only if the
event occurs with the cell
inside the boundary of the
spill control system)
Temporary barriers around
installation activities
Overflow during Low Leaking out of the Low Electrolyte clean up kit
freshening charge flame arrestor vent Permanently installed spill
control systems
Improper rack rail Moderate Container deterioration High Containment systems;
lubricant Electrolyte clean up kits
Tipped over Low Leaking past shipping Low Electrolyte clean up kit
Cell cracking High Temporary barriers around
Cell breakage High installation activities

Table 3—Common maintenance activities that can result in a spill

Probability Spill
Activity Spill mechanism Mitigating conditions
of a Spill severity
Battery explosions Moderate Cell breaking High Electrolyte clean up kits
(possible HazMat team
response, depending on
Specific gravity None (a few
measurements drops) Human error Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Overflow during Low Leaking out of the Low Electrolyte clean up kits
equalize charging flame arrestor vent Permanently installed spill
control systems
Punctures/cracks Low Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Cell breakage High Permanently installed spill
control systems
Overflows during water Low Human error Low Electrolyte clean up kits
additions Permanently installed spill
control systems
Unapproved cleaning Low Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kits
fluids Cells cracking Moderate Permanently installed spill
control systems

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Table 4—Events that can result in a spill

Probability Spill
Event Spill mechanism Mitigating conditions
of a spill severity
Battery explosions Moderate Cell breaking High Electrolyte clean up kits
(possibly HazMat team
response, depending on
Charger failure (severe Low Overflow through flame Low Electrolyte clean up kits
over charge) arresting vent Permanently installed spill
control systems
Thermal runaway Low Overflow through flame Low Electrolyte clean up kits
arresting vent and Permanently installed spill
sample tubes control systems
Battery fire Moderate to Leaking out of the flame Moderate to Local fire department
high arrestor vent. high Hazmat team, electrolyte
Container melt down clean up kits
and/or ignition
Post seal and container Low Post seal and container Low Electrolyte clean up kits
to cover leakage (unlikely to to cover seal leakage (unlikely to
exceed one exceed one
liter) liter)
Electrolyte pumping Low Leakage out of sample Low Electrolyte clean up kits
(unlikely to tubes or vents (unlikely to
exceed one exceed one
liter) liter)
Container cracks Low Human error Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Positive plate growth Permanently installed spill
control systems
Failure of equipment in Low Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kits
close proximity Cell breakage High Permanently installed spill
control systems
Vibration Low Running equipment Low Electrolyte clean up kits
(e.g. large air
Seismic Low Cell cracking Low Electrolyte clean up kits
Cell breakage High Permanently installed spill
control systems

NOTE—For information on a thermal runaway event, see IEEE Std 1187™-2002 [B7] and IEEE Std 1188™-1996

7. Introduction to spill containment and management

7.1 General

Spill containment and management issues are addressed differently based on how and when they occur.
Compliance with appropriate government regulations for disposal and reporting is the legal obligation of
the user. Each occurrence must address: containment, absorption and/or neutralization, and disposal. These
activities should be performed by qualified and authorized individuals in accordance with all applicable
laws, regulations, and internal company policies.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

The removal and/or neutralization of an electrolyte spill will result in the presence of hazardous materials.
Refer to the applicable regulations for disposal information.

7.2 Transportation spill containment and management

Spills can and do occur during over-the-road/rail transportation (see Table 1). It is extremely important to
follow all government rules and regulations, as well as packaging, handling, and stacking requirements
issued by the battery manufacturer. Air-ride trucks may help to minimize electrolyte release.

Care should be taken in the selection of a carrier with experience in the transportation of batteries. It is
recommended that the transporter carry absorptive and neutralizing materials, as well as personal protective
gear (gloves, face shields, aprons, eye wash, etc.).

Spills that occur during transportation may be subject to additional requirements by regulatory agencies.

7.3 Installation/removal spill containment and management

Electrolyte spills within a building are most likely to occur during the process of battery installation and
removal (see Table 2). These spills can be mitigated by the use of temporary barriers, spill kits, and
equipment described in 4.2. Refer to manufacturers’ recommendations for installation and removal.

Shipping plugs shall remain in flooded batteries when they are being transported.

Personnel who are moving the cells in a building should be aware of where the nearest spill kits, eyewash
stations, etc., are located.

7.4 Operations/maintenance spill containment and management

This subclause discusses the use of permanently installed spill containment systems. Permanently installed
systems may be necessary in locations where trained personnel are not present at all times to provide spill
management activities. However, large industrial facilities that have the necessary personnel, programs,
and procedures to deal with electrolyte spills may elect not to install permanently installed containment
systems after having evaluated operational and safety considerations (see Table 3 and Table 4).

Once spill containment barriers and/or floor sealants are installed, it is desirable to ensure that the system is

7.4.1 Containment methods

Several forms of containment are normally used during operations/maintenance practices. Containment can
involve one battery rack, multiple battery racks, whole rooms, and even remote containment. The user
should make the decision of which type of containment system to use based on safety, accessibility,
electrolyte volume, ability to monitor the system, and cost. Individual rack containment

Typically, some locally adopted codes mandate individual rack containment and specify the dimensions.
Individual rack containment consists of a barrier around the perimeter of a battery rack beyond the drip
line. The interior of the barrier should be liquid-tight. The barrier should be conspicuous to avoid a tripping
hazard. The barrier should be designed to last for the lifetime of the battery. The minimum volume to be
contained is typically no more than 1% of the total in all of the battery containers, or the amount of free-
flowing liquid electrolyte in a single container, whichever is greater.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

The advantages of individual rack containment are as follows:

a) Allows the addition of spill management for an existing battery
b) Allows the inclusion of spill management for a battery room expansion
c) Helps to prevent the spread of electrolyte into aisles for any spill that occurs while a battery is in
d) Allows the convenient placement of passive absorption and/or neutralization materials
e) Reduces or limits the loss of liquid tight-integrity due to movement of personnel and equipment
across the sealed floor
f) Is readily available from commercial vendors

The disadvantages of individual rack containment include the following:

a) Barriers can cause a trip hazard.
b) Barriers can complicate access for cell lifting equipment. It may be necessary to remove a
portion of the barrier in order to add or replace battery cells. Subsequent to a replacement, it
may be necessary to reestablish the liquid-tight integrity of the barrier.
c) Addition of barriers increases the total battery footprint. In an existing battery room, the
addition of individual rack containment could reduce the aisle space by 25 mm (1 in) or more.
This reduction could make it difficult to move and use maintenance equipment, including the
placement of ladders and battery hoists.
d) Barriers make it difficult to clean under the battery racks. Dust may accumulate, and some
people are sometimes inclined to toss trash inside the barriers.
e) Epoxy coatings and adhesives may deteriorate with aging. Periodic visual inspection is
recommended. If doubt exists, verify liquid-tight integrity.
f) Aisle spills are not contained (aisle spills are the most common type of spill, and typically occur
during installation/removal).
g) The capacity of a rack containment system could be exceeded with the addition of water from
h) Spills from a cell explosion are not contained (see IEEE Std 450, IEEE Std 484, and IEEE Std 1106
for information related to explosion hazards).
i) Absorptive/neutralizing materials may be quickly saturated with firefighting water. which may
reduce their effectiveness in serving their intended purpose.
j) The use of a fire hose in the room may spray electrolyte out of the containment system. Rack-integrated containment

A rack-integrated containment system automatically directs lost electrolyte into a containment basin. This
basin may be enclosed or open.

The advantages of a rack-integrated system include the following:

a) No additional containment is required.
b) The racks can be relocated without corresponding relocation of associated external spill
containment barriers.
c) No special floor preparation is required; no sealant or coating is necessary.
d) Liquid-tight integrity is improved over other designs.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

e) If the rack design has containment for each tier, electrolyte cannot leak from the top shelf onto
lower-tier batteries.
f) For enclosed basins, off-gassing and misting caused by some neutralization agents would be
mostly contained within the basin.
g) Additional aisle spacing is not needed for external containment barriers.
h) There is no tripping hazard.

The disadvantages of rack-integrated containment include the following:

a) This type of system cannot be retrofitted to existing racks.
b) The containment basin may be difficult to clean following a spill—although in some cases it is
c) Handling a full containment module may be awkward.
d) Residual traces of electrolyte may remain between the point of the spill and the containment
e) If an external barrier is required due to strict compliance to a local code, this type of rack might
not be permissible.
f) Certain types of cell-lifting hoists may be incompatible with this design.
g) Aisle spills are not contained (aisle spills are the most common type of spill, and typically occur
during installation/removal).
h) Some stands may not be able to accommodate all manufacturers’ cells, and specially-sized
intercell connectors may be required.
i) Some systems may be susceptible to liquid-tight integrity issues due to cell replacement
j) Spills from a cell explosion are not contained (see IEEE Std 450, IEEE Std 484, and IEEE Std 1106
for information related to explosion hazards). Whole-room or zone containment

The battery room floor and walls can be sealed (to a certain height) with a coating for containment
purposes. In zone applications, a dike/barrier can serve as a containment edge instead of a wall.

The advantages of whole-room or zone containment include the following:

a) No trip barriers exist around the stands.
b) All battery cell hoist designs can be used.
c) The addition of battery racks does not require individual rack containment systems.
d) Cell replacements do not require temporary removal of barriers.
e) Clearance is available under the rack for cleaning/maintenance.
f) Spills in the aisle or elsewhere in the room are contained (these spills are the most common type).
g) Excess firefighting water is more easily prevented from flowing into adjoining rooms.

The disadvantages of whole-room or zone containment include the following:

a) The battery room door must be raised to the minimum code-required height when the whole
room is used as the containment area.
b) The door and room or berm/dike/barrier may require handicapped access.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

c) Electrolyte in a spill can spread into the aisle area.

d) Passive neutralization or absorption is not practical.
e) A much larger floor area must be coated.
f) Floor coating is vulnerable to damage by foot traffic, rack frames, portable equipment, and the
installation or removal of rack anchor bolts.
g) Epoxy coatings and adhesives may deteriorate with aging. Periodic visual inspection is
recommended. If doubt exists, verify liquid-tight integrity.
h) Slip resistance should be considered in the aisle areas. Remote containment

One method of controlling an electrolyte spill is to channel the liquid into a chemical waste processing
system or a controlled drainage system.

The advantages of remote containment are as follows:

a) It removes the electrolyte from occupied areas.
b) Gasses from neutralization are not released into occupied areas.
c) The system can be integrated into other secondary containment systems, which may be present
in certain types of facilities.
d) Drains are highly effective for spills greater than a few liters including fire suppression water if
sized for sufficient flow rate.

The disadvantages of remote containment are as follows:

a) The system is impractical or impossible to implement into an existing facility, and in most cases
must be designed as an integral part of the facility prior to construction.
b) Inspection of the system is limited and difficult.
c) A potential for lead contamination exists.
d) Racks are not designed to be installed on sloped floors (shims can be used for limited slopes).
e) Drains can become stopped up.
f) Drains must be designed to prevent the backflow of gasses.
g) Drains are only effective as designed for spills larger than a few liters.

7.4.2 Floor sealants

Most codes require a liquid-tight barrier, which can be achieved through means of an epoxy coating or
liner. Both types should be able to maintain liquid-tight integrity for electrolyte for extended periods of
time. The user should get a statement of flammability and service life from the manufacturer.

There are many epoxies available that can accomplish the task. Note that after the initial applications, if
holes are drilled, if barriers are temporarily removed, or if the floor cracks, the spot(s) will need to be
resealed. Some epoxies emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Such products should be avoided or dealt
with by means of proper ventilation and use of appropriate respirators.

There are also various acid-resistant flexible liners, which with proper installation will serve the purpose.
Care should be taken to ensure that the introduction of flexible material at the base of the rack does not
compromise seismic performance or affect manufacturer certification.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

7.4.3 Absorption and neutralization

Battery electrolyte spills should be absorbed and neutralized in a safe and legal manner. Absorption and
neutralization can be accomplished separately or simultaneously. Absorption and neutralization can be
achieved passively or actively. Passive absorption and/or neutralization do not initially require active
human intervention. Active absorption and/or neutralization must be initiated by human intervention. The
minimum quantity of absorption and/or neutralization materials on hand should manage the electrolyte
from 1% of the total electrolyte in all of the battery containers, or the amount of free-flowing liquid
electrolyte in a single container, whichever is greater.

Certain neutralization agents will produce gasses and aerosols when in contact with electrolyte. A decision
must be made at the local level whether to absorb and neutralize at the site of the spill or to absorb only at
the site of the spill and neutralize at another location. Factors to consider include the following: the size of
the spill, the speed of reaction, the chemicals involved in the electrolyte and neutralizer and what the
products of the neutralization reaction will be, shared ventilation systems, and the size of the battery room.

Even after electrolyte has been properly neutralized, heavy metals may still be present in the absorption and
neutralization materials. Spent absorption and neutralization materials and other contaminated equipment
must be properly disposed of with this in mind. Passive absorption and/or neutralization

Passive absorption and/or neutralization are generally comprised of mats or pillows that contain either
absorption or a combination of absorption and neutralization materials (neutralizing pillows are not
generally recommended—see 4.2.2). These mats are typically placed underneath the battery rack within the
confines of a containment system. Mats or pillows should be designed in a manner such that contact with
electrolyte does not create a violent chemical reaction.

The advantages of a passive system are as follows:

a) Spills are dealt with immediately upon occurrence.
b) Cleanup is facilitated and expedited.
c) Splatter and effervescence as a result of neutralization is minimized.
d) Some passive systems alert maintenance personnel to a spill through color change indicators.

The disadvantages of a passive system are as follows:

a) Mats or pillows only react to spills that are directly above them.
b) Cleaning under the rack is more difficult.
c) Some passive systems are not flame-retardant or may lose their flame-retardant properties over
d) The cost is relatively high compared to the benefits.
e) Cloth bag materials may deteriorate prematurely. Active absorption and or neutralization

Active absorption and/or neutralization of electrolyte can be accomplished with spill cleanup kits used by
trained and authorized personnel. Contents of spill cleanup kits generally include items such as those listed
in 4.2. Absorption and neutralization material in the cleanup kits can be loose powder or granules; socks,
tubes, pillows or mats stuffed with powder or granules; liquid neutralization agents; or impregnated fabrics.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

The advantages of an active system are as follows:

a) Kit portability allows for cleanup of spills in any location (spills are most likely to occur away
from the battery rack during installation/removal activities).
b) Kits are scalable to different sized spills.
c) Some spill kits are equipped to deal with vertical surfaces and difficult to reach spills.

The disadvantages of an active system are as follows:

a) Response is delayed until after spill detection.
b) The risk of personal injury may be increased relative to that of passive systems.

8. Firefighting considerations

8.1 General

Battery fires are rare, but should not be taken lightly. Precautions should be taken during the installation
and maintenance of battery systems to limit the possibility of a fire. If a fire does occur, there are several
methods used to extinguish electrical fires.

Flammable concentrations of hydrogen may be emitted during a thermal runaway event.

8.2 Water and sprinkler systems

If a liquid fire suppression system is activated, it can increase the volume of liquid that must be managed in
the event of an electrolyte spill. However, note that added water dilutes the concentration (thus decreasing
the hazard) of the mixture.

8.3 Firefighter exposure to electrolyte

In a small fire, single rack containment and integrated rack containment methods may reduce the exposure
to electrolyte. However, the introduction of large volumes of water and high-pressure spray may quickly
overwhelm permanently installed systems. Systems are designed to deal with the volume of electrolyte in at
least a single battery container. However, a large battery fire could theoretically result in significantly
greater volumes of electrolyte being released than the system was designed to handle. However, the
introduction of large quantities of water will further dilute the electrolyte concentration. In practice, many
fires that begin at the tops of the cells are extinguished without human intervention, when the container
material burns down to the surface of the electrolyte. In addition, emergency preparedness plans should be
filed with the local fire department, and safety warning signs posted at entryways to the battery room
should make firefighters aware of the electrolyte hazard in the room. Firefighters should take appropriate
precautions to limit exposure and skin contact.

8.4 Fire extinguishers

The following special precautions should be taken when using fire extinguishers on battery fires.
a) Battery systems are always energized.
b) Use only Class C extinguishers on electrical equipment (non-conductive agent).

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

c) Gas expelled from compressed gas extinguishers, such as CO2, can cause battery containers to
crack and release electrolyte fluid.
d) Dry powder extinguishers can contaminate electrical equipment.
e) If possible, do not spray water on an energized electrical fire.

8.5 Limiting combustible material

Electrolyte containment and management systems should not constitute a fire safety concern. Materials
should be non-flammable or flame-retardant in accordance with applicable standards. The quantity of
combustible materials in the containment system should be documented and taken into account as part of
the area fire loading.

Manufacturers should provide documentation to verify one or more of the following for components of
fixed systems:
a) A listing from an appropriate fire safety entity (such as a rating of V-0 for plastics according to
UL 94 V-0 [B19])
b) Results from a fire-testing laboratory verifying a limiting oxygen index (LOI) of 28 or greater
c) Results from a fire-testing laboratory verifying an acceptable floor coating flame retardancy
based on ASTM E 648 [B1] or equivalent

Components of fixed systems include absorption or absorption and neutralization mats/pillows and exclude
portable spill kits.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Annex A


Hazardous materials calculations

To calculate the amount of hazardous materials in electrolyte, see the following:

Weight of hazardous material = [Electrolyte volume/Cell (from manufacturers data)]

× [Specific gravity] × [Percentage by weight (from Table A.1 or Table A.2)]
× [Number of cells]

Battery type = Flooded lead-acid
Number of cells: 60
Electrolyte volume = 31.8 L/cell (8.4 gal/cell)
Specific gravity (s.g.) = 1.215

Weight of electrolyte = [31.8 L/cell] × [1.215 (s.g.)] × [0.295 (see Table A.1)] × [60 (cells)] = 683.9 kg

Ni-Cd is calculated similarly.

Battery manufacturers can provide amounts of hazardous material for a given battery container using the
cell model number.

Table A.1—Sulfuric acid in electrolyte (lead-acid battery)

Specific gravity H2SO4 by weight H2SO4 by volume

(25 oC) (%) (%)
1.215 29.5 19.5
1.250 34.0 23.0
1.280 37.5 26.0
1.300 39.5 28.0
1.315 41.5 29.5
1.335 43.5 32.0

Table A.2—Potassium hydroxide (KOH) in electrolyte (nickel-cadmium battery)

Specific gravity KOH by weight KOH by volume

(20 oC) (g/kg) (g/L) a
1.200 213.8 256.4
1.250 263.4 329.4
These numbers are for a simple solution of KOH. Most alkaline
electrolytes have additions of varying levels of lithium hydroxide
(LiOH). For each 1.0 g/L of LiOH, subtract 1.15 g/L of KOH from
the numbers in this table.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Annex B


Model code

B.1 General

The following model code summarizes the best safety practices from existing IEEE battery standards,
government regulations, and existing codes for electrolyte spill management. It is intended as a guideline
for use by code and regulatory authorities. The authority having jurisdiction makes the final decisions
regarding applicable requirements, in accordance with applicable national and local codes and standards.

B.2 Applicability

This model code shall apply to any battery room or area in which the aggregate amount of free-flowing
liquid electrolyte contained in all battery containers in a battery system exceeds 3785 L (1000 gal).

Batteries in which electrolyte is immobilized, such as in valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries, are
specifically exempted.

B.3 Definitions for model code

active neutralization: The process of converting acidic or basic material to a neutral pH that must be initiated
by human intervention. An example would be adding a neutralizing agent to a contained electrolyte spill. See
also: passive neutralization.

battery container: A receptacle or vessel that holds the plates, electrolyte, and other elements of a single unit
in a battery (frequently referred to as a “jar”). A battery container can be a single cell or multi-cell (also called
a “monobloc”).

battery electrolyte: A conducting medium in which the flow of electric current takes place by migration of

lead-acid battery: A storage battery in which the active material of the positive plate is lead dioxide, the
negative plate is lead, and the electrolyte is dilute sulfuric acid.

nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd) battery: An alkaline storage battery in which the positive active material is nickel
oxide and the negative contains cadmium.

passive neutralization: The preemptive process of converting acidic or basic material to a neutral pH that
occurs without being initiated by human intervention. An example would be installation of a neutralizing
agent under a rack of batteries to neutralize any electrolyte drips or spills. See also: active neutralization.

stationary battery system: A system consisting of one or more strings of stationary batteries (lead-acid, Ni-
Cd, or other type) intended for use in a single location such as a room or general area, which can include one
or more of these interconnected subsystems:
⎯ Battery charger(s)
⎯ A collection of rectifiers, inverters, converters, circuit protection, and associated electrical
equipment as required for a particular application

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

VRLA battery: (A) A battery that is sealed, with the exception of a valve that opens to the atmosphere when
the internal gas pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure by a preselected amount. (B) A battery that
provides a means for recombination of internally generated oxygen and the suppression of hydrogen gas
evolution to limit water consumption. (C) A battery in which the electrolyte is immobilized by use of an
absorbent mat, gelling agent, or other method to hold electrolyte in contact with the plates. (D) A battery that
has no simple provisions for the addition of water or electrolyte, or for external measurement of specific

B.4 Electrolyte spill management

The owner shall provide all equipment, training, and materials necessary to minimize the possibility of an
electrolyte spill and to minimize the consequences of a spill if one occurs.

B.5 Electrolyte spill containment

The battery room or area shall be provided with an approved method to manage an electrolyte spill and
prevent it from spreading to areas where it could pose a hazard to the facility, equipment, or personnel. The
volume to be managed shall be 1% of the total in all of the battery containers, or the amount of free-flowing
liquid electrolyte in a single container, whichever is greater.

B.6 Absorption and/or neutralization

An approved method and materials shall be provided in sufficient quantity to absorb and neutralize, to a pH
between 5.0 and 9.0, all of the electrolyte in the largest battery container in each battery system. Both
active and passive neutralization methods shall be permitted. Absorption and neutralization materials shall
be accessible within 10 m (33 ft) of the battery system.

B.7 Hazardous material reporting requirements

Operations of battery systems shall ensure compliance with applicable federal and local codes and
regulations regarding the storage, use, reporting, cleanup, and removal of regulated hazardous materials.

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IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Annex C



For the purposes of this recommended practice, the following terms and definitions apply. The
Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms [B5] should be referenced for terms not defined in this

limiting oxygen index (LOI): See: oxygen index.

oxygen index: The minimum concentration of oxygen, expressed as volume percent, in a mixture of oxygen
and nitrogen that will just support flaming combustion of a material initially at room temperature. Synonym:
limiting oxygen index.

potassium hydroxide: The active ingredient in nickel-cadmium battery electrolyte.

sulfuric acid: The active ingredient in lead-acid battery electrolyte.

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IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

Annex D



[B1] ASTM E 648, Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a
Radiant Heat Energy Source.7
[B2] Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Part 1910 (29CFR1910), Occupational Safety and Health
[B3] Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Part 260 (40CFR260), Hazardous Waste Management Systems:
[B4] Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 Part 173 Section 159 (49CFR173.159), Transportation—Other
Regulations Relating to Transportation—Shippers—General Requirements for Shipments and
Packagings—Batteries, wet.
[B5] IEEE 100™, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition, New York,
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.9, 10
[B6] IEEE Std 1184™-1994, IEEE Guide for the Selection and Sizing of Batteries for Uninterruptible
Power Systems.
[B7] IEEE Std 1187™-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation Design and Installation of
Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Storage Batteries for Stationary Applications.
[B8] IEEE Std 1188™-1996, IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement
of Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Stationary Applications.
[B9] International Air Transport Association (IATA), Dangerous Goods Regulations, Reference Number
9065-2, Requirement A67.
[B10] International Code Council (ICC), International Building Code (IBC), 2000 ed., Sections 1615–
[B11] International Code Council (ICC), International Fire Code (IFC), 2003 ed., Articles 608 and 609.
[B12] International Code Council (ICC), International Fire Code (IFC), 2004 Supplement.
[B13] International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Uniform Building Code (UBC), 1997 ed.,
Volume 1, Section 307, and Volume 2, Section 16.2.
[B14] International Fire Code Institute (IFCI), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and
Western Fire Chiefs Association (WFCA), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), 1997 ed., Volume 1, Article 64.
[B15] NFPA 1-2003, Uniform Fire Code, Chapter 52: Stationary Lead-Acid Battery Systems.11
[B16] NFPA 70, National Electric Code® (NEC®).12

ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428-2959, USA (
CFR publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082,
Washington, DC 20013-7082, USA (
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-
1331, USA (
The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
NFPA publications are available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box
9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101, USA (

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. Downloaded on March 08,2018 at 21:49:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
IEEE Std 1578-2007
IEEE Recommended Practice for Stationary Battery Electrolyte Spill Containment and Management

[B17] NFPA 70B-2002, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance.

[B18] NFPA 70E-2004, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
[B19] UL 94, Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances.13
[B20] Western Fire Chiefs Association (WFCA), Uniform Fire Code (UFC), 2000 ed., Article 64.

The NEC is published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269, USA
( Copies are also available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane,
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA (
UL standards are available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO 80112, USA

Copyright © 2007 IEEE. All rights reserved.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. Downloaded on March 08,2018 at 21:49:25 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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