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The document discusses the design of LNG distribution in Eastern Indonesia considering transhipment models. It includes information about the author's thesis and various validation pages.

The document is about the author's bachelor thesis which studies the design of LNG distribution in Eastern Indonesia by considering transhipment models.

The author discusses obtaining his bachelor's degree from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in Marine Engineering. He discusses his experiences in various organizations and companies related to shipping.





NRP. 04211441000028

A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.






Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman

NRP. 0421141000028

A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.



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SKRIPSI – ME 141502



Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman

NRP. 04211441000028

A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.



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Submitted to comply one of the requirements obtaining Bachelor Degree
Engineering at
Reliability, Availability, Management and Safety (RAMS) Laboratory
Double Degree Program in Department of Marine Engineering
Faculty of Marine Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Prepare by:
NRP. 0421144100028

Approved by Supervisor of Bachelor Thesis & Colloquium:

A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D. ( )

NIP. 197505102000031001

Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc. ( )

NIP. 197109151994121001

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Submitted to comply one of the requirements of obtaining Bachelor Degree
Engineering at
Reliability, Availability, Management and Safety (RAMS) Laboratory
Double Degree Program in Department of Marine Engineering
Faculty of Marine Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Prepare by:
NRP. 0421144100028

Approved by
Head of Marine Engineering Department FTK-ITS

Dr. Eng Muhammad Badrus Zaman, S.T., M.T.

NIP. 197708022008011007

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Submitted to comply one of the requirements of obtaining Bachelor Degree
Engineering at
Reliability, Availability, Management and Safety (RAMS) Laboratory
Double Degree Program in Department of Marine Engineering
Faculty of Marine Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Prepare by:
NRP. 0421144100028

Approved by
Representative of Hochschule Wismar in Indonesia

Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Busse

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I hereby who signed below declare that :

This bachelor thesis has written and developed independently without any plagiarism
act, and confirm consciously that all data, concepts, design, references, and material
in this report own by Reliability, Availability, Management and Safety (RAMS) in
Department of Marine Engineering ITS which are the product of research study and
reserve the right to use for further research study and its development.

Name : Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman

NRP : 04211441000028
Bachelor Thesis Title : A Study of LNG Distribution Design by
Considering Transshipment Model for Eastern Part
of Indonesia
Department : Marine Engineering

If there is plagiarism act in the future, I will fully responsible and receive the penalty
given by ITS according to the regulation applied.

Surabaya, July 2018

Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman

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Name : Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman
NRP : 0421144100028
Supervisor 1 : A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D.
Supervisor 2 : Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.

Indonesia is one of the largest archipelago country that the usage of sea transportation
is one of the most effective transportation method to distribute energy for power plant.
The presence of electrical energy in Indonesia is still not provided due to the limited
of the facilities and the distribution of the electrical energy sources. LNG supply chain
is needed to distribute LNG to fulfill the demand in the area that have been planned
by PLN for power plants. The LNG carrier can reach the requests of the little islands,
so it turn out to be more compelling choice for the supply chain. This thesis will
design transshipment model scenario of LNG distribution in eastern part of Indonesia
and it will be simulated using discrete-event simulation. There will be some of
scenario that create in Papua and West Papua regions. The purpose of this thesis is to
know the transshipment modelling scenario in discrete-event simulation, to identify
variables that affects modelling of supply chain scenario and to find feasible supply
chain technically. The chosen methods for this thesis are literature review and
collecting data that is done by reviewing on the internet about discrete-event
simulation and the project data. The data is processed by using ARENA DES-
Software which will be known the simulation of some model and scenario that
considered and determined, then will know the feasible scenario and model.
Based on the results of this thesis, scenarios and models that have been designed still
have an inaccuracy when running the simulation to make the results achieved is not
maximal but still exist in some locations in the LNG supply chain that runs out of
LNG as fuel. For the first model in scenario 1, tank was found in Fakfak is empty for
30 days, Jayapura as much as 46 days, and Merauke 19 days. In the second scenario
Fakfak still empty for 30 days, Jayapura as much as 24 days and Merauke 19 days.
The third and fourth scenarios are still the same. The fifth scenario Fakfak and
Merauke have not experienced empty tank but Jayapura experienced for 10 days.
After the sixth to the eighth scenario, all locations do not experience a vacuum tank.
For the second model in the first to fourth scenario, Fakfak, Jayapura, Timika and
Merauke experienced an LNG vacuum, but in scenarios 5 to 8 all tanks did not
experience a daily tank void.
After that, the results of economic study calculations of the model and scenario are
performed and simulated beforehand, among others obtained the route model and the
most feasible scenario is the second model in scenario 7, where the cost value of all
worth US$ 317,735,686. These models and scenarios are the least expensive models
to do so they can be recommended to be the most feasible models to build.

Keyword: LNG, LNG Carrier, Supply Chain, Transshipment Model, Simulation

Nama : Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman
NRP : 0421144100028
Dosen Pembimbing 1 : A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P. S.T., MES, Ph.D.
Dosen Pembimbing 2 : Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda Artana, S.T., M.Sc.

Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang terbesar sehingga membuat
penggunaan transportasi laut menjadi metode transportasi yang paling efektif untuk
mendistribusi energi ke pembangkit. Kehadiran energi listrik di Indonesia masih tidak
tersedia dikarenakan fasilitas dan distribusi sumber energi listrik yang terbatas.
Rantai pasok LNG dibutuhkan untuk mendistribusi LNG guna memenuhi kebutuhan
di wilayah yang telah direncanakan oleh PLN sebagai pembangkit. Kapal pengangkut
LNG dapat menggapai permintaan di pulau-pulau kecil, sehingga menjadikan pilihan
yang tepat untuk merancang rantai pasok. Tugas akhir ini akan mendesain model
transshipment scenario mengenai distribusi di wilayah timur Indonesia dan akan
disimulasikan. Akan dirancang beberapa skenario di Papua dan Papua Barat. Tujuan
dari tugas akhir ini untuk mengetahui skenario model transshipment di dalam diskrit
event simulasi, untuk mencari tahu variabel yang memengaruhi model dari skenario
rantai pasok dan mencari rantai pasok yang layak secara teknis. Metode yang
digunakan untuk tugas akhir ini adalah dengan studi literature dan mengumpulkan
data yang dapat diatasi dengan mengulang dari internet tentang simulasi diskrit event
dan data proyek. Data diolah dengan menggunakan software ARENA yang akan
mengetahui simulasi beberapa model dan skenario yang sudah ditentukan, lalu akan
terlihat skenario dan model yang layak.
Berdasarkan hasil tugas akhir ini, skenario dan model yang telah dirancang masih
memiliki ketidaktepatan ketika menjalankan simulasi sehingga membuat hasil yang
dicapai tidak maksimal melainkan masih terdapatnya di beberapa lokasi pada rantai
pasok LNG yang kehabisan LNG sebagai bahan bakarnya. Untuk model pertama di
skenario 1 didapati tangki pada Fakfak mengalami kondisi 0 sebanyak 30 hari,
Jayapura sebanyak 46 hari, dan Merauke 19 hari. Pada skenario kedua Fakfak masih
30 hari, Jayapura sebanyak 24 hari dan Merauke 19 hari. Skenario ketiga dan keempat
kondisi masih sama. Skenario kelima Fakfak dan Merauke sudah tidak mengalami
kosong tangki namun Jayapura mengalami selama 10 hari. Setelah itu skenario
keenam hingga ke delapan, diseluruh lokasi tidak mengalami kekosongan tangki.
Untuk model kedua di skenario pertama hingga keempat, Fakfak, Jayapura, Timika
dan Merauke mengalami kekosongan LNG, namun di skenario 5 hingga 8 semua
tangki tidak mengalami kekosongan tangki seharipun.
Setelah itu didapatkan hasil perhitungan studi ekonomis dari model dan skenario yang
dilakukan dan disimulasikan sebelumnya, antara lain didapatkan model rute dan
skenario yang paling layak adalah model kedua pada skenario 7, dimana nilai biaya

semua senilai US$ 317,735,686. Model dan skenario ini adalah model yang paling
murah untuk dilakukan sehingga dapat direkomendasikan menjadi model yang paling
layak untuk dibangun.

Keyword: LNG, LNG Carrier, Supply Chain, Transshipment Model, Simulation

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Praise to Allah SWT who has given grace and hidayah to the author, so the author
can finish this thesis with the title “A Study of LNG Distribution Design by
Considering Transshipment Model for Eastern Part of Indonesia” on time in order to
comply the requirement of obtaining a Bachelor Degree Engineering on Department
of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute
of Technology.
The author realizes that this writing can’t be solved without the support of various
parties both morally and materially. Therefore, the authors would like to express their
gratitude to all those who have helped in the preparation of this bachelor thesis
especially to:
1. Both parents, an honored my father Dony Noerwahjono, my beloved mother
Yuniarti Nugrohorini, my lovely brother and sister Muhammad Nur Pratama
and Sabrina Nuraulia Putri who have given moral and material support to the
2. Mr. Dr. Eng. Muhammad Badrus Zaman., ST., MT. as Head of Marine
Engineering Department, Faculty of Marine Technology ITS.
3. Mr. Indra Ranu Kusuma, ST., M.Sc. as a lecture advisor since first semester
until eighth semester who giving a lot advice and help for the author.
4. Mr. A.A.B. Dinariyana D.P., S.T., MES, Ph.D. and Mr. Prof. Dr. Ketut Buda
Artana, S.T., M.Sc. as supervisor in this research who giving a lot of times to
guide and teach the author along the process of writing this bachelor thesis.
5. Mr. Dr. Dhimas Widhi Handani, S.T., M.Sc. and Mr. Raja Oloan Saut
Gurning, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. as the lecturer in RAMS Laboratory.
6. Deborah Krisnensia Candra as the author supporting system from the
beginning of bachelor thesis until the end.
7. Wiwit Marta for guiding and teaching the author to use ARENA Software.
8. Nyimas Safira Amalia S.T., B.Eng. who have given moral support and share
her knowledges to the author.
9. Aditya Rizal Suswiwantoro for accompanying to done the bachelor thesis
along the process of writing bachelor thesis.
10. All member of Reliability, Availability, Management and Safety (RAMS)
Laboratory for the support and knowledges.
11. All of friends in Double Degree Marine Engineering ITS-Hochschule
Wismar batch 2014 for all the support, memories and knowledges.
12. All of friends in MERCUSUAR’14 for the support, memories and
knowledges from first semester until eighth semester.
13. All civitas academic in Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of
Marine Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology who giving
a lot of knowledge and great times to the author.
14. Great amounts of friends that can’t be mentioned, for their support, help and
knowledges for this thesis.

The author realizes that this bachelor thesis remains far away from the perfect form.
Therefore, every construction suggestion and idea from all parties are highly expected
by author for this bachelor thesis correction and improvement in the future.

Finally, may Allah SWT bestow His grace, Hidayah, Contentment and blessing to all
of us. Hopefully this bachelor thesis can have an advantageous for all of us especially
for the readers.

Surabaya, 05 July 2018


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DECLARATION OF HONOR ................................................................................. xi

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ xiii
ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................... xv
PREFACE ............................................................................................................. xviii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ xxi
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xxiv
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. xxvi
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Statement of Problems ............................................................................... 3
1.3. Constraints ................................................................................................. 3
1.4. Research Objectives ................................................................................... 3
1.5. Research Benefits....................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................. 4
2.1. LNG Basic Concept ................................................................................... 4
2.2. LNG Supply Chain .................................................................................... 5
2.2.1. Gas Reserves .................................................................................. 6
2.2.2. LNG Carrier ................................................................................... 7
2.2.3. Barge Container Skid ..................................................................... 8
2.2.4. LNG Hub Storage .......................................................................... 9
2.2.5. Receiving Terminal ...................................................................... 10
2.3. Power Plant in Papua ............................................................................... 10
2.3.1. Papua Province............................................................................. 10
2.3.2. West Papua Province ................................................................... 12
2.4. System ...................................................................................................... 14
2.5. Transshipment Model .............................................................................. 15
2.6. Simulation ................................................................................................ 16
2.7. ARENA DES-Software............................................................................ 17
2.8. Economic Study ....................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER III .......................................................................................................... 21
3.1. Methodology Flow Chart ......................................................................... 21

3.2. Definition of Methodology Flow Chart ................................................... 22
3.2.1. Determining Problem ................................................................... 22
3.2.2. Literature Study............................................................................ 22
3.2.3. Collecting Data ............................................................................ 22
3.2.4. Demand and Supply Data Analyzing ........................................... 22
3.2.5. Generate Route Model ................................................................. 22
3.2.6. Consider Scenario ........................................................................ 23
3.2.7. Discrete-Event Simulation ........................................................... 23
3.2.8. Conclusion & Suggestion............................................................. 23
CHAPTER IV .......................................................................................................... 24
4.1. Data Analyzing ........................................................................................ 24
4.1.1. Power Plants Identification .......................................................... 24
4.1.2. Fleet Identification ....................................................................... 27
4.2. Generate Distance Matrix ........................................................................ 28
4.3. Simulation LNG Distribution................................................................... 30
4.3.1. Voyage Cost ................................................................................. 31
4.3.2. Receiving Terminal Investation Cost ........................................... 33
4.3.3. LNG Distribution Route Simulation ............................................ 34
4.4. Economic Study ....................................................................................... 40
4.4.1. Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) ..................................................... 40
4.4.2. Operational Expenditure (OPEX) ................................................ 42
4.4.3. Total Expenditure......................................................................... 43
CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................... 45
5.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 45
5.2. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 45
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 46
ATTACHMENT 1 ................................................................................................... 47
ATTACHMENT 2 ................................................................................................... 49
ATTACHMENT 3 ................................................................................................... 55
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY......................................................................................... 59

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Table 1.1 Natural Gas Reserves (per January) Database ........................................... 1

Table 1.2 Electricity Power Projection in Papua ....................................................... 2

Table 1.3 Electricity Power Projection in West Papua .............................................. 2

Table 2.1 Power Plant Development Planning List ................................................. 12

Table 2.2 Power Plant Development Planning List ................................................. 14

Table 4.1 Power Plants Gas Fueled in Eastern Part of Indonesia ............................ 24

Table 4.2 LNG Demand Calculation ....................................................................... 26

Table 4.3 Ship Particular.......................................................................................... 28

Table 4.4 Matrix Distance........................................................................................ 29

Table 4.5 Round Trip Sail Duration Model 1 Calculation ....................................... 32

Table 4.6 Round Trip Sail Duration Model 2 Calculation ....................................... 33

Table 4.6 Scenario Consideration ............................................................................ 38

Table 4.7 Model 1 Simulation Results ..................................................................... 39

Table 4.8 Model 2 Simulation Results ..................................................................... 39

Table 4.9 CAPEX Model 1 Scenario 6 .................................................................... 41

Table 4.10 CAPEX Model 2 Scenario 5 .................................................................. 41

Table 4.11 The Summary of Total CAPEX Each Scenario ..................................... 42

Table 4.12 OPEX Model 1 Scenario 6 ..................................................................... 42

Table 4.13 The Summary of Total OPEX Each Scenario ........................................ 43

Table 4.14 The Summary of Total Expenditure Each Scenario............................... 43

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Figure 2.1 LNG Supply Chain (Source: Ketut Buda Artana, 2006) .......................... 6

Figure 2.2 Indonesia Natural Gas Reserves (Source: Ditjen Migas, 2016) ............... 6

Figure 2.3 Small LNG Vessel (Source: Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology
Centre) ..................................................................................................... 8

Figure 2.4 LNG Shuttle / Bunker Barge (Source: Keppel Offshore & Marine
Technology Centre) ................................................................................. 9

Figure 2.5 Development Planning Map Interconnection System 70 kV and 150 kV

Jayapura (Source: RUPTL PLN 2017-2026) ......................................... 11

Figure 2.6 Development Planning Map Interconnection System 150 kV Wamena

(Source: RUPTL PLN 2017-2026) ........................................................ 11

Figure 2.7 Electricity Development Planning Map at Sorong System (Source: RUPTL
PLN 2017-2026) .................................................................................... 13

Figure 2.8 Electricity Development Planning Map at Manokwari System (Source:

RUPTL PLN 2017-2026) ....................................................................... 13

Figure 4.1 Receiving Terminal Location ................................................................. 27

Figure 4.2 LNG Distribution Route Model 1 ........................................................... 35

Figure 4.3 LNG Distribution Route Model 2 ........................................................... 36

Figure 4.4 ARENA Logical Model (Model 1) ......................................................... 37

Figure 4.5 ARENA Logical Model (Model 2) ......................................................... 38

Figure 4.6 Total Expenditure Graphs ....................................................................... 44

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1.1. Background
Indonesia is an archipelago or islands country which is consists of 17.504
islands scattered in an area of 1.904.569 km2. The islands condition is still
complicated in developing the aspects of technology, economy and etc. Many islands
in Indonesia are not well developed especially in Central Indonesia, even some
islands are well developed. All Indonesia’s islands and citizen deserved to be well
developed for their hometown.
Based on the Handbook of Energy and Economic Statistics of Indonesia issued
by Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, gas fields located in Indonesia have
considerable potential and already proven the existence of some large gas fields exist
in Indonesia.
Table 1.1 Natural Gas Reserves (per January) Database

Year Proven (TSCF) Potential (TSCF) Total (TSCF)

2007 106.00 59.00 165.00
2008 112.50 57.60 170.10
2009 107.34 52.29 159.63
2010 108.40 48.74 157.14
2011 104.71 48.18 152.89
2012 103.35 47.35 150.70
2013 101.54 48.85 150.39
2014 100.26 49.04 149.30
2015 97.99 53.34 151.33
2016 101.22 42.84 144.06
Source: Directorate General of Oil and Gas

Table 1.1 shows that gas fields owned by Indonesia are large enough to boost
the existing economy in the country, can utilize natural gas as a power plant. PT. PLN
has successfully utilized natural gas in the form of LNG as a source for power plants
in several islands in Indonesia. Based on PLN Statistics and Electricity Statistics from
Directorate General of Electricity, the last 5 years until 2016 power plants using
natural gas in some areas have been built with installed capacity in the amount of;
4343.82 MW, 4389.08 MW, 4310.50 MW, 4310.50 MW and 4420.50 MW. Thus,
PT. PLN will continue to develop and build power plants in various regions of
Indonesia using energy from LNG.
Economic conditions in the region of Papua in the last five years is lower than
the previous average of 4.9% per year while the West Papua region grew better than
the previous average of 10.45% per year. This economic condition will affect the high
consumption of electricity in these two provinces. Thus, the electricity needs of these
two provinces will met by PLN by adding power plants in these two provinces. This
is shown in tables 1.2 and 1.3 below which describes the amount of electricity demand
by comparison of the existing economic growth in the two provinces.

Table 1.2 Electricity Power Projection in Papua

Year Economic Sales Production Peak Load Customer

Growth (%) (GWh) (GWh) (MW)
2017 9.6 1,084 1,210 194 479,561
2018 9.9 1,250 1,394 224 560,879
2019 11 1,432 1,596 256 643,475
2020 11.7 1,629 1,814 291 727,048
2021 11.7 1,841 2,049 329 813,608
2022 11.6 2,049 2,279 365 886,560
2023 11.6 2,215 2,462 395 911,929
2024 11.6 2,397 2,663 427 937,872
2025 11.5 2,593 2,878 461 960,509
2026 11.4 2,807 3,114 499 983,196
Growth 11.2 11.2% 11.1% 11.1% 8.4%
Source: Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PLN 2017-2026
Table 1.3 Electricity Power Projection in West Papua

Year Economic Sales Production Peak Load Customer

Growth (%) (GWh) (GWh) (MW)
2017 4.9 483 610 108 194,605
2018 5.1 522 655 116 209,047
2019 5.7 564 703 125 223,577
2020 6.1 609 755 134 238,712
2021 6.0 652 802 142 247,797
2022 6.0 695 850 150 254,400
2023 6.0 740 900 159 261,091
2024 6.0 788 952 168 267,912
2025 6.0 838 1,006 178 274,807
2026 5.9 891 1,062 188 281,739
Growth 5.8 7.0% 6.4% 6.3% 4.2%
Source: Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PLN 2017-2026

Based on the electricity power projection needs from PT. PLN in 2017, the
peak load on Papua Province requires 499 MW of electricity and the province of West
Papua requires 188 MW of electricity. With the large demand difference between the
current production capacity, it is necessary to developing the power plants to meet
those needs. PLN's plan to build a gas-fired power plant is based on Minister of
Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 37 of 2015 on the provisions and
procedures for determining the allocation, utilization and natural gas price. The
allocation of utilization of natural gas as fuel for power generation gets priority
number five after: utilization for transportation, household and small customer;
increased national oil and gas production; fertilizer industry; and industry made from
natural gas. The government has set a gas allocation produced by Tangguh LNG Train
3 about 75% of the 3.8 Million Ton Per Annum (MTPA) to PLN to operate PLTGU
which is a 35,000 MW electricity generation program in Indonesia.

Based on the allocation of gas fuel and the planned power plant construction,
the government should also prepare the supporting facilities and the concept of
natural gas distribution from the Tangguh LNG Refinery to the power plant in Papua.
A scenario of LNG supply chain is necessary since government had committed to
allocate local production of natural gas to supply power plants in Indonesia.
1.2. Statement of Problems
Based on the description above the statement of problem of this thesis are:
1. What are possible scenarios (route, receiving terminal capacity, fleet
size) to distribute LNG for power plants in Papua and Papua Barat?
2. How to simulate the model and scenario?
3. What is the feasible LNG distribution model and scenario technically and
1.3. Constraints
The constraints of this thesis are;
1. This thesis is focusing on the LNG supply distribution from Tangguh
LNG Storage Papua area power plants.
2. Tangguh LNG Storage have port facilities which can provide all type of
LNG carrier.
3. All power plants analyzed based from Rencana Usaha Penyediaan
Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PLN 2017-2025 and also for the gas power
plants (PLTG/MG).
4. Supply LNG only for the certain power plant aimed.
1.4. Research Objectives
The objectives of this thesis are;
1. To determine a transshipment modelling and some scenarios of LNG
2. To simulate the model and scenarios using Discrete-Event Simulation
3. To find feasible LNG distribution technically and economically.
1.5. Research Benefits
Benefits that can be collected from this thesis writing task are:
1. Deliver solution of LNG supply chain for power plants in eastern
2. Understand the facilities that should be prepared for LNG distribution.
3. Assure efficiency and reliability of LNG supply for power plants in
Papua and Papua Barat.

2.1. LNG Basic Concept
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas that predominantly is methane,
CH4 with some mixture of ethane C2H6 that has been converted into liquid form for
ease and safety of non-pressurized storage or transport. The natural gas condensed
into liquid at -162oC (-260oF) at almost atmospheric pressure. The liquefaction
process involves removal of certain components such as dust, acid, gases, helium,
water and hydrocarbons which could cause difficulty downstream and processed
through desulfurization, dehydration and carbon dioxide cleaning. All this process
will make the gas become odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive.
This liquid form makes it possible in transporting the gas at big amount of
gas by LNG carrier vessel. It takes up about 1/600 volume of natural gas in the
gaseous state at standard conditions for temperature and pressure. It will make the
long distance transport destination of gas more economics while there is no pipeline.
When transporting the natural gas with pipeline is not possible or not economical, it
can be transported by LNG carrier, where many of tank type for LNG are membrane
or “moss”.
The energy density that produces by LNG is comparable with petroleum fuel
and diesel fuel. LNG is a clean energy, 1 KWH gas energy of LNG contain 446 gram
CO2, also the content of nitrogen oxide is around 20-37% and carbon dioxide 57%
that less than coal. Besides that, it because the flash point of LNG is higher than
petroleum fuel. These characteristic makes LNG become the safe energy. LNG have
higher calories (12000 kcal/kg) than other types of fuel. This gas type produces less
pollution, but the production cost is relatively high and requirement for storage that
use expensive cryogenic tank for commercial application. Cryogenic is a liquid form
from elements or molecule that melting under 100oF temperature. LNG is originated
from natural gas that have a mixture from some different gases so that don’t have
specific flash point. The flash point is depending on the source of usage gas and the
process to liquefied the gas form. The highest flash point for LNG is around 24 MJ/L
at -164oC temperature and the lowest point is 21 MJ/L (Oscarino, 2010)
Exploration activities are started on developing the onshore and offshore area
in some places. Using seismic technology with hydrocarbon high probability,
identification activities are done in the target areas. After done the environmental
impact assessment (AMDAL) or environmental management and monitoring studies
(UKL/UPL), working area manager could do well drilling test. LNG terminal have
facilities to transporting LNG from tanker to LNG storage tank on the land,
transferring to high pressure booster pumps, evaporating the LNG to produce high
pressure natural gas. LNG terminal designed to receive LNG from some LNG
production facilities (Oscarino, 2010)
There is some benefit in utilize natural gas as power plant fuel, include:
 The usage in power plant: natural gas can be used in Combine Cycle
Gas Turbine (CCGT) which can make this facility in having higher
thermal efficiency than coal or oil for power plant with same capacity
for the power plant.

 Environment advantage: natural gas is one of the cleanest source of
energy and have more efficient form than other energies, almost
produce zero particular and less content of NOx and CO2 than other
fossil fuels.
 LNG have less fire risk than other types of hydrocarbon, LNG leaks is
easy to detect because of the cloud humidity is visible, also fire rate of
LNG is slower than human movement.
2.2. LNG Supply Chain
Supply chain is a series of relationships between companies or activities that
carry out the supply of goods or services from the place of origin to the buyer or
customer. Supply chain concerns the ongoing relationship of goods, money and
information. Goods generally flow from upstream to downstream, money flows from
downstream to upstream, while information flows from upstream to downstream and
downstream to upstream. When viewed horizontally, there are five main components
or actors in the supply chain, i.e. suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and
customers. Vertically, there are several main components of supply chain, namely
buyer, transporter, warehouse, seller and etc. Supply chain management is the
planning, design and controlling the flow of information and goods throughout the
supply chain that aims to meet the requirements of the customer, efficiently for the
present and the future (Schroeder, 2003).
Supply Chain is a travel chain of natural gas taken up to the end user. The
initial process of the LNG supply chain involves transporting natural gas from its
production fields through pipelines to the liquefaction plant. Prior to the liquefaction
of the gas, treatment was first undertaken to remove contaminants to substances such
as carbon dioxide, water and sulfur to avoid them freezing and eventually breaking
down when the gas was cooled to -162°C. Liquefaction plant is similar to a large
refrigerator equipped with compressor, condenser, expansion valve and pressure
evaporator. LNG generated through the liquefaction plant is routed through pipes to
storage tanks / storage tanks. Pipelines and storage tanks must be isolated to maintain
low temperatures so that both items are specially designed to accommodate cryogenic
liquids. The LNG is then extracted from a storage tank for loaded into the LNG carrier
to the receiving terminal. Before reaching the user, the LNG is first converted into a
gas phase back in the regasification plant. Here's an overview of the LNG supply
chain from the gas field to the last user.

Figure 2.1 LNG Supply Chain (Source: Ketut Buda Artana, 2006)

2.2.1. Gas Reserves

A petroleum reservoir or oil and gas reservoir is a subsurface pool of
hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. Petroleum
reservoirs are broadly classified as conventional and unconventional
reservoirs. In case of conventional reservoirs, the naturally occurring
hydrocarbons, such as crude oil or natural gas, are trapped by overlying rock
formations with lower permeability. While in unconventional reservoirs the
rocks have high porosity and low permeability which keeps the hydrocarbons
trapped in place, therefore not requiring a cap rock. Reservoirs are found using
hydrocarbon exploration methods.

Figure 2.2 Indonesia Natural Gas Reserves (Source: Ditjen Migas, 2016)

Gas reservoirs have been divided into three groups; dry gas, wet gas
and retrograde-condensate gas. A dry-gas reservoir is defined as producing a

single composition of gas that is constant in the reservoir, wellbore, and lease-
separation equipment throughout the life of a field. Some liquids may be
recovered by processing in a gas plant. A wet-gas reservoir is defined as
producing a single gas composition to the producing well perforations
throughout its life. Condensate will form either while flowing to the surface or
in lease-separation equipment. A retrograde-condensate gas reservoir initially
contains a single-phase fluid, which changes to two phases (condensate and
gas) in the reservoir when the reservoir pressure decreases. Additional
condensate forms with changes in pressure and temperature in the tubing and
during lease separation. From a reservoir standpoint, dry and wet gas can be
treated similarly in terms of producing characteristics, pressure behavior, and
recovery potential. Wellbore hydraulics may be different. Studies of
retrograde-condensate gas reservoirs must consider changes in condensate
yield as reservoir pressure declines, the potential for decreased well
deliverability as liquid saturations increase near the wellbore, and the effects
of two-phase flow on wellbore hydraulics.
2.2.2. LNG Carrier
LNG Carrier is a tank ship designed for transporting liquefied natural
gas (LNG). As the LNG market grows rapidly, the fleet of LNG carriers
continues to experience tremendous growth. The majority of new ships under
construction are in the size of 120,000 – 140,000 m3 (4,200,000 – 4,900,000
cu ft), but there are orders for ships with capacity up to 260,000 m3 (9,200,000
cu ft). As of 2016, there were 451 LNG ships engaged in the deep sea
movement of LNG. In the case of small scale LNG carriers (LNG carriers
below 40,000 m3 (1,400,000 cu ft)), the optimal size of a ship is determined by
the project for which it is built, taking into consideration volume, destination
and vessel characteristics.

Figure 2.3 Small LNG Vessel (Source: Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre)

2.2.3. Barge Container Skid

Small and medium economy countries are developing their
infrastructures in remote locations. They need LNG for:
1. Power production, as those places are not connected to the
national power grids
2. Industrial raw materials
3. Transportation fuel

Regular sized LNG vessels can’t enter to those locations. Hence

small-scale LNG carriers are necessary for transporting LNG to those remote
locations. There are challenges in small scale LNG transportation that necessity
based on transportation method. Customized designs are required for each case
to transport LNG, initial investment is a factor in developing small-scale LNG
infrastructures, requires a sustainable transportation model to compete with
road transportation in future and it need to consider the problems in coastal and
river waterway transportation which will gave an affection in:
1. Designs of small coastal LNG carrier/river barges
2. Design of small LNG terminal, loading/unloading facilities

Also while there are challenges, there will be solutions for small-
scale LNG transportation, such as:

1. Based on the propulsion system:
a. Self-propelled LNG carrier
b. Non-propelled LNG carrier
2. Based on LNG containment system:
a. ‘Type-C’ LNG tanks
b. ‘Membrane Type’ LNG tank
3. Based on the draft limitation of the waterways:
a. Regular draft LNG carriers
b. Shallow draft LNG carriers

Figure 2.4 LNG Shuttle / Bunker Barge (Source: Keppel Offshore & Marine Technology Centre)

2.2.4. LNG Hub Storage

A liquefied natural gas storage tank or LNG storage tank is a
specialized type of storage tank used for the storage of Liquefied Natural Gas.
LNG hub storage is a storage that located in one of the power plant demand
area and located as the main storage before distribute to the rest power plant in
that area. LNG storage tanks can be found in ground, above ground or in LNG
carriers. The common characteristic of LNG Storage tanks is the ability to store
LNG at the very low temperature of -162 °C (-260 °F). LNG storage tanks have
double containers, where the inner contains LNG and the outer container
contains insulation materials. The most common tank type is the full
containment tank. Tanks vary greatly in size, depending on usage.
In LNG storage tanks if LNG vapors are not released, the pressure and
temperature within the tank will continue to rise. LNG is a cryogen, and is kept
in its liquid state at very low temperatures. The temperature within the tank

will remain constant if the pressure is kept constant by allowing the boil off
gas to escape from the tank. This is known as auto-refrigeration.
The world's largest above-ground tank (Delivered in 2000) is the 180
million liters full containment type for Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. (2) The world's
largest tank (Delivered in 2001) is the 200 million liters Membrane type for
Toho Gas Co., Ltd.
2.2.5. Receiving Terminal
Liquefied natural gas terminal is a structure for liquefied natural gas to
store. It can comprise special tanks, ships or even building structures. Port
infrastructures and pipelines are also a part of LNG terminals. Liquefied
natural gas is the form used to transport natural gas over long distances, often
by sea. In most cases, LNG terminals are purpose-built ports used exclusively
to export or import LNG. The function of an LNG import terminal is to receive
LNG cargos, store LNG, and re-vaporize the LNG for sale as gas. Odorant
injection may be required if gas is to be exported through a transmission grid.
There are two main systems used for LNG vaporization: submerged
combustion vaporizers and open-rack vaporizers (ORVs). In submerged
combustion vaporizers, the LNG passes through tubes immersed in a water
bath, which is heated by submerged burners. In ORVs, water runs down the
outside of the vaporizer tubes (usually vertical) as a film. River water or
seawater is normally used.
2.3. Power Plant in Papua
Papua region is divided into West Papua Province and Papua Province with 40
districts, a total area of 424,500 km2 and 16 million inhabitants. In section will be
further explained on the condition of electricity in Papua province and West Papua
based on the Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2017-2026.
2.3.1. Papua Province
Papua Province consists of 36 districts and 1 municipality with the
distribution location of the capital far between each other. The power supply
uses a 20 kV system and still isolated, partly using a low voltage 220 Volt
network directly to the load. In addition, there are still some district capitals
that have not received electricity from PLN. The ratio of the number of PLN
electricity household customers in 2015 to the province of Papua is around
45.93%, still very low amount.
Papua province is currently supplied by several power plants whose
total peak load reaches 145.9 MW. PLN through RUPTL 2017-2026
projected that electricity demand will increase by 8.4% annually or reach 499
MW in 2026 (see table).
The development plans of power plant facilities, transmission and
distribution networks in Papua Province are carried out with due regard to the
needs and potential of the local primary energy and population distribution.
In order to meet the needs of the load in period 2017-2026, planned an
addition of power plant capacity of about 755 MW, the details as shown in
table 2.1. In addition to the construction of new power plants, the PLN

RUPTL also mentions the planning infrastructure supporting electrical
energy distribution that can be seen in Figure 2. The picture describes the
development plan of interconnection system of 70 kV and 150 kV Jayapura.

Figure 2.5 Development Planning Map Interconnection System 70 kV and 150 kV Jayapura (Source:
RUPTL PLN 2017-2026)

Figure 2.6 Development Planning Map Interconnection System 150 kV Wamena (Source: RUPTL PLN

Table 2.1 Power Plant Development Planning List

No. Project Type Capacity (MW) POD

1 Jayapura (FTP1) PLTU 10 2017
2 MPP Jayapura PLTG/MG 50 2017
3 MPP Timika PLTG/MG 10 2018
4 Biak PLTMG 15 2018
5 Merauke PLTMG 20 2018
6 Jayapura Peaker PLTMG 40 2018
7 MPP Nabire PLTG/MG 20 2017
8 Nabire 2 PLTG/MG 10 2018
9 Merauke 2 PLTG/MG 20 2018
10 Biak 2 PLTG/MG 20 2018
11 Serui 1 PLTMG 10 2018
12 MPP Papua PLTG/MG 10 2018
13 Timika 2 PLTG/MG 30 2018
14 Timika 2 PLTG/MG 10 2019
15 Sarmi PLTMG 5 2019
16 Nabire 2 PLTMG 10 2019
17 Digoel PLTM 3 2019
18 Serui 2 PLTMG 10 2019
19 Jayapura PLTMG 50 2019
20 Kalibumi PLTM 2.6 2019
21 Timika 3 PLTMG 20 2020
22 Amai PLTM 1.4 2020
23 Biak 3 PLTMG 40 2021
24 Merauke 3 PLTMG 20 2021
25 Serui 3 PLTMG 10 2021
26 Walesi Blok II PLTM 6 2022
27 Timika 4 PLTMG 20 2022
28 Orya 2 PLTA 14 2023
29 Jayapura 2 PLTG/MG/GU 100 2020/21
30 Baliem PLTA 50 2023-2025
31 Merauke PLTBM 3.5 2018
32 Nabire - Kalibobo PLTU 2x7 2020
33 Jayapura 3 PLTG/MG/GU 100 2025/26
Total Amount 755 -
Source: Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PLN

2.3.2. West Papua Province

West Papua Province consists of 10 districts and 1 municipality with
the electrical system still isolated, consisting of 6 systems 20 kV and the load
above 1 MW are Sorong system, Fakfak, Manokwari, Kaimana, Teminabuan
and Bintuni. The ratio number of PLN electricity household customers in 2015
to West Papua province amounted to 82.70 % with a peak load of 70.2 MW
supplied from several plants. Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.12 shown the power
system development planning in Manokwari and Sorong areas.

Figure 2.7 Electricity Development Planning Map at Sorong System (Source: RUPTL PLN 2017-2026)

Figure 2.8 Electricity Development Planning Map at Manokwari System (Source: RUPTL PLN 2017-2026)

The construction planning of electricity facilities in West Papua

Province are necessary is done because most of the power supply comes from
excess power or power excess delivered from private companies that have
uncertain reliability supply. In addition, the plant with HSD fuel and steam still
not sufficient the needs of electricity. To meet the electricity needs until 2026
period, it has planned to build several power plants with total capacity about
321 MW.

Table 2.2 Power Plant Development Planning List

No. Project Type Capacity (MW) POD

1 MPP Manokwari PLTG/MG 20 2018
2 Kaimana PLTG/MG 10 2018
3 MPP Fak-Fak PLTG/MG 10 2018
4 Sorong PLTG/MG 30 2018
5 Sorong PLTG/MG 20 2019
6 Bintuni PLTMG 10 2018
7 Raja Ampat PLTMG 10 2018
8 Manokwari 2 PLTMG 20 2019
9 Fak-Fak PLTMG 10 2020
10 Kaimana 2 PLTMG 10 2020
11 Sorong 2 PLTG/MG/GU 100 2021/22
12 Waigo PLTM 1.3 2022
13 Sorong 3 PLTG/MG/GU 50 2025
14 Manokwari 3 PLTMG 20 2024
Total Amount 321 -
Source: Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) PLN

2.4. System
System is defined as a collection of objects incorporated in a regular interaction
and interdependency. Several components that establish a system are:
 Entity:
Entities or object studies in the system are object items that are
processed through systems such as products, customers, and
documents. Entities can have unique characteristics such as cost, size,
priority, quality or condition. Entities can be grouped into human or
animal (customer, patient, etc.), non-human (products, components,
documents, garbage, etc.) and intangible (phone calls, electronic mail,
 Attribute:
Attribute is a properties or characteristics of entities that specific
 Activities:
Activities can be interpreted as activities / tasks performed entities
within a certain period of time, can also be viewed as tasks performed
in the system (either directly or indirectly) in processing entities.
Examples of activities are serving customers, cutting components,
repairing an equipment, etc. Activity takes time and requires a
resource. Activities may be classified as entity-processing activities
(check-in, product inspection, fabrication, etc.), entity and resource
displacements (forklift displacements, transit in conveyor belts etc),
and resource adjustment / repair / maintenance (machine setup, repair
engine, etc.).
 State:
State is defined as variable that give a description of status on system
in certain relative time against the purpose.

 Event:
Event is an event (instant) that can change the status of the system
(variable state). Endogenous event is an activity or event that occurs in
the system, for example the incidence of completion of a customer
service. Exogenous events are activities or events outside the system
(environment) that affect the system, e.g. the arrival of a customer into
the bank.
 Resource:
Resources is an object or equipment used in conducting an activity.
Resources provide support facilities, equipment, and labor to complete
a job. Resources typically have characteristics of capacity, speed, cycle
time, and reliability. Resources can be grouped as human or animate
(operator, doctor, repair officer, etc.), inanimate (equipment,
equipment, workspace, etc.), and intangible (information, electrical
power, etc.). Resources can also be classified as dedicated or shared
resources, permanent or consumable, and mobile or stationary.
 Delay:
Delay is a duration of time unspecified indefinite length, which is not
known until it ends.
2.5. Transshipment Model
Transshipment is a combination between transportation and deconsolidation.
Transportation is done during all the stages, from the source to an intermediate
storage location through to a final destination. Either the same vessel is used to carry
it to its destined locations.
The transshipment problem is a transportation problem in which each origin
and destination can act as an intermediate point through which goods can be
temporarily received and then transshipped to other points or to the final destination.
(Gass, 1969, 232)
Transshipment or Transhipment is the shipment of goods or containers to an
intermediate destination, and then from there to yet another destination. This logistics
operation could be also named as re-exporting. Transshipment has become an integral
part of the logistic strategy of many shipping companies. Indeed, from its origin to its
final destination, any given cargo might have transshipped three or four times.
Transshipment can be viewed as routing goods in such a way that would decrease
shipping costs, take advantage of economies of scale and improve the range of
services or routes offered to customers. In particular, transshipment services provide
shippers with additional routing options (especially towards final destinations at
smaller ports) and reduced transit times. Earlier, before the development of large
oceangoing container ships, transshipment was simply an induced operation when a
small part of the cargo on the board of a vessel had to be unloaded in an intermediary
port due to different destination of the main cargo on the board.
The level of transshipment through a given port or a country is in general the
result of strategic decisions made by the shipping companies themselves. In order to
satisfy the demands of carriers, transshipment ports need to satisfy a number of

 Availability of an array of high-frequency feeder services, connecting the hub
with its network of feeder ports
 Convenient geographical location with access to major trade routes and other
transshipment centers
 Efficient, highly productive and competitively priced port and terminal
 Availability of modern high-tech infrastructure (e.g., berths, gantry cranes,
container storage space) as well as equipment that allows for a quick
turnaround time of large vessels
2.6. Simulation
Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system
over time. The act of simulating something first requires that a model be developed;
this model represents the key characteristics, behaviors and functions of the selected
physical or abstract system or process. The model represents the system itself,
whereas the simulation represents the operation of the system over time.
Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology for
performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training, education, and video
games. Often, computer experiments are used to study simulation models. Simulation
is also used with scientific modelling of natural systems or human systems to gain
insight into their functioning, as in economics. Simulation can be used to show the
eventual real effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also
used when the real system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it
may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed but not yet built,
or it may simply not exist.
There are three type of simulation; discrete event simulation, static and
dynamic, and Monte Carlo. They were defined as:
1. Monte Carlo Simulations:
This type of simulation techniques is a simulation that sampling from a
particular probability distribution involves the use of random numbers.
Monte Carlo simulation is sometimes called Stochastic Simulation. This
technique considered using random or pseudo random numbers. It is
important to know what random numbers are. The example is when
tossing a coin, if coin is unbiased, probability of coming head is 0.5. This
simulation technique does not play time as substantial role, the
observations as a rule are independent and it is possible to express the
response as a rather simple function of the stochastic input variates.
2. Static and Dynamic Simulations:
Static model of simulation doesn’t consider time, so the model is
comparable to a snapshot or a map. A simulation of a system at one
specific time, or a simulation in which time is not a relevant parameter for
example. The example a model of the weight of a salamander as being
proportional to the cube of its length has variables for weight and length,
but not for time. Dynamic model of simulation is changes by the time. A
simulation representing a system evolving over time. The example is the

number of salamanders in an area undergoing development changes with
time and model of such a population is dynamic.
3. Discrete-event Simulation:
This simulation is a models the operation of a system in time. Each event
occurs at a particular instant in time and marks a change of state in the
system. Between consecutive events, no change in the system is assumed
to occur; thus the simulation can directly jump in time from one event to
the next. The example of this simulation is the fluid flow inside the pipe.
To solve problem about supply chain, several methods is developed. Discrete
event simulation and system dynamics will give as an understanding behavior of
systems over time and compare their performance under different conditions.
Discrete event simulation is mainly used to study and evaluate the detailed operations
of a supply chain in high level of accuracy. Discrete event simulation is more often
modelling system performance, inventory planning/management, production
planning and scheduling. While system dynamics commonly used to model issues
regarding information sharing, bull-whip effect and inventory planning/management.
2.7. ARENA DES-Software
ARENA is one of some software that can be used and have a specialty in
simulation including discrete-event simulation that usually using this software to
create a computer simulation of a system. Computer simulation is refer to methods
for studying a wide variety of models of real-world systems by numerical evaluation
using software designed to imitate the system’s operations or characteristics.
Simulation is the process of designing and creating a computerized model of a real or
proposed system for the purpose of conducting numerical experiments to give us a
better understanding of the behavior of that system for a given set of conditions.
Simulation models are start by create a system that will be simulated e.g. a
simple processing system. The simulation usually involves waiting lines or queue as
building blocks. Then after the system is create, the next step is deciding and
collecting the output performance measures. The output performance measures are:
 The Total Production is number of parts that complete their service at
the drill press and leave.
 The Average Waiting Time in Queue is a time in queue records that
only the time a part is waiting in the queue and not the time it spends
being served at the drill press. The average algorithm is:

𝑖=𝑙 𝑊𝑄𝑖

This is generally called a discrete-time or discrete-parameter statistic

since it refers to data. These are called tally statistics since values of
them are “tallied” when they are observed.
 The Maximum Waiting Time in Queue is a worst-case measure, which
might be of interest in giving service-level guarantees to customers.
Small is good.

 The Time Average Number of Parts Waiting in the queue is a weighted
average of the possible queue lengths weighted by the proportion of
time during the run that the queue was at that length. In integral
calculus terms, this is:

∫ 𝑄(𝑡)𝑑𝑡
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑢𝑛

Such time-persistent statistics are common in simulation. This

indicates how long the queue is (on average).
 The maximum number of parts that were ever waiting in the queue is
a better indication of how much floor space is needed than is the time
 The Average and maximum total time in system also called cycle time
is the time that elapses between part’s arrival and departure.
 The Utilization is defined as the proportion of time it is busy during
the simulation. The utilization is:

∫ 𝐵(𝑡)𝑑𝑡
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑢𝑛

Resource utilizations are obvious interest in many simulation, but it’s

hard to say whether they considered to be high (close to 1) or low
(close to 0).
Then the next are the Queueing Theory. The most popular queueing theory is
M/M/1 queue. The first M states that the arrival process is Markovian. The second M
is stands for the service-time distribution and here is also an exponential. The “1”
indicates that there’s just a single server. Most of the output performance measures
can be expressed as simple formulas, it is:
𝜇𝐴 − 𝜇𝑆

Where µA is the expected value of the interarrival-time distribution and µS is

the expected value of the service-time distribution.
For the expert user of ARENA there are some of algorithm that provided by
the software. The algorithm especially about probability and statistics that can be used
for simulating. For the probability algorithm, there is the random variables algorithm
that can be used to quantifying and simplifying events by defining random variables.
There are two basic forms in random variables, discrete and continuous. In this
research discrete event simulation is used, so here the explanation for the discrete
random variable.
1. Discrete
For discrete random variable, there will be a list of random possible values.
There are also some of the function that related to the discrete random
variables. First is the Probability Mass Function (PMF), the function that

gives the probability that X will take on each of the possible values. Here
is the function:

𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) = 𝑃(𝑋 = 𝑥𝑖 ) (2.5)

The PMF may be expressed in a variety different ways, a numerical list or

table, graph, or some kind of mathematical formula. Then, the second is
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), this function is a function that
gives the probability that X will be less than or equal to argument, here is
the function.

𝐹(𝑥) = ∑𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) (2.6)

𝑥𝑖 ≤𝑥

The next function is Probability of an event involving a discrete random

variable X that generally can be found by adding up the appropriate values
of the PMF, for instance,

𝑃(𝑎 ≤ 𝑋 < 𝑏) = ∑𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖 𝑠𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) (2.7)

𝑎≤𝑥𝑖 <𝑏

This just says to add up the probabilities of those x’s that are at least a but
(strictly) less than b.

Just as data sets have a “center” measured by the average of the data,
random variables have a “center” in a certain sense. The Expected Value
of the discrete random variable X is defined as

𝐸(𝑋) = ∑𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖 𝑥𝑖 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) (2.8)

This function is also called the mean or expectation of X and is often

denoted by µ or, if there’s need to identify the random variable, µx. This is
a weighted average of the possible values, with the weights being the
respective probabilities of occurrence.

The last thing, as the data sets have a measure of variability, so to do

random variables. The variance of the discrete random variable X is
defined as

Var(X) = ∑𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖(𝑥𝑖 − 𝜇)2 𝑝(𝑥𝑖 ) (2.9)

2.8. Economic Study
Economic Study can be defined as marginal analysis where the analysis will
examine the consequences of adding to or subtracting from the current state of affairs.
In this research the economic studies are conducted to assess the investments that will
be run. The determination of investments only calculate the capital expenditure and
operating expenses of the transshipment model in eastern part of Indonesia.
Capital expenditure is the total expenditure that incurred when a business
acquires assets that could be beneficial beyond the current tax year. Brand new
equipment or building is the example of capital expenditure that should be calculated
because it became an asset for instances. However, upgrade an existing asset could
be included in the capital expenditure because it will boost the value of assets for the
current tax year.
Operation expenses or operating expenditure consists of those expenses that a
business incurs to run smoothly every single day. These expenditure is used to help
the process of business and turning its inventory into an end product. Hence,
depreciation of fixed assets that are used in the production process is considered as
operating expenditure.

3.1. Methodology Flow Chart

3.2. Definition of Methodology Flow Chart
3.2.1. Determining Problem
This stage is an early stage to construct the thesis. In this stage, questions
and problems are being prepared specifically in order to determine the
specific objectives of this thesis. The content of the thesis is to overcome
the statement of the problems mentioned earlier and it will be done by
collect some information about the problems. Therefore, the purpose of
this thesis can be understood in this stage.
3.2.2. Literature Study
After the problems is raised, the next step is literature study with the goal
to explaining the review, give summary of the basic theory of this
research and give information related to this research. Since this thesis
is an implementation of some theories to reach a goal, various literature
of a topic is required to construct into one project. The study of literature
is done by reading papers, journals, thesis, media and literature books
that relates and able to support this thesis.
3.2.3. Collecting Data
After literature study has been done, collecting data is being performed.
A specific data as required in this thesis are being gathered in this stage,
these are:
1. Type, Capacity and Location of power plants
2. Size, speed, fuel consumption and capacity of carrier
3. Geography of Papua and Papua Barat
4. Location, facility and characteristic of LNG source

3.2.4. Demand and Supply Data Analyzing

On this stage, all possible scheme of LNG supply chain whether by all
modes of transportation is assessed with the current condition of sites.
Afterwards, distances between LNG suppliers, transshipment point and
power plants are calculated, also the distance between each power plants
for each possible modes of distribution. Daily demand of LNG for each
power plant is also calculated by converting its capacity with several
equations depending on type of power plants.
3.2.5. Generate Route Model
On this stage, determine the supply chain possible routes, round trip time
and total amount of LNG that have to be carried scenario using
transshipment models by considering the data of distances and daily
demands of LNG. Each scenario will be generated by qualitative
judgement of researcher by considering the available data. Afterwards
will be used to determine capacity of fleets, capacity of receiving
terminal and number of fleets required.

3.2.6. Considering Scenario
In this step, after have the model of the transshipment for the LNG
distribution in Papua and West Papua region, scenario will be needed to
make some possibilities for the distribution. The determination of some
scenario for each distribution model will consider the variation of
receiving terminal tank capacity, fleet combination for each route and
the level of inventory for each receiving terminal tank for signal to

3.2.7. Discrete-Event Simulation

a. Create Model in ARENA Software
Next step after analyzing scenario of LNG distribution is to make
conceptual model which is represent the scenario. Model is made in
software with modules that available which may vary in different
software. The model is simulated to assess whether the scenario is
acceptable when demand of LNG is increased over time, as follows
the increasing of produced electricity by power plants. Discrete-
event simulation is a tool to be applied in order to achieve the
b. Verification and Validation Model
Model verification is performed simultaneously with the running
model simulation process by ensuring that the model can run (not
error) on the model. While the verification is done to determine
whether the model is in accordance with the real system. The
validation process is done by performing a real output comparison of
the system with the output of the simulation model. In this research,
the validation is not needed because this model is not the real case
that already constructed.
3.2.8. Conclusion & Suggestion
Last stage is to make a conclusion from the whole process that have been
done before from the statement of problems.
From conclusions there is a suggestion that can be given based on the
results from analyzing to become the next project. So that the next
project can be better than this research.


4.1. Data Analyzing

4.1.1. Power Plants Identification
In this research, the power plants data is chosen based on Rencana
Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2017-2026. Power plants that used
for this research are power plants that use gas for the fuel and located in Papua
and West Papua Provinces. In the Papua and West Papua Provinces, there are
two types of power plant that fueled by gas, such as; Gas Power Plants and Gas
Mechanical Power Plant. The difference between that two types of power plants
is for Gas Power Plants use gas turbine to generate the mechanical energy which
is converted into electrical energy, meanwhile for the Gas Mechanical Power
Plants use internal combustion engine to generate mechanical movement that
converted to electrical energy.
Data of Gas Power Plants and Gas Mechanical Power Plants that already
constructed and still on progress or planned according to RUPTL 2017-2026 are
shown in table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Power Plants Gas Fueled in Eastern Part of Indonesia

No Project Type Capacity (MW) COD

1 Biak PLTMG 15 2018
2 Biak 2 PLTMG 20 2018
3 Biak 3 PLTMG 40 2021
4 Bintuni PLTMG 10 2018
5 Fakfak PLTMG 10 2020
6 Jayapura 1 PLTMG 50 2019
7 Jayapura Peaker PLTMG 40 2018
8 Jayapura 2 PLTMG 100 2020/21
9 Jayapura 3 PLTMG 100 2025/26
10 Kaimana PLTMG 10 2018
11 Kaimana 2 PLTMG 10 2020
12 Manokwari 2 PLTMG 20 2019
13 Manokwari 3 PLTMG 20 2024
14 Merauke PLTMG 20 2018
15 Merauke 2 PLTMG 20 2018
16 Merauke 3 PLTMG 20 2021
17 MPP Fakfak PLTMG 10 2018
18 MPP Jayapura PLTMG 50 2017
19 MPP Manokwari PLTMG 20 2018

Table 4.1 Power Plants Gas Fueled in Eastern Part of Indonesia

20 MPP Nabire PLTMG 20 2017

21 MPP Papua PLTMG 10 2018
22 MPP Timika PLTMG 10 2018
23 Nabire 2 PLTMG 10 2018
24 Nabire 3 PLTMG 10 2019
25 Raja Ampat PLTMG 10 2018
26 Sarmi PLTMG 5 2019
27 Serui 1 PLTMG 10 2018
28 Serui 2 PLTMG 10 2019
29 Serui 3 PLTMG 10 2021
30 Sorong PLTMG 30 2018
31 Sorong PLTMG 20 2019
32 Sorong 2 PLTMG 100 2021/22
33 Sorong 3 PLTMG 50 2025
34 Timika 2 PLTMG 30 2018
35 Timika 2 PLTMG 10 2018
36 Timika 3 PLTMG 20 2020
37 Timika 4 PLTMG 20 2022
Total Amount 970

The table above shown all power plants in Papua and West Papua region
to proceed the LNG distribution scheme. The least capacity demand is at 5 MW
in Sarmi power plant and the most capacity demand is at 100 MW in several
power plants such as; Jayapura 2 & 3 and Sorong 2. As explained in chapter 2
that government allocated LNG to produced domestic power plants and in this
occasion the source of LNG is supplied from Tangguh LNG Plant.
To analyzing the LNG demand in this thesis is furthermore conducted
by counting fuel consumption. To simplify the calculation, several assumption
is applied to estimate natural gas needed by power plants, there are:
1. Power plants consume 0.143 MMSCFD (Metric Million Standard
Cubic Feet per Day) natural gas for every 1 MW power rate.
2. 1 MMSCFD is equal to 46 m3 LNG.
3. 1 MMSCFD is equal to 1000 MMBTU (Metric Million British
Thermal Unit).
All of the power plants that analyzed will determined for the receiving
terminal location. Power plants which located in the same region will served by
one receiving terminal and known in this case that there is no receiving terminal
which only served one power plant. Subsequently calculation of LNG
consumption is the accumulation of LNG consumption at each power plants that
served by the receiving terminal.

Table 4.2 LNG Demand Calculation

Total Capacity Gas Cons. LNG Cons. LNG Cons.

NO Area
(MW) (MMSCFD) (M3/Days) (M3/Year)
1 Biak 75 10.7 492.9 179,892.9
2 Bintuni 10 1.4 65.7 23,985.7
3 Fakfak 20 2.9 131.4 47,971.4
4 Jayapura 350 50.0 2,300.0 839,500.0
5 Kaimana 20 2.9 131.4 47,971.4
6 Manokwari 60 8.6 394.3 143,914.3
7 Merauke 60 8.6 394.3 143,914.3
8 Nabire 40 5.7 262.9 95,942.9
9 Raja Ampat 10 1.4 65.7 23,985.7
10 Sarmi 5 0.7 32.9 11,992.9
11 Serui 30 4.3 197.1 71,957.1
12 Sorong 200 28.6 1,314.3 479,714.3
13 Timika 90 12.9 591.4 215,871.4
Total Amount 138.6 6,374.3 2,326,614.3

The table above shown that the total capacity of power plant in Papua
and West Papua Region is 970 MW are converted into LNG consumption for
daily requirement is around 6,374.3 m3 and for a year operation will required
around 2,326,614.3 m3 LNG to supply the power plants in this area. This amount
of LNG is not automatically considered as amount that will transported per round
trip, since the total round trip time of vessel that serves each power plant will
affect the total number of LNG to be transported and the path is affecting as well.
Later these numbers of gas and LNG amount will be considered to determine the
possible scenario of distribution, which demands of power is one of

Figure 4.1 Receiving Terminal Location

4.1.2. Fleet Identification

In this study research, fleets are needed to distribute LNG across Papua
and West Papua regions. Determination of this fleet is considered by several
factors. As the demand is considerably not so much at each receiving terminal
and each receiving terminal is spread around Papua and West Papua regions.
Range of ships size vary from 2500 m3 until around 35000 m3 that
categorized as small/medium scale LNG carrier. Several important aspects that
must be understand from ships are cargo capacity and draught during technical
analysis. There will be required data is gathered in order to calculate the
transportation cost. Those data are:
1. Cargo Capacity
Cargo capacity is considered because it will affect the amount of
LNG that distribute from one point to another point. In one trip with
higher cargo capacity, a ship will probably has longer waiting time
before assigned for the next trip, as LNG consumption at each point
is remain the same. However, a ship with larger cargo capacity has
higher charter rate and fuel consumption compared to smaller one.
2. Service Speed
Service speed will help to consider the round trip time as in the same
distance, a ship with higher speed will make a less time to travel and
compared to a ship with slower speed. but

3. Pump Rate
Pump rate are useful for the unloading process from ship cargo hold
to receiving terminal. The process is done by a pump installed
onboard. Pump capacity will affect unloading time and the roundtrip
time as well.
4. Daily Fuel Consumption
Fuel consumption will be considered as well because medium/small
LNG carrier is driven by internal combustion engine as prime mover
and required fuel which are either HFO or MDO. Fuel consumption
is a variable that affect the transportation cost in this research.
5. Charter Rate
Charter rate is considerably important variable in transportation
cost. This research is determined all scenario charter ship number of
charter rate of ship is mandatory.
The detail of ship particular is shown on table 4.3 below as refer to Ario
(2017) research and another source.
Table 4.3 Ship Particular

Parameter Amount Unit

Cargo Capacity 7500 12000 23000 m
LOA 117.8 152.3 151 m
Draft 7.15 6.7 8 m
Breadth 18.6 19.8 28 m
Service Speed 16 16 17 knot
Charter Cost 9500 15000 25000 USD/Day
Fuel Consumption 11 23 19.7 Ton/Day
Pump Capacity 450 600 850 m3/Day

4.2. Generate Distance Matrix

Ships are the only consideration mode of transportation of LNG for receiving
terminals that supply power plants in Papua and West Papua regions. After ships
chosen, inter connection path or route is generated. Then matrix distance of receiving
terminals and Tangguh LNG Plant is found out. The matrix distance of receiving
terminals and Tangguh LNG Plant need to be measured. The measurement of the
matrix distance is shown in the table 4.4 below.

Table 4.4 Matrix Distance

- X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14

X1 - 1140 1006 617 1356 238 2225 283 604 353 210 619 1608 1243
X2 - 286 1717 631 976 1516 1255 693 1461 1208 586 892 78
X3 - 1590 379 851 1261 1128 566 1338 1081 458 642 211
X4 - 1931 825 2805 872 1179 289 800 1197 2189 1827
X5 - 1189 1045 1466 902 1678 1426 789 427 560
X6 - 2076 328 440 563 289 461 1448 1087
X7 - 2350 1778 2555 2299 1675 762 1456
X8 - 722 611 192 737 1732 1356
X9 - 926 675 117 1165 665
X10 - 536 950 1938 1572
X11 - 696 1683 1319
X12 - 1059 517
X13 - 822
X14 -

X1 : Biak
X2 : Bintuni
X3 : Fak-fak
X4 : Jayapura
X5 : Kaimana
X6 : Manokwari
X7 : Merauke
X8 : Nabire
X9 : Raja Ampat
X10 : Sarmi
X11 : Serui
X12 : Sorong
X13 : Timika
X14 : Tangguh

4.3. Simulation LNG Distribution
The simulation for this modelling is simulated using DES Software
(ARENA). The function of this software is to simulate the logical process of LNG
distribution based on generating route and process. Inside the simulation process there
are some variable that will be used for simulating such as LNG demand variable,
transportation process variable and cost variable. This three kind of variable, will be
the main variable in simulating the LNG distribution to the power plants in Papua and
West Papua provinces. The LNG demand variable and transportation process is used
to calculate and generating route, then cost variable just to calculate the investation
cost and operation cost for the LNG distribution model that has been made. For
example, is calculating the voyage cost, that should be known the round trip sail
duration, fuel consumption and fuel rate. Round trip sail duration can be collect from
the calculation of the distance between supply to transshipment point or
transshipment point to each receiving terminal, vessel service speed and also vessel
unloading duration.
To make the LNG distribution, the main variable for power plants are the
LNG refinery, LNG vessel also the power plant itself. LNG refinery is the supply unit
that provide LNG to be distributed and then will be used as the fuel for the power
plants. LNG vessel is the transportation unit, to transport LNG from the supply unit
and will distribute to each power plant by receiving terminal to collect the LNG.
Meanwhile the power plant will become the demand unit that need LNG for their fuel
to produce electricity.
These main variable should be identified so can earn to calculate the
transportation cost. LNG refinery data must be identified to calculate the distance
between LNG refinery with each receiving terminal. LNG refinery production
capacity is needed to know the production is fulfilled the demand from all power
plant that will be served. LNG vessel data that needed to be identified are tank
capacity, vessel speed, pump rate in the vessel, fuel consumption and vessel charter
rate. The data of vessels already explained in the last chapter. Demand power plant
data that needed to identified are the location and the power capacity from the power
plant. Power plant location can be used to help consider the location of receiving
terminal and power capacity of power plant is used to help consider the demand of
LNG every day.

From the main variable, identify the data are needed and connected so can
earn the derived variables that is transportation economy cost. Derived variables that
can earn among others distance between LNG refinery with receiving terminal,
possibility route, round trip sail duration, fuel consumption, voyage cost and charter
rate of vessel. The distance of LNG refinery and receiving terminal can be collect
after consider the receiving terminal and refinery location. For the possibility route
are considered based on the expert judgement which means generating route by the
logical way of thinking. Round trip sail duration can earn from the distance between
refinery and receiving terminal, vessel speed and also the duration while loading
unloading activities. Fuel consumption cost is calculated from the fuel daily

consumption of fuel and round trip duration. Voyage cost can be earned from
port cost charge and fuel consumption cost.

In calculating the transportation cost, the variables of transportation cost are

capital cost, voyage cost, operational cost and cargo handling cost. In this research
assumed to use the charter vessel, so the capital cost and operational cost can be
represented as the charter hire cost. However, the cargo handling cost can be not
mentioned because the cargo handling process is using the facilities that provided in
the receiving terminal, FSRU and LNG refinery.
4.3.1. Voyage Cost
Voyage cost is the cost that issued to transporting the goods from the
source or origin to the destination point. The variables to calculate the voyage
cost among others are fuel consumption cost and also the port charge cost.
Voyage cost can be calculated with summing up the fuel consumption for each
vessel that used to transport LNG in one round trip with some distribution are
multiplication function between the sail duration of round trip route with the
vessel fuel consumption.
Round trip day not only the duration time while the vessel is sailing or
usually called sea time route of vessel, but it also included the cargo handling
time in the port or usually called port time and slack time. Sea time is the time
that the vessel needs to transport the product through the distribution route with
the service speed of the vessel. Meanwhile the port time is the time that needed
while loading and unloading LNG process. LNG loading is done in the LNG
refinery and in the transshipment point, also the unloading LNG is happened
while the LNG is transferred from the vessel to receiving terminal and
transshipment point. The time of LNG unloading to the vessel is assumed with
the same time that use for LNG unloading in all capacity of LNG by using the
pump in the vessel.

Table 4.5 Round Trip Sail Duration Model 1 Calculation

Route From To Sail Duration (Days)

Tangguh Bintuni 0.25
Bintuni Sorong 1.88
Sorong Tangguh 1.66
Total 3.79
Sorong Manokwari 1.20
Manokwari Raja Ampat 1.15
2 Raja Ampat Fakfak 1.47
Fakfak Sorong 1.19
Total 5.01
Sorong Biak 1.98
Biak Serui 0.67
3 Serui Nabire 0.62
Nabire Sorong 2.36
Total 5.63
Sorong Sarmi 3.04
Sarmi Jayapura 0.93
Jayapura Sorong 3.84
Total 7.81
Sorong Kaimana 2.53
Kaimana Timika 1.37
5 Timika Merauke 2.44
Merauke Sorong 5.37
Total 11.71

The table above is shown the sail duration time for the round trip in each
route for the first model.

Table 4.6 Round Trip Sail Duration Model 2 Calculation

Route From To Sail Duration (Days)

Tangguh Bintuni 0.20
Bintuni Sorong 1.53
1 Sorong Jayapura 3.12
Jayapura Tangguh 4.76
Total 9.60
Sorong Manokwari 1.20
Manokwari Raja Ampat 1.15
2 Raja Ampat Fakfak 1.47
Fakfak Sorong 1.19
Total 5.01
Sorong Kaimana 2.05
Kaimana Timika 1.11
3 Timika Merauke 1.98
Merauke Sorong 4.36
Total 9.51
Jayapura Sarmi 0.75
Sarmi Biak 0.92
Biak Serui 0.55
Serui Nabire 0.50
Nabire Jayapura 2.27
Total 4.99

From the data that collect from the research before, the charter rate of
the vessel to calculate the time charter time whereas that known rate is the rate
of charter per days. In calculating the cost of vessel charter will ignore the
operational cost except fuel consumption cost, because the operational cost
except fuel consumption cost are certified with the owner of vessel. To calculate
the cost transportation in one year can be done by multiply the vessel charter rate
per day with 365 days.
4.3.2. Receiving Terminal Investation Cost
Receiving terminal investation cost is calculated for the initial
investment or usually called by Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and operational
cost for receiving terminal is called as Operational Expenditure (OPEX). The
calculation for CAPEX and OPEX is done with estimating the primary
equipment that needed for one receiving terminal and the operational in the
receiving terminal. In this research, there will only some of calculation of the
cost that affect and calculated for the CAPEX and OPEX such as, LNG storage
tank; LNG loading pump; jetty; office; cryogenic pipe and land investation for
the CAPEX calculation, but for the OPEX calculation there are the Energy Cost,

office building inventory, employee salary and accommodation, operating cost
and equipment maintenance cost.
Capacity of the receiving terminal are considered based on the sail
duration time of the vessel, vessel size and also the gas consumption for the
power plant every day. The higher power capacity that can produced by the
power plants will affect the gas consumption will become increase. Receiving
terminal should provide the gas, atleast same with the gas consumption that
needed by the power plant. However, the receiving terminal should have the tank
capacity that suitable with the demand of the power plant that served. Tank
capacity is depending on the duration time of the vessel in one round trip while
distributing the LNG. So there is connection between the time that needed to
distribute the LNG with the capacity that should be provided by receiving
terminal to collect the LNG. The longer duration for distribution, so it will make
the tank capacity become higher that should provide.
4.3.3. LNG Distribution Route Simulation
LNG distribution route simulation will be used the ARENA DES-
Software. Simulation process is only done to find the real-time results of
distribution design that already made by logical judgement. In this research, the
simulation has some considered parameter such as the type of vessel based on
the capacity for each vessel that will follow the demand that needed for each
receiving terminal. Route simulation will have deliberation with the vessel
capacity variable, vessel speed, distance of the delivery point, transportation
cost, the demand of power plants and the location of transshipment point. To
finish the problem of this LNG distribution after generating route, DES software
should be finish make the model.
To decrease the complexity in simulation process there are some
assumption are made, such as:
1. The service speed of the vessel is constant 16 knot
2. The simulation will not count the unsure real condition in the field
and the reduce time of the voyage is not counted.
3. Safety stock variable is decided as 7 days and 3 days only.
For the simulation of LNG distribution is made 2 models with 8
scenarios each model. The first model is considering 1 transshipment point and
the second model is considering there are 2 transshipment point. The figure
below will show the generated route to be simulated.

Figure 4.2 LNG Distribution Route Model 1


White Line : Route One

Pink Line : Route Two
Yellow Line : Route Three
Green Line : Route Four
Blue Line : Route Five

Figure 4.3 LNG Distribution Route Model 2


Yellow Line : Route One

Pink Line : Route Two
Blue Line : Route Three
Green Line : Route Four

From the two model above then the simulation model in ARENA
software are made. The logical model in the software can be seen in the figure

Figure 4.4 ARENA Logical Model (Model 1)

Figure 4.5 ARENA Logical Model (Model 2)

From the logical model in ARENA software to be simulated, there are

some consideration to make a scenario between these two models. The scenario
is based on the variation of receiving terminal tank capacity that used 3 days
safety stock and 7 days safety stock, fleet combination based on the description
in the last chapter and the inventory level to call the vessel to deliver the LNG.
The scenario can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.7 Scenario Consideration

Receiving Terminal Fleet Inventory Scenario

Capacity Combination Level Number
60% 1
Combination 1
50% 2
Variation 1
60% 3
Route Combination 2
50% 4
60% 5
Combination 3
50% 6
Variation 2
60% 7
Combination 4
50% 8

The result of the simulation in the first model above, can be concluded
that using the 3 days safety stock is not feasible technically because in 1 year
simulation of distribution, the inventory for some receiving terminal become
empty so it is not feasible technically. But for the 7 days safety stock, using 1
fleet combination with the considered inventory level are not feasible, because
the fleet is too small and it can’t reach the receiving terminal on time with the
LNG that the fleet transported.

In the second model the simulation result can be concluded that all of
the 7 days safety stock of inventory is the most feasible technically than the 3

days safety stock. For the details of receiving terminal capacity variation, fleet
combination that considered can be seen in attachment chapter.

Table 4.8 Model 1 Simulation Results

Inventory (days)
Sorong Manokwari Raja Ampat Fakfak Bintuni Biak
1 0 0 0 30 0 0
2 0 0 0 30 0 0
3 0 0 0 30 0 0
4 0 0 0 30 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 4.8 (Cont.) Model 1 Simulation Results

Inventory (days)
Serui Nabire Sarmi Jayapura Kaimana Timika Merauke
1 0 0 0 46 0 0 19
2 0 0 0 24 0 0 19
3 0 0 0 25 0 0 19
4 0 0 0 24 0 0 19
5 0 0 0 10 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 4.9 Model 2 Simulation Results

Inventory (days)
Sorong Manokwari Raja Ampat Fakfak Bintuni Biak
1 4 0 0 55 0 0
2 1 0 0 47 0 0
3 0 0 0 55 0 0
4 0 0 0 52 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 4.9 (Cont.) Model 1 Simulation Results

Inventory (days)
Serui Nabire Sarmi Jayapura Kaimana Timika Merauke
1 0 0 0 81 0 53 72
2 0 0 0 83 0 51 68
3 0 0 0 61 0 35 70
4 0 0 0 58 0 35 72
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The table above shown the amount of days that reach empty for each
receiving terminal. The amount is calculated in a year simulation, so for example
in Sorong for model 2, the tank capacity there reach empty for 4 days in 1 year.
That case made the route, scenario, variation of tank capacity become not
feasible technically to be created.

For this results, in the first model the distribution from supply to the
transshipment point is using 75,000 m3 capacity of vessel in altogether. But for
the second model, 100,000 m3 capacity of vessel that is used. It has to be done
to decrease the complexity between these two models.
4.4. Economic Study
Economic study that done in this research only include the financial
feasibility parameters such as the cost that spend for the operational activities in
distributing the LNG with LNG vessel transportation and also the LNG receiving
terminal investation. This research economic study is based on the assumption for the
price rate for each equipment and cost that needed for transportation of LNG from
the supply to the power plant as the demand point.
In this research economic study there are two variables for the consideration
to choose the feasible economically model and scenario. It only calculated these two
variables such as Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure
4.4.1. Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)
Capital Expenditure or CAPEX is all of the initial investment cost that
need to spend for project to start build the facilities in the receiving terminal.
This expenditure is amount of expense that occur once, which the value of the
asset is remain without depreciation. Capital expenditure changes in this study
mostly affected by size of receiving terminal capacity. These capital expenditure
is explained for each scenario that feasible technically to find the most feasible
economically for the model and scenario.

Table 4.10 CAPEX Model 1 Scenario 6

Investasi (CAPEX) Unit Item Price

FSRU Sorong Price Set 1 $ 100,000,000.00
Receiving Terminal Bintuni Set 1 $ 5,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Manokwari Set 1 $ 11,881,000.00
Receiving Terminal Raja Ampat Set 1 $ 5,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Fakfak Set 1 $ 6,481,000.00
Receiving Terminal Biak Set 1 $ 13,681,000.00
Receiving Terminal Serui Set 1 $ 8,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Nabire Set 1 $ 9,481,000.00
Receiving Terminal Sarmi Set 1 $ 5,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Jayapura Set 1 $ 55,681,000.00
Receiving Terminal Kaimana Set 1 $ 8,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Timika Set 1 $ 20,881,000.00
Receiving Terminal Merauke Set 1 $ 15,481,000.00
Total $ 265,972,000.00

Table 4.10 above shown that the capital expenditure of the first model
that use 1 transshipment point in Sorong that use FSRU that have 100,000 m3
capacity tank for the FSRU. The total of capital expenditure for this model and
scenario is US$ 265,972,000. The details about investation cost for receiving
terminal is shown in the attachment chapter.
Table 4.11 CAPEX Model 2 Scenario 5

Investasi (CAPEX) Unit Item Price

FSRU Sorong Price Set 1 $ 80,000,000.00
FSRU Jayapura Price Set 1 $ 80,000,000.00
Receiving Terminal Bintuni Set 1 $ 5,881,000.00
Receiving Terminal Manokwari Set 1 $ 11,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Raja Ampat Set 1 $ 5,281,000.00
Receiving Terminal Fakfak Set 1 $ 6,481,000.00
Receiving Terminal Biak Set 1 $ 13,081,000.00
Receiving Terminal Serui Set 1 $ 7,681,000.00
Receiving Terminal Nabire Set 1 $ 8,881,000.00
Receiving Terminal Sarmi Set 1 $ 4,681,000.00
Receiving Terminal Kaimana Set 1 $ 7,681,000.00
Receiving Terminal Timika Set 1 $ 19,081,000.00
Receiving Terminal Merauke Set 1 $ 14,281,000.00
Total $ 264,291,000.00

Table 4.11 above shown that the capital expenditure of the second model
that use 2 transshipment points in Sorong and Jayapura that use FSRU 60,000
m3 for the capacity tank. The total capital expenditure for this model and scenario
is US$ 264,291,000.
Table 4.12 The Summary of Total CAPEX Each Scenario

Description Total CAPEX

Model 1 Scenario 6 $ 265,972,000.00
Model 1 Scenario 7 $ 265,972,000.00
Model 1 Scenario 8 $ 265,972,000.00
Model 2 Scenario 5 $ 264,291,000.00
Model 2 Scenario 6 $ 264,291,000.00
Model 2 Scenario 7 $ 264,291,000.00
Model 2 Scenario 8 $ 264,291,000.00

In general, the total CAPEX at each scenario is shown at the table 4.12
above. It is affected by different selection of receiving terminal capacity for both
models and different amount of transshipment point that considered. When
variation of scenario changed the fleet combination and inventory level signal to
transport, the capital expenditure has no difference.
4.4.2. Operational Expenditure (OPEX)
Operational Expenditure or usually called OPEX is all of the cost that
spend to support the operational activities while distributing the LNG including
the expenditure for receiving terminal and transportation expenditure to
transporting the LNG from the supply to receiving terminal. Operational
expenditure in receiving terminal include the fuel and energy cost, manning cost,
maintenance cost and terminal operation cost. Also for the LNG vessel
operational expenditure is including the port charge cost and vessel operation
cost in all route. In this research the receiving terminal operational expenditure
is assumed to be the same price in total.
Table 4.13 OPEX Model 1 Scenario 6

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year

Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 811,944.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 66,733.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 86,513,650.00
Total $ 100,205,146.48

The table 4.13 above is shown the breakdown of operational expenditure
for the first model scenario 6. Charter cost and fuel cost is calculated and
summed up into the vessel operation cost in all route and it depends on ships
utility day. For the fuel price it is assumed as US$ 750 / ton.
Table 4.14 The Summary of Total OPEX Each Scenario

Description Total OPEX

Model 1 Scenario 6 $ 100,205,146.48
Model 1 Scenario 7 $ 83,771,190.48
Model 1 Scenario 8 $ 83,780,123.48
Model 2 Scenario 5 $ 56,951,111.48
Model 2 Scenario 6 $ 56,960,681.48
Model 2 Scenario 7 $ 53,444,686.48
Model 2 Scenario 8 $ 53,455,246.48

In general, the total OPEX at each scenario is shown at the table 4.14
above, that have differences between each scenario. It because of the fleet
combination that used to transport the LNG is difference type and charter rate
4.4.3. Total Expenditure
Total expenditure is an accumulation of all expenses taken during certain
period including the capital expenditure and operational expenditure. This
number is help to consider to choose the feasible model and scenario
economically and to be applied as recommendation in real life. Total expenditure
later will be beneficial for projecting investation of LNG distribution.
Table 4.15 The Summary of Total Expenditure Each Scenario

Description Total Expenditure

Model 1 Scenario 6 $ 366,177,146.48
Model 1 Scenario 7 $ 349,743,190.48
Model 1 Scenario 8 $ 349,752,123.48
Model 2 Scenario 5 $ 321,242,111.48
Model 2 Scenario 6 $ 321,251,681.48
Model 2 Scenario 7 $ 317,735,686.48
Model 2 Scenario 8 $ 317,746,246.48

The table 4.15 above is shown the total expenditure that need to be spend
for invest this LNG distribution each scenario and model. Also it can be seen
that the lowest expenditure is model 2 in scenario 7 with US$ 317,735,686 total
amount of expense. Meanwhile the highest expenditure is the first model
scenario 6 that have US$ 366,177,146 amount of expense.

Total Expenditure
Model 1 Model 1 Model 1 Model 2 Model 2 Model 2 Model 2
Scenario 6 Scenario 7 Scenario 8 Scenario 5 Scenario 6 Scenario 7 Scenario 8

Total Expenditure

Figure 4.6 Total Expenditure Graphs

5.1. Conclusion
Based on the data analyzing and simulation that already run in this study of LNG
distribution design, can make conclusions, such as:
1. The model is generated with 1 transshipment point in Sorong and 2
transshipment point in Sorong and Jayapura. From the transshipment point
is divided into 4 route in first model and 3 route for the second model. Then
the scenario is generated from the capacity of safety stock for 3 days and 7
days with 2 kind of fleet combination each variation.
2. Simulating using discrete-event simulation can be done in both model and
scenario by considering the receiving terminal tank capacity variation to
earn the receiving terminal cost and sail duration variable to earn the voyage
cost. The scenario is based on the inventory level as a signal for transport
between 50% and 60%.
3. The model simulation results are scenario 6, 7 and 8 in the first model and
scenario 5, 6, 7 and 8 in the second model never be empty in a year
simulation, but scenario 7 and 8 in the second model are the most feasible
economically for investation that have US$ 317,735,686 and US$
317,746,246 total expenditures.
5.2. Suggestion
After the simulation of LNG distribution design by considering transshipment
model for eastern part of Indonesia, suggestion that could be given for the next
research are:
1. When considering scenario, variable and parameter should find another
consideration variable and combine it to make the simulation more detail in
simulating a scenario. Besides that, considering a make sense scenario can
be make a good decision for the simulation.
2. In the next research analyzing economical aspects about the investment for
rate of return and NPV possible to be done to find more efficient and
promising scenario for this LNG distribution.

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Coral Methane
Cargo Capacity 7500 m3
DWT 3450 ton
Gross Tonnage 7833 tonnage
Service Speed 16 knot
Pump Capacity 450 m3/hour
Main Machinery 6700 BHP
Ship's Crew 12 Persons
Norgas Vision
Cargo Capacity 12000 m3
DWT 8200 ton
Gross Tonnage 11320 tonnage
Service Speed 16 knot
Pump Capacity 600 m3/hour
Main Machinery 8280 BHP
Ship's Crew 12 Persons
Surya Satsuma
Cargo Capacity 23000 m3
DWT 10580 ton

Gross Tonnage 20017 tonnage
Service Speed 17 knot
Pump Capacity 850 m3/hour
Main Machinery 10447 BHP
Ship's Crew 16 Persons
Unit Conversion
1 Million Ton Per Year 140 MMSCFD
100 MMSCFD 730000 TPY LNG
100 MMSCFD 700 MW
1 m3 LNG 21.2 mmbtu
1 MMSCFD 46 m3 LNG
Specific Gravity LNG 0.46



ARENA Software Model 1

ARENA Software Model 2

Model 1 Minimum Tank Variation Calculation

LNG Cons./ Per Safety Min Tank Safety Min Tank

Round Trip Stock 1 Variation 1 Stock 2 Variation 2
Sorong 4974.9 3942.9 8917.8 9200.0 14174.9
Bintuni 248.7 197.1 445.8 459.9 708.6
Manokwari 1976.6 1182.9 3159.5 2760.1 4736.7
Raja Ampat 329.4 197.1 526.5 459.9 789.3
Fakfak 658.7 394.2 1052.9 919.8 1578.5
Biak 2777.3 1478.7 4256.0 3450.3 6227.6
Serui 1110.6 591.3 1701.9 1379.7 2490.3
Nabire 1481.3 788.7 2270.0 1840.3 3321.6
Sarmi 256.9 98.7 355.6 230.3 487.2
Jayapura 17957.7 6900 24857.7 16100.0 34057.7
Kaimana 1538.5 394.2 1932.7 919.8 2458.3
Timika 6924.6 1774.3 8698.9 4140.0 11064.6

Model 1 Consideration Tank Variation

Route Location Variation 1 Variation 2

Sorong 66400 91600
Bintuni 800 800
Manokwari 3200 5200
2 Raja Ampat 800 800
Fakfak 1200 1600
Biak 4400 6400
3 Serui 2000 2800
Nabire 2400 3600
Sarmi 400 800
Jayapura 26000 34400
Kaimana 2000 2800
Timika 8800 11200

Model 1 Fleet Combination 1

Route Variation 1 Ship Capacity Amount

1 67200 100000 1
2 5200 7500 1
3 8800 7500 2
4 26400 12000 3
5 16800 12000 2

Model 1 Fleet Combination 2

Route Variation 1 Ship Capacity Amount

1 67200 100000 1
2 5200 7500 1
3 8800 12000 1
4 26400 23000 2
5 16800 23000 1

Model 1 Fleet Combination 3

Route Variation 2 Ship Capacity Amount

1 92400 100000 1
2 7600 7500 2
3 12800 7500 2
4 35200 12000 3
5 21600 12000 2

Model 1 Fleet Combination 4

Route Variation 2 Ship Capacity Amount

1 92400 100000 1
2 7600 12000 1
3 12800 12000 1
4 35200 23000 2
5 21600 23000 1

Model 2 Minimum Receiving Terminal Capacity Calculation

LNG Cons./ Safety Min Tank Safety Min Tank

Round Trip Stock 1 Variation 1 Stock 2 Variation 2
Sorong 12622.62 3942.9 16565.48 9200.0 21822.62
Jayapura 22089.58 6900.0 28989.58 16100.0 38189.58
Bintuni 630.99 197.1 828.09 459.9 1090.89
Manokwari 1976.63 1182.9 3159.53 2760.1 4736.73
Raja Ampat 329.36 197.1 526.46 459.9 789.26
Fakfak 658.71 394.2 1052.91 919.8 1578.51
Kaimana 1250.01 394.2 1644.21 919.8 2169.81
Timika 5626.27 1774.3 7400.56 4140.0 9766.27
Merauke 3750.98 1182.9 4933.88 2760.1 6511.08
Sarmi 164.16 98.7 262.86 230.3 394.46
Biak 2459.37 1478.7 3938.07 3450.3 5909.67
Serui 983.45 591.3 1574.75 1379.7 2363.15
Nabire 1311.76 788.7 2100.46 1840.3 3152.06

Model 2 Consideration Tank Variation

Route Location Variation 1 Variation 2

Sorong 36800 48400
1 Jayapura 37600 50400
Bintuni 1200 1200
Manokwari 3200 4800
2 Raja Ampat 800 800
Fakfak 1200 1600
Kaimana 2000 2400
3 Timika 7600 10000
Merauke 5200 6800
Sarmi 400 400
Biak 4000 6000
Serui 1600 2400
Nabire 2400 3200

Model 2 Fleet Combination 1

Route Variation 1 Ship Capacity Amount

1 75600 100000 1
2 5200 7500 1
3 14800 7500 2
4 8400 7500 2

Model 2 Fleet Combination 2

Route Variation 1 Ship Capacity Amount

1 75600 100000 1
2 5200 7500 1
3 14800 12000 2
4 8400 12000 1

Model 2 Fleet Combination 3

Route Variation 2 Ship Capacity Amount

1 100000 100000 1
2 7200 7500 1
3 19200 12000 2
4 12000 7500 2

Model 2 Fleet Combination 4

Route Variation 2 Ship Capacity Amount

1 100000 100000 1
2 7200 12000 1
3 19200 23000 1
4 12000 12000 1


Receiving Terminal Investation
Receiving Terminal
LNG Storage Tank US$/m3 $ 1,500.00
LNG Loading Pump US$(m3/hour) $ 75,000.00
Office US$ $ 77,000.00
Jetty US$/m $ 14,000.00
Cryogenic Pipe US$/m $ 750.00
Land Invest US$/m2 $ 151.00

Description Unit Nominal Cap. (m3)
Price Rate US$ $ 100,000,000.00 100000
Price Rate US$ $ 80,000,000.00 60000

Operational Expenditure Model 1 Scenario 6

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 811,944.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 66,733.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 86,513,650.00
Total $ 100,205,146.48

Operational Expenditure Model 1 Scenario 7

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 811,944.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 61,102.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 70,085,325.00
Total $ 83,771,190.48

Operational Expenditure Model 1 Scenario 8
OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 811,944.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 70,035.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 70,085,325.00
Total $ 83,780,123.48

Operational Expenditure Model 2 Scenario 5

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 768,582.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 61,710.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 43,308,000.00
Total $ 56,951,111.48

Operational Expenditure Model 2 Scenario 6

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 768,582.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 71,280.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 43,308,000.00
Total $ 56,960,681.48

Operational Expenditure Model 2 Scenario 7
OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 768,582.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 61,710.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 39,801,575.00
Total $ 53,444,686.48

Operational Expenditure Model 2 Scenario 8

OPEX Unit Item Cost/year
Fuel & Energy Cost Set 1 $ 768,582.00
Maintenance Cost Set 1 $ 775,000.00
Manning Cost Set 1 $ 1,462,300.00
Terminal Operation Cost/year Set 1 $ 10,575,519.48
Port Charge Cost Set 1 $ 72,270.00
Vessel Operation Cost (All Route) Set 1 $ 39,801,575.00
Total $ 53,455,246.48

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The Author’s name is Muhammad Satrio Nurrahman,

born on 8 March 1996 in Jakarta. As the second child
from three siblings. Derived from a normal happy
family with a Father named Dony Noerwahjono and
Mother named Yuniarti Nugrohorini. However,
fortunate have a formal education at Cikal Harapan
Elementary School BSD, then he continued his study
at Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School and
Labschool Kebayoran Senior High School. In 2014,
author proceed to pursue bachelor degree at
Department of Marine Engineering (Double Degree
Program with Hochschule Wismar), Faculty of Marine
Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
Technology Surabaya specializes in Reliability,
Availability, Management and Safety field. During the
study period, author did activities in campus organizations such as: ITS Billiard
(2014-2017), Lembaga Minat Bakat ITS (2015-2016) and RAMS Laboratory (2017-
2018). Besides, the author also had some practical experience in PT. Anggrek Hitam
Shipyard Batam (2016), Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. (2017) and Camar Resources
Canada Bawean (2017).

Phone/WA : +6281287580376
Email : [email protected]


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