Structures of Task 2, IELTS
Structures of Task 2, IELTS
Structures of Task 2, IELTS
Proficiency Ranking
1. Never performed this task
2. Awareness of activity, but never used it on a real project
3. Inconsistent use of activity
4. Consistently performed this activity successfully
5. Can teach others
Strategy Analysis
Analyze current state
Define future state
Assess risks
Define Change Strategy
Solution Evaluation
Measure solution performance
Analyze performance measures
Assess solution limitations
Assess enterprise limitations
Recommend actions to increase solution value
Underlying Competencies
Use the 3 point proficiency ranking below for these competencies and calculate an average.
Proficiency Ranking
1. Not proficient
2. Somewhat proficient
3. Very proficient
Proficiency Ranking
1. No awareness – You are not aware of what this activity/technique is used for.
2. Awareness of technique, but never used on a project
3. Inconsistent use of technique
4. Consistently performed this technique successfully
5. Can teach others