OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 1

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Electrical Safety

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 
Electrical Safety

Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
• Describe/demonstrate how to inspect electrical equipment before using it
• Recognize damage to cords and plugs
• Explain what to do if you find damaged electrical equipment
• Explain the importance of using a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) in wet or
damp areas
• Explain the risks and proper procedures to follow when a coworker or other person appears
to be shocked or in contact with live electricity
• Define lockout/tagout and explain how it protects workers

Time Needed: 60 Minutes

Materials Needed
• PowerPoint slides: Electrical Hazards (adapted from OSHA Office of Training and
Education and Hispanic Work Safe, University of Massachusetts-Lowell)
• Handouts: Electrical Safety and You (A)
What All Students Need to Know about Electrical Safety (B)
Electrical Safety Scenario (C)
• Optional Props: Examples of damaged cords or wiring
Ground fault circuit interrupter
Lockout device

Preparing to Teach This Lesson

Before you present this lesson:
1. Make copies of handouts A) Electrical Safety and You, B)What All Students Need to Know about
Electrical Safety, and C) Electrical Safety Scenario.
2. Familiarize yourself with the Electrical Hazards PowerPoint slides. There may be more slides
than you have time for so decide ahead of time which ones you will show
3. Collect examples of damaged equipment, GFCIs, and lockout devices for demonstration.

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 

Detailed Instructors Notes

A. Introduction: Why is this subject important? (5 minutes)

1. Discuss why this topic is important.
• Electricity can cause electrocution, burns, fire, electric shock.
• Electrocution is the third leading cause of work-related deaths among
16- and 17-year olds, after motor vehicle deaths and workplace
homicide. Electrocution causes 12% of all workplace deaths among
young workers.
• Many people come in contact with electricity in their jobs—either directly, like electricians or
engineers, or indirectly.
• Because electricity is so dangerous, it is important to know how to recognize hazards and
work safely around electricity.

B. Powerpoint and discussion (20 minutes)

1. Give students Handout (A) Electrical Safety and You and Handout (B) What All Students Need
to Know about Electrical Safety. Use the PowerPoint presentation, Electrical Hazards, to go over
the main points of the handouts.
2. Use the following questions during or after the presentation to ensure students are getting some
of the main points.
How does an electrical shock affect your body?
An electrical shock can affect your breathing, heart, brain, nerves and muscles. The body has
its own electrical system for breathing, nerve transmission and heart rate. An electrical shock
can shut off or “blow the fuses” in your body. When your body’s fuses are blown the heart
can stop beating or you can stop breathing. A fatal shock is called electrocution. You can also
receive electrical burns or fall due to a shock.
What should you do if you find someone who has suffered electrical shock?
The first two things are to call for help and shut off the source of electricity. It is critical to not
touch the person until you are certain that they are not still part of the live circuit. Otherwise
you could be the next victim. If it happens at school or work, call a teacher or supervisor and 911.
If the situation is at home or along a road, call 911 and do not touch any wires or power lines.
What possible hazards should you look for before using electrical equipment?
If possible, have students look for any electrical hazards in the classroom (or bring in
examples of equipment with damaged wire); ask them to demonstrate and explain what
they’re looking for. Some examples:
• Damaged wiring
• Proper grounding
• Working near heat sources, oil, or water
• Warning signs: very hot cords or plugs, minor shocks.

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 

What does grounding do?
Grounding provides a safe pathway for electricity to travel from the equipment or circuit to
the ground, preventing shock. The third prong on a plug is the ground prong---don’t remove
it. Double-insulated tools, identified by the words “double insulated” or “double insulation” do
not need to be grounded.
What are GFCI’s and why are they important?
A GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) detects very small amounts of current leakage
from a circuit to a ground and shuts the current off. It measures the difference between
current flowing to an electrical device and current returning from the device. It trips in as
little as 1/40th of a second when it senses a difference of 5mA For example, if there is a short
(current leakage) in a power tool, the metal casing can become “live.” A GFCI will cut off the
power before the user gets a serious shock. Note that other “overcurrent” devices, like circuit
breakers and fuses, are intended to protect equipment. GFCI’s are used to protect people.
Because water is a great conductor of electricity, some form of GFCI should be used whenever
someone is working outdoors or in a wet area. GFCI’s should also be used with extension
cords and other temporary wiring.
When should you make repairs to electrical equipment?
You should never try to repair electrical equipment yourself. If tools or cords run very hot, or
if you get a shock, or if the equipment is damaged, stop using the equipment and report the
condition immediately. Never use a 3-prong grounded plug with the third prong broken off.
What is lockout/tagout?
Lockout/tagout (LOTO) stands for procedures, required
by OSHA regulations, to prevent worker injury or death
from the unexpected activation or startup of machinery or
electric current, especially during service or maintenance
activity. “Hazardous energy” that could harm a worker
includes electricity and other forms of energy like mechanical,
hydraulic, and pneumatic. If all possible sources of energy
to machinery and electrical equipment are disabled,
unsuspecting workers will not be caught in machinery
or come in contact with live electricity while they are
repairing or otherwise servicing equipment. Lockout/tagout
procedures require two things:
1. An assigned person (the “authorized employee”) must
turn off and disconnect (unplug) the machinery or
equipment from its energy source(s) before performing
service or maintenance.

2. The authorized employee must either lock or tag the energy-isolating device(s) to prevent
the release of hazardous energy and take steps to verify that the energy can’t reach the point
where the work is taking place .

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 

C. Electrical Safety Scenario (25 minutes)

1. Give students Handout (C) Electrical Safety Scenario. Read the scenario
out loud.

2. Divide students into groups of 3 or 4. Ask each group to identify at least

three things that could have been done to prevent this death.

3. Bring the class back together. Ask for one idea from each group. Write ideas on the board or
on flipchart paper; add any that the students did not think of. Possible answers:

• If the circuit had been equipped with a GFCI, the current would have been shut off before
injury occurred. Equipment in wet or damp areas must be GFCI protected.
• Do not work with electricity in wet or damp areas without proper insulating protective
equipment. The recent mopping increased the risk of electrocution.
• If the breakers had been labeled, which they are required to be, the manager would have
known which breaker to shut off and would have been able to turn off the circuit more
• Exposed receptacle boxes should be made of nonconductive material so that contact with
the box will not constitute “a ground”.
• All workers must be trained about electrical hazards on the job and how to work safely
around these hazards, before they start a job. Workers need to know that if an electrical
injury occurs they shouldn’t touch the victim or the electrical equipment until the current
has been shut off.

The following OSHA and State of Washington L&I-DOSH-WISHA codes correspond to

information in this unit:

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.301 Electrical Safety

L&I DOSH WISHA WAC 296-800-280 Electrical, Basic Requirements (Core Rules)

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 

Glossary of Electrical Terms
(from Electrical Safety Student Manual, NIOSH publication no. 2002-123)
ampacity - maximum amount of current a wire can carry safely without over-heating
amperage - strength of an electrical current, measured in amperes
ampere (amp) - unit used to measure current
arc-blast - explosive release of molten material from equipment caused by high-amperage arcs
arcing - luminous electrical discharge (bright, electrical sparking) through the air that occurs when
high voltages exist across a gap between conductors
AWG - American Wire Gauge-measure of wire size
bonding - joining electrical parts to assure a conductive path
bonding jumper - conductor used to connect parts to be bonded
circuit - complete path for the flow of current
circuit breaker - overcurrent protection device that automatically shuts off the current in a circuit if
an overload occurs
conductor - material in which an electrical current moves easily
CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation-emergency procedure that involves giving artificial breathing and
heart massage to someone who is not breathing or does not have a pulse (requires special training)
current - movement of electrical charge
de-energize - shutting off the energy sources to circuits and equipment and depleting any stored energy
double-insulated - equipment with two insulation barriers and no exposed metal parts
energized (live, “hot”) - similar terms meaning that a voltage is present that can cause a current, so
there is a possibility of getting shocked
fault current - any current that is not in its intended path
fixed wiring - permanent wiring installed in homes and other buildings
flexible wiring - cables with insulated and stranded wire that bends easily
fuse - overcurrent protection device that has an internal part that melts and shuts off the current in a
circuit if there is an overload
GFCI - ground fault circuit interrupter-a device that detects current leakage from a circuit to ground
and shuts the current off
ground - physical electrical connection to the earth
ground fault - loss of current from a circuit to a ground connection
ground potential - voltage a grounded part should have; 0 volts relative to ground
guarding - covering or barrier that separates you from live electrical parts
insulation - material that does not conduct electricity easily
leakage current - current that does not return through the intended path, but instead “leaks” to ground
lock-out - applying a physical lock to the energy sources of circuits and equipment after they have
been shut off and de-energized

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 

milliampere (milliamp or mA) - 1/1,000 of an ampere
NEC - National Electrical Code - comprehensive listing of practices to protect workers and equipment
from electrical hazards such as fire and electrocution
neutral - at ground potential (0 volts) because of a connection to ground
ohm - unit of measurement for electrical resistance
overcurrent protection device - device that prevents too much current in a circuit
overload - too much current in a circuit
power - amount of energy used each second, measured in watts
PPE - personal protective equipment (eye protection, hard hat, special clothing, etc.)
qualified person - someone who has received mandated training on the hazards and on the
construction and operation of equipment involved in a task
resistance - material’s ability to decrease or stop electrical current
risk - chance that injury or death will occur
shocking current - electrical current that passes through a part of the body
short - low-resistance path between a live wire and the ground, or between wires at different voltages
(called a fault if the current is unintended)
tag-out - applying a tag that alerts workers that circuits and equipment have been locked out
trip - automatic opening (turning off) of a circuit by a GFCI or circuit breaker
voltage - measure of electrical force
wire gauge - wire size or diameter (technically, the cross-sectional area)

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 

Handout A
Electrical Safety and You
It is hard to think of any job today that does not involve the use of electricity.
Some workers, such as engineers, electricians, and people who do wiring, work
with electricity directly. Other workers, such as office workers and salespeople,
use it indirectly. Working with electricity can be deadly if not done safely.

Electrical Shock
Electrical shock occurs when electricity enters your body. You become part of an electrical circuit.
Electricity always seeks the shortest path to the ground. If you become part of that path, the electrical
current flows through you to the ground. It is the flow, or amount, of electricity (amperes) and the
length of time your body is in contact with the current that determine the amount of damage. The
strength of the electricity (voltage) affects the amount of current, but electricity can cause serious
injury or death at both low and high voltages.

How Electricity Works

Electricity is similar to water in a garden hose. Pressure is required to make the water flow out of the
hose. If there is no pressure, no water will flow. At the end of the hose, a nozzle may be added that
can turn the hose off. The pressure is still there but the flow is stopped. This is similar to the electrical
switches in your school, house, or workplace. When you turn off the light, the flow of electricity stops
but the electrical power is still there. The pressure of the electrical current is measured in volts.
It doesn’t take much current to kill. Just
75/1000 of an ampere (the amount of flow
necessary to light a Christmas tree light) can
kill you if it passes through your chest.
An electrical shock can affect your breathing,
heart, brain, nerves, and muscles. The body
has its own electrical system for breathing,
nerve transmission, and heart rate. An electrical
shock can shut off or “blow the fuses” in your
body. When your body’s fuses are blown the
heart can stop beating or you can stop breathing.
A fatal shock is called electrocution.
Electrocution is one of the leading causes of death of young workers.
Contact with overhead wires is a common cause of electrocution. This can happen when people are
carrying ladders or poles or using equipment that is tall enough to touch electrical wires.

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 

Handout A

What Should You Do if Someone is Shocked by Electricity?

If you come upon someone who has been shocked by electrical current, do these things first:
• Disconnect the power source
• Call for emergency services or 911
Do not touch the person until you are certain the power is off and they are no longer part of the live
current path. If you touch the person, you could well be the next victim. You must not administer
CPR or first aid unless you know the power is disconnected and you are trained in these practices.

Electrical Burns
Burns can occur all along the path that current follows through the body, including where it enters
and leaves.

Other Electrical Hazards

In addition to electrical shock, contact with electricity can cause other problems. It can throw you or
make you fall. And, if you get an electrical shock while operating a power tool, you can lose control of
the equipment, which can injure you or someone nearby.

Electrical-related hazards that can cause electrical shocks, fires, or falls include:
• Inadequate wiring
• Overloaded circuits
• Exposed electrical parts
• Wet conditions
• Overhead powerlines
• Damaged tools and equipment
• Defective insulation
• Improper personal protective equipment
• Improper grounding.

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 10

Handout A

Proper grounding of electrical equipment helps prevent electrical shock. An ungrounded power tool
can lead to electrical shock, injury, or death if enough current passes through the body. Grounding
provides a safe pathway for electricity to travel from the equipment or circuit to the ground, prevent-
ing shock. The third prong on a plug is the ground prong—don’t remove it. Double-insulated tools,
identified by the words “double insulated” or “double insulation” do not need to be grounded.
A ground fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, is an inexpensive lifesaver. A GFCI detects current leak-
age from a circuit to a ground and shuts the current off. For example, if there is a short (current leak-
age) in a power tool, the metal casing can become “live.” A GFCI will cut off the power before you get
a serious shock. There are three types of GFCI:
• a GFCI receptacle
• a portable GFCI that plugs into a standard receptacle
• a GFCI circuit breaker
Because water is a great conductor of electricity, some form of GFCI should be used whenever some-
one is working outdoors or in a wet area.

Equipment needs to be grounded in any of these situations:

1. The equipment is within 8 feet vertically and 5 feet horizontally of the floor or walking surface.
2. The equipment is within 8 feet vertically and 5 feet horizontally of grounded metal objects you
could touch.
3. The equipment is used outdoors.
4. The equipment is located in a wet or damp area and is not isolated.
5. The equipment is connected to a power supply by cord and plug and is not double insulated.
(The third prong in portable tools and extension cords supplies grounding).

Adapted from Safety and the Young Worker - Student Manual, Workers’ Compensation Board, Northwest Territories,
Canada and Electrical Safety: Safety and Health for Electrical Trades Student Manual, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH)

What is Lockout/Tagout?
“Lockout/tagout” refers to specific practices and procedures to protect
employees from machine Injuries or electric shock due to the unexpected
energizing or startup of machinery and equipment during service or main-
tenance activities. “Hazardous energy” includes electricity as well as other
forms of energy like mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic. OSHA developed
the lockout/tagout regulation to prevent the deaths and serious injuries that
result from unsuspecting workers being caught in machinery or contacting
live electricity while they are doing repairs or otherwise servicing equipment.

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 11

Handout A

Lockout/tagout procedures require that:

1. an assigned person (the “authorized employee”) turns off and disconnects (unplugs)
the machinery or equipment from its energy source(s) before performing service or
maintenance, and
2. the authorized employee either locks or tags the energy-isolating device(s) to prevent the release
of hazardous energy and takes steps to verify that the energy has been isolated effectively.
Lockout involves the use of “locks to ensure that circuit breakers, switches, valves, etc. are held
in the “off ” position, or not operated until the person who has attached the lockout device, the
“authorized employee,” removes it. These devices can only be removed with a key or other unlocking
mechanism. Before the locks are removed and the equipment can be reenergized, everyone must
be in a safe position and accounted for.
Tagout involves the use of “tags” to warn others that a circuit breaker, switch or valve, and the
equipment that it is attached to, must not be used until the tag is removed. Because a tag only
serves as a warning and does not physically prevent the equipment from being started, it is much
less protective than an actual lockout device. Tags are supposed to be used only in conjunction
with other procedures that provide protection equivalent to lockout devices.

Adapted from Lockout/Tagout Factsheet, at:

Serving Up Safety, A Guide to Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Restaurant Industry at

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 12

Handout B
What All Students Need to Know about Electrical Safety

1. Keep tools and cords away from heat, oil, and sharp edges.
2. Do not use electrical equipment in damp or wet areas.
3. Do not use electrical equipment on or near metal ladders.
4. Be sure the control switch on equipment is in the “off ” position
before you plug it in or unplug it.
5. Disconnect tools and extension cords by holding the plug—not
the cord.
6. Never use a 3-prong grounded plug with the 3rd prong broken off. Always plug a 3-prong
plug into a properly installed 3-prong socket.
7. Use a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) when using portable tools.
8. Avoid using extension cords. If you must use an extension cord, choose one with the same
ampere rating as the tool. Make sure the insulation is intact and that all connections are
tight. Make sure the cord does not create a tripping hazard.
9. Do not overload circuits.
10. If tools or cords run very hot or if you get a shock, report the condition to your supervisor
11. Report any damaged tool or equipment or one that gives off minor shocks to your
supervisor immediately. Report exposed live parts to your supervisor immediately. Do not
attempt to make repairs yourself.

Electrical Sockets with GFCI’s

Adapted from Safety and Health for Industrial/Vocational Education, NIOSH/OSHA

OSHA 11 Electrical Safety 13

Osha 11 Electrical Safety 14
Handout C
Scenario: Electrical Safety

An 18 year-old worker with 15 months of experience at a fast food

restaurant was plugging a toaster into a floor outlet when he received a
shock. Since the restaurant was closed for the night, the floor had been
mopped about 10 minutes before. The restaurant manager heard the
worker scream and investigated. The worker was found with one hand on
the plug and the other hand grasping the metal receptacle box. His face
was pressed against the top of the outlet. The manager tried to take the worker’s pulse, but got a shock
when he touched the worker. The manager could not locate the correct breaker for the circuit. He
called the emergency squad, returned to the breaker box, and found the correct breaker. By the time
the circuit was turned off, the worked had been exposed to the current for 3 to 8 minutes. His pulse
was very rapid at this time.

By the time the rescue crew arrived, the worker had no pulse. Despite CPR, he was dead on arrival at
the hospital.

What could have been done to prevent this death?

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PowerPoint Presentation

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