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Electrical Drive System For Winding Shaper of Automobile Belt

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Electrical Drive System for Winding Shaper of Automobile Belt

Hu Chao, Cheng Xiangguang

Department of Electrical & Automation, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 3 152 1 1,China
E-mail:[email protected]

Absfract- To ensure uniform line arrangement and line velocity, starting time and braking time, and being able to
tension in line winding possess of automobile belt change the turning velocity with different sizes of the
manufacture, a new microcomputer drive system is model.
developed. It includes an industrial PC, a shaft speed 2) Regulating the wire tension, which demands fast
modulating system using an inverter, a step-motor control following to the desired tension value, and keeps stable
system for synchronous linear movement of line wheel, and tension during the whole winding process.
a line tension control system. Through the algorithms and 3) Having the winding head move synchronously with
programs, it can realize all control actions, and data the turning model, being able to chose the line span
r-cnrdin.;, retrieving rnd printing. according to different ppcs of belts, and arrmgin$ the
Keywords- Automobile Belt, Line winding, IPC, d e s uniformly.
Inverter , Stepper Motor, Tension Control. 4) Being able to arrange with single or double lines.
5 ) Maintaining an appropriate line tension when the
I . INTRODUCTION machine pauses to prevent the line from slip out of the
The production of the automobile belt ius shaping, winding head (wheel).
vulcanizing and slitting processes, and m o n g them 6 ) Having a control panel in the work site'so t i i x the
shaping is a key process which determine the quality of worker can operate the machine easily.
the belt. During shaping, after a circular model is 7)Displaying the various data of operation
wrapped by some kind of gum sheet, a special line winds automatically, recording them in a database, and
the gum model evenly. Then the winded model is retrieving and printing them when needed.
wrapped by other gum sheet again, and delivered to next The system (shown in Fig.1.) consists of an industrial
process-vulcanization. It is demanded that the line PC applied as the main controller, the data processor and
arrangement and line tension be uniform in order that the recorder, a speed modulating system of model shaft using
belt possesses high strength and endurance. Otherwise, an inverter, an angular encoder equipped on the axis of
the belt cannot endure big load if it lacks line owing to the model shaft, a step-motor control system for
uneven line arrangement; if the tension of lines is not synchronous movement of line wheel, a tension control
uniform, the line with highest tension will break first, and system, and a operating board. There are some interfaces
other lines will break on< by one. (i:i 2 boards), including ,V'D converters, counters,
Therefore. a new winding machine controlled by a programmable P W M generators, a 16-bit digital input
microcomputer system and driven by some electrical port, and a 16-bit digital output port, between the PC and
machines is developed. This machine can not only the controlled objects.
accomplishes line arrangement and tension regulation, The programming environment adopts VisiDAQ
but also alter the span of the line turns, chose single or window-based data acquisition and control software from
double line arrangement, record the line position while ADVANTECH company as the main and real-time
the machine pauses and restarts,' and stop automatically control tool, and Visual-BASIC as the supplementary
when reaching the terminal of the model. tool for data processing, recording and printing.
When started, the computer controls the inverter to
11. DESIGN TARGETS AND COMPOSITION OF THE SYSTEM drive an AC motor to turn the main model; and the
stepper motor and tension control system work
In accordance with work process, the design targets
synchronously. The steps of the stepper motor are
proportional to the output pulse number of the angular
1) Turning the circular model under proper turning

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Fig. 1 .The composing of microcomputer drive system for winding shaper

encoder, which is consistent with the rotation angle of the replaces the model shaft and encloses the gum covering,
model. Winding head is driven by a lead screw which is the model shaft should turn slowly forward and
rotated by the stepper motor, so it can move linearly reversibly. Here the function “jog” of the inverter is used,
parallel to the axis of the model shaft and arrange the line and the jogging frequency is set on 8Hz. When “FC” and
on the model spirally according to the demanded line “JC” is in high level, the motor jog forward; when “RC”
span. Tension controller obtains the line tension signal and “JC” is in high level, the motor jog reversibly. To
fi-om the tension transducer, and by comparing it with stop the motor quickly, a 150 Q brake resistor is
desired value, regulates the friction torque of a magnetic connected to the inverter, The computer program directs
powder brake equipped with on the axis of the line tube, the inverter to fulfill all control functions through the
realizing the tension control of the winding line. interface.



During winding, system must use different rotating il . Measurement of the rotated angle of the main shafi
velocities, starting time and braking time depending on When the model shaft rotates, its velocity and its
different sizes of model shafts. The model is driven by an direction are tested through an opto-coder and the
AC motor with power 4.7 KW, and an inverter is used direction discrimination circuit, shown in Fig.3. The
adjust the motor velocity which is set up according to the opto-coder outputs 200 pulses per turn and two signals A
size of the model. The control circuit between computer and B with 90 phase difference. Signal A is
and ths inverter is shown in Fig.2. When “FC” is in high differentiated to form spike pulse A’ through a 4.4nF
level, T1 and T2 conducted, and 24V voltage is capacitor and 10K resistor. When the shaft rotates
connected to terminal FW of the inverter, so the motor forward, signal B leads signal A 90” , so AND gate PI
begin to run forward. The velocity increases gradually outputs h o pulse while P2 outputs pulses. When the shaft
(about 20 seconds) to setting value. When the operator rotates reversibly, s i p a l B lags signal A 90” , so AND
gate PI outputs pulses while P2 outputs no pulse. The
signal pulses fiom PI and P2 are counted by the counters
on the interface board PCL-836, and the counted
numbers are relative to forward and reverse rotated
angles. Because there . is strong high tiequency
interference in the workshop, programmable filters are
used to filter the components with the frequency above
20K ‘ 7 k I : 4000Hz, so the counter number is accurately read-in by
GND - the computer.
I B. Synchronously drive of the lead screw
Fig.?. The control circuit between computer and the inverter The linear movement of the line head is controlled by

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4.4nF the rotation of a lead screw driven by stepper motor. A
special stepper motor controller is used, and the interface
l B u A ~is shown in Fig.4.
~ ~
The controller is supplied~ by a ~
220VAC power iource. It produces three-phase six-beat
6’ P2 5? pulses to drive the stepper motor. When CP has one pulse,
lUF1 the motor move one step. MC is the control terminal of
the direction, and high-level and low-level will make the
motor rotate in different directions. RST is “reset”
terminal, and low-level will make the motor lose power.
The computer controls these terminals through transistors

‘W and a SVDC power supply.

The PWM generator on the timerkounter interface
board produces pulse signal to CP, whose frequency is :
P 10-10 1 360 - 600P
F = -.-._.-
6O.1b.t L t 4 M-L.t.4
In the equation, r is the counter number per minute from
the opto-coder; M is the number per rotation of the

h opto-coder; L the winding line number per centimeter;

4 is the step angle of the stepper motor, the unit is
degree; t is the pitch of the lead screw, the unit is
Fig.3.The circuit for measure rotated angle
millimeter . According to this formula, the computer
sends pulses to the stepper motor controller, and the

synchronous control of the movement of line head Is
Uniform and proper tension of the winding line is a
key condition for successful winding, because it can
affect not only the tightness of the line, but also the
uniform line arrangement. Tension controller is
LE-40MTB-E made by Mitsubishi Company in Japan.
As shown in Fig.5, the computer controls the controller
Fig.4. The sketch map of stepper m o w controller by making the level of “OP” and “S!.” high or low

Fig.5.The sketch map of tension controller

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through two transistors. Two tension transducers (for
single line winding, only one transducer) are installed in
the paths of the lines and send tension signals to tension
Controller. By comparing tensions with the desired value.
_ _ _ _ _Internal
L-VisiDAQ ____- i ’
_ - _ _ _Structure
the controller regulates the torques of the line tubes and Fig.6. Data exchange between VisiDAQ and date record program
adjusts the tension using magnetic powder bra$es.
During the processes of changing line tube or model, under VisiDAQ real-time control software environment,
computer sets “OP” high, “SL” low, and the controller and data ar,e delivered to the data record grogram under
enters “stall” state whose tension is in a fixed value, so Visual BASIC environment through DDE-Dynamic
the lines are prevented from getting out of the winding Data Exchange, shown in Fig.6. The later completes the
head. functions of data receiving, storing relative data into a
When “OP” is low and “SL” is high, the control starts
database, and inquiring, classifying, printing, and etc.
to control the line tension in PID regulation manner. To
Through inputting the manufacture time or the serial
realize fast following the objective tension and desired
steady state accuracy, two groups of PID parameters are number, one can inquire and print the relative data, which
used. When the tension controller is just started, big is displayed both in the digit and curve forms.
proportion (Kp) and small integation time (Ti) values
are used, and the tension increases as quickly as possible.
When tension reaches an appropriate value, small This system was accomplished in Jan. 2000, and a lot
proportion (Kp) and big integration time (Ti) values are of same systems were used in Special Gum Belt
used, then line tension varies slowly and maintains Company of,Ningbo Henren Group and other factories.
stably. These systems successfully shape belts with different
To make the tension value from the tension transducer sizes, line spans, tensions by single or double lines.
accord with real tension, the system of the tension Through the application more than one year, the systems
controller and the transducer should be calibrated before run reliably and are high appraised by the us+ of the
proceeding. company.

Because of broking off the line, changing of line tube, Hu Chao, Fang Gang, Wang Yao. “The Measurement Method for
and abnormal tension, the system should be pause and Incremental Displacement Transducer by Using a Computer.”
continues to run after proper processing, thus forming an ACT4 Metrologica Sinica, Vol. 18. pp.289-293, 1997.
uneven line region. This region must be cut off in the
Hu Chao, ’The Computerized Automobile Belt Test Svstem by
later working procedure. It is also demanded to follow
Modulating the Motor Speed with Inverter,” Mechanical &
the quality of the line arrangement to the belt production
E/ectrlcal Engineering Magazine. Vol. 17. pp.67-68. 2000.
through analyzing th? data in production process. So all
the relative parameters, such as running state, line Lai Shouhong. “Microcomputer Control Techniques,” Beijing:
number, stopping and restarting position, tensions, model Mechanical Industrial Publishing House, 1999, pp.20-80.
belocity, turns and line position, should be recorded of Cnvlg Jiansheng, “Measurement & Conversion Techniques,”
whole process of line arrangement. Beijing: Mechanical Industrial Publishing House, 1995.
The system is controlled by the programs developed pp.150-180.

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