Norma AWS
Norma AWS
Norma AWS
An American National Standard
Specification for
Welding of
Stainless Steel
Tube and Pipe
Systems in
Sanitary (Hygienic)
Prepared by
AWS D18 Committee on Welding in Sanitary Applications
Approved by
AWS Board of Directors
This specification provides the requirements for welds in tubing systems in dairy and other food processing plants. The
document addresses qualifications, fabrication, extent of visual examination, acceptance criteria, and documentation
Note: The primary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for the ex-
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for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in
writing, to the Managing Director Technical Services, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL
33126 (see Annex A). With regard to technical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS stan-
dards may be rendered. However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving
them. These individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opin-
ions or interpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an offi-
cial interpretation.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS D18 Committee on Welding in Sanitary Applications. It must
be reviewed every five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommenda-
tions, additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and
should be addressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS D18 Commit-
tee on Welding in Sanitary Applications and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committee's response to
the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS Committee on Welding in Sanitary Applications to
express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are pro-
vided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the
American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
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COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-AWS DL8-1-ENGL 1999 0784265 0511559 840 9
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
0784265 05115b0 5b2 9
[This Foreword is not a part of AWS D18.1:1999, Specification for Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube and
Pipe Systems in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications, but is included for information purposes only.]
The formation of the D18 Committee was approved in October and November 1995 by the AWS Technical Activities
Committee and the Board of Directors respectively. The Committee was formed to respond to the request of the 3-A San-
itary Standards Committee for help in preparing welding standards for use in the manufacture and construction of dairy
and food product processing plants. The 3-A Sanitary Standards Committees develop and promulgate sanitary design
standards for dairy and food processing, packaging and handling equipment and systems. Several members of the D18
Committee are active members of 3-A, and the Committee has maintained liaison with 3-A.
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,
D18 Committee on Welding in Sanitary Applications, American Welding Society, 550 N.W.LeJeune Road, Miami, FL
Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may be obtained by sending a request, in
writing following the guidelines in Annex A of this document, to the Managing Director, Technical Services, American
Welding Society, 550 N.W.LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. A formai reply will be issued after it has been reviewed by
the appropriate personnel following established procedures.
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................ v ii
1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. References and Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 References ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Definitions..................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Qualification .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Procedure Qualification ................................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Performance Qualification ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. Fabrication............................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 Material Preparation ..................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Preconstruction Weld Samples (PWS).......................................................................................................... 5
5 . Visual Examination Requirements........................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 Extent of Examination .................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria...................................................................................................... 5
6. Documentation ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Anner A-Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Inquiries for AWS Technical Committees..................................... 9
pit. A surface imperfection the depth of which exceeds 3.13.2 Procedure qualification test weldments
25% of the smallest surface dimension, and whose shall be visually examined on all surfaces.
length does not exceed three (3) times its width. The destructive test sample preparation
product contact surface. Any surface that is exposed to shall be as required in ANSI/AWS B2.1, Annex B, ex-
the product or any surface from which materials may cept that bend specimens shall not be machined flat. The
drain, drop, or be drawn into the product. maximum radius at the edge of the bend specimens is
1/16 in. (1.6 mm).
sanitary (hygienic) applications. Those applications
where the metal surface condition is such that it can 3.13.4 If any test fails, the procedure fails, and a new
be cleaned to meet the requirements of food products. welding procedure qualification test shall be conducted.
termination. Completion point of a weld pass. Other 3.1.4 Acceptance Criteria of Procedure Qualifica-
terms commonly used are tail off, slope down, sign tion Test Welds
off and feather out. Visual examination may be conducted with
verification test (procedure). A sample weldment in- or without magnification. The results of visual exami-
tended to confirm that a WPS revision to a verification nation shall meet the acceptance criteria of 5.2.
variable meets the requirements of 5.2. After visual examination, two transverse
verification test (performance). A sample weldment in- tensile specimens, two root-end, and two face-bend spec-
tended to confirm the welder’s or welding operator’s imens shall be tested i n accordance with ANSVAWS
ability to meet the requirements of 5.2. B4.0, Standard Methods f o r Mechanical Testing of
verification variable. A variable in which a change as
described in 3.1.5 may prevent the weld from meeting Each tensile test specimen shall have a ten-
5.2. Such a change may be made only after success- sile strength not less than the following:
fully completing a verification test. (1) The specified minimum tensile strength of the
base metal, or of the weaker of the two base metals if
metals of different minimum tensile strength are used; or
(2) The specified minimum tensile strength of the
3. Qualification weld metal when the referencing document provides for
the use of weld metal having a lower tensile strength than
3.1 Procedure Qualification the base metal; or
3.1.1 A written qualified Welding Procedure Specifi- (3) If the specimen breaks in the base metal outside of
cation (WPS) shall be followed for each weld in sanitary the weld or weld interface, the test shall be accepted, pro-
applications. The welding procedure specification may vided the strength is not more than 5% below the speci-
be i n any convenient format provided all the welding fied minimum tensile strength of the base metal; or
variables of 3.1.5 are recorded. (4) If the base metal has no specified minimum tensile
strength, then failure in the base metal shall be acceptable.
3.1.2 The welding variables required to be addressed
for each procedure shall be those specified in 3.1.5. Bend specimens shall be bent in one of the
guided bend test fixtures shown in ANSI/AWS B4.0. For
3.1.3 The evaluation of procedure qualification test transverse specimens, the weld metal and heat-affected
weldments shall be as listed in through zone shall be completely within the bent portion of the
The actual welding variables used during the qualifica- specimen after bending. Bend test specimens shall be
tion tests shall be recorded in addition to the results of examined at a minimum of 1OX magnification. Bend
the destructive and visual examination. The welding pro- specimens shall have no openings greater than 1/16 in. i
cedure qualification record may be in any convenient for- (1.6 mm) or 1/2 T, whichever is less, where T equals the
mat provided all the welding variables of 3.1.5 and the base metal thickness qualified.
results of all tests are recorded.
3.1.5 Welding Variables. This matrix lists the weld- Procedure qualification shall be by standard ing variables required to be addressed on both the
test weldment as required in ANSVAWS B2.1, Speci- welding procedure qualification record and welding pro-
fication for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualifi- cedure specification. The types of welding variables
cation, except that the essential, nonessential, and found in this matrix are essential (E), nonessential (N),
verification variables of 3.1.5 apply. and verification (V) variables, as defined in 2.2.
3.2.2 Visual examination of standard test weldments Welders. A change in any variable listed
shall meet the acceptance criteria of 5.2.1 and 5.2.3. below from that which was used in a welder’s qualifica-
tion test will require requalification of that welder.
3.23 Bend specimens shall be bent in one of the
guided bend test fixtures shown in ANSi/AWS B4.0. For (1) A change in the welding process
transverse specimens, the weld metal and heat-affected (2) A change from manual to semiautomatic or vice
zone shall be completely within the bent portion of the versa
specimen after bending. Bend test specimens shall be (3) The deletion of backing (welding from both sides
examined at a minimum of 1OX magnification. Bend is considered welding with backing)
specimens shall have no openings greater than 1/16 in. (4) The addition or deletion of filler metal
(1.6 mm) or 1/2 T, whichever is less, where T equals the (5) The addition or deletion of consumable inserts
base metal thickness qualified. (6) A change in base metal except as permitted in
3.2.4 As an alternate to 3.2.3, radiography may be ANSI/AWS B2.1
performed for evaluation of performance qualification (7) A change in current type or polarity
test welds. The radiographic procedure shall be as listed (8) The addition or deletion of pulsing current
in ANSVAWS B2.1, Annex E. For acceptance, the weld (9) A change in the position from that qualified except
shall have no discontinuities exceeding 1/16 in. (i .6 mm) as permitted in ANSVAWS B2.1
or 1/2 T, whichever is less. Oxide islands shall not be (10) A change in the vertical progression from uphill to
considered relevant indications for this test. downhill or vice versa
3.2.5 The performance qualification shall remain in (i i ) A change in the thickness or diameter from that
effect indefinitely unless the welder or welding operator tested except as permitted in ANSI/AWS B2.1
is not engaged in the process qualified for a period ex-
ceeding six ( 6 ) months or there is a specific reason to Welding Operators. A change in any vari-
question the ability of the welder or welding operator. able listed below from that which was used in a welding
operator’s qualification test will require requalification of
3.2.6 Documentation should be maintained that shows that welding operator.
the qualified welder or welding operator has welded in (1) A change in the welding process
the six (6) month period listed in 3.2.5.
(2) A change from direct visual to remote visual con-
3.2.7 Verification performance test welds may be re- trol or vice versa
quired by the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representa- (3) A change in position except as permitted in ANSI/
tive at any time during the duration of the contract (see AWS 82.1
2.2). (4) The addition or deletion of filler metal
A welder or welding operator who fails the verification (5) The addition or deletion of consumable inserts
performance test may be retested using (i) or (2) below.
(6) A change in the base metal except as permitted in
(1) if a verification performance retest is permitted
AWS B2.1
without further training or practice, it shall consist of two
(7) A change from automatic to mechanized welding
consecutive verification performance test weldments for
each position failed. Both verification performance test or vice versa
weldments shall be acceptable for the welder or welding
operator to qualify. if either verification performance test
weldment does not meet the requirements of 4.2.2, the
welder or welding operator shall be retested in accor- 4. Fabrication
dance with 3.2.1.
(2) Provided that the welder or welding operator has 4.1 Material Preparation. Tubular products for use in
had further training or practice, one verification perfor- applications may be cut by any method that produces an
mance test weld for each position failed is permitted. If edge that meets the criteria of 4.1.1.
the verification performance test weldment does not 4.1.1 Material Preparation. Edges shall be cut
meet the requirements of 4.2.2, the welder or welding square. All visible heat tint, cutting flash, burrs, and
operator shall be retested in accordance with 3.2.1. dross shall be removed. Tube edges shall not be beveled
3.2.8 Performance Qualification Variables deeper than 10%of the tube wall thickness. Qualification with one WPS will also qualify 4.1.2 Joint Fit Up. Butt joints should Fit tight and be
for welding with any other WPS within the limits given in square around the tube circumference except as permit-
the following performance qualification variables, ted by the WPS.
4.1.3 Filler Metal. Filler metals shall not be used ex- nally. Internal examination of weld surfaces shall be per-
cept for field-fabricated fittings, and then only with the formed with a borescope or other device acceptable to
Owner’s permission. the Owner, and the weld surface shall meet the require-
ments of 5.2.3. Alternatively, the internal weld quality
4.1.4 Field-Fabricated Fittings. If a field-fabricated
may be verified by a procedure agreed upon by the ,
fitting meets the visual examination requirements of 5.2
Owner and the contractor.
in the as-welded condition then the fitting may be used
without additional conditioning. If the requirements of 5.1.3 Product contact surfaces of internal welds, such
5.2 are not met in the as-welded condition then the prod- as elbows and ferrules, that can be visually examined
uct contact surface of field-fabricated fittings shall be without special tools shall be visually examined. The in-
conditioned to exhibit a maximum Ra of 32 micro inch ternal weld surfaces shall meet the requirements of 5.2.1
(0.8 micron) when measured according to ANSI/ASME and 5.2.3.
B 46.1, Surface Tature.
5.1.4 Welds fabricated with the addition of filler metal
4.1.5 Tack Welds. Tack welds shall not be full pene- shall be visually examined on all product contact sur-
tration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. faces. The product contact surface of such welds shall
meet the requirements of 5.2.1 and 5.2.3.
4.2 Preconstruction Weld Samples (PWS)
4.2.1 Prior to any field welding on a project, each 5.2 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria. The ex-
welder or welding operator shall prepare three verifica- amination of the outside (non product surface) weld can
tion tests. Each verification test weld shall be visually ex- provide an indication of the quality of the inside (product
amined on all surfaces. contact surface) weld.
4.2.2 All surfaces shall meet the requirements of 5.2.1 5.2.1 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria for
and the inside surface shall meet the requirements of All Welds
5.2.3. Welds shall be full penetration.
4.23 Each PWS shall be permanently marked with the Welds shall not contain cracks, undercut,
welder or welding operator’s identification, and the PWSs crevices, pits or embedded or protruding material.
shall be distributed to the welder or welding operator, the
welding supervisor, and the Owner’s Representative. 5.2.13 Offset or misalignment shall not exceed
10% of the wall thickness as illustrated in Figure 1A.
4.2.4 Additional workmanship samples may be re-
quired during the life of the project by agreement be- 5.2.2 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria for
tween the Owner and the Contractor. Non-Product Contact Surfaces Maximum allowable concavity shall be
0.006 in. (0.15 mm) as illustrated in Figure 1B.
5. Visual Examination Requirements Maximum allowable convexity shall be
The requirements of this section apply to welds prior 0.012 in. (0.3 mm) as illustrated in Figure 1C.
to postweld conditioning. 5.2.23 Manual welds shall have a minimum weld
5.1 Extent of Examination face width of 2T where T is the tube wall thickness as il-
lustrated in Figure 1D.
5.1.1 Welders and welding operators shall examine
each weld they make. The start, termination, and width The weld face should be uniform in width.
of the weld shall be consistent with that of their PWS. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least
Supervisors shall examine a representative sample of 75% of the maximum face width as illustrated in Figure
each welder’s and welding operator’s production using 1E.
that welder’s or welding operator’s PWS to verify that The start, termination, and width of the
the work is satisfactory. The Owner’s Representative weld shall be consistent with the welder’s PWS.
should monitor both the welding production and the
welding supervisor’s examination practices. 5.2.3 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria for
Product Contact Surfaces
5.1.2 Outside surfaces of all welds shall be visually
examined by the contractor. Welds that do not meet the 5.23.1 Maximum allowable convexity shall be
requirements of 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 shall be examined inter- 0.012 in. (0.3 mm) as illustrated in Figure 1F.
(Dl (E)
1. The tube sample was prepared by making ten autogenous welds on the outside diameter of a 2 in. (50.8 mm) 316L stainless steel
tube. Welds on 304L tubing showed no significant difference in heat tint from 316L. The welds were full penetration welds. The torch
shielding gas was 9556 argon, 5% hydrogen [99.998 with <2 parts per million (ppm) of oxygen, moisture, and hydrocarbons] to assure
full penetration welds. The hydrogen addition to the torch shielding gas is considered to have no effect on the HAZ heat-tint oxide on
the inside surface. To provide varying amounts of oxygen in the backing gas a compressed cylinder of medical grade air was added to
99.998% minimum pure argon (<2 ppm of oxygen, moisture, and hydrocarbons) and the oxygen was measured with a calibrated com-
mercial oxygen indicator. The amount of oxygen in ppm in the backing gas was measured to be as follows:
NO.1-10 No. 3-50 No. 5-200 NO. 7-1 O00 NO.9-12 500
NO.2-25 No. 4-100 NO.6-500 No. 8-5000 No. 10-25 O00
2. The illustration should be used as a reference to identify the degree of heat-tint oxide by number and not to specify oxygen limits in
' the backing gas. The acceptable degree of heat tint can vary with different service environments. It should be considered along with
the economics involved obtaining very low levels of heat tint when specifying acceptable heat tint level welds.
The amount and visual appearance of heat-tint oxide can be influenced by factors other than oxygen, such as:
- High levels of moisture in the backing gas will increase the degree of heat-tint.
- Contaminates such as hydrocarbons, moisture, and some types of particulate on the surface prior to welding can influence heat-
tint oxide levels.
- Hydrogen gas in the argon backing gas can signifhntly reduce the amount of heat-tint oxide.
- The metal surface finish can have a varying affect on the visual appearance of heat tint.
Annex A
Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Inquiries for
AWS Technical Committees
(Nonmandatory Information)
[This Annex is not a part of AWS D18.1:1999, Specification for Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube and Pipe
Systems in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications, but is included for information purposes only.]
of the committee refers all inquiries to the chairman of Standard. The Board of Directors’ Policy requires that all
the particular subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the A W S Staff members respond to a telephone request for
portion of the Standard addressed by the inquiry. The an official interpretation of any A W S Standard with the
subcommittee reviews the inquiry and the proposed reply information that such an interpretation can be obtained
to determine what the response to the inquiry should be. only through a written request. The Headquarters Staff
Following the subcommittee’s development of the re- can not provide consulting services. The staff can, how-
sponse, the inquiry and the response are presented to the ever, refer a caller to any of those consultants whose
entire committee for review and approval. Upon approval names are on file at A W S Headquarters.
by the committee, the interpretation will be an official in-
terpretation of the Society, and the secretary will transmit
the response to the inquirer and to the Welding Journal
for publication. A6. The AWS Technical Committee
The activities of A W S Technical Committees in regard
to interpretations are limited strictly to the interpretation
A4. Publication of Interpretations of provisions of standards prepared by the Committee or
All official interpretations will appear in the Welding to consideration of revisions to existing provisions on the
Journal. basis of new data or technology. Neither the committee
nor the Staff is in a position to offer interpretive or con-
sulting services on: (1) specific engineering problems, or
(2) requirements of Standards applied to fabrications out-
A5. Telephone Inquiries side the scope of the document or points not specifically
Telephone inquiries to A W S Headquarters concerning covered by the Standard. In such cases, the inquirer
A W S Standards should be limited to questions of a gen- should seek assistance from a competent engineer experi-
eral nature or to matters directly related to the use of the enced in the particular field of interest.