Mobile Cloud Computing

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Research proposal

Mobile cloud computing

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Aim .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Research questions ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.Background, Motivation & Relevance ................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Literature review............................................................................................................................... 4
a) Research in Cloud Computing-An Overview ............................................................................... 4
b) An effictive privacy-aware authentication model for distributed mobile cloud computing
services without Bilinear Pairings. ................................................................................................. 5
c) Integration of Security Issues Cloud Computing Environment ....................................................... 5
d) Benefits and Challenges of Mobile Cloud Computing .................................................................... 6
2.2 Motivation .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Relevances ................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Scope, objective and risk .................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Smart Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Research Limitation .......................................................................................................................... 8
4. Research Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Research design ................................................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Research Approach ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Data collection method..................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Risk chart ........................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Ethical, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues ..................................................................... 10
5.1 Ethical Issues ........................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Legal Issues ............................................................................................................................. 10
5.3 Security Issues ......................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Professional Issues ................................................................................................................. 10
6. Schedule of activities ........................................................................................................................ 10
6.1 Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Monitoring and Controlling Table .......................................................................................... 11
References ............................................................................................................................................ 12


Student Name KF7028 Page no.

Mobile cloud computing uses the cloud computing concept having interconnection
with several devices in which some of them are mobiles. It can be used to provide
applications and services to mobiles having different inbuilt operating systems
enabling users to access its services and applications from anywhere. This paper will
give an insight about various techniques and mechanism used in mobile cloud
computing. It covers a general-purpose as well as application specific mobile cloud
computing. Generally, mobiles are used as a client but this paper also analyses
situations when mobiles can be used as cloud. Finally, it addresses some problems
and challenges associated with the mobile cloud computing technology such as data
privacy, security etc.

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1.1 Aim
The aim of this proposal is to make an analysis of mobile cloud computing
environment, making its management easy along with the assessment of its
associated risk factor. This proposal will help in understanding the basic concepts of
mobile cloud computing and its associated terminologies and will shed light on
various approaches to manage existing challenges and to further explore the
opportunities in mobile cloud computing.
1.2 Research questions
Question1: How do mobile cloud computing work?
Question2: What are the advantages of mobile cloud computing over cloud
Question3: What are the major challenges in mobile cloud computing and how to
deal with this?

2.Background, Motivation & Relevance

Mobile cloud computing is the latest advancement into the technological
development which is used to store, manage and process big data and applications
over servers using internet. It uses the concept of cloud computing and has several
interconnections with multiple devices in which some of them are mobiles. It has
been developed to meet the challenges of growing business needs, support and
addressing issues which were beyond normal IT capabilities and is also able to
deliver services and application facilities on clients mobile irrespective of the type of
operating system and geographical location. It eliminated the need of setting up a
specialized development and data centre unit and also seemed more efficient and
profitable for business organizations to store, manage and process data as well as
applications over internet by using a central server. However, there are some
challenges and risk associated with this which needs to be addressed to make it
more efficient, useful and secure.
2.1 Literature review

a) Research in Cloud Computing-An Overview

Cloud computing provides a model for hosting and delivering IT services over
internet and possess the capability to reform the existing IT and services and other
business organizations by providing flexible, scalable, efficient and swift start-up
features. Mohan/ Satyanathan (2015) stated broad network admittance, demand
based service, Self-sustained data collaboration, elasticity and service management
as five important properties and established PAAS, IAAS and SAAS as three service
models of cloud computing. In 1999, a cloud computing model was introduced to
facilitate several enterprise applications by the using a website which provided a
breath-taking path for the development and implementation of cloud computing into

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

industries. The author further discussed various types of computer architecture,
computing and service models and its associated terminologies. It has been
observed to be effective tool in cost reduction, providing storage and platform,
improved flexibility. However, some critical challenges subjected to data security,
backup facilities and high speed data connectivity requirement are also associated
with it. This paper has provided a base for understanding the basics of cloud
computing, various models, technical terminologies, security issues and challenges
associated with cloud computing. It has also drawn a detailed study model for
brokering services, paradigms of safe cloud communication depending upon their
characteristics and application.
b) An effective and privacy-aware authentication model for distributed mobile
cloud computing services without Bilinear Pairings.
Developing an effective and privacy-aware authentication service for Mobile Cloud
Computing (MCC) environment has emerged as an important challenge with the
rapid increase in mobile devices. Generally, MCC uses heavy bilinear pairings and
map-to-point hash operations for providing services to clients, which consumes
much time and thus affects the overall efficiency (Xion, L. et al. 2019). This paper
has provided a basis for constructing an efficient privacy-aware authentication
service model for MCC by the use of elliptical curve cryptography. And, since no
bilinear pairing and map- to-point hash operation is involved in the execution
process, the computational and communication has observed to be much better
efficiency than the existing related schemes. The authors further states that the use
of open wireless network in MCC environment results into greater vulnerability then
cloud-computing environment. It also addresses issues like invalid password, login
authentication required by users to access services and applications. The further
analysis helped in establishing the fact that the proposed model is capable to resist
security attacks and provides all the necessary safety requirements. Greater security
and effectiveness indicates that the proposed scheme is more suitable in an
environment using lightweight mobile devices.

c) Integration of Security Issues Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud computing is gaining a massive popularity among business organizations
because it provides a complete solution having software, platform for infrastructure
and services with minimum requirement of resources needed for its operation and
management. Tummala, et al. (2014) stated that service providers, users and
infrastructure is the three basic elements which sums up to form a cloud which
includes applications to be delivered to the client, a hardware and software setup to
deliver services. The authors have suggested the necessity of Cloud service
providers(CSP) which helps user in getting access to a communication channel
between different clouds. CSP’s are associated with framing a safe and efficient
schema capable of holding and sharing data. The authors further suggested the use
of Proxy service provider(PSP) as a mechanism to interface clouds which will help in
getting access and control over cloud in a multi-cloud environment to extend help in
providing efficient services to clients and any client can request for getting access
the data from any cloud. Some major challenges and risk associated with this model

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includes data security and privacy, complexity in system, inability to access
resources due to migration. It has help the end user to secure their password, files
and data uploaded on cloud.
d) Benefits and Challenges of Mobile Cloud Computing

Devices having internet connection using wireless network technology is going to be

used as one of the most important computational and communication tool for
ubiquitous computing purposes. According to Guha (2013), the introduction of latest
technological development has created a huge demand for data storage, process
and access which can be achieved by implementing cloud computing platform. And
hence, mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has appeared as the next developmental
step in the reformation of ubiquitous computing and personal communications
system. It helps in reducing the delay and performing heavy weight applications to
the cloud. The major challenge in MCC is the limitation in wireless bandwidth for
cloud connectivity services, energy as well as cost efficient in-network process and
other security provisioning process. Those applications which requires more
processing and minimum to and fro data communication will get the maximum
benefit from this cloud-computing platform. Mobile computing standard can also be
improved by increasing the bandwidth available for communication and maintaining
a continuous integration of the devices to the cloud for fast and energy efficient
implementation of various applications. This paper enlists the benefits and
challenges of using distributed computing method on mobile cloud platform to
discuss the possibilities of further developmental scopes and challenges in MCC.
Skill crunch: Providing a constant exposure to multi-cloud environment can be little
bit complex due to several technological stacks, fragmented management and
irregular model of consumption. For getting consistent exposure on multi-cloud
platform there is a need for swift and rugged integration and also an OS (operating
system) to reduce its complexity. According to Ko (2017) the inability and complexity
can hinder organizations to make proper utilization of multi-cloud platform and there
is a need to implement a cloud platform having simpler interfacing feature to assist in
integrating multi-cloud environment. The author further stated the need for a private
connection with network to address challenges related to connectivity and network
which further helps in ensuring uninterrupted service and management in multi-cloud
environment. For adopting a multi-cloud environment setup, greater mobility is
needed by organizations to ensure that the system and its applications are working
on accurate platform. The author also stated three basic skills required to work in a
multi-cloud environment. commercial skills and strategy making, data security
expertise and a multi-disciplinary view to as three main IT skills in this field.
ii) Security issues: This paper discusses all the leading factors and opportunities
associated with mobile cloud computing environment and provides an idea about
MCC with respect to its methodology, features, developmental scopes, motivating
features, advantages and benefits of MCC. Aery (2016), states mobile cloud as a
representation for the several mobile devices which is in connection with Internet and
the rapidly growing wireless network technology and also identified ubiquity and

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mobility as two leading factor in next generation networks which can provide a wide
range of personalized network services over several terminals and also modes to
access which has no location as well as time constraint. And, also helps user in
accessing data on platform using any operating system from anywhere across the
globe irrespective of its state (stationary or moving). The author further states that
the combination of ubiquities and cloud computing helps in creating mobile cloud-
computing having basic technical elements as centralized computing, several
services, and user specific applications as a utility to intended users. Mobile cloud
computing has been also stated as an extension in the development of cloud
computing technology.

2.2 Motivation
smartphones have the capability to run multiple applications and services
simultaneously and applications based on cloud are also readily available on phone
by making a connection between cloud storage and phone to upload and access
data. Mobile cloud computing uses cloud computing model to provide applications
and services to users. Cloud applications based on mobile can be used from any
location due to flexibility and speed through the use of the cloud computing power
and data storage ability.

2.3 Relevance
The main objective of the proposal is to conduct an analysis of mobile cloud-
computing environment and to address various safety issues and concerns
associated with this platform. Some issues are critical which may hamper the
security of the data that is being transferred from one another irrespective of client or
the sever side. The data transferred allows users to control many parameters of
information regarding how many users to connect at a single time, what services are
to be performed and so on. In spite of usefulness of these factors, these factors also
lay a negative impact on the data security which will also be researched.

3. Scope, objective and risk

3.1 Scope
It can be effectively used to meet the fast growing needs of the market and
organizations by providing a support mechanism to address challenges which is
beyond the normal IT capabilities. Since there is no requirement for any special data
and development centre, thus makes the whole process less complex, responsive
and highly efficient. Some key security issues will also be addressed and a proposed
mechanism to make it more secure and reliable.
3.2 Smart Objectives
This paper will provide a broad overview on mobile cloud-computing environment for
business organizations, challenges associated with this system, and will also provide
a proposed mechanism to reduce and control the complexity in managing a multi-

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cloud environment and making it more secure. Some of the key objectives of this
proposal are:

Objectives Specification Measurable Achievable Result Time

To Working Reviewing Working It will help in
understand principles and Journals, principles making an
the methodologies papers and and understanding
concept of Involved in works which methodology, about MCC
Mobile implementing has been challenges and its impact
cloud- MCC performed and on
computing environment, earlier in limitations organizations
challenges etc. this field and
To Layers of Research Various An overview
minimize complexity, publications types of about various
complexity Cloud and, case complexity, complexity
in MCC optimization studies factors issues and
and leading to evaluating
performance complexity parameters
parameters and can be
optimization determined
To Various Research Factors It will help in
minimize challenges and proposals, leading tofinding out the
risk and issues in Previous security major concern
challenges management works threats and
in MCC to and carried out critical challenges in
make it implementation in this challengesMCC and also
more of MCC domain and helps in
secure inductive finding out
research some
possible set
of solutions
Table 1: Smart objectives; Source: Self (2019)
3.3 Research Limitation
A qualitative research has certain limitations attached with it. The observations of a
qualitative research are not fixed and any modification or alteration into participants
or data will also lead to a change into the response. There is a contrary fact also
which states that sometimes a quantitative data can produce more accuracy as it
measures the output as number without much consideration on general predictions.

4. Research Methodology

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

4.1 Research design
According to Roller & Lavrakas (2015), a research design gives a description and
practical framework that can be used in gathering the research data properly. In this
paper the secondary research design will be followed; and thus, an analytical
research model will be suitable for the purpose. Also, to mark the issues and scopes
availability in multi-cloud environment, analytical research model will be suitable for
this purpose. It can be used to collect data from several source to get an idea about
the situation. In this situation, an analytical research will also help in finding the
associated problems, challenges and opportunities in cloud computing environment.
4.2 Research Approach
Deductive and inductive are the two type of research approach. In secondary
research, an inductive method will be more suitable to achieve the desired purpose.
An inductive method starts with reviewing concepts and literatures as well as work
carried out in this field in recent years and further moving towards observations in
research. In this situation, inductive model will help in understanding the multi-cloud
model, it’s working mechanism, complexity and problems associated with this
platform and will further help in framing some methods and corrective measures to
deal with existing challenges.
4.3 Data collection method
For conducting a qualitative research, interview, case study, standard books, journal,
article and surveys are some of the primary source of collecting data. For addressing
issues, challenges and scopes associated with the cloud computing platform,
journals, and previous research works will be used. Those things which are new and
has been published recently will be used for the purpose to deal with the originality of
the data.
4.4 Risk Log
Type Events of Likelih Imp Ris Risk Risk Risk Risk Comment
of risk risk ood act k monitorin managem revi owner
(1-10) (1- val g ent ew
10) ue Strategy date
Financ Leakage 5 9 90 Internal Understan Student A clear
ial of and ding instructio
confiden periodic about n about
tial data monitorin confidenti the
& g ality and importanc
informati awarenes e of
on can s confidenti
cause a ality and
huge loss its
to any consecue
organizat nces.

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

Techni Data 6 6 70 Impleme Data All Performin
cal misuse nting access associat g all task
data should be ed with care
security given to people
practices limited and
persons equipm
Securi Ransom 6 6 70 Identifica Preventiv Associat To be
ty ware tion and e ed updated
detection measures systems with
of and latest
possible devices preventiv
attacks e
Table 2: Risk log; Source: Self (2019)
5. Ethical, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues

5.1 Ethical Issues

At the time of collecting information from the available sources, identity of the
participants will be kept secret. They will be asked to sign a consent form assuring
their no objection for participation.

5.2 Legal Issues

The research will adhere to the guidelines prepared for the researches. Act of data
protection 2010 will be followed while conducting the research.

5.3 Security Issues

Database management system will be used to store and manage the collected data.
This will further help in storing and retrieving of data easy and secure.

5.4 Professional Issues

Privacy and confidentiality of individuals and participants need to be maintained to
avoid any professional issue. The data gathered will be stored as a reference material
for the research purposes only.

6. Schedule of activities

6.1 Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart drawn below includes complete planning, step wise flow and
timeline for project proposal.
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7
Choosing Research

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

Research Questions
Framing Proposal
Reviewing literature
Data gathering
Data Analysis
Creating draft
Final draft

6.2 Monitoring and Controlling Table

Task/ Plannin Planning Actual start Actual end Deliverable Reflecti

Objec g End ons
tive/ started
Initiati W1 n of
on of W2 objectives,
projec scopes,
t methodolog

Planni Collecting
ng of W2 W3 all relevant
Literat information
ure and data
Desig W4 W5 cal
n developmen

Evalu W6 W7 Inspecting
ation objectives,
& Outcome

Student Name KF7028 Page no.

Arey, M. 2016. Mobile Cloud Computing: Security Issues and Challenges.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science; Vol. 7 Issue 3,
Guha, Radha. Benefits and Challenges of Mobile Cloud Computing International
Journal of Simulation -- Systems, Science & Technology, 2013, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p15-
Ko, C. (2017). Solving the skills crunch of multi-cloud
Mohan, S. & Sathyanatha, S. (2015). Research in Cloud Computing-An Overview.
Roller, M. R., & Lavrakas, P. J. (2015). Applied qualitative research design: A total
quality framework approach. Guilford Publications.
Tummala, S. Ganapaneni, L. Jonnalagadda, A. Chanumolu, A. and Tyagi, M. (2014).
Integration of Security Issues in Multi Cloud Computing Environment. International
Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology (IJCSET) Vol 4, Issue
Xiongu, L. Peng, T. Peng, D. Liang, H. and Liu, Z. 2019. An Efficient Privacy-Aware
Authentication Scheme for Distributed Mobile Cloud Computing Services without
Bilinear Pairing. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 35,341 -360

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Student Name KF7028 Page no.

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