Ejerciciosturbinavapor PDF

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1. Steam enters a steady-flow turbine

with a mass flow rate of 13 kg/s at 600°C,
8 MPa, and a negligible velocity. The
steam expands in the turbine to a
saturated vapor at 300 kPa where 10
percent of the steam is removed for some
other use. The remainder of the steam
continues to expand to the turbine exit
where the pressure is 10 kPa and quality is
85 percent. If the turbine is adiabatic,
determine the rate of work done by the
steam during this process.

2. Separate streams of steam and air

flow through the turbine and heat
exchanger arrangement shown in
Fig. 2. Steady-state operating data
are provided on the figure. Heat
transfer with the surroundings can
be neglected, as can all kinetic and
potential energy effects.
Determine (a) T3, in K, and (b) the
power output of the second
turbine, in kW.

3. As shown in Fig. 3, hot

industrial waste water at 15 bar,
180°C with a mass flow rate of 5 kg/s
enters a flash chamber via a valve.
Saturated vapor and saturated liquid
streams, each at 4 bar, exit the flash
chamber. The saturated vapor
enters the turbine and expands to
0.08 bar, x = 90%. Stray heat transfer
and kinetic and potential energy
effectsare negligible. For operation
at steady state, determine the
power, in hp, developed by the

Ing. Nicolás Ortega Miranda ITESI Electromecánica

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