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PBK5 User Manual PDF

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The world’s 1st intelligent

digital breathing trainer SM

User Manual



1. Product Description................................................... 2 8. After Training........................................................... 20
2. Introduction............................................................... 3 8.1 Viewing Training Results………………..…...... 20
3. Precautions............................................................... 4 8.2 Deleting Training Session Results...................... 21
4. Quick Start Guide...................................................... 6 8.3 About the Training Results................................. 22
5. Basics....................................................................... 8 9. Modes.................................................................... 24
5.1 Charging............................................................. 8 9.1 Test Mode......................................................... 24
5.2 Buttons and Display Symbols.............................. 9 9.2 About the Test Results....................................... 25
5.3 Menu System.................................................... 10 9.3 Warm-up Mode................................................. 26
6. Before Training........................................................ 11 9.4 Cool-down Mode............................................... 27
6.1 Profile............................................................... 11 9.5 Custom Training Mode ..................................... 28
6.2 Setting Training Load......................................... 11 10. PC Connection and Software Installation ................. 29
6.3 Automatic Set-up.............................................. 12 11. Care and Maintenance ............................................ 30
6.4 Manual Set-up................................................... 13 11.1 Cleaning ......................................................... 30
6.5 Pacing Your Breathing....................................... 14 11.2 Blocked Valve Head......................................... 31
6.6 Disabling Pacing Guidance................................ 15 11.3 Storage........................................................... 31
6.7 Disabling Button Sounds................................... 15 11.4 Calibration ...................................................... 31
7. Training................................................................... 16 12. Technical Specifications.......................................... 32
7.1 Starting a Training Session................................ 16 13. Disposal.................................................................. 34
7.2 Holding the Device Correctly.............................. 17 14. About Inspiratory Muscle Training............................ 35
7.3 Breathing Technique.......................................... 18 15. Troubleshooting and FAQs....................................... 36
7.4 Using the Nose-clip........................................... 19 16. Warranty................................................................. 39
Large text version available at powerbreathe.com 7.5 Maintaining Your Breathing................................ 19 17. Customer Service Contact....................................... 40
1. Product Description 2. Introduction
Dear Customer,

Thank you for purchasing the POWERbreathe K5 electronic inspiratory-muscle trainer.

Mouthpiece USB Cable
Air Inlet The POWERbreathe K5 will make your breathing muscles stronger, leading to reduced breathlessness during exercise
Valve Head or activity. This applies as much to committed athletes as it does to individuals with respiratory illnesses such as COPD
Valve Head (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

POWERbreathe POWERbreathe The POWERbreathe K5 uses an electronically controlled, rapid-response valve to create a resistance to inhalation.
K5 Handset K5 Handset This strengthens the breathing muscles by making them work harder, in much the same way as you might use weights
to increase the strength of your arm muscles. As you breathe through the POWERbreathe K5 you will notice that you
gradually have to work harder to breathe in. This is the effect of resistance training acting on the muscles used to inhale
LCD Screen
(the diaphragm and ribcage muscles). When breathing out, there is no resistance and you can breathe out normally,
allowing the chest and breathing muscles to relax, naturally pushing the air from your lungs.

Charging LED The POWERbreathe K5 training resistance is specifically designed to match the dynamic changes in breathing muscle
strength throughout your breath and can automatically adapt to increases in your inspiratory muscle strength at the
Charge Socket
beginning of each training session. Results are displayed on screen following a training or test session, or can be
viewed ‘live’ using the Breathe-Link PC software supplied, allowing you to maximise your training performance.

Nose Clip The POWERbreathe K5 training regime of 30 breaths, twice a day typically takes only a few minutes a day and, used
properly, you should start to feel the benefits within just a few weeks. The POWERbreathe K5 can also be used to warm-up
Cradle and cool-down the breathing muscles before and after exercise.
Mains USB
(EU Version Shown) To make sure you get the most from your POWERbreathe K5, please read this instruction booklet carefully and
take time to get used to the exercises.

2 3
3. Precautions
The POWERbreathe K5 is suitable for almost anyone and will cause no harmful side effects when used properly.
Please read the following precautions to ensure that you use your POWERbreathe K5 safely and appropriately.

Contraindications: Caution: • Do not use the POWERbreathe K5 whilst taking part in other activities Electromagnetic Fields (EMF):
Inspiratory muscle training, such as training with POWERbreathe, creates a • If you feel light headed or dizzy whilst training with POWERbreathe, slow such as walking, running and driving The POWERbreathe K5 complies with medical standards regarding
negative pressure inside the chest, throat, ears and sinuses. You should not down your rate of breathing or pause until you have fully recovered • If you have a pacemaker or other medical implant containing magnets or electromagnetic fields (EN 60601-1-2). If handled properly and
use POWERbreathe if you have any of the following: • If you are suffering from a cold, sinusitis or respiratory tract infection, electronics, please consult with your doctor before using this product according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is
• A history of spontaneous pneumothorax (a collapsed lung that was not we advise that you do not use your POWERbreathe K5 until symptoms safe to use.
due to traumatic injury e.g. broken rib) have disappeared If you have any doubts about the suitability of POWERbreathe for
• A collapsed lung due to a traumatic injury that has not healed fully • Some users may experience slight ear discomfort when training with you, or you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor. Handling:
• A burst eardrum that has not healed fully, or any other condition of POWERbreathe, especially if they are recovering from a cold. This is • Do not drop, disassemble, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture,
the eardrum caused by inadequate equalisation of pressure between the mouth and Danger: shred, microwave, incinerate, paint or insert foreign objects into the
ears. If symptoms persist, please consult your doctor • Only use the mains adapter supplied (DCH3-050UK/EU/US/AU-0004) POWERbreathe K5
Intended use: • To prevent the potential transmission of infections, we recommend that • The adapter contains a transformer. Do not cut off the adapter to replace • The POWERbreathe K5 Valve Head is designed for regular cleaning and
• The POWERbreathe K5 is designed for exercising your inspiratory you do not share your POWERbreathe K5 mouthpiece or valve head with it with another plug as this causes a hazardous situation disinfection (see section 11.1) in order to maintain hygiene and correct
muscles only. No other use is intended or implied other users, including family members • The adapter transforms the mains voltage (100-240Volts) to a safe operation. However, the POWERbreathe K5 handset is not waterproof
• This product is not intended to diagnose, monitor, treat, cure or prevent • Whilst training with POWERbreathe K5 you should feel resistance to voltage (5V) and should not be submerged or exposed to liquids
any disease inhalation, but it should not be painful. If you should feel pain whilst • Make sure the adapter does not get wet
• The POWERbreathe K5 is not intended for use by persons with reduced using the POWERbreathe K5, stop immediately and consult your doctor • Do not use a damaged adapter
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, unless they have been given • Do not make changes to any prescribed medication or prescribed • Always unplug your POWERbreathe before cleaning
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person treatment programme without consulting your doctor
responsible for their safety • POWERbreathe is manufactured in a hygienic environment. However,
• Anyone who is under the age of 16 should only use the POWERbreathe K5 POWERbreathe is not provided sterile – we recommend that you clean
with supervision from an adult the mouthpiece prior to use
• The POWERbreathe K5 contains small parts and is not suitable for
children under 7 years

4 5
4. Quick Start Guide
The quick start section is provided for quick reference only. We recommend that you read the full
manual before starting training for the first time.

1. Recharge 2. Power on 3. Start the training mode 4. Inhale as hard, as fast and as 5. View results 6. Clean the valve head
Plug in the mini-USB charger provided. Press and hold the button for Ensure that the mouthpiece and valve head deeply as possible Once you have completed 30 breaths, the Once you have completed your training
Leave to charge fully for 16 hours – the red approximately 1 second. Pause and wait for are located correctly on the handset, as Inhale as quickly and as deeply as possible (results) menu will automatically be session, remove the valve head and soak
LED will switch off when the device the screen to appear. shown in section 7.1. Press from the through the mouthpiece. Now breathe out displayed. Scroll between the different results it in warm water. Now rinse the valve head
is fully charged. screen to select . slowly until your lungs feel completely empty options ( , , , thoroughly under warm running water then
i The first time you switch on the device then pause until you hear a beep (you may ) using the button, then press leave on a clean towel to dry.
you will be asked to enter your personal remove the POWERbreathe from your mouth to view the highlighted result.
details before continuing during exhalation if you prefer). Repeat for 30 i See section 11.1 for detailed cleaning
complete breaths. i See section 8.1 for detailed information on instructions
viewing training results
i See section 7.3 for detailed information
on breathing technique

6 7
5. Basics 5.2 Buttons and Display Symbols

5.1 Charging
Remove the POWERbreathe K5 and power adapter from the packaging. For portable use, recharge your POWERbreathe K5 by following the
instructions below. Alternatively, the POWERbreathe K5 may be used whilst connected to the mains using the power/charge adapter provided. Display symbols:

Automatic Load Set-up

1. Plug the USB cable into the adapter 4. Once the red charging light has switched off (up to 16 hours),
and then plug the adapter into a suitable remove the power adapter from the wall socket and from the base of Manual Load Set-up
wall socket. the unit. Now replace the charging socket cover in the base of the
unit. Your POWERbreathe K5 is now ready for portable use.
Button Sound On
i The POWERbreathe K5 may also be charged from a PC or
Button Sound Off
laptop using the USB to mini-USB adapter cable provided.

2. Pull out the charging socket cover from Battery low warning: Power Scroll
Battery Fully Charged
the base of the unit. Recharge the battery again when the battery level indicator shows On /Select Charge
empty or when the battery low warning screen is displayed. LED Battery Empty

battery level indicator To switch on your POWERbreathe K5, press and hold Mains Power Connected
(empty) the button for 1 second or more. To turn off your
POWERbreathe K5 scroll to the option under the
3. Plug the other end of the USB cable into Number of breaths remaining
screen using the button and select by pressing
the base of the unit. The red charging LED Battery low warning in current breathing session
the button. Alternatively, the POWERbreathe K5 will
will switch on to indicate that the device screen
switch off automatically after 5 minutes of not being used.
is charging.

8 9
5.3 Menu System 6. Before Training
POWERbreathe K5 uses an LCD menu system to navigate between different settings and to view training results.
Use the button to move between different options and use the button to select the highlighted option. Scroll past the 6.1 Profile
last option within a screen using the button in order to return to the previous screen. When you turn-on your POWERbreathe K5 for the first time you will be prompted to enter the units of measurement ( ), your age ( ),
weight ( ), height ( ) and gender ( ). This information will be used to estimate your predicted inspiratory muscle
strength and to provide feedback on your performance. This information can be edited at any time by selecting under the


to return
to Start
Press Press Press
Press Press Press
to scroll to scroll to scroll
to Results to Options then then to select
to Off to scroll to to scroll to
set-up profile
Press to Press to view Press to Press to
enter training training or test access options shutdown
mode results and settings i Note: if you wish to change the units of measurement for your profile information, then select the option under the menu
then choose from or . This will not affect the units of measurement used for the results display.

6.2 Setting Training Load

The POWERbreathe K5 creates a resistance to inhalation (or load) that is equivalent to weight training for the muscles used to breathe (primarily the
diaphragm and ribcage muscles). As with any other form of weight training, the POWERbreathe K5 resistance must be set at a level appropriate to
the user in order to train these muscles effectively. For best training results, you should train at a level at which you feel you can only just complete
the full session of 30 breaths. Training should feel hard – the more effort you put into you training, the greater the results you will achieve. The
POWERbreathe K5 is equipped with two different methods for setting load: automatic ( ) and user specified ( ) set-up methods
(see sections 6.3 and 6.4).

10 11
6.3 Automatic Set-up 6.4 Manual Set-up
By default, the POWERbreathe K5 is set in the automatic set-up mode (indicated by the symbol ). When automatic set-up is Manual set-up allows you to set the training load yourself and to adjust this load manually as your breathing muscles
selected, the device will automatically estimate your load requirements at the beginning of every training session. Using this method, become stronger or as you feel necessary in order to maintain training intensity. Some users may prefer the greater
the device will adjust the training load every time you start a new session and as the strength of your inspiratory muscles increases. control of load intensity that this method gives.

Automatic set-up of this load takes place during the first two breaths of each training session. During these breaths there is no load Adjusting training intensity
and you should breathe in as quickly and as fully as possible to ensure that the POWERbreathe K5 can measure your maximum Once you have selected manual set-up mode you will need to enter the load at which you would like to train. In order to do
breathing capability – see ‘Breathing Technique’ under the ‘Training’ section of this manual. this, navigate to the screen by following the sequence below. Increase the training load by pressing the button
(press and hold to scroll rapidly, scroll past the maximum of 200cmH 2 O to start again).

Adjusting training intensity

When using the automatic set-up mode, you may find that the training load intensity is too high or too low, making it too hard or too easy for you to inhale
through the device. To adjust the load intensity, navigate to the screen by following the sequence below. Use the button to increase or decrease
the load intensity to an appropriate level. When in training mode, the load should be at a level at which you feel you can only just complete the full session
of 30 breaths satisfactorily.
Press Press Press

then press to select to increase or

to scroll decrease load
to manual intensity.

Press Press Press

When using the manual set-up method it may take some time to find your ideal training level. Try gradually increasing the load by around 5 to
to select to select to increase or 10cmH 2 O each time you train with the POWERbreathe until you reach a level at which you can only just complete a full session of 30 breaths.
decrease load Over time, as your breathing muscles strengthen, you will find that it becomes easier to complete 30 breaths at this level. Each time this
intensity. happens, increase the training level by about 5cmH 2 O to maintain the training intensity.

12 13
6.5 Pacing Your Breathing 6.6 Disabling Pacing Guidance:
This feature is for guidance only. If you feel dizzy or POWERbreathe is equipped with an adaptive pacing guidance If you are happy to regulate your own breathing patterns during a training session you may wish to disable the pacing guidance feature. In order
light-headed, try and slow down your breathing or feature, which is intended to guide the user to breathe at an to do this, navigate to the screen and select by following the button sequence below:
stop and take a break. Equally, if you feel you cannot breathe appropriate rate (see also section 7.3 Breathing Technique). This is
slowly enough to hear the beep, simply breathe at a rate which important in order to prevent dizziness from breathing too quickly
feels appropriate to you. (hyperventilation) during the breathing exercises.

Whilst breathing through the POWERbreathe during a training

session, you will hear an audible beep, which sounds a minimum
of 4.5 seconds after you start to inhale. Try to only start your next Press Press
inhalation once you have heard the beep. The beep will not sound then
In during inhalation or exhalation, only once you have completed to scroll to to select to scroll
your breath.

switch off

pacing guidance

If you have taken longer than 4.5 seconds to complete a full breath,

Pause at the then the beep will sound as soon as you have finished breathing
end of exhalation until beep sounds, out. In this instance you can begin to breathe in again immediately. 6.7 Disabling Button Sounds

and deeply
then repeat cycle If you have taken less than 4.5 seconds to complete your breath, Button sounds may be disabled by navigating to the screen and selecting by following the button sequence below:
pause, holding your breath until you hear the beep, or until you feel
Total time for the urge to breathe again, then begin to inhale. If you choose to
E x ha

1 breath = 4.5 seconds breathe faster than 4.5 seconds per breath, then you will not hear
or more the pacing beep.
le s

Aim to always breathe in as quickly and as deeply as possible, Press

lo w

but breathe out as slowly and deeply as possible so that the time Press
an Press

between inhalations is long.

dd then
to scroll
eep then to scroll to
ly to scroll to sound
to switch off
set-up sound

14 15
7. Training 7.2 Holding the Device Correctly
Make sure you are standing or sitting upright and feel relaxed. Hold the device with your hand cupped around the lower
When training with the POWERbreathe K5 you will feel a resistance to inhalation. This resistance is gradually introduced over the rear section of the device, with your fingers and thumb on the coloured rubber grips. Make sure that your hand doesn’t
first five breaths of your breathing session, after which, the full training resistance is reached. During each breath, you may notice cover the air inlet. Now place the device in your mouth so that your lips cover the outer shield to make a seal and the
that the resistance is highest at the start of inhalation and gradually ‘eases-off’ as your lungs fill with air. This is the effect of the mouthpiece bite blocks are gripped between your upper and lower teeth.
POWERbreathe K5 variable loading, which changes during the breath in order to match the changes in breathing muscle strength.

The recommended POWERbreathe training routine consists of 30 breaths, twice a day (once in the morning and once in the evening).
This adds up to about 5 to 10 minutes of training per day. Please follow steps 7.1 to 7.3 below to guide you through your training session.

7.1 Starting a Training Session

To start a training session, ensure that the Valve Head is securely in position, then select from the main screen.

Make sure not to

cover the air inlet

Press Number of
to select remaining
i On selecting ,
the valve will open and close
to reset the valve position.

16 17
7.3 Breathing Technique Try to complete 30 breaths using the breathing method described. The 7.4 Using the Nose-clip
first two breaths will feel easy, but as you continue to breathe in and out
POWERbreathe is provided with a nose-clip to help you to breathe
through the device you will find it gradually becomes harder to breathe
through your mouth rather than your nose. However, it is not essential
in. This is the effect of the training resistance starting to increase.
and some people find it more comfortable to train without the nose-
clip or to pinch their nose with their fingers.
The breathing exercises may take some getting used to and you
may need to pause for a short rest. You may also wish to remove the
POWERbreathe K5 from your mouth and check the number of breaths
remaining in your training session on the display screen. To resume
the training session, simply return the device to your mouth and start
breathing again. To quit the training session, press then select
by pressing the button again. Once you have completed 30 breaths
the POWERbreathe K5 will beep to indicate the end of the session and
the valve will open.

Breathe in as hard, as fast and as deeply Breathe out slowly

as possible Now breathe out slowly and passively through your mouth until 7.5 Maintaining Your Breathing
Breathe out as far as you can, then take a fast, forceful breath in your lungs feel completely empty, letting the muscles in your
Press After four to six weeks of training for 30 breaths, twice a day, your
through the mouthpiece. Take in as much air as you can, as quickly chest and shoulders relax. Pause until you hear the pacing beep
(see section 6.5) or until you feel the urge to breathe in again. If it breathing muscles should have improved substantially and you
as you can, straightening your back and expanding your chest as to select
makes you feel more comfortable you can remove the unit from your should feel less breathless during activity (see section 14). At this
you inhale.
mouth in order to breathe out, then return it to your mouth before you stage you will not need to use your POWERbreathe K5 every day to
i Inhalation is the portion of breathing during which training breathe in again. maintain your improved breathing. Using your POWERbreathe K5
Breathing against the training load should be challenging, but not painful. twice every other day will be sufficient to continue to enjoy a better
occurs. It is important to follow this breathing technique in order
It is important to breathe out slowly in order to prevent In order to achieve the maximum training benefits, it is important that this lifestyle and improved performance.
to benefit from improved breathing.
dizziness due to hyperventilation. If you start to feel light load is set at a level appropriate for your personal training requirements
headed, slow down or take a break. (see section 6.2). It is also important to use the correct breathing
technique to maximise the training effects and to prevent dizziness due
to hyperventilation.
18 19
8. After Training 8.2 Deleting training session results
Individual training session results may be deleted whilst in the graphical results display screen. Scroll to the session number that you wish to
8.1 Viewing Training Results delete using the button, press and hold the button for at least 3 seconds then select to delete the results for that session.
The POWERbreathe K5 Results system provides feedback on your respiratory training sessions. Using these results you can monitor your
training progress, allowing you to optimise your training sessions and to meet your training targets. To view training results, select from
the menu then select from , , or

Result type Press Press

Press and hold
Latest session result to scroll to to select
for at least
Number of training Yes
Press 3 secs
Press sessions completed delete
to select Button functions
to select
In order to clear all training results from memory and to reset all other device settings, select from the menu as
demonstrated below.

i At least 1 breath of a training session must to select
be completed in order to generate any results.
Following a training session the results menu will
automatically be displayed.
Press Press Press Press

to select then then then

previous to scroll to to scroll to to scroll to
session Set-up Reset Yes

20 21
8.3 About the Training Results
(LOAD) is a measure of the resistance to inhalation and is equivalent to the ‘weight lifted’ (VOLUME) indicates the average amount of air inhaled per breath during a training
or force exerted by the inspiratory muscles. Load is measured in units of cmH 2 O, a unit of pressure session. A higher value of volume indicates that you are breathing deeply and training the
Highest Load commonly used in respiratory medicine to represent the pressure generated in the lungs due to Average volume inspiratory muscles across their full range of movement. Try to inhale as deeply as possible for
achieved the force of the inspiratory muscles. The load displayed corresponds to the highest training load inhaled per breath each breath of the training session in order to maximise this value. A relatively small value of
during latest during latest
achieved during your breathing training session. A higher load result means that you are training volume may indicate that you are training at a level that is too high and are unable to properly
session session
your inspiratory muscles harder, leading to stronger muscles. Stronger inspiratory muscles will complete each breath.
need to work less hard to cope with the demands of breathing, leading to reduced breathlessness.

i When training using the automatic set-up method, load is based upon your estimated inspiratory
muscle strength. This is measured each time you complete a new training session and should reflect
improvements in your inspiratory muscle strength. When using the manual set-up method, load is
based upon the level entered by you. In this case, load displayed will track the increases in load that
you manually enter via the level setting screen. (BREATHING ENERGY) is a measure of the mechanical work (or effort) of breathing
during your breathing training session. It is a result which combines the force exerted by your
Breathing energy inspiratory muscles and the volume of air inhaled. The higher the value of breathing energy you
(POWER) is a measure of muscle performance which combines strength and speed of achieved during attain, the longer and harder you have worked your inspiratory muscles.
movement. More powerful muscles will be more resistant to fatigue at a given level of work and latest session
therefore, breathlessness will be reduced. More powerful muscles will also be able to generate i In order to maximise the breathing energy achieved during a training session, ensure that you
Average power
higher airflow and may increase the body’s ability to neutralise lactic acid during heavy exercise. breathe against the highest load that you can manage and that you breathe in as deeply as possible
during latest
session The value displayed is the average power for all breaths in a training session. during each breath of the entire session.

i In order to maximise your inspiratory muscle power result, try to breathe in as quickly as
possible. Remember to always breathe out slowly, so as not to hyperventilate.
Monitoring the changes
By monitoring the changes in load, power, volume and energy over a period of days and weeks, you can observe the progress of your training.
Do not expect instant results – as with any training, it will take time to see the improvements. Do not be disheartened if your training results
fluctuate from day to day, this is normal and it is an overall trend of improvement that is important.

22 23
9. Modes 9.2 About the Test Results:

In addition to training mode, the POWERbreathe K5 is equipped with four different breathing modes, which can be accessed via the ( Strength index) is a measure of your inspiratory muscle strength. Your strength index result is rated
menu. (V. Poor to Excellent) based upon predicted normal values of inspiratory muscle strength for an individual of
your age, height, weight and gender. This is calculated using the profile data (section 6.1). As you continue
Strength Index to train your inspiratory muscles over a period of weeks you should see improvements in your S-Index result.
9.1 Test Mode
The POWERbreathe K5 test mode can be used to quickly assess your respiratory muscle performance at any time. When test mode i Strength index rating compares your inspiratory muscle strength with that of an average individual based
Strength Index
( ) is selected, you will be prompted to perform one, unloaded breath through the POWERbreathe K5. rating upon research. However, inspiratory muscle strength varies widely between individuals. A poor rating for your
strength index does not necessarily indicate a problem, and similarly a good strength index value does not
indicate that you will not benefit from training your inspiratory muscles.
Press Press Press
(Flow) is a measure of the maximum rate at which you can inhale air into your lungs. The measurement
to select to select to select
Peak is based upon the maximum measured flow rate during the test breath. This measurement gives an
inspiratory indication of the speed at which your inspiratory muscles can contract. As you continue to train your
flow from test inspiratory muscles over a period of weeks you should see improvements in your Flow result.

To perform the test, breathe out as far as you can until your lungs are completely empty. Now place the mouthpiece into your mouth and inhale
as hard, as fast and as deeply as possible until your lungs are completely full. (Volume) is a measure of the amount of air inhaled during the test breath. For some individuals
with pronounced inspiratory muscle weakness, training the inspiratory muscles may allow a greater volume
Volume of air of air to be inhaled. For most individuals, this result will not change significantly following training. However,
Once you have completed the breath, the POWERbreathe K5 will beep to indicate that the test is complete and you can remove the
inhaled during
POWERbreathe K5 from your mouth. The test results menu will automatically be displayed once you have completed the test. Use the and this result is useful to compare with your training volume result in order to identify whether you have inhaled
test breath
buttons to scroll between and view your (Strength Index), or result. as deeply as possible throughout your training session.

24 25
9.3 Warm-up Mode 9.4 Cool-down Mode
Research has shown that a normal pre-exercise warm-up routine neglects to warm-up the breathing muscles, leading to excessive During exercise, lactic acid accumulates in the tissues and blood, leading to discomfort and muscle fatigue. Research
breathlessness during the start of exercise. The POWERbreathe K5 can be used to specifically warm-up these muscles prior to exercise using a shows that breathing against a light resistance following exercise reduces lactic acid more rapidly (by up to 16%),
reduced load setting leading to improved exercise performance. aiding recovery and enhancing performance during subsequent exercise..

The POWERbreathe K5 warm-up session consists of 30 breaths at approximately 80% of your normal training intensity and should be The POWERbreathe K5 cool-down session consists of 60 breaths against a low level load. Select from the
completed twice with a two minute rest between sessions. These exercises should be completed around five to ten minutes prior to starting menu to begin an inspiratory muscle cool-down session. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply during the
your workout, training or competition. cool-down session until you have completed 60 breaths.

Select from the menu to begin an inspiratory muscle warm-up session. The load for your warm-up session will be
automatically set at a proportion of your normal training level. Follow the same breathing technique as described in section 7.3.

Press Press Press Press

to select to select to select to select
to scroll to then
Warm-up to scroll to

i No results are displayed following a warm-up session i No results are displayed following a cool-down session

26 27
9.5 Custom Training Mode 10. PC Connection and Software Installation
The Custom training mode can be used to access custom training sessions created and uploaded from a computer using the POWERbreathe The POWERbreathe K5 Breathe-Link software allows you to view live training and test data, customise your training sessions and record your
Breathe-Link software. Custom training sessions may consist of between 3 and 60 breaths, with a custom load set for every individual breath. training progress. Please follow the instructions below to install the software and connect your POWERbreathe K5.
As loads are set for each breath from the computer, normal level settings (Manual and Automatic) are disabled when in custom training
mode. Please refer to the software instructions for guidance on how to create and upload a custom training session. • Insert the POWERbreathe Breathe-Link software installation disk into your computer’s CD-ROM drive
• Set-up should launch automatically. If it does not, manually launch the setup file by navigating to the CD drive folder and clicking on the icon
Select from the menu to begin a custom training session. The POWERbreathe K5 will automatically recall the latest custom • Follow the instructions on your computer screen to install the software
training session to be uploaded from the computer. Follow the same breathing patterns as used for a normal training session (see Section 7.3) • Once software installation is complete, plug the large connector of the USB cable into an available USB port on your computer
• Plug the mini-USB connector (small connector) into your POWERbreathe K5 unit
• After a short pause, the Breathe-Link application should start-up and your POWERbreathe K5 unit should display the Breathe-Link screen
If the Breathe-Link application does not start automatically, manually launch the application by clicking on the desktop icon

to select Press

Press to select

to scroll to

i Results will be displayed in the normal way following a custom training session (see Section 8.1)

28 29
11. Care and Maintenance Once a week
Once a week, perform the same procedure
11.2 Blocked Valve Head
If the valve head becomes clogged with dirt or saliva then the
POWERbreathe K5 is designed to be as robust and durable as possible. With a little care, your POWERbreathe K5 but soak the valve head in a mild disinfectant
POWERbreathe unit cannot function correctly and an error message
should last a long time. Please read the following precautions to ensure that your POWERbreathe K5 remains in solution instead of water. The disinfectant
may be displayed. When this happens, you should follow the cleaning
top condition: solution used must be intended for use on
instructions detailed in section 11.1.
equipment that comes into contact with
the mouth, such as the POWERbreathe
11.1 Cleaning Replacement valve head
cleansing tablets or fluid. If in doubt, ask
Your POWERbreathe K5 will be exposed to Removing the valve head Rinsing the valve head For maximum training performance, we recommend that you replace
your pharmacist or check the POWERbreathe
saliva during use. It is important that you clean the valve head every six months.
website for further information.
it frequently to keep it hygienic and in good
working order. After cleaning, hold the valve head under a 11.3 Storage
running tap allowing water to run through it.
Regular cleaning Please store your POWERbreathe K5 at a temperature between -10°C and 60°C. Please
Shake off excess water and leave on a clean
After each training session, remove the store your POWERbreathe K5 in the storage pouch provided or a suitable clean and hygienic
towel to dry.
valve head from your POWERbreathe K5, as container. Always make sure that your POWERbreathe K5 is dry before storage.
demonstrated right, and soak it in warm water Never use scouring pads, abrasive
for about ten minutes. Now hold the valve head cleaning agents or aggressive 11.4 Calibration
under warm running water whilst opening and Rotating the valve to aid cleaning liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean The POWERbreathe K5 should be recalibrated once a year in order to ensure its continued
closing the valve to aid cleaning of the valve the appliance. The POWERbreathe K5 is accuracy. Please contact the manufacturer using the details at the end of this manual for
surfaces. Shake off excess water and leave on not suitable for dishwasher use. further information on this procedure.
a clean towel to dry.

Wipe-clean the POWERbreathe handset with

a damp cloth. Do not immerse the handset or
expose it to running water as this may damage
the internal electronics.

30 31
12. Technical Specifications Materials: Symbols:
Mouthpiece:.......................................... Phthalate and latex free PVC
Load display:.......................................... 10 to 200cmH2O Charge indicator:.................................... Red LED during charging Soft-touch grips and seals:.................. TPE This symbol indicates that this Class 1 medical
Training session counter......................... up to 999 sessions Battery life:............................................. Approx 60mins in Screen cover:........................................ PMMA equipment complies with the European Medical
Graphical load display:........................... Last 36 sessions training mode Buttons:................................................ PC Device Directive (93/42/EEC)
Power display:........................................ 0 to 99.9 Watts Battery:................................................... 3x AAA NiMH rechargeable Stand:................................................... PC-ABS
Graphical power display:........................ Last 36 sessions battery pack Gears:................................................... Acetal
Volume display (Training):...................... 0 to 8 Litres* Dimensions (Handset):........................... 130 x 58 x 70mm Valve rotor:........................................... PBT (PTFE filled)
Graphical volume display:...................... Last 36 sessions Weight (Handset):................................... 136g Valve stator:.......................................... Acetal (PTFE filled) This symbol indicates that this device should not
Energy display: ...................................... 0 to 9999 Joules Storage temperature:.............................. -10°C to 60°C O-ring:.................................................. Nitrile rubber be disposed of with normal household waste
Graphical energy display: ...................... Last 36 sessions Operating temperature:........................... 5°C to 40°C Nose-clip rubber:................................. Silicone 40
Strength index display:........................... 0 to 240cmH 2 O Safety:.................................................... EN 60601-1, EN 60601-1-2 Nose-clip bridge:.................................. Nylon
Strength index rating:............................. V. Poor, Poor, Fair, Regulatory:............................................. Class 1 Medical Device All other components:.......................... PC-ABS
Average, Good, V.Good (93/42/EEC)
Excellent Note: Materials are compliant with regards to composition, additives Consult accompanying documents
Flow:....................................................... 0 to 13L/s* *Measured at atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions and properties, where applicable, in accordance with the Medical
Volume display (Test):............................ 0 to 8 Litres* Device Directive 93/42/EEC Essential Requirements (Annex 1)
Accuracy:................................................ Pressure: ±3%
Flow: ±10% Precedes the batch number of the device.
Volume: ±10%
Available POWERbreathe Accessories:
- Additional Valve Heads
Resolution:............................................. Pressure: 1cmH2O i The first four integers of the LOT number
- Cleansing Tablets
Flow: 0.1L/s - POWERbreathe TrySafe Bacterial/Viral Filter denote year of manufacture
Volume: 0.1L - Filter Adapter
Sounds:.................................................. Scroll/Select; Pacing; - Face Mask
Low battery; End of
training session
Buttons:.................................................. 1 x select/on,
1 x scroll
Charging:................................................ 5V dc mains adapter
Charge time:........................................... Up to 16 hours

32 33
13. Disposal 14. About Inspiratory Muscle Training
Environment: What is respiration?
The use of the crossed out wheeled bin symbol on this product indicates that it should not be treated as household Respiration, or breathing, is the process by which air flows into and a sensation of discomfort, which prompts us to rest, allowing the
waste. Please help to preserve the environment by disposing of this product at a designated WEEE collection facility. out of the lungs, and gases are exchanged between the lungs and respiratory muscles to recover before they become so fatigued that
For more detailed information on recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your local city blood. During the inspiratory portion of breathing, the diaphragm they can no longer function. This sensation is called breathlessness
office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. contracts, pushing down and increasing the volume of the chest and is a major factor contributing to exhaustion and exercise
cavity. Simultaneously, the muscles of the ribcage contract, pulling limitation.
Disposal of the battery: the ribs upwards and outwards, expanding the chest and drawing
The built-in, rechargeable POWERbreathe battery pack contains substances that may pollute the environment. Please air into the lungs. During expiration the inspiratory muscles of the Are there any other effects of inspiratory muscle fatigue?
remove the battery pack as described below before you discard the product at an official collection point. Dispose of diaphragm and ribcage relax and the elasticity of the lungs and chest In response to inspiratory muscle fatigue, the body also diverts blood
the batteries separately at a battery recycling point. naturally push air out from the lungs. from other exercising muscles to the respiratory muscles. This aids
functioning of the respiratory muscles but hinders the other muscles,
Only remove What affects our breathing? which are starved of blood and therefore less able to perform. This
the battery Rate and depth of breathing is affected by a number of factors also leads to exercise limitation.
when you discard including levels of carbon dioxide, oxygen and metabolic by-products
the POWERbreathe in the blood, and by consciously induced changes. During exercise, What is inspiratory muscle training?
K5. Make sure rising levels of blood carbon dioxide and falling blood oxygen due As with any other muscle, respiratory muscles can be trained so that
the battery is to increased metabolic activity, rapidly stimulate an increase in they are more resistant to fatigue. This resistance to fatigue results in
completely respiration from as low as 10Litres/min to as high as 220Litres/min. reduced breathlessness and enhanced exercise tolerance.
discharged when This increase in respiration may occur at very low levels of exercise
you remove it. in individuals whose breathing is impaired (e.g. through respiratory The POWERbreathe K5 uses the principle of resistance training to
illness). train the inspiratory muscles. It creates a resistance to inhalation,
Insert a screwdriver between the two halves of Push apart the two clips retaining the circuit
forcing the breathing muscles to work harder to draw air into the
the main casing and twist until the two halves board and lift the battery out from underneath What is breathlessness? lungs. This trains the muscles in much the same way as dumbbells
break apart. the circuit board As the respiratory muscles work harder to breathe faster and deeper might be used to train the bicep muscles.
in order to meet metabolic demands, they begin to fatigue. In
response to fatigue of the inspiratory muscles, the brain creates

34 35
15. Troubleshooting and FAQs 4. The POWERbreathe K5 is switched on but will not respond
to any button presses.
8. How often should I clean the valve head?
The valve head should be cleaned after every training session in
1. When in Auto set-up mode, the device doesn’t seem to give me a Press and hold the and buttons simultaneously for at least 3 order to maintain hygiene and effective operation.
1. When in Auto set-up mode, the device doesn’t seem to
very high load and breathing seems very easy. seconds then release. This will reset and switch off the device
give me a very high load and breathing seems very easy.
2. There is too much resistance to inhalation and I am unable to (no data will be lost). Now press the button for approximately 9. There doesn’t seem to be any resistance to breathing until I
When using Auto set-up mode to set your training resistance, the
breathe through the device. one second to switch the device on again. have already completed several breaths.
POWERbreathe K5 sets your training load based upon the speed and
3. The POWERbreathe K5 will not switch on. During the first two breaths of every training session, the
depth of your inhalation during the first two breaths of the session.
4. The POWERbreathe K5 is switched on but will not respond to any 5. The mouthpiece has become discoloured or cloudy. POWERbreathe K5 is taking measurements of your breathing. During
The harder you inhale during these breaths, the higher the load that
button presses. When the mouthpiece is soaked in water or disinfectant solution these two breaths there is no resistance. During the third and fourth
will be set. If you are putting maximum effort into your inhalation
5. The mouthpiece has become discoloured or cloudy. for a prolonged period of time, a small amount of moisture may be breaths, training resistance (load) is gradually introduced until full
but are still not experiencing a significant load, try adjusting the
6. The exercises cause me to create a lot of saliva – is there absorbed by the material, leading to cloudiness or discolouration. training load is achieved for breath 5 and onwards.
intensity level as described in section 6.3
anything I can do to stop this? If this occurs, leave the mouthpiece to dry on a clean towel and the
7. I have cleaned the valve head but I still see the Error ‘Please cloudiness will gradually disappear. 10. I can’t hear the pacing buzzer
2. There is too much resistance to inhalation and I am unable
Clean Valve’ message. If you take less than 4.5 seconds per breath then you will not hear the
to breathe through the device.
8. How often should I clean the valve head? 6. The exercises cause me to create a lot of saliva – is there pacing buzzer. After breathing out you must pause in order to hear
If you feel unable to inhale through the POWERbreathe K5, remove
9. There doesn’t seem to be any resistance to breathing until I have anything I can do to stop this? the pacing buzzer (see section 6.5).
the valve head and check that the valve can open and close freely. If
already completed several breaths. If you find that you are producing excess saliva during training try
necessary, clean the valve head as described in section 11.1. Now
10. I can’t hear the pacing buzzer pausing during your training in order to allow saliva in your mouth to 11. How hard should the training feel?
re-attach the valve head to the handset, ensuring that it is properly
11. How hard should the training feel? clear. Alternatively, you may find that taking the unit out from your Training with the POWERbreathe K5 is a form of resistance training
seated. Check the load settings as detailed in section 6.2 and then
12. My results vary a lot, is this normal? mouth during exhalation may reduce the build up of saliva. This will and may be compared to training with weights in the gym. Inhaling
restart your training session.
13. The load seems to disappear towards the end of the breath, is not reduce the training effect that occurs during inhalation. against the training resistance should feel hard and for the best
this right? training results you should aim to breathe against a load at which
3. The POWERbreathe K5 will not switch on.
14. Does the volume displayed correspond to my lung capacity? 7. I have cleaned the valve head but I still see the ‘Error you can only just complete 30 breaths. Like any other training, the
If your POWERbreathe K5 will not switch on, the battery may be
15. What are cmH 2 O? Please Clean Valve’ message. more effort you put into your POWERbreathe training, the greater the
completely flat. You may use the device immediately by plugging
16. How is strength Index calculated? In some circumstances the valve head may become very clogged results you will achieve.
into the mains using the adapter and USB cable supplied.
17. Can more than one person use the same POWERbreathe K5 unit? with dirt or saliva. Make sure that you soak the valve head thoroughly
Alternatively, recharge the device as detailed in section 5.1.
18. What if I don’t see any improvements? and rotate the valve back and forth to dislodge any dirt or debris 12. My results vary a lot, is this normal?
19. What happens if I cough during a breath? trapped in the valve. When you reattach the valve head, ensure that it The action of breathing is by its very nature extremely variable and
is properly seated on the handset so that no gaps are visible. difficult to control accurately. When you first start training with

36 37
the POWERbreathe K5, you may find that your results vary widely
between different training sessions. As you get used to the action of
16. How is strength Index calculated?
Strength index is a measure of inspiratory muscle strength that
16. Limited One Year Manufacturer’s Warranty*
inhaling against a resistance with maximum effort, you should find is based upon the maximum flow of inhaled air that the user can
Please retain this information for your records
that your results become more consistent and controllable. You may generate. The calculation of Strength Index is based upon scientific
still find that there is variation from day to day, depending upon your research which investigates the force-velocity characteristics of the
This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser The warranties contained herein are expressly in lieu of any
physical condition and state of mind on a particular day, just as with inspiratory muscles.
may also have other statutory rights. POWERbreathe International Ltd. other warranties including implied warranty of merchantability
any other form of exercise. and / or fit for purpose.
hereby warrants to the original purchaser whose name shall be duly
17. Can more than one person use the same POWERbreathe registered with the company, that the product sold by it is free from
13. The load seems to disappear towards the end of the K5 unit? manufacturing defects in material and/or workmanship.
breath, is this right? For hygiene reasons, we recommend that users do not share the To Activate Your Warranty
The POWERbreathe K5 creates a resistance to inhalation that varies same POWERbreathe K5 Valve Head. However, additional Valve The obligations of POWERbreathe International Ltd. under this
in relation to the volume of air inhaled. This load is designed to match Heads may be purchased separately and used with the same warranty are limited to the repair and replacement of such part or Please ensure that you register the purchase of
the strength characteristics of the inspiratory muscles for optimum POWERbreathe K5 handset. parts of the unit as shall be found upon inspection to be defective in your POWERbreathe K5 model by visiting
training effectiveness. The load will be highest at the start of the material or workmanship. www.powerbreathe.com/warranty.
breath and will gradually reduce to near zero at the end of the breath. 18. What if I don’t see any improvements?
If you are not seeing any improvements in the training or test results This warranty does not apply to the battery, mouthpiece, nose clip
14. Does the volume displayed correspond to my lung that you are achieving, try increasing the level that you are training Thank You.
or software (when applicable), cracked or broken cases as well as,
capacity? against (see section 6.2). It is important that you are training against misuse, abuse or accidents, negligence of the precautions, poor
The volume displayed during a test or training session corresponds a load which is challenging in order to increase the strength of your maintenance (e.g. parts blocked by scale) or commercial use. During
to the inhaled volume of air. This will be lower than typical expiratory inspiratory muscles. However, remember that after 6 to 8 weeks your the one year warranty period, the product will be either repaired or
vital capacity measured by spirometry. This is mainly due to training improvements will tend to plateau. After this time, aim to replaced (at our option without charge).
differences in the temperature and humidity of the air under the maintain your improved breathing by continuing to train regularly
different measuring conditions. (see section 7.5). *Warranty for commercial, professional or institutional use, is
limited to 3 months (90 days) from date of purchase. All other
15. What are cmH2 O? 19. What happens if I cough during a breath? terms remain the same.
CmH 2 ­O stands for centimetres of water and is a standard medical If you cough during a breath, remove the POWERbreathe K5 from
measurement of pressure. Load on the breathing muscles is your mouth and take a rest until you feel you have recovered. Then No responsibility is assumed for any incidental or
measured using this unit as it corresponds to the pressure which the return the device to your mouth and continue your training session. consequential damages including, without limitation, damages
breathing muscles generate within the lungs whilst working against resulting from inaccuracy or mathematical inaccuracy of the
the resistance created by the POWERbreathe K5. product or the loss of stored data.
38 39
17. Customer Service Contact
If you need to send your POWERbreathe K5 to an official service centre, please refer to the contact information below. To help us to provide
a better service, please include a description of the reason for returning the unit. Please also include proof of purchase. We recommend that
returns are sent by recorded delivery.

UK and Ireland: Australia, New Zealand and For customer service enquiries in all other
HaB International Ltd. Pacific Islands: countries and for POWERbreathe K-Series
Northfield Road, Southam HaB Oceania Pty Ltd. calibration enquiries, please consult
Warwickshire P.O Box 1230 the website or contact POWERbreathe
CV47 0RD, UK Eagle Farm BC International Head Office in the UK using the
Telephone: +44 (0)1926 816100 Queensland contact details listed on the back page of
4009, Australia this manual.
North America: Telephone: +61 (0)7 3268 3501
Customer Service Dept Germany, Austria and Switzerland:
7621 East Joy Road HaB GmbH
Ann Arbour Rathaussstr 44
Michigan D-21423, Winsen / Luhe
48105, USA Deutschland
Telephone: +001 (0)734 996 5900 Telephone: +49 (0)4171 409 43 75

POWERbreathe International Ltd.
Northfield Road, Southam, Warwickshire, CV47 0RD, England, UK

For UK enquiries, please contact us on:

Tel: +44 (0)1926 816100
Fax: +44 (0)1926 816102
Email: [email protected]

For International enquiries, please visit our website for your local distributor:
POWERbreathe is not a toy. This product is designed to be used for breathing exercises only. Any other use is not recommended.
This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

POWERbreathe K-Series products are protected by one or more Intellectual Property Rights. International patent pending. All rights reserved.
Specifications may change without notice due to manufacturers continuous programme of development. No claims are made or implied in the
use, or results by the use of equipment herein. The POWERbreathe logo type is a registered trademark and Breathe-LinkTM is a trademark of
POWERbreathe Holdings Ltd. All POWERbreathe product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of POWERbreathe Holdings Ltd.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All details are correct at time of going to press. E & OE ©2011.

Designed and developed with pride in the United Kingdom

3232 V2 PBK5 English

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