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Construction and Behavior of

Drilled Shafts

Course No: G01-002

Credit: 1 PDH

Omar Alsamman, Ph.D., P.E.

Continuing Education and Development, Inc.

36 Phyllis Drive
Pomona, NY 10970

P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774

[email protected]


General practices used for the construction of drilled shafts are briefly reviewed in this course.
The influence of construction method and concrete quality on the development of side and base
resistance is presented, and load transfer characteristics of drilled shafts are described. Various
details of the construction procedures such as equipment types, rebar cages, components and
types of slurry, casing types, and other available construction methods can be referred to
elsewhere (for example, Greer and Gardner, 1986; LCPC, 1986; and Reese and O’Neill, 1988).


A drilled shaft is a type of deep foundation that is constructed by first drilling a cylindrical hole
and then filling the hole with fresh concrete. Typically, steel reinforcement is placed in the
excavation prior to pouring concrete. Drilled shafts have also been called bored piles, cast-in-situ
piles, drilled piers, and caissons.

The soil is excavated either by use of rotary drilling equipment or by use of the percussion
method. Both procedures typically use a surface casing or guide to initiate drilling. Excavation is
carried out in the U.S. almost exclusively using rotary drilling that incorporates either an auger
or a drilling bucket. Percussion drilling is used to a larger extent in Europe. Soil is excavated by
a grab bucket or a hammer grab that is equipped with sharp teeth and that permits simultaneous
penetration of the soil and extraction of the debris.


The use of drilled shafts to transfer surface loads to competent soils at depth goes back to the
early twentieth century (Peck, 1948). Early shafts were hand-dug with sidewalls often supported
by wood lagging. The use of drilled shafts has increased significantly due to their ability to carry
very large loads economically.

The need for faster and more dependable excavation techniques grew as this type of foundation
became more popular. Rapid developments in drilling equipment and machinery have made it
possible to construct very deep, large-diameter shafts in almost all subsurface conditions
including caving soils below water table, rock, karstic foundations, and offshore construction.

Three principal methods of excavation used for constructing drilled shafts are:

1. the dry method,

2. the wet (or slurry) method, and
3. the temporary casing method.
The excavation method (or a combination of methods) selected for a shaft is based on
consideration of subsurface conditions, construction equipment, and economy. The dry method
of excavation is generally applicable to cohesive soils above the water table. Typically, a short
surface casing is inserted at the ground surface, and the hole is excavated to the required depth.
A reinforcing cage is placed in the excavation and fresh concrete is used to fill the hole. The dry
method can also be employed in cohesive soils below the water table if the hole exhibits enough

The wet method is generally used when the dry method of construction would result in unstable
sidewalls of the excavation. Soils below the water table such as clean sands, silts, and some stiff
highly fissured clays may require excavation of the shaft with slurry. A mineral (mostly
bentonitic) slurry or a polymer slurry may be used to stabilize the hole during drilling. Upon
reaching the depth required, a pump or a tremie is lowered to the bottom of the hole and concrete
is poured. The slurry (that has a lower density than concrete) is displaced into a sump above the
ground surface as concrete fills up the hole. Descriptions of slurry types and their effects on
construction are presented extensively by Majano and O’Neill (1993).

The temporary casing method is another method that can be used when the dry method of
construction would result in unstable sidewalls for the excavation. It is particularly useful when a
self-supporting soil layer of low permeability exists beneath a caving soil layer. The casing is
inserted in the hole and is driven through the collapsible soil layer by applying pushing and
twisting action. A drill is then introduced through the casing, and excavation is carried out to full
depth of the shaft. Concrete is poured as the casing is removed from the hole. In high
permeability soils below the water table, if the casing can not be driven and sealed in a low
permeability stratum, the wet method is usually preferred.

In all the methods described above, an under-reaming tool (expansion element) can be
introduced to enlarge shaft base. This tool, referred to as a belling bucket, is inserted into a bored
hole with its arms closed. Upon reaching the depth required, the arms are opened and the bucket
is rotated to excavate the soil and form a bell. The bell is most commonly designed to make the
sidewalls of the bell angled either 45 or 60 degrees to the horizontal. The bell diameter may be
constructed up to three times the shaft diameter.

Other deep foundations constructed by filling a hole with concrete include augered piles, grouted
piles, and pressure-injected footings. The behavior of these types of foundations is affected
significantly by construction details and is beyond the scope of this course.


The methods used for constructing drilled shafts and the soil response during construction can
significantly influence the axial load capacity. During excavation, soil is subjected to a reduction
of lateral stresses along the excavation walls, and experiences some disturbance at the bottom of
the excavation.
The three most influential factors on the behavior of drilled shafts are discussed in the following
sections. These factors include soil type, construction technique, and concrete quality. The first
two factors are inter-related since the construction method is usually determined by the soil type
and soil characteristics.

Soil Type

When a drilled shaft is constructed in homogeneous clay, changes in the soil properties occur in
the area surrounding the shaft. Clay immediately adjacent to the excavation sides is softened
resulting in loss of strength. The remolding effect due to the auger is more pronounced in highly
structured clays. Also, lateral-stress relaxation occurs, and can cause the clay to creep towards
the hole if the clay is very soft. This creep effect is minimal for stiffer over-consolidated clays.

In stiff fissured clays, the excavation of a drilled shaft changes stress not only at the surface of
excavation but also along the discontinuities near the hole. Fleming and Sliwinski (1977)
reported that the stress relief, caused by excavating shafts with the dry method, caused inward
movement of blocks of intact soil towards the hole. In such cases of highly fissured clays, it
might be necessary to drill with slurry to stabilize the soil around the perimeter of the hole. The
use of slurry in the excavation and its effects on load transfer is discussed in the following

The use of temporary casing in excavating through sand layers can alter soil density around the
hole. In loose sands, vibrations (from driving a casing) cause the soil to move downward and
outward resulting in some soil densification and minor ground surface settlement. In very dense
sands and gravels, penetration of the casing is accomplished by crushing soil grains at the base.

The base of the excavation must be cleaned thoroughly when slurry is used to construct drilled
shafts in sand. Otherwise, the end-bearing capacity can be reduced greatly and more settlement
of the shaft can occur for the same applied load. Special care is also needed when constructing a
bell in cohesionless soils under the water table. Kulhawy et al. (1983) reports of a complete
collapse of bells in two shafts constructed with slurry in silty sands with the water table near the
ground surface (Figure 1).

Construction Technique

As described earlier, drilled shafts are constructed dry, wet, with casing, or by using a
combination of these techniques. Numerous studies on full-scale and model shafts have been
made in the past to compare load transfer characteristics around drilled shafts for various
construction techniques.

Aurora and Reese (1976) studied four instrumented shafts in clay-shales. The shafts were
constructed dry, wet, cased with slurry, and cased without slurry. They found that the highest
base resistance was developed in the shaft drilled dry. Shafts constructed using the wet method
and those constructed with casing exhibited similar load transfer behavior along the shaft sides.
O’Neill and Reese (1970) conducted four load tests in the stiff Beaumont clay formation. Three
shafts were constructed dry and one shaft was constructed using the slurry method. They
concluded that the use of bentonite reduces the frictional capacity due to the entrapment of slurry
between the shaft and the soil.

Fearenside and Cooke (1978) studied seven drilled shafts in London clay; three were constructed
using bentonite and four under dry conditions. They found no evidence that the use of bentonite
adversely affected skin friction. In fact, tests constructed with slurry had higher capacities than
those constructed dry. However, they attributed that to the difference in sidewall roughness in
shafts constructed with slurry using a drilling bucket versus shafts drilled dry using an auger.

Touma and Reese (1972) performed load tests on drilled shafts constructed in sands with the use
of slurry. They inferred from the results that there was no clear reduction of the side resistance
due to slurry construction.

Fleming and Sliwinski (1977) studied 21 load tests in clays, 9 load tests in sands, and 3 load tests
in chalk. The shafts were constructed using the dry and wet methods in clays, and using the wet
and temporary casing methods in sands. The casing was driven in place without pre-excavation
with slurry. They concluded that in granular soils, the slurry penetrates into the voids forming a
filter cake or a thin membrane. Results indicated that skin friction at high displacements can be
reduced about 10 to 30 percent from that developed using a temporary casing; however, they
were uncertain if that was because of the bentonitic slurry or because of some other factors.

For fine-grained soils, Fleming and Sliwinski stated that slurry does not penetrate the small
pores, but a thin film of several millimeters can get trapped between the concrete and soil. They
noted that no major effect was detected on the shaft friction mobilized near ultimate load when
slurry is employed in the excavation. Their findings in sands were consistent with results of
model studies performed by Farmer and Golberger (1969) in sand.

Beech and Kulhawy (1987) performed uplift load tests on 4 large-scale and 21 small-scale model
shafts in a soil made of silt and kaolinite mixture. Large-scale shafts were constructed using the
casing method in a test pit 7 ft in diameter and 6.5 ft in depth. Small-scale shafts included 19
shafts constructed in deposits consolidated from slurry and two shafts constructed in block
samples from the field. These were constructed using the dry, wet, and casing methods. The skin
friction developed in their model shafts was highest for those constructed with the casing
method, lowest for those constructed with the dry method, and intermediate for those constructed
with the slurry method.

Long and Shimel (1989) collected and analyzed the results of 43 full-scale load tests performed
in various soil types. Thirty shafts were constructed dry and thirteen were constructed with
slurry. They found that greater uncertainties are associated with the development of end-bearing
resistance for shafts constructed wet as compared to those constructed dry. They also noted a
slightly higher variability in the magnitude of side resistance for shafts drilled under dry
Majano and O’Neill (1993) studied model shafts to evaluate the effects of mineral and polymer
slurries on side capacity. Results showed that in the case of mineral slurries, the thickness of
filter cake depends on the contact time with soil, soil permeability, viscosity of slurry and
differential pressure. An excessively thick cake reduces the load carrying capacity at the shaft

In summary, it appears that the results of the research conducted on full-scale and model drilled
shafts to evaluate load transfer response for various construction techniques are inconsistent and
sometimes contradictory. This is particularly true for drilled shafts constructed with slurry.
Specific construction details such as drilling disturbance, time slurry is allowed into the
excavation, concrete properties and imperfect bottom cleanup may significantly influence shaft
behavior. The effects of these construction details might be responsible for the differences in
shaft capacity exhibited for various construction techniques.

Among other factors influencing load transfer response in drilled shafts are the natural variability
of soils and the quality of workmanship. Both factors vary from one site to another, and therefore
are very difficult to quantify. Even if construction is carried out at the same site, by the same
crew, and using the same construction technique, identical axial capacities are not warranted.

The variability of load testing results can be best illustrated using two of the load tests conducted
by Fearenside and Cooke (1978). The two shafts were constructed dry with an auger and in close
proximity to each other. Both shafts were 2.5 ft in diameter and 16.5 ft in length, and were built
on soft toes over a void to isolate end-bearing resistance. The measured capacity in one shaft was
about 1.5 times that measured in the other (Figure 2).

It should be concluded that it is not only important to know how a shaft was constructed to be
able to predict its behavior, but rather how well the shaft was constructed. Shaft behavior should
be evaluated for a drilled shaft by taking various construction details into consideration rather
than only considering the general construction method (i.e. dry, wet, or with casing).

Concrete Quality

Freshly poured concrete exerts a horizontal stress on the soil along the sidewalls of the
excavation. The amount of stress exerted by concrete depends on the workability slump and the
degree of compactness of concrete. Lateral stresses in the soil are believed to be restored to a
great extent if a high-slump concrete is used. Concrete with a low-slump will tend to bulk and
not collapse under its own weight resulting in less lateral stresses against the sides (Bernal and
Reese, 1983).

Another problem in using concrete of low workability arises as honeycombing might occur
during concrete placement. This is particularly important in very long shafts with large rebar
cages and where vibrating the concrete becomes more difficult. The separation of aggregates
from concrete can greatly reduce the amount of contact between the shaft and soil, especially at
the shaft base. To achieve higher workability, the water/cement ratio of concrete is increased.
However, a high water/cement ratio can cause water to transfer from concrete to the soil adjacent
to the shaft. This is referred to in the literature as water migration and is believed to influence
shaft behavior by creating a thin softened region of lower shear strength around the shaft.

Meyerhof and Murdock (1953) found that water contents of the clay around a drilled shaft in
London clay increased between 2 to 7 percent at the contact surface. The increase in water
content diminished at a distance of about 2 inches for shafts constructed using water/cement
ratios of 0.4. In other shafts constructed with a water/cement ratio of 0.2, the water content in the
clay around the shaft was not altered.

Chuang and Reese (1969) performed laboratory experiments by placing a layer of concrete over
remolded soil samples. They found that water transfer from the fresh concrete to the soil samples
increased with increasing water/cement ratio. Testing of the resulting specimens in a direct shear
device showed that failure did not occur at the concrete/soil interface but rather within the soil at
about 3 to 6 mm from the interface. Similar depth of failure surface into the soil has been
reported by Dubose (1957) and O’Neill and Reese (1970).

Kulhawy and Peterson (1979) observed that in granular materials, surface irregularities of the
shaft control the location of failure, and not water migration into the soil. Beech and Kulhawy
(1987) conducted load tests on model drilled shafts and observed that the failure surface was
independent of the construction procedure and is rather linked to the soil type and roughness of
the shaft surface. Typical failures occurred between 6 and 19 mm (0.25 to 0.75 in) away from the
shaft. They argued that shafts with large irregularities such as pieces of aggregate, force the
failure surface away from the shaft.

Reese and O’Neill (1988) reported that results of direct shear tests on partially saturated clays
revealed that some kind of chemical bonding occurs between clay particles and cement in the
concrete. Higher shear strengths were measured at the clay-cement interface than the shear
strength of the clay itself.

In summary, observations in the field and model pile studies suggest that the failure surface
occurs in the soil and not at the concrete-soil interface. The distance at which failure occurs is
small and varies depending on soil properties and shaft roughness. This indicates that even
though water does migrate from concrete to the soil around the shaft, there appear to be some
benefits with regards to strength resulting from a small amount of chemical bonding between the
soil and cement. The higher strength of the soil-cement interface forces the shear failure away
from the shaft.


The development of side and tip resistances is dictated by the amount of movement a shaft
experiences. Side resistance is mobilized much earlier than that mobilized at the bottom of the
shaft. Figure 3 shows how both capacities develop as settlement increases. The amount of
displacement needed for full mobilization of side resistance is about 0.2 to 0.4 inches (5 to 10
mm) regardless of the installation method, shaft dimensions, and soil type (Whitaker and Cooke,
1966; Coyle and Reese, 1966). On the other hand, the displacement required for mobilizing full
tip resistance is found to be a function of base dimensions. It amounts to about 8% of diameter
for driven piles and up to 30% of diameter for drilled shafts (Vesic, 1977).

Appreciable shaft resistance is typically developed before significant load can be transferred to
the base, especially in long slender shafts. The settlement required for mobilizing the full base
capacity of a drilled shaft is usually too large for a structure to undergo; therefore, only a fraction
of the available tip capacity is relied upon in design.


During the construction of a drilled shaft, soil parameters and properties can be altered
dramatically from in-situ values. During the excavation stage, soil is subjected to lateral stress
relief around the perimeter of the hole, and to some disturbance at the base. The ultimate
capacity of the shaft is affected by the soil type, details of the construction procedure, and the
water/cement ratio of concrete.

Possibly the greatest source of variability in the design of drilled shaft foundations is the
construction technique. Changes that soil goes through during construction are very hard to
quantify and are variable from one site to another. Efforts have been made to characterize shaft
behavior base on the comparisons of axial load developed in shafts of same geometry, but with
different construction procedures (e.g. dry or wet). The results of these studies sometime
contradicted each other, and overall were rather inconclusive.

Specific construction details such as drilling disturbance, time slurry is allowed in the
excavation, concrete properties, and imperfect bottom cleanup may have a significant influence
on axial load behavior. Consequently, comparing the behavior of shafts constructed dry and wet
may fail to provide a meaningful relationship between axial load behavior and excavation
method. Analysis of shaft-soil load transfer should take into account how well a drilled shaft is
constructed in terms of various construction details.

In the past, water migration from concrete to the soil has been blamed for softening the soil
around shafts in clay and thus lowering its shearing strength. It is now believed, however, that
some chemical bonding occurs between clay particles and cement that actually strengthen the
soil adjacent to the shaft and forces the failure surface away from the soil-concrete interface
(Reese and O’Neill, 1988).

Examples of collapse of a drilled shaft bell in cohesionless soils

below water table (Kulhawy, et. al, 1983)


Variability in load test results at same site with same construction

procedures (Fearenside and Cooke, 1978)

Development of shaft and base resistance (O'Neill and Reese, 1972)


Aurora, R. P. and Reese, L. C. (1976) “Behavior of Axially Loaded Drilled Shafts in Clay-
Shales,” Research Report 176-4, Center for Transportation Research, University of Texas,
Austin, March, l72p.

Beech, J. F. and Kulhawy, F. H. (1987) “Experimental Study of the Undrained Uplift Behavior
of Drilled Shaft Foundations,” Report EL-5323, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,

Bernal, J. and Reese, L. (1983) “Study of the Lateral Pressure of Fresh Concrete as Related to
the Design of Drilled Shafts,” Research Report 308-IF, Center for Highway research, University
of Texas, Austin.

Chuang, J. W. and Reese L. C. (1969) “Studies of Shearing Resistance between Cement Mortar
and Soil,” Research Report 89-3, Center for Highway Research, University of Texas, Austin.

Coyle, H. M. and Reese, L. C. (1966) “Load Transfer for Axially Loaded Piles in Clay,” J. Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 92, March, pp. 1-26.

Dubose, L. A. (1957) “Small-Scale Load Tests on Drilled and Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles,”
Proc. Highway Research Board, Vol. 36, pp. 132-145.

Farmer, I. W. and Golberger, M. (1969) “Effect of Bentonite on the Skin Friction of Bored
Piles,” Internal Report, Cementation Research, Ltd.

Fearenside, O. R. and Cooke, R. W. (1978) “The Skin Friction of Bored Piles Formed in Clay
Under Bentonite,” CIRIA Report No. 77, Construction Industry Research and Information
Association, London.

Fleming, W. K. and Sliwinski, Z. J. (1977) “The Use and Influence of Bentonite in Bored Pile
Construction,” Report P0-3, Construction Industry Research and Information Association,

Greer, D. M. and Gardner, W. S. (1986) Construction of Drilled Pier Foundations. John Wiley &
Sons, New York.

Kulhawy, F and Peterson, M. (1979) “Behavior of Sand-Concrete Interfaces,” Proc. 6th Pan-
American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 2, Lima, Peru, pp.

Kulhawy, F, Trautmann, C., Beech, J., O’Rourke, t, McGuire, W, Wood, W, and Capano, C.
(1983) “Transmission Line Structure Foundations for Uplift Loading,” Report EL-2870, EPRI,
Palo Alto, CA.

LCPC (le Laboratoire Central des Pouts et Chaussees), (1986) “Bored Piles, English Translation
of Les Pieuz Forts, Report FHWA-TS-86-206, U.S. Department of Transportation, McLean,

Long, J. H. and Shimel, S. (1989) “Drilled Shafts — A Database Approach,” ASCE, Foundation
Engineering Congress, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Majano, B. E. and O’Neill, M. W. (1993) “Effect of Mineral and Polymer Slurries on Perimeter
Load Transfer in Drilled Shaft,” Report to International Association of Foundation Drilling,
UHCE 93-1, University of Houston, Texas.

Meyerhof, O.O., and Murdock, L. J. (1953) “An Investigation of the Bearing Capacity of Some
Bored and Driven Piles in London Clay,” Geotechnique, Vol. III, No. 7, pp. 267-282.

O’Neill, M. W. and Reese, L. C. (1970) “Behavior of Axially Loaded Drilled Shafts in

Beaumont Clay,” Research Report 89-8, Center for Highway Research, University of Texas,

O’Neill, M. W. and Reese, L. C. (1972) “Behavior of Bored Piles in Beaumont Clay,” Journal of
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, 98(2), pp. 195-213.

Peck, R. B. (1948) “History of Building Foundation in Chicago,” Engineering Experimental

Station Bulletin 373, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

Reese, L C. and O’Neill, M. W. (1988) “Drilled Shafts: Construction Procedures and Design
Methods,” U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA-HI-88-042, Dallas, Texas.

Touma, F. t and Reese, L C. (1972) “The Behavior of Axially Loaded Shafts in Sand,” Research
Report 176-1, Center for Highway Research, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

Vesic, A. S. (1977) “Design of Pile Foundations,” Transportation Research Board, National

Research Council, Washington D.C.

Whitaker, T and Cooke, R. (1966) “An Investigation of the Shaft and Base Resistances of Large
Bored Piles in London Clay,” Proc. Symposium on Large Bored Piles, Inst. of Civil Engineers,

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