Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: The Essential Second World War Unit Plan. Name: Brian Pitchford Content Area: History Grade Level: 10

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: The Essential Second World War Unit Plan. Name: Brian Pitchford
Content Area: History Grade Level: 10
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
10.8.1. Compare the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930s, including the 1937 Rape of Nanking, other atrocities in China, and the Stalin-
Hitler Pact of 1939.

10.8.3. Identify and locate the Allied and Axis powers on a map and discuss the major turning points of the war, the principal theaters of conflict, key strategic
decisions, and the resulting war conferences and political resolutions, with emphasis on the importance of geographic factors.

10.8.6. Discuss the human costs of the war, with particular attention to the civilian and military losses in Russia, Germany, Britain, the United States, China, and

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will examine the preceding international developments that led up to and caused the armed conflict between countries at the commencement of the
Second World War through these open-ended questions:

 By having a basic understanding of the war, what were the ambitious aspirations that drove various governments to involve their nations to war?

 By understanding the major theaters of the war, why did certain locations become desired by the major military powers?

 What caused the immense death toll in the Second World War?

Unit Summary:
In this unit activity, students will become familiar with the essential foundations of World War II for this 10th grade history course. While the textbook will be
utilized extensively, this unit aspires to teach through primary and secondary sources and through digital avenues so we as a class can reap the benefits of fully
understanding humanity’s greatest armed conflict. This unit will cover the causes and consequences of World War II, its preceding international events, the
events during the war, and the immediate consequences of its aftermath.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:

Questioning/Brainstorm: From your prior knowledge already known about World War II,
deliberate on why countries went to war in the first place. What was the ultimate purpose for
conquest and decisions to liberate during World War II?

Quiz: What were the reasons for the war? Resources? Glory? Fame? Liberation?

Flashcards: define the locations and major events of World War II.

Project Journal: Students will write and keep journal entries at the end of each project step in response
to prompts. Students use the journals to record new learnings and reflect on their thinking. Review
journal entries at the end of the unit to measure understanding.

Ranking: define the importance of major events of the war by the event’s resolution. What battles were
more conducive to Germany and Japan losing and led to the Allies losing.

Material Graphic Summary – Demonstrate the enduring

consequences of World War II and its effects upon the world
Presentation – The congenital influence that the United States
and the Soviet Union had upon the countries impacted by the
Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities:
Student will demonstrate a (Assessments): The teacher will lead a schema of activities that utilize the various aspects of history that ultimately
basic understanding of Student will start by built up to the war. Then, the teacher will explain why these various aspects of history are relatable to
World War II through the answering written the war. Notes and PowerPoint presentations will be applied to guide student development.
various reasons for nations questions of their
to conduct war by writing a knowledge of the
one-page summary for history of WWII that
reasons why. has already been
obtained from years of
already learned.
Knowledge will
subsequently be
gained from lessons
that will be taught in
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Student will identify In this Webercise, Using an iPad, student will view a map of the conflict areas and determine reasons why the Axis powers
important strategic areas student will watch a invaded certain strategic countries, comprehending the various battles that occurred over resources
on Earth that were targeted video on a selected and land acquisition through web-based activities.
for its natural resources website and answer
and land that became basic questions on a
essential for the Axis and worksheet regarding
Allied powers to maintain natural resources,
their military war their strategic
machines. Student will do locations, and
this by observing maps that necessities toward
contained resource warfare. Student will
abundant areas and then comprehend why
understand why nations geography was a near
that sought those areas by impossible feat to
summarizing two overcome for the
paragraphs whether they various countries
succeeded or failed. involved through the
Unit Resources
available to them. This
proves that they
understand certain
significant reasons for
the war.

Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities:
Students will explore, The teacher will Student will fill out an outline that directly correlates battles and major events that subsequently led to
examine, and explain generate a graphic an increase in the war’s intensification of combat that led to an escalation in the human death toll
through a 2-page detailed organizer for the class that’s accredited to three major countries involved.
explanation the human that will guide
costs of the various students with an
countries involved in the outline of significant
conflict, and why countries battles and events of
such as Germany and Japan the human cost of the
experienced greater Second World War.
adverse effects compared Students will
to other countries. demonstrate their
gained knowledge of
the war by filling out
this graphic organizer.
Unit Resources:

Useful Websites:

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