Unit Title: World War II Tour With Mr. Jae Name: Haejoo Jae Content Area: World History Grade Level: 10
Unit Title: World War II Tour With Mr. Jae Name: Haejoo Jae Content Area: World History Grade Level: 10
Unit Title: World War II Tour With Mr. Jae Name: Haejoo Jae Content Area: World History Grade Level: 10
Unit Title: World War II Tour with Mr. Jae Name: Haejoo Jae
Content Area: World History Grade Level: 10th grade
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
11.7 Students analyze America’s participation in World War II
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:
Big Ideas:
How the United States involved in WWII and why the United States considered as a game changer?
What are some war strategies that the United States used in major battles like battle of Midway, Normandy, Iwo
Jima, Okinawa, and Bulge. What are political changes occurred during WWII?
How the United States’ industries developed during WWII?
What are the effect of decision on atomic bomb drops and the Marshall Plan?
Unit Goal:
The goal of the unit is to explain to students about the economic, military, politic, social, and cultural changes occurred
in the United States during the World War II. After the lesson students are expected to be able to explain the cause of
U.S. involvement in WWII, war strategies that the United States used in major battles like battle of Midway, Normandy,
Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Bulge, political changes occurred in the United States politic during WWII, evolvement of U.S.
industries during WWII, and the effect of decision on atomic bomb drops and the Marshall Plan in the United States
and Europe.
Unit Summary:
In this unit plan the students will be given a clear description about the economic, military, politic, social, and cultural
changes occurred in the United States during the World War II. After the lesson students are expected to be able to
explain the cause of U.S. involvement in WWII, war strategies that the United States used in major battles like battle of
Midway, Normandy, and Bulge, political changes occurred in the United States politic during WWII, the growth of U.S.
industries during WWII, and the effect of decision on atomic bomb drops and the Marshall Plan in the United States
and Europe.
Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
Crossword Puzzle: World War II Webercise: Major events during World Poster making: Make your own
Puzzle War II in 5W1H form (What, Where, propaganda
when, why, who, and how)
Role Play: Be the leader and represent Presentation: The Big Idea
yourself and the country (participants presentation
of World War II)
Graphic Organizer: The Skyscraper,
organize major events of one historical
Quiz: Terminology, information about
major battles, how and why particular
event occurred.
Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)
Student Learning Acceptable Lesson Activities:
Objective: Evidence The lesson#1 (Teacher Lecture) comes with teacher lecture and a student
provide general idea (Assessments): note taking guide relate to the information that lecture contained. In
of what World War The student will between the teacher lecture, teacher will provide short video clip of movie
II was, how did it understand the titled “Pearl Harbor (2001)” about the Pearl Harbor attack by Japanese air
happen, and why causes of the WWII force. Also, the teacher will question and discuss with a debatable
and how the United and why the United question in middle of the lecture to encourage student to activate their
States join the war. States involved critical thinking. The note taking guide helps students to understand the
Also, contains middle of the war. subject much quicker and easier, additionally English Learners easily follow
information of major Also, the student will up with the class by filling out the blanks.
events occurred have knowledge on
during WWII. major events
happened during
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Acceptable Lesson Activities:
Objective: Evidence: The worksheet contains eight questions that will improve student’s
Students are By finishing the thinking process, critical thinking, and research skill. The questions
expected to be worksheet with accordingly created with Intel’s guide line to “promoting higher-order
improved in reasonable answers thinking skills” to promote student’s higher-order thinking. The Webersice
research skill and prove that the
knowledge of student learned how contains several links to sources that would provide helpful information to
deeper information to research correct the student which ultimately helps students to critically think much easier.
regarding WW II. information and
critically thinking.
Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)
Student Learning Acceptable Lesson Activities:
Objective: Evidence: The student freely come up with his/her own graphic organizer using a
The graphic The student has to web-based organizing tools. The graphic organizer must contain one
organizer helps make their own historical figure and its goal, three categories of how the historical figure
students to correctly graphic organizer approach to the goal, and five blocks of event for each category. Also, the
organize large with all the contents student must organize the events in chronological order either earliest
information into a using a web-based movement or event being down bottom and latest movement or event
well-organized organizing tools as being up top, or earliest movement or event listed from far away from the
information for the example goal and approaching to the goal as time pass. Finally, the student will be
absorb the provided by the graded according to the rubric provided in the page.
information much teacher and will be
more efficiently and graded according to
effectively provided rubric.
Unit Resources:
Google Scholar – Google scholar helps to find reliable source in the internet on any topic regardless of subject.
History channel – History.com provides variety series of history content. This website contains some biased information,
but it helps to explore multi perspective.
Wikipedia – One of well-known free encyclopedia site. The website contains less reliable sources but easy accessibility
and various of information helps research a basic level of knowledge.
Useful Websites:
Bubble.us – This website helps to create the graphic organizer or simple brain storm before write an essay.
Scribd – Scribd converts any document such as Microsoft word, power point, etc. into an embed code or downloadable
Crossword Puzzle maker – This website provides web-based tool for create your own crossword puzzle.