2003 Structure and Innervation of The Cochlea

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Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

Structure and innervation of the cochlea
Yehoash Raphael∗ , Richard A. Altschuler
Kresge Hearing Research Institute, The University of Michigan, MSRB 3, Rm 9303,
1150 W. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0648, USA

Received 22 September 2002; received in revised form 2 January 2003; accepted 15 January 2003


The role of the cochlea is to transduce complex sound waves into electrical neural activity in the auditory nerve. Hair cells of the organ of Corti
are the sensory cells of hearing. The inner hair cells perform the transduction and initiate the depolarization of the spiral ganglion neurons. The
outer hair cells are accessory sensory cells that enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the cochlea. Neural feedback loops that bring efferent
signals to the outer hair cells assist in sharpening and amplifying the signals. The stria vascularis generates the endocochlear potential and
maintains the ionic composition of the endolymph, the fluid in which the apical surface of the hair cells is bathed. The mechanical characteristics
of the basilar membrane and its related structures further enhance the frequency selectivity of the auditory transduction mechanism. The tectorial
membrane is an extracellular matrix, which provides mass loading on top of the organ of Corti, facilitating deflection of the stereocilia. This
review deals with the structure of the normal mature mammalian cochlea and includes recent data on the molecular organization of the main
cell types within the cochlea.
© 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hair cells; Auditory neurons; Supporting cells; Spiral ganglion; Stria vascularis; Organ of Corti

1. General organization of the cochlea lower frequencies are transduced. The range of frequencies
is tonotopically distributed along the cochlear duct from base
The cochlear duct is a coiled tube filled with fluid (en- to apex. Several morphological gradients have been noted
dolymph). Its walls are lined with cells that constitute the from the base to the apex of the cochlea. Some of the major
membranous labyrinth (Fig. 1). Among the types of cells structures that display conspicuous base-to-apex gradients
in the membranous labyrinth are hair cells which are the are summarized in Table 1.
sensory cells, and non-sensory cells with auxiliary and sup- Historically, regions within the cochlea were defined
portive functions. The membranous labyrinth is surrounded based on their location and appearance. Thus, structures
by an additional fluid space filled with perilymph and lined such as the stria vascularis, tectorial membrane (TM), or-
by cells of mesodermal origin. The entire cochlea is encased gan of Corti, Reissner’s membrane and others have been
in bone, the otic capsule, which is part of the temporal identified and named and their function characterized. Nev-
bone. In some mammals, rodents and guinea pigs in par- ertheless, not all cell types within the cochlea have been
ticular, the cochlea protrudes into the middle ear cavity. In characterized in respect to their specific function. Molec-
others, including humans, only a very small portion of the ular characterization of specific cell types of sub-areas of
cochlea, the promontorium, can be seen and accessed from the cochlea has begun to provide tools to better understand
the middle ear. Further discussion of the osseous cochlear the function of specific cells. Moreover, transgenic mouse
structures is omitted from this review. technology, which allows expression of specific genes to
The base of the cochlea is the region where higher fre- be manipulated, enhances the understanding of the role of
quencies are transduced. The other end of the cochlear duct specific molecules and cells in cochlear function.
is called the apical end or apex of the cochlea, where the The ability of the cochlea to transduce such a wide range
of sound frequencies and intensities is facilitated by mechan-
ical features of its structure, along with biological features
∗Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-734-936-9386; fax: +1-734-647-2563. that involve ultra-fast ion channels, feedback mechanisms
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Raphael). and an active cochlear amplifier. The cellular and molecular

0361-9230/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
398 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

Fig. 1. A low magnification light micrograph of a plastic cross-section of the guinea pig cochlea. The section is cut at a near-mid-modiolar plane. The
major tissues and the general organization of the cochlea are depicted. The anatomical directions are noted, with the modiolus being medial and the
surrounding otic capsule lateral.

substrates that underlie cochlear function are now being un- auditory signals into the brainstem (afferent neurons) and
veiled at a faster pace. The sensory cells of the cochlea are to other nerve cells that carry signals from the brain into
called the hair cells. These cells reside in the organ of Corti, the ear and influence cochlear function in a feedback loop
along with several types of supporting cell and extracellular (efferent neurons).
elements. Hair cells are innervated by nerve fibers that send The basic anatomy of the cochlea has been described in
excellent reviews [269,282]. It is necessary for us to repeat
some of the basic facts already available to the reader. In
Table 1 addition, we attempt to update the pool of data on cochlear
Typical base to apex gradients of several structural parameters in the structure with recently added information. Emphasis in
this review is placed on the cells that directly participate
Structure Gradient change from base to apex in the transduction mechanism, namely, the hair cells and
TM Wider and thicker the accessory structures in their immediate vicinity. We
BM Wider and thicker concentrate on the mature normal mammalian cochlea
Outer hair cell Longer and minimize reference to development, non-mammalian
Outer hair cell stereocilia Taller, more acute angle, fewer
Outer hair cell SSC More rows
species, pathology, physiology and in vitro work.
Inner hair cell stereocilia Fewer, taller
Deiters and pillar cells Taller, fewer cytoskeletal elements
Hensen cells More lipid granules (in guinea pigs) 2. Lateral wall: stria vascularis and spiral ligament
Fluid spaces Narrower
Reticular lamina Less strictly organized The lateral wall, consisting of the medially located stria
MOC Fewer terminal vascularis and the laterally located spiral ligament, defines
Outer hair cell synapses More like inner hair cell synapse the lateral aspect of the scala media. The stria vascularis
Sensitivity to noise and ototoxins Decreases
is made up of three layers of cells, from medial to lateral:
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 399

marginal cells, intermediate cells and basal cells (see Fig. 1 aspect of the marginal cells but do not reach the luminal
for definitions of orientation in the cochlea). surface. The intermediate cells, which are probably derived
from the neural crest, contain melanin, and are often referred
2.1. Marginal cells to as melanocytes [129]. It is possible that all melanin in the
cochlea is produced by melanocytes, yet, melanin granules
The marginal cells are a homogenous layer of polarized may be found in all three layers of cells in the stria vascu-
epithelial cells that derive from the membranous labyrinth. laris, and even in the adjacent spiral ligament. It is likely that
These cells are organized as one layer that lines the scala cells other than intermediate cells of the stria vascularis ac-
media fluid space. SEM observation of the luminal (en- quire melanin by donation from adjacent melanocytes [47].
dolymphatic) surface of these cells reveals their hexagonal Animals (and humans) that lack melanin (albinos) can hear
shape and their microvilli-covered surface [13]. The hexag- normally. However, when melanocytes are missing from the
onal shape of their apical surface allows for the packing ear (probably due to defects in neural crest cell migration)
of a maximal number of cells in a given area. Microvilli the stria vascularis is dysfunctional, EP is not generated
are usually indicative of interaction with the luminal fluid: and hearing is severely impaired [303]. This suggests that
absorption and/or secretion. The cell–cell contacts between melanocytes play an important role in the generation of EP
marginal cells include classically oriented apical tight junc- and that this function is independent of melanin. Mice ho-
tions, adherens junctions and desmosomes [162]. An unusual mozygous for mutations in pigmentation genes exhibit inner
feature of this simple epithelium is the absence of a base- ear phenotypes [273]. Severe pathology in the stria vascu-
ment membrane. This facilitates close association of these laris, associated with inability to generate EP, appears to be
epithelial cells with the vasculature beneath them. the primary pathology.
Marginal cells of the stria vascularis have abundance of Basal cells are located lateral to the intermediate cell
cytokeratin proteins, which can serve as useful markers for layer, adjacent to the spiral ligament. These flat cells form a
them [15,17,27,170]. Other molecules that have been iden- continuous layer and exhibit a dense network of junctional
tified in marginal cells include several molecules associated complexes with neighboring basal cells as well as between
with ionic pumps and channels. The presence of these spe- basal cells and other cells around them [97]. These cells
cific pumps, and the outcome of deletions of each of the re- lack NaK-ATPase, suggesting that their main role may be
spective genes help reveal the role of marginal cells in strial related to establishing a barrier between the stria vascularis
and cochlear function. and the spiral ligament. It is not completely clear whether
One of the roles of the stria vascularis is to pump Na+ these cells are derived from mesodermal or neural crest ori-
away from the endolymph. Using immunogold-labeling, the gins. Due to the presence of a brain type glucose transporter
presence of amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels was demon- (GLUT1) in basal cells [139], it is possible to specifically
strated in the luminal and lateral membranes of marginal identify them within the stria vascularis. The intermediate
cells, suggesting that they could act as an efficient pathway filament marker vimentin stains both basal and intermediate
for Na+ uptake from the endolymph [141]. Using similar cells of the stria vascularis [272], and therefore cannot be
methods, a Na–K–Cl cotransporter [59] was localized to the used to distinguish between these two cell types.
basolateral membrane infolding of marginal cells [207]. In
mice deficient for NKCC1, the organ of Corti and several 2.3. The spiral ligament
other areas of the cochlea, including cells that do not ex-
press this gene, are severely pathological [222]. The process The spiral ligament is located between the stria vascu-
of K+ recycling in the cochlea has been described [158] and laris (medially) and the otic capsule (Fig. 1). It is composed
recently reviewed [340]. mainly of connective tissue elements including extracellular
NaK-ATPase plays an important role in stria vascularis material and cells from mesenchymal origin [209]. The cap-
function for generation of the endocochlear potential (EP) illary bed for supply and drainage in the ear is prominent in
and maintenance of the ionic composition of endolymph. the spiral ligament. In many mammals, five clear sub-areas
Several isoforms of this enzyme have been localized to the are distinguished [124]. In addition to containing the cap-
stria [54,76]. Marked similarities were found in the devel- illary bed and providing mechanical support to the stria
opmental and age-related expression patterns of NKCC and vascularis, the spiral ligament has other important func-
NaK-ATPase, suggesting functional cooperation between tions. It anchors the lateral aspect of the basilar membrane
the two ion transport mediators responsible for generat- (BM). The attachment of the organ of Corti is not a simple
ing and maintaining K+ levels in endolymph and the EP passive one. Rather, at least in some mammals, fibroblasts
[264]. with stress fibers (tension fibroblasts) that contain contrac-
tile proteins are present in the tissue that anchors the spiral
2.2. Intermediate and basal cells ligament to the BM, suggesting that the spiral ligament can
generate and/or regulate BM tension [126]. Gap junctions
Lateral to the marginal cells of the stria vascularis are the are present between fibrocytes in the spiral ligament that
intermediate cells. These cells interdigitate with the basal underlies the stria vascularis, and between these fibrocytes
400 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

and strial basal cells [99]. Hsp27 immunostaining has been two cell layers, forming together an avascular membrane
demonstrated in tension fibroblasts of the spiral ligament, [71,140]. Cells that line the scala media are simple epithe-
suggesting a potential role in the regulation and maintenance lial cells of the membranous labyrinth which rest on a thin
of the actin cytoskeleton in these cells [177]. Hsp27 may also basement membrane. The scala vestibuli side of Reissner’s
play a protective role in these cells, which may be required membrane consists of mesenchymally derived fibroblasts.
due to their tensile properties and potential for mechanical This layer is at times discontinuous [140].
injury. The cells of the membrane and the junctional complexes
Another function of the spiral ligament is related to main- between them form an ionic barrier to the flow of ions.
taining the ionic balance in the cochlea. The spiral ligament In addition, the membrane can most likely regulate ionic
extends above and below the stria vascularis and reaches balance (and volume) of the fluids by selectively pumping
the border of the perilymphatic spaces in scala tympani and ions. Three types of ion channels were identified in the apical
scala vestibuli. Aided by gap junctions and NaK-ATPase membrane of the epithelial cells of Reissner’s membrane:
pumps, the spiral ligament is thought to pump K+ out of the a stretch-activated nonselective cation, a chloride and a K+
perilymph and transport it for maintaining the high concen- channel [352]. If the balance of pressure between endolymph
tration of K+ in the endolymph [290]. and perilymph is disrupted, the membrane bulges.
Type II, IV and V fibrocytes function to pump K+ from the Due to the presence of two layers of cells, it is usually
perilymph and produce a K+ flow to Type I fibrocytes and possible to identify cell types in Reissner’s membrane. When
strial basal cells [290,292]. Pathological changes in fibrocyte specific markers are required, cytokeratin specific antibodies
subtypes have been linked to noise-induced hearing loss as can be used for the epithelial cells and vimentin for the
well as age related hearing loss, where fibrocyte pathology, fibroblasts in scala vestibuli.
particularly Type IV, was shown to precede hair cell loss
The autosomal dominant sensorineural deafness DFNA9 5. The fluid spaces
is caused by missense mutations in the COCH gene, which
is expressed in high levels in fibrocytes of the spiral lim- The fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth (scala
bus and of the spiral ligament in the cochlea. Antibodies to media) is endolymph (Figs. 1 and 2). It has an ionic com-
cochlin, the gene product of COCH reveal reduced staining position similar to intracellular fluid (high K+ ). Endolymph
in affected DFNA9 ears as compared with normal ears [250]. composition is similar among mammals. Endolymph is
While the role of cochlin is not yet understood, DFNA9 prevented from leaking into the intercellular space by
demonstrates the importance of specific cell types in the spi- well-developed tight junctions in the epithelium of the
ral ligament for cochlear function. membranous labyrinth. The fluid of scala media can drain
Connective tissue markers such as vimentin are useful for into the endolymphatic sac, via the endolymphatic duct.
identifying spiral ligament cells. Actin stains can be used The volume of cochlear fluids has recently been measured
for identifying stress fibers in stress fibroblasts. Antibodies in several mammals [316]. The dynamics of fluid movement
to cochlin can identify a specific cell sub-type in the spiral has been investigated and modeled [265–267].
ligament. Further characterization of the collagens and other Perilymph is an extracellular-like fluid (high sodium) that
extracellular molecules that are present in different regions fills the scala vestibuli and scala tympani (Figs. 1 and 4). It
of the spiral ligament will provide additional markers for is continuous with the CSF via the cochlear aqueduct. The
this tissue [51,315]. fluid between the cells of the organ of Corti is also contin-
uous with the perilymph. As for endolymph (above), vol-
ume measurements were obtained using magnetic resonance
3. Blood supply imaging [316] and fluid dynamics modeled [265].

This review does not provide details regarding the

vasculature of the cochlea, which is reviewed elsewhere 6. Organ of Corti
[25,121,255,282]. Normal blood supply is critical for the
function of the cochlea. Reduction in its blood supply 6.1. General considerations: cells and organization
reduces auditory sensitivity, as evident during certain ma-
nipulations and observed in association with chronic noise The organ of Corti is the sensorineural end organ for hear-
exposure and aging [163,205,274]. ing. It includes polarized epithelial cells (hair cells and sup-
porting cells) of placodal origin (membranous labyrinth),
a specialized basement membrane with a layer of matrix
4. Reissner’s membrane called BM, nerve endings and the TM [75,120,159,162,
Reissner’s membrane separates the perilymph of scala The hair cells and supporting cells are spatially organized
vestibuli from the endolymph (Fig. 1). It is made up of in an orderly pattern. The apical surfaces of all cells are
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 401

Fig. 2. A plastic cross-section of the mole rat cochlea. The organ of Corti is shown, along with the covering the tectorial membrane. Note that there is
no contact between stereocilia of inner hair cell and the tectorial membrane.

joined together by an elaborate set of junctional complexes 6.2. Inner hair cell
to form the reticular lamina, which is a barrier between the
endolymph of scala media and the perilymph-like fluid in Inner hair cells are pear shaped cells with a round cen-
the intercellular spaces bathing the basolateral domains of trally located nucleus (Figs. 2 and 4). One row of inner hair
these cells. The pattern of cell organization in the reticular cells runs along the cochlear duct (Figs. 3 and 5). The cells
lamina is known as a “mosaic” epithelium, in which every are in contact with the inner pillar cell (on their lateral as-
hair cell is surrounded by four supporting cells. In cross pect) and the phalangeal cells (on the other three sides),
sections, the epithelium appears as pseudo-stratified, with displaying a complex mixed junction with alternating tight
supporting cells spanning the distance between the basement junction and adherens junction specializations. Mature hair
membrane and the reticular lamina. In contrast, the hair cells cells have neither desmosomes nor gap junctions [111]. The
do not rest upon the BM (Figs. 2 and 4). apical portion of the cell (cell surface) along with its stere-
There are two types of hair cells, inner and outer, with ocilia are bathed in endolymph of scala media, whereas the
the inner hair cell (IHC) being the true sensory cell type, basolateral domain is bathed in perilymph and surrounded
sending impulses via the auditory nerve. In contrast, outer by supporting cells and neuronal terminals. Inner hair cells
hair cells (OHCs) are used to enhance the performance of are positioned on the arcuate zone of the BM (see below),
the cochlea, qualitatively (increased selectivity) and quan- which is enclosed in bony shelves of the osseous spiral lam-
titatively (increased sensitivity). The name “hair” cell was ina. Thus, the BM is immobile in this region, and the inner
chosen because of the tuft of stereocilia that protrude from hair cell body probably does not vibrate in response to sound
the apical domain of every cell. stimulation.
There are no basal (undifferentiated) cells in the organ of This review focuses on structures that are directly involved
Corti. Rather, all cells in the sensory epithelium are differ- with sound transduction, namely, the stereocilia and the tip
entiated. This is unusual for epithelial tissues, and accounts links that interconnect them, and the synaptic connection
for the inability of hair cells to be replaced, once lost. with the afferent neurons. Stereocilia are morphologically
402 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

Fig. 3. A scanning electron micrograph of the mouse reticular lamina. One row of inner hair cells and the first row of outer hair cells are seen, along
with the supporting cells that are positioned between the sensory cells.

similar to microvilli, except that they are much larger. Each cell stereocilia are usually arranged in two main rows, with
inner hair cell has between 20 and 50 (or more) stereocilia, additional shorter rows seen in some cases in the medial
depending on the species and the location along the cochlear aspect of the tuft (Fig. 3). Stereocilia are cellular projections
duct, with more stereocilia closer to its basal end. Inner hair that are membrane bound. To mechanically extend these

Fig. 4. A schematic representation of the human inner ear. This schematic, modified after Retzius, 1884, shows the different cell types and the extracellular
components in the organ of Corti and it immediate vicinity. The orientation is similar to that depicted in Fig. 2.
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 403

Fig. 5. An epifluorescence micrograph of the guinea pig reticular lamina stained with phalloidin to depict F-actin. The focal plane is at the adherens
junctions immediately beneath the luminal surface of the epithelium. The various cell types are marked.

projections and maintain them, the cell uses a dense core of The main protein in stereocilia was identified as actin
actin filaments along with actin-associated proteins. At the about 25 years ago [93]. Since then, the molecular orga-
base of each stereocilium is an electron-dense rootlet, which nization of stereocilia has been investigated in depth. The
is inserted into the cuticular plate (see below). The apical tips most detailed analysis of the development and molecu-
of stereocilia are connected to their neighboring stereocilia lar organization of stereocilia was made on material from
(of the adjacent row) with a tip link [225]. Stereocilia are non-mammalian vertebrates [61,318–322]. Actin filaments
also linked to neighboring stereocilia with side links (see in stereocilia are organized in a parallel array and cross
below). linked with fimbrin [289] and other cross linking proteins.
Protrusions or appendages of cells require a cytoskeletal Much, but not all of these data hold for mammalian ears, and
support. True cilia use a microtubule-based mechanical sup- even among mammals, interspecies variability may occur.
port. Stereocilia of hair cells are cylindrical protrusions of Among the molecules that have been identified in stere-
approximately 250 nm in diameter that use an actin-based ocilia, in addition to actin, are unconventional myosins
scaffold. The length of stereocilia varies significantly be- [101]. Mutations of genes encoding myosin VI, myosin
tween species, with ears specialized for high frequency VIIa and myosin XV cause hearing loss, associated with se-
hearing exhibiting the shortest stereocilia (Table 1). Stere- vere pathologies in stereocilia. Of these three myosins, only
ocilia are usually tallest in the apical end of the cochlea and myosin VIIa is a stereocilia specific molecule [117,118].
decrease in a gradient towards the base. Typical length of Defects in myosin VIIA are responsible for deafness in the
inner hair cell stereocilia (the tallest row) is 2–8 ␮m. Mor- human and mouse. The C-terminal FERM domain of myosin
phometry of stereocilia was performed on cochleae of sev- VIIA binds to a novel transmembrane protein, vezatin,
eral mammals [39,251,336,349]. Extreme dimensions have which is a ubiquitous protein of adherens junctions [173].
been found in mammals that specialize in high frequency Vezatin has been localized to the side links of stereocilia.
hearing such as the bat, which has very short stereocilia Novel stereocilia molecules continue to be discovered.
[336] and the mole rat, a low-frequency adapted mammal For instance, a novel actin-binding protein, 2E4, which is
with very tall stereocilia [242]. thought to play a unique role in the actin rearrangement
404 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

during stereocilia formation, was recently identified [28]. The centrosome of hair cells is located in the fonticulus,
Another protein, stereocilin, which is involved in deafness an area free of actin in the region of the cuticular plate. The
when its gene is mutated, is expressed in cochlear stereocilia location of the centrosome is the previous site of insertion
[337]. Integrins serve as fibronectin receptors and mediate of the kinocilium, which degenerates in auditory hair cells
attachment of cells to matrix. The ␣8␤1 integrin was local- as they mature. Immuno-stains for tubulin clearly depict the
ized to stereocilia. In mice homozygous for a targeted mu- basal body within the centrosome, where actin stain is ex-
tation of Itga8 (encoding the ␣8␤1 subunit) a pathological cluded [238,240,305]. Antibodies specific to the centroso-
inner ear phenotype is observed [191]. mal proteins pericentrin and ␥-tubulin have also been useful
Knowledge of the polarity of actin filaments in stereocilia for accurately localizing centrosomes in cochlear hair cells
can help one to understand their development and their inter- and supporting cells [330].
action with other proteins. Using electron microscopy com- The junctional complexes of inner hair cells include a
bined with decoration with subfragment-1 of myosin, it was tight junction near the apical surface, followed by an ad-
determined that actin filaments in stereocilia are organized herens junction. The adherens junction is associated with a
in a parallel paracrystalin array, and that all filaments have dense ring of circumferential actin. In addition to staining
identical polarity with the tip of the arrowheads pointing to- with actin and spectrin, a molecule called CAR has been lo-
wards the cuticular plate [60,95,281]. One of the proteins calized to this circumferential ring [216]. Mature inner hair
which is thought to be involved in organization of actin cells do not have gap junctions or desmosomes. The ab-
in brush border microvilli and Sertoli cell-spermatid junc- sence of the latter is consistent with the lack of cytokeratins
tions is espin. Espin has been found in stereocilia of hair in these cells, a rather unusual finding for epithelial cells
cells [359]. In jerker mice, mutants in the espin gene, actin [17,170,243]. Mutations in genes encoding junction proteins
bundling is deficient resulting in a deaf phenotype. Recent have been shown to be involved in deafness [4,348]. The
work in rat cochlear explants suggest that actin-filament ar- junctional organization of the epithelial mosaic at the level
rays in stereocilia are continuously remodeled by the addi- of the reticular lamina is discussed later in this review (see
tion of actin monomers to the stereocilium tips, and that the Section 6.5).
entire core of a stereocilium is renewed every 48 h [271]. The lateral membrane of inner hair cells is not as well
Based on experiments in non-mammalian vertebrates, it is characterized as that of the OHCs (below), yet some studies
thought that the transduction-channel in auditory hair cells is have examined it in detail. Special plaques were identified,
mechanically-gated and that a spring like mechanism trans- which could represent the sites of transmembrane channels.
mits forces for opening the channels and permits their clos- It was estimated that there may be up to 20,000 plaques on
ing. Tip links emerge from the tips of the shorter stereocilia each inner hair cell [98]. Markers specific for hair cells are
in the hair bundle, and connect with the adjacent taller stere- discussed below in the section describing the OHCs.
ocilium of the next row [220]. Tip links appear to consist of a
strand of extracellular material. Further examination has re- 6.2.1. Inner hair cell neurotransmission
vealed that tip links are right-handed, coiled double filaments Movement of the hair cell stereocilia in the direction of
that may split into two branches before contacting a taller the taller row opens transduction ion channels, allowing
stereocilium [152]. In another study, the tip link appeared entry of K+ and calcium ions and generating a transduction
as a helical bundle of three coiled filaments [327]. Further current. The transduction current then activates voltage sen-
understanding of the molecular composition and organiza- sitive calcium channels along the IHC lateral wall and base
tion of the tip links will most likely enhance our understand- as well as Ca2+ activated K channels [138,168,247,356].
ing of the function of auditory transduction channels. Much There are both slow and fast activating K+ currents [144].
of the work on transduction channels has been performed The end result is release of neurotransmitter at the hair
in non-mammalian vertebrates, especially on vestibular hair cell base. Movement of stereocilia in the opposite direction
cells, and therefore is not covered in this review of the organ closes the stereocilia-related channels and stops the release
of Corti. Several excellent reviews of the auditory transduc- of neurotransmitter. In the “resting” position of stereocilia
tion mechanism have appeared [69,72,106,135,304,324]. (upright) the transduction channels are partially open, lead-
The cuticular plate is an organelle located under the apical ing to a small release of transmitter. This, in turn, generates
cell membrane of cochlear hair cells, which serves to anchor a spontaneous activity in the auditory nerve and the as-
and support the actin rootlet of stereocilia. It is essentially cending auditory pathways, even in the absence of sound.
a terminal web, similar to that seen in intestinal brush bor- The frequency of movement of stereocilia matches the fre-
der cells, but thicker, as required for supporting stereocilia, quency of the sound stimulus. The hair cell—auditory nerve
which are much longer than microvilli. Actin filaments in synapse is therefore a highly active one. Moreover, to take
the cuticular plate have a mixed polarity. The lateral edge advantage of the information encoded by the frequency re-
at the perimeter of the cuticular plate is separated from the lated release of transmitter requires a synapse where there is
actin bundle of the adherens junction [240,317], allowing rapid post-synaptic effect and equally rapid recovery. With
for vesicle transport from the cell body to the apical (stere- these requirements it is not surprising to find that evidence
ocilia) domain [151] (data from frog). supports an excitatory amino acid, most likely glutamate, as
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 405

the hair cell transmitter, acting on an ionotropic glutamate and the IHC is far removed from the soma, at the end of a
receptor with subunits configured for rapid recovery. long extended peripheral process, the excitotoxic effect is re-
The inner hair cell synapses with auditory nerve periph- stricted to the unmyelinated portion of peripheral process, so
eral processes. There are two classes of auditory nerves, it is less destructive. Blocking the glutamate receptor [228]
with the differentiation termed by their cell bodies. The cell or providing increased amounts of the lateral efferent trans-
bodies are called spiral ganglion cells (SGCs), since they mitter dopamine will reduce the swelling or bursting and re-
spiral around the central core (modiolus) in Rosenthal’s gression of the peripheral process [55]. When the inner hair
canal, paralleling the more laterally located sensorineu- cell recovers, the connection can regenerate and the synap-
ral epithelium until shortly before the apex. Inner hair tic function will also recover [230,253]. When the inner hair
cells contact the peripheral processes of Type I SGCs, cell dies there is no longer regeneration of processes. In-
large bipolar neurons that comprise the major population stead, there is eventual secondary loss of the Type I SGCs. It
(90–95%) of SGCs. Type II SGCs are smaller, pseudounipo- is possible, however, to provide stimulation with a cochlear
lar and their peripheral processes contact with OHCs. prosthesis and/or with neurotrophic factors such as GDNF or
Evidence for glutamate as the transmitter at the IHC— BDNF [5,77,113,114,122,174,202–204,206,299,300,353] to
Type I SGC synapse includes its presence—from neuro- enhance SGC survival following inner hair cell loss.
chemical [108,344] and immunocytochemical [12,82,333] The response of auditory nerve fibers is not only a function
studies, its release [67,142,143,146], uptake mechanisms of the type and subunit composition of the receptors but also
[81,104,110,183,221,313], and by the action of glutamate of post-synaptic channels. There is a variation in intrinsic
and its agonists providing auditory nerve excitation which properties such as adaptation and inward rectification that
is blocked by antagonists [34,50,73,86,147]. In situ hy- varies among auditory nerve fibers and some of this can
bridization and immunocytochemical studies show both be correlated with differences in K+ channels. There are
AMPA and NMDA receptor sub-types are expressed in differences in the K+ channels along a base-apex gradient
Type I SGCs [171,172,197,215,256,258,259] and while [3] with SGCs in more apical turns generally having a greater
there is evidence for an action on both AMPA and NMDA number of the Kv 4.2 subunits and more basally located
receptors [73,147,227,229], the most recent pharmacolog- SGCs having a greater number of Kv 1.1 and 3.1 subunits.
ical evidence suggests the major action is at the AMPA
receptor [253]. Ultrastructural immunocytochemical studies 6.2.2. Inner hair cell—auditory nerve synapse
of the IHC—Type I SGC synapse show that GluR2/3 and The inner hair cell makes a ribbon synapse with the pe-
GluR4 subunits are placed in the post-synaptic complex, ripheral process endings of Type I SGCs. Presynaptically,
without any GluR1 immunolabeling [197,221]. This pattern multiple large round vesicles are lined up around a dense
of AMPA receptor subunit composition is similar to what body, called a ribbon. Recent studies by Glowatzki and
is seen in central auditory pathways [137,224] which Ra- Fuchs [107], reviewed by Trussell [326], point out some
man et al. [237] and Trussell [325] suggest is specialized special features of the inner hair cell—Type I SGC cell
to allow for the rapid desensitization kinetics necessary synapse. The ribbons are believed to facilitate a continuous
for auditory processing. Metabotropic glutamate receptors supply of synaptic vesicles containing glutamate allowing
(mGluR1) may also contribute to the action of glutamate a continuous multivesicular release of transmitter. This al-
on Type I SGCs [165]. lows a greater efficacy for each “quantum” release early
There is also evidence for presynaptic glutamate receptors within a sustained stimulus and sustained release of trans-
[197] indicating a potential autocrine loop. Glutamate may mitter over the course of a long stimulus. The synaptic
not be the only hair cell transmitter. Sewell has demonstrated type is an asymmetric one, typical of excitatory amino acid
an auditory nerve activating substance [276]. Moreover the synapses, with large round vesicles presynaptically and a
presence of P2X2 receptors in auditory nerve suggests that thick post-synaptic density. The inner hair cell makes its
ATP may also function to modulate auditory nerve activity, synaptic connection with the peripheral process of Type I
although its source remains unknown [48,134]. SGCs, which comprise 90–95% of the SGC population. A
A highly active glutamatergic synapse has a negative con- Type I SGC has only one peripheral process, which contacts
sequence, the potential for excitotoxicity and this appears to a single inner hair cell, while each inner hair cell receives
be the case at the IHC—Type I SGC synapse. Over-release connections from multiple (10–30) SGCs [185,188,295]
of transmitter from inner HCs from noise overstimulation with the number varying, depending on the species. The
or other trauma causes swellings of Type I SGC peripheral connection between the inner hair cell and the auditory
processes [150,233,248]. With sufficient over-release, the nerve can be further subdivided, based on the spontaneous
swollen terminals will burst and the peripheral process will activity of the auditory nerve. There are auditory nerve
regress toward the habenula perforata, as far as the portion of fibers with high, low and intermediate spontaneous activity.
the process within the canal that becomes myelinated [231]. Each inner hair cell receives connections from all of these
This is not typical CNS excitotoxicity, where the effect is categories. Connections with high spontaneous rate fibers
usually on the soma and the swelling can be immediately fa- are generally more prevalent on the pillar (lateral) side
tal to the neuron. Because the connection between the SGC of the inner hair cell, with terminals larger and richer in
406 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

mitochondria than the lower spontaneous rate fibers more of the LOC may therefore be to produce a range of set-points,
prevalent on the modiolar (medial) side [185,186,200]. generating a continuum of spontaneous activities and sensi-
tivities, which in turn provides a greater dynamic range for
6.2.3. Lateral olivocochlear efferent connections the driven activity of the auditory nerve (Fig. 6). An addi-
Lateral olivocochlear (LOC) efferents arise in the lateral tional function may be a lateral efferent loop or reflex that
superior olive (LSO) of the auditory brain stem and send ter- can change set-points and/or receptor trafficking and allow
minals predominantly or entirely to the ipsilateral cochlea the dynamic range to be adapted to different levels of activ-
(depending on species) [109,342,346]. These unmyelinated ity. This may also provide protection [234]. Recent reviews
fibers exit the brain stem with the vestibular nerve, join the provide more details on the afferent and efferent pathways
auditory nerve at the anastomosis of Oort just before enter- of the cochlea and cochlear neurotransmission [85,180,181].
ing the cochlea with the auditory nerve. They may spiral
through the modiolus in the intraganglionic spiral bundle 6.3. Outer hair cells
and enter the organ of Corti through the habenula perfo-
rata of Rosenthal’s canal where they then spiral in the in- OHCs are mainly innervated by efferent terminals and
ner spiral bundle below inner hair cell bases and in the are known to enhance and modulate the function of the true
tunnel spiral bundle, in the medial border of the tunnel of auditory sensory cell, the inner hair cell. OHCs have evolved
Corti. Fibers leave these bundles to terminate on the pe- an elaborate set of structural and functional features, some
ripheral processes of Type I SGCs [342,343]. The distribu- of them unique, which allow them to facilitate the exquisite
tion of LOC terminals is relatively equal along the length sensitivity and selectivity of the cochlea.
of the cochlear spiral, however, recent studies show there The general shape of OHCs is cylindrical, with a flat apical
are two separate lateral efferent systems, one with discrete membrane (Figs. 2 and 4). The nucleus is round and located
tonotopic distribution along the cochlear spiral and another, in the basal portion of the cylinder. The apical domain in-
originating in the shell region around the LSO, with a more cludes the stereocilia. The basal end rests on a special “seat”
diffuse projection [343]. The LOC was shown to contain provided by a Deiters cell. There are three rows of OHCs,
acetylcholine as a transmitter, based first on cholinesterase but in some cases a fourth and even fifth row are found,
stains [341], and then choline-acetyl-transferase (ChAT) im- especially in the apical turn or in mammals specializing in
munostaining [8,83,84,338]. The LOC has also been shown low frequency hearing [242]. The lateral membrane of these
to contain a large number of additional neurotransmitters cells is bathed in the fluid of the space of Nuel, which is
[79] including enkephalin [10,83,90], dynorphin [7,130], biochemically continuous with perilymph. The Deiters cell
dopamine [149,332], CGRP [164,192,277,280,287,312,338] on which the OHC is seated allows efferent neurons to pass
and GABA [82,91,338]. Many of these neurotransmitters through it, reach the basal domain of the OHC, and form
have been shown to be co-localized within single LOC neu- nerve terminals. The apical domain of each OHC is in con-
rons and neuronal processes [1,6,9,11,257,260]. Because tact with four different supporting cells, as explained below
these unmyelinated fibers are difficult to record from or in the section dealing with the reticular lamina mosaic.
to stimulate, it has been difficult to determine the function OHCs vary in length among mammals and along the
of the LOC. Lesion studies show a compression of audi- cochlea. OHCs of the basal turn are invariably shorter than
tory nerve spontaneous rates following the loss of the LOC those located in the apical turn. OHCs in low frequency
system [187] with an overall decrease in compound action adapted mammals are longer than those specializing in high
potential [181,182]. Studies suggest that the lateral effer- frequency. Typically, OHCs are not shorter than 20 ␮m and
ents can change the resting potential or “set-point” within not longer than 70 ␮m.
the Type I SGC auditory nerve post-synaptic terminals, de- The stereocilia of OHCs have a molecular organization
pending on which transmitter or transmitters are acting on similar to that of inner hair cell stereocilia. Tip links and side
the auditory nerve. Release of acetylcholine, probably act- links also resemble links in inner hair cells. It is possible
ing on ␣-7 acetylcholine receptors [66,211], will depolarize that ion channels are different between the two types of
the peripheral process and enhance glutamate driven activ- cochlear hair cells, and data on this are awaited. The basic
ity [87]. Dynorphin will also depolarize the peripheral pro- organization of OHC stereocilia is in three rows (Fig. 3),
cess terminal and facilitate driven activity [261]. CGRP has although additional rows have been seen in some species
been shown to increase activity of afferent fibers innervating [242]. The three rows form a W-shaped pattern, with the tip
hair cells in the Xenopus laevis lateral line [2]. Thus acetyl- in the lateral aspect of the cell, just above the actin-free area
choline, dynorphin and CGRP are all capable of lowering the in the cuticular plate, the fonticulus. As in the inner hair
set point and potentiating the action of glutamate in achiev- cells, the rows of stereocilia are graded, with the tallest being
ing depolarization and auditory nerve activity. On the other positioned laterally. The angle of the V varies in a gradient
hand dopamine, enkephalin and GABA are inhibitory and along the cochlear duct, with the most acute angle at the
will hyperpolarize, raise the set-point and make the periph- apical turn. The width of each stereocilium is slightly larger
eral processes they influence less sensitive to glutamate ac- than those of the inner hair cells [349]. The organization of
tivation by inner hair cells [20,46,87,217,254]. The function actin within the stereocilia and the cuticular plate, and the
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 407

Fig. 6. Schematic of the efferent (E) and afferent (A) connections to the inner hair cell. The “inner hair cell” is surrounded laterally by inner phalangeal
cells (IPC). There are ion channels (Ion ch) at the base (shown) and in the lateral wall (not shown) including voltage sensitive calcium channels and
Ca2+ activated K channels. The inner hair cell transmitter, an excitatory amino acid most likely to be glutamate, is sequestered in large round vesicles
around a ribbon and released into the synaptic cleft. A connection is made to an afferent (A) terminal, the peripheral process of a Type I spiral ganglion
cell (SGC). Glutamate receptors (GluR) are placed in the active zone of the post-synaptic membrane, with an AMPA type ionotropic membrane spanning
receptor (left) and perhaps also a metabotropic, second messenger linked receptor (right) as part of the complex. There may also be pre-synaptic glutamate
receptors as part of a feedback system. There are also post-synaptic ion channels including K+ channels whose subunit composition varies from base
to apex along the length of the cochlear spiral. The efferent (E) connection is made by the LOC system and is largely onto the afferents. There are
multiple neurotransmitters (listed in diagram) within the lateral efferents, with evidence for co-containment. These can have excitatory (+) or inhibitory
(−) actions on post-synaptic receptors. There are ionotropic (membrane spanning) receptors, the acetylcholine receptors (AChr), most likely the nicotinic
type using the ␣-7 subunit with an excitatory action and GABA-A receptors (GABAR) with an inhibitory action. There are also metabotropic (second
messenger linked) receptors for the different neuropeptides (neuropeptide receptors—NPRs) with excitatory, inhibitory and other types of actions possible.

anchoring of the rootlet in the cuticular plate is similar to adherens junction, the cuticular plate, in association with
that described for the inner hair cell. the lateral wall plasma membrane (see below) and in the
The junctional complexes connecting OHCs to their sub-nuclear area. Microtubules have been localized to the
neighboring supporting cells are similar, but not identical subcuticular region, the lateral wall and elsewhere in the
to those found in inner hair cells. The most apical com- cytoplasm. Because of space limitations, we can only men-
plex, the tight junction, forms a mixed complex with the tion some of the many papers that describe the cytoskeletal
adherens junction, so that they alternate along an extensive components and their organization in OHCs of the organ of
length, sealing the reticular lamina and preventing passage Corti [24,92,94,131,169,223,240,281,284,285,314,323].
of molecules between the lumen (scala media) and the per- The presence of a cochlear amplifier has been postulated
ilymph in the space of Nuel. This is a unique junctional [58]. Motility (length changes) in OHCs was discovered two
organization which is thought to be required because of the years later [23,43,153,355]. Since then, an intense effort has
mechanical exposure and motile function of the cell. The been directed at identifying the mechanism of motility in
distribution of actin associated with the adherens junction OHCs. Because the reticular lamina is rather stiff, length
ring is asymmetrical, with more actin in the supporting cell changes in the OHC are likely to modulate the distance
side of the junction. Similar to inner hair cells, there are no between the reticular lamina and the BM, and the charac-
desmosomes or gap junctions in OHCs. teristics of the mechanical vibration presented to the inner
The cytoskeleton of OHCs includes actin (and associated hair cell stereocilia. To generate the motility and deliver
proteins) and microtubules (with their associated proteins). the length changes to the receiving parts of the organ of
As in inner hair cells, intermediate filaments are absent. Corti, OHCs evolved to be stiff and motile. There is am-
Actin has been described in the circumferential ring of the ple evidence that the lateral plasma membrane (sometimes
408 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

called “lateral wall”) of these cells, along with associated actin/spectrin cortical lattice and the “lateral membrane
specialized structures, participate in maintaining the shape complex” including the subsurface cisternae. This elec-
and the stiffness of the OHC and generate their motility tromotility of OHCs depends on positive intracellular
[22,56,199]. pressure (turgor). Aquaporins, proteins that regulate wa-
Transmission electron microscopy of the lateral mem- ter flow through plasma membranes, were localized to the
brane of OHCs reveals a plasma membrane with specialized plasma membrane of the OHC [30]. In mice with muta-
associated structures [26,96,115,244,323]. One or more tions in an aquaporin gene, Aqp4, cochlear dysfunction
layers of vesicles called subsurface cisternae are located was identified [201]. The molecular organization of the
along the lateral wall of the OHCs [100,244,262,336]. membrane, especially the lipid components, also influences
Micro-pillars are positioned between the plasma membrane the stiffness of the cells, through its influence on turgor
and the cisternae, at an angle perpendicular to the membrane [214]. Various models for electro-motility have been pro-
[96,244]. Between the cisternae and the plasma membrane, posed, based on structural and electrophysiological data
there is a mesh of actin and spectrin, resembling the cortical related to the membrane and the motor protein [56,184,
membrane of erythrocytes [132,133]. On their cytoplasmic 218,239].
side, cisternae, termed “subsurface cisternae” have been There are several specific molecular markers for the ma-
shown to be associated with microtubules [242]. In man, ture OHC. Among these are Myo 6 [275], Myo 7a [119],
mouse and several other mammals, there is only one layer CAR [216], ␣-9 acetylcholine receptor [195,360] and prestin
of cisternae along the lateral membrane of OHCs. In other [29]. Prestin is an especially useful marker because of its
animals, the number varies. In guinea pigs, there are 2–3 restricted OHC expression.
layers in the basal turn and the number increases towards
the apical turn, reaching as high as 7. With the use of fluo- 6.3.1. OHC—auditory nerve synapse
rescent membrane probes it was determined that subsurface OHCs make a synaptic connection with Type II SGCs
cisternae are neither Golgi nor ER, but share characteristics [41]. Type II SGCs are smaller, less numerous (5–10%) and
of both [226]. Their role is not known [132,335]. less myelinated than the Type I SGCs. One major function
OHCs have a dual response to the transduction current of their central connection may be to contribute to an ef-
generated by the opening of transduction channels in the ferent feed-back loop, the medial olivocochlear reflex (de-
stereocilia. There can be a release of transmitter at the base, scribed below). As part of this pathway, Type II SGCs make
however this is relatively minor compared to the inner hair a central connection to the shell region of the cochlear nu-
cells. The major response is a rapid change in the length and cleus which in turn projects to the superior olivary complex
stiffness of the OHC, closely coupled to the changing trans- [31,32,42,210,343,351].
duction current. The motile response of OHCs then provides There are few vesicles presynaptically at the synapses be-
a region specific amplification in the movement of the organ tween OHCs and Type II SGCs in basal turns of the cochlea
of Corti that enhances transduction at the inner hair cells in and no pre-synaptic ribbons [70,188]. Multiple vesicles and
that specific region of the cochlear spiral (thus increasing ribbon synapses, as found in inner hair cells, are only seen
both sensitivity and specificity). The length change is gener- for OHCs in the more apical turns of the cochlea [232]. Be-
ated by conformational changes in motor protein or proteins cause the OHC—Type II SGC synapse is less active, less is
located in the lateral wall of the OHC [102,153,154]. The known about its elements than for the IHC synapse. While
putative motor protein was recently identified as prestin, a there is evidence showing glutamate in OHCs [12,80,333]
protein related to pendrin and other sulphate/anion transport and glutamate receptors are expressed in Type II SGCs
proteins [357,358]. It was localized to the plasma membrane [171,172,221], evidence for placement of the receptors into
of OHCs [357] and its appearance during development co- the postsynaptic complex [197] and for an action of gluta-
incided with the time of onset of motility [29]. Prestin is a mate is still lacking (Fig. 7).
new type of molecular motor, using a direct voltage-to-force
conversion. It uses cytoplasmic anions as extrinsic voltage 6.3.2. Medial olivocochlear efferent connections to OHCs
sensors and can operate at microsecond rates, changing OHC Medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferents arise from the
length in response to changes in membrane potential [56]. ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body with other medially
Because of the restricted expression of prestin in OHCs, it located superior olivary complex nuclei, including supe-
has also become a useful and accurate marker for labeling rior periolivary nucleus (SPN), also contributing in some
these cells. Mice with a null prestin gene exhibit loss of species (such as cat and guinea pig) but not in others (such
OHC electromotility in vitro and a 40–60 dB loss of cochlear as rat) [109,338,342,346]. The MOC processes are both
sensitivity in vivo [246]. These data confirm that prestin is crossed and uncrossed (crossing the auditory brain stem
indeed the motor protein responsible for the entire force in at the floor of the fourth ventricle) innervating both ip-
the active cochlear amplification and that electromotility and silateral and contralateral cochleae, with the contralateral
cochlear amplification are directly linked to each other. cochlea receiving the greater input. Many MOC fibers give
The changes in the plasma membrane of the OHC, in- off collaterals to the cochlear nucleus before they exit the
duced by the changes in prestin, act against the OHC brain stem with the vestibular nerve. They travel with the
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 409

Fig. 7. Schematic of the efferent (E) and afferent (A) connections to the outer hair cell typical for the basal half of the cochlea. An outer phalangeal or
Deiters cell (OPC/DC) cups the outer hair cell laterally (shown) and at its base (not shown), with subsurface cisternae (SSC) in the lateral wall of the
outer hair cell apposing this. Efferents (E) from the medial olivocochlear (MOC) system make multiple connections to the outer hair cell base and are
apposed by sub-synaptic cisternae (SSC). Efferent terminals contain acetylcholine (ACh) and perhaps also GABA and CGRP (their co-containment within
terminals is not known). In the active zone in the post-synaptic membrane of the outer hair cell, the efferent terminals are apposed by acetylcholine
receptors, including the ionotropic nicotinic type with ␣-9 and ␣-10 subunits with an inhibitory action and perhaps also the metabotropic (second
messenger linked) type as part of the receptor complex. GABA receptors (GABAR) and a neuropeptide receptor (NPR) for CGRP provide for their
action. Specific types of ion channels (Ion ch), including K+ channels, help to generate the post-synaptic response to efferents. The outer hair cell makes
an afferent connection to the peripheral process of type II spiral ganglion cells (SGC). Presynaptic glutamate (Glu) is released from a small vesicular
pool at the outer hair cell base and acts at glutamate receptors (GluR) in the postsynaptic afferent.

vestibular nerve until they join the auditory nerve (at the [74,145,194,195,211,279,360]. The effect of ACh release is
anastomosis of Oort) close to the cochlea and enter the a hyperpolarization of the OHC, which changes its set-point
cochlea with the auditory nerve. MOC fibers travel through (resting potential) [34,36,37,57,78,105,166,311], thus mod-
Rosenthal’s canal, and become unmyelinated as they exit ulating outer hair motility and changing the gain of the
the canal through the habenula perforata. They then cross cochlear amplifier. ACh also has a direct effect on OHC
at the mid level of the tunnel of Corti, unlike the Type II motility by influencing the OHC axial stiffness [57,311].
SGC peripheral processes that cross on the floor of the tun- The MOC may act in “reflex” fashion by changing the
nel. The MOC fibers then run parallel to the three rows of cochlear amplifier as a consequence of the amount of audi-
OHCs forming the outer spiral bundles. MOC fibers leave tory pathway activity and may also act to provide protection
the bundles and terminate at the bases of multiple OHCs. from overstimulation by noise [196].
This synapse is characterized by post-synaptic cisterna, There are additional actions of ACh on the OHC, through
along the length of the synapse. In many, but not all species, other receptor mechanisms, including a “slow effect”, that
this MOC innervation of OHCs has a basal bias, with more may use a second messenger system and influence intracel-
terminals on OHCs of the basal turn and the first row, with lular calcium pools [49,78,297,298], and calcium dependent
the number gradually decreasing more apically. Pharma- K+ channels [103,334,354]. Intracellular pathways involv-
cological [36,37,89,105,166,249] as well as histochemical ing the GTPases RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42 may regulate OHC
and immunocytochemical studies [8,83,84,338,341] support motility [155].
acetylcholine as the MOC transmitter. The post-synaptic GABA has also been shown in medial efferents [12,82,91,
effect on OHCs is atypical for ACh [88] with an inhibitory 197,338] but there is conflicting evidence for the presence
action that is blocked by strychnine [179]. Recent molecular of CGRP [164,192,277,280,287,312,338] with its presence
studies explain this by showing that OHCs have a unique now becoming more accepted on the basis of a recent re-
ACh receptor composition using ␣-9 and ␣-10 subunits port of the presence of its receptor complex [193]. GABA
410 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

receptors have been shown [65] and GABA has been shown structural support [284]. The organization of microtubules in
to hyperpolarize OHCs and thus may also function to mod- supporting cells has been described using a variety of meth-
ulate the set-point [219,310], while the action of CGRP re- ods [14,112,169,190,293,306,314,335]. One of the unique
mains unknown. features of microtubules in supporting cells is that each mi-
crotubule molecule is composed of 15 protofilaments [263].
6.4. Supporting cells of the organ of Corti Organ of Corti supporting cells contain bundles of cytok-
eratin intermediate filaments [16,21,27,170,208,243]. The
The supporting cells of the organ of Corti are highly differ- keratin filament arrays appear to anchor microtubule bun-
entiated epithelial cells with distinctive morphological fea- dles to cell surfaces, especially in areas where supporting
tures. Supporting cells surround all the hair cells. Inner hair cells contact hair cells [208]. Nevertheless, the mystery of
cells are surrounded by (inner and outer) phalangeal cells the function of intermediate filaments is yet to be resolved,
(Figs. 2 and 4). OHCs are in contact with Deiters and pillar along with the reasons for the absence of these proteins from
cells. Hensen cells are positioned further laterally in the or- mature auditory hair cells [27,170,243].
gan of Corti. The apical surface of the supporting cells (the There are several features specific for each type of sup-
top of their head plate) is covered by numerous microvilli porting cells. The apical junctional area between the head
that protrude into the endolymph of the scala media. In their plates of inner and outer pillar cells displays one of the
basolateral aspect, supporting cells exhibit different sets of most extensive and elaborate complexes of desmosomes
cell–cell junctions in their homologous versus heterologous and adherens type junctions. The luminal surface of the
junctions [75,159,162,296,345]. In homologous junctions inner pillar cells covers part of the apical process of the
(supporting cell to supporting cell) there are desmosomes neighboring outer pillar cell. While the number of outer
and gap junctions, in addition to the tight and adherens type pillars corresponds one to one with the first row OHCs,
junctions. In contrast, gap junctions and desmosomes are ab- inner pillars are slightly wider and their number is slightly
sent in heterologous junctions (supporting cell to hair cell) smaller. The lower portion of inner pillar cells (the stalk)
[99,159]. slants medially whereas the stalk of the outer pillar slants
Supporting cells have a highly polarized shape. They lack in the opposite direction, thereby creating the tunnel of
membrane specializations such as those found in OHCs, and Corti between the two stalks. The basal portion of pillar
therefore their shape is most likely dependent on an elaborate cells rests on the basement membrane at a site that is more
network of cytoskeletal filaments. Indeed, microfilaments, apical along the cochlear duct than the head plates.
intermediate filaments and microtubules are all present in Deiters cells have three distinct compartments: cell body,
supporting cells in conspicuous amounts and strict organi- stalk and apical head plate (phalangeal process). The lower
zation. Pillar cells exhibit an extreme organization of junc- compartment is the main cell body, with its base resting
tions and cytoskeletal arrays. The apical junction between on the basement membrane. The upper part is curved as a
the inner and outer pillar cells contains an extremely wide rounded deep “seat” to accommodate and sustain the basal
and dense area with desmosomes. The long pillars extend portion of the OHC. The stalk extends from the main cell
from the basement membrane to the head-plate and contain body towards the reticular lamina in a slanted angle, and
organized arrays of actin cables and microtubules. Similar terminates with the head plate that contributes to the reticu-
cytoskeletal arrays can be found in the phalangeal process lar lamina (filling the space between OHCs). The head plate
of Deiters cells. is dumbbell shaped (for first and second row Deiters cells).
Due to the massive array of organized filaments, pil- The angle of the stalk is towards the apex of the cochlea and
lar cells have been used as a model for development of towards the lateral aspect of the organ of Corti [190]. Thus,
cytoskeletal organization, especially microtubule arrays. the head plate does not make contact with the same OHC
The centrosomes appear to play an important role in orga- that occupy the “seat”. Rather, it is positioned laterally and
nizing the microtubule network [330]. In the outer pillar apically. Thus, each Deiters cell is in contact with five dif-
cells, cell surface-associated centrosomes (microtubule or- ferent OHCs: one that sits on it and four others that are con-
ganizing centers) appear to have two spatially discrete nected to its apical head plate (see more in Section 6.5). The
microtubule-nucleating sites, enabling the specific and third row Deiters cell slants in a similar manner, however,
complex assembly of microtubules in this elongated cell its stalk has a different shape. In most mammals, it extends
[331]. A centrosome is present at the apical surface of laterally then returns medially to meet the lateral aspect of
every supporting cell. Comparing different cells in the or- the third row OHC.
gan of Corti for their microtubule isoform (tyrosinated, Hensen cells form the lateral border of the organ of Corti.
detyrosinated, acetylated and polyglutamylated isoforms), These cells have less complex cytoskeletal organization than
it was found that microtubules in the pillar and Deiters the Deiters and pillar cells. Some Hensen cells rest on the
cells contain predominantly post-translationally modified basement membrane while others appear to form a second
isoforms (detyrosinated, acetylated and polyglutamylated layer, usually on top of Boettcher cells (on the lateral as-
tubulin), suggesting that microtubules in supporting cells are pect of the Hensen cell area). In the guinea pig cochlea it
post-translationally modified to provide stable, long-lived is easy to identify Hensen cells by their prominent lipid
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 411

droplets, which can be observed using light microscope anal- 6.5. The reticular lamina
ysis of whole mounts of the organ of Corti, or sections.
Lipid droplets are extremely prominent in the apical turns. The term reticular lamina describes the cellular mosaic
Tectal cells have also been defined in the Hensen cell area made of the apical domains of hair cells and supporting
[127]. cells in the organ of Corti. Collectively, the apical membrane
Supporting cells have functions beyond structural sup- of hair cells and supporting cells, and the tight junction
port. There is evidence that these cells participate in regu- complexes between them, make a functional seal between
lating the ionic environment within and around the organ of the endolymph of scala media and the perilymph in the
Corti [158]. Most importantly, supporting cells are thought organ of Corti. The organization of cells is very precise and
to recycle K+ by removing it from the organ of Corti to regular, allowing a clear identification of cell types when
fibrocytes that, in turn, transport it back to the stria vascu- the reticular lamina is viewed from above (Figs. 3 and 5).
laris. Mutations in several genes that encode for ion channel The apical surface of each hair cell is surrounded by that of
proteins cause hearing impairment, and the gene products supporting cells, making a heterologous junction. Hair cells
have been localized to supporting cells. For instance, Kcc4 are not in contact with adjacent hair cells. Supporting cells
was localized to supporting cells in the organ of Corti [38]. make heterologous contacts with hair cells and homologous
Mice lacking the K+ /Cl− co-transporter Kcc4 are deaf. contacts with other supporting cells. Typically, each hair cell
Another supporting cell domain that could participate in is surrounded by four supporting cells at the level of the
cochlear K+ homeostasis is a dense network of canaliculi reticular lamina. The four supporting cells that surround (and
called the canalicular reticulum, which is found in the foot contact) a given OHC are cells other than the cell on which
body of inner pillar cells. It has been proposed that this this hair cell is seated (at its base). In other words, every
reticulum resorbs ions released from inner radial and spiral OHC is in contact with five different supporting cells, four
nerve fibers [294]. An excellent review of K+ recycling in at the reticular lamina and one at the basal aspect of the cell.
the inner ear has recently appeared [340]. Due to the exquisite organization of the reticular lamina,
In addition to their apical intercellular junction (see it is possible to obtain accurate counts of the hair cells from
Section 6.5), gap junctions couple the cytoplasm of sup- a surface view. It is also possible to detect any deviations
porting cells and allow them to share a micromolecular from the normal pattern of the reticular lamina. Thus, every
cytoplasmic environment [99,159]. The role of gap junc- missing hair cell can be counted in an experimental prepa-
tions for hearing is crucial, as mutations in genes encoding ration.
connexins are common and detrimental for hearing [175]. The intercellular contacts between the cells that make
Four genes, GJB1, GJB2, GJB3 and GJB6, encode for con- up the reticular lamina are complex and elaborate. Tight
nexin proteins (Connexin32, Connexin26, Connexin31 and junctions contribute to the polarized segregation of mem-
Connexin30, respectively). Mutations in these genes cause brane proteins in hair cells and to sealing the reticular lam-
hearing impairment [235], emphasizing the importance of ina against leaks, thus preventing mixing of endolymph and
supporting cell function in maintaining ionic homeostasis perilymph. Beneath the tight junction ring, all cells have a
in the cochlea. prominent belt of adherens junction complex. The actin belt
There are several specific markers that can be used to associated with the adherens junction is more prominent on
distinguish supporting cells from sensory cells, but it is not the supporting cell side of the junction than the hair cell side.
easy to specifically stain a specific type of supporting cell. Hair cells have no other junctions at the level of the reticular
Among the supporting cell markers are cytokeratins (see lamina. However, in their homologous junctions, supporting
above), KHRI-3 [63,213], and connexins, which are gap cells display desmosomes and gap junctions. Collectively,
junction proteins (not expressed in hair cells) [99,159]. the junctional complexes contribute to the mechanical adhe-
Comparing several morphological parameters of support- sion of the cells and facilitate intercellular communication.
ing cells at six different places (frequency areas) along the The molecules that mediate cell–cell communication via
gerbil cochlea revealed differential (site specific) specializa- the junctional complexes belong to different families of cell
tion for the two main functions of these cells: contribution to adhesion molecules. For instance, E-cadherin is localized
the stiffness of the cochlear partition and to the homeostasis to the apical intercellular junctions of supporting cells, but
of the ionic environment [291]. is absent from supporting cell–hair cell borders [347]. The
There is now evidence showing that supporting cells re- complexity of the distribution of junctions and adhesion
ceive synaptic connections. Recent studies show that Hensen molecules in the reticular lamina has been demonstrated
and Deiters cells receive a significant innervation that is pre- [178]. Several known mutations in junctional protein en-
dominantly derived from collaterals of Type II SGC afferents coding genes lead to hearing loss. Mutations in the tight
[85], with small additional contributions from the efferent junction gene claudin-14 cause nonsyndromic recessive
system. The function of this innervation remains unknown. deafness DFNB29. In situ hybridization and immunofluo-
Deiters cells are also capable of a motile response [68], rescence studies demonstrated mouse claudin-14 expression
have P2X receptors [48] and ATP can induce their movement in the sensory epithelium of the organ of Corti [348]. Mu-
[35]. tations in the cadherin-like gene CDH23, found in families
412 Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422

with DFNB12 and families with USH1D are associated with galactosamine, galactose, mannose and N-acetylneuraminic
hearing loss. CDH23 has been shown to be expressed in the acid [157]. The matrix around the fibers is highly organized
cochlea [40]. The mouse orhtholog, Cdh23, is mutated in in space [116]. Enzymatic digestion of the TM followed
waltzer mice, that exhibit an inner ear phenotype [40,339]. by one dimensional SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophore-
The gene product, otocadherin, was localized to hair cell sis, combined with amino acid analysis demonstrated that
stereocilia [62]. In another deaf mutant mouse, the Ames the TM contains at least three different collagens and
waltzer, the mutated gene encodes a protocadherin [4]. Pro- several non-collagenous, glycosylated polypeptides [245].
found deafness and early degeneration of hair cells were Among the collagens are Type V-like collagen, Type II,
found in these mice [241]. Much of the research on adhe- and Type IX [286]. Using immune-electron microscopy it
sion molecules in the cochlea (and elsewhere) is performed was shown that Types II and IX collagen are found only
in non-mammalian species, especially in the chicken. in some of the radial fibers [283]. Analysis of the TM
composition with lectin binding assays revealed glycocon-
jugates throughout the membrane, with highest concentra-
7. Extracellular components tion in the cover net area [307]. Keratan sulfate was also
described as a component of the TM [308]. X-ray micro-
7.1. The tectorial membrane analysis studies detected the elemental composition of the
TM [18].
Due to their small mass, cells are relatively insensitive to It is unclear whether the stereocilia of inner hair cells are
gravitational forces. Mass-loaded systems have evolved to attached to the TM. In most mammals studied, data were
present gravitational signals to the stereocilia. In auditory unable to demonstrate convincingly a direct physical attach-
hair cells the accessory mass is the TM, an acellular con- ment [198] (Fig. 2). In contrast, attachment links between
nective tissue overlying the organ of Corti [189,301]. The the tips of OHC stereocilia and the TM were documented in
TM is a long spiral “blanket” that covers the organ of Corti several species [161,189,242,329] (Fig. 2). The attachment
throughout the cochlea, from base to apex. It is medially was to the Type B fibrils of the TM [329].
attached at the spiral limbus to interdental cells which se- The importance of the TM for hearing is demonstrated
crete the TM matrix [161,189]. The lower (inferior) aspect elegantly by mutations in TM encoding genes that are
of the TM is in contact with the stereocilia of OHCs and known to cause deafness [160,302]. The gene otog encodes
with Hensen cells at the lateral edge of the organ of Corti. otogelin, an N-glycosylated protein present in the TM. In
The dimensions and mass of the TM increase in reverse pro- mice with targeted disruption of otog, hearing is impaired
portion to the frequency along the cochlear duct. Several [278]. Another protein, otoancorin, was localized to the at-
distinctive regions have been defined in the TM, including tachment zone of the TM with the spiral limbus. Mutation
the cover net (superior region), marginal net (lateral aspect, in the corresponding gene, OTOA, results in DFNB22 [361].
attached to supporting cells in the lateral aspect of the organ Mice homozygous for a targeted deletion in ␣-tectorin have
of Corti), limbal zone (medial, near the insertion of the TM a hearing impairment and their TM is detached from the
to the interdental cell area) and a middle zone. The middle cochlear epithelium and lacks all noncollagenous matrix
zone is above the inner hair cell area. Hensen’s stripe is an [176]. Families with mutations in the human ortholog gene,
area in the inferior aspect of the TM, with which inner hair TECTA (DFNA12 and DFNA8), have hearing impairment.
cell stereocilia are thought to interact (directly or indirectly,
see below). The area in the inferior surface of the TM where 7.2. The basilar membrane
OHC stereocilia are embedded is known as Hardesty’s (or
Kimura’s) membrane. The BM is a complex strand of connective tissue com-
Ultrastructural examination of the TM reveals at least two posed of cellular and extracellular components (Figs. 1
types of fibers called fibrils and a non-fibrilar matrix. The and 4). The side of the BM facing the scala media features
two main types of fibrils are called Type A and Type B the basement membrane of the membranous labyrinth ep-
[167]. The dimensions and organization of the fibrils have ithelium. On the opposite side, facing the perilymph of the
been described [19,116]. scala tympani, several cellular and acellular components of
The TM is composed of collagens and other molecules connective tissue can be found. The cellular component is
which appear as fibers and matrix. The molecular compo- made up of a layer of mesothelial cells that line the scala
sition and organization of the TM is gradually being eluci- tympani.
dated. Glycosaminoglycan enriched in chondroitin-4-sulfate The width of the BM (distance from the modiolar side to
is thought to mediate fusion of the different components of the lateral end) and its thickness (the distance from the tym-
the TM [33]. ␣-Tectorin, a noncollagenous component of panic border to the basal lamina) were measured in several
the TM was mapped to a chromosomal area that contains species [156,212,252,270]. Measurements using methods
deafness mutations [136]. that do not involve dehydration produce data that are sig-
Biochemical assays have been detected in the TM carbo- nificantly different than traditional microscopy techniques
hydrates including glucose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetyl- [156]. A clear gradient of size (thickness and width) is
Y. Raphael, R.A. Altschuler / Brain Research Bulletin 60 (2003) 397–422 413

found in most mammals, proportional to the distance from 9. Summary

the basal end of the cochlea.
There are several structural domains within the BM. The The inner hair cell is clearly the center of the cochlear
main distinction is between the medial portion of the BM, apparatus, as it transduces the mechanical energy brought
called arcuate zone (pars tecta) and the lateral portion called by sound and initiates the receptor potential and the au-
pectinate zone (pars pectinata). The arcuate zone is partly ditory nerve action potential. It forms the “recepto-neural
enclosed in osseous spiral lamina, and therefore its ability junction” with the auditory nerve. The inner hair cell body,
to vibrate upon sound-induced displacement of the cochlear by itself probably does not vibrate. Movement of its stere-
fluids is restricted. In contrast, the pectinate zone is free to ocilia relative to each other mediates the mechanically gated
vibrate in response to sound, within the physical constraints ion channels. To perform this function, movement of the
of its mass, stiffness and the effects of the active cochlear fluid and the TM above the inner hair cell stereocilia is cru-
mechanisms. The border between the arcuate and pectinate cial. Such movement, in turn, is regulated (sharpened and
zones is usually under the outer pillar cell. The arcuate zone amplified) by the vibrating region of the organ of Corti,
of the BM has small perforations, collectively referred to as namely, the region of the OHCs. The entire process depends
the habenula perforata, that accommodate the auditory nerve on the passive mechanical features of the cochlear partition
fibers as they extend from Rosenthal’s canal to the organ of (mass and stiffness), the active cochlear amplifier, the elec-
Corti. trical environment such as the dc potential gradient between
The BM is composed of matrix and fibers. The fibers ex- the interior of the inner hair cells and the endolymph, and
hibit distinctive organization in each of the two parts of the the biochemical requirements that include energy supplies,
BM. Several matrix molecules have been identified in the ionic concentration (and pumps) and the presence of neu-
BM. Collagen Type II, IV and XI were identified using im- rotransmitters and receptors. This review of the structure of
munocytochemical and biochemical methods [51,64,315]. the cochlea has presented a general description of inner hair
Collagen mutations such as Alport syndrome involve hear- cells with their innervation, and the surrounding structures
ing impairment [53]. Immunofluorescence has also revealed that are necessary for cochlear function.
high levels of fibronectin in the BM [52,268]. The compo-
sition and assembly of proteoglycans in the BM have been
documented [328]. Tenascin was also identified in the BM
[309]. The authors thank Jose Juiz, Joseph Hawkins and
Christopher Zurenko for comments on the manuscript.
These authors are supported by NIH-NIDCD R01 grants
8. Comparative studies of mammalian cochleae DC01634 and DC05401 (YR) and DC00383 (RAA).

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