The Chains of Agriculture Sustainability and The R
The Chains of Agriculture Sustainability and The R
The Chains of Agriculture Sustainability and The R
● 2 0 01
World Summit on Sustainable Development
Introduction political and economic change since
UNCED can be attributed to a shortfall in ● A responsive and
accountable state should
I n the nine years since the UNCED ‘Earth
Summit’ at Rio, global agriculture has
been a success in production terms, keeping
scope and vision, as well as a failure of
implementation. be a partner with an
economically and
pace with population. But by other politically organised rural
What was agreed at Rio? civil society, to overcome
measures of sustainability – ecologically
exclusion from policy
sound land management, vibrant and Agenda 212 is premised on overcoming the making and from markets
resilient rural and regional economies, constraints to smallholder agriculture through
social equity, and public legitimacy – the improving access to resources and improving ● OECD countries should
achievement of sustainable agriculture and local governance, with the state as the dismantle all forms of
rural livelihoods (SARL) in many countries is primary agent of change. intervention that distort
still a distant prospect. world prices hurting the
The chapter in Agenda 21 on ‘Promoting
opportunities of many
A process of rural differentiation is sustainable agriculture and rural development’ developing countries
underway, between what Reimer (1996) (Chapter 14) is first and foremost a call and, in particular, of
and Davila Villers (in Rounds, 1998) have to governments, with the support of poor rural communities.
classified as Rural Worlds 1, 2 and 3 (Box 1). international organisations, to implement
The negative aspects of these changes can be SARL. There are in this chapter around 125 ● An ethically reinvigorated
exaggerated, and misunderstand the process private sector should
calls for governments to initiate or strengthen
of diversification underway in the peasant commit itself –
programmes of research, extension and land
individually and as
and smallholder economy (eg Rigg and tenure primarily aimed at sustaining production industry associations –
Nattapoolwat, 2001). But the continued through conservation and management of to its own form of
marginalisation of small- and mid-size natural resources and germplasm. Agenda 21, in which
peasantry and family farming in both supports national rural
developing and developed countries, and the What’s missing? development policies
continued land degradation and externalities
● Civil society groups
from poor or imbalanced land use, are The Rio agreements in general and Chapter
should use benchmarks
affronts to the expectations of UNCED and 14 of Agenda 21 in particular overstated and sustainability
the World Food Summit. the ability of the state to respond to the indicators to monitor
Full implementation of Chapter 14 of challenges facing Rural Worlds 2 and 3, in performance of food
Agenda 21 would be a big step to resolving the face of government withdrawal from processors, retailers and
the root causes of major environmental and agriculture. It also understated two of the key food service companies,
social crises, from the ‘Dead Zone’ in the constraints facing smallholder and family especially regarding fair
Gulf of Mexico 1, to air pollution and haze in agriculture: access to markets, and pricing, terms of trade.
SE Asia, and to rural unrest in China. related to the terms of trade between farming
Nonetheless, the WSSD is an and the rest of the agrifood chain.
opportunity for us to ask whether the gap The agricultural sectors in many countries
between expectations and reality which has have been liberalised through privatisation
opened up during the nine years of rapid and deregulation, often as result of Structural
Published by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in collaboration
with the Regional and International Networking Group (RING).
IIED's work in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg 2002) has been
made possible by support from the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida).
Small farmers North and South are encouraged to deal
BOX 1: Diverging rural worlds with the withdrawal of government from the business of
agricultural support and commodity trading by exploiting
The farmers and entrepreneurs of Rural World 1 are a their comparative advantage and forging direct relations
globally competitive minority (in Canada, for example, with the market.
Rural World 1 comprises 5-10% of rural population) In a perfect world, the increased risk from exposure to
connected into the global agrifood economy. Through market fluctuations and removal of safety nets3 would be
contracts with a rapidly consolidating agricultural countered by improved market information and reduced
handling and processing industry and even directly information asymmetries, efficient scales of production and
with retailers, these farmers are becoming an extension marketing, contract farming, and improved liquidity.
of agribusiness. State resources, especially subsidies Problems of quality, efficiency and competitiveness on
and credit programmes, have benefited Rural World 1, smaller farms could be overcome through social
in accordance with the political influence and organisation. Producer organisations 4 and social capital 5 –
economic power of large modern enterprises. as social mechanisms to adapt to the market economy – are
Commodity supply management and price stabilisation the means by which Rural Worlds 2 and 3 are supposed to
institutions have been converted into agencies with the defend themselves from being bypassed and marginalised
purpose of transferring resources to this powerful lobby by liberalisation and globalisation.
(Binswanger and Deineger, 1997). World markets are however distorted by dumping,
Rural World 2 is comprised of the family farmers especially from the EU and US,6 of exports at prices below
and landed peasantry who have traditionally the cost of production. Liberalisation of trade means that
constituted the bedrock of the rural economy, from international markets set price and quality standards in
India to the American prairies. But low levels of domestic markets. Agriculture which is oriented towards
capitalisation and poor integration with downstream both the export sector and internal markets must then turn
food businesses leaves this sector exposed when out products at a similar cost and quality as those that can
governments withdraw from agriculture and liberalise be bought on the world market. Access to new market
agricultural trade, or when agribusiness concentrates opportunities in an open economy is thus predicated on an
market power (and hence profits) off the farm. Rural end to distortions caused by dumping.
World 2 faces declining returns and increased risks But there are two other limitations, linked to the
from agricultural commodity production. Off-farm work management of risk and dealings with markets, which
is now the norm. This is an ageing farm population introduce a strong bias within the process of liberalisation in
whose children are unlikely to succeed them. Niche favour of Rural World 1.
marketing such as agritourism, organics and local Firstly, the state has also withdrawn from investment in
markets has provided viable alternatives to a minority extension, public research, rural infrastructure and credit
of Rural World 2, mainly in industrialised countries. provision under the same fiscal constraints and donor
The livelihoods of Rural World 3 focus mainly on influence that brought about economic liberalisation. This
survival. It is characterised by fragile entitlements, self- limits access to technology, information and markets, even
exploitation and unwaged family labour income, and for strong local peasant organisations.
depleted human and natural resources with livelihoods Secondly – and the theme of this paper – is the
fractured into diverse mixtures of off-farm work, restructuring of markets. Many markets are undergoing rapid
temporary migration and subsistence agriculture and change, with closed supply chains rapidly replacing
education-trapped. Rural World 3 is globally redundant traditional arms length or spot markets. The restructuring of
relative to food and fibre production. Indigenous groups markets and power relations beyond the farm gate has been
are over-represented in Rural World 3. They are underreported in the debate about sustainable agriculture
generally excluded from policy making, despite the and rural poverty, both North and South. The trends were
rhetoric of ‘pro-poor’ development strategies. The considered to be typical of industrialised country agriculture
global economy of Rural World 1 and the economy of rather than peasant systems. Agenda 21 reflects this: the
Rural World 3 appear to be completely separate, but private sector and the market hardly figure. Chapter 14
they do paradoxically come face to face in the apple makes no demands of the private sector and little mention
orchards of Washington State and the strawberry fields of markets. The chapter on Strengthening the Role of
of California. There, migrants from rural Mexico and Business and Industry (Chapter 30) focuses mainly on
Central America constitute the bulk of the labour force product stewardship and technology transfer. The section on
for major agro-industries. Strengthening the Role of Farmers (Chapter 32) contains two
After Bill Reimer (1996) and R Davila Villers (in Rounds, 1998) calls for involving farmers in policy formulation and for the
support of farmers’ organisations.
Liberalisation of agricultural markets relocates risk from
Adjustment policies, donor conditionalities and compliance the state onto the individual (McDonald, 1999), and also
with trade agreements. The state has withdrawn from elevates the importance of the private sector and off-farm
interference in production activities and the functioning of capital as arbiters of sustainability. As governments – especially
markets. Structures such as marketing boards have been in the South – withdraw from heavy involvement in agriculture,
broken up. Many agri-food markets have experienced a to be replaced by direct dealings between farmers and
rapid transition to world prices. agribusiness, the gap of private sector policy must be addressed.
The chains of agriculture Size and concentration in
Buyer-driven (as opposed to producer-driven) supply chains agrifood industries
or value chains,7 have sophisticated forms of coordination The nine years since Rio have seen an astonishing
and integration, and rules of participation. The implications process of concentration in upstream and downstream
for smallholder agriculture of these new forms of agri-food global agrifood industries.
governance can be overstated. But as we shall see later, the
rules of participation in vertically co-ordinated supply In retailing
chains with privatised standards, and the rise of contracts
In both the EU and US, it is retailers who determine
and specialised intermediaries, are proving to be powerful
what food processors want from farmers. Retailers are
drivers of divergence and marginalisation within farm
the point of contact between the majority of OECD
communities. It is by understanding supply chains and their
citizens and the rural economy. The supermarket sector
role in concentrating capital in the agri-food system that we
is most concentrated in the EU, but is also rapidly
get a clear understanding of agricultural markets and the
consolidating in the US. In the nine years since Rio,
future sustainability of farming.
US food retailing chains have concentrated dramatically
The analysis of commodity chains has its theoretical
(Hendrickson et al., 2001), with the five leading chains
roots in demand orientations informed by neoclassical
moving from 19 percent control of grocery sales to
economics and the notion of the sovereign consumer, as
at least 42 percent (Harl, 2001). Since 1992, global
compared to the supply orientation of political economy
retail has consolidated enormously and three retailers –
(Wilkinson, 2000). A traditional political economy approach
Carrefour, Ahold and Wal-Mart – have become truly
to the agri-food chain would propose that capital is
global in their reach. In 2000, these three companies
accumulated through controlling the tangible means of
alone had sales (food and non-food) of $300 billion and
agricultural production: land, labour, nutrients and
profits of $8 billion, and employed 1.9 million people.
chemicals, water, genetics and seeds, feed, equipment, and
It is predicted that there will be only 10 major global
capital. Combining supply chain analysis and political
retailers by 2010.
economy reveals, however, that it is ownership and control
of intangible assets, especially information, brands and
In processing
patents, rather than control of the tangible means of
production, that raises sufficient barriers to competition to Partly out of necessity to exercise countervailing
allow the concentration of capital from a supply chain and economic power to retailers, processing industries are
the conversion of that capital into mobile financial capital also rapidly consolidating their economic and market
(Pritchard, 2000). In other words, the governance of supply power. The economic power of the top 8 food
chains hinges on controlling the means of co-ordination multinationals have been compared to that of half of
rather than the means of production. Africa. In 2000, US$87 billion in food industry deals
Management and control of information is a feature of were announced, with Nestlé, Philip Morris and
industrial size and concentration, rather than monopoly. Unilever emerging as the Big Three of global foodmakers.
Size confers logistical control, reduced transaction The justification for such massive accumulation of
costs, economies of scale, improved market and market power is “to have more clout in the consolidating
meteorological intelligence, and access to and control of retailing environment.” 9
the most valuable intellectual property and the most We are likely to see a growth in networks and cross-
comprehensive distribution network. Size confers ownership between food processing and the seed sector,
‘absolute cost advantage’ – the ability to outbid smaller in which the farmer is contractually sandwiched, just a
farmers or companies for resources and ideas, to invest step away from the farmer as renter rather than owner of
more heavily in research and development and patent contracted crops or livestock (see Box 2).
protection (for instance, to obtain critical mass in
genomics), to set predatory prices, to externalise risk, to In farm inputs
raise external capital, and to mount lavish promotional Concentration in the input sector proceeded at breakneck
campaigns. Size also confers access to information related speed in the 1990s. Only six companies now control 80
to the workings of government that selectively benefit percent of pesticide sales, down from 12 in 1994 (Dinham,
the company, and the ability to remould the social and 2000, 2001). There were $15 billion of amalgamations in
political environment to an individual’s or company’s the US seed industry in the period 1995–2000. From a
own benefit.8 value chain perspective, input manufacturers – as suppliers
Size can be achieved through acquisition or through to the least profitable sector of the agrifood system, namely
strategic alliance, which is a common feature of buyer- farming – are in a strategically weak position. The level of
driven chains. Global clusters and strategic alliances in concentration in the business is in part a desperate drive to
agrifood industries (eg Heffernan,1999), are examples of maintain profitability against declining strategic value of
corporate convergence which is becoming the global norm. chemicals, seeds and biotechnology. Value chain thinking
Under these conditions of ‘cooperative capitalism’ (Grieder, rather than technical hubris is key to the sustainability of
1997) transactions become based on industrial relationships these industries. Survival will depend on strategic alliances
rather than on open markets. These networks transcend with processors and retailers around food quality, safety
national and transnational (eg EU) regulation. and healthfulness.
agrifood chain in the US and UK, for example, is not done
BOX 2: Processing tomatoes as a by farms.10,11
strategic agricultural commodity The farmers’ slice of the retail cost of a basket of foods
sold in grocery stores shrinks further once they have paid for
The globalisation of the Mediterranean, Mexican and seeds, fertilisers, feed and machinery, finance, labour and
Creole diets has been accompanied by a marked rise in land rental costs; again from very concentrated sector in the
the market for processing tomatoes. The industry is case of seeds and chemicals. The size of the food market
bifurcating into scale processors for the industrial paste also shrinks as intense retail competition and concentrated
market – such as Morning Star in California which buys retail buying power is translated into consumer surplus.
1 million tons of tomatoes each year – and the smaller Farmers have to produce more, but get less.
branded producers. Some processing companies such During the 1990s, the average annual median return on
as Heinz have been able to extract greater value from equity for the US food manufacturing industry was 17.2%,
the industry by controlling the seed market, thus and 18% for food retail. Over the same period, return on
forming an agribusiness ‘sandwich’ with the grower in equity for US farming averaged 4.5% (Taylor, 1999).
the middle. Heinz has 30 percent of the global Benbrook’s rough estimates for the performance of US
processing tomato seed market, and this figure grows to agriculture puts return on assets in the late 1990s at only
70 percent in Australia. By linking grower contracts 0.4%, compared with nearly four percent for Life
with their proprietary seeds and germplasm, Heinz Sciences12, nine percent for food processing, 10.6 % for
could price their elite seeds at over AU$ 2,000/kg retail and 16% for food service (Benbrook, 1999).
(1990 figures), compared with an average tomato seed Market access for producers to supply chains does not
price of AU$ 70/kg. Grower influence over the value of have much to do with classical notions of ‘efficiency’.
their crop in Australia has been further diminished by Rather, market access is a feature of the ability to exploit
state deregulation of bargaining arrangements; marketing advantage, meeting large processor and
collective bargaining has been replaced with supermarket demands for consistency of supply (reliable
confidential individual contracts. Revealing contract quality), speed of response, compliance with standards, and
prices is now illegal (as a ‘collusive behaviour’) under payment of fees.13
the Trade Practices Act. Coordination by supermarkets of their supply chains
raises the requirements for farms and firms to stay in the
Source: Pritchard (2000) and pers comm.
market. For instance, the example of grape production in
Brazil, for which Collins (2000) notes that although
production costs are lower and quality higher among small-
What does this mean for SARL? scale producers, marketing advantage accrues to large-scale
producers through their better access to postharvest cold
We have seen that highly concentrated food processing, storage and refrigerated transport services. In Latin America
retail and food service industries, as key agents within as well as Europe and North America, there is a growing
buyer-driven chains, are able to consolidate their supply tendency for supermarkets and processors to use this form of
base and demand increasingly stringent levels of quality, coordination to source sub-regionally or regionally, and
compliance with standards and codes of conduct (including occasionally extra-regionally (Reardon and Berdegué, 2000),
proof of ‘sustainable agriculture’ production techniques) rather than locally or nationally.
and post-production service from their suppliers. As buyer power increases, so barriers to entry for
If valuable agricultural markets are subsumed into smallholders to markets other than for basic commodities
relatively closed supply chains governed by downstream become more daunting. Small farmers of Rural Worlds 2
private actors, what does this mean for SARL and the and 3 – in both South and North – often lack the strong and
opportunities for agriculturally led development? direct relationship with the market enjoyed by large-scale
Participation in buyer-driven supply chains can link producers, such as contracts with processors or supermarkets.
small farmers to the modern economy, with lower market Buyers preferentially contract with larger farms and firms
risk and greater new markets, to inputs, and to financing. that can meet these demands, because they deliver lower
Contract agriculture, as one means of making this transaction costs and risk. Smaller farmers with little land
connection, does not (as painted by some critics) have and capital see little benefit from the investments needed to
to “turn farmers into wage labour on their own farms.” achieve the quality and efficiency required to meet the
Small producers South and North can be global actors expectations of an agribusiness processor, even in the
rather than perpetual victims of imposed models and global unlikely event that they can raise the capital (McDonald,
forces (eg Bebbington and Batterbury, 2001; Eaton and 1999). Smaller farmers also present higher per unit costs for
Shepherd, 2001). contractors, and have greater problems meeting stringent
But the control of supply chains in agrifood by clusters quality and safety requirements (Reardon and Barrett, 2000).
of powerful downstream industries has profound impacts on Rural Worlds 2 and 3 have experienced declining returns
agriculture, especially in weakening the link between farm from agriculture, stuck in commodity activities with low
prices and food prices. barriers to entry (Kaplinksy, 2000).
High levels of concentration in downstream processing Only Rural World 1 has integrated itself economically
and retailing industries mean lower levels of value-added and politically with downstream actors, using its
going to local communities; 78–85% of value added in the capitalisation, infrastructure, technical expertise and market
information to meet the requirements of shippers, processors develops a strategy for sourcing more ‘sustainable’ products,
and retailers, and the political influence to direct state they can – as governors of the supply chain – push all
resources in support of their interests. Yet even for this highly compliance costs and risks down to suppliers. Standards
capitalised group it is very difficult to prevent bargaining and Codes of Practice thus favour well-capitalised farms
power (and therefore profitability) from being eroded as (not necessarily always ‘large’ farms). ‘Sustainability’ is
downstream agribusiness becomes ever more concentrated. understood by farmers as another new set of outsiders
The contracts that Rural World 1 negotiates with deciding what goes on inside the farm gate – as with
downstream agribusiness are often low risk and low return. policies of importing countries such as ‘due diligence’ and
Captive supply14 of livestock under contract to the large phytosanitary standards – as a cost of contracting with vastly
integrators, for example, is drying up markets in many more powerful market players. Standards are seen as
countries for non-contracted animals and forcing down another example of the North ‘pulling up the ladder of
wholesale prices. Farmers are left with “take it or leave it” development’ on Rural Worlds 2 and 3.
deals with a few integrators. Captive supplies of beef cattle Northern environmentalism has thus been a blessing
and swine in the US are now such a large part of the and a curse. It is an important and unwitting driver in the
livestock industry that there is no competitive market where consolidation of Rural World 1, and may hold back
prices can be discovered. The spread of closed contract smallholder farmers from building equitable (and therefore
production systems into the grain sector does not bode well economically sustainable) trading relationships with
for price and farm income. downstream actors. The proponents of sustainability, in
Buyer-driven chains, while appearing very remote from catalysing a public-private response which packages
agriculture in developing countries, are in fact making rapid ‘sustainability’ into technical, regulatory and managerial
inroads into areas considered to be entirely dominated by frameworks, have seen the supply chains respond with
spot markets. Consider that 20–35% of the rural retail sector another force of marginalisation of small farmers and peasants.
in Central America is already controlled by supermarkets, These issues add to smaller farmers’ growing problems
and that a single firm controls 60 percent of chicken of market access within rapidly concentrating supply chains.
purchases in Central America. Growth is particularly rapid
in emerging economies of Latin America and eastern
How can markets be regoverned?
Europe. In Chile, 14 of 15 main food products are now sold
through contracts between farmers and supermarkets and Governments are faced with the challenges of achieving
processors, rather than through spot markets. Thousands of local rural development in a period of globalisation in the
small dairy operations have failed in Chile, Argentina and agri-food system, liberalisation of markets, reduced state
Brazil in the 1990s – cooperatives of small farmers and intervention, and a reconsideration of the role of agriculture
processors have gone bankrupt or suffered membership in rural employment and livelihoods.
declines. In the 1990s, the share of the retail sector Despite the rhetoric of poverty reduction through
controlled by supermarkets in Argentina increased from access to resources (for instance, via land reform) and more
20% to 80% (Reardon and Berdegué, 2000). inclusive governance, especially participation of rural
Price pressure is forcing farmers into unsustainable people in policy processes – it is becoming clear that
practices in order to sustain family income from a fixed land improving governance in public policy making is not
base. Overstocking, and neglect of practices which favour enough to reduce poverty (Bebbington, 2001). The
biodiversity (Nowicki, 2000) or soil quality, are typical livelihoods frameworks provided by rural sociology, with
features of farming areas under price pressure. their household and community perspective, are also
inadequate tools for understanding the workings and
How ‘sustainability’ can drive influence of supply chains.
consolidation and marginalisation Control of and influence over markets is key to the
circulation rather than extraction of economic assets, either
What happens when requirements for ‘sustainable within agrifood markets or through non-farm activity such as
agriculture’ are introduced into established supply chains, tourism where control over markets is easier.
perhaps in response to pressure from NGOs or state How can public and private sector policy be reformed
regulators? Standards for ‘sustainability’, such as conditions so that market liberalisation is an inclusive process rather a
for farmworkers or techniques for soil and pest management, driver of rural differentiation? Public regulation is not geared
are part of a trend from performance to process standards. up to deal with supply chain structures. And within the
Another characteristic is that these are private rather than supermarket- or processor-driven supply chains, where
public standards. Private, process standards are features of standards and prices are dictated by distant actors, there are
buyer-driven chains, marked by “a shift in [the] centre of few opportunities for smallholders and family farmers to
gravity from technical norms to reduce transaction costs in influence the market or exert democratic influence over
broad homogenous commodity markets, to strategic agrifood futures. With growing distance between point of
instruments of product differentiation, agrifood chain co- decision over production methods/technologies and
ordination, market creation and share growth” (Reardon et production itself, there is a need for global governance
al., 2001, emphasis added). over supply chains.
‘Sustainability’ as a set of process standards can provide We first need to recognise the political nature of the
leverage for large enterprises to control markets and raise rules and frameworks that comprise market structures,
barriers to competition. When a processor or retailer understanding that markets and political authorities (and
hence economic interests) are parts of the same ensemble of standards for the domestic market. A key role for state exists
governance, rather than contrasting principles of social in informing farmers about the market to overcome
organisation (Underhill, cited in Nowicki, 2000). information asymmetries that disadvantage remote farmers
Following from this recognition, there are seven in market transactions. State support can be very beneficial
ingredients for advancing the interests of equitable and in providing alternative structures to supply chains, such as
sustainable rural development: school meals programmes, and local farmers’ markets.
7. Removing market distortions: Ending overt and responsibility can support fair trade between agribusiness and
disguised dumping of agricultural produce small farmers, and additionally improve quality and consistency
of product. The survival of rural areas at the margins, in the
Trade liberalisation exposes third countries to highly
competition for a global pool of capital, depends on the
subsidised models, potentially undermining more
creation of those conditions without delay. ●
sustainable, less intensive local models of agriculture.
If one country’s ‘sustainability’ is achieved at the expense
of another’s (especially by putting up fences, and by 1. A hypoxic area at the mouth of the Mississippi, fuelled by fertilizer
throwing surplus production over that fence), then that is runoff, which has reached a record size this year (8000 km2 ).
not ‘sustainability’ at all (Vorley, 2001). Regions or countries 2. Available at
should not build agricultural and rural policy based on a 3. Such as tariff barriers, supply management, price supports,
presupposition of large agricultural exports, if clear markets production subsidies, and access to credit.
for those goods do not exist and/or if their status as major 4. Cooperatives and other economic organisations to negotiate with
the market, replacing the peasant unions and other political
exporters requires large quantities of non-renewable inputs
structures by which rural people negotiated with the state.
(Einarsson, 2000). There is a clear role for the WSSD to
5. A broad term encompassing the norms and networks facilitating
specifically support actions in other fora such as the WTO collective action for mutual benefit.
to bring an end to overt and disguised dumping of 6. Agriculture in the US and EU are overstimulated by direct and
agricultural produce. indirect production subsidies amounting in 1999 to the tune of
nearly US$ 170 billion. Producer Support Estimates (value of gross
transfers from domestic consumers and taxpayers to support
Conclusions agricultural producers) according to the OECD amounted to US$54
billion in the US and US$114.5 billion in the EU.
Massive changes are taking place in the geography of 7. A Value Chain is an integrated customer-oriented chain controlling
agricultural production in response to the creation of buyer- the supply chain from product concept through consumer purchases,
continually measured for profitability and customer relationships.
driven supply chains, governed by non-agricultural sectors
and driven by global sourcing and advances in processing 8. Agribusiness has a long history of influence over supra-national
trade policy, from Cargill’s role as one of the principal architects of
and transportation technologies. At the same time, we are the US proposal presented to the GATT agricultural negotiations in
witnessing a divergence between and within agriculturally 1987 to industry dominance of the Intellectual Property Committee
dependent rural economies, North and South. The that drafted the GATT TRIPs (Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights)
Agreement and the Codex Alimentarius, an international food
simultaneous integration and exclusion of communities with standard body authorised under the GATT to set international food
respect to agri-food systems mirrors the emergence of the safety standards. The New York Times has written of a “symbiotic
relationship” between the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
dual economy across the farming world. A global division of and “some of the politically influential companies it regulates.”
labour separates a core – the Rural World 1 – from a
9. Merrill Lynch analyst Len Teitelbaum quoted in the Agribusiness
majority of flexible and casualised smallholders, family Examiner 101, January 11, 2001, commenting on the announcement
farmers and farmworkers. in early 2001 that Tyson was to buy IBP to create a giant US$23
billion meat producer that will control 30% of the US beef market,
Markets are undergoing rapid change, with closed 33% of the chicken market, and 18% of the pork market. Available
commodity chains rapidly replacing wholesale or spot at
markets. Highly concentrated food processing, retail and 10. Recent figures from the UK show farmers and primary producers
food service industries at the end of these chains are having accounting for £8.2 billion (15%) of the gross value added of £56
billion in the UK food chain. See MAFF (1999). Working Together
an increasingly important impact on decisions made on the for the Food Chain: Views from the Food Chain Group. Available at
farm. Downstream processors and retailers are demanding
stringent levels of quality, compliance with standards and 11. Elitzak H (1998). Marketing bill rose, while farm value declined in
codes of conduct and post-production service from their 1997. FoodReview, September–December 1998, 21–24.
suppliers. Whether an apple grower in Kent, or a coffee 12. Companies which have a business platform based on complementary
producer in Peru, the major supermarket chains control pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnological technologies.
access to consumers. 13. Retailers govern access to consumers, and can demand payments
from their suppliers of ‘Hello’ or ‘Street’ money, ‘slotting fees’, ‘Pay
The transition of sections of the agri-food system
to Stay’ fees, in-store advertising and promotional allowances,
towards co-ordinated supply is proving to be a powerful volume discounts or rebates, coupons, and guaranteed sales, all
driver of divergence within farm communities, and of valued at between $930 million and $9 billion in the US alone, or
up to 50–75 percent of the total net profit for large retailers
alienation of producers from the value of their product. (Hendrickson et al., 2001).
Primary economic benefits are increasingly found in areas
14. Animals contracted by packers (livestock processors) and
outside of production. The less money that is available to integrators for future delivery in order to have a predictable source
farming, the less opportunities there are to invest in of raw materials for their plants.
diversified, sustainable systems.
The sustainable agriculture movement has been slow to References
appreciate these developments, and this is reflected in the Bebbington AJ (2001). Globalized Andes. Landscapes and livelihoods
production focus and public sector focus of Agenda 21. in the Andes Ecumene 8 (4) 414–436.
Being realistic about sustainability requires an appreciation Bebbington AJ and Batterbury SPJ (2001). Transnational livelihoods and
of where control lies in the agrifood chain, and the rapid landscapes: political ecologies of globalization. Ecumene 8(4) 369–380.
shift in balance of power from the state to the firm. Benbrook CM (1999). World food system challenges and opportunities:
Small farmers are defending their interests under these GMOs, biodiversity, and lessons from America’s Heartland. Paper
presented as part of the University of Illinois World Food and Sustainable
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McDonald J (1999). The neoliberal project and governmentality in rural
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Boehlje M and Doering O (1999). Market performance and price Human Organization 58(3), 274–284.
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