Fishermen Direct Marketing Manual

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5th edition

Direct Marketing

5th edition

Fishermen’s Direct Marketing Manual


Copy editing by Sue Keller, Alaska Sea Grant. Design/ Torie Baker, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
layout by Robyn Ricks, Washington Sea Grant, with Liz Brown, formerly Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
production support from Washington Sea Grant staff.
Photos courtesy of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and Jamie Doyle, Oregon Sea Grant Extension
Alaska Sea Grant. Gabe Dunham, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Alaska Sea Grant is a marine research, education, and Greg Fisk, formerly Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
extension service headquartered at the University of Alaska Sarah Fisken, Washington Sea Grant
Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. Alaska
Sea Grant is supported by the National Oceanic and Quentin Fong, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Atmospheric Administration Office of Sea Grant, Department Steve Grabacki, GRAYSTAR Pacific Seafood Ltd.
of Commerce, under grant no. NA14OAR4170079 (project Glenn Haight, formerly Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
A/153-32) and by the University of Alaska with funds
appropriated by the state. UA is an AA/EO employer and Donald Kramer, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination (emeritus)
against any individual: Nathan Lagerwey, NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement
Alaska Sea Grant Joshua M. Lupinek, School of Management, University of
University of Alaska Fairbanks Alaska Fairbanks
1007 W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 100 Brian Paust, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (emeritus)
907.274.9691 Sunny Rice, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Alaska Sea Grant MAB-71 2018 College of Chris Sannito, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
ISBN 978-1-56612-188-0
Fisheries and H. Charles Sparks, School of Management, University of Alaska
Ocean Sciences Fairbanks
Ashley Stroud, Oregon Sea Grant Extension
Cynthia Wallesz, CAW Consulting

Washington Sea Grant, based at the University of Washington,

provides statewide research, outreach and education services
addressing the challenges facing our ocean and coasts.
Washington Sea Grant is supported by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration Office of Sea Grant, U.S.
Department of Commerce, under grant no. NA14OAR4170079
and by the University of Washington as provided through state
Washington Sea Grant 206.543.6600
University of Washington WSG-MR 17-05
3716 Brooklyn Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105



CHAPTER 1 • WHAT IS DIRECT MARKETING?.....................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 • BUSINESS PLANNING TIPS.............................................................................5

CHAPTER 3 • THE SEAFOOD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.......................................................7

CHAPTER 4 • ACCOUNTING FOR YOUR FISH BUSINESS..................................................9

CHAPTER 5 • CONSIDERING QUALITY...............................................................................13

CHAPTER 6 • MARKETING CONCEPTS...............................................................................17

CHAPTER 7 • FINDING CUSTOMERS...................................................................................19

CHAPTER 8 • E-COMMERCE AND SOCIAL MEDIA............................................................23


CHAPTER 10 • PACKAGING AND SHIPPING SEAFOOD PRODUCTS................................29

CHAPTER 11 • SETTING UP THE BOAT FOR DIRECT MARKETING..................................33

CHAPTER 12 • WORKING WITH A BROKER OR TRADER...................................................37

CHAPTER 13 • WORKING WITH A CUSTOM PROCESSOR.................................................41


Appendix A • Is Direct Marketing for Me?......................................................................................................... 43

Appendix B • Federal IFQ Halibut, Sablefish and Groundfish Program.............................................................. 45

Appendix C • Safety and Sanitation Requirements............................................................................................ 48

Appendix D • HACCP and Direct Marketing...................................................................................................... 49

Appendix E • Salmon Roe................................................................................................................................ 51

Appendix F • Refrigeration Considerations....................................................................................................... 53

Appendix G • Box Insulation Values and Gel Pack Effectiveness....................................................................... 54

Appendix H • Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Recommended Statewide

Quality Specifications for Alaska Fresh and Frozen Wild Salmon................................................. 55

Appendix I • Permits, Licenses, Bonds, Reporting, and Taxes Required for Alaska Seafood
Direct Marketers and Small-Scale Processors............................................................................. 60

Appendix J • Oregon State and Local Regulations, Permits and Licenses for Seafood Alternative Markets..... 66

Appendix K • Regulations for Buying and Selling Fish and Shellfish in Washington State.................................. 70

Appendix L • Business Plan Outline.................................................................................................................. 71

Appendix M • Glossary of Seafood Business Terms.......................................................................................... 73


Welcome to the fifth edition of the Fishermen’s Direct Marketing Manual.
Since the mid-1990s commercial fishermen have used earlier editions
of this publication to think through the issues involved in selling their
catches through a nontraditional distribution system. This is commonly
called direct marketing or alternative marketing.
Hundreds of fishermen have used the manual and many have said they
found it helpful. Some readers have suggested improvements and we’ve
attempted to incorporate those suggestions into this edition. We have
invited new contributors and incorporated insights from working direct
marketers. We have included new material on branding, products, product
placement, promotion, and use of social media, among other topics.
The fifth edition has new sections on accounting, e-commerce, working
with custom processors, insurance, and more. The state and federal per-
mits and regulations sections have been updated.
In addition to the contributors listed on the title page we would like to
thank the direct marketers who offered ideas that have been incorporated
into the text, including but not limited to Paula Cullenberg, Nelly Hand,
Rick Oltman, Tollef Monson, and Adelia Myrick. We also wish to acknowl-
edge our partners at Oregon Sea Grant and Washington Sea Grant for
their generous contributions, as well as California Sea Grant for useful
links and references in their online marketing manual, Market Your Catch.

Terry Johnson, Editor

Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program


Chapter 1 • W H AT I S D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G ?


Chapter 1


Times are changing in the fishing and seafood industries. Demand for
seafood is increasing.

A strong dollar is making American seafood

more expensive abroad. Fuel prices are down,
at least for now, but other costs are up.
• Gills, guts, slimes, washes and chills fish on board
• Re-chills, packages, boxes, bands, labels and prepares
product for shipping
Technology is making fish harvesting, processing and
distribution more efficient and more competitive. • Delivers product to shipper
Online purchasing and social media are changing the ways • Follows up to assure product was delivered in good order
people find and purchase goods. Ocean climate change is • Collects payment
altering patterns of resource abundance, distribution and
• Handles problems, complaints if any
• Completes bookkeeping, pays taxes and bills, submits reports
People want to feel more of a connection with their food and
know its source. Competition in the marketplace among food
choices is increasing. MARKETING VS. SELLING
Change brings threats and opportunities. One way a fishing The words “marketing” and “selling” sometimes are used
business can respond to both is to get more money for the interchangeably, but marketing involves much more than making
product it sells. a sale. It may include doing:
“Direct marketing” means selling the catch at some point • A situation analysis of the intended market or market segment
further up the distribution or “value-adding” chain from the usual • Market research
destination—the local seafood processing plant.
• Competitive analysis
A direct marketer can sell directly to the consumer, or to a buyer
at any other level in the system. It means getting paid for the • Promotion—public relations, image advertising
value of the raw product but also any value that is accrued as it • Product advertising
is processed, packaged, transported and sold to the final user The sales component of marketing may include making calls,
or consumer. servicing accounts, taking orders, billing and more.
This is often called “bypassing the middleman” but really it is
“becoming the middleman.” It means doing jobs, incurring
the expenses and taking the risks of all those middlemen and,

Chapter 1 •
hopefully, getting paid what each of those links of the chain Alaska and Washington issue several kinds of direct marketing
otherwise would reap individually. permits, each with specific provisions and limitations. In Alaska
those include:

WHAT A DIRECT MARKETER DOES Catcher/Seller. Sells his or her own catch unprocessed
W H AT I S D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G ?
and unpackaged, at the dock, directly to the consumer or a
• Obtains licenses, permits, bonds and fills out reporting forms foodservice establishment with a DEC Seafood Processing
• Develops product identification and specifications Waiver (Department of Environmental Conservation).
• Conducts market research and defines market niche Catcher/Processor. Catches, processes and sells process
• Specifies services provided and determines pricing seafood products as:

• Designs, places and purchases advertising 1. Direct Marketer, vessel 65 feet or less in length. Only
processing own catch
• Sells the product(s)
2. Catcher/Floating Processor, over 65 feet. Can buy or
• Purchases boxes, gel ice, banding and labels, and process, but cannot buy to process and sell
assembles the shipping box units
3. Roe Recovery Only. Recovers roe for sale as human food
• Arranges shipping and delivery
Exporter. (means transport out of Alaska and Washington to
another state or country)


1. Catcher/Exporter. Catches and transports unprocessed Products offered by direct marketers include:
fish out of state to a licensed processor • Whole dressed • Smoked and cured
2. Buyer/Exporter. Buys unprocessed fish for transport out of (head on or head off) (flavored or spiced)
state to a licensed processor. • Fillets • Jerky
The state licenses other forms of seafood processing, • Steaks • Lox
transporting and marketing businesses but only those above
are addressed in this manual. See Appendix I for a complete • Portions • Fish heads or bones
list of seafood business categories and a summary of pertinent • Burgers • Roe
State of Alaska regulations and Appendix K for regulations • Ground • Samplers
in Washington State. Keep in mind that states regulate
seafood processing and sales differently, and local counties • Canned • Dog snacks
or municipalities may impose their own regulations. See the (straight or flavored)
appendices for regulations imposed by the state government of
Direct marketing can provide several benefits to the successful
• Over the side or dockside sales direct to consumers
• Receive a higher price-per-pound than local processors
• Farmers markets usually pay
• Community supported fisheries (CFS) • Product can be sold in small and/or large quantities
• Restaurant supported fisheries (RSF) • Customers provide feedback about products, potentially
• Online sales leading to ideas for new products
• Food clubs, buying clubs • Opportunities to connect with and develop loyalty among
• Boat to institution (schools, prisons) sales customers

• Boat to foodservice (restaurants) or retail market sales • Diversifies markets, reducing market risk

• Seafood brokers, distributors or wholesalers • Control of where and when product is sold

PRODUCTS • May take time away from fishing
In Alaska anything done to a raw fish beyond gilling, gutting, • Requires greater time commitment, both during the season
sliming and chilling constitutes processing. Freezing is processing. and the rest of the year
For Washington, refer to Appendix K.
• Catch may not match demand and may not meet
Processing requires an approved facility, additional permits and consumers’ needs
specified procedures. Standards for processing may be difficult,
expensive, or even impossible to meet on board a small vessel • May not be possible to provide desired products
or at a remote location. • Socially demanding (taking time away from families, friends)
Many direct marketers conduct value-added processing aboard • May put relationship with traditional buyers at risk

Chapter 1 •
their permitted vessels or at their own permitted facilities, or they • Requires additional bookkeeping and business management
contract a licensed facility to process their product for them. skills and practices
Some purchase processed products from a licensed facility for
resale. • Less flexibility to take advantage of good fishing days due to

W H AT I S D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G ?
scheduled marketing activities
When contemplating product forms, direct marketers should
consider perishability, shelf life, shipping costs, cultural familiarity,
visual appeal, consumer convenience and price. SEAFOOD BUSINESS
(Note: this manual does not directly address seafood Direct marketing has its own business practices, its own
processing. For information on how to set up a small fish vocabulary (see Appendix M, Glossary of Seafood Business
processing plant see the publication Village Fish Processing Terms), its own information sources and its own rewards. As a
Plant: Yes or No? fisherman if you make the decision to divert some or all of your
pubs/M-89.html) catch from your normal processor to a new set of buyers at
some point further up the distribution chain, you are changing
your fundamental business model. You’re no longer in the fishing
business; you’re in the seafood business.


Before starting a direct marketing business, read Appendix A—Is Direct Marketing for Me? It lays out some of the realities of the
business and provides a decision matrix to help you decide if you have the motivation and resources to be successful.


You understand what direct marketing is and have decided that you have what it takes. Here are ten steps toward starting your
1. Decide what product or product forms you want to sell. If you plan to use any custom processing (that is, sell any
product form except chilled headed and gutted), identify a processor with needed capabilities and get firm prices for the
processing and handling services they provide.
2. Decide on a business structure—corporation, limited liability corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship.
3. Decide where or what parts of the country you will focus your marketing.
4. Apply for the permits and licenses you require from the State of Alaska. (See Appendix I)
5. Register with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) if shipping out of state, and apply for permits for the states and
locales where you plan to sell. If a HACCP plan is required, sign up for a HACCP class. (See Appendix D)
6. Determine your modes of transport. Get schedules, rates and at least tentative assurance from shippers that they will
accommodate you on your schedule. Locate refrigerated or frozen storage facilities that can hold the product.
7. Design your packaging and labeling. Make sure they are compatible with the shipper’s requirements, and with
regulatory authorities in states where you will be selling your product. (See Chapter 10)
8. Get insurance for your marketing operation, including product liability.
9. Develop a marketing plan. (Chapters 6, 7 and 8)
10. Draft a simple business plan. (Chapter 2, Appendix L)
Keep in mind that there may be considerable lead time for some of those steps, particularly business incorporation, getting any
required certification such as HACCP, and getting permits and licenses. Start the process early.


Chapter 1 •
W H AT I S D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G ?



Chapter 2 •


Chapter 2


No one plans to fail, but many fail to plan.

N early 75 percent of all startup businesses fold

within their first five years, and seafood
businesses are no exception.
Carefully assess your costs. Profit is only what’s left after
paying all your costs. Remember permits, bonding, taxes,
packaging, transportation, insurance, cold storage, distribution
and additional boat operating costs. Home phone bills, fuel and
A detailed business plan is a blueprint of your objectives, the wear-and-tear on your truck, special clothing and equipment
steps in meeting those objectives and the necessary financial are all costs of doing business and should be included when
requirements for both a startup as well as an existing business. projecting profitability.
You could hire someone to write your plan but you are the person Diversify your markets. Try not to send all of your product to
best qualified to answer the questions raised in the business a single buyer or market area. Develop markets in several broad
planning process. The plan should be reviewed annually and regions. As prices in one market area begin to decline because
updated as changes occur. of oversupply, promote your products in the next.
Several federal and state agencies, as well as private Plan for growth of your business and for your clients’ growth.
consultants, can help develop a business plan. Appendix L of
this document is a generic business plan outline you can
adapt to your operation.
Prepare to change the way you fish. You may have to
sacrifice volume to meet the needs of your customers. You may
TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL DIRECT have to shift the species or change your timing for catching them
MARKETING BUSINESS PLANNING to optimize quality and meet buyer demands. Your objective is not
Consult with a variety of marketing authorities. Read books and to fill your boat, it’s to meet your customers’ needs.
articles. Successful direct marketers commonly share practical Expect to become more self-sufficient. If you stop delivering
information with others in the business. Go to one of the to a packer, you may lose access to fuel and groceries, ice,
nonprofit business development assistance programs for free or use of a port engineer, dock space, boat storage and other
low-cost advice. company services.
Do market research and understand your potential Separate the fishing and marketing functions. It is difficult
customers. When possible, talk to prospective buyers and to run catching and sales operations at the same time. Many
consumers in person. rely on a spouse, partner or employee to do the marketing,
Define a target consumer population, both geographically or they use a broker or sales agent. Some have formed small
and demographically. Develop a list of products in seasonal marketing cooperatives to ensure enough volume to support
demand in your target population. hiring a marketing person. (See Chapter 9)
Locate buyers who are your philosophical allies. Seek Take good care of your catch at every step of the process.
customers who understand the limitations of a small operator Quality cannot be overemphasized. No one can improve your

Chapter 2 •
and are willing to work with you, and at the same time to pay fish, so it’s up to you to sustain the quality it had when it came
more for premium quality fish. Favor buyers who honor good out of the water. Bled and chilled is virtually assumed.
product appearance, nutritional benefits, and sustainable Establish communication. Buyers want you in regular
resource and fishing culture. communication with them, and they want to be able to reach

Differentiate your product from the competition. Why should you if need be. Provide cell or satellite phone numbers as well
a potential customer buy from you rather than from someone as fax and email. Some buyers will want to talk to you daily while
else—better quality, a better price, superior service? you are fishing; if yours are expecting to hear from you, be sure
to call or be available to take their call.
Try to maintain a relationship with your current processor,
who may be willing to help you or at least take you back if things Respond quickly to customer schedules and
don’t work out. You may be able to avoid burning bridges by specifications. “If you are going to keep ‘em, you will need to
continuing to deliver part of your catch to your processors, so please ‘em.” Maintain proper attitude.
long as they don’t think you’re high-grading. Some processors Remember to be civil, no matter what kind of day you are
may be willing to custom-process for you or sell back your own having. Project a positive, optimistic image to your customers,
catch. regardless of what is currently happening.


• Be consistent in terms of product quality, delivery timing THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND ABOUT
• Keep it simple. Your time is not unlimited. Project Buyers get frustrated working with fishermen. They
complexity increases the risk and makes business capital say that fishermen too often do not understand the seafood
more difficult to acquire. business. Study the wholesalers, retailers and foodservice
businesses to understand their needs.
POTENTIAL CAUSES OF FAILURE Retailers and foodservice businesses purchase from
Inadequate business planning. A business plan needs to be multiple sources. They may buy most of their fish from a
more than a brief diagram scribbled on a napkin. volume distributor to minimize risk and keep the price down, but
may still have a place for your offerings.
Inadequate capitalization. A business needs enough capital
to purchase equipment, supplies and raw material, and also You have to do everything yourself. The tasks and risks that
enough to pay wages and other operating costs for one or more someone else previously assumed are now yours alone. Many of
years until sufficient cash flow is established. them are very different from fishing and take a great deal of time
and energy to address.
Failing to cope with new realities. Changing market realities,
such as lower wholesale prices or higher ex-vessel prices, can You can’t be in two places at once. Unless you’re selling
radically alter profitability. right off the boat, you probably will have to hire or contract
someone to meet the plane or truck at the other end and deliver
Accounting failures. Proper accounting practices are
your product to the storage facility or buyer. Nobody (other than
necessary for meeting legal requirements as well as for
relatives, possibly) does anything for free. You will need to get
successful business management.
the tariff (rate) sheets for the companies whose services you
Underestimation of personal energy required. A lot of plan to use, calculate all the costs involved and contract with
time is required to deal with customers, air carriers, seafood them well in advance.
regulators and others. Consider hiring competent assistants on
You have to get rid of it all. You have to sell all of your catch,
the beach. Beware of creeping exhaustion.
including any inferior species, any #2s and #3s, as well as
Insufficient credit control. If possible, do not sell your product any quantity in excess of what your buyers want. It is illegal to
on credit. Arrange to take credit cards or irrevocable letters of discard commercially caught fish, even if you can’t find a buyer.
credit if customers do not have cash. If credit is the only option, You may have to sell the excess or less desirable catch at a
use a credit service to assess the credit worthiness of your price below what it costs to box and ship them.
would-be customer. Remember, “It’s not a sale until the check
Develop backup market options. If a buyer refuses a
shipment, cancels an order, reneges on a price agreement or
Ineffective cost control. Learn to control costs in all parts of you simply find that you’ve caught more than expected, have
your operation. backup markets that are just a phone call away. Relationships
Excessive risk. Investigate all areas of risk in the business and with brokers and traders come in handy at times like these.
find ways to minimize risk. Some people just put the catch in a freezer and hope they can
unload it later.
Middlemen and end-users normally do not buy roe.
Part of the value of your salmon is in the roe, which you may
find difficult to sell, and may have to market separately. (See
Appendix E)
There will be no retros. Salmon fishermen often get a 10 to 30
percent “bump” after the season. When you direct-market, what

Chapter 2 •
you get is what you get.
If you succeed, expect to attract competitors. Nothing is
static in the business and an exclusive arrangement with a buyer BUSINESS PLANNING TIPS

can vanish if another supplier comes along with better quality or

a lower price. Develop a strategy for dealing with competition
bent on taking your market share.


Chapter 3


T he distribution system in the United States is
complex, with many different entities taking
cuts of the product’s retail value. In some other
Distributors, also called wholesalers, deliver product to retail
or foodservice users. Distributors may have fleets of refrigerated
trucks that do door-to-door delivery of products to restaurants
and supermarkets or to central warehouses owned by or serving
countries it’s even more complex. those restaurants and supermarkets.

There are reasons that the seafood industry trades fish the way Most restaurants use relatively small quantities of fish, no more
it does. The system ensures adequate supply, minimizes waste, than a few hundred pounds a week of all species, and individual
ensures convenience and accountability, and minimizes risk at supermarkets don’t sell much more than that. The wholesaler’s
each level of the chain. job is to provide a slow, steady flow of product to meet the buy-
ers’ daily needs.
In most cases, distributors service the geographic regions where
they are located. They buy from processors, from customer pro-
DISTRIBUTION CHAIN cessors, from fishermen and even from one another. They prefer
The word “chain” is commonly used to describe the seafood to buy small quantities to minimize risk and resell quickly. The
distribution system, though “web” is more accurate because distributor’s stock-in-trade is its relationship with each customer,
there are multiple routes that a fish or fish product can take from who must trust the distributor to supply consistent quality and in
boat to consumer. For simplicity, chain is used in this manual. volumes meeting customer needs and nothing more. Distribu-
After a fish comes out of the water, it goes to the processor, who tors buy in large volume, so they can add small profit margins to
sorts, weighs, grades, slimes and washes the fish; does primary their costs and still sell to their customers at competitive prices.
processing such as heading and gutting; and either preserves the Small distributors, also known as jobbers, run one or two
product by freezing or canning or retards spoilage by chilling. The trucks. Large companies, some with annual sales of tens of
processor may also do secondary processing such as steaking, millions of dollars, are called broadline distributors, and they
filleting or portioning. Some processors also do additional value- distribute many kinds of products besides seafood, including
added processing such as smoking, battering and breading, meats and fresh produce. They may have fleets of refrigerated
vacuum packaging and gift boxing. trucks. Some distributors specialize in selling to retail outlets or
Processors, also known in the trade as packers, usually sell to foodservices, and some do both.

Chapter 3 •
traders or distributors (described later in this section). In some Foodservice refers to businesses that serve meals, such as
instances, primary processors sell to specialty or custom proces- restaurants, kiosks and street vendors, schools, prisons, hospi-
sors who do the value-added processing. In any case, processors tals, airline catering services, corporate cafeterias or mess halls,
take a raw material—dead fish—and convert it into products that entertainment venues such as sports stadiums, and special


can be used by the consumer at home, the supermarket seafood facilities such as cruise ships and lodges. Foodservice operators
department, the chef in a restaurant or someone else. usually buy from distributors, although some restaurants are will-
Some processors have their own in-house sales staffs, who are ing to buy directly from fishermen.
paid salaries to make the calls, fill the orders and ensure that The other endpoint of the distribution web is the retailer, includ-
the company’s entire pack is sold at the best possible price. ing supermarkets, fish markets, health food stores, gift shops
Other processors use the services of a broker—an individual and even certain upscale department stores. Most supermarkets
or firm that sells products on a commission. A broker may work in America are members of chains; they buy in volume from a
out of a small office with little more than a telephone, fax and a number of different processors and distributors. Many chains own
computer and spends most of the day on the phone. Brokers warehouses in large cities and operate fleets of delivery trucks.
normally work specific geographical territories, such as the Supermarkets (and some other retailers) have high overhead
Upper Midwest or New England. (See Chapter 12) costs—building and space rental or purchase, maintenance,
Sometimes the first buyer to take product from a broker is a staff, advertising, etc., and they experience shrinkage—product
trader. The trader’s role is to match the flow of product to the value lost to in-house cutting and trimming, declining quality
demand by “sourcing” from numerous suppliers and trying during storage or from exposure to air. So retailers have to mark
to supply each customer what he or she needs. They may up their products by 30 to 40 percent or more. Retail mark-
sell to wholesalers (described below) or directly to retail and up is the largest single component of the increase in fish price
foodservice outlets. between the catcher and the consumer.


DISTRIBUTING SEAFOOD • Cold storage companies, which provide services like flash
freezing, holding in frozen storage, retrieving, sorting, boxing
Other retailers market product at the dock or from a truck
and, in some cases custom processing
beside the road, via mail order, over the internet, by subscription
and through direct home deliveries. Others in the distribution • Drayage firms, which pick up products at the airport and
chain include: deliver them to a buyer, or vice versa
• Delivery services, such as Federal Express and the U.S. Many people are eager to get their hands on your fish in
Postal Service hopes of making a few percent or a few cents per pound by
processing, handling, sorting, transporting, delivering, preparing
• Trucking and air freight companies
and selling the product.


Chapter 3 •




Chapter 4


H. Charles Sparks, PhD, CPA Assets are simply resources controlled by the business
School of Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks that provide current or future benefits in terms of cash flow.
Liabilities, or obligations of the business, represent unpaid bills
and borrowings. These usually consist of short-term trade credit

A ccounting is a strategic resource that enables or amounts owed to suppliers, as well as long-term financing
arrangements—for example, a mortgage or line of credit.
an owner to run a small business effectively. A
Owner’s equity, or net worth, represents the owner’s residual
good accounting system performs two essential claim to the business, above and beyond the amounts owed.
functions. This amount usually represents the owner’s initial investment
plus the undistributed profits of the business.
It provides invaluable information on the performance of a
business, hence the nickname, “the language of business.” The balance sheet is a snapshot of a financial picture, or health,
Timely feedback is crucial for identifying and correcting of a business at a given point in time.
problems and inefficiencies that may arise. 3. The cash flow statement is a report on the cash flows of a
Accounting also assists in meeting the numerous federal, state business segregated into three categories: operations, investing
and local tax reporting requirements. Whether it concerns taxes and financing. This statement provides useful information about
on profits, payroll taxes or sales taxes collected on receipts, where a business gets money and where it spends it. Like
accounting is key to meeting these obligations. The benefits of the income statement, it reports on activities over a period of
accounting are contingent on the system being set up correctly time. For example, if the business borrowed money to buy new
and kept current. equipment, both of these transactions would be shown on the
cash flow statement—the former as a source, the latter as a
The statements work together as a package, with each
There Are Three Primary Statements:
contributing something the others can’t. Only by examining each
The income statement, or profit and loss statement, provides and integrating the information can the reader understand the
information about sales and expenses of a business. It’s a how and why.

Chapter 4 •
scorecard for the business, wherein sales are compared to
Underlying these reports is a key assumption that the activities
their related expenses or product costs, and other operating
of the business can be separated from those of the owners. In
expenses incurred are presented. Sales information should be
other words, the financial statements represent the activities,
identified by source (such as major products and services) and
resources and obligations of just the business. This can be


matched with related product costs. This difference between
a challenge in small operations, where the owner’s funds are
them is called gross profit or margin.
sometimes commingled, or mixed, with those of the business.
Margins represent the profit available to cover other operating Great pains must be taken to separate the activities of the
costs and, hopefully, business profit. Other operating costs not business, because mixing them can blur the picture of the
directly associated with products include advertising, insurance, business presented in financial statements.
depreciation on equipment and buildings, and interest paid.
1. The income statement covers a discrete period, usually a MANUAL VERSUS COMPUTERIZED
month, quarter or year. This is somewhat arbitrary, because the
operating cycle varies from one business to another. By using
reasonable estimates you can produce reliable accounting Only the smallest businesses are better off using a manual
reports. The income statement provides information on the accounting system. There are many excellent, inexpensive
profits of a business and the source or sources of these profits. accounting programs available for small and medium
businesses. Quicken, QuickBooks and Peachtree are just a few.
2. The balance sheet of a business, or statement of financial
They do not require specialized accounting training. They are all
position, has a different role. It presents a longer-term financial
similar programs, so your choice should be based on availability
picture of a business. It lists the assets, liabilities or amounts
and local support. QuickBooks is probably the best-supported
owed to outsiders and the owner’s net worth at a point in time,
and most widely used accounting program in the world.
usually month-end or year-end.


Some web-based programs can be accessed via desktop, At some point during setup, the program will ask you for
tablets, or smartphones. These provide convenient access to information on your accounts receivable and payables,
your system from almost anywhere and offer the full menu of or money owed to and by your business. Skip entering any
features and functionality. existing balances for your customers or suppliers. Most small
Most instruction manuals and third-party guides for these businesses are on a cash basis, which means it doesn’t count
programs recommend you round up the following basic as income or expense for tax purposes until the money changes
information before you start installing the program on your hands. It is easier to skip entering balances at the start of the
computer: year or whenever you are setting up your accounting program.
Instead, record the amounts owed or due when you actually
• Copy of recent business tax return, if available receive or pay money, then record the appropriate income or
• Federal tax identification number expense.
• Owner names and addresses
• Banking information, including account numbers and balances USING YOUR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM
• Information on major customers and suppliers Most accounting program user interfaces are very intuitive and
organized around common business activities such as banking,
• List of products and prices
customers, suppliers/vendors and reports. This makes it easy
All the programs use a “setup wizard” to prompt you for to perform tasks such as making deposits, invoicing customers,
information about your company. This routine can take from one paying bills and generating reports.
to four hours or more, depending on how extensive you want
For example, to pay a supplier’s bill, all you have to do is
to set everything up initially. It will ask you questions about your
open the banking menu and then click on “write checks.” The
company’s products and whether you make things, perform
program will prompt you for the necessary information and then
services or do both. The purpose of this questioning is to assist
post the necessary debts and credits to your accounts.
the program in setting up a chart of accounts for you.
Since accounting programs differ from one another it is
The chart of accounts is the key part of collecting and
difficult to go into all the details for these features here. There
categorizing transactions, enabling you to produce useful
are a number of third party user manuals that are a good
reports. You can make changes to it later but it is much faster
investment for getting the most out of your accounting program.
and easier if you can do it right the first time. The initial chart
Many of these are better written and easier to follow than the
should include accounts for each of your products, both sales
user documentation provided with the software program.
and their costs accounts.
Most programs have advanced features that allow you to
For many folks, the first big barrier to setting up their system
manage cash flows by tracking outstanding sales invoices and
is establishing a starting point. To get the most benefit
purchase payables. Budgets are another tool to help manage
from your new accounting system, it is best to start recording
your business and are supported by most accounting programs.
transactions at the beginning of the year, even if that date was
Finally, most programs interface with online banking, which
11 months ago. This means that you’ll have to input sales and
makes bank reconciliations easy.
payments going back to the beginning of the year. But it will

Chapter 4 •
be worth it, because you’ll be able to use all of your program’s
capabilities and reports. PAYROLL TASKS
Sooner or later everyone has a problem or question and if you Employee payroll reporting requirements are very demanding.
know someone who is using one of these programs, it is likely Late reports and tax deposits carry stiff penalties. It is essential


that they can help you. that payroll expenses are computed and recorded accurately
and that all necessary reports are assembled and transmitted on
time. Accounting software can help. Many small businesses, on
the other hand, outsource these tasks to their accountants.
No matter how carefully and completely you answered the setup
QuickBooks offers a unique sliding scale of assistance for
wizard’s questions, you will need to create additional accounts.
users of its program. At one end of the scale, the business can
To do this, check your program’s specific instructions on how to
provide a listing of employees and their hours and the software
add new accounts.
computes payroll costs, sends electronic checks for printing,
Consider using sub-accounts. They will allow you to produce maintains payroll information, makes the payroll deposits and
reports, using either the summary for a group of accounts or for files the required reports with both federal and state agencies.
individual accounts. For example, if you sell several varieties of At the other end of the scale, a business submits the employee
smoked fish, you can create a smoked fish sales account and time and the program sends back electronically the amounts for
then create sub-accounts for each type of smoked fish you sell. checks and payroll deposits. The user writes checks and files
Sales of each product will be kept separately in individual accounts deposits. QuickBooks will provide detailed reports for you or
so that you can generate reports for each product line and analyze your accountant to file with the required payroll tax reports or,
the success of your efforts to market and manage each. Most for additional fees, will file these reports and make the required
users will find setting up accounts to track separate product lines deposits right from your bank account.
invaluable for accessing the performance of each line.


BACKING UP AND SECURING FILES QuickBooks and comparable programs support limiting user
access to only certain tasks. Set up and use this feature to
Backing up files is vitally important to protect your accounting
prevent unauthorized changes and transactions. The frequency
system and its data files from misuse and loss. This requires
of your backup schedule depends on how often you update
some careful planning and adherence to a backup schedule.
your system. Implement a weekly backup schedule, usually
Limit system access to only those people who have a need for
on Fridays, where a complete copy of your files is written to
a portable memory device, such as a jump drive, or to cloud-
based storage. If you use a physical device it should be stored
off-site until needed for making a new backup.


Chapter 4 •




Chapter 5 •


Chapter 5

Stephen T. Grabacki, FP-C Certified Fisheries Professional The higher the temperature, the faster the bacteria multiply and
GRAYSTAR Pacific Seafood Ltd. the faster the fish spoils.
Fish have enzymes in their guts and their muscles. Catabolic
enzymes degrade the flesh from the inside out (a condition

T here are two ways to view seafood quality:

intrinsic characteristics—taste, texture, color
and appearance—that are biologically determined,
known as “belly burn”). Like bacterial action, enzyme activity
also increases with temperature.
When fish flesh is exposed to air it undergoes dehydration
and oxidation. Dehydration toughens and discolors the meat.
and extrinsic characteristics such as bruising, Oxidation is caused by the chemical reaction of fish oils with
blood spotting, gaping, softness and general oxygen and causes unpleasant odors and flavors. Dehydration
and oxidation are prevented through good temperature control,
degradation that appear after harvest. proper packaging, rapid transit of non-frozen fish and correct
Consumers expect all of the positive intrinsic attributes and they glazing of frozen fish.
dislike any negative extrinsic characteristics. In other words, we
cannot improve the quality of our products but can only retard the
loss of quality until the seafood reaches the ultimate consumers.
The old maxim for retaining fish quality holds true: “Keep it clean, PRESERVING QUALITY
keep it cold, keep it moving, handle it gently.” The four-part mantra, “Keep it clean, keep it cold, keep it moving,
Shelf life is a measure of how long a fish can remain whole- handle it gently,” applies to all three links of the seafood chain:
some and flavorful from its capture to consumption. The longer • Pre-process. Handle the fish gently on the boat and on
the shelf life the higher the value. Delay or deterioration on the the way to processing. Chill it well and promptly. Prevent
production end (catching, holding, processing, storing, shipping contamination of any kind.
or receiving) decreases the shelf life, and product value. Shelf life • In-process. Process promptly. Hold the unprocessed fish
of non-frozen high-fat fish (salmon, herring, sablefish) can be as and the processed products at 32°F. Keep holding times to a
long as 10 days; the shelf life of non-frozen low fat fish (halibut, minimum.
cod, pollock, rockfish) can be as long as 14 days. But these
maximums assume immediate and constant chilling (32°F) and • Post-process. Package the products properly, with careful
perfect handling. Actual shelf life normally is less, so you must attention to insulation and chilling. Use plenty of gel ice
do everything you can to avoid reducing this time. packs. Ship the products as soon as possible. Monitor the
shipments until they reach the customers.
Your job as a seafood provider does not end until the products
HOW QUALITY IS LOST arrive at the customer’s location and the customer accepts the
Fish and shellfish tissues are delicate and easily degraded. Fish shipment.
flesh contains catabolic enzymes that start breaking it down as
soon as the fish dies. Poor handling, warm temperatures or slow
transit decrease the value by diminishing its appearance, taste, The ideal temperature for non-frozen fish is 32°F,
from the time of capture. Any temperature higher

Chapter 5 •
odor, texture and shelf life.
than 32ºF will accelerate the deterioration of your
Quality loss begins before a fish is landed. A salmon trapped
in a gillnet gets squeezed and abraded by the mesh. Further
damage can occur as the fish is brought aboard the boat,

removed from the gear and stored in the hold. Common

mistakes include lifting or pulling the fish by the tail and dropping SPECIFICATIONS
or squeezing the fish, which result in bruises and blood spots
A good primer on seafood quality is John Doyle’s Care and
in the meat. Bruises can occur in dead fish as well as live ones.
Handling of Salmon: The Key to Quality, available from Alaska
Rough handling very often causes internal defects that are not
Sea Grant and from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
visible until the product reaches the customer.
(ASMI). It presents more details on the causes of quality
Bacteria are present everywhere, including on and inside problems, and offers excellent recommendations on practices
fish. When a fish dies, bacteria start digesting the flesh and for chilling, on-board handling, cleaning and sanitation. Other
producing chemicals that destroy the texture and create odors. manuals (listed at the end of this chapter) cover handling of
halibut, rockfish and ocean whitefish.


ASMI and the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program have • Quantity—number of fish
produced several other useful publications on practices of or portions, or number of Grades are standard
handling, chilling, packaging, shipping, butchering and filleting of pounds
salmon, halibut and other species. (See the list at the end of this • Shipping—all the way to measurements that
chapter) the customer, or just to the
You can inform your customers about your quality practices to nearest airport can be applied to all
assure them that you are doing your best to produce and deliver • Time—arrival of the
top-quality seafood products. In fact, that’s one important tool in shipment on the day the products and accepted
your “marketing toolbox.” customer desires
by all customers,
Grades ASMI's Seafood Buyer’s
The seafood industry uses a system of grades to indicate the
Guide is an excellent source of while specifications
basic information on seafood
quality of the product. They’re based on extrinsic factors and
indicate freshness and handling. ASMI’s Seafood Technical
product specifications. It are tailored to the
is important to remember
Program offers an excellent matrix of quality grades for salmon,
including Premium, A, B and C. These grades reflect the
that each of your customers individual preferences
will likely have their own
important characteristics of quality:
preferred specifications, so of each specific
• Handling—bled vs. un-bled; chilling; amount of defects, you must take special care to
including skin cuts, bruising and scale loss understand and deliver what customer.
• Odor—ranging from "fresh" to "slight, not offensive" each customer expects.
• Eyes—ranging from "bright, clear" to "milky or cloudy" Writing specifications is easy.
Keep them simple, clear and easy to read. Make them known
• Gills—ranging from "bright red" to "pink to buff"
to each person in the distribution chain, from you and your crew
• Skin—clarity of slime, net marks, scars, damage to fins and to the customers and their staff. Each customer will expect to
tail receive products that conform to their specified species, grade,
• Belly Cavity—internal color, degree of belly burn, skin color, meat color and product specifications.
thoroughness of cleaning Grades and specifications are critical to the success of your
ASMI's Seafood Technical Program has produced several other direct marketing business. They are the basis for the sale (and
useful tools for grading your products: purchase) of your products, and by minimizing mistakes and
misunderstandings they allow clear communication between
• Skin Color Guides for sockeye, coho, chum and pink salmon
sellers and buyers. Without grades and clearly understood and
• Meat Color Guides for sockeye, coho, chum and pink mutually accepted specifications, you risk the loss of future
salmon sales through customer uncertainty.
• Premium Quality Specifications for king crab, snow crab,
Dungeness crab and frozen whitefish fillets CUSTOMER ASSURANCE
ASMI can provide its documents, procedures and grades The marketplace values and rewards reliable, consistent quality.
free-of-charge. See the ASMI salmon quality specifications in There are several ways in which you can assure your customers
Appendix H of this manual for examples. of the consistent quality of your products:
Specifications • Handling Practices—Inform your customers about the
quality handling practices that you follow, on the boat, during
Specifications are slightly different from grades. Grades are
processing and during shipment.
standard measurements that can be applied to all products
and accepted by all customers, while specifications are • Product Grades—Ensure that your products are of the grade

Chapter 5 •
tailored to the individual preferences of each specific customer. that your customer expects. Inform your customers about
Specifications might include: the grading system you use.
• Product—headed and gutted, fillets, fletches, steaks, loins, • Product Specifications—Clearly understand and consistently
etc. deliver products that meet the customers’ specifications.

• Size—of whole fish or of portions • Third-Party Verification—Some customers prefer that their
seafood is produced in inspected facilities, and/or that
• Skin—on or off
the products meet their grades and specifications before
• Bones—in or out shipment. This type of service is available through NOAA
• Trim—for example, collar on or off, belly flaps on or off, fillet Fisheries and private sector seafood inspectors. Some
trim style buyers may want chain-of-custody or responsible fisheries
management certification, both of which are available
• Packing—net weight per box or carton, plastic sleeves,
through ASMI’s Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM)
glazing, etc.
Certification Program.


Seafood will continue to be valued for its intrinsic qualities: taste, King Crab Premium Quality Specifications, http://www.
appearance, nutrition and purity. As you produce and market
your products, please keep in mind that your competitors have KingCrabPremiumQualitySpecs.pdf
gained market share by delivering products of consistently high Snow Crab Premium Quality Specifications, http://
quality. Quality has never been more important.
FURTHER INFORMATION ON SEAFOOD Alaska Seafood Quality and Handling Training Program, http://
SPECIFICATIONS A Retail Seafood Quality Primer, http://www.alaskaseafood.
NOAA Fisheries Office of International Affairs Seafood-Quality-Primer.pdf
and Seafood Inspection The Alaska Shipper's Guide to Seafood Quality, http://www.
A Foodservice Guide to Seafood Quality: Basic tips on handling
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute fresh and frozen Alaska Seafood, http://www.alaskaseafood.
Seafood Technical Program org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/A-Foodservice-Guide-To-
311 North Franklin St, Suite 200
Juneau, Alaska 99801
907.465.5560 Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program Chris Sannito, Seafood Quality Specialist
118 Trident Way
Alaska Salmon Quality Specifications and Grades: Fresh Kodiak, AK 99615
and Frozen, 907.539.2012, [email protected]
Recommended Salmon Quality Guidelines for Fishing, Tendering The following publications for handling North Pacific fish are
and Processing Operation, available at
wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Recommended-Salmon-Quality- Care and Handling of Salmon: The Key to Quality by John Doyle,
Whitefish Premium Quality Specifications, http://www. Handbook on White Fish Handling Aboard Fishing Vessels by John Doyle and Charles Jensen,
WhitefishPreminumQualitySpecs.pdf bookstore/pubs/MAB-36.html
Whitefish Quality Guidelines, Quality Handling of Hook-Caught Rockfish by Brian Paust and
wp-content/uploads/2015/10/WhitefishPreminumQualitySpecs. John Svensson,
pdf 20.html
Dungeness Crab Quality Specifications, http://www. Care of Halibut Aboard the Fishing Vessel by D. Kramer and B. Paust,

  Chapter 5 •


Chapter 6 •


Chapter 6

E ach business needs a marketing plan, and this
chapter is intended to help you think through
what it should cover.
• Magnetic signs on the sides of your truck
• Exhibiting in trade shows
• Cooking demonstrations
Marketing is a suite of activities intended to create and identify Guerilla marketing is the art of getting inexpensive or free pro-
customer articulate their needs, develop a plan for meeting motion or advertising, and is described as “an unconventional
them, and promote the product in a way that satisfies them. way of performing promotional activities on a very low budget.”
Here are some marketing concepts: Here are some approaches to guerilla marketing:
Market research tells you who buys your products and why, • Use your friends, relatives, community and job connections
who buys competing products and why, what consumers are to spread the word.
looking for and how they make their buying decisions, how • Guest-write or ghost-write newspaper or magazine food
much they will pay, and so on. columns or articles.
Market research will help you determine product placement, • Use the VIP concept and reward past customers with price
which means getting your product before the right audience. discounts, special treatment or gifts, such as hats and tee
You may want to sell directly to the consumer or you may want shirts, with your logo.
to sell to foodservices or regional distributors.
• Send bulk-mail fliers to people in the industry.
A part of market research is consumer demographics—who
• Trade internet website links.
buys what kind of seafood, where they live, how much they
make and spend, etc. • Offer cash finders’ fees or other awards to people who refer
customers to you.
Another part is competitive analysis—that is, understanding
who the competition is, what they offer, why people go to them Advertising is paid promotion in print (newspaper and
and what you can do to get some of that business. magazine, flyers) or broadcast media (radio and TV, internet).
Pricing is deciding how much to charge for your product. You Advertising is expensive, and can be difficult to do effectively. If
can either decide how much you want to make per unit (such as you consider buying advertising, determine a measure of return
pound of fish) and then calculate your costs and add the two, on investment (ROI). If you spend $1,000 on an ad campaign
or you can find out what others are charging for similar products and you can trace $5,000 worth of sales to that campaign, then
and then charge the same, more, or less, depending on your you have an ROI of $5 per dollar invested. Remember, that’s not
reasoning. profit; you still have the other costs of producing your product.
Promotion means getting your business name and product To determine ROI, you need to track the sources of your
before potential customers. It can include publicity, public customers. You can use devices, such as coded email
relations, and social media. or mailing addresses to
Here are some other tools of indicate where the prospect
promotion. SALES TIPS (prospective client) got your
contact information.
• Press releases to If you’re lucky, all your marketing efforts to this point will
newspapers, magazines, result in some people actually buying your product. It is often cost effective to buy

Chapter 6 •
radio stations; sponsorship small print ads designed to
This can occur in several ways, and it’s important to treat
of community events, public direct traffic to your website
this step as carefully as all the others:
radio, conservation groups, and social media sites. The ad
etc. Be specific — Make sure to clearly spell out what you are needs little more than a catchy
providing (species, quantity, weight, type of processing,

phrase, an attractive photo or

• Promotional items such as packaging, delivery and schedule). logo and the site addresses.
pens, mugs or clothing with
your company logo Specify type of payment and terms — Provide clear Sales is anything that directly
instructions for reaching you in case of any problems with results in exchange of product
• Public speaking the order. for money. Making cold calls,
engagements and slide
Be businesslike — The way you take people’s money can tell servicing accounts, taking
a lot about your personality, professionalism and the quality and filling orders, billing, and
• Brochures, business cards of your business. Be businesslike but don’t appear greedy, collecting payment are all part
and rack cards and, at all times, be gracious, polite and appreciative. of sales.


The marketing plan helps you decide how to reach and sell
to your customers, and much more. It helps you define and In general, pricing is not a good way to compete in the seafood
position your business, think about your competition and how business, for two reasons:
to distinguish your product from theirs, and set your pricing. 1. By charging a lower price than a competitor you may
It helps you develop an image or identity that guides your create the impression that your product is not as good.
operations. It need not be an elaborate written document but
should at least be a paragraph or two in your overall business 2. If competing businesses start lowering prices to lure
plan. customers, they can quickly get into a price war and drive
down the price to the point that no one makes a profit.
Experienced seafood marketers advise that you set your
price at a level where you can make your profit goal and
then stick with it. Compete instead on the basis of quality
and service.

Chapter 6 •



Chapter 7

H ow you find and attract customers depends on WHICH LINK IN THE CHAIN?
what you plan to sell and where you expect to To which link on the distribution chain do you want to sell? If you
sell it.
have large volumes of product, it may be best just to engage
a broker or to sell to a distributor. If you have small amounts of
product, you may want to sell to individual restaurants or small
DEFINING YOUR PRODUCT retailers. Some people get the greatest satisfaction (and greatest
To find customers, clearly define your product. To do that you need financial return) by selling directly to consumers. Keep in mind
to know what the market wants. Market research can involve these general principles:
sophisticated socioeconomic analysis or simply making a few calls • The further up the chain you go, the greater the potential
and asking people what they want. Simple or complex, it’s essential return, but also the greater the risk.
that you do it. You might have the right species and right grade, but • Consumers have precise needs in terms of volume, quality,
the fish also must be the right size, dressed or processed to the grade, etc. Generally, they buy to provide a meal for a person,
buyers’ specifications, available in the right quantities for delivery a couple or a family and may want a particular item, such as a
at the right frequency. In other words, you need to determine that steak or filet.
what the buyers want is what you can provide.
• Retailers and foodservice are also pretty choosy, but they
Direct marketers often have little choice in the species, grade, form use more per day or week, and they may be able to trim
and quantity they can supply because those factors largely are de- imperfections, cut h&g fish into steaks or fillets and hold
termined by nature. Custom processing, preserving, packaging and excess product for a few days.
storage may afford some control over their offerings. The same fish
that may be impossible to sell headed and gutted (h&g) might go • Distributors and traders buy larger quantities and may be able
like hotcakes as a smoked-side or an entrée in a microwaveable to use different species and grades.
retort pouch. • Brokers work for pennies per pound, so they deal in volume.
Sometimes the easiest and most profitable thing to do is to • The further up the chain you go (with the exception of selling off
pull the catch one-by-one out of the iced hold and sell it as is, the boat or out of your pickup), the more services and handling
directly to the customers at the dock. But catcher−seller direct are involved. If you let a broker handle the deal, or if you sell to a
sale only works where fishermen have access to suitable dock trader, either person will arrange some of those services.
sites, large enough consumer populations and the time to do it. If you’re looking for a broker, trader or distributor, you might want
Everyone else has to go looking for customers. to look in one of the seafood industry directories for that type
of business in your target geographic region. Some agencies,
PICKING A GEOGRAPHIC MARKET such as the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, publish
AREA directories of brokers, traders and other kinds of buyers and list
producers, such as yourself. Be sure your business gets listed in
Unless you’re planning to sell fresh fish from your boat or pickup the next edition, along with the products and product forms you
truck, you need to choose a geographic market. plan to sell.
In general consumers in large urban areas across the United You can also find restaurants, supermarkets and retail fish
States now have a pretty good selection of quality fish from markets in some industry directories, or you can use the internet
which to choose, but those in smaller cities and rural areas still or the Yellow Pages of your local telephone directory. Chapter 7 •
are hungry for more seafood.
If you’re thinking of shipping your fish outside the region
where you catch them, think about what advantages you have
If you plan to do retail sales you need to advertise. Paid print

regarding other regions. Are you from, or do you have relatives

in, another part of the country? The best way to sell fish in and broadcast advertising can be “black holes” of cash flow, with
another region is to live there. If not, do you have friends who no guarantee of success. It usually doesn’t pay to buy a single
could put you up while you’re there scouting markets? Does ad; develop an ad campaign that includes a message, plans
the airline that services the region where you land your fish for size and frequency, and a means to measure effectiveness.
have direct flights to the region where you want to sell? Is there Contract an advertising consultant or sit down with an ad sales
express trucking service? This takes you back to your personal rep from the newspaper or radio station where you plan to
resources inventory (described in Appendix A): do you have any advertise and get them to lay out an ad campaign. You’re under
advantages in a particular location that favor it over others? no obligation to buy, but you want to know if the ad people really
have a strategy for selling your product.


Some kinds of promotion are less expensive than print and Make a proposal
broadcast ads. You may be able to get free publicity by and ask for a Under-promise and over-
attracting a reporter, photographer or film crew to your site to do commitment to
a story. Press releases can be effective at getting your ink on the purchase. Write down deliver is the key to good
printed page. Get a local or national celebrity to talk about your details like volume,
product to the news media. Sometimes one will do it simply delivery schedule and business.
because he or she believes strongly in your product, or you product specifications.
may have to pay a substantial amount for a celebrity’s product Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Under-promise
endorsement. and over-deliver is the key to good business.
You can print brochures or flyers and distribute them by hand Try to get everything in writing, especially quantities, sizes
or by mail or by posting them on bulletin boards. You can make and grades, quality standards, delivery schedules, prices
up promotional items like tee shirts and ball caps with your and payment terms. Use fax or email to confirm any verbal
product name and logo. If you’re selling from your boat or truck, agreements.
you may need nothing more than a large sign board that you
hoist in your rigging or place by the side of the road. Just be
sure that such advertising is legal in the jurisdiction where you BE SURE YOU GET PAID
intend to operate, and that it looks professional and conveys a If possible, do a credit check on your customer and check out
sense of quality. A sign board works even better with a little paid the company’s reputation. Some companies have been known
newspaper or radio advertising. to cheat small and remote suppliers who can’t afford the time
Advertising draws customers to your site, but it is still up to you and costs involved in collection.
to sell the product. To be effective you should have a neat Start small. Avoid delivering large quantities of product to
and clean appearance, keep a tidy site, and be well organized anyone until they’ve established a track record of paying
with appropriate boxes, bags, receipts and change for cash promptly and in full. A common scam is to pay for two or three
purchases. Above all, you must be outgoing, cheerful and polite small shipments and then default on a large volume purchase,
and present a welcoming image to would-be purchasers. so build your relationship carefully.
Set realistic payment schedules. Most corporate buyers
MAKING SALES expect to pay anywhere from 14 to 30 days, or more, after
Geographic familiarity. Locate suitable markets and taking delivery of your fish. If you can’t live with this, specify
determine how to transport your products efficiently. Study cash only, but understand that it can greatly limit your potential
the geography of the region, including the available transport market. Find out what payment schedule is normal in your
infrastructure present in the area. Learn everything about your market segment, then insist that your customers adhere to it.
potential customers before making the first call. Understand the Establish a system for verifying the quality of the product
whole distribution network in your region, who the players are when it arrives at its destination. Use recording thermometers or
and where the potential customer fits into that network. contract an independent agent to examine each shipment and
Know the customer’s operation and needs. Find out who in verify that your product arrived in good condition, especially if
the company does the actual purchasing and arrange to talk to the buyer has a reputation for rejecting shipments or not paying.
that person. Protect yourself with insurance. Most seafood products are
Be sure to know what price the market will bear. Base highly perishable and a brief delay in delivery will make them
prices are driven by major processors who have lower unit worthless. Furthermore, many seafood products can spoil and
production costs and can get breaks on packaging and freight cause sickness, posing a liability threat. Cover these risks with
rates. Some buyers expect to pay fishermen less than the going product insurance and product liability insurance. You can find
rate because dealing with fishermen entails greater effort and companies providing this insurance in business directories
risk. Have a strategy for responding when a competitor comes (such as the Business Resource Guide for Alaska Fishermen,
in with a lower price. published by Alaska Sea Grant,
bookstore/pubs/MAB-57.html). Chapter 7 •
Call ahead for an appointment and go prepared for an
interview. Dress appropriately. (Don’t try to impress buyers
by dressing like a fisherman fresh off the boat; dress like a
businessman with a product to sell.) Take product samples

to the interview. Provide a photo album or a brochure that

describes the attributes of your product. Be prepared to tell the
story of how you catch and handle your fish.


Direct marketers can mitigate some business risks with “Umbrella” policies raise the liability limit to an agreed
insurance. Insurance brokerages that write policies for a amount greater than the standard $1 million for other liability
broad range of business types may offer insurance products policies.
useful to a seafood direct marketing operation. Some classes A “business owners package” or BOP could include
of coverage to consider: general liability, property and machinery, non-owned and
General Liability is a class of coverage that can cover “slip hired auto and employee liability (which in some states is
& fall” risks at a facility, personal injury, advertising injury and purchased in place of workers compensation insurance). A
other forms of business liability risk. Some general liability BOP may or may not include product spoilage, and may be
policies cover product liability on unprocessed seafood. written to include cyber liability.
Product Liability covers the producer or marketer in the Premiums for most of these classes of policy are based on a
event that a person consuming the product becomes sick (or percentage of the dollar value of sales, but even the smallest
claims to become sick) as a result. Foodborne pathogens like producers can expect to pay upwards of $1,000 per year for
Listeria, Salmonella, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and E. coli can a basic general liability package.
be present in even properly handled fish and shellfish. Most policies likely would not cover losses due to customers
Business Income can cover losses incurred during not paying for their purchases and losses incurred onboard
resolution of a product liability dispute. the catcher boat or during transport or storage of the
Auto Liability covers vehicles used in the business. product. Product loss during transport or storage should
be covered by the shipper or storage facility’s insurance but
Property and Equipment Breakdown as the name it is up to the seafood business to ensure that is the case.
implies. Product loss while aboard the producer’s own vessel should
Business Income Insurance can provide continued be included in the general marine or inland marine policy that
income should a covered disaster cause suspension of the fisherman or boat owner maintains.
operations. It is possible to buy insurance against almost any risk but the
Workers Compensation coverage is required in most price can seem disproportionately high. Check with marine,
states to pay medical bills and wages for employees injured food or general business insurance agencies to see if there is
at work. a policy that covers your risks at an affordable price.
Advertising Injury, Cyber Liability, Employee Thanks to Sea-Mountain Insurance, Associated
Dishonesty and Employment Practices Liability policies Insurance Services and Shorepoint Insurance Services
can provide compensation for losses due to business for assistance.—Editor
practices that are found to be injurious to a customer or  

Chapter 7 •


Chapter 8 •


Chapter 8

H. Charles Sparks, PhD, CPA, Professor of Accounting CREATING A WEB PRESENCE
Joshua M. Lupinek, PhD, Assistant Professor of Business Give careful thought to meeting your marketing strategy goals
School of Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks with e-commerce. For example, if you have targeted direct sales
to consumers of your fish products, your site should be rich with
product information, including recipes and themes with fishing
E-COMMERCE content.
If your target market is regional distributors and wholesalers, your

T he internet revolutionized small-business

marketing and leveled the playing field for
small businesses by lowering promotional costs
website needs different content and should handle inventory
queries, order processing and shipment tracking. Include
advertising and promotional materials that distributors and
wholesalers can incorporate into regional or local advertising. A
while expanding the businesses’ reach. It has well-designed website, even with significant upfront costs, can
function like a finely tuned sales force that works for peanuts for
allowed the bypassing of middlemen and many years.
expensive distribution networks. Few companies
can ignore the internet as a marketing tool. MAKE OR BUY?
Increasingly, e-commerce also encompasses a variety of Carefully consider whether developing your own website is the best
business functions, including “front office” tasks like promotion use of your time and talents. The principal advantage of doing it
and marketing as well as “back office” tasks such as order yourself is saving money by not having to pay someone else. But
fulfillment, inventory management and accounting tasks. an in-house site could be problem-ridden, or worse, ranked low by
E-commerce and web presence in Alaska are different from major search engines. A key factor is search engine optimization
those in the Lower 48, as many Alaska organizations use (SEO). Websites that use descriptive titles and keywords and are
Facebook as a free web presence tool and traditional website rich in relevant content generally score higher in SEO rankings. You
replacement. The seafood industry can produce dynamic social can pay a digital media consultant to improve your in-house web
media content via pictures and short videos on Facebook, ranking and incorporate good site design.
Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms to Irrespective of whether you make your own or hire out, give careful
generate interest in Alaska seafood. thought to the following characteristics:

Chapter 8 •
The chief e-marketing application is the website. It can be • Mobile Compliant – Your site must be compatible with popular
a simple electronic brochure, or a fully interactive site that devices besides desktops and laptop computers. Increasingly,
dynamically adapts itself to the needs and preferences of customers will access your website via smartphone or tablet.
individual customers, and supports direct order fulfillment by Use a consistent format throughout your site.


customers. • Accessibility – Plug-ins and player components enhance the
Beyond having a website, businesses often attract customers experience for some folks but may discourage others within
through channels such as email promotion, social media and your target audience. Use them strategically.
YouTube. Email promotion directed at a specific target market • Navigation – Ensure that it is easy to move around in your
can be effective, as thousands of LISTSERVs link to internet website. Frequent and consistent use of buttons and other
communities with some shared interest or cause. Since navigation prompts is important. Keep them the same size,
LISTSERV membership is voluntary, members receive email color and position on all pages within your site so that users
and can view postings and announcements by other members can find them easily.
or outsiders. These emails can be augmented with valuable
content to increase readership and response rates. Coined • Content – Websites full of informative content achieve higher
“content marketing,” these emails provide information of value ranks by search engines. Personalized digital content is easier
to your target audience, like preparation techniques, recipes or than ever to develop and always preferred to copied or cloned
unique knowledge. content from other sites. YouTube is a great way to include
media without requiring a lot of storage space. Linking or
embedding video content is easy, and will attract customers
from YouTube as well.


• Advertising – Any advertising housed on your website The goal of affiliate and reciprocal link advertising is
should relate directly to your products. Advertising can slow to generate website traffic that attracts customers to your
down the site performance, overpower your content and business. You can use an affiliate, which basically pays other
distract potential customers. However, links to other sites websites to steer traffic your way. You enter into an agreement
can actually boost your search engine ranking but should be with another website consistent with your target audience’s
appropriate, topical and of interest to your customers. interests. Every time the affiliate sends a customer your way
• Speed – Speed is probably the most important website through a banner ad link or “click through” it generates revenue
consideration after content. Effective use of other media for the referring site.
platforms, embedded within your website, will support vivid Newer agreements base banner advertising fees on sales
media without slow speed and high storage costs. Try not to generated and not just the number of referrals.
host rich media in-house; embed media housed on external You can generate supplemental income from your website
platforms when possible. by displaying banner ads from other sites. This is known as
• Updates – Update your content frequently. Be sure that all reciprocal advertising. Direct marketers might find a cooking
the links are current and work well. recipe website a good affiliate or reciprocal advertising partner.
Many tools are readily available to help make your site function. You could have several banners advertising your website and
Most web host providers offer extensive support for site displaying pictures of your products on the recipe pages for
development, like shopping carts and check-out processing, seafood or salmon or complementary dishes.
and they are available as part of the subscription or at a nominal Social Media are high commitment, low cost marketing
cost. channels for many businesses. Social media can reach an
international audience with the only cost being internal time
resources. Most leading social media platforms give businesses
free access for promotion.
Your website’s performance and cost will be influenced by where
Facebook is currently the largest social media platform in the
your site is located and the host server computer’s capacity and
United States, with 1.86 billion active users at the end of 2016,
speed. Performance will depend on bandwidth available, the
and contains the option to purchase promotional ad placement
reliability of the server and the host’s broadband. Increasingly
within its text, picture, and video experience. Instagram is
sites are hosted by cloud-based providers that provide high
a picture and short video only (with captions) social media
speed and reliability. Your website can be located anywhere in
platform that closed 2016 with 400 million daily active users and
the world and, with the right connection and host server, it can
accounts for 20percent of all daily internet users. Snapchat had
perform as if it were in the next room. Performance should take
160 million active daily users at the start of 2017 and claims
priority over cost in deciding where to host your website.
self-deleting “posts” as its primary purpose. Snapchat is a
Some key points when selecting a web host: server space, platform where more informal and “goofy” posts are expected,
data transfer allowance, tech support up-time guarantee, email and it allows consumers to get a 10-second “inside look” at their
accounts and reputation. The quality of a host’s technical favorite organizations via self-deleting pictures or short-videos.
support is an important consideration, depending on your It is important to remember that nothing is ever permanently
expertise. Judge technical support by its availability and results; deleted on the internet.
it should be staffed 24/7 by knowledgeable folks and accessible
Social media users tend to “follow” individuals (friends, family,
by toll-free telephone numbers with short waiting queues.
celebrities, etc.) rather than organizations but when social

Chapter 8 •
Up-time guarantee is a statement about the host’s confidence media users follow a business, they often create a strong
in their server’s reliability. A strong guarantee suggests bond and show increased brand loyalty. They may expect
reliable, well-managed equipment. Check on the reputation that the organizations they “follow” will make one high quality
of prospective web host providers by using online forums and contribution (“post”) per day. However, social media users do


rankings. not want to be “bombarded” with content and desire quality
Pay-per-click is a sometimes expensive and sometimes over quantity.
effective way to advertise. Advertisers bid on key words that A social media presence for your business presents an
they believe their target market will plug into search engines opportunity to collect impactful reviews from customers by
to shop for products. A business might buy several keywords. being “tagged” (automatically linked to the customer’s “post” on
When the keywords are entered into the search engine, the the social media platform). These comments, compliments and
advertiser’s website link is displayed with the search results; reviews are seen as more trustworthy than traditional comments
when the shopper clicks on the advertiser’s link, that advertiser left on a company’s website or various web outlets.
is charged the amount bid.
To use social media for small business promotion, choose your
Other approaches may be effective for marketing on the web, most engaged social media employee for account management
including reciprocal link advertising and social media. and posting content. Avoid the common pitfall of accidentally
posting private content under the organizational account.
Obtain a second mobile device for all business content and do
not allow employees to log in to that account on their personal


CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP habit analysis are a few examples of CRM that help you to know
MANAGEMENT (CRM) your customers so that you can serve them better. Analyze
your product sales to see if you can identify trends, and use this
It is cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new one. information to prepare promotion strategies, emerging trends
Keeping customers requires keeping customers happy by and opportunities for new products.
communicating with them to understand their needs and how to
improve your products and services. Emails, surveys and buying

The web has fundamentally changed marketing. Many small Effective web advertising is a mix of art and science. Unless
businesses now devote most of their ad budgets to website you have experience with developing effective websites you
design, optimization and maintenance. The web is the great may want to hire a pro to build and optimize your site
business equalizer. Here are some factors that make productive websites:
Advantages 1. Good Site Design. Get your most important information
up front, since people spend only a few seconds looking
• Can be accessed by virtually any computer and mobile
at a site unless it really grabs their interest. Ensure easy
device in the world
site navigation.
• Relatively low cost to set up
2. Search Engine Optimization. Websites work because
• Continues to do its job indefinitely rather than for a single prospective customers use search engines, so your site
day or month has to be built and include the right keywords and links
• Can include large quantities of copy, photos and video to make it rank highly with the main search engines. The
search engines change their ranking criteria from time to
• Can be made interactive and can be used to take
time, so the optimization must be renewed periodically.
Use links to other sites but learn to use them correctly.
• Can link and be linked to other websites.
3. Web Analytics. You can use services to analyze your
Disadvantages site and tell you how many “hits” your site is getting,
where (what search engines) they are coming from, what
• Immense competition on the web keywords are drawing the hits and so on.
• Most users only look at the first few sites that show up on 4. Effective Copy. Define your product, its qualities and
a search your service. Use simple, clear language and leave out
• Viewers scan quickly so they may miss important buzzwords. Develop a personality or theme in the site and
information speak directly to the prospective customer. Include a call
• Searchers must use the correct keywords to find your site to action (“buy now”). Tell the reader how to reach you by
email, regular mail, phone, text and fax.
• Websites must be maintained, and must be
supplemented with other kinds of advertising to be

Chapter 8 •
Internet Advertising Tips
• Don’t try to do it all yourself, unless you’re sure you have both the
skills and available time. Hire a professional website designer to


build and optimize your site.
• Change the content periodically, and whenever your offerings or
prices change.
• You’ll probably have to pay to join web malls or to be listed with
certain search engines. Talk to others in the business or get advice
on which malls and search engines produce good value for your
• Go to a major search engine site and type in some keywords that
relate to your products, then open the sites that come up. You’ll get
some good ideas about site design and prevailing prices for similar
products, plus you’ll see who your competition is.


Chapter 9 • F O R M I N G A S E A F O O D D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G C O O P E R A T I V E


Chapter 9


H. Charles Sparks, PhD, CPA There are several ways to organize a marketing cooperative, but
School of Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks a simple fee-based membership would fill the need to collect
startup funds and engage in marketing activities.

E very marketing activity requires time and

specific expertise, and not everyone has
enough. What’s more, time spent performing
The first step in forming a cooperative is to locate others
interested in direct marketing as a group. Then the participants
need to agree on what the business will do, and estimate how
marketing activities reduces the time available for much money it takes to do it. Next, you need to raise the money
fishing. An alternative to working independently is and develop a plan of operations. Usually a group of owners will
need more time to make these decisions than you would if you
to collaborate with like-minded fishermen. did it all yourself. After agreeing to form a cooperative the next
Collaboration can be anything from employing a steps are to formally organize:

manager to plan and execute specific marketing • Filing articles of incorporation with the state

activities, to creating a complete wraparound • Adopting bylaws

• Obtaining a tax identification number

Chapter 9 • F O R M I N G A S E A F O O D D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G C O O P E R A T I V E
marketing business that has full responsibility for
• Opening a bank account
selling your fish. One way to formally collaborate is
Often it is best to engage an attorney to help with the legal steps.
to form a cooperative.
Once you have an organization in place, your group needs to
calculate costs the cooperative will incur to operate. How many
WHY A COOPERATIVE? people will you hire and at what cost? If you are going to use
A co-op is a type of corporation that can provide services, like volunteers, how much time will you expect them to contribute?
marketing, to its owners. Producer cooperatives have a long What other expenses will the co-op have? A good cost estimate
history in the agricultural and seafood industries. Cooperatives gives you a target of how much money your members will have
function like other fish companies, with one major exception— to raise.
profits accrue to the members rather than to often-distant
shareholders. Usually the members who sell their catch through FINANCING A COOPERATIVE
a co-op end up with more money than those who sell to a
corporate-owned processing company. At the same time, they With that estimate the co-op can develop a financing plan.
share in the decision-making rather than living with the decisions There are many ways to raise money to start a co-op but one of
made by corporate owners, though those decisions have to the simplest is to charge an annual membership fee, based on
assure survival and profitability for the enterprise. the co-op’s operating plan for the coming year. Co-ops can also
raise capital by requiring an equity investment, charging a fee
Advantages of working collectively include: per pound of fish sold, or through member loan programs. The
• Upfront capital costs can be shared. mix your co-op uses will depend on how much money you need
• The enterprise can enjoy economies of scale, which and how much your members are able to invest.
decreases the costs per participant for essentials like
packaging materials and shipping.
• Multiple producers can ensure a steady and robust supply
of product. Higher, more consistent volume can open some
marketing channels like regional distributors that might be
impossible for a single fisherman to service adequately.
• Several fishermen providing product spreads the risk that
weather or variable fish returns will interrupt the supply of
product necessary to satisfy a distributor or market.


ROUTINE OPERATIONS 4. Formally create the co-op, with a charter and bylaws.
Once you have a plan and capital the cooperative should 5. Plan specific activities short and long term.
function like any other marketing business. In the off-season 6. Develop budget and plan for financing the business.
someone will have to conduct back office activities like paying
7. Collect fees from members.
bills, planning the next year’s activities, evaluating its financial
performance, and preparing financial statements, including the 8. Execute the marketing plan and conduct operations.
required tax reports. Like any other legal entity cooperatives are 9. Review performance and plan for the next season.
required to file tax returns annually.
Cooperative organizations are an effective way to collaborate
Outline of key activities: with other fishermen to overcome the financial hurdles of direct
1. Determine whether there is an interest in forming. marketing fish products. Recognition that there are significant
economies of scale regarding the activities and the need to
2. Agree to an outline of what the cooperative will do and how it
ensure sufficient fish product for entry into most markets
will do it.
provides strong incentives to work with other fishermen to
3. Gather information and estimate costs. achieve the goal of direct marketing and placement of fish


Chapter 9 • F O R M I N G A S E A F O O D D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G C O O P E R A T I V E


Chapter 10


Cynthia Wallesz • Do the carriers offer assurances that they will deliver your
CAW Consulting shipments on time and in great condition?
• Look for coolers and freezers along the way; sometimes they
are available only if you ask.

P roper shipping and handling can determine

success or failure for direct marketers. Your
product needs to arrive in the fine condition and
• Is it safer to ship frozen or fresh with a given carrier?
• Be organized and carry with you the contact information of
each carrier and customer.

timeframe you promised or you may be finding a

new customer to replace the disappointed one.
If your research reveals that the best shipping options are too
In many areas, shipping is not easy and is one of the biggest direct risky or expensive, find another customer, product and/or
marketing expenses. Shipping is where you may have the least shipping method. The chart below illustrates how to analyze
amount of control. To get your products smoothly to market, assess options. Make up your own chart for each product form and
the risk of each potential shipping option, choose the appropriate customer. Based on this example, which options would you
option for your situation and carefully plan every step in the shipping choose to get your product to Dallas and then to Fae’s?
process. Even the best of practices won’t guarantee the safe arrival
of your products, but it will increase your chances of shipping and
Some things to consider when analyzing options: • Appropriate boxes to fit • Packing tape
• How are you going to get your product(s) off the boat? the items • Rubber bands
• If your product is not on the boat anymore (such as at a cold • Plastic liners • Permanent marker or

Chapter 10 •
storage), exactly how will you transport it from there to the • Insulated foil liners computer labels
carrier? • Gel packs and/or dry ice, • Strapping system
• How many types of carriers do you need to get your product if needed • Truck or other means to
to your customer? What are the options for each one and how

• Certified scale deliver each shipment to
much do they cost?
• Box stapler and staples the freight carrier

Product form and amount: Headed and gutted fresh salmon, 100 pounds
Customer: Fae’s Fish Feed in Dallas, TX
From where Timeframe Cost Assurances Notes
to where
Boat to truck/highway/ From boat to 25 minutes $2 No Use personal
airport/barge truck to airport truck to airport
Carrier #1 XYZ Air Local airport to 2 options: 9am-3pm Both are $2.05 Very limited Helpful staff;
Dallas airport the next day (30 hours); per pound cooler in Dallas
6pm-9am (17 hours)
Carrier #2 ABC Airline Local airport to 8pm-9am (13 hours) $2.98 No New airline
Dallas airport
Carrier #A Tilly’s Taxi Dallas airport to Fae’s 45-60 minutes $25 No Doesn’t have
refer truck
Carrier #B Precious Cargo Dallas airport to Fae’s 60-75 minutes $45 Yes Refer truck


Proper packaging is necessary to maintain product quality. It • If shipping fresh, chill the product to about 32˚F before
prevents physical damage and temperature stress. Containers boxing. To do the pre-chilling, use slush ice, flake ice, chilled
must not leak because fluids can damage transport vehicles and seawater, a refrigerated van or cold storage. Advantages and
aircraft. disadvantages of each method are discussed in Appendix F. If
Many types of containers are available for shipping. Use the shipping frozen product, freeze it thoroughly in a blast freezer
one that best suits the type of product (fresh, frozen or live), the before packaging, or keep it in a frozen storage facility.
amount (poundage), size (such as small fillets or large headed • Select the correct type and size of box for the contents, and
and gutted) and any carrier requirements. Use boxes you can on the outside apply a written or computer-generated label
physically manage and keep everything clean throughout the that lists the shipper’s full address and phone number, the
process to ensure a high-quality end product. receiver’s full address with phone number, the species of
Understand any restrictions your carriers may have for box sizes product, box number, and whether the product is fresh or
and/or weight. For larger shipments, contact your carrier to use frozen. The carrier may have additional label requirements.
pallets, totes or other suitable containers. • Put the desired liner (plastic, foil or both) into the box.
Containers. Fresh seafood commonly is shipped in wax- • Put the box on a certified scale and carefully place each fish
impregnated wetlock boxes. The wax strengthens the or product item into the box. Fill all the space possible; the
cardboard and repels water, but it also makes the box brittle so more product density the better insulated the product will
it can damage easily if dropped or mishandled. If you can find remain through the shipping process. Fill your container or
them, use light-colored lids which reflect heat, rather than the put in as much weight as your customer has ordered. Note
typical brown ones. Wetlock fish boxes are available in various the net product weight for billing and record-keeping. Add gel
capacities: 25 pound, 50 pound, 80 pound and 100 pound. packs or dry ice and distribute them throughout the container.
Fold and staple each corner to assemble; use at least three • If using a plastic liner, tightly close the liner with a stapler or
staples per corner to maximize box strength. rubber band, and tape. Secure foil liners with packaging tape.
Frozen seafood typically is shipped in foam boxes with If there is space inside the box, add any additional insulation
cardboard overwraps; some overwraps are lightly waxed to such as newspaper so that the product doesn’t slide around
repel water. Insulated boxes are rigid and sturdy when paired during handling.
with the overwraps and come in a lot of shapes and sizes. • Close the container, tape it if it is cardboard, and strap all
Select the size of box that your product will fill without overfilling. boxes with banding material in at least two places, depending
Tape cardboard overwraps to assemble and begin loading. on the size of the container.
These boxes are also good for fresh shipments that require
extra-long trips. Delivery. Take your loaded containers directly to your chosen
freight carrier. Keep them as cool as possible during transport.
Box liners. After box assembly, insert a plastic poly liner, If it’s not yet time to ship, store your boxes in a cooler or freezer

Chapter 10 •
essential for fresh shipments. They are designed to fit into most until shipping time.
wetlock box sizes and come in thicknesses from 1.5 to 4.0 mil.
Add foil-insulated liners for all your fresh and frozen seafood box Shipment follow-through. Monitor your shipment every step
shipments. The foil material reflects radiant outside heat and the of the way until it arrives safely in your customer’s hands. It is
FDA-approved inner bubble layer is an effective insulating air not uncommon to have to call a carrier mid-shipment to verify

barrier. They are inexpensive insurance, at about $5 each, and the boxes’ handling and/or destination. If there is a delay always
come in at least three sizes. ensure your boxes are stored in a freezer or cooler if available.
Communicate often with your carriers and customers. Follow
Gel packs. Protect product from outside heat and are used up with your customer to make sure your product arrived as
when shipping fresh seafood and sometimes with frozen expected.
seafood. Use only food-safe gel packs in case the packs leak
during shipment. Many direct marketers will find the 1.5-pound Here’s more information for shipping seafood with Alaska Airlines:
packs most useful and available but they come in a variety of
sizes and weights. Keep in mind that gel ice is intended to slow
the inflow of heat into the box’s interior that contains your pre- Effects of temperature on shelf life (days)
chilled product—it will not lower the contents’ temperature.
Packs must be frozen thoroughly prior to use. If undamaged, Storage temp High-fat fish* Low-fat fish**
gel packs can be refrozen and reused. Dry ice, although very (°F)
effective, often is hard to find and is prohibited by many carriers,
32 10 14
so check with yours before choosing this option. 40 5 7
Loading the boxes. Whether shipping fresh or frozen product, 50 2.5 3.5
it is important to maintain proper temperatures throughout
the packaging process. Keep the product and packed boxes 60 1.5 2
in the cooler or freezer until the last possible moment before 70 1.2 1.7
transport. Pack product carefully as visual quality is important *High-fat fish includes salmon and sablefish
to most customers. Be sure to ask for any product shipping
specifications they may have. **Low-fat fish includes halibut, cod and pollock


• Which carriers serve the area where the product is Live seafood products can bring prices significantly higher
being shipped? Which of these companies has the than fresh or frozen. That value, however, comes at the
best reputation for handling premium seafood? Are cost of increased risk, regulation and logistical difficulties.
personnel competent when it comes to the handling of First, be aware that the transportation of live finfish
sensitive shipments? from the state of Alaska is prohibited. For more
• Does an air carrier offer freight-only flights or is the information, contact the Alaska Department of Fish and
product shipped on passenger jets? Game Division of Commercial Fisheries at 907.465.4210.
• Are the schedules convenient to both shipper and Crab, mussels, shrimp, oysters, sea urchins, sea
receiver? cucumbers, geoducks and other invertebrates sometimes
• Are direct flights available or must the product be are marketed live. It is necessary to research the import
transferred between planes or air carriers? How many and export laws in your home and market states. Paralytic
transfers will be needed to get the product to its shellfish poisoning (PSP) is an issue with live shellfish, for
destination? example, and the National Shellfish Sanitation Program
(NSSP) has established standards for ensuring that
• How long are the layovers if the product must be contaminated molluscan shellfish don’t enter interstate
transferred? Which carriers have cool rooms or cold commerce. Consult the NSSP website at https://www.fda.
storage facilities where the product can be held during gov/food/guidanceregulation/federalstatefoodprograms/
layovers and at its final destination? ucm2006754.htm
• What arrangements must be made to assure that Packaging and shipping present big challenges with
the product is shipped on a particular flight? Must direct marketing live products. Mollusks and crustaceans
cargo space be reserved in advance, and how far in have lower metabolisms than finfish and can be shipped
advance of departure must the product be delivered without being in circulating seawater, provided they are
to the freight office? When will the product arrive at its packaged in such a way that they remain cool and moist,
destination? and there is oxygen/air exchange inside the container.
• How is the product to be shipped? Will each discrete Materials and techniques have been developed specifically
shipment be in individual boxes or will individual for keeping them alive during handling and transit.
shipments be contained in a large unitized container? Excellent cooperation and communication between
• Will the product be held at the airport or shipping producer and buyer is vital to ensure that the product
company yard for pickup or will it be delivered to its arrives at its destination not only still alive, but hearty

Chapter 10 •
final destination? Who is responsible for the delivery? enough to sustain handling and storage at the other end.
What local freight forwarding companies have good It can be advantageous to ship to destinations served by
reputations with fresh seafood shipments? direct flights from your landing port, or arrange for a place
• What information must be on the box to assure to recondition your product at intermediate stops.

uninterrupted shipment and delivery? Overseas markets may offer the highest prices but
• What additional regulatory documentation must be international shipping is more risky, complex and
provided for the shipment? regulated. An import agent or broker on the other end is
• Does the shipment need to be insured? What are the virtually a necessity.
types of insurance coverage, limits and costs? Does the It’s not easy but it can be done. Switching from fresh
carrier provide insurance for customers? or frozen product to live will impact almost every part of
• What packaging precautions will ensure product your business, from your catch methods, to shipping
quality? Extra gel packs? Supplemental box insulation? and packaging, to the kind of relationship you have with
Extra packing material to prevent shifting? your buyer. The amount of work, attention to detail, and
risk required will increase dramatically. Make certain the
• When does the customer need the product to arrive? increased price you’ll receive for your product is sufficient
Are communications channels with the air carrier, to justify these changes. For a compilation of academic
customer and freight forwarders well-established, and technical reports on the subject, order a copy of the
so that everyone involved knows the schedule and Alaska Sea Grant publication Marketing and Shipping Live
arrangements? Is a computerized freight tracking Aquatic Products at
service available? pubs/AK-SG-01-03.html
• Does the customer have special packaging


Chapter 11 • S E T T I N G U P T H E B O AT F O R D I R E C T M A R K E T I N G


Chapter 11


Greg Fisk • Keep enough change on hand. Mobile credit card
The late Greg Fisk, principal of SeaFisk Consulting and mayor- terminals for tablets and smartphones simplify transactions
elect of Juneau, was an affiliate of the Alaska Sea Grant Marine and are the preferred method of payment for most people
Advisory Program. He wrote the chapter for the fourth edition now, but some continue to pay in cash. If you are hoping
of this manual, based on many years of managing fishing and to sell somebody a couple of nice fat salmon be prepared
marketing businesses. to break a $100 bill. A lot of dockside fish sales are made
on weekends, when banks are closed. Having a cash box

U sing your boat for direct marketing can be makes things easier. If you have policies like “Local Checks
Only—ID Required,” post them where they can be easily
pretty simple. Retailing your catch at the dock seen.
may not require much change at all to your basic • Use nice signage. A scrap of cardboard with a hastily
fishing operation. scribbled note in marker pen doesn’t speak well of your
business. Make some decent signs. If you can’t print neatly
Direct marketing from your boat can also be complex.
or spell properly find a friend, relative or fellow fisherman
Processing salmon or prawns on board can require additional
who can. Sign printing companies make attractive custom
investment and jumping through numerous regulatory hoops.
vinyl lettering that you can apply to your own backing
Legal requirements governing direct marketing and onboard
or signboard. Include a price list. A chalkboard can look
process activities vary by location. Your first task is to contact
very nice and allow you to make changes as needed. For
the relevant state and local agencies where you plan to operate.
directional signs and other signage off the boat, be accurate
and clear. Don’t forget to check with the harbormaster and
DOCKSIDE SALES other authorities about posting signs in public areas.

Chapter 11 •
To retail your catch to the public directly from your fishing boat • Bags or boxes. Customers need a way to get their
you may not need to alter your boat at all. You can take a fish purchases back to their car in some sort of packaging that
out of the hold and hand it directly to your customer. But there won’t leak fish juices all over everything. Make sure you have
are things you should do to improve your setup. Help make your enough on hand. Waxed boxes are great and people are
customers’ trip to the dock to buy your product an enjoyable often willing to pay for them to protect their car interiors.

experience and they will be more likely to come back for more. • Carry the fish to the customer’s car, if you can break
• Try to tie up in an easily accessible place. A long walk away to do it. A couple of salmon in a plastic garbage bag
to the end of a float can discourage customers, particularly can be a real load. Obviously, you have to weigh this against
if they have to lug a heavy load of fish back to their car. being away from the boat. This kind of service will get you
Work with your harbormaster to establish a service-oriented remembered and referred to other potential customers.
experience for seafood consumers at your harbor. • Be a good scout. In your personal comportment and in the
• Keep your boat shipshape and clean. Extra care is way you do business, it helps to be “Trustworthy, Helpful,
warranted when retailing to the public. Retail customers Friendly, Courteous, Clean.” Treat customers honestly.
may be put off by gear piled on deck, and fish coming out of Answer questions cheerfully, and don’t look or act like a slob.
bloody slush ice. Fish ready for sale should look as good as Finally, be businesslike.
those at a seafood counter.
• No pets. It’s unsanitary to have dogs or cats running SO, YOU WANT TO PROCESS AND
around where you are selling food. It’s also unwise to allow DIRECT-MARKET YOUR CATCH?
rambunctious kids to play on deck.
This is a dream of many fishermen who want to improve the
• Maintain a covered area. In some places, it’s required. A return they get from their catch. Some sell their onboard
cover protects product from “avian fecal contamination.” If processed fish to regular processors on shore—many
you can set up a cover that also offers your customers a little freezer trollers for example. For others the motivation is direct
shelter from the rain, that’s a good idea too. marketing. For all such operations, a few basic concepts apply.


Space. Get as much room • The floor of your processing area, which should be designed
as you can afford. If you are Regulatory authorities to be flushed and easily cleaned and sanitized. False
starting from scratch, buy the decks that are common on many fishing boats can readily
biggest platform you can. If you want to help you accumulate gurry and contaminants. Grating should be easy
are constrained by your existing to lift and clean.
boat, do all you can to free up succeed and often can Lighting. Your processing area should be bright. This is
space. important for properly working with product and for effective
Think through your process supply a lot of good cleanup and sanitation. Regulations may prescribe required
from start to finish. How is illumination levels. Lighting in processing areas should be
the catch landed and moved advice, but remember, with safety-type fixtures suitable for marine environments and
around the boat or facility? designed to prevent breakage and contamination of product and
What will happen to the catch, their first responsibility surfaces.
and where? How will it be Water supply. Regulations in your area are likely to be quite
stored? Regulations vary from is to ensure public food specific about process water supply. Clean seawater may or
one jurisdiction to another. may not be acceptable for primary rinsing, product transport
Read and understand the safety. and initial product processing operations. Check regulations. In
regulations and talk with the any case:
responsible authorities before
• Avoid any highly turbid or nearshore waters.
setting up your vessel or small
shore operation for direct market processing. • Never use water taken from inside a harbor.
Regulatory authorities want to help you succeed and often • Stay away from other vessels while processing.
can supply a lot of good advice, but remember, their first • Do not flush your head or pump out sanitary holding tanks
responsibility is to ensure public food safety. while drawing processing water. Your water and sanitary
Surfaces. The surfaces that come into direct contact with your systems should have valves that physically prevent this
product must be of food-grade materials that are easy to clean possibility, even if that is not a requirement of regulations in
and sanitize, do not impart tastes or odors and do not promote your area.
bacterial growth and contamination. Regulations in your area • Make sure that your processing water system is segregated
may allow properly treated wood surfaces, but nonporous from any other pumping system. Cross-connections with
metal and food-grade plastics are best, and when it comes to bilge pumps and other non-sanitary systems are not
metals, go stainless. Some operations use aluminum tables, but permissible.
aluminum corrodes and pits easily. Good-quality stainless steel is
Systems are available to provide continuous treatment of

Chapter 11 •
durable, easy to clean and resistant to chemicals and corrosion.
processing water with chlorine or other agents, including
It’s expensive but bargains may be found at restaurant supply
acidified chlorine dioxide and ozone. Such systems work well
houses. Often standard restaurant shelving, cutting tables and
and may be required in your area. Batch chlorination of final
sink setups can be used directly or customized to work on a
rinse water may be an acceptable alternative, if allowed by

regulation. If using batch chlorination, give products a thorough
Nonfood contact surfaces in your processing area must also final rinse in the chlorinated solution, keep careful tabs on
be addressed. Processing functions need protection from the residual chlorination levels (such checks are likely specified in
elements and from outside sources of contamination. Many regulation) and change the solution frequently.
boats use converted aluminum bait sheds for processing
Cleaning and sanitizing. You simply must keep your
purposes, but pay attention to:
processing area clean. Effective cleaning and sanitizing starts
• The interior framing, to make sure surfaces drain well, don’t with good organization. Your processing area should be simple
readily accumulate dirt and contaminants and are easy to and uncluttered. Eliminate hard-to-clean nooks and crannies
reach with cleaners and sanitizers. These principles apply to and keep processing surfaces accessible. Bleeding tanks,
processing shelters made of other materials as well. Ideally, cutting tables and other processing areas should be flushed
onboard processing areas should be lined with impervious, regularly and kept free of excessive buildup of blood and gurry
easy-to-clean, nonporous paneling, just like that used in while processing.
onshore processing operations.
Cleaning and sanitizing should begin immediately after you have
• Possible sources of contamination, such as fuel or hydraulic finished processing. Start with a good wash down with plenty
lines, which should be re-routed and/or shielded to prevent of clean water. Follow with a good scrubbing of all surfaces
drips or leaks from contaminating product or product with a detergent that is approved for food processing areas.
contact surfaces. This may include running such lines Do not use phenolic cleaners such as Lysol® or Pine-Sol®.
through protective conduit or routing them below or outside Keep a good set of scrub brushes on hand, specifically for
processing areas. For hydraulics, consider switching to food- these cleaning purposes. Brushes and plenty of elbow grease
grade fluid if re-routing is difficult or costly. You may have can do a fine job. Remember to give a little extra effort to those
to do this anyway if you are using hydraulic power in your hard-to-reach places that can harbor bacteria. Thoroughly rinse
processing line to power a conveyor or similar machinery. off all detergent. Next, apply sanitizing solution throughout the


processing area. An effective sanitizing solution can be prepared For more information on preparing a vessel for onboard
with simple household bleach and clean water. processing and direct market sales, see The Onboard DEC
Pressure washers are excellent for cleaning and sanitizing and Inspection, by Torie Baker of Alaska Sea Grant, https://seagrant.
can significantly reduce your workload. Pressure washer units
designed for marine use are available at reasonable prices. They
can be mounted in your engine room, with outlets conveniently
located on deck, where they are needed.


Chapter 11 •





Chapter 12


Adapted from Working with a Broker or Trader, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, 2010
Sunny Rice, Quentin Fong and Glenn Haight

A seafood broker or trader can be an important

partner for the direct market fisherman. Brokers
and traders are experienced at selling fisheries
different species, product forms and/or sales regions. Regardless
of the circumstances, it is important to have a clear delineation
of product, volume and/or territory. Open communication and
transparency between the producer and broker is essential.
products and often have access to markets others For export sales an international broker will help guide you
may not have. They can also source additional through the maze of import/export regulations. This includes
things like obtaining European Union HACCP numbers,
product from other producers to create the volumes registering with the appropriate authorities or preparing health
and product assortments desired by markets. There certificates. With these added burdens and increased knowledge,
international brokers will charge a higher commission.
are important differences between brokers and
traders. There Can Be Disadvantages to Using Brokers
• As middlemen the cost of their services comes out of your price.
BROKERS • You can become “locked in” to a broker. For example, if a
A broker sells your product for you to buyers further up the distri- volume of product is committed to a broker specializing in
bution chain such as distributors, retail operations and importers. foodservice, you may not be able to redirect that product to
When you engage a broker, you outsource your marketing func- take advantage of price increases in the retail market without
tion, including sales and promotion responsibilities. The broker souring the broker−supplier relationship.
makes the sale, arranges logistics, and secures payment; you • No matter how devoted a broker is to the product, he or
own the product until it reaches the buyer. Brokers move product she may not represent it exactly the way you would like. For

Chapter 12
to retailers, foodservice or secondary processors but do not sell example, the broker may market the product based on price
directly to consumers. while you are focused on quality.
A broker’s commission depends on the type of product, volume • Finally, your product is likely one of many the broker represents.
and market location. For high volume commodities, brokers com- The broker may decide to focus on more profitable products at

mand 3 to 5 percent of the sales price. Handling lower volumes the expense of yours.


and/or selling to foreign markets can push the commission higher.

Reasons to Work with a Broker THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BROKER

• Leaving the marketing and selling to someone else allows
you to focus on production. A trader (otherwise known as a distributor) performs many of the
same functions as a broker, except the trader buys the product
• Brokers know about markets that most of us have little
from the producer rather than representing the product and
expertise in.
facilitating sales.
• Brokers develop expertise in market research, logistics,
• Risk. By buying your product up-front, traders take on the
pricing, negotiation and use of promotion tools (e.g.,
risk of the product losing value from changing market values,
advertising, branding). These attributes are even more
spoilage or other factors. They also cover the span of time
important when working in a foreign market.
between when the product is delivered to the customer
• If meeting new people and making sales are not your and when payment is received from that customer. A large
strengths, a broker is a good solution. amount of capital may be required to cover this time span. In
You can work with more than one broker at a time, but only exchange for absorbing these risks, a trader pays less for the
if they are not competing with each other and are aware of product but does not collect a commission.
what you are doing. Using different brokers is acceptable for


In deciding whether to use a broker or trader, consider whether AVOIDING PROBLEMS WITH A BROKER
the risks appear low enough and the product value high enough
Although the broker−client relationship depends on trust,
to justify retaining direct ownership. The broker or trader will be
you may want to take steps to protect yourself early in the
considering the same thing.
• Payment method. Although traders pay you directly, they
• Sign on with a broker for a trial period, such as six months to
generally do not pay cash up-front. Instead, they give letters
a year. Normally there are no contracts so it is likely to be a
of credit from a bank. The letters of credit are payable when
verbal agreement.
the trader gets delivery of the product. If the seafood buyer
is in Seattle, for fresh product delivered quickly payment may • Consider using a local broker, or at the first transfer point
be issued in a day or two. However, a producer selling to a for your product (i.e., Anchorage or Seattle). This will make
seafood trader in Germany, for example, might have to wait a communication easier, and decrease your risk.
few weeks for payment. • Maintain multiple sources of information about markets and
• Marketing information. Unlike a broker, a seafood trader prices.
is not obliged to provide market information, although some • Be prepared and organized with your paperwork. Record
might if you have developed a long-term relationship. The weights and numbers on each box, have copies of invoices,
trader will likely only negotiate a price and may give feedback airway bills, etc. This is good business practice and provides
on the product quality to justify the quoted price. evidence in case of a dispute.
It is common for an individual operating as a broker to move • Develop a backup plan in case the broker doesn’t work out.
some product as a trader—and vice versa.


A quick internet search for “seafood broker USA” or “seafood Bill of lading: a document prepared by the shipping or
trader USA” will turn up dozens of listings. Many brokers set transportation company accepting the good for shipment
up booths at seafood shows. Talk to other direct marketers for and providing a contract to carry the good to the designated
referrals. destination. A bill of lading may contain information such as
Two online services can help you in your search. Urner Barry’s the item type, quantity, value, date, port, seller name, vessel
platform called Prospector is a subscription search engine details, etc. The seller can claim payment and the buyer can
that combines all animal protein industry professionals: take delivery of the goods based on this contract. C&F: (cost and freight) signifies that a price quoted includes
Code=ubp&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=OL-P. The other is all expenses incurred up to the destination named, except
the Trade-Seafood Industry Directory. The international edition insurance (e.g. “C&F Seattle”).
is at
The USA-specific edition is at CIF: (cost, insurance, freight) same as above, but the cost of
directory/seafood/country/usa.htm. insurance is also included.

Chapter 12
When you talk to potential brokers, ask for customer references Consumer: the final user of the product (e.g., families,
and call a few of those references. If possible, meet with the restaurant customers).
broker face-to-face to get a better feel for the person and how FOB: (freight on board or free on board) usually indicates who
the operation works. Developing this personal relationship early pays freight, insurance and loading costs. For example, a

on will help you establish the right kind of sales reputation for quoted fee “FOB Seattle” would mean you pay for insurance


your product. and shipping of the product to Seattle. The broker’s
Check individual brokers’ credit histories through credit services percentage would then be taken off the final price received
such as Dun and Bradstreet ( and Seafax for the product after it is sold.
( which specialize in credit information Foodservice provider: a business that serves prepared food to
for the food industry. consumers, including restaurants, cafeterias, universities and
Brokers have expectations. They need a consistent supply of government institutions.
quality product, as do their customers. They need frequent Freight forwarder/expediter: a person or a firm that arranges
communication about product quantity and availability, and to for your shipment of goods to be transported efficiently.
arrange shipments. Good brokers look at their dealings with For example, once your container is loaded and closed up,
producers as relationships, which include trust and commitment. a forwarder will pick it up, schedule transportation, clear
It is important to be confident your broker is providing strong customs, and ensure delivery at a certain date and time.
representation, but refraining from undermining decisions, HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, a
micromanaging or second-guessing. Brokers are paid for their methodology contained in some regulations that spells out
marketing expertise—let them use it. means for reducing risk of contamination or other health


Letter of credit: a written commitment from a buyer’s bank Wholesaler: an entity that buys larger quantities of product and
or other financial institution to a seller’s bank guaranteeing breaks them down into smaller orders to resell to retailers
payment when certain terms are met. or foodservice outlets. Wholesalers may also reprocess or
Retailer: an entity that sells product directly to the consumer for repackage product. Wholesalers can be regional or national;
home consumption (e.g., grocery store, specialty food shop). usually have their own means of distributing products (i.e.,
trucks, warehouses, or repackaging facilities) and often carry
a wide range of products.


Chapter 12







Chapter 13


S ome direct marketers work with custom
processors. They may lack processing
equipment on their boats, may need to handle
• Who will provide packaging and labeling? Some
processors will use your packaging; others want to ship
product in their own boxes. Some processors can store your
materials but not all. If you use a chain-of-custody certification,
bigger quantities of product, may want to offer their such as the Marine Stewardship Council label, it’s up to
you and not your custom processor to locate compliance
customers different product forms or they may not specifications, tracking numbers, etc., and to understand how
want the responsibility of conducting their own to include that information into your labeling and packaging.
processing operation. A custom processor can • Is the custom processor required to put their name
on the product or shipping label? In Alaska, the last
provide various value-added services such as certified handler of a seafood product before it is released for
smoking, freezing, portioning, or making jerky and commercial or retail sale is required to place their processor
code on the shipping box or product label. This insures
other product forms.
traceability and is a requirement that varies in other states.
A custom processor can help you identify all your operational Discuss this point with your processor.
costs so you can develop appropriate selling prices that will
• Who will pick up and transport the product to the next
allow you to make a profit.
stop once it is ready? Most processors aren’t warehouses
or cold-storage facilities. Make sure you understand
CONSIDERATIONS FOR WORKING how much time you have to move the product out of the
WITH A CUSTOM PROCESSOR processor’s facility and how to get your transporter to work
with the processor.
• Does the custom processor have the capacity to
process your fish? Some processors provide exclusive • What is the processor’s billing cycle? What form of
areas in their plant and crews for custom processing that are payment do they accept? Some processors require payment
separated from other processing activities; others may rely before they will release the product and others will bill you.
on marked totes to differentiate fish ownership, and your fish

Chapter 13 •
will be processed as a batch along with other fish. Become
familiar with your processor’s system.
It’s best to write an agreement or contract with your custom
• What product forms do you require?
processor outlining the services to be provided. This can be
• How will my fish be handled over the dock or on a as simple or complex as you and your processor desire. Like a


tender and how am I assured I will get my own fish? written business plan, a written contract clarifies expectations,
Traceability may be very important to you. Understand anticipates problem areas and keeps things flowing smoothly.
how your processor tracks your fish from delivery through
processing and shipping.
• Who will pay applicable state and local taxes? If, for POTENTIAL PARTNER
example, you sell your fish to a processor and subsequently
buy the fish back in a custom processed form, the processor Lastly, don’t overlook your traditional processor as a potential
may be the one paying taxes, and he will include those partner in your direct marketing venture. Even if they aren’t set
charges in your final bill. Check with your state revenue or tax up to custom process, they may help you order supplies or
department for details. equipment and share shipping costs. Some processors are not
interested in supporting someone who could be seen as a direct
competitor, but many large processors are encouraging direct
marketers. Often, markets you are selling into are not the same
as retail customers that buy directly from larger processors,
seafood distributors and brokers. Some large processors feel
that the more high-quality wild seafood from any source is
available to the marketplace, the better everyone in the wild
seafood business will be.


Appendix A

D irect marketing isn’t for everyone. Before
making the leap, take a few moments to think
through your motivations and situation.
• The value of the catch if it had been sold to your usual
• Shrinkage, roe value, lost opportunity to sell lower grade or
undesirable species catch
Here are a few possible motivations:
• Time spent delivering or handling product that could have
• Increase total fishing income been spent catching more fish
• Maintain more control of your product • Time spent delivering or handling product that could have
• Establish a closer relationship with your product and been used for maintenance or rest
customers • Additional fuel expense and wear on boat and equipment
• Extend your working season • Costs of additional equipment and supplies required for the
• Exercise your creativity operation
• Provide employment for friends or family members
Some possible indications of success: AND CAPABILITIES TO CREATE A
• Enough additional fishing net income to justify the added SUCCESSFUL DIRECT MARKETING
time, work and risk BUSINESS?
• Happy customers Ask yourself if you have these important capabilities:
• The satisfaction of establishing and running your own • Have I proven myself to be a successful fisherman?
seafood business.
• Am I good at bookkeeping and financial management?
• Do I have logistics skills so that I can get my product to the
buyers in excellent condition?
• Do I like being a salesman, on the phone or in person? Do I
Some questions to ask yourself: enjoy meeting and talking to people?
• Am I an entrepreneur? • Can I wait weeks after delivery or months after the season to
• Am I comfortable with risk? get paid?
• Am I a people person? • How assertive am I at making people pay what they owe me
• Can I live with delayed payment for my work and products? or do what they have agreed to do?

• Am I organized and detail oriented? • Can I stay with a set of tasks every week, year after year or
do I get bored and need change?
• Do I deal calmly with problems and with difficult people?
• Is my family supportive and can they make the changes so I
• Am I more quality or volume oriented? can spend the time on this business?
• Can I take on additional time and work demands? • Am I willing and physically able to do the extra work and
• Is my family supportive? commit the additional time, or do I prefer to put the boat
away and forget about fish at the end of the season?


You may need these important resources: • Regular, reliable, affordable air cargo and/or road
• A fishery resource with timing that permits taking time to transportation
handle the catch and meet delivery schedules, and volume • Adequate startup capital and adequate cash to carry the
adequate to meet the volume and frequency demands of the business in case customers don’t pay or, for some other
market reason, the business isn’t immediately profitable.
• Species mix and intrinsic quality of catch that is appropriate
• A plan for the roe (if a salmon fishery) and for catch your TO OVERCOME
customers don’t want due to species, size or condition • Remote fishing location that lacks transportation access
• Suitable boat with adequate space to properly handle the • Lack of refrigeration and other product handling facilities
• Lack of willing, skilled and affordable help
• Storage and staging area and structures for equipment and
supplies • Lack of experience in, or dislike of, business management
and bookkeeping
• Vehicles and other pertinent equipment for product handling
and transporting product • No supportive family

• Refrigeration, ice or chilling capacity • Shortage of startup and operating capital

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a way to balance the advantages you have against the
disadvantages to inform a decision about whether to proceed with starting a business. Strengths and weaknesses are internal
to you and your situation, opportunities and threats are external. List strengths and opportunities and factors that you can
build upon. When you list weaknesses and threats, consider how you can overcome them.
Strengths Weaknesses
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Opportunities Threats
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________


Appendix B


Nathan Lagerwey, Deputy Special Agent in Charge of Alaska does not require a PNOL. The purpose of the PNOL is to
facilitate enforcement monitoring and biological sampling by
NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement
the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

F ishermen who legally harvest halibut and A Registered Buyer Permit is required to receive IFQ halibut
or sablefish or CDQ halibut from a harvester. It is unlawful to
sablefish under the IFQ program may direct- make an IFQ halibut or sablefish landing other than directly to
market their catch, provided they comply with all (or by) a Registered Buyer. A Registered Buyer Permit is also
the pertinent state and federal regulations. It is the required for transfers of fish outside of an IFQ regulatory area
or outside the State of Alaska.
business owner’s responsibility to be aware of all
A fisherman may obtain a Registered Buyer Permit and
regulations. Federal regulations are summarized become his/her own permitted receiver of IFQ fish. A
below. To find out more about federal regulations, fisherman who legally harvests IFQ halibut or sablefish
may transfer (including selling) catch to entities other than
contact any NOAA Fisheries Office of Law permitted fish processing facilities if she/he has a Registered
Enforcement. Non-IFQ groundfish likewise may be Buyer Permit and complies with the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements of that permit. Registered Buyer
direct-marketed if pertinent regulations are met. Permits are nontransferable, issued annually, on request and
See the final section of this appendix for at no cost. Registered Buyer Permit applications are available
groundfish regulations. at
Once one IFQ fish is offloaded, all fish of that species (halibut
or sablefish) must be offloaded from the vessel at that site,
IFQ Permits: An IFQ permit authorizes participation in the fixed- weighed and debited from the IFQ permit holder’s account
gear commercial fishery for Pacific halibut off Alaska and from which the catch was harvested. The vessel operator is
most sablefish fisheries off Alaska. IFQ permits are issued to legally responsible for offloading fish. Once landing operations
persons and are not specific to vessels, but are specific to a have commenced, the IFQ cardholder and the harvesting
vessel category and IFQ regulatory area. Permits are issued vessel may not leave the landing site until the IFQ account(s)
annually to persons holding fishable Pacific halibut and is properly debited. The offloaded IFQ species may not be
sablefish quota. moved from the landing site until the IFQ landing report is re-
Processing: Processing definition for sablefish includes ceived and the IFQ cardholder’s account is properly debited.
cooking, canning, smoking, salting, drying and freezing but Landing Report: Registered Buyers must report all IFQ
does not mean icing, bleeding, heading or gutting. Only landings online. An IFQ landing may commence only
Category A sablefish may be processed at sea. between 0600 and 1800 hours, A.L.T., and the offload
Category A halibut IFQ permit holders may freeze halibut must be continuous and complete at a single landing site.
whole at sea. All processed halibut must be gutted and gilled Electronic landing reports must be submitted to OLE using
and may be headed. However, halibut may not be filleted or the online landing system. Access and instructions are
further processed prior to landing. provided with the issuance of all Registered Buyer Permits.
Prior Notice of Landing (PNOL): The operator of any vessel It is the responsibility of the Registered Buyer to obtain
making an IFQ landing must notify NOAA Fisheries Office of hardware, software and internet connectivity to support
Law Enforcement (OLE) no fewer than 3 hours before landing internet reports as required.
IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish. This PNOL must be made to the The IFQ permit holder must initiate a landing report using his
OLE Data Clerks at 800-304-4846 (select option 1) between or her own permit. The Registered Buyer must accurately
the between the hours of 0600 and 2400 Alaska local time, submit all information. An IFQ landing report must be com-
A.L.T. A PNOL must contain information as listed by the pleted and the IFQ account(s) properly debited within 6 hours
regulations. Troll bycatch of less than 500 pounds IFQ halibut after the completion of the IFQ landing, prior to shipment of


said fish away from the landing site, and prior to departure of Observer Fees: A Registered Buyer or processor named on a
the delivery vessel from the landing site. If unprocessed IFQ Federal Processing Permit who receives groundfish or halibut
halibut or IFQ sablefish is offloaded from a vessel, the scale is subject to the observer fee. The Registered Buyer or
weight of the halibut or sablefish actually measured at the Federal Processing Permit holder is responsible for collecting
time of the offload is required to be reported on the IFQ land- fees from harvesters during the calendar year in which the
ing report. groundfish or halibut is received. Observer fee payments
For processed IFQ sablefish or frozen IFQ halibut (“A” cat- must be submitted to NMFS no later than February 15 of
egory quota share only), the scale weight of the halibut or the year following the calendar year in which the groundfish
sablefish may be measured at sea or at offload. If the product or halibut landings subject to the observer fee were made.
scale weights are taken before the time of offload, then the In 2017 the observer fee percentage is set in regulation
species and actual product weight of each box or container at 1.25percent of the standard ex-vessel price. Electronic
must be visibly marked on the outside of each container to payments are accepted through the NMFS Alaska Region
facilitate inspection. website,

After the Registered Buyer enters the landing data and a re- State Sablefish Fisheries: Federally permitted IFQ sablefish
ceipt is printed, both the IFQ permit holder and the Registered fishermen commercially fishing for sablefish in a State
Buyer’s representative must sign the receipt to acknowledge sablefish fishery must debit their catch against an IFQ
the accuracy of the landing report. The Registered Buyer and account. If any person on board the vessel holds IFQ
IFQ permit holder must retain legible copies of the receipt. sablefish quota during the fishing trip, regardless of the
IFQ area of the quota share and of the remaining account
Selling Your Own IFQ Harvest: An IFQ holder wishing to balance, the state sablefish weight must be debited against
sell their own IFQ harvest must obtain a Registered Buyer the permit. Alaska’s Prince William Sound and limited entry
Permit and complete the landing requirements above using sablefish fisheries are not subject to IFQ regulations or the
their own Registered Buyer Permit. The Registered Buyer requirements set forth in regards to the state sablefish fishery.
Permit is required to transfer dockside and complete landing
requirements. After properly landing, the Registered Buyer Vessel Activity Reports: Catcher vessels greater than 60
conducting sales must issue a receipt in lieu of a shipment feet length over all, all catcher/processors, and all motherships
report, which must include the date of sale or transfer, the holding a Federal Fisheries Permit and carrying non-IFQ fish
Registered Buyer Permit number, and the product weight of products onboard must complete and submit a Vessel Activity
the fish transferred to each individual receiving IFQ halibut or Report (VAR) by fax or email at 907.586.7313 or
IFQ sablefish. These instructions do not cover retail sales. [email protected] before the vessel crosses the seaward
boundary of the EEZ off Alaska or crosses the U.S.−Canadian
IFQ Departure Report: A vessel operator who intends to international boundary between Alaska and British Columbia.
make an IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut landing
outside Alaska must submit an IFQ Departure Report,
by telephone, to OLE at 800-304-4846 (select option 1) GROUNDFISH, IFQ AND CDQ
between the hours of 0600 and 2400 hours, A.L.T. The RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING
vessel operator must submit the Departure Report after Recordkeeping and reporting requirements could include:
completion of all fishing and prior to departing the waters of
the EEZ adjacent to Alaska when IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or • Electronic or paper daily logbooks (DFL [daily fishing
IFQ sablefish are on board. The vessel operator submitting logbooks]; DCPL [daily accumulative processor logbooks];
an IFQ Departure Report must also have an IFQ Registered halibut; ELB [electronic logbooks])
Buyer Permit and must submit landing reports for all IFQ • Shoreside processor electronic logbook reporting (SPELR)
halibut and sablefish on board at a single landing location. • Product transfer report (PTRs) (see below)
The vessel operator submitting an IFQ Departure Report
must ensure that one or more IFQ cardholders are on board • Check-in/Check-out reports
with enough remaining IFQ balance to harvest amounts of • Vessel Activity Reports
IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or IFQ sablefish equal to or greater • IFQ Departure Report
than all IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut and IFQ sablefish on board.
The vessel operator must provide the information on the IFQ • Prior Notice of Landing
Departure Report as listed in the regulations. • Transshipment Authorization
IFQ Fees: The Cost Recovery percentage is set annually. In • Daily Production Reports
2017, the fee was set at 3.0percent of the ex-vessel value • Commercial Operator’s Annual Report
of IFQ harvested. Fee Summaries (billings) are mailed to IFQ
permit holders in November. Payments are due by January • Landing Reports (IERS [Interagency Electronic Reporting
31. System])

A Registered Buyer who also operates as a shoreside • Landings reporting for non-IFQ groundish (IERS)
processor and receives IFQ landings of sablefish or halibut • CDQ Vessel Registration
must submit a complete IFQ Buyer Report to NMFS annually (consult the regulations for descriptions and requirements. See
not later than October 15 following the reporting period in 50 CFR § 679.5 Recordkeeping and reporting)
which the IFQ Registered Buyer received IFQ fish.


Product Transfer Report (PTR): Except as specifically 3. EXEMPTION. Wholesale sales (non-IFQ groundfish only)
exempted, federally permitted processors and IFQ The operator or manager may aggregate and record, on one
Registered Buyers must complete and submit to the NOAA PTR, wholesale sales of non-IFQ groundfish by species when
Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) a separate PTR recording the amount of such wholesale species leaving
for each transfer of groundfish, IFQ and CDQ fish from their a vessel or facility in one calendar day, if invoices detailing
possession. PTRs must be completed within two hours of destinations for all of the product are available for inspection
the transfer and must be submitted to OLE in Juneau by by an authorized officer.
noon on the Tuesday following the end of the applicable
weekly reporting period (Sunday through Saturday) in 4. EXEMPTION. Dockside sales.
which the transfer occurred. They can be submitted by fax A dockside sale may be PTR exempt if the Registered Buyer
(907.586.7313), or by email ([email protected]). Office conducting dockside sales issues a sales receipt to each
of Law Enforcement phone number is 907.586.7225. individual receiving IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or IFQ sablefish
PTR Exemptions: in lieu of a PTR. This receipt must include:

1. EXEMPTION. Bait sales (non-IFQ groundfish only) 1. Date of sale

During one calendar day, the operator or manager may 2. Registered Buyer Permit number
aggregate and record on one PTR the individual sales or 3. Weight by product of the IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or
shipments of non-IFQ groundfish to vessels for bait purposes IFQ sablefish transferred
during the day recording the amount of such bait product A Registered Buyer must maintain a copy of each dockside
shipped from a vessel or facility that day. sales receipt.
2. EXEMPTION. Retail sales—IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, CDQ 5. EXEMPTION. Transfer directly from the landing site to a
halibut and non-IFQ groundfish processing facility (not applicable to groundfish).
The operator, manager, or Registered Buyer may aggregate A PTR is not required for transportation of unprocessed
and record on one PTR the amount of retail product of IFQ IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut, directly from the
halibut, IFQ sablefish, CDQ halibut and non-IFQ groundfish landing site to a facility for processing, provided the following
transferred during one calendar day if each sale weighs less conditions are met:
than 10 lb or 4.5 kg
1. A copy of the IFQ landing report receipt (Internet
receipt) documenting the IFQ landing accompanies the
offloaded IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut
while in transit.
2. A copy of the IFQ landing report receipt is available for
inspection by an authorized officer.
3. The Registered Buyer submitting the IFQ landing
report completes a PTR for each shipment from the
processing facility.


Appendix C


Chris Sannito and Don Kramer (emeritus) SANITATION REQUIREMENTS
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, The federal regulation that requires the implementation of
University of Alaska Fairbanks HACCP to ensure seafood safety also requires that each
processor have and implement a written sanitation standard
operating procedure (SSOP) detailing how the following eight
HACCP REQUIREMENTS sanitation conditions and practices will be met and monitored.
A federal regulation designed to assure safety of seafood
1. Safety of the water that comes into contact with food or food
produced in or imported into the United States became effective
contact surfaces, or is used in the manufacture of ice
December 18, 1997. The regulation is 21 CFR Parts 123 and
124 Procedures for the Safe and Sanitary Processing and 2. Condition and cleanliness of food contact surfaces, including
Importing of Fish and Fishery Products; Final Rule. utensils, gloves and outer garments
This regulation was established by the U.S. Food and Drug 3. Prevention of cross-contamination from unsanitary objects
Administration (FDA) and requires use of the Hazard Analysis to food, food packaging material and other food contact
and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system for all seafood surfaces, including utensils, gloves and outer garments, and
processing operations. Many states, including Alaska, from raw product to cooked product
Washington and Oregon, have adopted HACCP as part of their 4. Maintenance of hand washing, hand sanitizing and toilet
state regulations. facilities
There is a training requirement in the federal regulation. Persons 5. Protection of food, food packaging material, and food
who develop HACCP plans, reassess or modify HACCP plans, contact surfaces from adulteration with lubricants, fuel,
and perform HACCP record reviews must be trained. Training pesticides, cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents,
can be accomplished by completing a course that uses a condensate and other chemical, physical and biological
curriculum recognized as adequate by the FDA or by gaining contaminants
qualification through job experience.
6. Proper labeling, storage and use of toxic compounds.
A certificate of completion of this course is given by the Association
7. Control of employee health conditions that could result in
of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO). For a listing of courses taught
the microbiological contamination of food, food packaging
in the United States, go to the University of California Davis
materials and food contact surfaces
website at
8. Exclusion of pests from the food plant
The University of Alaska Marine Advisory Program teaches
the three-day course developed by the Seafood HACCP There is no training requirement for the sanitation monitoring
Alliance. HACCP courses in Alaska can be found on the activities mandated by the federal regulation. However, the
Alaska Sea Grant website at For Seafood HACCP Alliance has developed a one-day course to
more information on these courses, contact Chis Sannito in assist seafood processors in developing the SSOP and setting
the Kodiak Marine Advisory Program office, 907.359.2012, up the monitoring program.
[email protected]. See Appendix D for tips on compliance with HACCP guidelines.
In Washington, contact Kirsten Ringen, Northwest Food
Processors Association, at 503.327.2200, 503.327.2220,
(530) 300-1600 or [email protected] for training, education
or answers to HACCP and food sanitation questions. The
association website is
The first two days of the three-day Seafood HACCP Alliance
course can be taken online through Cornell University. To
access, go to to review
course structure and requirements. Completion of the online
course does not qualify for the AFDO certificate. To obtain this
certificate, you need to attend the third day of the three-day
course or a Segment Two One-Day Training Course.


Appendix D


Liz Brown flow chart should be drawn, based on different parts of the
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program (formerly) plant, individual machines and the addition of anything that
touches the product, including packaging material, ingredients,
process water, ice, etc. A narrative description of the flow chart

should include additional information. It is acceptable to combine
ACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical products in one hazard analysis only if the hazards, critical control
Control Point, a process used to ensure food points, critical limits and production methods are identical.
is processed safely. It is also a federal regulation. • Too many or too few critical control points. The two
common mistakes when performing a hazard analysis on your
Your relationship with HACCP, if any, will depend product both arise from ignoring the Hazards and Control
on the type of direct marketing you do. Guidance (
All seafood processors are required to conduct a hazard analysis guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/seafood/
(the “HA” part of HACCP) for each of their products, and if a critical ucm2018426.htm). You may have many monitoring points in
control point (the “CCP” part”) is found, monitoring and record- your product flow, where the information may or may not be
keeping for how that hazard will be controlled needs to be written recorded, but these should not be defined as critical control
in a “HACCP plan.” Note that catcher−sellers are not defined as points. Go through the Hazards and Control Guidance and
processors, so they are not subject to this rule. Similarly, if the note which hazards are associated with your product in both
processing, packaging and handling of your product is done the species list and the product form list, then address those
by a third party already covered by a HACCP plan (such as a hazards. In every product form, metal inclusion and allergens
custom processor), you do not need to duplicate those efforts. are listed as potential hazards. Your hazard analysis should
mention both of these, even if only to explain why they are not
If you are processing your own catch, you will need to conduct likely to occur.
a hazard analysis and, in Alaska, the hazard analysis must be
in written form. If your hazard analysis reveals that hazards are • Combining different processes of the same species
reasonable likely to occur, you’ll need to prepare a HACCP plan. in the same hazard analysis. It is permissible to combine
products in the same hazard analysis if the hazards and
Following are some common mistakes in HACCP that control methods are identical. However, you will want a
may pertain to direct marketers. The complete set of PDF combination like this only if the process is similar enough to
documents, Common Mistakes in HACCP, for different subjects be entered in the same flow chart. For instance, cod fillets and
are in the Alaska Sea Grant online bookstore, http://seagrant. headed and gutted cod are processed in the same fashion, This information is intended to supplement with one step added for fillets, while salmon fillets and salmon
HACCP training, which is available through the Alaska Sea Grant roe are processed very differently.
Marine Advisory Program.
• Not updating your hazard analysis. The regulation requires
Note that occasionally regulations change and they are subject you to reassess your hazard analysis after any substantial
to interpretation by consumers and agencies. change, such as new equipment or a new recipe, to your
plant or process. If you have a HACCP plan, you are required
MISTAKES PERTAINING TO HAZARD to reassess it every year and after such changes.
ANALYSIS • Not signing the document. If you have a HACCP plan,
• Not having a written hazard analysis. The federal it must be signed and dated by someone with authority to
regulation requires a hazard analysis but does not require a represent the firm, generally the plant manager or somebody
written document. The Alaska regulation requires a written higher in the corporate structure. The signature and date will
document. show that the plan has been reassessed annually as required.

• Missing hazard analysis parts. A hazard analysis has • Not reviewing and signing the records. If you have a
three parts. The product description should include the HACCP plan, the records must be reviewed and signed within
species (using the scientific name will prevent confusion— a week by a HACCP-trained (or equivalently knowledgeable)
the FDA “Fish List” of acceptable names is at https://www. person. You should review the records prior to this, however,, form because if there is a problem, you will want to discover it as
(i.e., frozen, cured, fresh) and the intended consumer. A soon as possible.


MISTAKES PERTAINING TO AGENCY EPA. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is concerned
JURISDICTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS only with HACCP in that it sets tolerance levels for certain
food contaminants.
• Thinking you are required to have a HACCP plan if you
don’t. You are required to perform a hazard analysis on each ADEC. The Alaska Department of Environmental
of your different species and processes. You need a HACCP Conservation has adopted the federal HACCP rule as well
plan only if your hazard analysis reveals hazards that are as imposing several rules unique to Alaska. They issue
reasonably likely to occur. A hazard analysis is not the same seafood processing operating permits, enforce regulations,
thing as a HACCP plan. and approve any new processes and technology. Safety
inspection agencies in other states perform these functions.
• Thinking you need a certificate of training. Attending
HACCP training is one way to become familiar with HACCP
information. You do not need a certificate confirming that you MISTAKES CONCERNING SANITATION
have attended training, but you do need to demonstrate to STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES
your inspector that you understand the concepts of HACCP. (SSOP)
There is one exception: if your company is a participant in the
• Not having a written SSOP. The federal regulation requires
U.S. Department of Commerce HACCP/Quality Management
a written sanitation plan while the Alaska regulation says you
Program, you will be required to have someone in the facility
should have a plan. Neither one says you shall have a written
who has successfully completed HACCP training.
plan (note the difference between “should” and “shall”) but it’s
• Not having a HACCP-trained—or equivalent—person pretty clear that you should.
reviewing your HACCP records. The person who reviews
• Not keeping sanitation records. Both federal and Alaska
the HACCP records is required to be knowledgeable about
regulations require that you keep sanitation monitoring
HACCP, whether through training or self-taught, as previously
described. HACCP records must be reviewed within one
week of the day that the records are made. Unless your • Not reading the regulation. You can find SSOP
vessel is heading back to port that often, you need someone requirements at
on board who understands HACCP. cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=123.11. It’s CFR 21,
Part 123, Section 11.
• Not reading the regulation. Reading the six pages
of regulations will answer many of your questions. The • Ignoring additional aspects of process water safety.
regulations are in 21 CFR parts 123.6-12, which can be It’s easy to claim that your process water is safe if you have
found at a valid disinfection program but don’t forget that you’ll need
cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=123 along with the to check periodically (and keep records) to ensure that no
rest of the Procedures for the Safe and Sanitary Processing cross-connections have arisen and that you have adequate
and Importing of Fish and Fishery Products. back-flow prevention devices where necessary.
• Not reading the Good Manufacturing Practices. These • Ignoring your SSOP. The whole point of having a sanitation
sanitation guides are in 21 CFR part 110, which can be plan is to help make sure your plant gets cleaned to your
found at standards. Your SSOP is a method for expressing your
cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?CFRPart=110. intentions to your employees and for them to respond to you.
If the plan doesn’t match the procedures in the plant, or the
• Being confused about the agencies that deal with
records are grudgingly kept only because they are required,
seafood HACCP.
it’s a waste of time.
FDA. The Food and Drug Administration is in the U.S.
• Not updating. Your SSOP should reflect what you actually
Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA is
do in the plant. You should have the person who is in charge
authorized to enforce the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic
of cleaning go through the SSOP periodically to check that
Act, which regulates the production and distribution of
they are actually doing what is in the plan, which includes
seafood. The FDA’s mandatory seafood HACCP rule is about
keeping current the brands and instructions of cleaning
seafood safety only.
chemicals in use.
USDA. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is responsible for
• Not including the eight points. A typical sanitation plan
inspecting meat (but not seafood products), as authorized by
is a list of equipment and areas to help your cleaning crew
the Federal Meat Inspection Act. There is a separate HACCP
be efficient. This would address the second of the eight
program for meat.
sanitation points. See “Sanitation Requirements” in Appendix
NOAA Fisheries. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric C.
Administration is within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Formerly called the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA
Fisheries provides a fee-for-service seafood inspection
program that includes economic integrity, quality and
wholesomeness along with seafood safety in its voluntary
seafood HACCP program.


Appendix E

Terry Johnson The best ikura traditionally is made with chum eggs, but quality
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program eggs of any of the five species can be used. Much of the ikura
currently produced in Alaska comes from terminal area fisheries
and hatchery cost-recovery fish because of the ideal state of

V arious kinds of roe—fish eggs—are valued in maturity. The bulk of the total salmon catch goes into sujiko.

domestic and international seafood markets.

Several Alaska species have potentially marketable
Processing of caviar and even sujiko is not practical for most
roe, including pollock, cod, herring, capelin, smelt, direct marketers because of the need for a permitted processing
some flatfish including rock sole, and all five facility with specialized equipment, and for extensive training
and experience to make a product acceptable to the market.
species of salmon. Pollock and herring roe are Some fishermen with larger vessels could process on board with
processed on an industrial scale and marketed the proper equipment and a processing permit. Most fishermen
internationally. Salmon roe is too, but it also currently dealing in eggs are selling processors “green”
(unprocessed) roe. Trollers and gillnetters who normally dress
affords some potential opportunities to small-scale their fish may be able to sell the roe separately. For others the
direct marketers. shift would require additional planning and effort. Here are some
First, some caveats. Roe is a delicate, highly perishable product,
and one that is unfamiliar to most American consumers. Due • DEC considers roe extraction to be processing, and
to economic, political and demographic factors, roe values requires a processing permit.
have declined over the last decade. Most roe products require • You have to do something with the carcasses since it
precise processing. “Roe stripping” or removing the roe and is illegal to roe-strip and dump the carcasses. Generally
discarding the fish carcass is prohibited by Alaska law. Currently processors will not purchase fish without the roe, especially
no specialty salmon caviar company in Alaska is buying roe mature chums and humpies, but some buyers may take low
from fishermen. Relatively few fishermen have developed and grade carcasses for use in inexpensive smoked products,
sustained their own roe markets. fertilizer or garden mulch. The law doesn’t specify use as
Some fishermen sell roe to bait processors (more on the bait human food.
market below), and some companies in the Lower 48 and • Quality control is essential. Green roe buyers pay based
abroad specialize in buying and selling roe. An opportunity on the grading report on the roe, and pay nothing for poor
remains for fishermen to develop domestic or export markets for quality roe. Temperature and time out of the water are critical
caviar. Salmon caviar is valued in Japanese, Russian/Ukrainian parameters, as is cleanliness of containers. Buyers generally
and other European traditional cuisines. Immigrant communities won’t take green roe that’s more than two or three days old.
inside the U.S., particularly Japanese, Jewish and Russian, Roe flies pretty well and some fishermen successfully send
consume small but growing amounts of salmon caviar. roe to processors from remote landing ports, but they have
Salmon roe is processed into any of three high-value “red caviar” to maintain strict temperature control.
products. Ikura, or salmon caviar, is lightly salted individual • The demand for green roe is limited, if in fact any
eggs. Sujiko is roe in the intact skeins. Ikura is roughly twice as companies are buying it at all, so it is essential to establish
valuable per pound as sujiko. It is made with large mature eggs, a relationship with a processor before starting to fish.
and requires more expensive and demanding processing. A The processor will issue strict guidelines for handling and
third product, barako, consists of separated eggs from sujiko shipping the roe, and the fisherman’s financial success
processing. Most sujiko and much of the chum ikura go to hinges on strict adherence to those guidelines.
Japan and much of the rest to Europe, Russia and Israel.
Specifications, packaging and marketing are very specific to the
demands of those markets. Several steps are involved in making
ikura, including brining and rubbing on specially sized screens to
separate the eggs from the connecting tissue. Caviar processing
requires specialized training and equipment.


While the specifics of handling, packing and shipping have to Salmon roe is popular for fishing bait. Several companies buy
come from the buyer, following are some general tips about “green” (unprocessed) roe and process it for sale to trout,
handling salmon roe. salmon and steelhead anglers. Quality standards for bait aren’t
• Fish should be bled when they come on board and dressed as strict as for caviar but the bait companies have their own
as soon as possible. Be careful to avoid cutting into the guts specific requirements.
while dressing the fish and removing the roe. Some trollers freeze roe on board in their fish holds or chest
• Wash the roe with a 2percent brine solution. Green roe freezers. Skeins must be clean and relatively free of blood and
should never come into contact with fresh water. are packed in one-gallon Ziploc bags. Buyers prefer Chinook,
coho and chum roe, and like skeins two fingers wide with eggs
• Store roe in specified five-gallon plastic buckets kept in about pencil eraser size. Freezer boats hold their roe until the
slush ice. When the buckets are full, seal them. Flake ice end of the season to bulk ship to buyers in the Lower 48.
and refrigerated seawater (RSW) are not suitable. Store the
buckets in an insulated tote of slush. Fresh roe may be acceptable provided it is no more than two or
three days old but shipping costs (which normally the fisherman
• The fisherman should sort the roes by species and keep pays) are higher relative to value and the roe is more perishable.
them separated. Dark or soft roe should be discarded and Fishermen who develop bait processor markets can realize net
never allowed to mix with good roe. returns that may be twice as much per pound as they would get
• Carefully sanitize buckets with the prescribed solution, and at dockside, if they can sell their roe at dockside at all.
be alert to possible sources of contamination. Roe can pick Fishermen can make bait on their own, without concerns about
up Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli bacteria, which can cause processing permits and other regulations that pertain to human
serious illness. food products. However, usually there is an adequate supply
• If you’re flying out roe buckets, stay in the airport until you of prepared sport fishing bait so a direct marketer is advised to
see them put into a cooler (not a freezer). If temperature research the demand and pricing for bait before committing to
increases at any point prior to processing, quality is seriously bait processing.
degraded. For more information on quality roe recovery: Guide for
Alaskan Roe Recovery Vessels, downloadable at http://dec.
For training in roe processing contact Dr. Gleyn Bledsoe, School of Food
Science, University of Idaho/Washington State University, or Chris Bledsoe,
Aquatic Foods International.
Thanks to Sissy Babich, formerly of Northern Keta Caviar, Ed Rice of
Sunrise Bait, Chris Sannito of Alaska Sea Grant and Eric Norman of Taku
Fisheries for assistance with this content.—Editor


Appendix F

Brian Paust Product should be added in increments to prevent crushing
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program (emeritus) and to properly distribute product in the chilling liquid. Chilling
will occur rapidly, usually within 30 minutes, depending on the
size of the items to be chilled and volume of product. Internal
PRE-CHILLING SYSTEMS product temperatures should be taken to assure the desired
The systems used for chilling fresh seafood prior to air shipment temperature is reached.
include chilling rooms, cold storage blast freezers, slush ice, A refrigerated seawater (RSW) system uses seawater with a
flake ice, chilled seawater (CSW) tanks and others. These mechanical refrigeration unit to keep it cold. Most RSW systems
systems can be classified as dry chilling (chilling rooms, vans have a shell-and-tube heat exchanger in which refrigerant
and blast freezers) and liquid chilling (slush ice and CSW). Each circulates through the tubes and seawater circulates around
has its advantages and disadvantages. the tubes. RSW eliminates the need for ice and a lower storage
temperature can be used. With adequate capacity, the same
DRY CHILLING refrigeration system can be used for brine immersion freezing.

Dry chilling methods consist of putting the product in a cold A disadvantage of the liquid chilling is that the water must be
room, refrigerated van, blast freezer or similar system until drained from the product before it is packed to prevent extra
the temperature is reduced to 32°F or slightly lower. This weight and the presence of unwanted water. Also, unless
type of chilling has several disadvantages that may reduce the chilled water is replaced often and containers frequently
product quality. Cooling is slow because air has a low heat sanitized, liquid can introduce bacteria into product, particularly
transfer coefficient. Air circulation in vans and blast freezers into the body cavity of cut fish, accelerating spoilage. It is
can dry unprotected product surfaces, causing wet loss recommended that chilled seawater be used for whole fish, not
and dehydration. Using blast freezers for product cooling is for fish that are dressed or partially dressed.
discouraged because partial freezing can occur, damaging flesh Seawater is heavy so a RSW/CSW system weighs more than
texture. For the small shipper, these systems are expensive a dry or ice chilledsystem, potentially increasing draft and fuel
since they require mechanical refrigeration and adequate space consumption and reducing speed, and wet chilling requires a
for the cooling equipment. However, dry chilling can be effective hold designed to contain the fluid under all operating conditions.
if the product is properly protected and carefully monitored. With the exception of a good high-capacity RSW system, these
liquid chilling systems are not capable of commercial quality
LIQUID CHILLING freezing. Only high-capacity blast and plate freezers should be
used for seafood products not intended for further processing.
Liquid systems are more suitable for chilling fresh seafood. Slush
Equipment such as home freezers and walk-in freezers are
ice consists of a container of ice and water in which the product
designed to only maintain in a frozen state products that have
is immersed until the temperature is reduced to 32°F or slightly
already been frozen. Their freezing capacity is very low and
lower. A variation to this method involves simply placing product
even within that capacity, the rate of freezing is so slow that ice
in a melting layer of ice.
crystals form within the tissue cells, causing mushy texture and
A CSW system uses an air pump and air distribution grid to drip loss on thawing.
agitate the slush ice mixture for rapid chilling. Chilling is much
faster and more uniform. Liquid chilling systems can be set
up anywhere and do not require expensive equipment, but
do require a source of ice. A simple slush ice system can be
prepared using a fish tote, water and ice. Sufficient ice should
be added to initially attain the temperature of 32°F and maintain
this temperature during the chilling process.


Appendix G


Brian Paust Adding Styrofoam or other insulating materials to any container
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program (emeritus) is very effective in maintaining temperature. Generally, the
polystyrene boxes have better insulation characteristics than

T hree factors influence temperature control wetlock. The thicker the wall of the polystyrene box the higher
the R value. Keep in mind that effective alternatives to the use
during transit. The first is ambient conditions, of polystyrene are now available, and polystyrene is falling out
including air temperature, contact surface of favor in many places due to environmental concerns. Check
with your box distributor.
temperature and degree of insolation (direct heat
input from the sun). The second is the insulation GEL PACK EFFECTIVENESS
level of the container. The third is the heat The positive effect of gel packs has also been tested. The test
absorbing value of gel packs. was similar to the box insulation test, except that 1.5-pound
gel packs were placed in the top and bottom of each container.
What is the insulation or R value of wetlock and other types of The gel packs were effective in intercepting heat and slowing
boxes? How useful are gel packs in keeping seafood cold? In the warming of the product. In about nine hours, the product
tests, shipping containers were evaluated for their insulation warmed from 32°F to 40°F with gel packs in the uninsulated
rating and gel packs for effectiveness. wetlock. This was a 50percent increase in potential transit time
when compared to the box without gel packs. The temperature
inside the insulated wetlock with gel packs rose to 40°F in a little
less than 21 hours—a 75percent increase in storage time.
In a laboratory test 50 pounds of salmon, prechilled to 32°F,
Whenever possible, favor the placement of gel packs in the top
were loaded into wetlock boxes—one uninsulated and the
portion of containers when using insulated containers.
other insulated with a 3/8-inch polystyrene insert. The boxes
contained no gel packs and were held in a 60°F environment.
The temperature of the fish in the uninsulated wetlock box CONCLUSION
rose to 40°F in six hours. In the insulated box, the temperature These studies indicate that the general use of insulation and
rose to 40°F in 12 hours. Adding insulation doubled the gel packs greatly extend the time seafood can be kept at
maximum transit time for the product. With the data from these acceptable temperatures. The use of high-quality packaging
experiments, R values were calculated. Similar tests were done makes possible the shipment of the highest-quality seafood to
on polystyrene boxes ranging from 25-pound to 125-pound discerning markets worldwide.
See Chapter 10, which covers packaging and shipping, for more
on insulation.


Appendix H

Alaska Salmon Quality Specifications and Grades - Fresh and Frozen

Quality WILD
Alaska Salmon SALMON
Quality Specifications and Grades - Fresh and Frozen
Alaska Salmon Quality Specifications and Grades - Fresh and Frozen
Quality Specifications
GradesSpecifications Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Recommended Statewide Quality Specifications

Grades For Alaska Fresh and Frozen Wild Salmon

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Recommended Statewide Quality Specifications
Part I: Description
Alaska Seafood
Fresh andMarketing
Frozen Wild Salmon

Section 1: Product Definition Recommended Statewide Quality Specifications

Part I: Description
For Alaska Fresh and Frozen Wild Salmon
Alaska Fresh or Frozen Wild Salmon is the food prepared from only the species of salmon listed in Section 2; these species may
Section 1: Product Definition
be sold fresh or frozen, and shall be reasonably protected from
Part I: oxidation and/or dehydration.

Alaska Fresh or Frozen Wild Salmon is the food prepared from only the species of salmon listed in Section 2; these species may
Section 2: Species
Section 1: Product
be sold Definition
fresh or frozen, and shall be reasonably protected from oxidation and/or dehydration.

The Species which can be designated Alaska Wild Salmon are:

Alaska Fresh 2:
or Species
Frozen Wild Salmon is the food prepared from only the species of salmon listed in Section 2; these species may
be sold Common
fresh or frozen, and shall be reasonably protected from or Usual
oxidation Name(s)
and/or dehydration.
The Species which can be designated Alaska Wild Salmon are:
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook, King
Section 2: Speciesnerka Red, Sockeye
Species Common or Usual Name(s)
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho, Cohoe, Silver
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Chinook, King
The Species can be designated Alaska Wild Salmon are:Pink
Oncorhynchus Red, Sockeye
Oncorhynchus keta Keta, Chum
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho, Cohoe, Silver
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Common or Usual Name(s)
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Oncorhynchus keta Chinook,
Keta, Chum King
Oncorhynchus nerka Red, Sockeye
Section 3: Styles of Preparation
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho, Cohoe, Silver
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Pink
A. Dressed, Head-off: The belly of the salmon is split from the anus to approximately one inch before the throat (isthmus of the
Section 3:keta
Styles of Preparation Keta,
nape); the split may also continue through the throat. The viscera and Chum
kidney (backblood) are removed leaving the cavity free of
blood and pieces of membrane. The head is removed leaving the nape cut free of gill. Water used during processing or rinsing
A. Dressed, Head-off: The belly of the salmon is split from the anus to approximately one inch before the throat (isthmus of the
shall be sanitized in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC 34.080(c).
nape); the split may also continue through the throat. The viscera and kidney (backblood) are removed leaving the cavity free of
blood and pieces of membrane. The head is removed leaving the nape cut free of gill. Water used during processing or rinsing
B. Dressed Head-on: The belly of the salmon is split from the anus to approximately one inch before the throat (isthmus of the
be Styles ofinPreparation
sanitized accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC 34.080(c).
nape); the split may also continue through the throat. The viscera and kidney (backblood) are removed leaving the cavity free of
blood and pieces of membrane. The gills may be removed; the head and gill cover remain intact. Water used during processing
A. Dressed,
B. DressedHead-off:
Head-on:The Thebelly
belly of
of the salmonisissplit
the salmon splitfrom
fromthethe anus
anus to approximately
to approximately onebefore
one inch inch before the(isthmus
the throat throat (isthmus
of the of the
or rinsing shall be sanitized in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC
nape); the split
the split may may also
also continuethrough
continue through the
the throat.
throat. The
visceraand kidney
and (backblood)
kidney (backblood)are removed leavingleaving
are removed the cavity
thefree of free of
and and pieces
pieces of membrane.
of membrane. Thehead
The gills may be removed;
is removed the the
leaving headnape
and gill
cutcover remain
free of intact. Water
gill. Water used during
used during processing
processing or rinsing
or rinsing shall be sanitized in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC
shall be sanitized in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC 34.080(c).

B. Dressed Head-on: The belly of the salmon is split from the anus to approximately one inch before the throat (isthmus of the
C. Whole (Round) Fish: Water used during processing or rinsing shall be sanitized in accordance with Alaska Department of
Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC 34.080(c).

D. Other: As defined by a buyer/seller relationship. This category may include a variety of styles and cleaning/processing
techniques depending upon the form in which the product is marketed. Water used during processing or rinsing shall be sanitized
in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation requirements, 18 AAC 34.080(c).

Part II: Recommended Quality Grades and Characteristics

Section 1: Quality Grades

Salmon are categorized in the following grades:

Premium Grade

Grade A

Grade B

Grade C

Section 2: Quality Characteristics

A. All salmon will exhibit the following characteristics in order to meet the Premium Grade.

1. HANDLING: All Premium fish will be bled and chilled upon harvest. There will be no skin or internal cuts or tears. There will
be no punctures or bruises. Meat will be resilient when subjected to finger pressure. Scale loss will not exceed 15%. Scale
adherence will be uniform. Some scale loss due to method of harvest handling can be expected.

2. ODOR: Odor will be sea-fresh. There will be no off-odor.

3. EYES: Eyes will be normal in appearance, bright and clear.

4. GILLS: Gills will be bright red, and will smell sea-fresh and odorless.

5. SKIN: Skin color will be characteristic of fresh fish that is typical of the species, sexual maturity, district of harvest, and time
of year it was harvested. (Refer to ASMI Skin Color Evaluation Guide for Pacific Salmon). Skin will be bright, shiny, and not hold
wrinkles when bending fish slightly. There will be no skin indentations, perforations or scars. Slime will be clear. There will be no
tail damage or fin loss.

6. BELLY CAVITY: Color will be bright and natural. There will be no belly burn or protruding ribs. The belly will be free of viscera
and the collar free of gill membrane.

7. MEAT COLOR: Meat color will be characteristic of fish that is typical of the species, district of harvest, and time of year


harvested. (Refer to ASMI Meat Color Guide for Wild Alaska Salmon).

8. PHYSICAL SHAPE: Physical shape will be characteristic of the species at its stage of sexual maturity.

Deviations from the above characteristics are cause to downgrade salmon from Premium Grade.

1. Grade A. Same as Premium Grade with the following exceptions: Bleeding will be optional. Scars may be present if less than
1 and well healed. There may be one skin cut less than 1. Scale loss will not exceed 25%. There may be up to 2 protruding ribs.

2. Grade B. Same as Grade A with the following exceptions: Smell may be neutral. Eyes may be dull, but not milky or cloudy.
There may be slight to moderate indentations, scars up to 1.5 in size, and one skin cut up to 1.5. Scale loss may not exceed
40%. There can be no tail damage and fin loss will not exceed 50%. There may be slight fading of belly lining natural color and
slight discoloration. There may be slight belly burn with up to 6 protruding ribs. There may be internal cuts not to exceed 0.5
total. There may be no viscera, but traces of blood acceptable.

3. Grade C. Same as Grade B with the following exceptions: There may be slight odor, eyes milky or cloudy, and gills pink to
buff. Slime may be dull and copious. Scars and punctures will be allowed. Cuts and scale loss may be more than Grade B. Tail
damage may be present and fin loss may be more than Grade B. Belly cavity discoloration may be more than Grade B. Bruising,
belly burn, and cuts, may be more than Grade B. Viscera traces and blood more than Grade B.

B. Any, or a combination of the following defects are cause to downgrade a frozen salmon from Premium, depending upon the

1. Improper handling: A salmon which has been frozen in a misshapen or severely deformed position or one which has
experienced any tail damage. This does not apply to minor changes in the symmetry which may occur during freezing.

2. Natural defects and improper workmanship: Any of the defects listed in the fresh fish grading criteria which are determined,
upon nondestructive examination, to exist in frozen fish.

3. Dehydration/freezer burn: A fish which has readily discernible dehydration present on the nape and/or in the belly cavity that
is not adequately trimmed.

4. Scale loss: A salmon exhibiting over 15% scale loss, if other defective conditions are apparent.

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

Recommended Quality Grades for Wild Alaska Salmon

Characteristics Premium Grade Grade A Grade B Grade C


bled yes optional not applicable not applicable

chilled yes yes not applicable not applicable


4. Scale loss: A salmon exhibiting over 15% scale loss, if other defective conditions are apparent.

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

Recommended Quality Grades for Wild Alaska Salmon

Characteristics Premium Grade Grade A Grade B Grade C


bled yes optional not applicable not applicable

chilled yes yes not applicable not applicable

skin cuts no cuts one cut less than 1 one cut up to 1.5 more than grade B

internal cuts no cuts or tears no cuts or tears not more than 0.5 total more than grade B
length of cuts and tears

punctures no punctures no punctures no punctures punctures allowed

bruising no bruises no bruises slight bruising more than grade B


scale loss not to exceed 15% loss not to exceed 25% loss not to exceed 40% loss more than grade B

ODOR fresh smell fresh smell neutral slight, not offensive

EYES bright, clear bright, clear dull, not milky or milky or cloudy

GILLS bright red red pink pink to buff


color** ** ** ** **

slime clear clear cloudy dull and copious

net marks no indentations or skin no indentations or skin slight to moderate may have moderate
perforations; no broken perforations; no broken indentations indentations; skin may
backbones backbones be perforated

scars none less than 1, well healed up to 1.5, well healed scars permitted

tail/fins no tail damage or fin loss no tail damage or fin loss no tail damage; fin loss more than grade B
to 50%


color bright natural color bright natural color slight fading of natural more than grade B
color; slight

belly burn none; no protruding ribs none; up to 2 protruding slight belly burn, up to more than grade B
ribs acceptable 6 protruding ribs

cleaning thorough; no viscera of thorough; no viscera of thorough; no viscera of more than grade B
any kind; collar trimmed, any kind, collar trimmed any kind; traces of
blood ok

MEAT COLOR* * * * *

**Skin Color: Wild Alaska salmon skin color is variable depending on species, location of harvest, sexual maturity, and is not
correlated with grades. Users are referred to the ASMI Color Evaluation Guide for Pacific Salmon.


*Meat color: Meat color is variable depending on species, location of harvest, sexual maturity and is not correlated with grades.
Chinook salmon have both red and white meat. Coho salmon meat color ranges from pinkish-red to pale pink . Sockeye salmon
meat color is red. Chum & Pink salmon users are referred to the ASMI Meat Color Guide for Wild Alaska Chum Salmon, and Meat
Color Guide for Wild Alaska Pink Salmon.

Typical Weight Grades for Wild Alaska Salmon

(in pounds)

Chinook (King) 4 to 7 7 to 11 11 to 18 18 and up

Chum 4 to 6 6 to 9 9 and up or 9 to 12 12 and up
Coho (Silver) 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 9 9 and up
Pink 2 to 3 3 to 5 5 and up or 5 to 7 7 and up
Sockeye (Red) 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 9


Appendix I


Sunny Rice A Note on “Shellfish”: This appendix does not address the
processing or sale of bivalve mollusks such as clams, oysters,
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
geoducks and mussels because a separate set of shellfish-
Revised 2017 by Gabe Dunham, related sanitation and processing regulations apply. Crustacean
Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program shellfish, specifically crabs and shrimp, are covered by the
regulatory provisions outlined in this appendix.

O nce you do anything with a fish other than If you have questions while completing permit or license
applications, contact the agencies early in the process.
deliver it to a tender or processor’s dock, you Establishing a good working relationship with the agency
are in the highly regulated food industry. Like other will help in resolving any problems that may arise later in the
process. See the agency directory at the end of this appendix.
food businesses, a direct marketer confronts a
number of license, tax, inspection, and reporting REGULATORY AGENCIES
requirements, depending on the precise nature of In Alaska most types of fisheries business have to comply with
the operation. This appendix summarizes pertinent regulations of three main entities:
Alaska and federal requirements as of late 2017. 1. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), which
regulates the take of fisheries resources, and issues fisheries
Use it for informational purposes only. For Oregon business licenses
and Washington see other appendices. 2. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), which
Note: This is not a processing manual but because some direct ensures the safety of food products
marketing operations involve processing (see the definition 3. The Department of Revenue (DOR), which collects fisheries
below) this appendix includes information possibly of use to business and other taxes
them. Do not consider it comprehensive. For a manual on
starting a small-scale seafood processing operation, see A Some may also need to work with the following agencies:
Village Processing Plant: Yes or No? available at • National Marine Fisheries Service, if product comes from a federally managed fishery. A Federal Processor Permit,
Disclaimer: Requirements for seafood endorsed for either Shoreside Processor or Stationary
processing, handling and sales are complex and Floating Processor, is required if you do any processing. (See
subject to change due to legislation or regulatory Appendix B)
interpretation. State agencies use terminology • Alaska Division of Measurement Standards. Scales used to
specific to their regulatory requirements. Consult weigh product must be certified
with each of the relevant agencies for detailed • Local city governments for vendor licenses, regulations, and
and up-to-date instructions before engaging in city sales taxes for transactions within a municipal jurisdiction
seafood processing or sales activities.


• U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for: C. Exporter. (“export” means transporting product out of
• mandatory one-time registration as a food processing Alaska to another state or country). Includes:
facility 1. Catcher/Exporter. Catches and transports unprocessed
• random processor inspection for sanitation, HACCP fish out of the state to a processing facility under the
compliance regulatory oversight of a governmental health agency

• nutritional labeling on any retail size packaging that 2. Buyer/Exporter. Buys unprocessed fish from harvesters
may be used for transport out of the state to processing facilities under
the regulatory oversight of a governmental health agency
• U.S. Department of Commerce in some cases for services
under voluntary inspection and certification programs D. Processor. Processes seafood products for commerce and
1. Inshore Floating Stationary Processors
2. Floating Processors greater than 65’ in length (>65’).
DEC and DOR make an important distinction between
A vessel of less than 65’ that buys and processes on
operations that process seafood products and those that do
board can also be licensed as a processor if it meets all
not. By DEC definition, you are a processor if you: head or
the DEC requirements
butcher product, recover roe, shuck, pickle, cook in water/
steam, hot or cold smoke, salt/brine, dry, do mixing/formulating, 3. Shore-based Processors
freeze, make surimi, preserve in retorted thermal packaging. 4. Canneries
DEC also considers it to be processing if you package and
5. Live Sales (DOR considers live sales to be “processing”)
transport product from your boat to another location. DOR
classifies sale of live fish and shellfish as processing. E. EEZ Only. Processes only in the federal Exclusive Economic
Contact the agencies for information on special circumstances. Zone (between 3 and 200 miles from shore).
The definition of processing does not include: gutting, gilling, F. Waivered Buyers. Markets, restaurants, grocers or lodges
sliming, icing or decapitating shrimp if performed on a vessel that have a DEC Seafood Processing waiver. May buy up to
while on the fishing grounds. 500 lb per week from catcher/sellers for sale or use in their

TYPES OF OPERATIONS G. Independent Buyer. Buys from fishermen to sell to licensed

processors or exporters who have the product processed
The first step in determining which permits, licenses, reports, in a facility under the regulatory oversight of a governmental
bonds and taxes are required is to decide which kind of health agency.
operation is planned. Following are classes of operation, based
on state agency criteria: H. Transporter. An agent of fishermen who can transport
only salmon, herring, Pacific cod, and legally taken bycatch
A. Catcher/Processor. Catches, processes and sells species in those fisheries. (A Tender/Packer is an agent of a
processed seafood products, and includes: processor, and requires a different permit.) Transporters do
1. Direct Marketer, 65 feet or less in length. May only not buy or process fish.
process own fish. An operation may fall into more than one category. For
2. Catcher Processor or Floating Processor (>65 clarification contact the agencies directly. The scope of this
feet). Floating Processors can buy or custom process, Fishermen’s Direct Marketing Manual covers only these
but Catcher/Processors cannot buy fish to process categories: Catcher/Floating Processor, Direct Marketer, Roe
and sell, or custom process. Recovery, Catcher/Seller, Exporter.
3. Roe Recovery Only. Recovers roe for sale as a
product for human consumption. STATE OF ALASKA REQUIREMENTS
Note: Roe stripping and discarding carcasses is prohibited. FOR CATEGORY A—CATCHER/
Note: Salmon fishermen such as trollers who gut their PROCESSOR
catch and sell the roe after it has been removed from the 1. Fisheries Business License. An online application
fish, even to the same processor who buys the fish, need covers both the Department of Revenue and Department of
to be licensed for Roe Recovery. Fish & Game license requirements for nearly all categories of
B. Catcher/Seller. Sells his or her own catch unprocessed fisheries businesses, including Category A (Catcher/Processor)
and unpackaged inside Alaska, at the dock directly to fishermen who process, export, or have their own catch custom
the consumer, or to a food establishment that has a DEC processed. To qualify an applicant must:
Seafood Processing Waiver. If a food establishment with a • hold a limited entry or interim use permit, or IFQ quota
Seafood Processing Waiver is the buyer, it must pick up the shares, and
product at the boat or the seller must have a DEC permit to
• own or lease a commercial fishing vessel.
transport the product to the establishment. Catcher/Sellers
can also sell product for bait.


Operators using a vessel under 65’ in length should apply as system, or Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) also
Direct Marketers and those with vessels over 65’ must apply generates a printable fish ticket. For more information, see the
as Catcher/Floating Processors. When completing the online ADF&G reporting resources page, at http://www.adfg.alaska.
application, Direct Marketers are required to apply as sole gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishlicense.reporting.
proprietors. Catcher/Floating Processors may apply under other 4. Fisheries Business Tax Return. The DOR is responsible
business formats. for collecting taxes on fishery products. A Fisheries Business
The joint “Direct Marketing” and “Alaska Seafood Processor and Return must be filed every year by March 31. When fish are sold
Exporter License and Permit Application” no longer exists. Direct to a processor, these taxes normally are paid by that company.
marketers need to apply to the Department of Environmental Direct marketers may have to pay one or more of five different
Conservation separately from the Department of Fish & Game taxes:
and Department of Revenue application. Application for the DEC A. Fisheries Business Tax must be paid by the first processor
seafood processor permit and instructions are online at http:// of a fishery product. If the product is not processed, but is exported from the state, the exporter must pay the fisheries
Important Change in 2016: The Fisheries Business License business tax.
Application and Intent to Operate and the Alaska Direct A direct marketer is likely to be the first processor. If product
Marketing Fisheries Business License Application and Intent is custom processed, the direct marketer is responsible for
to Operate forms have been replaced by the DOR online paying the tax. If the catch is sold to a processor, even with
Fisheries Business License Application. This application covers the intention of buying some of it back later, the processor is
new licenses/permits and renewals for all categories of direct liable for the tax.
marketing operations. This application can be accessed at Click the Enroll Current rates are:
Now button and follow prompts to apply for a password, which Floating processor (including catcher/processor)...5.0percent
will be sent by mail and which is needed to complete the online Shore-based processor.........................................3.0percent
application process. Detailed instructions for the Fisheries
Business License Application can be found at http://www.adfg. Canned salmon.....................................................4.5percent A waiver Direct marketer......................................................3.0percent
allowing a paper copy of the application can be obtained from Percentages are based on “the prevailing value paid for
DOR by calling 907.465.2320. fisheries resources of like kind and quality by fisheries
The ADF&G Allowable Activities Matrix describes allowable businesses in the same market area to fishermen who own
activities by permit type, and can be found at http://www. their vessels.” Rates are lower for “developing species.” Contact DOR for a current list of these species.
pdf. Note that this matrix also differentiates between ADF&G B. Landing Tax is paid on fisheries products caught and
and Fisheries Business License permits, but all permits are processed outside Alaska state waters (three mile limit) and
accessible through the online DOR application. The Department first landed or transferred inside Alaska or within state waters.
of Revenue charges a $25 license fee for all categories. The assessment rate is 3percent based on the unprocessed
2. Alaska Commercial Operator’s Annual Report (COAR). value as posted as the statewide average price, calculated
A Commercial Operator’s Annual Report, accurately and by ADF&G and DOR.
completely summarizing the business’ activities for the past year, C. Salmon Enhancement Tax is paid by fishermen where
must be submitted to ADF&G no later than April 1 of each year. regional salmon aquaculture associations exist. The tax is
Forms are available online at 1 to 3percent depending on the region’s self-assessment.
cfm?adfg=fishlicense.coar and at local offices. Most who file an Licensed buyers must collect this tax and remit it to the state.
ADF&G Intent to Operate as part of the DOR/ADF&G Business Salmon Enhancement taxes are listed on fish tickets. This tax
License Application must complete this form, whether engaged is reported and remitted monthly to the DOR. Catcher/Sellers
in the proposed activities or not. Catcher/Sellers are not required and fishermen operating under a Direct Marketing Fisheries
to file a COAR. Business License selling to unlicensed buyers must pay this
3. Fish Tickets. ADF&G also requires that fish tickets be tax directly to DOR but are allowed to remit yearly. Contact
completed for each landing of fish. Apply for a number code DOR for more information.
plate and blank fish tickets with the Intent to Operate or Direct D. Seafood Marketing Assessment is paid by processors
Marketing Fisheries Business License application. The business handling more than $50,000 worth of product annually.
then either purchases a stamping machine or arranges with a Processors must pay 0.5percent of the ex-vessel value of
local ADF&G office to stamp completed tickets in their office all seafood processed to fund the activities of the Alaska
after each trip. Completed tickets generally must be submitted Seafood Marketing Institute.
within seven days to the local ADF&G office. Operators in some
fisheries have additional reporting requirements and may be E. If products are sold within the limits of a city or state that
required to report more frequently. has a local sales tax, the seller will be required to collect
this tax on all sales of the product. Contact the city or
As an alternative to paper fish tickets, the eLandings system local government for information concerning reporting and
may be available as a reporting resource. The eLandings payment requirements.


Note: Business owners can pay their fisheries business taxes DEC will review the application and, depending on what and
online through the DOR website, Revenue Online, at https:// how the processing plan encompasses, may require any or all DOR also has a of the following additional permits: Plan Review and Approval
“Frequently Asked Questions” page, at of Sewage or Sewage Treatment Works, Air Quality Control
programs/programs/help/faq/faq.aspx?60620#section0, that Permit to Operate, Wastewater Disposal Permit, Solid Waste
may be helpful in determining tax and bonding requirements. Management Permit, Plan Review and Approval of Public Water
5. Tax and Other Surety Bonds. All people, firms or Systems, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
corporations that process fish in Alaska, or export unprocessed Permit from the U.S. EPA, or Foodservice Permit.
product from Alaska, must secure their estimated Fisheries Processing these applications can take up to eight weeks and it
Business Tax liability in advance. Catcher/Processors and is not legal to operate without having received initial issuance of
Catcher/Exporters are not required to prepay or post bond if the appropriate permits.
their estimated tax liability is $500 or less. 7. HACCP Plan. Federal Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
To prepay estimated tax or secure credit, submit a letter of credit (HACCP) regulations require each processor to conduct a
in the amount of the estimated tax, a time certificate of deposit hazard analysis to identify significant hazards to sanitation or
in the amount of the estimated tax, a fisheries tax bond equal to wholesomeness in the processing operation. A written HACCP
twice the estimated tax, or verification of lienable real property plan must specify the critical control points, critical limits, and
valued at a sum equal to at least three times the estimated tax where and how they will be monitored. DEC includes HACCP
liability. inspections as part of their regular seafood processing facility
Surety bonding is required for purchase of raw fish from other inspections. See the section on HACCP elsewhere in the
fishermen or if there is an Unemployment Insurance Contribution appendices of this manual.
obligation for any employees. Operations that process more 8. Certification of Measuring/Weighing Devices.
than 30,000 pounds of raw product annually are required to Certification of Measuring/Weighing Devices (from the Division
post a $10,000 bond. Those that process less than 30,000 of Measurement Standards) is required for scales used to weigh
pounds annually are required to post a $2,000 bond, or they fish for sale. Only NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) legal
can secure their credit for this bond in any of the ways listed for trade scales are acceptable. State inspectors in most cases
above. are able to go to the plant or vessel to test the scales, which
6. ADEC Seafood Processors Permit Application. must be checked annually and bear an inspection sticker. The
fee is based on the capacity of the scales. Even scales that
Note: Before starting the processors permit application be have been certified in another state must be re-certified, since
sure to read the Alaska Seafood Processing Regulations and readings change with latitude.
related publications, which are found at
eh/fss/seafood/Seafood_Home.html. The permit application 9. Federal Laws Enforced by the National Marine Fisheries
covers requirements of the Alaska Department of Environmental Service (NMFS). If you are marketing halibut or blackcod
Conservation for processors. The permit application requires a (sablefish) caught under provisions of an individual fishery quota
fisheries business license number. (IFQ) or community development quota (CDQ), you must comply
with applicable federal laws. See Appendix B, which addresses
Annual DEC fees levied on processors are based on the type direct sales of fish caught under the federal IFQ program.
and amount of processing being permitted. Fees as of 2017 are:
Shore-based facility processing <5000 lbs./day.................. $ 795
Shore-based facility processing >5000 lbs./day................. $2094 FOR CATEGORY B—CATCHER/
Cannery processing <5000 lbs./day.................................. $1120 SELLERS
Cannery processing >5000 lbs./day...................................`$2094 1. Catcher/Seller (Category B), or Fisheries Business
Direct Marketing Land-based.............................................. $ 200 License application. Catcher/Sellers may sell only their own
catch, unprocessed, directly from their boat to the public in
Direct Marketing Vessel <65’............................................... $ 325
Alaska. The catcher/seller permit application is available online
Direct Marketing Vessel >65’ at
(Catcher/Floating Processor), <5000 lbs./day....................... $795 539.pdf and at local ADF&G offices. This application can also
All Other Vessels................................................................. $2094 be completed through the DOR site, Revenue Online; under
the Fisheries Business License application. Either application
If the proposed operation involves processing, as defined above,
requires a $25 fee. Full information on Catcher/Sellers is found
be prepared to submit scale drawings of the vessel or facility
with the processing permit application that indicate location of
toilet and hand-washing stations, plumbing lines, locations and
types of processing equipment, how processing waste will be 2. Fish Tickets. See Category A, subsection 3 above for
discharged, the source of approved water for processing and details.
other specified information. 3. Certification of Measuring/Weighing Devices. See
Category A, subsection 8 above for details.


4. Fisheries Business Tax Return. Catcher/Sellers are liable must be registered with the Commercial Fisheries Entry
for payment of salmon enhancement taxes. See Category A, Commission. See the ADF&G Fish Transporter page for full
subsection 4 for details. information on permits, operating requirements, fish ticket
5. Federal Laws Enforced by the National Marine reporting requirements, and other regulations available at http://
Fisheries Service (NMFS). See Appendix B for details.
Transporters are exempt from posting bonds, paying fish
6. Mobile Vending License. This license is required by DEC if processing taxes, and from filing a Commercial Operators
product is to be transferred to a cart, car, or truck for sale. Annual Report.


The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
1. Fisheries Business License Application. See Category A Response Act of 2002 requires all food processors, including
above for details. fisheries enterprises in Alaska that meet the definition of
2. Seafood Processors Permit. This permit can be held by seafood processing, to be registered with the FDA. Exempted
a custom processor who handles your seafood product, or an are fishing vessels that head, gut, or freeze fish solely to
“approved source”/Permitted Processor to which you sell your maintain their quality while aboard the vessel for delivery to a
product. If the product is handled by a custom processor, you processor. Registration can be done online at www.access.
will need to become an approved source/Permitted Processor Paper applications are at
yourself by filling out the DEC Seafood Processors Permit guidanceregulation/foodfacilityregistration/ucm073728.htm.
Application. See Category A above for details. Processors whose product goes into interstate trade are subject
to mandatory, unannounced FDA sanitation and HACCP
3. Alaska Commercial Operators Report. See Category A
inspections. FDA contracts with the state’s DEC to do most of
above for details.
its processing vessel inspections.
4. Fish Tickets. See Category A above for details.
The FDA also requires seafood products sold in retail-size
5. Certification of Measuring/Weighing Devices. See packaging to have nutritional content labels, though there
Category A above for details. is an exemption for small businesses. The Alaska DEC also
6. Fisheries Business Tax Return. See Category A above for requires products to be labeled, as described in the Alaska Sea
details. Grant publication Labeling Requirements for Seafood, http://
7. Tax and Other Surety Bonds. See Category A above for
processors.html. Nutritional content information, for individual
8. Federal Laws Enforced by the National Marine fish and shellfish species, is available at
Fisheries Service. See Appendix B for details.
9. Exporting Salmon In The Round. A special law applies to AGENCY DIRECTORY
the exportation of salmon in the round (whole fish, not gutted).
Contact DOR for details. Exporting of any seafood product, Alaska Department of Environmental
if not from an approved source/Permitted Processor, must
be to a processing facility under the regulatory oversight of a
governmental regulatory health agency. Division of Environmental Health, Seafood Section
555 Cordova St
REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL OTHER Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2617
CATEGORIES 907.269.7501, Fax: 907.269.7510
Categories D-G are not within the scope of this manual. [email protected]
Operators in these categories should begin by reviewing
available online information from ADF&G, DEC and DOR,
in addition to direct communication with each agency, to Useful DEC info
determine which permits, licenses, taxes or bonds are required.
Seafood processors permit information:
Fees, taxes and permits other than those listed may be
required. 907.269.7628
Category H—Transporters need a Fish Transporter Permit, Seafood safety and sanitation home page:
issued by ADF&G. If transporting on the water, the vessel
Seafood processing regulations:


Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Revenue
Division of Commercial Fisheries Tax Division
PO Box 25526 PO Box 110420
Juneau, Alaska 99802-5526 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0420
907.465.4210, Fax: 907.465.2604 Fishery Business License Information: 907.465.2371
http://[email protected] Fax: 907.465.2375
Useful ADF&G info
For information on ADF&G direct marketing resources, contact Useful Alaska DOR info
the seafood industry coordinator: DOR Revenue Online:
907.465.6131 or http://[email protected]
Commercial Fishing Licenses and Permits home page: Instructions for the ADF&G/DOR online Fisheries Business License application:
Reporting Resources page: marketers.
Fisheries Business License Application instructions:
National Marine Fisheries Service
Restricted Access Management Division
Division of Measurement Standards PO Box 21668
Section of Weight and Measures Juneau, Alaska 99802-1668
12050 Industry Way, Bldg O 907.586.7221, Fax: 907.586.7131
Anchorage, Alaska 99515 [email protected]
907.365.1222, Fax: 907.345.2313
[email protected]
Juneau office: 907.789.9763


Appendix J


Jamie Doyle and Ashley Stroud OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND
Oregon Sea Grant WILDLIFE (ODFW)
Commercial Fisheries Division:
Note: The information on this page is intended for educational
purposes only and is subject to change. Fishermen should Commercial Fisheries Licensing Staff: http://www.dfw.state.
contact the agencies directly to determine what is required for
their particular situation. 503.947.6101

[email protected]
ishermen who sell their catch directly from their
Information Sources:
boat, a roadside stand/market, or alternative
Licenses and Fees:
market need to follow regulations and guidelines licensepercent20overview.asp
and obtain specific licenses, registrations, permits, Definitions and specifications:
and certificates from several state and local OARs/06.pdf
agencies in addition to the licenses and permits Three types of ODFW commercial fish business licenses may
be appropriate for fishermen selling their catch through seafood
required to fish commercially. Here is selected alternative markets. Fishermen should contact ODFW directly for
general information, by agency, that highlights current information and to determine the requirements that apply
to their specific situation.
some of these requirements and associated fees
(as of 2015). Commercial Limited Fish Sellers Permit
When contacting pertinent agencies fishermen will need to Description: Required if selling all or a portion of the catch to
describe the seafood products they will be selling—species, an ultimate consumer from the boat.
product form (e.g., whole, filet, smoked)—and the type of Annual Fee: $42.00, plus a $200.00 bond (2015, subject to
alternative market(s) they will use. change).
Select Details
• Only for dockside sales. No sales may occur away from the
• Cannot be used by others (e.g., spouse, business partner,
employee) at any time, only by the licensed fisherman.
• Limited processing (loining or filleting) is allowed after the
fish is sold and reported, and only if it is done on the seller’s
own vessel. Otherwise it will need to meet additional Oregon
Department of Agriculture handling and selling requirements.


Wholesale Fish Dealer License Weighing Scale Certification
Description: Required to process fish or sell to retailers (e.g., Description: Scales used to sell seafood must be licensed,
fish markets, grocery stores, wholesalers). tested and approved by the ODA Weights and Measures prior
Annual Fee: $452.00, plus a $1000 minimum bond; $252 to use.
Buyers License (to buy product when away from licensed Annual Fee: Dependent on scale capacity e.g., $39 for 0-400
location) (2015, subject to change). pounds, $80 for 401-1,160 pounds, $161 for 1,161-7,500 pounds
Select Details Select Details
• Only valid for a single business location (e.g., a home) where 1. Must be a legal for trade scale and must have a
all transactions must occur. (Boats in slips can’t be licensed National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) Certificate of
as wholesale dealers as they do not meet the requirement Conformance.
of a physical address unless the boat is immobile and 2. Must have a placed in service report (PISR) submitted
permanently docked.) within 24 hours of the time the device is placed in service.
• Note: a buyer’s license is required for anyone buying from a 3. Scale must comply with the requirements on the PISR and
fisherman away from the fisherman’s business location. meet the specifications found in NIST handbook 44.
Commercial Fisher Transportation Report 4. Product that is weighed and packaged without the
customer present must be labeled with the product name,
Description: Required of commercial fishermen selling to a
net weight, price per unit and total price as specified in
wholesale dealer that does not have an unloading facility on the
NIST Handbook 130, Uniform Packaging and Labeling
Regulation. Additional information also may be needed on
Annual Fee: None. the label per the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act: https://
Select Details
• Must have a written transportation report, invoice, or
memorandum in hand prior to removing and transporting
product to another location. FOOD SAFETY DIVISION
• Does not apply to retail fish dealers or wholesale fish dealers. Contact: Food Safety Inspector. County contact list: http://
OREGON DEPARTMENT OF (503) 986-4720, State Office; see list above for County-Based
AGRICULTURE (ODA) (No email provided. Phone contact preferred)
The ODA oversees the safe and legal handling and distribution
of food products in Oregon. Three programs within the ODA AboutFoodSafety.aspx
may pertain to fishermen selling their catch through seafood
alternative markets. Fishermen should check the information Retail Food Establishment License (type 77
sources within each program and contact ODA directly for license)
current information and to determine which requirements apply
Description: Required to sell product from your vehicle, stand
to their specific situation.
or retail store.
Weights and Measures Program Annual Fee: Dependent on annual gross sales (AGS) (e.g.,
$135 for $0-$50,000 AGS) $172 for $50,001-$500,000 AGS
Contact: Main Office Staff or Local Inspector.
(2015, subject to change).
(503) 986-4670 (Main) or see Staff contact list by city: http://
Information Sources: Definition and application: http://www.
[email protected]
Select Details
Information Sources
1. Requires submitting a food safety plan review, and
License a Scale: compliance with ODA retail food code.
2. May require submission of a HACCP plan along with a
Operating a Scale:
variance application.
3. All foods sold at the establishment must be produced by
Schedule of Licensing Fees:
a business licensed by either ODA or a County Health
Department (depends on location); foods produced in other
states must be licensed by the responsible agency in that


Food Processor’s License (type 59 license) Seafood Commodity Commissions
Description: Required when fishermen process* their catch. Description: Additional forms and associated fees must
Annual Fee: Dependent on AGS e.g., $325 for $0-$50,000 be submitted and paid to the pertinent Seafood Commodity
AGS; $460 for $50,001-$500,000 AGS (2015, subject to Commission when selling (or buying) certain fishery products.
change). Select Details
Information Sources: Definition and application: http://www. 1. Dungeness Crab: for report forms. Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission. 541.267.5810;
ProcessingWarehouse.aspx [email protected]
Select Details 2. Albacore: for report forms.
* A HACCP plan is required for all seafood processors and Oregon Albacore Commission. 541.994.2647; nancy@

*The ODA defines food-processing as “cooking, baking, 3. Salmon: for report forms.
heating, drying, mixing, grinding, churning, separating, Oregon Salmon Commission. 541.994.2647; nancy@
extracting, cutting, freezing or otherwise manufacturing a
food or changing the physical characteristics of a food, and 4. Trawl (Bottomfish, shrimp): for
the packaging, canning or otherwise enclosing of such food report forms. Oregon Trawl Commission. 541.469.7830;
in a container, but does not mean the sorting, cleaning or [email protected]
water-rinsing of a food.”
Processing (as defined by FDA) includes handling, storing,
Public Health Division Food Safety
preparing, heading, eviscerating, shucking, freezing,
changing into different market forms, manufacturing, Contact: Local health inspector
preserving, packing, labeling, dockside unloading, or holding 971.673.1222 State Office; County Contact List: http://
fish and fishery products. Excludes practices such as
heading, eviscerating, or freezing solely to prepare a fish for LocalHealthDepartmentResources/Pages/lhd.aspx
holding on board a commercial fishing vessel. https://www.
[email protected]
cfm?fr=123.3 Information Source: Forms, Rules, and guidelines: http://
Food Storage Warehouse License (type 78 Pages/regs.aspx
license) County and city environmental health departments inspect and
Description: Required to store seafood away from the boat, license food operations to ensure safe food handling practices.
prior to distribution to others (e.g., wholesalers, retail markets, Required permits and fees vary among counties and seafood
restaurants, consumers. alternative markets. The permits and certifications listed below,
as well as others, may be required by a given environmental
Annual Fee: Dependent on annual gross sales (AGS) e.g., $108
health department. Fishermen should contact their local
for $0-$50,000 AGS; $135 for $50,001-$500,000 AGS (2015,
environmental health department directly for up-to-date
subject to change).
information and to determine the requirements that apply to their
Information Sources: Definition and Resources: http://www. specific situation. For more information, contact the Department of Health of the county in which you will be operating your
Retail.aspx business (see county contact list above).
Food Safety Certificate
Required of any food worker engaged in food handling or
Select Details
foodservice. Must obtain within 30 days of beginning work.
1. Not required for licensed retail food establishments that store
food to be served to employees, customers or guests. Mobile Food Unit License
2. Not required for licensed food processors who warehouse Required if operating a new or previously licensed mobile unit as
the finished product at the same location where the food is a food retail establishment (e.g., food carts, food trucks).
Restaurant License
Required if operating a new or previously licensed restaurant as
a food retail establishment.


Temporary Restaurant License Harbor/Marina
Required for selling seafood at temporary food retail Local harbors/marinas may have their own requirements for
establishments (e.g., farmers market, food booths). selling one's catch off the boat or at a dockside or fishermen’s
market. In some cases, only certain products or types of
Commissary Kitchen Agreement markets are allowed.
May be required to allow a food retailer, caterer or mobile food
unit access and use of a licensed food retail establishment as City
a kitchen. The agreement often requires cosigning by the food City government may require a business license, vendor’s
establishment and the kitchen operator and approval by the license, or both if selling from a vehicle or stand within city limits.
local environmental health advisor. Selling from private property requires proof of permission from
the property owner, having an appropriate business license, and
Local Authorities meeting local zoning requirements.
Depending on the type of market and where it is located,
additional permits and fees may be required by local authorities. County
Following are a few examples of such requirements. Fishermen County government (planning departments) may require meeting
should contact local authorities directly for up-to-date zoning regulations and providing proof of permission from
information and to determine the requirements that apply to appropriate agencies (e.g., state highway division, county road
their specific situation. office) when selling from a vehicle or stand on a public right-of-
way or from property owners if selling from private property.


Appendix K


T he following regulations are new for 2018.
Please contact Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife for additional information.
This endorsement replaces the “Direct Retail Endorsement.” This
new endorsement is an option allowing commercial harvesters
and designated alternate operators to sell their catch directly
to market. The holder of this endorsement is also exempt from
the permitting requirements of chapter 246-215 Washington
Administrative Code (Foodservice) provided the seller only sells
This is the minimum license required to broker and/or process fresh fish—whole or cleaned and dressed.
fish and shellfish and replaces the Wholesale Fish Dealer
The annual fee is $70 for Washington residents and $145 for
nonresidents. The application fee is $105.
Processing is defined as taking possession of raw or frozen
fish/shellfish to prepare, repackage, process or preserve,
which includes, but is not limited to, canning or processing for
payment whether the fish or shellfish is commercially harvested Wholesale fish buyers and limited fish sellers must deposit an
or taken for personal use. acceptable performance bond equal to $2,000 and, for each
additional buyer engaged by the wholesale business, the bond
Brokering is defined as facilitating the sale or purchase of raw or
must be increased by an additional $1,000.
frozen fish/shellfish for a fee or commission, without assuming
the title to the fish/shellfish. Limited fish sellers must file and maintain a bond equal to
A Fish Dealer License is also required as a base license for
individuals engaged in the wholesale buying or selling of raw or If you have additional bond questions, please email the WDFW
frozen fish/shellfish (see below). Licensing Division at [email protected]
The annual fee for a Fish Dealer License is $400 for Washington If you have other questions or for more information regarding
residents, $475 for nonresidents. The application fee is $105. these endorsements please contact Trisha Anderson,
WHOLESALE FISH BUYER ENDORSEMENT The content for this information is provided by Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife.
This endorsement must be added to the Fish Dealer License
(see above) to take first possession or ownership of fish/shellfish
from a commercial fishermen landing their fish in Washington
state. To take first possession or ownership of fresh or frozen
fish/shellfish from interstate or foreign commerce; to engage in
wholesale buying or selling of fish/shellfish harvested by tribal
Wholesale fish buyers are also responsible for documenting the
commercial harvest and sales according to the rules of WDFW.
The annual fee for a wholesale fish buyer endorsement is $245
for residents and $320 for nonresidents. The application fee is


Appendix L


T he following outline for a business plan details
what information should be included under
each category. Please note that all parts may not
Market Company Analysis
• Company goals/focus
• Company strengths/weaknesses
be applicable to every business. Similarly, there • Niche market

may be additional categories that should be Product/Service

• Description of products/services
• Benefits to consumers
• Compare to competitors
Title Page
Business Name
• Type of consumers (wholesale/retail)
Purpose (Planning and/or Financing Proposal)
• Products/services purchasing
Name of Principals
• Factors affecting purchasing decisions (politics/economics/
Contact Information
Executive Summary. Describes the purpose and/or goal
of the business plan and summarizes the major points of the
business plan. This summary should be one or two pages and • Primary competitors
should highlight the important facts that are described in detail • Competitors’ products/services
within the plan.
• Evaluation of product/service (similar/dissimilar)
Table of Contents. List all of the headings within the plan and
Marketing Plan
the pages they are located on.
• Overall market description
Description of Business
• Size/growth and trends
• Mission statement
• Market segments
• Type of business/industry
• Market projections
• Status of business (startup/existing/expanding)
• Products/service (brand name/quality/scope/package/
• Form of business (sole proprietor/partnership/corporation)
• Location (address)
• Pricing (list price/discounts/payment terms)
• Physical features of building
• Distribution (channels/locations/logistics)
• Own or lease facility
• Promotion (advertising/public relations/trade shows/
• Hours of operation/seasonal (peaks/valleys) partnerships)
• Background and history • Sales force and forecast
• Future goals/objectives/strategies • Market growth potential
• Products/services (description/customer benefits) Management
• Target market • Management team (include resumes)
• Business background/management experience
• Division of responsibilities of management team
• Strengths/weaknesses of team
• Salary and/or payment plan
• Benefit plan


Outside Management and/or Assistant Needs Supporting Documents
• Personnel • Contracts/leases/agreements
• Personnel needs • Copies of licenses/permits/certifications/etc.
• Skills required • Community support
• Training requirements/availability • Marketing research information
• Full-time/part-time • Credit reports
• Salary/hourly • Principal current financial statements
• Benefits • Resumes
• Employee policies/contracts • Tax returns
Financial Data For an electronic fisheries business plan template, see Alaska
• List of capital equipment Fish Business Plan Writer, available from Alaska Sea Grant’s
Fisheries Business Assistance Project (“FishBiz”). Request a
• Source and application of startup capital free CD from the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, or
• Inventory control system download the program by going to
• Accounting system and following the link to fisheries business management.

• Three-year profit and loss statement (income and expenses)

• Three-year balance sheet (assets, liabilities and owner equity)
• Cash flow (projected monthly breakdown of when money
comes in and goes out, where money came from and what it
was spent on)
• Break-even analysis (level at which total revenues and total
expenses equal; no profit/no loss)
• Explanation of assumptions for all financial documents
• Three years of tax returns (company and principals)


Appendix M

Accrued expenses – An expense incurred but not yet paid. Current assets – Those assets which are readily convertible
Amortization – The gradual reduction of a debt by means of into cash without substantial loss; included are cash,
periodic payments sufficient to meet current interest and investments, notes and accounts receivable, and inventories.
extinguish the debt at maturity. Current liabilities – Those obligations ordinarily intended to be
Assets, capital – Those assets which are not readily paid in the usual course of business within a relatively short
convertible into cash and in the ordinary course of business time, normally within a year, out of earnings.
are not so converted, more often termed fixed assets. Current ratio – The ratio of current assets to current liabilities,
Assets, liquid – Those assets, generally current, which may be indicating the ability of a business to pay its current liabilities
quickly turned into cash. in cash as they fall due.

Break-even analysis – A method used to determine the point Custom processing – Service provided for a fee on products
at which the business will neither make a profit nor incur owned by a customer other than the processor. Custom
a loss. That point is expressed in either the total dollars of processing could be as little as washing and boxing, or as
revenue exactly offset by total expenses; or in total units complex as portioning, smoking, and vacuum packaging.
of production, the cost of which exactly equals the income Debt capital financing – Money borrowed with the intention of
derived by their sale. paying it back plus interest.
Broker – An agent who sells a product for the owner, for Debt to worth ratio – A ratio of your business’ total liability to
commission. Usually brokers do not buy product or acquire its net worth.
any ownership. Fees usually are 3percent to 5percent of the Depreciation – Expiration in service life of fixed assets, other
sales price. than wasting assets, attributable to wear and tear through
Business plan – An objective, written review of your business use and lapse of time, obsolescence, inadequacy or other
to identify areas of weakness and strength, pinpoint needs physical or functional cause.
and begin planning how you can best achieve your business Distributor/wholesaler – An agent who buys large lots of
goals. product, transports and possibly warehouses it, and then
Cash flow – The sources and uses of a company’s cash funds sells small quantities to many foodservice or retail outlets.
over a designated period. Dividends – The proportion of the net earnings of a corporation
Cash position – The percentage of cash to total net assets paid to the stockholders as their share of the profits.
indicates relative cash positions. It includes cash and United Eastern cut – Fish product form with head removed but collar
States government securities and is the net amount after left on.
deducting current liabilities.
Entrepreneur – One who assumes the financial risk of the
CIF – Cost, insurance, freight. The price an importer or initiation, operation and management of a given business or
wholesaler pays for fish that has been processed, and for undertaking.
which insurance and freight fees have already been paid. It is
processor cost plus freight and insurance. Equity – The monetary value of a property or business that
exceeds the claims and/or liens against it by others.
C&F – Cost and freight. Same as above without insurance paid.
Equity capital financing – Money given to your business,
Collateral – Property that is pledged as security by a borrower without the intention of paying it back, in return for part
to a lender as assurance that a loan will be repaid. It may ownership in your business.
be a tangible item such as a vessel or a piece of land and
building, or it could be intangible such as a trade receivable Export – Sent outside the country of origin.
owed to you, or both. Ex-vessel – The price paid to fishermen for raw (unprocessed)
Corporation – A form of business organization that may have fish.
many owners with each owner liable only for the amount of Filet, fillet – (pronounced “fi-lay” and “fill-et”) – Two words for
his/her investment in the business. It is an artificial person the slice of meat taken from each side of a fish outboard of
created by state or federal law. As defined by the Supreme the backbone and ribs, from behind the gills to the isthmus
Court of the United States, a corporation is an artificial being, “caudal peduncle” before the tail. May include some bones
invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law. unless identified as “bone-out.”


Fletch – A fillet of a halibut, consisting of one whole side of Metric ton – 2,200 pounds.
the fish, above and below the backbone and running from Net worth – The excess of the assets of an individual or an
behind the gill plate to the caudal peduncle. enterprise over all his, her or its liabilities.
Foodservice industry – The group of food providers that Niche market – A small group of consumers, defined by
includes restaurants, hotels and cafeterias in establishments ethnicity, geography or some other feature, that allow
like schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and them to be targeted by a sales effort for a small quantity of
businesses. product.
FOB – Free on board. A term used in a sales agreement that Partnership – Two or more persons who are associated in
specifies that the buyer is responsible for all transportation order to pursue a business for profit.
costs including freight and insurance from the location
designated on the shipping document. Portion – a piece of fish (e.g., steak or piece of fillet) which is
cut to a specific and uniform weight.
Glaze – A solution applied to a frozen product designed to seal
the surface and protect it from dehydration and oxidation. Princess cut – Gilled and gutted, with the throat latch left
Guaranty – A written commitment by an individual or authorized
legal entity to pay back a loan in the event the borrower is Processing – Any of various mechanical activities that
unable to do so. prepare a fish for storage, transport and consumption by
removing unwanted parts of it and stabilizing it by freezing or
HACCP – Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. A seafood cooking. Secondary or value-added processing may include
safety assurance plan based on identifying and monitoring portioning, smoking, curing or other treatments that improve
those points in the process system where contamination flavor or make it more user-friendly.
could occur.
Processing yield – Processed weight divided by the original
H&G – Headed and gutted. whole fish weight. The result is given as a percentage.
IFQ – Individual fishery quota. Pro forma – A projection or estimate of what may result in
Ikura – Japanese, from the Russian “ikra” for fish eggs, ikura is the future from actions in the present. A pro forma financial
salmon caviar—individual salted eggs, as opposed to sujiko, statement is one that shows how the actual operations of the
see below. business will turn out if certain assumptions are realized.
IQF – Individually quick frozen. Profit – The excess of the selling price over all costs and
Inventory – The amount of product currently kept in storage expenses incurred in making the sale.
ready for sale. Carryover is inventory at the beginning of a Receivable – An asset in the form of an amount which is due
new season, which remains from the previous season. from a borrower.
Leverage – The relationship of other people’s money (debt) in Recovery rate – The percentage of round fish weight that
relation to your own investment (equity) in your business. remains after processing.
Liquidity – Solvency of a business; the degree of readiness in Retail – The final link in the distribution chain where the product
which assets can be converted to cash. If assets cannot be is sold to the consumer. Fish markets and supermarkets
converted into cash to meet current liabilities, the firm is said are considered retail outlets; restaurants and institutional
to be illiquid. foodservice facilities usually are not.
Management – The administration and policy makers of Retro – A payment to fishermen as a bonus or incentive that
a business; those responsible for planning goals and is above, and usually comes later than, the grounds price
objectives. settlement.
Market – The number of people and their total spending (actual Rigor mortis – Literally “stiffness of death,” the muscle
or potential) for a product line within the geographic limits tension that occurs some hours after a fish expires. Product
of the seller’s geographic ability. Also, the geographical area processed and frozen pre-rigor is generally higher quality
itself. Also, the ethnicity or other characteristics of a group when it thaws.
of consumers. Also, the particular processing company that Round – Whole. Round fish is whole, unprocessed fish, and
buys product from a fisherman. Also, as a verb, to conduct round fish weight is the total weight of the catch before
the activities (including research, product positioning and heading and gutting, and grading or culling inferior grade fish.
advertising) needed to bring a product to the attention of
purchasers and get them to buy. Shrinkage – The loss of weight of product between its
purchase and sale, due to “drip” (loss of fluid from the flesh)
Marketing – The business of tailoring the right mix of product as well as from product that doesn’t sell before it goes bad.
form, price and promotion to a specific segment of the
population to meet a sales goal. Sole partnership – Ownership by one person of an entire
Market niche – A segment of the population that buys a certain
product because it suits their needs in terms of product form, Sourcing – The process of finding product to purchase for
price, packaging and promotion style. subsequent resale.


Sujiko – Japanese, for salmon eggs processed and sold in the Tramper – a cargo ship that is chartered by voyage rather
skein rather than separated out, as in ikura. than running on a scheduled route. Trampers commonly are
Surety bond – A cash deposit, pledge of property or insurance chartered to transport Alaska fish to Japan at the end of the
policy that is forfeited if the entity posting the bond fails season.
to comply with requirements for which it is posted, such Uni – Japanese, for sea urchin gonads.
as remitting taxes, paying employees or performing the Value added – Further processing or packaging of a product
contracted service. that causes the product to sell for a higher price.
Trader – One who buys and sells on behalf of another company
and, unlike a broker, takes ownership of the product.


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