Garlic Tea Recipe - Spanish - Cure - Cold

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Garlic Tea Recipe In a large saucepan, bring 3 cups of water and 3 cloves of garlic (cut in half) to a boil.

Turn off the heat when the water boils, and add 1/2 cup of honey and 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice.
Strain. Sip 1/2 cup, warm, three times a day. Refrigerate extra to use the next day.

5 measuring metal spoons make ½ cup of honey bee honey

3 cups of water

About 2 inches of fresh raw ginger

3 cloves of garlic (cut in half) to a boil

Turn off the heat when the water boils

add 1/2 cup of honey and

1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice

Sip 1/2 cup, warm, three times a day

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