Nokia VoLTE Optimization White Paper en
Nokia VoLTE Optimization White Paper en
Nokia VoLTE Optimization White Paper en
©2015 Sprint. This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted,
confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or di sclosure is prohibited without authorization.
Template Version: 4:3MF1.1
Version Date: 10/23/15
• High # of S1 failures were observed on surrounding sites when Nokia MM eNBs experiences backhaul instability or total
connectivity loss.
• Loss of backhaul connectivity is seen more often on sites with Microwave and UE-Relay backhaul.
• Parameter “s1inducedcelldeactdelay“ set to 900 secs (15min) and allows MM to continue transmitting during BH outage
• Currently, the parameter is set to 900 secs - i.e. cells will be disabled only after 900 secs after the backhaul loss.
• During the 900 secs UE served by the degraded cell (eNB that lost connectivity) may be trapped in the eNB without the possibility to
receive any service.
• During Attach: UE can still attempt to camp onto degraded cell but will cause S1 failure.
• During Handover: UE from neighbor sites can still see PCI from degraded cell, and any attempt for handover to degraded cell will result in
S1/X2 failures. (Big service interruption!).
• Reducing the timer is recommended to quickly shutdown the cell to avoid possible service degradation and improve S1 failures.
• Necessary to have shorter delay/ interruption in user service.
• Parameter
Belowname: S1 induced cellof
is the description deactivation time
the parameter that needs to be updated:
Parameter Abbreviated
If for an eNB cell all configured PLMN IDs are unavailable on S1 interface for the duration given by "s1InducedCellDeactDelayTime", the eNB cell is
Full description:
Managed object class: LNBTS
Type: Decimal
Default value: 900
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 1800
• Recommendation:
• Change s1inducedcelldeactdelay time from 900 secs to 1 sec, to minimize change of UE latching onto a cell that cannot send/receive data
Other N/w
©2015 Sprint. This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted,
confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or di sclosure is prohibited without authorization.
Template Version: 4:3MF1.1
Version Date: 10/23/15
• Incoming HO from other cells (source eNB) to Degraded Cell (Target eNB)
• If source eNB is not updated about X2 link down on X2AP (Link updates regularly updated
by SCTP for any updates, or triggered based on any new updates like PCI changes, TAC
changes etc.). Incoming HO attempt to target eNB will fail due to no response from Target
cell within reloc prep phase, and HO will abort.
• Once neighboring eNB (source) is updated about X2 link down, no X2 attempts will happen
after the measurement report. Further, HO attempts will be S1 HO.
• As S1-MME link is down, no response will be received from target (degraded eNB), and the
HO will fail.
©2015 Sprint. This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted,
confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or di sclosure is prohibited without authorization.
Template Version: 4:3MF1.1
Version Date: 10/23/15
Logs snapshot after S1 deactivation is expired.
• From the logs, it’s visible that S1 deactivation delay timer is
• For the test case: S1 deactivation was set to 5 sec, t310 like
Defence timer on eNB side is = 2s note:
• (TMSI during attach, and from the MME logs are same)
• BH was forced down, (S1 link down) @ 14:17:48 -> logs. Took
approx. 2 secs for the VLAN to shut down completely.
• After 5 secs, MME shows eNB connectivity is degraded / lost.
That’s when DL sync is lost, that’s when defense timer
starts, and after 2 secs if no recovery, UE is released.
• Call is released @ 17:47:57, and UE goes in complete all
band scan mode.
©2015 Sprint. This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted,
confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or di sclosure is prohibited without authorization.
Template Version: 4:3MF1.1
Version Date: 10/23/15
Axis Title
01/01/2017 0:00 01/01/2017 0:00
01/05/2017 0:00 01/05/2017 0:00
01/09/2017 0:00 01/09/2017 0:00
01/13/2017 0:00 01/13/2017 0:00
01/17/2017 0:00 01/17/2017 0:00
01/21/2017 0:00 01/21/2017 0:00
01/25/2017 0:00 01/25/2017 0:00
01/29/2017 0:00 01/29/2017 0:00
02/02/2017 0:00 02/02/2017 0:00
02/06/2017 0:00 02/06/2017 0:00
02/10/2017 0:00 02/10/2017 0:00
02/14/2017 0:00 02/14/2017 0:00
02/18/2017 0:00 02/18/2017 0:00
02/22/2017 0:00 02/22/2017 0:00
02/26/2017 0:00 02/26/2017 0:00
03/02/2017 0:00 03/02/2017 0:00
03/06/2017 0:00 03/06/2017 0:00
03/14/2017 0:00
Axis Title
03/14/2017 0:00
03/18/2017 0:00
03/18/2017 0:00
03/22/2017 0:00
03/22/2017 0:00
03/26/2017 0:00
03/26/2017 0:00
03/30/2017 0:00
04/03/2017 0:00
04/03/2017 0:00
04/07/2017 0:00
04/07/2017 0:00
04/11/2017 0:00
04/11/2017 0:00
04/15/2017 0:00
04/15/2017 0:00
04/19/2017 0:00
04/19/2017 0:00
04/23/2017 0:00
04/23/2017 0:00
04/27/2017 0:00
04/27/2017 0:00
05/01/2017 0:00
05/01/2017 0:00
05/05/2017 0:00
05/05/2017 0:00
05/09/2017 0:00
Sum of S1 HO Prep Failures(West Washington-NSN-
05/09/2017 0:00
Sum of S1 HO Prep Failures(West Washington-Samsung-
05/13/2017 0:00
Sum of S1 HO Prep Attempts(West Washington-NSN-
Sum of S1 HO Prep Attempts(West Washington-Samsung-
05/13/2017 0:00
01/01/2017 0:00
01/05/2017 0:00
01/09/2017 0:00
confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or di sclosure is prohibited without authorization.
01/13/2017 0:00
©2015 Sprint. This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted,
01/17/2017 0:00
01/21/2017 0:00
sec on 04/28.
01/25/2017 0:00
01/29/2017 0:00
02/02/2017 0:00
after 02/28.
02/06/2017 0:00
02/10/2017 0:00
02/14/2017 0:00
02/18/2017 0:00
02/22/2017 0:00
timer was changed to 5 secs:
02/26/2017 0:00
03/02/2017 0:00
S1 Handover Performance Improvement
03/06/2017 0:00
03/10/2017 0:00
03/14/2017 0:00
03/18/2017 0:00
03/22/2017 0:00
03/26/2017 0:00
03/30/2017 0:00
04/03/2017 0:00
Samsung 2.5 S1 HO Attempts/ Failrues
04/07/2017 0:00
04/11/2017 0:00
Template Version: 4:3MF1.1
Version Date: 10/23/15
04/15/2017 0:00
04/19/2017 0:00
Almost ~70% reduction in S1 HO attempts/failures.
04/23/2017 0:00
• Very minimal impact after timer was changed to 1s.
• S1 Induced deact. timer (cell deactivation timer) parameter
04/27/2017 0:00
• Significant S1 HO Success% improvement was seen after the
05/01/2017 0:00
changed to 5 secs on 02/28 market wide and was changed to 1
05/05/2017 0:00
approximately ~80% improvement in S1 attempts/ failures
Sum of S1 HO Prep Failures(West Washington-Samsung-2500)
05/09/2017 0:00
Sum of S1 HO Prep Attempts(West Washington-Samsung-2500)
05/13/2017 0:00
Agoop Performance