Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
In collecting data from the respondents, on-site interviews and observation were
In the interview phase, the researchers will provide questions for the respondents
to answer. The interview is semi-structured and does not strictly follow a formalized list of
questions. The researchers will ask more open-ended questions, allowing for a discussion
with the interviewee rather than a straightforward question and answer format (Doyle,
Observational research will also be applied since the researchers has to immerse
themselves in the setting where the subjects are, while observing their human behavior.
In addition, the case study method will be used for it is compatible in finding out the
The researchers will agree on the goals of the study, target data to be collected,
Narrative analysis will be used to analyze the data which will be gathered from
narratives or stories occur when one or more speakers engage in sharing and recounting
an experience or event. Typically, the telling of a story occupies multiple turns in the
course of a conversation and stories or narratives may share common structural features.
Koppa (2010) found out that in using narrative analysis, the research will produce
Step 1: Transcription
The researchers will write down raw data on paper from the interview phase, which
will be noted and tape recorded. Two means of data recording will be used so that the
The data gathered will be arranged into categories. This will be done through
thorough reading of the raw data. Related information will be grouped into themes.
In addition, the less relevant parts of the data gathered could be omitted depending
on its coherence to the given questions. Typographic errors will be also checked
psychological meaning. This can be done through the researchers’ understanding on the
Researchers interpret the data as they read and re-read the data, categorize and
code the data and inductively develop a thematic analysis. The psychological
Step 4: Synthesis
The researchers will summarize the themes by dividing them into different
chronological order.
Step 5: Validation
The arranged data will be examined through proof-reading. This will be done to
guarantee that the revised statements are valid and the paragraphs are coherent to one