Definnitiva Elfos 2500
Definnitiva Elfos 2500
Definnitiva Elfos 2500
Elves (Good)
Kindred Archers Infantry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
Horde(40) 6 5+ 4+ 4+ 20 21/23 250 Bows (Range 24"), Elite
- Brew of Keen-eyeness 45
Horde(40) 6 5+ 4+ 4+ 20 21/23 250 Bows (Range 24"), Elite
- Heart-seeking Chant 30
Horde(40) 6 5+ 4+ 4+ 20 21/23 250 Bows (Range 24"), Elite
War Chariots Large Cavalry
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
Horde(6) 8 4+ 4+ 4+ 16 15/17 215 Base Size: (50x100mm), Bows
(Range 24"), Elite, Thunderous
Charge (2)
- Brew of Sharpness 45
Horde(6) 8 4+ 4+ 4+ 16 15/17 215 Base Size: (50x100mm), Bows
(Range 24"), Elite, Thunderous
Charge (2)
- The Fog 35
Horde(6) 8 4+ 4+ 4+ 16 15/17 215 Base Size: (50x100mm), Bows
(Range 24"), Elite, Thunderous
Charge (2)
Bolt Thrower War Engine
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
(1) 6 - 4+ 4+ 2 10/12 90 Blast (D3), Elite, Piercing (2),
(1) 6 - 4+ 4+ 2 10/12 90 Blast (D3), Elite, Piercing (2),
Army Standard Bearer Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
(1) 6 5+ - 4+ 1 10/12 50 Hero (Inf), Elite, Individual,
- Healing Charm 30
Elven Mage Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
(1) 9 5+ - 4+ 1 10/12 75 Hero (Inf), Elite, Heal (3),
- Bane Chant (2) 15
- Fireball (10) 10
- Lightning Bolt (5) 45
- Mount on a horse, increasing Speed to 9 and changing 15
to Hero (Cav)
- Myrddin’s Amulet of the Fire-heart 10
(1) 9 5+ - 4+ 1 10/12 75 Hero (Inf), Elite, Heal (3),
- Bane Chant (2) 15
- Lightning Bolt (5) 45
- Mount on a horse, increasing Speed to 9 and changing 15
to Hero (Cav)
- Inspiring Talisman 20
(1) 9 5+ - 4+ 1 10/12 75 Hero (Inf), Elite, Heal (3),
- Bane Chant (2) 15
- Lightning Bolt (5) 45
- Mount on a horse, increasing Speed to 9 and changing 15
to Hero (Cav)
The Green Lady[1] Hero (Inf)
Unit Size Sp Me Ra De At Ne Pts
(1) 10 - - 6+ - 14/16 200 Hero (Inf), Elite, Fly, Heal (8),
Individual, Inspiring, Pathfinder,
Regeneration (5+)
Blast If the unit’s attack hits the target, the target suffers a number of hits equal to the number in
brackets, rather than a single hit.
Elite Whenever the unit rolls to hit, it can re-roll all dice that score a natural, unmodified 1.
Fly The unit can move over anything (blocking terrain, enemy units, friendly units when charging,
etc.), but still cannot land on top of them. The unit does not suffer hindered charges for
moving over difficult terrain or obstacles, unless it ends the move within or touching them.
The unit also has the Nimble special rule.
Heal Spell. Range 12". Friendly unit only, including units engaged in combat. Hits don’t inflict
damage. Instead, for every hit ‘inflicted’, the friendly unit removes a point of damage that it
has previously suffered.
Healing This artefact can only be used by Heroes. The Hero has the Heal (3) spell.
Heart- The unit’s ranged attacks and spells have the Piercing (1) special rule, or if the unit already has
seeking Piercing, it is increased by 1.
Line of Sight Before being given an order, an individual may pivot to face any direction for
free. Individuals never block line of sight or offer cover against ranged attacks.
Move Individuals have the Nimble special rule.
Shooting Individuals may pivot to face any direction for free before picking a target in the
shooting phase. Enemies shooting against Individuals suffer an additionals -1 to hit modifier.
Melee When charging an individual, a unit must make contact with the face that they started in
as normal, however the Individual will turn to align flush with the unit’s facing, rather than the
unit aligning to the individual’s facing. Enemies never double/treble their Attacks when
fighting the individual (including against Individual War Engines). Similarly, the individual
does not double/treble its own attacks when attacking an enemy in the flank/rear. It does still
treble its attacks against war engines, however. If an individual is routed and the charger
(including another individual) decides to advance D6 directly forward
Inspiring If this unit, or any friendly non-allied unit within 6" of this unit, is Routed, the opponent must
re-roll that Nerve test. The second result stands.
Inspiring This artefact can only be used by Heroes. The Hero has the Inspiring special rule.
Myrddin’s Once per game, after using a ranged attack or spell, this unit may immediately use another
Amulet of different ranged attack or spell it possesses, against the same or a different target.
the Fire-
Pathfinder The unit suffers no movement penalties for difficult terrain, simply treating it as open terrain.
Pathfinder units are not Hindered for charging through difficult terrain.
Piercing All ranged hits inflicted by the unit have a +(n) modifier when rolling to damage.
Regeneratio Every time this unit receives an order (including Halt!), before doing anything else, roll a
n (5+) number of dice equal to the amount of damage currently on the unit. For every result of 5+, the
unit recovers a point of damage.
Reload! The unit can fire only if it received a Halt order that turn.
Thunderous All melee hits inflicted by the unit have a +(n) modifier when rolling to damage. This bonus is
Charge in addition to the unit’s Crushing Strength (if any), however the unit loses this bonus when
Disordered or during Hindered charges.