Experience Letter PDF

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Punjab Public Service Commission


Certified that Mr./Miss/Mrs. ______________________________________ has been/is employed in

_________________________________________ Department/Organization as ___________________________
from ____________________________ to ____________________________ on regular/
acting charge/officiating/ad-hoc/current charge/contract basis. The detail of his/her experience is as under:-
Pay Scale/ Duration
Designation Lumpsum Pay Field/Nature of Experience
From To
(Attach last pay slip)

Account Number with Name of Bank


Mode of payment of salary

Copies of the Register for first payment & last payment.

(i) Please specify clearly the field of experience such as teaching Physics and nature of experience such as
Regular/Acting Charge/Officiating/Ad-hoc/Current charge or Contract.
(ii) In case of Private entity, Registration Certificate of the Firm/Institution/Organization issued by the SECP,
Registrar of Firms or any other Regulatory Authority shall be submitted.
(iii) The experience gained as on daily basis, part time, visiting, honorary and apprentice shall not be considered/
His/Her duties/job specifications are/were as follows:-
(Give complete description including research work if involved. May attach an additional sheet if required.)
The work of incumbent while employed in this Department/Organization was/is
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

(Please tick the relevant box)

No. ____________________ Name & Designation of Issuing Authority with official stamp/seal
Date: ___________________ Telephone No. _______________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
(i) Experience certificate of regular appointment must be issued by the Head of Institution/Organization/
(ii) Experience certificate on Regular/Acting Charge/Officiating/Ad-hoc/Current charge or Contract basis
must be issued by the Appointing Authority.
(iii) In case a candidate has served or is serving in a Private Firm/Organization, Experience Certificate must
be issued under the signature of Chief Executive/Head of Private Firm/Organization.
(iv) Experience Certificate issued other than the prescribed form (PPSC-4) containing complete information
i.e. nature of experience, designation, telephone number, date of issue, full address, duly stamped and
signed by the Competent Authority on the official letter pad shall be submitted. Vague, incomplete and
tampered Experience Certificates shall be rejected.
(v) In the case of Barrister or an Advocate of High Court and the Courts subordinate thereto, or a pleader, the
exact period during which he/she practiced at the Bar shall be mentioned. This Certificate shall be signed
by the President District Bar Association and duly countersigned and stamped by the District and
Sessions Judge concerned.

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