Dictionar Printing
Dictionar Printing
Dictionar Printing
Dictionary of
and Publishing
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Dictionary of
and Publishing
Michael Barnard
John Peacock
Pira International
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The facts set out in this publication are from sources which we believe
to be reliable. However, we accept no legal liability of any kind for the
publication contents, nor for the information contained therein, nor
conclusions drawn by any party from it.
Published by
Pira International
Randalls Road
KT22 7RU
The first edition of this dictionary was published in Chapman and Hall’s
Blueprint list in 1990. Ten years is a long time in the vocabulary of industries
which have been subjected to rapid technological progress and we had undoubt-
edly reached the sell-by date of The Blueprint Dictionary of Printing and Publishing
when Pira acquired the Blueprint list towards the end of the millennium.
In this new edition we have tried, as before, to bear in mind two classes of
user: the newcomer to the trade who needs help with traditional terms and the
experienced printer or publisher who must attempt to keep up with new tech-
nical terminology, often originating in the computer industry.
Hence we have included words ranging from archaic mediaevalisms to tech-
nocratic jargon although, in an attempt to contain the book to a manageable size,
we have in this edition deleted some of the more obscure and obsolete language.
The sources we have consulted are many and various and we have also
borrowed from some of our own work – in particular The Print and Production
Manual. For the new computer-related and multimedia terms which we must all
accommodate in the 21st century we have relied heavily on David Penfold’s
excellent Multimedia and Communications Glossary, from which Pira has allowed
us to extract many entries.
This is intended to be a functional, rather than an academic, work. We have
not struggled to achieve any sort of uniformity in selecting parts of speech for
headwords, offering the form in which we believe a word is most often used in
practice. For this reason, we have not followed the dictionary convention of
identifying parts of speech as this seemed to us unhelpful. Where there has been
debate about the precise definition of a term, we have opted for common usage
rather than precision as the criterion, although we have sometimes offered
alternative uses.
Where we considered additional, tabular material would be helpful (for
example, in explaining paper sizes, metric conversions etc) we have included
this in an appendix at the back of the book to try to avoid the blocks of text
which can sometimes inhibit reference by interrupting easy visual access to
alphabetical sequence.
Despite much scanning by colleagues and comparison with other works, we
are no doubt guilty of some obvious omissions, but short-run printing tech-
niques will allow us to remedy our errors quite soon in the next edition . . . so
please let us know.
MB and JP
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acceptable use policy (AUP) The official policy removal). The black printer carries more detail
applied by networks concerning the use to than with conventional separations and the ter-
which the network may be put. NSFNET, for tiary, or complementary, elements of any
example, does not allow commercial use. colour hue are removed. Also called ICR (inte-
Different networks have different AUPs. grated colour removal) or GCR (grey compo-
acceptance testing The process by which a manu- nent replacement).
facturer tests a new system to demonstrate that acid-free paper Generic term to describe paper
it is in working order. (See also beta testing.) which is free from acid-producing chemicals
access The ability to retrieve data from a com- which reduce longevity. See permanent paper
puter storage medium or peripheral device. and neutral sized paper.
access class In SMDS, the type (or bandwidth) acid resist Acid-resisting coat on printing plate.
of access. Different types of access line offer ACK See acknowledge.
different access classes, ranging from 1.17 ACK (acknowledgement) The ASCII character
Mbps to 34 Mbps. with code 6. An acknowledgement that a pre-
access control 1. The control system in computer vious transmission has been correctly received.
networking imposed by hardware and soft- Also an acknowledgement number in a TCP
ware controls. 2. The controlled use of database header giving information about the receiver
information in such a way that restrictions may to the sender.
be imposed on the data items available and the acknowledge In data communications, a charac-
operations that may be performed. ter transmitted by a device as a response to a
access control list (ACL) A list giving the ser- signal from another device to acknowledge
vices available on a server, showing which that a connection has been achieved.
hosts are permitted to use which service. acknowledgements page Page of a book in
access fee Fee charged by a museum or gallery which the author gives his list of sources and
for the facility of photographing items in its references.
collection. Also called a facility fee. ACL See access control list.
accession number Serial number used in a ACN See Advisory Committee on Networking.
library indexing system which shows when the acoustic coupler A device that permits data
new book was first acquired. transmission through a telephone handset over
accessions New books added to a library. the public switched telephone network by
access provider See Internet service provider. modulating audible (analogue) tones.
access time The time taken to retrieve data from Acrobat A technology developed by Adobe
a computer storage medium or a peripheral. Systems that allows documents created on one
accordion fold Parallel folds in paper, opening computer system to be read and printed on other
like an accordion bellows, each in an opposite systems. The technology uses portable docu-
direction from the preceding fold. ment format (pdf) files, which are produced
accordion insert Periodical insert with accordion either directly as a print option in the source
fold. application or by running PostScript code
accumulator A computer store location for arith- through a program called Acrobat Distiller. All
metical calculation. formatting information is embedded in the com-
Accunet A switched 56 kbps service provided by pressed file and graphics and font information
AT&T in the US. A forerunner of ISDN. can also be included. If the fonts in the document
acetate Transparent sheet of film fixed over cam- are not present on the system where the docu-
era-ready artwork used for positioning repro ment is viewed, ‘Multiple Mastering’ technology
or for marking instructions. is used to simulate those fonts. Acrobat can be
acetate proofs Acetate sheets, available in differ- used for proofing (particularly in conjunction
ent colours, which can be developed and used with ISDN) and for electronic publishing,
as prepress proofs. Also called colour overleaf although the facsimile of the printed page is not
proofs. (See also Cromalin, Matchprint, plastic always an ideal format for viewing on-screen.
proof.) The latest version (Acrobat 3.0) was described as
acetone Fast-drying solvent used in printing. Amber during development and allows more
achromatic colour An intermediate grey level in capability in viewing documents over the World
the monochromatic grey scale in computer Wide Web.
graphics. acronym Abbreviation, usually in the form of a
achromatic separations Colour separations pro- pronouncable word, made up of the initial let-
duced by CCR (complementary colour ters of other words.
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across the gutter Printed over the gutter margin add/drop multiplexer A device that can extract
of a book. certain specified lower-bandwidth signals
acrylic A polymer based on synthetic resin and from a high-bandwidth signal and insert other
used for surface coatings among other applica- lower-bandwidth signals.
tions. Acrylic coatings are tough, flexible and addendum Late addition to book after printing,
waterproof. often as a pasted-in slip.
ACs AuthorÕs corrections. adder In computer architecture, the device that
action cycle The complete set of actions, includ- compiles an output from the sum of two or
ing origination, input, processing, output and more input numbers.
storage, performed on data. additive Substance added to ink to control such
activation The process, in computer networks, performance characteristics as covering power,
by which a component is prepared to perfom drying, permanence etc.
its design task. additive colour The production of colour by
active document The part of an electronic docu- blending different colours of light. Colour (RGB)
ment that is displayed in the current window computer monitors and television sets use addi-
and is therefore receptive to commands from tive colour. Blending equal amounts of red,
the keyboard or mouse. green and blue light gives white light and other
active file A file that has an expiry date later than combinations give other colours. This should be
the job date. contrasted with the way in which we normally
active matrix A design of liquid crystal display. see, using white light, when the colour perceived
active vocabulary In speech recognition systems, is made up of the wavelengths reflected by an
the default built-in vocabulary to which addi- object, with those absorbed subtracted.
tional words can be added by the user. Subtractive colour is used in printing (see
ActiveX A set of utilities developed by Microsoft CMYK). It should also be noted that devices
as an answer to Java, so as to allow interactive using additive colours have a colour gamut
content to be run over the Internet. ActiveX is which does not include all the colours that can
an implementation of OLE and thus limited to be viewed in nature. (See also 1-bit, 8-bit and 24-
applications running under Microsoft bit colour.)
Windows. additive primaries Red, green and blue, which
activity loading A method of storing records in a when added together as light appear as white.
file which allows the most used records to be Known also as the light primaries. Their com-
located more readily. plements or ‘opposites’ are known as the light
AD 1. See administrative domain. 2. See air-dry secondaries: each one is made up of two
pulp. colours out of the three, taken in turn. They are
adapter In computing, an add-on board or other cyan (i.e. minus red), magenta (i.e. minus
plug-in device which provides support for green), yellow (i.e. minus blue).
additional facilities: more memory, more com- add-on board An expansion board (or card) that
munications capabilities, more network facili- is inserted into one of the computer’s expan-
ties etc. sion slots to provide additional features such
adaptive answering The ability of a fax modem as additional memory, communications,
to decide whether an incoming call is a fax or graphics etc.
data call. add-on device See peripheral.
adaptive digital pulse code modulation address The sequence of bits or characters that
(ADPCM) A compression technique in which identifies the station to which a message or
the difference between successive samples is packet of data must be routed. See electronic
encoded, rather than their values. This increas- mail address, Internet address, MAC medium
es the amount of audio that can be stored on a access control address, memory address, net-
CD about 16-fold. ADPCM is used on CD- work address, SCSI address.
ROM XA and CD-I disks. addressability The number of addressable
ADAR Air-dried all rag paper. graphics points within a defined display or
ADB See Apple Desktop Bus. image area.
ADC See analogue-to-digital converter. address checking A security procedure in which
ADCCP See advanced data communication con- the router checks the network (IP) address.
trol procedure. address field The particular portion of a com-
A/D conversion See analogue to digital conver- puter word containing either the address of the
sion. operand (item of information being operated
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upon) or the information required to derive that Administration management domain (ADMD) A
address. public X.400 Message Handling System telecom-
address format The arrangement of the parts of munications provider. Examples are MCI Mail
an address to identify a sector or track on a and ATT Mail in the US and British Telecom
magnetic disk. Gold400 Mail in the UK. Together, the ADMDs
addressing 1. Assignment of addresses to the in all countries provide the X.400 backbone.
instructions in a program. 2. The communica- administrative domain (AD) The hosts, routers
tions method by which an originating unit and network(s) managed by a single adminis-
selects a device to which to send a message. tration.
address mask Used to identify which bits in an IP Adobe Leading graphic arts software developer
address correspond to the network address and with many industry-standard applications.
which to the subnet portions of the address. This Adobe Illustrator A drawing program with vec-
mask is also referred to as the subnet mask tor imaging and editing software.
because the network portion of the address can Adobe PhotoShop See PhotoShop.
be determined by the class encoded in an IP Adobe Systems, Inc. Software development house
address. responsible for some of the early software which
Addressograph Proprietary name of a machine led to the creation of desktop publishing. In
which uses individual plates to print names particular, the developers of the PostScript page
and addresses. description language which has become the de
address resolution Conversion of an Internet facto standard. Other programs include:
address into the corresponding physical Illustrator, a popular graphics package; Adobe
(Ethernet) address. See address resolution Type Manager, which offers high-resolution
protocol. font images on screen; Photoshop, for retouch-
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) The TCP/IP ing; and Acrobat, a technology that allows doc-
protocol used to find an Ethernet address from uments created on one computer system to be
an Internet address. An ARP packet contain- read and printed on other systems.
ing the Internet address of a host is transmitted Adobe Type Manager (ATM) A program that
and the Ethernet address will be returned by uses Type 1 PostScript fonts to display type on
that host or by another host. Each host caches the screen to provide the best on-screen rendi-
address translations to reduce delay. ARP tion that the resolution of the display screen
allows Internet addresses to be independent of allows. ATM will also allow output of Type 1
Ethernet addresses but only if all hosts support fonts to a non-PostScript printer. See fonts,
it. Hosts that do not support ARP use constant outline fonts.
mapping. Adonis A document delivery service based on
address screening The procedure in SMDS the supply of scanned images of the full text
Switched Multimegabit Data Service by which and graphics of a large number of biomedical
a user can control the destinations and/or the journals. The service was initiated by a consor-
sources of information. tium of European scientific publishers.
address track A track on a magnetic disk con- adopt Include a textbook on the official list of
taining the addresses of files and records books to be used in State schools.
stored on other tracks of the same disk. adoption Approval for a book to be used in State
adhesive binding Binding style for books and schools.
magazines involving the application of a hot- ADPCM See adaptive digital pulse code modu-
melt adhesive to the roughened or ground lation.
back to hold the pages and cover together. Also ADSL See asymmetric digital subscriber line.
called cut-back binding, perfect binding, advance A prepublication payment by a publish-
thermoplastic binding, threadless binding. er to an author from which royalties based on
adjacent channel The communications channel sales will subsequently be deducted.
in closest proximity, physically or electrically, advanced data communication control proce-
to the one in use. dure (ADCCP) An ANSI-standardised bit-
adjust An editing feature in wordprocessing by oriented synchronous data link control proto-
which the processing software automatically col equivalent to HDLC (high-level data link
adjusts the right-hand margin for the insertion control).
or deletion of copy during playback and by advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) An
which word wrap is automatically performed. IBM procedure that routes data in a network
ADMD See administration management domain. between two or more APPC systems.
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transmitting and accessing Acrobat pdf files via Contrast FM screening, also called stochastic
the World Wide Web. With this version it is pos- screening, where the dots generated are all the
sible to view a document page by page as it is same or very similar minuscule size (microdots)
downloaded, whereas previously, with earlier but are spread over an area to lesser or greater
versions of Acrobat, it was necessary to down- degrees to give the shades of grey required.
load the whole document before any of it could AM screening See amplitude modulation
be viewed. screening.
amberlith Proprietary name for an orange acetate analogue Information that can vary in a continu-
sheet with a peelable coating, used to make ous fashion (e.g. loudness of sound), containing
light-proof masks when assembling films. no discontinuous elements. (Contrast digital.)
ambient conditions Those conditions pertaining The conventional telephone system uses ana-
to the surrounding medium (temperature, logue signals and thus modems are required to
noise etc.). convert digital signals for transmission over
ambient noise level A random and uncontrol- telephone lines. Newer methods, such as ISDN,
lable noise level in a circuit or at a location. See frame relay and asynchronous transfer mode
noise. are digital.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) analogue computer A computer which repre-
Creates standards for a wide variety of indus- sents numerical data by analogous physical
tries, including computer programming lan- variables such as speed, length or voltage
guages. rather than by digital representation. Contrast
American Standard Code for Information digital computer.
Interchange (ASCII) An agreed method of rep- analogue loopback A self-test for modems to
resenting alphanumeric characters by 7-bit bi- check the frequencies they are using.
nary numbers. ASCII represents the characters analogue proof Proof produced by mechanical
that can be keyed on a standard PC keyboard, means from physical materials, (e.g. a Cromalin
plus some characters which provide certain proof produced from film) as distinct from a dig-
functions, such as Bell, which produces a bell or ital proof produced from a computer file (e.g. an
bleep. 7-bit ASCII consists of 128 characters, and Iris proof generated from a colour file).
is sometimes called ‘basic ASCII’, plain ASCII analogue-to-digital conversion Conversion of
or flat ASCII. Although there has been no for- information from analogue form (such as the
mal agreement, 8-bit characters are often loudness of a sound) to digital (so that it can be
described as ‘extended’ or high-level ASCII and represented in a computer). (See also sam-
include many of the commonly used accented pling, digital modulation.)
characters and some other characters. Extended analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) A device
ASCII consists of 256 characters. Note that the which produces digital output from an ana-
values for individual high-level characters differ logue input. Compare digital-to-analogue
from the ANSI character set, which is used by conversion.
Microsoft Windows. (See also EBCDIC.) analyse scanner or analyse unit The input half of
America Online (AOL) A US online service a colour scanner which scans the original and
provider based in Vienna, Virginia, US. AOL takes the scanning signals into memory. As dis-
offers electronic mail, interactive newspapers tinct from the output scanner, which is the half
and magazines, conferencing, software libraries, that records the scanned signals onto film cre-
computing support, online classes and services ating the separations.
such as hotel and plane reservations and shop- analyst A person who defines problems and sug-
ping. (See also Prodigy, CompuServe.) gests procedures for their solution.
ampersand Symbol (&) for the word ‘and’. anamorphic scaling Scaling in which one dimen-
amplitude modulation (AM) A form of trans- sion of a subject is reduced/enlarged to a dif-
mission in which the amplitude level of a car- ferent proportion from the other dimension:
rier frequency is changed to determine the e.g. a half-tone reduced 30% across the width
encoded information. (See also frequency and retained at original size in the depth.
modulation.) ancestral file A file back-up system (son to father
amplitude modulation (AM) screening Tra- to grandfather file), where the son is the cur-
ditional screening method where the variation in rent working file.
signal (defining different shades of grey) gener- anchor A marker for the beginning or the end of
ates dots of different sizes positioned over a reg- a hypertext link. Also used within wordpro-
ularly spaced cell structure (screen ruling). cessing and DTP processes to indicate where
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aperture Lens opening on a camera, expressed as via which an application program accesses the
an F number. operating system. Binary-compatible appli-
API See application program interface. cations should run on any system with the
APL A powerful algorithmic language employ- appropriate ABI. (See also API.)
ing an extensive set of data structures and application icon In Windows, a graphic that rep-
operators. resents a running application: it appears after
apochromatic Lenses which focus blue, green the application has been started but then mini-
and red in the same plane. mised.
Apogee Digital workflow and production sys- application layer The top layer of the ISO seven-
tem produced by Agfa using the pdf format for layer model, which handles aspects such as net-
standardising and controlling pages. work transparency and resource allocation. The
apparent density Weight of paper per unit of application layer is concerned with the user’s
volume. view of the network, areas such as electronic mail,
apparent specific gravity See apparent density. directory services and file transfer. The presenta-
APPC See advanced program-to-program com- tion layer (the next layer) provides the applica-
munications. tion layer with a local representation of data that
appearing size The physical size of a type, as is independent of the format used on the network.
opposed to its nominal point size. Two type- application-level gateway A filter or series of fil-
faces of the same point size can have very dif- ters specially written to permit or prevent the
ferent appearing sizes. transmission of specific applications through a
appendix Addition to a book or document fol- security gateway or firewall. Provides a high
lowing the main text. level of security as it also allows all traffic to be
Apple Popular make of computer widely used in monitored.
the graphic arts industries. application program interface (API) The interface
Apple Computer, Inc. Manufacturer of the that an application program uses to request
Macintosh range of personal computers as operating system and other services. An API can
well as the earlier Apple I, Apple II and Lisa. also provide an interface between a high-level
Founded in 1983 by Steve Jobs and Steve language and lower-level utilities and services.
Wozniak. For Windows, the API also helps applications
Apple Desktop Bus A system for connecting manage windows, menus, icons and other GUI
input devices to the Macintosh. elements. For a local area network and on the
Apple File Exchange A utility that allows a Internet, an API provides applications with
Macintosh to write disks in IBM-PC format. routines for requesting services from lower lev-
AppleLink An electronic mail and information els of the network or from communication pro-
service reserved for Apple employees, devel- tocol stacks. (See also ABI.)
opers, universities, user groups, dealers etc., application protocol data unit (APDU) A packet
which provides product announcements and of data exchanged between two application
updates (for third-party products as well as for programs across a network. This is at the
Apple products) and technical information. application layer of the OSI seven-layer
AppleShare File server software from Apple for model and may actually be transmitted as sev-
handling networked or connected Macintosh eral packets at a lower layer including extra
computers. information for routing etc.
applet See Java applet. application service element (ASE) Software in
AppleTalk A proprietary local area network the presentation layer of the OSI seven-layer
protocol developed by Apple Computer, Inc. model, which provides an interface to handle
for communication between Apple products, APDUs. Because applications and networks
principally the Macintosh, and other com- vary, ASEs are split into common services and
puters. AppleTalk is built into the Macintosh specific services.
and is independent of the network layer on applications package A suite of computer pro-
which it is run. EtherTalk is an implementation grams used to solve problems specific to a par-
of AppleTalk on an Ethernet LAN. (See also ticular application, e.g. business, financial,
LocalTalk.) scientific.
application Software such as a wordprocessor or applications program A program written to
spreadsheet that is used to perform a specific accomplish a specific task (such as wordprocess-
type of work. ing), as opposed to administrative or utility pro-
application binary interface (ABI) The interface grams.
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applications software Programs which are area storage A buffer of storage reserved for live
applied to solve specific problems, such as data en route between a peripheral and its
business systems. storage destination in a computer.
APPN See advanced peer-to-peer networking. arithmetic unit Computer unit which performs
APR Asahi Photosensitive Resin. Proprietary calculations.
Japanese product for the manufacture of ARP See Address Resolution Protocol.
photopolymer plates. ARPA See Advanced Research Projects Agency.
aquatint Type of print using ‘mottled’ areas ARPANET See Advanced Research Projects
designed to resemble water-colour painting. Agency Network.
aquatone Form of collotype printing using a ARQ See automatic repeat request.
fine-screen gelatine-coated plate and offset array A series of items arranged in a meaningful
printing. pattern. In many programming applications,
AR Aspect ratio. the term is taken to refer simply to an area set
arabic figures The numerals 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. as dis- aside to store program data.
tinct from the Roman I, II, III, IV. Evolved from arrow Printing sign ➔ used to indicate direction.
Arabic symbols. Arabic figures can be typeset arrowhead Printed sign © which usually refers
as lining or non-lining figures. to a cross-reference.
Arachnophilia A Windows freeware HTML edi- art See artwork.
tor, available from ZDNet, that can also be artboard Woodfree board coated to a high finish
used to create Web pages from RTF docu- for fine printing of half-tones.
ments. art canvas Loose wove, strong cotton with a tis-
archetype Document or book written about the sue lining. Used in bookbinding.
typical themes and motifs of a particular time artificial intelligence (AI) The development of
and subject. processors that can perform functions normal-
Archie A system to automatically gather, index ly identified with human intelligence such as
and serve information on the Internet. The reasoning, learning and self-improvement in
initial implementation provided an indexed such a way that a device can improve its own
directory of filenames from all anonymous ftp operation.
archives. Later versions provide other collec- artificial parchment A paper which simulates
tions of information. (See also archive site, parchment.
Gopher, Prospero, wide area information art paper Paper coated with china clay and pol-
servers.) ished to a high finish.
architecture The design or arrangement of com- art platen Platen printing machine used for
ponents in a microprocessor. proofing or printing half-tones.
archival paper A paper with long-lasting quali- artwork 1. Original illustrative copy or typesetting
ties, usually with good colour retention. (See ready for reproduction at pre-film stage. 2. Illus-
also permanent paper.) trations, designs or photographs used in print-
archive To store data economically offline for ing.
future use in a computer system. Artype Proprietary name for a make of transfer
archive site An Internet host where files are type.
stored for public access via anonymous ftp, AS See autonomous system.
Gopher, World Wide Web or other file-han- ascender The part of a letter extending above the
dling tools. There may be several archive sites x-height, as e.g. in b, d, h, k and l. (See also
for, say, a Usenet newsgroup, where one may descender.)
be recognised as the main one and the others ASCII See American Standard Code for
act as mirrors. Archive sites are also known as Information Interchange.
ftp sites and ftp archives. (See also Archie.) ASCII coding See American Standard Code for
arc lamp Lamp that produces light by a current Information Interchange.
which arcs across two electrodes, usually of ASDL See asynchronous digital subscriber loop.
carbon (thus, carbon arcs). Used as a light ASE See application service element.
source in photography or plate-making. A series See A.
ARCnet See Attached Resource Computer ash or ash content Residue of paper after incin-
Network. eration, gauged by standard test. Represents
area composition See page make-up. the amount of loadings and fillers (mineral
area make-up Bringing together text and graph- content) that there are in the paper.
ics into a page or area layout. ASN See autonomous system number.
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ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One. The OSI demand.) Uses the principles of asymmetrical
language for describing abstract syntax, used modulation with upstream bit rates measured
in the presentation layer of the OSI seven- in kbps and downstream bit rates of up to 9
layer model to describe the sort of information Mbps. Will also effectively provide a greater
being exchanged. bandwidth for access to the Internet to those
aspect ratio The ratio of width to height. using dial-up connections over modems. Note
Common uses are to describe a pixel, a display that this provides an alternative to ISDN. In the
screen or a graphic. Although square pixels US, provides part of the National Information
(1:1) are considered preferable, most displays Infrastructure (NII).
use aspect ratios of about 5:4. The aspect ratio asynchronous Not synchronous (or synchro-
of graphics will not always appear to be the nised). Most often refers to data communi-
same on paper as it does on screen (partly cations in which the sending and receiving
because the pixel aspect ratio is not 1:1). When devices do not have to be synchronised and
graphics are transferred from one software thus the data is sent in groups or blocks, rather
package to another, care needs to be taken to than as a steady stream, between two devices.
preserve aspect ratios. The data must include start and stop bits to
ASPIC Acronym for Authors’ Symbolic Prepress indicate the beginning and end of each group
Interfacing Codes: an early generic coding sys- or block. Asynchronous can also refer to events
tem. that occur at different times rather than concur-
ASR Answer Send and Receive. Machine which rently, e.g. email communication is asynchro-
can send to and receive from a computer by nous. Similarly, a telephone conversation is
paper tape. asynchronous, in that signals are recognised,
assembler A computer program which converts equivalent to start and stop bits, which indicate
a low-level language into machine code. when to transfer control of the conversation.
Compare compiler, which converts a high- asynchronous assignment In asynchronous
level language into machine code. transfer mode, the manner in which individual
assembler box Part of a Linotype composing cells are allocated to different users in response
machine in which the line is assembled. to the varying demands of the traffic.
assembly Bringing together pieces of film to asynchronous computer A digital computer in
make up rows of pages and produce final which automatic progress from one operation to
imposed foils for platemaking. Also called the next is controlled by signals indicating that
planning. the previous operation has been completed.
assembly language A low-level computer lan- asynchronous data channel See anisochronous
guage which needs an assembler to translate it data channel.
into machine code. asynchronous multiplexer A device which pro-
assigned numbers The RFC in which the cur- vides an interface for up to 16 communications
rently assigned values used in network proto- devices (terminals, printers, keyboards).
col implementations are documented. This Programmable functions include parity check-
RFC is updated periodically and current infor- ing.
mation can be obtained from the IANA asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) A high-
(Interernet Assigned Numbers Authority). bandwidth method of transporting informa-
The IANA assigns numbers to new protocols, tion in short, fixed-length cells, designed to
ports, links etc. integrate the transport of all services on a sin-
asterisk Star-shaped symbol (*) often used as a gle network. Defined by the ITU-T for public
footnote reference mark. broadband-ISDN. Also known as ‘fast packet’
asymmetrical modulation A scheme in which and generally associated with a fast packet
the use of a communications line is maximised switching technology called cell relaying, in
by giving a larger share of the bandwidth to which information is handled in fixed cell
the modem which is transmitting the most lengths of 53 octets.
information. AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
asymmetric digital subscriber line (or loop) One of the largest US telecommunications
(ADSL) A digital telecommunications protocol providers. The Unix operating system and the
that allows transmission of VHS quality video C and C++ programming languages were
over standard telephone lines. This means that developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Until
VCR-quality video could be delivered to homes 1983, AT&T had a monopoly on the supply of
without the need for rewiring. (See video on telephone services in the US.
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AT command set A set of commands developed bits used. The encoding may be linear, logarith-
by Hayes Microcomputer Products for software mic or mu-law. Audio is replayed through a
control of modems. This set was emulated in sound card which converts the digital file back
Hayes-compatible modems and is now regard- into an analogue waveform. Sound is one com-
ed as standard for modems used with PCs. ponent of multimedia. (See also audio IFF,
ATM See asynchronous transfer mode, auto- audio interchange file formats and aliasing.)
matic teller machine, Adobe Type Manager. audio bridge A way of connecting a small num-
ATM adaptation layer (AAL) The interface ber of telephone lines in order to provide an
between services and the ATM (asynchronous audio conference. Audio bridges over ISDN
transfer mode) switching protocol. AAL 1 pro- are more effective than those over the PSTN
vides a constant bit rate at source and destina- because there are fewer problems with varying
tion, thus emulating a private circuit or leased audio levels and background noise conditions.
line. AAL 2 emulates a variable bit rate service audioconferencing A multi-party telephone con-
(e.g. voice). AAL 3 emulates a connection- versation. (See also computer conferencing
oriented service. AAL 4 emulates a connec- and videoconferencing.)
tionless service (e.g. SMDS). AAL 5 is a null audiographic teleconferencing Use of an elec-
adaptation layer. tronic whiteboard or shared screens as part of
ATS (Animal Tub Sized) Paper sized after man- teleconferencing.
ufacture with animal gelatine. audio IFF See audio interchange file format.
Attached Resource Computer Network audio interchange file format (AIFF, audio
(ARCnet) Originally a proprietary network IFF) A sound format developed by Apple
developed by DataPoint; now no longer propri- Computer for storing high-quality sampled
etary. Uses a star topology and a token-passing audio and musical instrument information. It
protocol. Slower than Ethernet at 2.5 Mbps but is now also used by Silicon Graphics and some
allows different kinds of transmission media professional audio packages.
(twisted pair, coaxial cable and fibre-optic cable) audiotex A system in which it is possible to
to be mixed in the same network. A revised access a database of audio messages using a
specification called ARCnet Plus supports bit touch-tone telephone. Is widely used as part of
rates of up to 20 Mbps (see bits per second). voice mail systems.
attachment A file sent with an email message. audio-visual (AV) Information provided on
May be compressed or encoded using BinHex media that use both sight and sound, such as
or uuencoding. In most cases uses MIME sound tapes and slides.
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) to audio-visual interleaved (avi) A video format
enable the attachment. used within Windows. Files using this format
attribute Property or characteristic. Within a DTD can be replayed using the Windows Media
(document type definition), attributes may be Player.
defined for SGML (Standard Generalised audit trail In workflow management, the facility
Markup Language) (and HTML (Hypertext to keep track of all successive versions of doc-
Markup Language)) tags or elements, as well as uments with information on when changes
possible values for an attribute. Within a docu- were made and by whom.
ment instance, a tag may include a particular AUP See acceptable use policy.
value for an attribute. Within typography, authentication Verification of the identity of a
attribute is used to mean type style, such as ital- person or process. In a communication system,
ic or bold, while in paint and draw programs, authentication verifies that messages really
attribute refers to line weights, colours and come from their stated source. (See also digital
styles, as well as to the colours and styles of fills. signature, encryption.)
(See also element, entity.) authorÕs corrections Corrections made by the
audio Sound on computers (and on audio com- author on proofs and changing the original
pact discs and digital audio tape). This is han- copy, as distinct from printerÕs error or literals
dled by storing a sequence of discrete samples. made by the typesetter. Author’s corrections
The continuous (analogue) sound waveform of are by convention marked in blue; printer’s
the original is sampled tens of thousands of errors or literals are marked in red.
times a second. Each sample represents the author-date A bibliographical reference system
intensity of the sound pressure wave for each comprising the author’s name and date of pub-
frequency at that instant. The quality of the dig- lication, e.g. Brown, 1984.
ital encoding is also affected by the number of author-date system See Harvard system.
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authoring Creating a hypertext or hypermedia adjust the letter fit of certain character combi-
document. There are a number of authoring nations in text so that spacing is kept visually
languages, such as Apple’s HyperCard, as well even.
as an ever-increasing number of Web author- automatic pile delivery System on modern
ing tools for creating HTML documents for the printing machines which jogs printed sheets
World Wide Web. into an orderly pile and gradually lowers the
Authorware Interactive Studio Software from accumulating stack.
Macromedia for developing interactive multi- automatic programming Any technique em-
media applications. Takes a more structured ployed to simplify program writing such as the
approach than the same company’s use of an assembler to translate a programmer’s
Macromedia Director. (See also Shockwave.) symbolic code into machine language.
auto-answer A feature supported on many automatic repeat request (ARQ) An error control
modems and all fax machines which allows protocol used in modems, in which the receiver
incoming calls to be answered automatically, asks the transmitter to resend corrupted data.
even if the user is not present. automatic teller machine (ATM) Cash dispenser
auto-dial A feature of advanced modems, usual- which uses credit or debit cards, authenticated
ly used for call-back, so that the modem can by the use of a PIN number.
call automatically without human interven- automatic transfer press A web-fed press which
tion. allows make-ready to proceed on one set of
autoflow In DTP systems, a facility which allows plates while a job is still running on a second set.
text to flow automatically into a preset layout There is then no press stop when the new job
or template. starts.
autograph Written words in the author’s hand- autonomous system (AS) A collection of routers
writing. under a single administration using a common
autographic transfer Method of reproducing Interior Gateway Protocol for routing packets.
hand-written material from a special hard- autonomous system number (ASN) Used for
sized transfer paper by lithography. routing on Internet. See autonomous system.
autokerning See automatic kerning. autopaster See flying paster.
autoleading In DTP, automatic leading set at autoplate Machine for producing curved print-
120% of the body type size. ing plates.
auto-lithography Drawing of original artwork autopositive film Photographic material which
on a lithographic printing plate. produces a positive image from a positive orig-
automatic bootstrap loader Allows system start- inal without an intermediate.
up from a variety of peripheral devices without auto-redial A feature supported on many
the need to enter commands from a keyboard. modems which allows redialling until a connec-
automatic dialling unit A device (typically a tion is made. The redial time can usually be set
modem) that is capable of automatically gener- to a value to suit the user. This is a particularly
ating signals which correspond to the dialled useful feature for dial-up connection to bulletin
digits of a call. boards and Internet points of presence.
automatic error correction Referring to the autoreversal film Type of film used for making
detection and correction (usually involving contact film duplication without requiring an
retransmission) of transmission errors. The intermediate stage of negative or positive,
degree of correction will be dependent on the i.e. will give a negative from a negative or posi-
error checking codes employed and equipment tive from a positive. Also known as direct-
configuration. duplicating film.
automatic feeder Device on a printing or folding autosplice See flying paster.
machine which draws paper into the machine. autotracing The conversion of a bitmap to a vector
automatic guided vehicle See AGV. or outline image. Most autotracing programs
automatic heading The positioning of a heading are able to trace images in TIFF or pcx format
on consecutive pages by means of a generic and output as Encapsulated PostScript.
instruction at the start of a project, common on Autotracing is useful for converting images
modern page make-up systems. which have been scanned to images which can
automatic imposition equipment See projection be manipulated using a draw program.
platemaking equipment. auxiliary storage See backing store.
automatic kerning or autokerning The ability of AV Audio-visual.
some typesetting systems automatically to avatar A computer-generated figure, intended to
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represent a human on a computer screen. In the machine, e.g. hyphenation and justification of
early days of videoconferencing, it was suggested a text file while other material is being input.
that such an approach might be used to reduce background processing Low-priority tasks, in a
bandwidth requirements. multitasking environment, that are performed
avi See audio-visual interleaved. when higher-priority programs are inactive. In
a/w See artwork. wordprocessing, performance of a task such as
azerty Keyboard arrangement used in France as printing while the operator completes other
alternative to the standard qwerty keyboard tasks.
arrangement of characters. Accommodates background program One which does not
accents. depend on interaction with the user.
azure laid Blue-tinted laid paper, usually used backing In binding, the operations which form a
for stationery. shoulder on each side of the spine. Also known
azure wove As azure laid but without character- as jointing. In paper the carrier sheet for a
istic laid lines. peel-off stock.
backing store Mass storage medium on a com-
puter, e.g. floppy disk, magnetic tape etc.
backing-up See back-up.
back lining Strip of paper or fabric glued to the
B spine of a book to give reinforcement strength.
(See also first and second linings.)
back link A link back to the point from which
the last link was made.
B The B series is an international ISO range of backlist Publisher’s list of those books published
sizes designed for large items (wallcharts, before the current date and still in print.
posters) and falling between the A series sizes. back margin The margin of a book nearest the
(See also A, C.) See Appendix. spine.
BA Booksellers Association. back number Copy of a previous issue of a peri-
BABT approval Approval by the British odical.
Approval Board for Telecommunications, indi- back-of-book Pages in a periodical following the
cated by a green circle. Any equipment, most editorial; often classified advertising.
commonly modems, requires this approval backoff Where a host that has experienced a
before it can be legally connected to the UK collision on a network waits for a (random)
telephone system. A red triangle means that amount of time before attempting to retrans-
approval has not (yet) been obtained. mit.
back 1. The binding edge of a book. The back backplane The wiring and connecting units
margin is the space between the type and bound that allow a computer to be connected to its
edge. 2. In binding, to form a shoulder on each peripherals.
side of the spine. See backing, rounding and backplaning (or back planing) Method of reduc-
backing. ing the thickness of newly cast stereos (see
backbone The primary connectivity mechanism stereotype) by trimming the reverse side on a
of a hierarchical distributed system. All stub planing machine.
and transit networks which have connectivity backs Combined back margins of a book.
to an intermediate system on the backbone are backslant Backward sloping typeface, i.e. oppo-
assured of connectivity to each other. site to italic.
backbone site A key Internet site, which backslash The slash character (\). It is used to
processes a large amount of third-party traffic, separate subdirectories in DOS commands.
especially if it is the home site of any of the Note, however, that Unix uses the forward
regional co-ordinators for the Usenet maps. slash command for this purpose and, as most
(See also rib site, leaf site.) Internet hosts run on Unix machines, it is nec-
back-edge curl Distortion of the back edge of a essary for DOS users to remember this when
sheet of paper usually caused by heavy solids using such programs as ftp.
too close to the back edge. Also, tail-end hook. backspace The movement of the cursor of a
backer card Display card fixed to back of dump VDU or a printing head in a backwards direc-
bin or stand. tion along a line.
background Computer processing mode which back-step collation See black-step collation.
can occur concurrently with the main use of the backstrip A strip of paper or linen which is glued
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down the spine of a book after the pages have banding An effect seen on low-resolution print-
been sewn and rounded, prior to the case being ers when graduated fills are printed, in that
added. the transition is shown in distinct, contrasting
back swell A build-up of thread or glue at the bands rather than in one continuous flow. The
spines of books during binding causing the higher the resolution of the printer, the less
spines to swell undesirably. banding will be visible. It is also possible to
backup MS DOS command for saving selected observe banding on-screen, depending on the
groups of files held on from disk, usually the screen resolution, but this does not mean that
hard disk, to a back-up disk. (See also Restore.) the bands will necessarily print.
back-up The act of duplicating data for security band strapping Enclosing a stack of printed
purposes. material with a strong, thin plastic band to
back-up ad Advertisement published in conjunc- secure it. The machine is a Ôband strapper’.
tion with an insert or editorial announcement. bandwidth Technically, the difference, in hertz
Backus-Naur form (BNF) A grammar of gram- (Hz), between the highest and lowest frequen-
mars (or metasyntax) for specifying the syntax of cies of a transmission channel or the range of
programming languages, command sets etc. frequencies required to transmit a signal.
SGML and HTML Document Type Definitions However, as typically used, the rate at which
can be regarded as BNF grammars. data can be sent through a given communica-
backward read A technique which allows a mag- tions circuit: e.g. voice over the telephone net-
netic tape to be read while the tape is running work requires a bandwidth of 3kHz while
backwards. uncompressed video requires a bandwidth of
backwater Liquid containing dissolved ingredi- 6MHz. See broadband, voice band, wideband.
ents in papermaking process, which is passed bandwidth top-up The opening up of an ISDN
through the wire when stock is deposited. Also channel when a private circuit becomes con-
known as whitewater. gested. The channel is closed again when the
BackWeb A push technology that enables Web traffic subsides.
site owners to create their own controlled bang path A way of describing a UUCP elec-
Internet channels to deliver targeted and per- tronic mail address naming a sequence of
sonalised content directly to end users. This is hosts through which a message must pass to
rather like PointCast, except that PointCast get to the addressee. So called because each
sends only public information. BackWeb’s hop is signified by a bang sign (or exclamation
patented Polite Agent unobtrusively monitors mark ‘!’). Now that Internet addressing is
an Internet user’s online activity and, when available, this notation is rarely used, although
bandwidth is available, BackWeb incremental- the terminology is used to described the
ly downloads user-requested information sequence of hosts through which a message
using UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Because may pass before it is delivered to the intended
the downloads take place when data-transfer recipient.
levels are otherwise low, they do not affect a bank Grade of lightweight writing and printing
user’s other activities and real-time delays paper used for correspondence, multi-part sets
appear shorter. Users are able to schedule dead- etc. Weights over 60gsm are known as bonds.
lines by which time files should be available. banner 1. Large headline on advertisement or
(See also Castanet and Netscape Netcaster.) newspaper story. 2. Poster or cloth strip con-
bad break Undesirable end-of-line hyphenation taining an advertising message.
of a word. barcode A horizontal strip of vertical bars of vary-
bagasse Fibre sometimes used in papermaking ing widths, groups of which represent charac-
obtained from sugar cane. ters. There are various different standards but
baggy paper Loosely wound web. each symbol typically contains a leading quiet
BAK A filename extension used by several oper- zone, start character, data character(s) including
ating systems to identify backup copies of files. an optional check character, stop character and a
band A group of tracks on a magnetic disk. A trailing equate zone. In addition to convention-
communications frequency range between two al barcodes, there are also radial and two-
defined limits. dimensional coding systems, which are used for
Banda A type of duplicator, which draws the specialised applications such as automatic
image onto a sheet of special paper which is warehousing. Barcode readers usually use visi-
then attached to a drum. The drum rotates and ble red light with a wavelength between 632.8
prints onto paper passing under it. and 680 nanometers.
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barcode reader See optical wand. material, usually paper, defined in grams per
baryta Heavy grade of coated paper sometimes square metre. 2. (US) Weight in pounds per
used for reproduction proofs. ream of paper cut to basic size. Typical US
BAS A filename extension common to several weights for book papers are 50lb (equivalent to
operating systems denoting BASIC source 74gsm), 55lb (equivalent to 81gsm), 60lb
program files. (equivalent to 89gsm). See Appendix.
base alignment Aligning characters of different Baskerville Typeface designed by John Baskerville
sizes on the same line. See baseline, align. in the 18th century and still widely used.
baseband A transmission method through which bastard progressives Set of progressive proofs
digital signals are sent without modulation. In showing every possible colour combination of
general, only one communication channel is the four process colours.
available at any given time. Most local area bastard size Non-standard size of any material
networks are baseband networks, e.g. Ethernet. or format.
baseboard artwork or baseline artwork Artwork bastard title See half title.
presented on a stiff base with a tissue overlay BAT An operating system filename extension
indicating colour splits. that denotes a batch file.
base-level synthesizer The minimum capability batch Method of computer processing where
required by the Microsoft MPC specification input data is collected into batches before pro-
for a music synthesizer within Microsoft cessing, as distinct from real time or interactive
Windows. It must be capable of playing at least operation. A batch pagination program is one
six simultaneous notes on three melodic instru- where the machine operator sets up the specifi-
ments, together with three simultaneous notes cation parameters by using a menu, and then
on percussion instruments. (See also MIDI.) allows the program to make up the text into
baseline The line on which characters are based, pages with no further intervention. Contrast an
i.e. the line along the bottom of characters, such interactive page make-up program, which
as a, b and c, which do not have descenders (as requires continuous dialogue with the operator.
in j, p, q and y). Line spacing is measured Bath Information and Data Services (BIDS) A
between baselines. Leading is extra spacing data provision service at the University of
added, based on the strips of lead (the metal) Bath, providing bibliographic and electronic
which compositors used to add between blocks document delivery services to the UK higher
of type. education sector.
base paper Paper to which a coating is to be batter Broken or damaged type, blocks or plates.
added. Also called body paper or body stock. battered Damaged printing surface.
BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic battery-backed RAM A form of non-volatile
Instruction Code. A widely used high-level storage in which power is permanently sup-
computer programming language. plied to memory modules even when power to
basic bandwidth unit (BBU) The smallest unit of the computer is removed.
bandwidth which can be allocated. baud The information-carrying capacity of a com-
basic rate interface (BRI) See basic rate ISDN. munication channel in terms of the number of
basic rate ISDN (BRI) This is a UK version of changes of state or level per second, i.e. the fre-
ISDN which consists of two 64 kbps channels quency of electrical oscillation. This is the same
(B – bearer – channels) for speech or data, plus as the bit rate only for two-level modulation
a 16 kbps channel (D – delta – channel) used with no frame or stop bits. Many people con-
for signalling and control purposes. The aggre- fuse bit rate and baud, probably because most
gate data rate is thus 2 3 64 + 16 = 144 kbps. lower-speed modems have the bit rate and baud
Basic rate ISDN is often referred to as 2B + D. rate (also called ‘symbol rate’) identical. It is
BRI is the kind of ISDN interface most likely to therefore less ambiguous to use the term bits
be found in a residential service. per second (bps) when describing modem rates
basic size American paper term for the specified of transmission. The term baud was originally a
sheet size used to define basis weight. unit of telegraph signalling speed, set at one
Different papers have different basic sizes: the Morse code dot per second and named after
basic size applied to book papers is 25 3 380. Emil Baudot (1845-1903), the French engineer
basil Grade of leather produced from sheepskin who constructed the first successful teleprinter.
and used in the production of account book baud barf The apparently random characters
bindings. which appear on a monitor when a modem con-
basis weight or substance 1. The weight of a nection is used with some protocol setting (espe-
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cially line speed) incorrect, when voice commu- ring a bell on teletype equipment. Now more
nication occurs on the same line, or when there commonly used to permit more codes than is
is really bad line noise. Baud barf is not com- possible from the TTS six-level coding structure.
pletely random, and experienced hackers (in Bell 103 The variant of V.21 created by AT&T
both the good and bad senses) can extract infor- when it had a telephone system monopoly in
mation from it about the sending modem. the US.
Baudot code Five-bit code developed by the bell code Code permitting more commands than
French engineer Emil Baudot in the 1870s (see is possible on the TTS six-level coding structure.
baud); still used for telex. belt press Printing press using two continuous
baud rate See baud. belts for printing books in-line from a paper
baudy language A graphical language for con- web to a delivered book, ready for binding at
veying feelings, also described as emoticons the end of the press. See Cameron belt press.
and smileys. Obviously a pun on baud (and of benchmark test A routine designed to evaluate
course ‘body language’) e.g. : ) = smile, ; ) = the performance of a device under typical con-
wink, : ( frown. The possibilities are limited only ditions.
by imagination and the ASCII character set. Ben Day Mechanical process of tint laying
bboard See bulletin board system. superseded by photographic screen tints.
BBS See bulletin board system. Named after its developer, Ben Day.
BBU See basic bandwidth unit. BER See bit error rate.
BCC See block check character. Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) An
B-channel The main type of component channel implementation of a Domain Name Server
of ISDN services, used for carrying data or developed and distributed by the University of
voice. B stands for ‘bearer’. See basic rate ISDN. California at Berkeley. Many Internet hosts
BDG Binding. now run BIND.
BDG/ND Binding/no date. Berkeley Network (B-NET) Unix Ethernet soft-
beard Distance from the bottom of the x-height of ware developed at the University of California
a piece of type to the bottom edge of the body. at Berkeley, which is regarded as the de facto
bearers 1. Type-high metal strips, surrounding standard and distributed by Unisoft.
the type for protection when moulding stereo- Berne Convention International copyright
types. 2. Flat surfaces at the end of printing agreement signed in Berne in 1886.
press cylinders. Berners-Lee, Tim The leading developer of the
beater (beating engine) Large vat used midway World Wide Web at CERN in the early 1990s.
through the papermaking process to refine liq- bespoke software Software written for a specific
uid pulp. Replaced in modern papermaking by application for a single customer. Also, custom
the cone refiner. software.
beater-sized pulp Papermaking furnish to which best effort A classification for low-priority net-
the size is added during beating rather than at work traffic, used with reference to the
a later stage in the process. See internal-sizing, Internet. Different kinds of traffic have differ-
engine-sizing, sizing. ent bandwidth requirements and therefore dif-
beating Part of the papermaking process where ferent priorities: e.g. certain types of real-time
fibres are mechanically treated in a cone-refin- communication, such as videoconferencing,
er (beater) to modify their characteristics to need a certain minimum guaranteed band-
those required by the desired paper quality in width and latency and thus need a high prior-
manufacture. Also, refining. ity. Electronic mail, on the other hand, has no
Because ItÕs Time NETwork (BITNET) A wide- real-time need and is classified as a best-effort
area academic computer network in the US service.
based originally on IBM mainframe systems beta ray gauge Device which uses radio isotopes
connected via leased 9600 bps lines. Operates to measure the weight of paper.
as a single network with EARN in Europe and beta testing The stage at which software is tested
other networks in different parts of the world. under real conditions, prior to general release.
bed The flat metal part of a printing machine See acceptance testing and alpha testing.
which holds the type form during printing. bevel 1. Sloping surface of a piece of type
beeper See pager. between the face and the shoulder. 2. Outer
Bekk smoothness Measurement of smoothness edges of letterpress printing plate which are
of paper surface using the Bekk instrument. below type height and by which the plate is
bell A control character originally employed to secured. Also known as a flange .
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Beyond Press Software package which allows bill of lading A statement of goods being carried
QuarkXPress files to be repurposed in HTML by sea, used as a document of title by the con-
for the Web. signor, and as a receipt by the shipping line.
BŽzier curve Geometric curve whose shape can bimetal plate Lithographic plate where the
be defined through a series of intermediate printing image area base is usually brass or
points called control handles. copper, and the non-printing area is usually
bf Bold face. See bold. aluminium, stainless steel or chromium. Used
B format paperback Massmarket paperback of for long runs.
trimmed size 198 3 126. binary See binary system.
bible paper Very thin, strong, opaque printing binary-coded decimal A numeric representation
paper used where low bulk, or weight, is need- system in which each decimal digit is repre-
ed. Originally made for bibles and prayer sented by four binary digits.
books, also used for dictionaries and air mailed binary counter A computer component compris-
publications. ing a series of bistable devices, or flip flops,
Bibliographic Retrieval Service (BRS) An each storing one bit of a byte.
online information service providing indexed binary file Any file that is not ordinary text, i.e.
access to scholarly, scientific and technical one which contains more than just standard (7-
publications. Two leading suppliers are BRS bit) ASCII characters. This includes spread-
Information Technologies and DIALOG sheet files, databases, executable programs and
Information Services. most wordprocessing files.
bibliography List of books and articles relating binary synchronous communications (BSC,
to a written work, usually given at the end of bisync(h) or bisynchronous communications)
the work. Each item in the list may include A protocol developed by IBM for half-duplex
details of author, title, publisher etc. links and widely used in networks on main-
biblio page Reverse of title page; the page which frames. Bisynch communications need the
gives bibliogrphical details about the book. See clocks on the computers sending and receiving
copyright page. the information to be synchronised before trans-
bibliophile A collector or lover of books. mission begins. (See also asynchronous trans-
bi-directional printing Movement both from left mission.)
to right and right to left in a line printing binary system (base two) A method of working
machine (e.g. daisywheel printer) thus increas- with numbers based on only two digits, 1 and
ing output. 0. Used in all digital computing systems
BIDS See Bath Information and Data Services. because 1 and 0 can represent on and off, or
biff To notify someone that they have incoming connected and disconnected. All data input
mail. Named after a Unix utility, which was in into computer systems and transferred over
turn named after a golden Labrador at the communications links is therefore converted
University of California at Berkeley which from the everyday decimal system to binary.
barked when the post arrived. Octal and hexadecimal systems (based on 8
bilevel bitmap, bilevel coding A black-and- and 16) are also widely used in computing.
white bitmap, in which each pixel is either on binary transfer A File Transfer Protocol which
or off. Thus the two levels of a bilevel bitmap allows binary files to be transferred between
are black or white. Bilevel coding is used in fax computers.
where each pixel in a scan is represented as BIND See Berkeley Internet Name Domain.
either black or white with no representation of binder 1. Device for holding loose-leaf sheets.
a degree of greyness. Grey levels can be simu- 2. Person who does bindery work.
lated on output by a mixture of black and bindery Place where binding is carried out.
white pixels in appropriate proportions. binding 1. The process of fastening printed
bill Poster. sheets together and securing them in a cover.
bill of exchange A common payment instrument 2. The bound part of a publication, i.e. cover,
for exporters, defined as ‘an unconditional stitching etc.
order in writing, addressed by one person to binding board or binderÕs board Board used in
another, signed by the person giving it, requir- the covers of a case-bound book. Usually good
ing the person to whom it is addressed to pay quality and single-ply. See case board, grey
on demand or at a fixed and determinable board, millboard, unlined chipboard.
future time, a sum certain in money to the BinHex A Macintosh format for representing a
order of a specified person, or to bearer’. binary file using only printable (i.e. ASCII)
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:26 am Page 19
characters. Because BinHex files are simply to describe the image itself. Unlike vector
text, they can be sent through most electronic graphics, bitmaps cannot be resized without
mail systems and stored on most computers, loss of quality. If a bitmap represents a coloured
although it is necessary to obtain appropriate image, there will be more than one bit for each
software for non-Macintosh computers in pixel, i.e. each colour will have its own bits.
order to read and use these files. The suffix hqx (See also raster, 1-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit colour.)
usually indicates a BinHex format file. (See bitmap display A screen on which each pixel
also BinHex 4.0, uuencode.) displayed corresponds directly to one or more
BinHex 4.0 A 7-bit-wide representation of a bits in the computer’s video memory. Such a
Macintosh file with CRC error checking. display has fast updating compared with a ter-
BinHex 4.0 files are designed for communica- minal connected via a serial line where the
tion of Mac files over long paths. Some speed of the line limits the speed at which the
Macintosh mailing systems will put attach- display can be updated. Almost all modern
ments into BinHex 4.0 automatically, which personal computers and workstations have
can cause problems if the receiving machine is bitmap displays, which means that graphical
not also a Macintosh. user interfaces can be used, together with
BIOS Basic Input Output System: that part of an interactive graphics and choice of on-screen
operating system that controls the interface fonts.
with computer hardware. bitmap editors See paint program.
bipolar signal An electrical line signalling bitmap font (raster font) A font in which each
method used in digital communication, where character is stored as an array of pixels (or a
the signal alternates between positive and neg- bitmap). Such fonts are not easily scalable, in
ative polarities. contrast to vector or outline fonts (like those
B-ISDN See broadband ISDN. used in PostScript and TrueType). In practice,
bisync, bisynch See binary synchronous com- bitmap fonts need to be stored in all the sizes
munications. required, which not only limits their function-
bisynchronous communications See binary ality but also takes up space on the storage
synchronous communications. medium, particularly at large sizes. Of course,
big-endian The ordering of the components of a all fonts are bitmapped when displayed
hierarchical name in which the domain name onscreen or printed. The difference between
is specified first. outline and bitmap fonts is that the bitmaps for
bit An acronym for binary digit, the smallest outline fonts are created on the fly.
item of information which a computer can bitmap graphic A graphic image made up of
hold, being either 1 or 0, essentially represent- arrays of dots. Sometimes called a paint-type
ing a switch being open or closed. More mean- graphic. Bitmap graphics are typically line
ingful information is handled by using combi- images, consisting either of solids or flat tinted
nations of bits, called bytes. In serial commu- areas. Line and tint drawings and type can be
nications, bits are transferred one at a time. displayed as bitmap graphics. Compare with
bit bang Serial data transmission by rapidly vector graphics.
changing, in software, a single output bit at bitmap image See bitmap and bilevel bitmap.
appropriate times. Bit bang was used on cer- BITNET See Because ItÕs Time NETwork.
tain early computers. The technique is now bit-oriented protocols Protocols that deal with
being used again on some RISC architectures information transfer at the bit level.
because it takes very little processor time. bit pipe A path using circuit switching which
bite Stage in the process of etching a metal block provides unrestricted transfer of information.
or plate with acid. Each application of the acid The user is responsible for protocols above the
increases the depth of the etch and is called a physical layer.
bite. bit rate The rate at which digital information
bit error rate (BER) The number of bits received can be sent over a communications system,
with errors relative to the total number of bits measured in bps or kbps or Mbps.
received, given either as 1 in 106 or as 10-6, indi- bits per inch The number of bits recorded per
cating that 1 in 1 000 000 (a typical error rate) inch of magnetic tape or disk track. See bpi.
have errors. bits per second (bps) A measure of bandwidth
bitmap A two-dimensional array, in which pixels or data transmission speed. Often quoted in
are either on or off, i.e. black or white, or 1 or 0. kbps (1000 bps) or Mbps (1million bps). The
Can easily be stored in a computer. Often used ITU-T has set a number of standards for data
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book-block Book at the binding stage after sewing mouse diagonally. Type can be placed or typed
or perfect binding but before forwarding oper- into it.
ations have been carried out. bourgeois Obsolete term for 9pt type.
book club Club whose members are offered bowl Typographical descriptive term for enclosed
books at discounted prices. part of a letter as in a p or o. Also known as a
book jacket Protective wrap-around to a book, counter.
usually made of paper. boxboard Card used in carton-making.
bookmark A mark to indicate a position in a docu- boxed heading A ranged-left heading, as distinct
ment (used e.g. in Acrobat files). Also used to from a cross head which is centred.
describe a WWW reference to a document, boxhead ruling Space at head of a ruled column
which may be on the same server or a different where headings are to be inserted.
one. It is possible with most WWW browsers to bpi Bits per inch. The density at which data is
save a file of bookmarks and thus allow quick encoded on a magnetic medium is expressed in
location of frequently referenced documents. bits per inch. 1600 bpi is typical for standard
book paper Paper with characteristics good for magnetic tape.
book printing but also used more generally. BPIF British Printing Industries Federation.
bookplate Printed (and often specially designed) BPOP Bulk packed on pallets. Refers to consign-
label glued onto the flyleaf of a book to show ments of sheets.
who owns it. See ex libris. bps See bits per second.
book proof Page proofs paperback-bound in the brace Form of bracket { }, mainly used in tables.
form of the finished book. bracketed serif An additional curved line or
bookwork Production of books. flourish joined to the main part of a letter, con-
Boolean search A search formalism using opera- trast wedge serif.
tors such as AND and OR. Used in most brackets Pairs of marks ( ), [ ], used in text. Also
searching programs on the Internet. called parentheses.
boot or boot-up To load the operating system or BRAD Acronym for British Rate and Data.
programs automatically into a computer. Publication listing all UK publications and their
bootstrap An initial set of instructions executed advertising specifications and requirements.
by a computer usually to load the operating Braille System of printing for blind people using
system. characters made up of configurations of raised
borax Chemical substance used to accelerate the dots which are read by finger touch.
development of photographic film. branching coupler In optical fibres, a device for
borders Decorative designs usually edging the splitting the signal from one fibre into two or
page or type. more fibres.
BOT Beginning of tape. Mark showing start brass A die made from metal and used for block-
point of computer tape. ing, e.g. spine brass which is used for blocking
bounce The return to the sender of an electronic the spine of a case prior to casing in. A true
mail message that is undeliverable, together brass is made by engraving the metal, brass,
with an error notification (a bounce message) mechanically. The normally used brass is pro-
usually explaining why the message has not duced photomechanically on copper or zinc.
been delivered. See chemac.
bounce mail See bounce message. Bravo Imaging model developed by Adobe.
bounce message (bounce mail) A message brayer Small hand roller for applying ink when
returned to the sender of email explaining why proofing.
it has not been possible to deliver the message breadboard A circuit board on which experimen-
to the intended recipient or to the next link in a tal circuits are assembled and tested.
bang path. Reasons may include a non-existent break To send an RS-232 break (two character
or misspelled user name or a relay site that is widths of line high) over a serial line. (In gen-
down, i.e. not accessible. eral computing the term is also used in other
bound books Term sometimes used for books ways.)
where the coverboards are attached to the book breaker (breaking machine) Vat used in the first
before applying cover material or affixing end- stages of papermaking to break down the
papers. Much stronger than cased books and crude pulp and dissolve it in water. Replaced
expensive to produce. in modern papermaking by the hydrapulper.
bounding box In DTP, a rectangular space on break for colour American term meaning to
the page which is defined by dragging the colour separate into printing colours.
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breaking length Measurement of the limiting what it means depends on the date. In 1995, the
length of a uniformly wide strip of paper boundary between broadband and narrow-
where the strip held by one end breaks due to band was often considered to be at 2 Mbps.
its own weight. However, higher speeds are becoming com-
breaking strength Paper measurement to deter- mon, even for wide area networks.
mine comparative strengths. broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) A broadband net-
break-line Term for the short last line of a para- work in which ATM (asynchronous transfer
graph. (See also club-line, widow.) mode) and SONET (Synchronous Optical
break-out box A test device, which is inserted NETwork) transport are used to provide four
into a serial communications connection to service classes delineated according to connec-
test the signals on each wire. tion orientation, the need for an end-to-end
break-up Pull apart a letterpress forme and dis- timing relation, and whether the service bit
tribute the type. rate is constant or varying. This proposed suc-
breath-of-life packet An Ethernet packet that cessor to ISDN will operate at broadband
contains bootstrap code (i.e. code which will speeds, even to the home (but not over the
allow a computer to reboot or restart), sent out existing phone cabling). Should be distin-
periodically from a computer on the network guished from primary rate ISDN which works
to infuse the breath of life into any computer at 2 Mbps, but is actually made of 64 kbps
on the network that has crashed. Computers ISDN circuits and is not a fully integrated ser-
which rely on such packets must have suffi- vice. The two main proposed broadband ISDN
cient hardware or firmware code to wait for (or rates are 150 Mbps and 600 Mbps.
to request) such a packet during the reboot broadband network A network that can support
process. a wide range of frequencies, typically from
breve Symbol placed above a vowel to show it is audio up to video, and employing frequency
pronounced short. division multiplexing on a coaxial cable.
brevier Obsolete type size, approximately 8pt. broadband transmission In data transmission,
BRI See basic rate ISDN. the ability to transmit along a communications
bridge A device which transfers traffic either channel (e.g. a cable) which can be split into
between homogeneous or between network seg- several narrower bands simultaneously so that
ments using datalink layer information. These several different kinds of transmission – voice,
segments would have a common network layer video, data – can be transmitted at the same
address. time.
brightness Measure of how much light is per- broadcast A transmission either addressed to
ceived by the eye. The more correct term is two or more stations at the same time or a
luminance, but brightness is important in transmission to multiple, unspecified recipi-
some methods of representing colour in com- ents. (The terms narrowcast and personalcast
puter graphics. have been coined to describe more focused
Brightype Obsolete machine which converted transmission.) On Ethernet, a broadcast packet
letterpress type and engravings to photograph- is a special type of multicast packet which all
ic images for use in offset lithography or nodes on the network are always willing to
gravure printing. receive.
brilliant Obsolete term for 4pt type. broadcast quality video Flicker-free video (more
bristol Good quality paperboard with smooth than about 30 frames per second) at a resolu-
finish. tion of about 800 3 640 pixels.
British Printing Industries Federation broadcast storm A broadcast on a network that
(BPIF) Organisation representing the interests causes multiple hosts to respond by broadcast-
of British printing companies. ing themselves, causing the storm to grow
British Standards Institution (BSI) British exponentially.
national co-ordinating body for technical stan- broad fold Method of folding sheets of printed
dards in industry. paper to form a book which has the paper
British Telecom The largest telecommunications grain running from top to bottom of a page.
provider in the UK, formerly part of Royal broadsheet Newspaper size approximating to
Mail. Now known as BT. A2 when folded.
broadband This can be defined in a number of broadside Traditional ‘standard’ sheet size from
ways. It is generally used to describe networks which the subdivisions of quarto, sexto, octavo
faster than those in common use, so exactly etc. derive.
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brochure Promotional booklet about a company BT The current name for British Telecom.
or product, often produced to a high quality to bubble card See blister pack.
create an image of success. bubble cassette Removable and portable bubble
broke Defective paper discarded during manu- memory available in cassettes of 64kb and
facture and usually re-pulped. Usually marked 256kb capacity.
xxx. (See also retree.) bubblejet printer Printer using a technology
broken ream Part of a ream of paper left after use. developed by Canon in which small bubbles of
bromide Photographic light-sensitive paper ink are heated and propelled from the print-
used in photographic reproduction or photo- head onto the paper.
typesetting, producing a positive image. bubble memory Form of backing storage which
bronzing Process for obtaining a metallic printed uses magnetically charged crystal chips to hold
effect. Metallic or bronze powder is applied to data. Not widely used.
printed sizing ink while the ink is still wet giv- bubble sort In which successive data items are
ing a metallic lustre. exchanged if necessary, starting with the first
brouter A device which bridges some packets pair on a list.
(i.e. forwards them based on datalink layer BUBL See Bulletin Board for Libraries.
information) and routes other packets (i.e. for- buckle folder Machine for sheet folding where
wards them based on network layer informa- the sheet is bent or buckled by a metal plate.
tion). The bridge/route decision is based on Also called a plate folder. The main alternative
configuration information. folding method is knife folding on a knife
brownline See brownprint. folder.
brown mechanical pulp Mechanical paper pulp buckram A heavy and strong binder’s cloth
produced from boiled or steamed wood. made from woven textile stiffened with size.
brownprint Also known as a Van Dyke or buffer A temporary storage area for data.
brownline. Term (mainly used in America) for bug Computer term for a defect interfering with
a photographic print from a negative used to a computer operation.
check positioning before making printing built-up letter Graphic term for a letter which is
plates. Similar to blueprint. first drawn and filled in after.
browse To look through data in a database or bulk Paper term used to describe the degree of
online system. thickness of paper. Measured by caliper, volume
browser A program that requests, interprets and or ppi (pages per inch) (US).
displays hypertext, or HTML, documents bulk basis Obsolete paper term describing the
available over the World Wide Web (although thickness (32nds of an inch) of 320 pages in
it is often also able to use other Internet tools). 60lb quad crown (68gsm).
Also provides tools for navigating and for fol- bulk between boards The total thickness of a
lowing links. Another name for a World Wide book-block without counting the thickness of
Web client program. Commonly used the front and back boards.
browsers include Netscape Navigator and bulking dummy A blank book to show the type
Internet Explorer. of paper being proposed and the bulk that this
BRS See Bibliographic Retrieval Service. paper will achieve.
brush coating Method of coating a web of paper bulking index American paper measurement of
where the coating mix is distributed by a set of bulk in inches of thickness per pound of basis
stationary and oscillating brushes. weight.
BS Number given to a British Standard published bulking number American paper measurement
by the BSI (British Standards Institution). of the number of sheets that bulk to 1 inch in
BS5750 The British Standard setting out the thickness under standard pressure. Multiply
requirements for certification for quality assur- bulking number by 2 to give pages per inch
ance and quality control within a company. (ppi).
The standard does not prescribe how to bulk wrapping/bulk packing Wrapping several
achieve fitness for purpose but rather identifies copies of a periodical, as distinct from individ-
the disciplines and specifies the procedures ual wrapping.
and criteria needed to ensure a product or ser- bulky mechanical Grades of paper made pre-
vice meets customer requirements. Complies dominantly from mechanical pulp to a specif-
with International Standard ISO 9000. ic and high bulk, e.g. as often used for cheap
BSC See binary synchronous communications. paperback books.
B Series See B. bulldog First edition of a daily paper.
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bullet Phototypesetting term for a large dot used burster Machine that separates continuous sta-
for ornamentation. tionery into single sheets.
bulletin News sheet. burst factor A measure of the bursting strength
bulletin board See bulletin board system. of a paper.
Bulletin Board for Libraries (BUBL) A Gopher- burst index A measurement of paper bursting
based information service of interest to the strength relative to grammage under standard
library and information community (and others) test conditions.
running at the University of Bath. It was origi- burstiness The ratio of peak to average band-
nally a bulletin board service, hence the title. width required by a telecommunications ser-
bulletin board system (BBS, bboard) An electron- vice.
ic message centre, typically on the Internet, bursting strength The strength of a paper to
accessed by electronic mail and by dial-up over resist a uniformly distributed pressure under
a modem. Bulletin boards (named after real test conditions.
notice boards) are usually devoted to specific bursty traffic Where a local area network device
topics. They are in many ways similar to news- takes over the whole bandwidth for a very
groups on Usenet (which is essentially a distri- short period, which means a sudden burst of
buted BBS). There are publicly available areas activity.
and areas accessible only by password, or other bus A communication path (usually a series of
form of checking system, so that private bulletin wires) along which information is passed from
boards can be set up for group discussions. one part of a computer to another. The devices
bulls eye See hickey. are connected in parallel. A PC may have a
bump exposure Photographic term describing number of buses so that internal communica-
method of increasing highlight contrast when tion takes place at a speed similar to that of the
producing a half-tone by removing the screen processors themselves. Recent developments
briefly to remove any dots in the highlight have been local bus, PCI and VESA local bus,
area. all intended to prevent communications bottle-
bumping blocks Use of delicate hammering necks within systems.
from the back of a letterpress block to raise the Bush, Vannevar Author of the original paper
height of various parts. (1945) which suggested a hypertext-type sys-
bundling Compressing the folded sections at the tem, called memex.
beginning of the binding process in a special business press Periodicals directed to the busi-
bundling press which squashes the sections ness and professional sectors.
flat and expels the air from them prior to fur- butted lines Linecast slugs placed side by side
ther processing. producing a single line of type.
burin A pointed engraver’s steel tool used for butterfly wings See wing effect.
cutting. button An image or glyph on a screen, designed
burn Platemaking term for an exposure. to be clicked on, as a method of user input.
burn-out mask An opaque mask used in This may be to start a program, change the dis-
platemaking to protect the image areas of a play or, in hypertext viewers, to indicate a
printing plate while the non-image areas are hyperlink, from which a link or jump can be
exposed for long enough to burn out all remain- made to a different part of the same document
ing unwanted traces of sellotape, edge marks or to another document. Hyperlinks are also
etc. Used on positive-working plates. often indicated by using a different colour, font
burr A rough edge of metal left after burnishing or screen attribute, such as underlining.
or cutting. B/W Black and white.
burst Rupture of a paper web due to one of a byline Writer’s or journalist’s name on an article
variety of causes, e.g. the reel being too tightly or newspaper story.
wound or air trapped into the reel when wind- byte A combination of eight bits, generally used to
ing. represent a character. There are 256 permuta-
burst binding A form of unsewn adhesive bind- tions of the eight 1s and 0s and therefore 256
ing where the sections are ‘burst’ or punched characters can be represented in principle.
along the spines, typically on a web printing However, in the official ASCII character set,
press, thus giving extra adhesion between only the first seven bits are used, so that 128
sheets as well as sections when the sections are characters are defined and of these some are
bound. Also known as punch binding. (See used for control purposes. Bytes, kilobytes (1kb
also notch binding.) = 1024 bytes) and megabytes (1Mb = 1024kbs =
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1 048 576 bytes) are also used to describe the size calcium hypochlorite Used for bleaching paper.
of both computer random access memory and calender A set of rollers on a paper machine
disk storage memory. Transmission speeds, which give a smooth finish to the web as it
however, are given in bits per second. In net- passes through by applying pressure.
working, the term octet is usually used in pref- Calendered paper has a smooth, medium gloss
erence to byte, because some systems use the finish. See also supercalender.
term byte for units that are not eight bits long. calf Leather of high quality used in bookbinding.
calf cloth An imitation leather binding material.
california case A kind of type case which accom-
modates both upper- and lower-case letters.
caliper The thickness of a sheet of paper or
C board, measured with a micrometer and usual-
ly expressed in thousandths-of-a-millimetre
caliper shear burst Web break during winding
C 1. A high-level programming language devel- caused by variations in roller nip.
oped for the Unix operating system on Digital call-back A user authentication scheme used by
Equipment Corporation PDP 11/70 minicom- some computers running dial-up services. The
puters. 2. The C series is an international ISO user dials in to the computer and gives his login
range of sizes for envelopes, designed to ID and password. The computer then breaks the
accommodate stationery in the A series sizes. connection and uses an auto-dial modem to call
(See also A, B.) See Appendix. back to the user’s registered telephone number.
C1S Paper coated on one side. If an unauthorised person discovers a user’s
C2S Paper coated on both sides. password, the call-back will go, not to him or
cable Although in the past cable has meant any her, but to the owner of that login, who will then
kind of electrical wiring, the term is now know that his account is under attack.
almost always used, at least in the communica- caller ID (CID) A feature of some modems.
tions industry, to mean fibre-optic cable. calligrapher Specialist in the art of handwriting.
cableless LAN A local area network using radio, calligraphy Art of handwriting or script draw-
microwave or infra-red links in place of cables. ing.
cable television (CATV) Supply of television calling line identifier The telephone number of
signals via cable (originally copper coaxial the device originating a call.
cable, but now fibre-optic cable), rather than callout Text used to point out and identify parts
by broadcast signal. of an illustration.
cache To store documents or images, usually CALS See Continuous Acquisition and
locally, after they have been accessed over the Lifecycle Support.
Internet in order that future access can be camber Convex surface of a roll of paper.
achieved more quickly. If a document or image Cambridge Ring A LAN, local area network,
is not available in the cache, the browser has to which, unlike the Ethernet configuration, is
return to the Internet to retrieve it. Cache is circular. A series of repeaters strengthens the
also used as a noun describing the place where signals as they are sent round the ring, and
the files have been cached. In computing gen- simultaneously check for and report on errors.
erally, cache has the meaning of storing tem- cameo Relief die stamping process.
porarily, usually to allow other information or camera-ready artwork or camera-ready copy
programs to be loaded into memory. (CRC) or camera-ready paste-up (CRPU) Pages
CAD Computer-Aided Design. The use of a com- produced by typesetting or by paste-up, which
puter graphics in design. are subsequently photographed to produce
CAD/CAE Computer-Aided Design/Engineering. printing plates. This method is gradually being
CAD/CAM Computer-Aided Design/Computer- replaced by sending a PostScript file which is
Aided Manufacture. output directly on a high-resolution imagesetter
caesura A pause, esp. in a line of poetry. or even on a digital printing press.
CAJUN CD-ROM Acrobat Journals Using Cameron belt press A web book press which,
Networks. linked to a binding line, can print, gather and
CAL See computer-assisted learning. bind a substantial book in one pass. Used pri-
calcium carbonate Chalk pigment used as a filler marily for paperbacks.
in some papers and as a white coating mix. Campus-wide information system (CWIS)
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Information and services made available at uni- carbon process Gravure colour correction
versity sites via kiosks running interactive com- processes which uses three-colour carbon tis-
puting systems, possibly via campus networks. sues.
Services routinely include directory information, carbon tissue 1. Thin paper coated with carbon
calendars, bulletin boards and databases. powder. 2. Sheet of light-sensitive material
cancel 1. To remove a leaf in a book and replace it used in photogravure.
with another. 2. Reprinted sheets for replacing carbro Continuous tone colour print.
cancelled leaves. carbro process Photographic technique for correct-
c&lc Capitals and lower case. ing colour before the positive stage.
c&sc Capitals and small capitals, i.e. words which card See board.
begin with capitals and have the other characters cardboard Any stiff sheet of card, usually com-
in small caps the height of the lower-case body prising several layers of paper pasted together.
size. card chase Small chase used for small stationery
canon Obsolete term for 48pt type. composition.
canonical name (CNAME) A hostÕs official name carding Thin spacing of lines of type.
as opposed to an alias. This is the first hostname card punch Keyboard machine which perforates
listed for its Internet address in the hostname cards for data storage or input. A card reader
database or the NIS map. A host with multiple reads the data.
network interfaces can have more than one card reader A device that produces signals from
Internet address and each address will have its holes sensed in a punched card.
own canonical name (plus any aliases). caret Proofreader’s mark indicating an insertion.
canvas Bookbinding cloth of good strength. Also CARL A document delivery service set up by the
known as art canvas. Colorado Alliance of Research Laboratories.
canvas note A type of embossed stationery carnet International customs document that
which simulates canvas. allows goods to cross several European fron-
CAP See Columbia AppleTalk Package. tiers by road but only incur duty payments at
capacitor A device that introduces a capacitance their final destination.
to an electric circuit. carriage paid Refers to a deal where goods are
cap height The height of the capital letters in a delivered with the freight element paid by the
particular typeface or font. (See also x-height.) sender. (See also cif.)
capillary rise The distance liquid travels vertically carriage return Keyboard command key which
up a strip of paper, measured by standard test. terminates a line of setting and may enter text
caps/capitals Capitals. Upper-case letters, e.g. A, from a computer screen into memory.
B, C etc. See also lower case. carrier frequency Frequency speed of a carrier
caption Text accompanying and describing an signal.
illustration. carrier sense multiple access/collision detect
capture To transfer the text accessed from a remote (CSMA/CD) A method of access control used
host and appearing on screen or in a window to resolve contention between stations wishing
into a disk file. Unlike downloading a specific, to transmit on Ethernet. If two nodes transmit
complete file that already exists, the capture fea- at once, the data is corrupted. The nodes detect
ture will save everything that appears on the this and continue to transmit for a certain
screen, wherever it comes from, including any length of time to ensure that all nodes detect
text typed at the keyboard. Screen capture refers the collision. The transmitting nodes then wait
to taking a quick picture of the computer screen. for random times before attempting to transmit
Acrobat Capture is a program produced by again. This reduces the amount of bandwidth
Adobe Systems which allows text to be scanned wasted on collisions compared with simple
and then transferred via OCR directly to form a ALOHA broadcasting. (See also collision.)
pdf file readable with an Acrobat viewer. carrier sheet Sheet of paper inside film wrapping
carbon black Intensely black pigment used in which carries the address label.
ink manufacture. carrier signal (carrier tone, carrier wave) A con-
carbonless paper Paper that creates copies with- tinuous signal of a single frequency which can
out a layer of carbon tissue. See NCR. be modulated (varied) by a second, data-carry-
carbon paper Lightweight paper coated on one ing signal. In radio communication, there are
side with transferable colouring agent for pro- two common kinds of modulation: amplitude
ducing copies by impression onto an underlying modulation and frequency modulation. In
sheet. modem communications, phase modulation is
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:26 am Page 28
also used, often in combination with amplitude film or roll paper. 2. Small reel-to-reel tape hold-
and frequency modulation. er for audio or data recording. In storage terms,
carrier tone Another term for carrier signal. a C10 (ten-minute) tape will hold around 60K
carrier wave Another term for carrier signal. (20 A4s of text); or in other words, 6K per
car stock Stock of books held by a rep so book- minute of running time (around 2 A4s of text).
shops can be supplied quickly. cassie Damaged paper at the top and bottom of a
carton Cardboard box for packing. ream.
cartouche Decorative box framing a piece of text. Castanet A client-server framework developed
cartridge Printing or drawing paper with good by Marimba for the broadcast distribution of
dimensional stability, high opacity and good software.
bulk. Often used in bookwork. cast coated Paper given a high gloss by pressure
cartridge disk Computer storage disk enclosed from a polished, heated cylinder before the
in a plastic case. coating dries.
cascade The arrangement of windows in a casting 1. The process of forcing molten metal
graphical user interface so that they overlap in into a mould to create a character or slug of
a regular fashion, usually with the underneath type. 2. Producing stereotypes in newspaper
window in the top left-hand corner of the printing. A casting box is used for this purpose.
screen and each overlapping window offset casting box Box used for casting metal printing
down and to the right. plates (stereos).
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) A method by casting off Calculating the number of pages a
which layout and typographic information can given amount of copy will make when set in a
be encoded into HTML documents, so that the given typeface and size to a given area.
document provider, rather than the user, has cast up Calculate the amount of setting needed
control over the design. Requires a browser for a book, including spacing and headings, for
that is CSS-compatible, but CSS is supported an estimate of typesetting costs.
by the latest versions of both Internet Explorer catalogue Book or booklet which presents details
and Netscape Navigator. of goods or services, often including prices and
case Refers to whether letters are capitalised ordering routines.
(upper-case letters) or not (lower-case letters). Cataloguing in Publication data A system oper-
The term comes from the days when typeset- ated by the British Library offering classified
ters used metal type and stored the letters in entries which publishers can print on the
wooden typecases: the capitals were usually imprint pages of their books to facilitate library
kept in the top, or upper, case; the small letters cataloguing, bibliographical compilation etc.
were kept in the bottom, or lower, case. The equivalent in the US is the Library of
case board Board used for case-making, typically Congress (Lib Con) number.
Dutch grey board or unlined chipboard. catch line A temporary heading on a manuscript
Typical caliper/gsm ranges are from 1725 or proof for identification.
microns/1120gsm at the lower end up to 3000 catch-stitch See kettle-stitch.
microns/1750gsm. catch-up Scumming on a litho printing plate.
case-bound Referring to a book with a hard case. catchword(s) Word or words highlighted in
Also described as ‘cased’. (See also limp- some manner, such as first and last words on
bound.) dictionary pages repeated in the headline.
CASE Data Interchange Format (CDIF) An cathode The negative terminal of an electronic
emerging standard for interchange of data component. The ‘anode’ is the positive terminal.
between CASE (computer-aided software engi- cathode ray tube Video screen activated by elec-
neering) tools. tron gun.
casein glue Near-acid-free glue used in book- CATNIP See common architecture technology
binding and in making coated papers. for next-generation Internet protocol.
case-making machine Machine that cuts card- CATV See cable television.
board for making the cover of a book. CBDS See connectionless broadband data ser-
case material The material, or imitation cloth, vice.
which covers the case boards to form the case cc Copies.
of a hardback book. CCD See charge-coupled device.
Caslon Typeface designed by the first major CCI See computer-controlled inking.
English typefounder, William Caslon. CCIR See Consultative Committee on
cassette 1. Light-proof container for photographic International Radio.
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CCIRN See Co-ordinating Committee for easier than drawing a new background for
Intercontinental Research Networks. every frame and has been incorporated into
CCITT Comité Consultatif International some computer animation programs.
Téléphonique et Télégraphique. International cell A fixed length of data for transmission, as
committee that drafts and approves communi- used in asynchronous transfer mode. Also
cations protocols and standards. used in other ways, e.g. to describe parts of
cc:mail Commercial electronic mail software for tables or spreadsheets.
Microsoft Windows from Lotus Corporation. Cellnet One of the principle providers of mobile
CCR Complementary colour removal. See communications networks in the UK.
achromatic separations. cellophane Thin transparent film.
CCS See Common Communication Services. cell relaying See fast packet switching.
CCTA The UK Government Centre for Infor- Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) A wireless
mation Systems. Originally Central Computer standard providing two-way, 19.2 kbps packet
and Telecommunications Agency (the letters data transmission over existing cellular tele-
were retained as customers were familiar with phone channels.
them), CCTA is part of the Office of Public cellular radio A low-power radio transmission
Service and Science, which works to improve system with a cellular network of base stations
government services to the public. It is respon- which may be used by stationary or mobile
sible for stimulating and promoting the effec- users for voice or data communication linking
tive use of information systems in support of into the public switched telephone network.
the efficient delivery of business objectives and cellular telephone A telephone which uses cellu-
improved quality of services by the public lar radio.
sector. celluloid proof Proof on transparent sheet, one
CCTV Closed circuit television. per colour printed, used for checking register.
CD See compact disc, compact disc interactive (See also plastic proof.)
(CD-I), compact disc-recordable (CD-R), com- cellulose Complex fibrous substance forming the
pact disc read only memory (CD-ROM) and walls of plant cells, and the prime raw material
compact disc eXtended Architecture (CD- in pulp. Cellulose acetate is used in making
ROM XA). film.
CDA See Compound Document Architecture. CELTIC French digital compression equipment
Also, Communications Decency Act. for telephony, which uses voice activation to
CDDI See copper distributed data interface. assign an active channel only when one of the
CD-I (compact disc interactive) A consumer parties is speaking. (See also digital speech
product CD disk which will store sound, text interpolation.)
and graphics, and full-motion video. central processing unit See CPU.
CD-I, CD-i See compact disc interactive. centre To position type centrally in a given mea-
CDIF See CASE Data Interchange Format. sure.
CDM See Content Data Model. centre-feed Paper tape sprocket holes that line
CDMA See code division multiple access. up with the middle of code holes. (See also
CDPD See Cellular Digital Packet Data. advance feed.)
CD-R See compact disc-recordable. centre notes Notes placed between columns of a
CD-ROM See compact disc read-only memory. page.
CD-ROM XA See compact disc eXtended centre spread The two facing pages at the centre
Architecture. of a signature.
CDTV Acronym for Commodore Direct Total centrifugal cleaner Device which removes
Vision: a CD multimedia product launched by unwanted material from paper fibres by cen-
Commodore. trifugal force.
CEEFAX Trade name for the videotex or teletext Centronics interface An alternative name for a
system used by the British Broadcasting parallel interface. (Centronics was an impor-
Corporation (BBC). tant printer manufacturer in the early days of
cel (or cell) A single background image within an microcomputing.)
animation. See cel (or cell) animation. Century American typeface designed by
cel (or cell) animation An animation technique Theodore Lowe de Vinne in 1895. A form called
in which the background is kept constant and ‘Century Schoolbook’ is more commonly used
transparent sheets containing images, which now.
are perceived to move, placed in front. This is CEPS See colour electronic prepress system.
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CEPT European Conference of Posts and unit of discussion on IRC. Once one joins a
Telecommunications, the European grouping channel, everything typed is read by others on
of PTTs which undertakes in Europe functions that channel. Channels in IRC can be either
similar to that of ITU-T. named with numbers or with strings that begin
cerfs (kerfs) Grooves cut into the backs of sec- with a # sign and can have topic descriptions.
tions into which the thread cuts. channel op Also chanop or chop. Someone who
CERN (Centre for European Nuclear has privileges on a particular IRC channel.
Research) Now The European Laboratory for channel service unit (CSU) A type of interface
Particle Physics in Geneva, Switzerland, where used to connect a terminal or computer to a
the World Wide Web was first developed in digital medium in the same way that a modem
order to allow physicists to take advantage of is used to connect to an analogue medium. If a
hypertext technologies to share information. CSU is used, the user must supply all of the
certificate authority A body that attests to or transmit logic, receive logic and timing recov-
confirms the identity of a person or an organi- ery in order to use the CSU, whereas a digital
sation and issues digital certificates. Used in (or data) service unit (DSU) performs these
secure communications. functions.
certificate of origin A certificate stating details of channel service unit/data service unit
where a commodity has been manufactured. (CSU/DSU) A device that performs both the
C format paperback Paperback of trimmed size CSU and DSU functions.
234 3 156mm. channel status table A table indicating the cur-
CGA Colour graphics adapter: early IBM PC rent status of all physical and logical channels
standard to drive a colour monitor. (See also at the user interface to a network.
EGA, VGA, SVGA.) chanop See channel op.
CGI See Common Gateway Interface. CHAP See challenge-handshake authentication
CGI-script Language in which scripts can be protocol.
written using the Common Gateway Interface chapbook Small pamphlet containing, e.g., tracts
to allow users to interact with external data or ballads hawked by street traders (chapmen)
and applications, thus creating dynamic in the 17th to 19th centuries.
HTML documents. chapel Smallest unit of a print union’s depart-
CGM See Computer Graphics Metafile. mental or company grouping. Father of chapel
chad The waste punched out of paper tape or (FOC) or Mother of chapel is the elected chair-
cards. person.
chain lines The wider watermark lines which chapter drop White space between the head of
run at right angles to the narrow laid lines on the chapter title and the head of the type area
laid papers. of a book.
chalking Powdering of ink which has not chapter head Chapter title and/or number.
adhered properly to paper. character A representation of a single unit of
chalk overlay Letterpress overlay for indicating meaningful data, e.g. a letter or a number, usu-
adjustment to printing pressure. ally using ASCII or ANSI coding.
challenge-handshake authentication protocol character-based interface The traditional user
(CHAP) An authentication scheme used by interface, where all screen images are made up
PPP servers to check the identity of the origina- of text characters. Commands are input as stan-
tor of a connection. Once a link is established, a dard text strings, followed by a carriage return.
‘challenge’ message is sent from the server to Alternatively, menus can be used. Compare with
the originator, which responds with a value cal- GUI. Also described as command interface and
culated using a one-way hash function. The command line interface, although these imply
server also calculates the value and if the values that menus cannot be used.
match, the authentication is acknowledged; if character code Numeric representation of a char-
not, then the connection is usually terminated. acter. See, e.g., ASCII.
CHAP is one of the more secure authentication character compensation Global reduction or
procedures. expansion in character fit by adjustment to the
chancery Style of italic such as Bembo. normal set width values resident in a typesetting
channel A path for the transmission of informa- system’s computer. Also called track kerning or
tion, which may be physical or logical. The tracking.
concept is particularly important in some push character count Total number of characters and
technologies, such as Castanet. Also the basic spaces in a piece of copy.
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:26 am Page 31
character entity A way of describing a character Ethernet that uses coaxial cable instead of the
using only ASCII characters which is used in full-specification yellow cable.
SGML and HTML (see entity). The character check bit or check digit A binary digit (or digits)
is usually delimited by & and ; so that, e.g., the employed as a check for the presence of errors
Greek letter alpha (a) might be represented as in a related set of digits.
‘& alpha;’. The delimiters can however be check disk A command common to several oper-
changed in the SGML declaration. ating systems and used to check the index and
character fit Space between letters which can be file space allocation of a disk and return a sta-
reduced or expanded. tus report.
character formatting The application of a format checksum A computed value which depends on
or style (including such factors as typeface, the contents of a block of data or packet. This
typestyle, indents, space before and after) to a value is transmitted or stored along with the
single character, or group of characters in a data. The receiving system recomputes the
desktop publishing system or wordprocessor. checksum based upon the data received and
Compare with paragraph formatting. compares the computed value with the one
character generation Projection of type images sent with the data. If the two values are the
on a cathode ray tube. same, the receiver can have some confidence
character graphics See block graphics. that the data was received correctly. If the two
character printer A printer which prints individ- sums do not match, there was probably an
ual characters as distinct from complete lines. error in the transmission.
Often capable of reproducing specific type- chemac A copper die used for blocking. Made
faces. by photochemical methods, unlike a true brass
character recognition Reading characters by which is engraved on brass by hand.
machine, often for digital storage. Also, optical chemical ghosting Ghost images on sheets
character recognition, OCR. caused by the chemical reaction of inks.
character set The full range of characters on a chemically pure paper Acid-free paper used in
keyboard in memory or available for output preserving old books or maps.
from a machine. chemical pulp Pulp obtained from wood or
characters per second (cps) A measure of data other plant sources by chemical removal of
transmission rate. (See also baud.) impurities rather than mechanical processing.
character subset Any group of characters taken chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) Thermo-
from a character set which have a common fea- mechanical pulp which undergoes further
ture. See character set. chemical bleaching, resulting in a pulp not far
charge-coupled device (CCD) An array of light- below the quality of woodfree pulp. The very
sensitive transistors, arranged across a scanner best quality of mechanical pulp made.
head, one for each pixel or unit of resolution. cheque paper Special paper used for cheques
They convert the reflected light signal into and having a surface which betrays attempts at
bitmap information. Sensors may be only alteration.
bilevel (1-bit) or they may measure grey levels Cheshire Proprietary name of machine which
(8-bit). sticks labels to envelopes or wrappers.
charting Transforming numbers into graphical Chicago The development name for Windows
representations (pie charts, bar charts etc.). 95.
chase Rectangular steel frame in which type and CHILL CCITT High-Level Language. A real-
blocks are locked up for letterpress printing. time language widely used in European
chassis The metal base or structure onto which telecommunications. (See also CCITT.)
the electronic components of a computer are chill roll Cooled roller, used for setting ink after
assembled. drying in a web-offset machine.
Chat A Windows for Workgroups (Windows 3.11) Chimera A modular, X windows system-based
interactive talk program operating over a local World Wide Web browser for Unix.
area network. Also generally used (without the china clay White clay used for loading and coat-
initial capital) to describe real-time interaction ing paper.
of the Internet. See Internet Relay Chat. chinagraph pencil A waxy, coloured pencil used
CHC paper Paper impregnated with cyclohexy- for writing on or marking film or negative oza-
lamine carbonate, used to de-acidify old books. lids.
cheapernet Also known as thinnet, thin Chinese white Paint used in re-touching artwork.
Ethernet. Colloquial term for thin-wire chipboard See unlined chipboard.
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chip or microchip 1. A small electronic compo- ed cif includes all charges up to delivery at the
nent containing extensive logic circuits. Two of quayside at the port of destination. Contrast
the leading chip manufacturers whose prod- FOB.
ucts are used extensively in microcomputers CIM See CompuServe Information Manager.
are Motorola and Intel. 2. Woodchip used in CIP data See Cataloguing in Publication data.
pulpmaking. 3. Trim (US). ciphertext Encrypted information, which will
chipper A machine which chips logs after require a password or key to decrypt. The con-
debarking. verse of ciphertext is plaintext. (See also
chlorine bleaching The bleaching of woodpulp encryption, public key, private key, Clipper,
using chlorine dioxide. DES, RSA encryption.)
chlorine dioxide A gas used in the bleaching CIR See committed information rate.
processes of chemical pulp. Environmentally circuit A transmission medium linking two or
dubious, and being steadily superseded by more electronic devices.
hydrogen peroxide bleaching processes. circuit board See printed circuit board.
chlorine-free paper Paper bleached without the circuit-level gateways A gateway in a firewall
use of environmentally harmful chlorine com- system which controls transmission of traffic at
pounds. the TCP port level to prevent unauthorised
chlorine number The amount of chlorine that is access to a host.
absorbed by a sample of pulp, used to calculate circuit switching A paradigm in which a dedi-
the amount needed for the production of white cated communication path is established
paper. between the sender and receiver along which
chop See channel op. all packets travel. The public telephone system
chroma Purity of colour. (PSTN and ISDN) is an example of a circuit-
chromatic aberration The inability of a lens to switched network. Circuit switching is also
bring light of all colours to a common point of referred to as connection-oriented. (Contrast
focus. (See also apochromatic.) connectionless and packet switched.)
chromolithograph or chromo Colour print made circular Printed leaflet distributed to prospective
by a form of lithographic printing used in the purchasers.
late 19th century and conspicuous by its vivid circular screen Half-tone screen which can be
and lasting colours. rotated to obtain proper screen angles for
chromo paper Heavily coated one-sided paper colour half-tones.
used for block proofing or printing. circulating matrix The Linotype matrix from
cicero The basic typographical unit of the Didot which type is cast.
point system. See font size. circulation Total copies of a publication distrib-
CID See caller ID. uted.
CIE The Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage circumflex Accent printed over a vowel which
(International Commission on Lighting). The may change the pronunciation or distinguish
body responsible for standards on colorimetry the letter from others, shaped like an upside-
and photometry. In particular, there are two down ‘v’ (e.g. â).
methods of graphically representing colour CIS See CompuServe.
spaces, called CIELAB and CIELUV. CIT See computer integrated telephony.
CIELAB A method of graphically representing citation A mention or reference in an academic
colour spaces by plotting luminance against paper or journal to a published work. The sta-
values representing the colour axes yellow- tus of academic journals is assessed on the
cyan and yellow-blue. (See also CIE and number of citations their papers receive in
CIELUV.) other journals.
CIELUV A method of graphically representing CITED See Copyright in Transmitted Electronic
colour spaces by plotting luminance against Documents.
values representing the colour axes yellow-cyan CityScape A UK re-seller of Internet connections
and yellow-blue. (See also CIE and CIELAB.) to the Pipex backbone. Now part of Demon
CIELUV gives a more uniform distribution than Internet Ltd.
CIELAB, following a transformation of the CIX (Commercial Internet eXchange) An inter-
colour co-ordinates, but provides the same national co-operative grouping of the major
information. In addition, its origin is transferred commercial IP network providers which have
to the reference white. agreed to interwork their networks. The mem-
cif Carriage, insurance and freight. A price quot- ber organisations provide TCP/IP or OSI data
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internetwork services to the general public, dragging the mouse to the required position
providing unrestricted access to other world- before releasing the button. (See also drag and
wide networks. The CIX also takes an interest drop.)
in the development and future direction of the clicker Archaic term for a foreman compositor.
Internet and provides a neutral forum to client A computer system or process that
exchange ideas, information and experimental requests, usually over a network, a service of
projects among suppliers of internetworking another computer system or process, called a
services, often leading to consensus positions server: e.g. a workstation requesting the con-
on legislative and policy issues of mutual inter- tents of a file from a file server is a client of the
est. It also provides technical and other sup- file server. (See also client-server.)
port to its members. client application In Windows, an application
clamshell A type of small platen printing whose documents can accept linked or embed-
machine. ded objects.
clasp envelope Envelope held closed by a metal client-server A mode of network computing in
clasp. which a distributed computing system is split
class The type of a network, depending on its size between one or more server tasks which accept
and structure. There are four types of network requests, according to some protocol, from (dis-
on the Internet and these are distinguished in tributed) client tasks, asking for information or
the IP addresses. Class A networks are usually action. There may be either one centralised serv-
large government or educational organisations er or several distributed ones. This model allows
(over 16 million hosts); Class B is for smaller clients and servers to be placed independently
organisations, but still leaves room for growth on nodes in a network. Client-server computing
(over 65 000 hosts); Class C is for small organisa- allows more effective use of computing re-
tions and individuals; while Class D is currently sources, higher performance, greater flexibility,
reserved for multicast experiments. The term is simpler upgrades and (for some applications)
also used in many other contexts, e.g. in object- greater reliability and data integrity.
oriented programming. client to client protocol (CTCP) A type of proto-
classified Advertisements for job vacancies, arti- col created to allow structured data such as
cles for sale etc., set in columns and sorted by font information to be exchanged between
classification. users on Internet Relay Chat. It is also used to
clay See china clay. send a query to a user.
clean Correct a proof, or a list of names and clip art Computerised art, often copyright-free,
addresses etc. but created by professional artists and design-
clean line An electrical power line dedicated to ers, which can be used in both conventional
one machine and therefore not subject to spik- and electronic publications. A successor to the
ing. book of clip art, from which illustrations really
clean proof A printer’s proof in which there are were clipped.
no errors. clipboard A temporary storage area to which
clean tape Computer tape with no data on it or text and/or graphics can be copied or cut and
with all unnecessary codes removed. from which the stored material can be pasted.
clear to send (CTS) Response in a communica- In most systems only one item can be stored at
tions system to message RTS (request to send). a time, but there is software which allows more
cleat binding A method of binding single leaves items to be stored on a longer-term basis.
using a form of side-sewing. Clipper An integrated circuit, or chip, on which
click Pressing a button on a mouse or other the SkipJack encryption algorithm is imple-
pointing device. This generates an event and mented. The Clipper chip, which is manufac-
specifies the screen position, which is tured to encrypt telephone data, can also be
processed by the window manager or applica- decrypted by the US government (although
tion program. (See also double-click.) using a trusted escrow scheme), which has
clickable image An image displayed on a screen, tried to make use of the chip compulsory in the
which when pointed at with a mouse (or other US. This has led to a great deal of controversy,
pointing device) and the mouse then clicked, with criticism from the civil liberties lobby.
initiates some action on the computer. (See also clipping path Outline or silhouette around an
button.) illustration or shape which determines the cut-
click-and-drag Pressing a button on a mouse (or out area or printing boundary for that illustra-
other pointing device), holding it down and tion.
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clock A regularly occurring signal that provides coated paper Paper coated with china clay or
a timing reference for a transmission and is similar to give a smooth surface suitable for
used to synchronise reception of a data stream. half-tone reproduction. Coating slip is the
closed loop A sequence of computer instructions coating mixture. Coating binder is the part of
repeated indefinitely. While closed looping can the coating mixture which ensures adhesion to
be introduced deliberately, the phenomenon the body stock. (See also coat weight.)
can also result from a programming fault. coating 1. Light-sensitive surface applied to
closed user group A subgroup of users on a net- litho plate. 2. Clear protective varnish applied
work, who can communicate only with other to printed surface for protection. 3. China clay
members of the subgroup. mixture used on paper. See coated paper.
close up Reduce spacing between characters of coating binder That part of a coating formula-
type or other elements on a proof. tion whose purpose is to bind the pigment sys-
closing date See copy date. tem to the body stock and to obtain many of
cloth binding The use of cloth to cover the the desired properties of the final coated paper,
boards of a case-bound book. such as pick and water resistance, ink recep-
cloth-centred paper Paper with a linen centre, tivity, flexibility, gloss and blister resistance.
often used for maps when much re-folding is Binders are obtained from natural sources like
anticipated. starch, casein and soya protein or can be pro-
clothings Pieces of leather or cloth fixed at the duced synthetically.
backs of stationery books for strengthening. coating mix or coat mix or coating slip White
cloth joint A strip of cloth which strengthens the suspension of china clay or calcium carbonate
joints of a bound book (usually attached to the and other pigments, which is applied to base
endpapers). paper by blade or roller and which when dry
cloth-lined paper Paper backed with linen or forms the matt or gloss coat.
muslin for additional strength. coat weight The amount of coating on a base
club line Strictly, the short last line of a para- paper expressed as dry weight on a given area,
graph at the bottom of a page. But also used i.e. gsm.
frequently as a synonym for orphan too, and coax See coaxial cable.
therefore by extension to mean any short line at coaxial cable (coax) A cable with a solid or
the foot of a page. stranded central conductor surrounded by
clumps Metal strips or leads used to create blank insulator, in turn surrounded by a cylindrical
spaces in type matter. shield, which is solid or woven from fine wires.
cluster controller A device which provides a It is used to carry high-frequency signals such
remote communications capability to several as television, video, radio and other tele-
terminals located in a cluster. communications transmissions. The shield is
CLUT See colour look-up table. usually connected to electrical ground to
CLV See constant linear velocity. reduce electrical interference. It is increasingly
CMC See computer-mediated communications. being replaced by optical fibre or unshielded
CMIP See Common Management Information twisted pair.
Protocol. Cobb size test A measurement of the sizing of
CMIS See Common Management Information paper by water absorbed under specified con-
Services. ditions.
CMYK Abbreviation for colour processing based COBOL Common Business-Oriented Language.
on the four process printing colours: cyan, High-level computer programming language
magenta, yellow and black (the K distinguish- used in commercial data processing.
es black from blue). cocked-up initial Initial letter in a new line
CNAME See canonical name. which is larger than the characters in the rest of
CNI See Coalition for Networked Information. the line, but which sits on the same baseline.
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) A Compare drop initial.
consortium formed to promote the creation of, cockle Puckered finish to a sheet of paper creat-
and access to, information resources in net- ed during the drying process to add crispness.
worked environments in order to enrich schol- cockling Wavy edges on paper caused by unsta-
arship and enhance intellectual productivity. ble atmospheric conditions.
coated cartridge Dull-finish coated paper, nor- COD Cash On Delivery. Method of despatch
mally blade-coated, very commonly used for which requires the recipient to pay on receipt
printing colour books. of goods.
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code A character string or line of symbolic collate Loosely used to mean ‘gather’; but, strict-
instructions to a computer. ly, to check the gathered sections to establish
CODEC COmpressor/DECompressor. Covers a that they are in the correct sequence. Collating
variety of software products that determine marks on the back folds assist in this.
how a video file, such as QuickTime, should collating marks Black marks on the back folds of
be condensed, or compressed, to save space on sections in sequential positions used for check-
the hard disk and to make the video run faster. ing that the sections are in the correct order after
A different CODEC would be used for video gathering. Also black-step collation marks.
images than for still photography images. The college electro A plastic-backed electrotype
choice is intended to create a balance between invented at the London College of Printing.
picture quality and the size of the file. collision The outcome when two hosts transmit
code conversion The process of altering the simultaneously on a network, so that their
numeric representation of one group of charac- packets collide and are corrupted. The
ters to that required by a different system, lan- CSMA/CD protocol used on Ethernet specifies
guage or process. that each host should wait for a random time
code division multiple access (CDMA) Also before retransmitting. (See also carrier sense
known as spread spectrum and code division multiple access/collision detect.)
multiplexing. A form of multiplexing where collotype A short-run, screenless printing
the transmitter encodes the signal using a pseu- process using gelatine-coated plates to produce
do-random sequence also known to the receiv- continuous tone reproduction.
er so that it can decode the received signal. A colophon A printer’s or publisher’s identifying
different random sequence corresponds to a symbol, printed on spines and title pages.
different communication channel. Motorola colour Colours are usually represented on screen
uses CDMA for digital cellular telephones. using the additive RGB system, in which either
code division multiplexing See code division a colour image may be stored either as three
multiple access. separate images (one for each of red, green and
code set Coding system, or systematic set of blue) or each pixel may encode the colour using
codes. ASCII or EBCDIC, e.g., are typical code separate bit fields for each colour component.
sets. Subtractive CMYK and/or Pantone representa-
co-edition Joint publication of a book by two tions of spot colours are used for printing.
companies. The originator of the work sells colour bars Coloured strips on four-colour
sheets to another or gives them the licence to process proofs showing densities across a sheet
reprint the book locally. and revealing other printing characteristics.
co-editor Person who has joined with another colour blanks Printed sheets with illustrations
person to edit a book. only but no text. Produced in this way typical-
coffee-table book Large, lavishly illustrated ly in expectation of language changes for co-
book usually left on display for the casual editions etc.
browser. colour breaks The separate colour overlays for
COLD See computer output on laser disk. each overlay in a four-colour set (US).
cold colour Colour containing blue tones. colour cast An excess of one shade or hue in a
cold composition Any typesetting method subject for reproduction or in a printed subject.
which does not use hot metal for casting. colour comp print Paper print made from a
cold melt An adhesive such as PVA which is transparency.
applied for binding purposes at room temper- Coloured Books A set of protocol definitions for
ature. the different aspects of networking developed
coldset Web printing in which the ink is allowed and used on the UK Joint Academic Network,
to dry by penetration on an absorbent paper JANET, for open systems communication
without heat. (See also heatset.) before the definition of international standards.
cold start The act of starting a computer after the Each protocol is usually referred to by the
power supply has been switched off before. At colour of the cover of the publication defining it.
this stage the device has no operating pro- coloured edges Dyed edges on a book-block.
grams in memory and these have to be loaded coloured tops Dyed tops on a book-block.
from backing store or ROM. colour electronic prepress system (CEPS) An
Collabra See Netscape Collabra. image-processing system used in the publish-
collage Image comprised of a number of items ing and prepress industry for designing, laying
collected together as a visual whole. out and editing colour pages for printing.
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:27 am Page 36
colour etching The process of altering dot sizes representing colour distributions in terms of
on a four-colour separation film by local combinations of single colours. Used in
retouching in order to strengthen or weaken a analysing colour gamuts. See CIE, CIELAB,
particular colour in a particular area and so CIELUV.
affect the printed result. colour splits Instructions for the allocation of
colour fall In multi-unit web-offset printing, the correct printing colours to individual compo-
sequences of pages on which colour will be nents of a piece of integral artwork.
available as dictated by the press configuration colour swatch A sample of a specified colour.
used. colour transparency A full colour photographic
colour filters Sheets which are placed in front of positive on film.
a camera lens to filter out all colours except Columbia AppleTalk Package (CAP) An imple-
that selected, thereby producing separated mentation of Apple Computer’s AppleTalk
films for four-colour process work. protocols for the Berkeley version 4.2BSD of
colour gamut The range of colours which can be Unix.
produced in subtractive colour printing by column 1. Vertical area of print comprising lines
combining inks of the four process colours of the same measure. 2. Regular newspaper
(CMYK) or can be displayed on a screen using article.
additive RGB. Note, however, that there are column balancing In desktop publishing, the
some colours which cannot be made up of a automatic adjustment of columns to create a
mixture of red, green and blue phosphor emis- visual evenness.
sions and thus cannot be displayed on a screen. column centimetre See column inch.
colour guide Instructions on artwork indicating column guides In DTP, the dotted, vertical, non-
colour requirements. printing lines which mark the left- and right-
colour look-up table (CLUT) A software palette hand edges of the columns of text to be creat-
or set of 256 colours, which is used on a com- ed. (See also margin guides, ruler guides.)
puter with 8-bit colour (which can only display column inch A newspaper measure of text space:
28 = 256 colours) to determine which 256 one column wide and one inch deep.
colours, out of the 16.7 million (= 224) colours COM See computer output on microfilm.
available from a scanned 24-bit colour file, it comb binding Type of mechanical binding
can use at one time. Many applications allow a where separate pages are held together by the
choice of the 256 colours to be used and a rounded teeth of a plastic comb, which also
palette can be set up for each particular file to form the spine.
suit the subject matter of the image being han- combination folder A machine combining a
dled, so that, e.g., flesh tones would be appro- buckle folder and knife folder.
priate for an image of a face, while a different, combination line and tone A single print or
probably green-based, palette would be more piece of film combining half-tone and line
appropriate for a landscape. work.
colour-matching system Method of colour speci- Comdex The communications and data process-
fication by matching the colour required to one ing exposition held in Las Vegas, which is
in a swatch of colours provided as a set. Each probably the biggest trade show in the world
colour in the swatch has its ink-mix formula on any subject. Many manufacturers use the
described. An example is the Pantone show as a platform for product announce-
Matching System (PMS). ments.
colour overleaf proofs See acetate proofs. comic strip Cartoon drawings in sequence,
colour resolution The number of bits per pixel appearing regularly in a periodical.
in a colour image. (See 1-bit, 8-bit and 24-bit coming and going An imposition in which two
colour.) copies of a book result from one set of plates.
colour separation Separating full colour into the ComitŽ Consultatif International TŽlŽphonique
four process colours by means of scanning or et TŽlŽgraphique CCITT: International com-
of filters, resulting in four films used to make mittee that drafts and approves communica-
printing plates. tions protocols and standards.
colour separation negative One negative out of a command A computer instruction specifying an
set of four separated process colour negatives. operation.
colour sequence The order in which the four command interface A user interface that
process colours are printed. requires the user to enter commands at the
colour space A graphical or pictorial method of command prompt. Also called command line
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interface, command line interpreter or charac- mands for the purpose of network manage-
ter-based interface, although the latter can ment. It is similar to the Simple Network
include menus. Management Protocol (SNMP), but broader
command line interface See command interface. and more complex.
command line interpreter See command inter- Common Object Request Broker Architecture
face. (CORBA) A standard way of describing the
commercial invoice An invoice against which interface between objects in object-oriented
payment is to be made. Compare pro-forma applications.
invoice. Common User Access (CUA) The user interface
commercial register Colour printing to a register standard of IBM’s Systems Application
tolerance of plus or minus one row of dots. Architecture (SAA).
committed information rate (CIR) The guaran- communication The electronic transfer of data
teed bandwidth over a virtual circuit, between different hardware. Also known as
although, if the network has spare bandwidth, ‘comms’.
devices can go higher for short bursts. communications protocol A set of signals that
commodity papers White general-purpose computers can use when they want to
papers produced in enormous quantities by exchange data. These signals make it possible
the larger paper-mills. for computers to send and receive information
common Cash column on ruled stationery. and to check that the information has been
common architecture technology for next- transmitted and received correctly. There is
generation Internet protocol (CATNIP) An more than one set of protocols and a computer,
Internet-Draft designed to provide a com- or group of computers, may use different pro-
pressed form of the existing network layer tocols in different situations. See full duplex,
protocols and to integrate the protocols cur- half duplex, handshaking, parity.
rently in use. communications speed This is normally speci-
common carrier A private company that offers fied in bits per second (bps) or multiples such
telecommunications services to the public. Can as kbps or Mbps. Often described as the bit
also be described as a telephone company. rate.
common channel signalling A networking pro- communication system A system or facility pro-
cedure in which a special channel, separate viding information transfer between persons
from the user channels, is devoted to signalling and/or equipment. The system can consist of a
information. combination of individual communication net-
Common Communication Services (CCS) The works, transmission systems, relay stations
standard program interface to networks in and tributary stations, together with terminal
IBM’s Systems Application Architecture equipment capable of interconnection and
(SAA). interoperation, which forms an integrated
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) The stan- whole. The individual components must serve
dard interface between HTTP servers and a common purpose, be technically compatible
external programs. External programs are and employ common procedures and proto-
known as gateways because they provide an cols; they must respond to some form of con-
interface between an external source of infor- trol and generally operate together.
mation and the server. COMNET A commercial simulation tool for
Common Ground A document exchange system, analysing wide-area voice or data networks.
which has similarities to Acrobat, although comp 1. To compose. 2. A compositor. 3. A com-
fewer features. prehensive (US): a layout showing everything
Common Management Information Protocol in position.
(CMIP) The part of the OSI body of standards compact disc See CD-ROM.
that specifies the protocol elements that may be compact disc eXtended Architecture (CD-ROM
used to provide the operation and notification XA) A compact disc format jointly developed
services described in the related standard, by Philips, Sony and Microsoft, to allow the
Common Management Information Services storage of, and simultaneous access to, audio
(CMIS). and video data.
Common Management Information Services compact disc interactive (CD-i or CD-I) Format
(CMIS) The part of the OSI body of network of compact disc developed by Philips for stor-
standards describing the services used by peer ing a combination of video, audio, text and
processes to exchange information and com- pictures, allowing the user limited interaction
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with films, games and educational applica- composite block A plate comprising more than
tions via a special controller. It was aimed at one original.
the consumer market, to be used in systems composite video A way of broadcasting video or
using a combination of computer and televi- television signals with the colours and the hor-
sion. An alternative format is digital video izontal and vertical registration information
interactive (DVI). integrated. Gives poorer quality than RGB.
compact disc read only memory (CD-ROM) A Used in the US for television.
data medium using the same physical format composition site Printing type size (contrast.
as audio compact discs. Up to 600 Mbytes of display size) that can be set by machine (up to
data can be stored on one CD-ROM. There are 14pt).
several formats used for CD-ROM data; ISO composition sizes Types under 14pt in size. As
9660 defines a standard file system. (See also distinct from display sizes.
WORM.) compositor A typesetter who makes up pages.
compact disc-recordable (CD-R) Type of com- compound document A document file that con-
pact disc on which data can be overwritten tains embedded and linked data that was cre-
(compare CD-ROM). The disc combines mag- ated in other kinds of applications. Particularly
netic and optical technology so that during the used with reference to Microsoft Windows. See
writing process a laser melts the surface of the Object Linking and Embedding.
disc, thereby allowing the magnetic elements Compound Document Architecture (CDA)
of the surface layer to be realigned. DEC’s standard for the creation, storage,
companding Compressing/expanding. retrieval, interchange and manipulation of
Amplitude modulation process for manipulat- compound documents.
ing a telephone signal to improve the signal- comprehensive layout Advertisement design
to-noise ratio. Allows voice signals to be trans- taken through to finished effect.
mitted at a lower bit rate. compressed video The result of video compres-
compatibility The ability of two pieces of elec- sion.
tronic hardware to emulate each other and to compression Reduction of file size by software
communicate with each other. techniques. Files reduced in this way need to
compensating roller A roller in a web-fed press be decompressed to be opened.
that compensates for any uneven tension in a compression algorithm Algorithm used to
reel of paper. achieve file compression.
compiler A computer program which checks and comptometer Automatic counting device.
converts programs from a high-level language CompuServe (Formal name CompuServe
into machine code. The resulting machine- Information Services – CIS.) A commercial
code program then becomes the program online service that can be accessed via modem.
accessed by the computer, resulting in faster Widely used for electronic mail and bulletin
processing speeds. Compare interpreter, boards, it also provides online conferencing,
which is a program sometimes in ROM that business news, sports and weather, financial
takes a high-level language program one line transactions, travel and entertainment data, as
at a time and changes it into machine-code well as online editions of computer publi-
instructions every time the program is run. cations.
(See also assembler.) CompuServe Information Manager (CIM) The
complementary colour removal See achromatic official offline reader and navigation tool for
separations. CompuServe.
comp list List of periodical subscribers receiving computed tomography (CT) A medical-imaging
complimentary copies. technique in which a sequence of X-ray images
component stress Pertaining to factors of usage is used to build up a three-dimensional repre-
such as shock, temperature, voltage level etc. sentation.
which may affect the efficiency of a component. computer aided design See CAD.
compose To make up type into lines and/or computer-assisted learning (CAL) In education
pages. The operator is called a compositor. and training a computer displays instructional
composing stick A hand-held, adjustable tray in material to a student and asks questions about
which a compositor sets type by hand. the information given; the student’s answers
composite artwork Artwork made up of several determine the sequence of subsequent lessons.
elements, such as text, half-tones, sketch maps computer conferencing Collaboration and dis-
etc. cussion between people who do not physically
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meet. All discussion is carried on using bul- erative working including workflow auto-
letin boards or email. mation and documentation management. Sys-
computer-controlled inking The use of equip- tems to support this include electronic mail,
ment which sets and monitors correct ink-flows computer conferencing, group scheduling sys-
on the press and makes automatic adjustments tems, databases and shared desktop systems.
for make-ready and during running. Also described as groupware. (See also Lotus
Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Notes, teleconferencing, videoconferencing.)
Organisation formed after a particularly intru- computer telephone integration (CTI) The use
sive worm virus worried the Internet commu- of computer systems to handle and control
nity. Its function is to co-ordinate response to telephone functions such as making and
and awareness of security issues. receiving calls, directory services and caller
computer game Computer-controlled game, in identification. (See also computer integrated
which the computer (usually) opposes the telephony, TAPI.)
human player. Computer games typically computer-to-plate System which exposes plates
employ fast, animated graphics and synthe- by laser or thermal imaging techniques direct-
sized sound. ly from data supplied from a computer file
computer graphics The use of computers to dis- (usually PostScript) rather than from film.
play and manipulate images and drawings. Abbreviated to CTP.
Images can be stored as either raster (bitmap) computer typesetting The use of a computer to
or vector graphics. Computer graphics are store and display typesetting and to perform
used in a wide range of applications, as well as many other functions such as hyphenation
in publishing. and justification.
Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) An inter- computer vision See vision system.
national standard file format for graphic computer word Any group of characters that are
images. Most CGM files are vector graphics, capable of being treated as a single unit for the
although it is possible to store raster graphics purposes of processing or storage.
in the CGM format. The standard was created concentrator A kind of multiplexer where many
to enable users of different systems and differ- inputs may be active simultaneously so the
ent programs to exchange graphic files. output bandwidth must be at least as great as
computer-integrated telephony (CIT) A specifi- the total bandwidth of all simultaneously
cation for the integration of computers and active inputs. May be used to connect a group
PBXs, so that applications such as screen-based of terminals to a mainframe or other multi-user
telephone systems, call centres and voice mail system.
can be used. (See also computer telephone concertina fold or accordion fold Pages folded
integration.) so that each parallel fold in a sheet goes in the
computer-mediated communications (CMC) opposite direction to the previous one.
Computer conferencing, electronic mail, access concordance Index listing the main words used
to remote databases and related applications. in a large work in alphabetical order, giving
computer output on laser disk (COLD) A docu- reference points and explanations.
ment storage technique in which scanned concurrency control The controls built into a
images of documents are stored on optical program running over a network to handle the
disk, rather than on microfilm, as distinct from situation where more than one person tries to
COM (computer output on microfilm). access a program or data at the same time.
computer output on microfilm (COM) (Or com- concurrent processing The execution of two pro-
puter output micrographics.) Direct output grams simultaneously.
from computer onto microfilm or microfiche. condensed type A typeface with narrow charac-
Computer + Science NETwork (CSNET) The teristics.
networking organisation which combined with conditioning 1. The provision of filters on leased
BITNET to form CREN. analogue telephone lines to permit higher-
computer-supported collaborative learning speed data transmission. 2. See mature.
(CSCL) The use of computer systems (such as cone refiner In papermaking, the cone-shaped
computer conferencing) to facilitate collabora- piece of machinery into which the stock is
tive learning. Similar to computer-supported pumped from the hydrapulper in order to
cooperative work. undergo further beating or refining. After this
computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) stage, the stock is cleaned in a series of
The use of computer systems to facilitate coop- centrifugal cleaners and finally pumped to the
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headbox for the beginning of the Fourdrinier console The keyboard which controls the opera-
process. tions of a mainframe computer.
conferencing A generic term used to cover various constant linear velocity (CLV) A technique used
types of system which link people together. The in CD drives to ensure that the linear velocity
main types are videoconferencing, audiocon- of the disk is always the same at the point
ferencing and computer conferencing. All being read. This should be compared with con-
except the last link people together ‘synchro- stant angular velocity, which is used on mag-
nously’, i.e. the people are present simultaneous- netic disk drives.
ly, even if not physically together. constant mapping A method of describing an
Configurable Unified Search Interface (CUSI) A Internet address used by some TCP systems,
collection of indices to various World Wide in which the Internet address is not indepen-
Web and other Internet documents. Also dent of the Ethernet address. (Contrast with
describes a tool for searching the Web. ARP.)
configuration The arrangement of peripherals constat Short for continuous stationery.
into a computer system. Consultative Committee on International Radio
ConflictNet A network connecting those con- (CCIR) Of the ITU. Recommends standards
cerned about global conflict. See Institute for and procedures for radio and television broad-
Global Communications. casting.
conformability The degree in which a paper sur- consumable textbook A book which can be writ-
face will change shape to contact ink on the ten in by the student and therefore can be used
press. only once.
connected dot Half-tone dots joined together. consumer press Periodicals circulating widely
connectionless A mode of data communication among the general public (as distinct from
in which packets are sent from the user to the trade and technical press).
network without the need for a connection to contact print A photographic print of a negative
have been established previously to the desti- or positive made in contact with, and therefore
nation of those packets. Each packet contains the same size as, the original.
its own destination address and is routed indi- contact screen Half-tone screen used in direct
vidually. Connectionless operation is also contact with the photographic film for creating
known as datagram operation and packet half-tones.
switching. Examples include LANs, Internet container An HTML element that contains text.
IP, UDP. Contrast with circuit switching and The term can also be used in SGML, with the
connection-oriented. same meaning.
connectionless broadband data service container boards Boards used in manufacturing
(CBDS) The term used in Europe for SMDS box containers.
(Switched Multimegabit Data Service). Content Data Model (CDM) An SGML-based
connection-oriented A type of transport layer US Department of Defense specification for
data communication service in which an end- interactive manuals.
to-end logical channel is established prior to contention A condition in which multiple users
the start of communication, allowing a host to compete for access to a shared channel or com-
send data in a continuous stream to another puter port.
host. The transport service will guarantee that contention period See contention slot.
all data will be delivered to the other end in the contention scheme A method of multiple access
same order as sent and without duplicates. to a shared medium, such as a LAN, in which
Communication proceeds through three well- access units compete with each other for band-
defined phases: connection establishment, data width.
transfer and connection release. The most com- contention slot Also described as contention
mon example is Transmission Control period. The minimum time for which a host
Protocol (TCP). This is the opposite of connec- must transmit before it can be sure that no
tionless. (See also circuit switching.) other host’s packet has collided with its trans-
connector Connectors are the parts on the ends mission.
of cables that actually make the connection to content management system Software system
another piece of hardware. Both the part on the for the ordered structuring, indexing, archiv-
end of the cable and that on the hardware that ing and retrieval of text and illustration files.
it plugs into are called connectors, and they are contents page Page of a book or magazine
described as either male or female. explaining the contents and where they appear.
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contextual searching Searching facility that control bus That part of a computer’s internal
applies fuzzy logic, semantic analysis and circuitry which transports signals designed to
often the use of an online thesaurus in order to control system operations.
enhance a search and extend hits into parallel control code A character which provides a con-
definitions and contexts. trol or function, rather than being part of the
Continuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support text or data; these include tab, carriage return
(CALS) Note that what the acronym stands etc. Different operating systems and programs
for has changed several times. Originally a US have different conventions for what control
Department of Defense standard for electronic codes are intended to do. Control codes are
exchange of data with commercial suppliers. also used to control transmission between
Now, more generally, a global strategy intend- hosts. In some cases, their function is specified
ed to bring about more enterprise integration as part of the ASCII character set.
through the streamlining of business processes controlled circulation Magazine or newspaper
and the application of standards and technolo- distributed free to selected names or groups of
gies for the development, management, readers.
exchange and use of business and technical control tape Computer tape containing control
information. Includes SGML for the documen- information rather than data.
tation aspects; a CALS Document Type control unit Part of a computer CPU which
Definition has been defined. This gives partic- sequences operations.
ular attention to coding tables and is widely conventional memory In the MS-DOS environ-
used outside CALS applications themselves. ment, the first 640K of memory.
continuous pulping Pulp produced in a con- conversion systems Systems which convert type
stantly running digester. or plates into film for subsequent printing by a
continuous stationery Reel stationery used on different method.
computer printers and other automatic converter A computer peripheral which transfers
machines. data from one medium to another.
continuous tone An uncountable range of colour convertible press A press that will print either
variation or shades of grey such as occurs in a one-colour on each side of the sheet in one
photograph or painting, which cannot be pass, or two-colour on one side of the sheet in
directly printed. All such images must go one pass.
through a half-tone process in order to be converting Sheeting, re-reeling or changing the
reproduced. In the half-tone process the image format of sheets or reels of paper. The person
is broken up into a series of discrete dots who carries this out is known as a ‘converter’.
which, when printed, give the illusion of con- cookie A World Wide Web mechanism through
tinuous tone. which servers can obtain information stored on
continuous wave (CW) A term dating from the the client side, usually as part of a browser
use of circuits containing thermionic valves. implementation. Storage of such information is
The term is still used to mean transmission by an automatic process that occurs as the Web is
means of a signal at a single frequency, which accessed. A common use of cookies is to identify
is either on or off (e.g. Morse code), as opposed registered users of a Web site without requiring
to a carrier which is modulated in amplitude, them to sign in each time they access it.
frequency or phase. cooking Treating pulp with heat, water and
contone See continuous tone. chemicals.
contract proof Colour proof or set of colour Co-ordinating Committee for Intercontinental
proofs which define the expected standard for Research Networks (CCIRN) A committee that
the printed job and which are used by the includes the United States Federal Networking
printer as the accepted match for quality. There Council (FNC) and its counterparts in North
is a lively debate between publishers and print- America and Europe. Co-chaired by the execu-
ers on whether digital proofs can be viewed as tive directors of the FNC and the European
contract proofs, since the technologies of digital Association of Research Networks (RARE), the
proofing and wet printing are so far apart. CCIRN provides a forum for cooperative plan-
contraries Unwanted material in paper or stock. ning among the principal North American and
contrast Wide range of tonal gradations. European research networking bodies.
contrast ratio opacity Paper opacity measured CopiCat A project, which has developed from
by the TAPPI method of gauging reflectance CITED and other projects, to investigate the
from a backed sheet. use of encryption in the control of, and com-
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pensation for, intellectual property rights in copyright The exclusive legal right of the author
electronic material. of a work (or whoever he or she transfers that
copier paper Paper used in photocopying right to) to make and distribute copies, prepare
machines. derivative works, and perform and display the
copper cable Traditional telephone wire found in work in public.
much of the local connection services of the Copyright in Transmitted Electronic Documents
public telephone network. Copper cable carries (CITED) An EC project aimed at addressing
ordinary telephony and can carry basic rate the issues of control of and compensation for
ISDN but not the more advanced primary rate intellectual property in electronic information.
ISDN. copyright page Title page verso of a book con-
copper distributed data interface (CDDI) An taining bibliographic information. Also known
FDDI network running over conventional as biblio page.
copper cables. All FDDI connections, single- copy typing Typing documents from handwrit-
attached or dual-attached, can be either fibre ten originals.
or copper. copywriter Person who creates the text for
copperplate A polished copper plate for making advertisements.
engravings. copywriting Scriptwriting for advertisements.
copperprint The developed image on a plate CORA V Linotype’s typesetter-command lan-
before etching. guage for the Linotron 202 and other machines.
co-publication To publish a book in partnership CORBA See Common Object Request Broker
with another publisher. See co-publisher. Architecture.
co-publisher One of a partnership of publishers. cording Putting cord into stationery as a form of
copy To transfer a copy of text and/or graphics loose binding.
to the clipboard, while leaving the original in core memory Main storage capacity in the cen-
place. (See also cut.) tral processing unit of a computer. Defined in
copy block Block of typesetting treated as a unit. thousands or millions of bytes, indicated by
copyboard Holding frame for material being the term kb or Mb.
photographed for reproduction. corona Discharge of electricity used to charge the
copy date Scheduled date for delivering copy to toner in a laser printer.
a publisher or printer. corona wire Thin wire in a laser printer that
copy-dot scanner Scanner designed to capture gives a charge to the powdered toner particles
pre-screened page films digitally so they can be as they pass across it.
included in the data going in to a CTP or simi- corrigenda List of errors to be corrected in a
lar all-digital system. printed book.
copy editing Preparing manuscripts for typeset- corrugated Packaging grade of cardboard made
ting and publication by, e.g., checking for by sandwiching fluted kraft paper between
errors, style (both typesetting and house style), sheets of cardboard to absorb any impact.
inconsistencies, libel etc. corruption An unsatisfactory alteration of data
copy editor One involved in copy editing. during transmission or while held on a backing
copyfitting Determining the typographical spec- medium.
ification to which a manuscript needs to be set cotton content paper See rag paper.
in order to fill a given amount of space. cotton linters Cotton seed-hair fibres used in fine
copyholder Person who helps a proofreader paper.
check proofs for corrections by reading out the couch End of the wet end of a paper machine
original copy. where the web is passed to the press section.
copyleft (A play on copyright.) The copyright coucher Person responsible for placing wet
notice applying to the works of the Free paper onto the felt mat.
Software Foundation, granting reuse and repro- counter Centre part of a letter enclosed by
duction rights to everyone. Those who pass on a strokes, such as the bowl of an ‘o’. Also, bowl.
program must also include the rights to use, counting keyboard Keyboard which has logic
modify and redistribute the code; the code and for justification purposes.
the freedoms become legally inseparable. country code A two-letter abbreviation used for a
copy prep Copy preparation. Putting instruc- particular country. The codes are based on ISO
tions on a manuscript to ensure understanding 3166 and used as the top-level domain for
of the requirement by the compositor. (See also Internet hostnames in most countries, although
electronic markup.) the code for the US, us, is hardly ever used.
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courtesy discount Special discount that is given Cromalin A proprietary plastic-proofing system
by supplier to purchaser but not for resale pur- for proofing four-colour subjects without
poses. making machine plates. See plastic proof.
cover Outer section of a periodical, bearing its title. crop Cut back part of an illustration to give better
cover board See case board. effect or achieve better fit.
covering 1. See case material. Non-woven materi- crop marks Marks printed on a printed sheet,
als, woven materials and leathers comprise the which indicate the edge of the intended physi-
most commonly used coverings. 2. The fixing of cal page. They can also act as registration
a book cover to the spine and endpapers. marks if more than one colour is to be printed.
covering power The opacity achieved by a print- crossbars Metal cross-pieces which divide a
ing ink. chase (a metal frame holding composed type)
cpi Characters per inch. Unit of measurement of into sections.
type in a line. cross direction Across the web of paper.
cpl or CPL Characters per line. cross fold A fold at right angles to the direction
CP/M Control Program for Microcomputers. A of the web.
single-user operating system developed by cross grain Used to denote that the grain of the
Digital Research. paper in a book runs at right angles to the
cpo In direct mail, cost per order. spine, not parallel to it (which is preferable).
cpp Characters per pica. Copyfitting method Also used to refer to endpapers as book-cover-
using average number of characters per pica. ing materials in which the grain is at right
C print See C type. angles to the spine.
cps Characters per second. Used to measure the cross hatching Series of close parallel lines going
speed of a printer or communications device. in two directions to form shading to a line
CPU Central processing unit. The computing drawing.
unit in an electronic system. cross head A sub-heading ranged centrally over
CR Carriage return. text. As distinct from a boxed head which is
cracked edge Broken edge on a web of paper. ranged left.
crash 1. Serious hardware or software failure in a cross index To give a cross-reference.
computer system. 2. Muslin cloth or mull used cross line screen The normal 45° half-tone
as a first lining on the spines of the sections in screen used for most half-tone origination.
a case-bound book. cross-machine tension burst A paper break at
crash finish Linen-look finish on imitation cloth. the winding stage.
crawler See spider. crossmarks See register marks.
crawling Contraction of ink on paper when it has cross-posting Sending a news article to several
not penetrated the surface. different Usenet newsgroups simultaneously.
CRC See 1. Cyclic redundancy check. 2. cross-reference Where one part of a book makes
Camera-ready copy. a noted reference to another.
crease 1. Impress an indented line across a sheet cross sealer Blade in film wrapping machine
of paper or board to assist folding. 2. A folding which cuts and seals ends of wrapping.
fault which leaves a crease in the sheet, hence crosstalk Unwanted coupling of electrical sig-
‘creasing’. nals between two adjacent transmission media.
creep 1. Blanket movement during printing. 2. crown Standard size of paper measuring
The effect of the back margins of the outer 384 3 504mm (metric system).
pages in a printed section becoming narrower CRPU See camera-ready paste-up.
than the back margins of the inner pages, due CRT See cathode ray tube. Images of type are
to the thickness of paper across the fold. Needs exposed on a CRT in a third generation photo-
to be compensated for in imposition by shin- typesetter.
gling (see shingle). crusher panel The area on a book cover blocked
creping Crinkling paper to create a soft, elastic in preparation for the title lettering to be
sheet. blocked over it.
critical path The sequence of events which takes crushing Paper defect affecting a small area and
the shortest time. Analysis of the critical path showing as a visible surface fault.
ensures that events on the path are never cryogenic Materials whose temperatures have
delayed, while events on less critical paths may been reduced as close as possible to absolute
be if necessary. zero, usually as a means of reducing electrical
crocking Dry ink rubbed off after printing. resistance.
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cryptography The study of encryption and cut To copy text or graphics to the clipboard but,
decryption. Usually involves taking plaintext unlike copy, also to delete the original from the
and applying various encryption algorithms to current file.
produce encrypted ciphertext. The security of a cut and paste In wordprocessing and desktop
cryptosystem usually depends on the secrecy of publishing, the on-screen version of the manu-
(some of) the keys rather than on the algorithm al task whereby areas of text or graphics are
itself. See Clipper, RSA encryption, DES. defined and stored for subsequent insertion
crystallisation Condition of an ink layer which into another area, page or file. Otherwise, tra-
will not accept a second ink overprinting. ditional paste-up methods.
CSCL See computer-supported collaborative cut-back binding See adhesive binding.
learning. cut flush Binding style with the cover cut flush
CSCW See computer-supported cooperative with the pages.
work. cut-in index Divisions cut into edge of book to
C series See C. indicate alphabetical steps.
CSLIP Compressed SLIP, producing faster cut-in notes Notes in an outside margin of a page
transfer rates than with uncompressed Serial but which the text runs round in some degree.
Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). cut-line Mark left on negative or printed copy by
CSMA/CD See carrier sense multiple failure to spot out a shadow left by an edge of
access/collision detect. patched-in artwork on CRC.
CSNET See Computer + Science NETwork. cut marks See crop marks.
CSS See Cascading Style Sheets. cut-off The web press measure of length of sheet
CSU See channel service unit. cut, determined by the plate cylinder circum-
CSWO Coldset web offset. ference. Measured in inches or millimetres.
C/T Colour transparency. cut-out Illustration with background painted out
CTCP See client to client protocol. or removed by process work.
CTI See computer telephone integration. cutscore Blade in die-cutting which scores for
CTMP See chemi-thermomechanical pulp. folding.
CTP See computer-to-plate. cut-size paper Small-sized paper sheets for
CTS See clear to send. stationery.
C type Proprietary photographic process for pro- cut-through index See step index.
ducing continuous tone colour prints. Also, cutting Sheeting web paper.
C print. cutting ahead Cutting watermarked paper
CUA See Common User Access. regardless of watermark positions. Compare
cumulative index An index which combines sev- cut-to-register.
eral other indices. cutting marks Marks on copy which indicate
curl Sheet distortion leading to a tendency to roll cutting lines.
up. cut-to-register Paper with a watermark in the
cursives Typefaces which simulate handwriting same position on each cut sheet. Compare cut-
without joined characters. ting ahead.
cursor The screen symbol that indicates where the CW See continuous wave.
action initiated by the next keystrokes or mouse CWIS See campus wide information system.
click will take effect. Cursors in character-based cwt Hundredweight. The short cwt (US) equals
interfaces are either a block or an underline 100lbs, the long cwt (UK) equals 112lbs.
(sometimes flashing), while in a GUI the cursor cyan The blue colour used in process printing.
can consist of any icon chosen by the software CybercafŽ A café where not only coffee but also
developer or the user. Internet access is provided.
curtain coating A paper coating system in which CyberCash An electronic payment method using
the coating is injected horizontally across the RSA encryption. (See also DigiCash, Ecash,
web. Mondex.)
curved electros Electros shaped for use on rotary CyberGlove A data glove sold by Virtual
machines. Sometimes called curved plates. Technologies. The glove houses 18 sensors to
cushion Soft pad on which a leather-bound book track accurately just about every move the
is put for tooling. hand is capable of making. The accompanying
CUSI See Configurable Unified Search Interface. software includes a three-dimensional model
custom Non-standard, or specially commissioned. of the hand that can be added to any virtual
custom software See bespoke software. reality application.
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:27 am Page 45
cyberspace Term to mean all the information DAC Digital-to-analogue converter. See digital-
available on computers worldwide that is to-analogue conversion.
available through networks and the Internet. D/A conversion See digital-to-analogue conver-
cycle time The duration of a computer process sion.
relating to one storage location. Used to mea- dagger Dagger-shaped symbol (†) used as a foot-
sure speed of performance. note reference mark. Usually follows the asterisk
cyclic redundancy check (CRC) A method used in order of use.
to detect errors in transmitted data whereby a dailies National daily newspapers.
polynomial algorithm is used to generate a daisy-chain bus Pertaining to polling circuits
CRC code, which is transmitted with the data where a device will block the signal, indicating
block; this code is compared with a code that is that it requires connection and may, once con-
calculated at the receiver. If there is a discrep- nected, modify the signal before passing it on
ancy, then it will be clear that an error has to the next device.
occurred. A parity bit can be considered a one- daisywheel Flat disc with characters on stalks
bit CRC for a string of bits. A single corrupted used as the removable printing element of a let-
bit in the data will result in a one-bit change in ter-quality printer. Hence ‘daisywheel printer’.
the calculated CRC but multiple corrupted bits damper Roller on a litho press which transfers
may cancel each other out. Ethernet packets moisture to the plate prior to inking.
have a 32-bit CRC. Many disk formats include dancer roller Roller on a web-offset press which
a CRC at some level. (See also checksum.) controls the tension of the web.
cyclohexylamine carbonate (CHC) Chemical dandy roll Cylinder on papermaking machine
which removes acid from paper. which impresses patterns and watermarks on
cylinder 1. In computing, a set of tracks in a disk the surface.
pack which are positioned vertically under- DANTE A European network company set up by
neath each other. 2. In printing, the structure the national research networks.
which carries the printing plate or blanket on DARPA See Defense Advanced Research
the printing press. Projects Agency.
cylinder dressing Sheets of paper around the dash A character, similar to but longer than a
impression cylinder of a letterpress printing hyphen. An en dash is the width of ‘N’ in the
machine which improve the definition of the font being used and an em dash the width of
print by providing a cushioned impression. ‘M’. While the hyphen has clearly established
cylinder machine 1. A paper machine that makes uses, how em and en dashes are used depends
paper on a mould revolving in pulp. 2. A let- on the style of a publication and on the country
terpress printing machine which uses a revolv- in which they are being used.
ing cylinder to make the impression. DAT See digital audio tape. The abbreviation is
cylinder mould machine A paper machine that also used within computing generally to mean
makes high-quality mould-made paper by dynamic address translation.
forming the paper on a cylindrical mould data Information, usually recorded in a quantifi-
which revolves in the stock. able, i.e. digital, manner.
cylinder press Any letterpress printing machine data bank A collection of data pertaining to a
which uses a cylinder to press the paper on the given subject or application.
type. Compare platen press. database A structured container of data of any
cyrillic alphabet The Russian alphabet. type. There are several different types of data-
base, which are more or less appropriate for dif-
ferent applications. Relational databases are
not always appropriate for text-based appli-
cations, while object-oriented databases are
being developed which will handle multimedia
D applications. SGML and HTML can also be
regarded as linear databases. The hierarchy
implicit in SGML is more descriptive than a text
database, although it requires tools to manipu-
D See Didot. late it. Databases which will encompass SGML
D2-MAC A standard for satellite TV signals. It will are at a late stage of development.
probably be superseded by digital technology. database query language A language in which
DAB See digital audio broadcast. users of a database can (interactively) formulate
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:27 am Page 46
requests and generate reports. The best known Data Discman A Sony trademark for a portable
is SQL. Such requests will often be made over a compact disc player with a liquid crystal dis-
network using a clientÐserver approach. play for data disks.
database server A computer in a network that Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) An ANSI
holds and manages a database (the back end), standard identical to the Data Encryption
while the user only manipulates data and Standard (DES).
applications (the front end). True database data encryption key (DEK) Used for the encryp-
servers should be distinguished from simple tion of text and to calculate integrity checks (or
file servers in that with file servers it is neces- digital signatures). See cryptography.
sary to download large parts of the database to D See Didot.
the user or client because the database software D2-MAC A standard for satellite TV signals. It will
has not been designed for a network. It was the probably be superseded by digital technology.
development of later, network-aware software DAB See digital audio broadcast.
which allowed the use of the database server. DAC Digital-to-analogue converter. See digital-
data bus The internal connections in a computer to-analogue conversion.
that carry data, essentially between the proces- D/A conversion See digital-to-analogue conver-
sor, memory and peripherals. Data buses are sion.
able to transfer 8, 16, 32 or even more bits at a dagger Dagger-shaped symbol (†) used as a foot-
time and the width of the data bus is an impor- note reference mark. Usually follows the aster-
tant factor in determining the processing speed isk in order of use.
of a system. dailies National daily newspapers.
data circuit-terminating equipment See data daisy-chain bus Pertaining to polling circuits
communication equipment. where a device will block the signal, indicating
data communication equipment (DCE) (Or data that it requires connection and may, once con-
circuit-terminating equipment.) The devices nected, modify the signal before passing it on
that provide the interface between the data to the next device.
source and the transmitting/receiving equip- daisywheel Flat disc with characters on stalks
ment (the data terminal equipment or DTE), used as the removable printing element of a let-
so that in an RS-232 or serial interface the ter-quality printer. Hence ‘daisywheel printer’.
modem or line interface device is usually damper Roller on a litho press which transfers
regarded as the DCE. In an X.25 system a net- moisture to the plate prior to inking.
work access and packet switching node is dancer roller Roller on a web-offset press which
regarded as the DCE. DCE and DTE need to be controls the tension of the web.
distinguished in order to ensure that they are dandy roll Cylinder on papermaking machine
wired correctly. which impresses patterns and watermarks on
data communications Sending and receiving the surface.
data via any communications medium, tele- DANTE A European network company set up by
phone line, satellite or wide area network. Less the national research networks.
usually, the term refers to local area networks, DARPA See Defense Advanced Research
when the term networking is more commonly Projects Agency.
applied. Data communications are increasingly dash A character, similar to but longer than a
digital, although transfer over the PSTN is still hyphen. An en dash is the width of ‘N’ in the
analogue and modems are required to convert font being used and an em dash the width of
the signals from and to digital signals at the ‘M’. While the hyphen has clearly established
end of the line. (See also analogue-to-digital uses, how em and en dashes are used depends
and digital-to-analogue conversion.) on the style of a publication and on the country
data compression Techniques used to reduce file in which they are being used.
size in order to cut down either the amount of DAT See digital audio tape. The abbreviation is
storage needed for a given amount of data or also used within computing generally to mean
the time taken to transmit it over a communica- dynamic address translation.
tions link. Often (but not always) this data is data Information, usually recorded in a quanti-
text. On a dial-up line, the ITU-T standard data fiable, i.e. digital, manner.
compression technique for low-speed data data bank A collection of data pertaining to a
transmission is V.42 bis, which is gradually given subject or application.
replacing older and more proprietary tech- database A structured container of data of any
niques. V.42 bis will yield up to 4:1 compression. type. There are several different types of data-
Dic.pag1 28/9/00 12:27 am Page 47
base, which are more or less appropriate for digital, although transfer over the PSTN is still
different applications. Relational databases are analogue and modems are required to convert
not always appropriate for text-based applica- the signals from and to digital signals at the
tions, while object-oriented databases are end of the line. (See also analogue-to-digital
being developed which will handle multime- and digital-to-analogue conversion.)
dia applications. SGML and HTML can also be data compression Techniques used to reduce file
regarded as linear databases. The hierarchy size in order to cut down either the amount of
implicit in SGML is more descriptive than a storage needed for a given amount of data or the
text database, although it requires tools to time taken to transmit it over a communications
manipulate it. Databases which will encompass link. Often (but not always) this data is text. On
SGML are at a late stage of development. a dial-up line, the ITU-T standard data com-
database query language A language in which pression technique for low-speed data transmis-
users of a database can (interactively) formu- sion is V.42 bis, which is gradually replacing
late requests and generate reports. The best older and more proprietary techniques. V.42 bis
known is SQL. Such requests will often be will yield up to 4:1 compression.
made over a network using a client-server Data Discman A Sony trademark for a portable
approach. compact disc player with a liquid crystal dis-
database server A computer in a network that play for data disks.
holds and manages a database (the back end), Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA) An ANSI
while the user only manipulates data and standard identical to the Data Encryption
applications (the front end). True database Standard (DES).
servers should be distinguished from simple data encryption key (DEK) Used for the encryp-
file servers in that with file servers it is neces- tion of text and to calculate integrity checks (or
sary to download large parts of the database to digital signatures). See cryptography.
the user or client because the database soft- Data Encryption Standard (DES) The encryp-
ware has not been designed for a network. It tion algorithm developed at the US National
was the development of later, network-aware Bureau of Standards. It operates on 64-bit
software which allowed the use of the database blocks of data and is based on a 56-bit key. DES
server. is identical to the Data Encryption Algorithm
data bus The internal connections in a computer (DEA). DES has been implemented in both
that carry data, essentially between the proces- hardware and software. DES is not supposed to
sor, memory and peripherals. Data buses are be used outside the US and US companies are
able to transfer 8, 16, 32 or even more bits at a not allowed to export equipment in which DES
time and the width of the data bus is an impor- is implemented. However, companies outside
tant factor in determining the processing speed the US have implemented DES and there has
of a system. been a suggestion that this puts US industry at
data circuit-terminating equipment See data a disadvantage.
communication equipment. data glove A device used to interact with virtual
data communication equipment (DCE) (Or data reality. The data glove contains sensors, which
circuit-terminating equipment.) The devices measure the movements of the wearer’s fingers
that provide the interface between the data and transmit them to the virtual reality system.
source and the transmitting/receiving equip- Some data gloves also measure movement of
ment (the data terminal equipment or DTE), the wrist and elbow and contain control but-
so that in an RS-232 or serial interface the tons. They can also output signals, such as
modem or line interface device is usually vibration. The related software is set up so that
regarded as the DCE. In an X.25 system a net- the user knows what he or she can do and is
work access and packet switching node is doing with the glove. (See also CyberGlove.)
regarded as the DCE. DCE and DTE need to be datagram An independent data entity that carries
distinguished in order to ensure that they are all the routing information it needs to reach the
wired correctly. destination computer without relying on other
data communications Sending and receiving communications between the source and desti-
data via any communications medium, tele- nation computers and the transporting net-
phone line, satellite or wide area network. Less work. The basic unit of information transferred
usually, the term refers to local area networks, over the Internet using the IP protocol. See
when the term networking is more commonly connectionless and User Datagram Protocol
applied. Data communications are increasingly (UDP).
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:01 Page 48
data integrity The degree to which data can be mental data); and statements of intent, rather
trusted or assumed correct. than statements of opinion (intention data).
Data Interchange Format (DIF) A standard file data rate See baud and data transfer rate.
format for spreadsheet and database applica- data service level (DS level) A measure of data
tions, in which the information is structured in service rates used to classify the user access rates
columns and rows. It was originally developed for various point-to-point wide area network
by Software Arts, the company that produced technologies or standards, such as X.25, SMDS,
the first spreadsheet, VisiCalc, created for the ISDN, ATM and PDH. In North America, the
Apple computer. DS levels are classified as DS-0 (64 kbps); DS-1
data link The medium employed to connect to (1.544 – used, e.g., on T-1 synchronous ISDN
remote devices such as a telephone line. lines); DS-1C (3.15 Mbps, using 48 pulse code
data link connection identifier (DLCI) In frame modulation channels); DS-2 (6.31 Mbps, using
relay, the part of the frame header that distin- 96 pulse code modulation channels); DS-3
guishes a particular frame of a particular virtual (44.736 Mbps – used, e.g., on T-3 synchronous
circuit in a link. As a frame passes from link to ISDN lines).
link, the DLCI may change. Similar to virtual data service unit Another term for digital ser-
channel identifier (VCI) in Distributed Queue vice unit.
Dual Bus and asynchronous transfer mode. data terminal equipment (DTE) A device, acting
datalink layer (DLL) The second-lowest layer in as the source and/or destination of data, which
the OSI seven-layer model, which is respon- controls a communication channel. This includes
sible for establishing, maintaining and releasing terminals, computers, protocol converters, and
data link connections between adjacent network multiplexers. Generally, DTE is connected via an
stations. RS-232 serial line to data communication
data pabx A private (telephone) exchange equipment (DCE), most probably a modem.
switch which allows data users to establish DCE and DTE need to be distinguished in order
connections to host computers or other data to ensure that they are wired correctly.
users. data terminal ready (DTR) An RS-232-C signal
Dataphone Digital Service (DDS) The first pri- raised by the data terminal equipment to indi-
vate-line digital service that was offered by cate that it is ready to receive data.
AT&T, with data rates up to 56 kbps. Other data transfer rate or data rate The speed at which
suppliers now offer similar services. data travels from one device to another. This can
data privacy In a local area network, the restric- vary greatly, in that data transfers within com-
tion of access to a file so that only authorised puters using internal buses are very fast, while
users are able to view and/or edit it. In more transfers via modems, over analogue lines, can
general terms, applied to personal data, it is be many orders of magnitude slower. Any trans-
concerned with the right of individuals to have fer which involves a mechanical device, such as
both access to and control of data concerning a disk drive, is always very slow compared with
themselves. Subject to legislation in many internal transfer rates. (See also bit rate.)
countries. (See data protection legislation.) data transparency Transmission such that a sig-
Privacy can also be ensured by encryption. See nal is not modified by the communications sys-
password, Pretty Good Privacy. tem in any way.
data processing Receiving and classifying data validation The process of checking that
information from data supplied on computer. data corresponds to agreed criteria.
data protection legislation Legislation that day glow Proprietary name for fluorescent inks.
seeks to protect persons from three potential dB See decibel.
dangers: the use of personal information that is dB(A) Decibel (adjusted): a measure to approxi-
inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant; the possi- mate the effect of noise on the human ear. 90
bility of personal information being accessed dB(A) is the maximum permissible continuous
by unauthorised persons; and the use of per- level in a working environment; preventive
sonal information in a context or for a purpose action should be taken at 85 dB(A).
other than that for which the information was DBM See dynamic bandwidth allocation,
collected. The legislation usually covers only dynamic bandwidth management.
personal data in digital form and is concerned DBS See direct broadcast satellite.
with three general categories: factual data DCA Defense Communications Agency. See
about an individual; subjective judgements also Defense Information Systems Agency
and expressions about an individual (judge- and Document Content Architecture.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 49
DCC See Direct Client to Client Protocol. cut-off, the two sheets are folded together to
DCE See data communication equipment, form a section (typically two 16pp sheets folded
Distributed Computing Environment. one inside the other to yield one 32pp section).
D-channel The control/signalling channel in ‘A’ deck is the top side of the top web, and ‘B’
ISDN. (D stands for ‘delta’.) See basic rate deck is the lower side of the top web; ‘C’ deck is
ISDN, primary rate ISDN. the top side of the lower web, and ‘D’ deck is the
DCM See dynamic channel management. lower side of the lower web. Colour locations
DCS An extension to the standard EPS format may appear in different positions according to
developed by Quark Inc. used in process colour the configuration used. See colour fall.
work and allowing CMYK separations to be deckle The width of a papermaking machine’s
saved in a format readable by other applications. web. Deckle boards retain the stock on the
DD Double density. wire. Deckle edge is the untrimmed feathering
DDCMP See Digital Data Communications edge of paper. Deckle frame is the rectangular
Message Protocol. frame which contains the stock on the wire in
DDE See Dynamic Data Exchange. handmade paper.
DDES See Digital Data Exchange Standard. DECnet Networking protocols proprietary to
DDIF See Digital Document Interchange Format. DEC, which are used instead of TCP/IP and are
DDN See Defense Data Network. not compatible with the Internet. Used on DEC
DDP See distributed data processing, distributed machines such as the VAX.
computing. decoder A logic component, the purpose of
DDS See Dataphone Digital Service, digital which is to convert data from one numeric sys-
data service. tem to another, e.g. binary to hexadecimal.
DEA See Data Encryption Algorithm, but see decoding The computer process of interpreting
Data Encryption Standard for information. instruction codes.
deacidify To remove the acid from paper. decollate To cut continuous stationery into single
dead matter Type which is finished with or sheets.
which will not be used, and may be ‘killed’. decompression The reverse of compression.
dead metal Non-printing areas on a letterpress decrypt Decodify encrypted material.
metal printing plate. decryption To restore information that has been
dead white A white with no modelling tint. encrypted, i.e. to restore plaintext from cipher-
de-archive The retrieval of files held on backing text. See cryptography, encryption.
store and placing of them on a system disk. dedicated An item of equipment or electronics
debarking Stripping bark from logs prior to used for only one type of application and
them being pulped. maybe only running one program.
debris Used to describe paper dust or edge dust dedicated circuit or line A line reserved for only
which finds its way onto the offset printing one user. Also called private line and leased
blanket. line.
debugging The detection and correction of errors dedication Inscription by the author dedicating a
in a computer program before it goes into use. book to an individual. Carried among the pre-
DEC Digital Equipment Corporation: a major lims.
computing company dedupe or deduplicate In data-processing, run-
decentralised computer network One in which ning a program which identifies and eliminates
certain control functions are distributed among duplicate entries in a database (typically in a
several network nodes. mailing list).
decibel (dB) A logarithmic unit of measurement deep-etch half-tone A half-tone in which all the
used to express the ratio of two amounts of smaller highlight dots have been removed to
power = 10log10 P1/P2, where P1 and P2 are leave plain white. Also drop-out half-tone.
measures of the powers being compared. Used deep-etch plate Litho printing plate made from
in communications to measure response, it is positive film in which the printing areas are
often expressed as 20log10 V1/V2, where V1 and recessed below the surface. Used for long runs.
V1 are the voltage levels measured. default In computing, the parameters defined by
deciduous trees Hardwood trees which shed the designer or programmer that will be used
their leaves annually. in the absence of alternative input by a user.
deck Term used in multi-unit web offset imposi- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
tion, where a section is being formed from run- (DARPA) Former name of Advanced Research
ning one web under another into the folder. After Projects Agency (ARPA).
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 50
Defense Data Network (DDN) A global commu- demodulation The extraction of information
nications network used to connect US military from a modulated carrier signal.
installations. It is made up of Milnet, some other demodulator Device which extracts information
portions of the Internet and other classified net- from a modulated carrier signal.
works. The DDN is managed by the Defense demographic edition Edition of a publication
Information Systems Agency. designed for a specifically targeted sector of the
Defense Data Network Network Information readership with advertising limited to that edi-
Center (DDN NIC) (Also known as ‘The tion.
NIC’.) The organisation which provides ser- Demon Internet Ltd The first company to provide
vices to the DDN, although it used to be public low-cost full Internet access in the UK.
responsible for coordinating the Internet as a demultiplexer A device which separates multi-
whole. This has now been taken over by plexed signals.
InterNIC. DDN NIC has now been renamed demy Standard size of paper 4443564mm (met-
DISA NIC. See Defense Information Systems ric system).
Agency. densitometer Device for measuring light absorp-
Defense Information Systems Agency tion or the size of dots in half-tones.
(DISA) Formerly called the Defense density Measurement of the tonal value of a print-
Communications Agency (DCA), the US gov- ed or photographic area. Density is the light-
ernment agency responsible for managing the stopping, or light-absorbing, ability of an object.
Defense Data Network (DDN) portion of the In mathematical terms it is the reciprocal (oppo-
Internet. Currently, DISA administers the site) of ‘transmission’ or ‘reflection’, and it is
DDN, and supports the user-assistance ser- measured by the formula incident light divided
vices of the DDN NIC (renamed DISA NIC). by transmitted (or reflected) light expressed as a
definition The degree of detail and sharpness in logarithmic value (power of 10). Logarithmic
a reproduction. values are chosen to reflect the fact that per-
deforestation The depletion of natural forest ceived density proceeds in steps of ‘twice as
resources by indiscriminate felling. much as last time’, not linearly. In practice, this
degradation The deterioration of communica- means a measuring scale of 0.0 at the lightest end
tions signal characteristics. of a subject measured by a densitometer (100%
dehumidification Removal of humidity from the transmission/reflection of light) up to 3.0 at the
air. farthest end (0.1% transmission/reflection of
deinking Removing ink and other unwanted light).
chemicals from printed wastepaper to recover density range The range of contrast between the
and re-use fibre content. lightest area and the darkest area of a piece of
DEK See data encryption key. artwork or photograph (see density). A good
del Delete. Proofreader’s instruction to erase text transmission density range in a transparency for
or other matter. reproduction should be between 1.8 to 2.4, with
delamination Separation of surface from paper no less than 0.3 in the highlights and no more
by ink tack or separation of film laminate from than 2.7 in the shadows as the outer parameters.
its substrate, often caused by impurities densometer Instrument that measures the air
trapped between the film and the substrate. resistance of an area of paper.
delimiter The character used at the beginning dentelle The gold decoration on book covers.
and end of SGML/HTML tags. In the refer- depth gauge 1. Micrometer for measuring etch-
ence concrete syntax (the usual way of encod- ing depth on plates. 2. Typographical ruler for
ing using SGML, also used by HTML), the measuring leading.
opening delimiters are ‘‘ for a start-tag and ‘/’ depth of field Area which remains in focus
for an end-tag, while the closing delimiter is ‘>‘ between close and distant objects in a photo-
for both start and end tags. graph.
Delphi A US and UK Internet service provider. depth of focus Position of film behind a camera
Also used to describe a form of iterative dis- lens that will produce sharp images regardless
cussion and decision-making, often carried on of the distance beyond.
using computer conferencing. Finally, it is an depth scale Ruler for measuring the space
object-oriented rapid application development between lines of type.
package for Microsoft Windows, written by dermatitis Skin disease with symptoms of itchy
Borland in the Pascal language, using visual, rash caused by some of the chemicals used in
component-based design. printing.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 51
DES See Data Encryption Standard. device independent A program that is designed
descender The part of a letter extending below to be able to run with any peripheral hardware.
the character baseline, as, e.g., in j, p, q and y. Dewey decimal classification Cataloguing sys-
(See also ascender.) tem for library books which uses a series of
descriptive markup Markup that describes the subject categories numbered 000 to 999.
structure of a document in a non-system-specific DFS See distributed file system.
manner, independently of any processing that DHCP See Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
may be performed upon it. SGML descriptive diacriticals Marks above and below letters, such
markup, e.g., uses tags to express the element as accents or the cedilla.
structure. diagnostics Programs designed to trace faults in
desensitise Treat an offset plate with chemicals a system or program.
to ensure that the non-image areas do not dial-in IP Running IP direct from a computer
retain ink. linked to an access provider using dial-up. The
desiderata List of secondhand books required by computer remains a host for the time it is con-
a dealer. nected.
designation marks Identifying letters at the foot DIALOG An online information service which
of each signature of a book which confirm the can be dialled-up directly to gain access, via a
sequence. (See also signature.) modem, to online databases.
designer Person who designs graphic work. dialogue box In DTP programs, a box that is dis-
desktop In a graphical user interface the repre- played showing the range of choices available
sentation of the working area, showing icons, to the user.
folders and dialogue boxes, which can be dial-up A temporary, as opposed to dedicated,
accessed using the mouse. connection between machines which is estab-
desktop conferencing A conferencing utility, in lished over a public switched telephone net-
which users on a network are able to share a work.
whiteboard and transfer files between them. diamond Obsolete term for 4½pt type.
desktop publishing (DTP) The production of DIANE See Direct Information Access Network
fully made-up pages using a computer with a for Europe.
graphics-oriented WYSIWYG page make-up diapositive A positive photographic slide or
package for assembling the components of the transparency.
page, and a laser printer for generating the out- diaresis Two dots over a vowel to indicate stress,
put repro. i.e. ë.
desktop video The use of a personal computer diazo A chemical coating in photography or
to view and control still or moving video platemaking and the term given to a copying
images. Mainly used in the context of video- process which uses light-sensitive compounds
conferencing. (diazonium). (See also blueprints, ozalid.)
destination address The part of a packet header dictionary A file used by a wordprocessor or
that specifies the destination to which the packet front-end system to check spelling or hyphen-
is to be sent, using an address that is unique ation. A dictionary can be a true dictionary,
throughout the whole network, whereas the data which contains all words which can be hyphen-
link connection identifier and virtual channel ated with their hyphenation points or an
identifier apply only to a given link in a network. exception dictionary which lists only excep-
destock To reduce stock levels in a shop or ware- tions to logical rules, and is used in conjunction
house. with a hyphenation logic program.
Deutsche Industrienorm (DIN) The German Didone Group of typefaces previously known as
industrial standards organisation. Modern, e.g. Bodoni.
develop Use chemical or other process to pro- DIDOS A RACE project to describe, realise, test
duce an image on photographic paper or a and evaluate a services environment for dis-
printing plate. tributed technical documentation, using a
developer Material used to remove unexposed framework of standards, services, products,
coating on a litho plate. agreements, business models, networks and
device control A transmission code that may be applications.
used to control a hardware device. Didot The European measure of type. Based on a
device driver The program which provides point of 0.376mm (0.01480). Abbreviated to D.
access to a particular device, e.g. a printer or a Didot point system A method of measuring
sound card. typesize used in Europe. See font size, cicero.
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tions for the typesetting machine rather than in ing signal into bipolar pulses, while on receiv-
any physical, visible form. The instructions can ing the DSU both extracts timing information
be in bitmap form or vector form. and regenerates the digital information from
Digital Lempel-Ziv 1 (DLZ1) The compression the incoming bipolar signal.
algorithm used on digital linear tape, which digital signal processing (DSP) Manipulation of
maps variable length input strings to variable analogue signals (often in sound or image
length output symbols. During compression, a files) that have been converted to digital form
dictionary of strings is built up, which is then (by sampling or digital modulation).
accessed by means of a hash table. Whenever digital signature Data at the end of a message that
an input data string matches a string in the both identifies and authenticates the sender of a
table, it is replaced with the output symbol. message. Uses public-key encryption. With a
digital linear tape (DLT) A magnetic tape drive one-way hash function the sender generates a
format developed by DEC, based on the hash code from the message and then encrypts
Digital Lempel-Ziv 1 (DLZ1) compression this with his or her private key. The receiver
algorithm. decrypts the received hash with the sender’s
digital modulation Encoding analogue signals public key and compares it with a hash code
as a series of discrete or pulsed signals. generated from the data. If the two hash codes
Digital Network Architecture (DNA) The DEC are the same, this confirms that the sender is who
communications network architecture. he or she claims to be and that the message has
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) An identifier not been corrupted. (See also digital signature
and a routing system for electronic documents, standard, EDIFACT.)
being developed for the Association of digital signature standard (DSS) The NIST stan-
American Publishers by R R Bowker and the dard for digital signatures (authenticating
Corporation for National Research Initiatives both the message and the signer). It is based on
(CNRI). The system is designed to provide a an algorithm using discrete logarithms. Its
persistent way of identifying and linking to security is comparable to that of RSA and is
electronic documents and their constituent based on 1024-bit keys.
parts. The first part of the number will identify digital speech interpolation (DSI) A sampling
the publisher or similar body, while use of the technique that improves the efficiency of digi-
second part may vary depending on the pub- tal voice transmission by using the transmis-
lisher and the type of document. sion channel only when someone is talking.
digital papers Papers specially formulated to be digital-to-analogue conversion (DAC, D/A con-
used with digital presses (Xeikon, Indigo etc.) version) Conversion of information from a
or laser printers. digital form (as information is held in a com-
digital press A printing press in which the image puter) to analogue form (such as sound), e.g. in
is transferred to the drum by electronic meth- a modem for transmission over analogue tele-
ods, directly from a PostScript file. This means phone lines.
that, in principle, every page printed can be dif- digital-to-analogue converter A device that con-
ferent, as on a laser printer, and also means verts a digital value to a corresponding ana-
that short-run printing becomes economic. See logue form. Compare analogue-to-digital con-
Indigo, Xeikon, DocuTech. verter (ADC).
digital printing Printing directly from computer digital versatile disk (DVD) The change to the
files rather than through the physical media of name digital versatile disk from the original
films or plates using machines such as the digital video disk has been made because the
Xeikon, Indigo, or DocuTech. DVD disks will carry more than just video.
digital proof Any proof produced directly from Thus there will be DVD-Video, DVD-Audio,
a computer file rather than via a physical medi- DVD-ROM and DVD-R. Unlike the CD, which
um such as film or bromide. Examples of digi- is single-sided and contains only one layer, the
tal proofs include Iris proofs. (See also ana- DVD can be dual-layer and double-sided. Its
logue proof.) maximum storage capacity is 17Gb, over 25
digital service unit (DSU) (Or data service unit.) times the capacity of a standard 640Mb CD,
A device used in digital communications to and equivalent to four full-length feature films.
connect a channel service unit to data terminal digital video disk (DVD) See digital versatile
equipment. Performs a similar function to a disk.
modem in analogue communications, so that digital video interactive (DVI) A technology
on transmission the DSU translates the outgo- used for storing video images. Uses special
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processors for compression and decompres- allows private interchanges (including file
sion. (See also compact disc interactive, JPEG.) transfer) between users rather than going via
digital workflow system Prepress system for IRC servers. This means that conversations
managing the flow of made-up pages from cre- cannot be logged and it means a much more
ation through proofing to imposition on plate. efficient use of bandwidth as the data does not
digitise To convert an analogue signal, such as need to be broadcast.
video, graphics or sound, into a digital format direct colour separation See direct screening.
so that it can be input, stored, displayed and direct-duplicating film See autopositive film.
manipulated by a computer or transmitted direct entry phototypesetter Self-contained
over a digital communications system. phototypesetter with its own keyboard, CPU
digitiser Any graphic input device such as a and output device.
monochrome flatbed scanner which scans an direct impression Typewriter-type setting in
image and stores it in memory for re-use. which the image is created by direct impression
dilitho (or di litho) See direct litho. from a type character, e.g. an IBM Composer.
dimension To define the parameters of an array Also called strike-on composition.
in programming. Direct Information Access Network for Europe
dimensional stability Ability of paper to retain (DIANE) Information search and retrieval ser-
its shape despite variations in moisture content vices offered over the EuroNet system.
or mechanical stress. direct input Software that allows text to be input
dimension marks Marks on camera copy indi- directly into the computer typesetter using a
cating the area of a reduction or enlargement. direct-input keyboard.
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norme. The German direction of travel Direction in which web moves
standards institute. DIN paper sizes, now through a paper machine or press.
renamed ISO, have been adopted as the direct litho Litho press system which transfers
European standard. (See also A series.) the image direct from the printing plate with-
dingbat A term for typographical characters, out offsetting it to a blanket first.
such as arrows, stars, hearts and snowflakes direct memory access (DMA) Transfer of data
etc., and also called ornaments. Zapf Dingbats between computer memory and external
is a font which is provided as standard with devices without going through the central pro-
most PostScript printers. cessing unit. This speeds up transfer rates.
DIP See document image processing. Also used DMA is used for devices such as scanners.
in computing to mean dual inline package (see directory An index file containing details of all
dipswitch), describing computer chips that are other files held on disk.
fastened to a printed circuit board. Directory Access Protocol An X.500 protocol
dip coating Coating method in which the web is used for communication between a Directory
passed around a roller immersed in coating User Agent (DUA) and a Directory System
solution. Agent (DSA).
diphthong Letters placed together as in æ, œ etc. Directory System Agent (DSA) The software
Contrast ligature. providing the X.500 directory service, usually
dipswitch Stands for Dual Inline Package switch. for a single organisation or some smaller unit.
A series of dipswitches controls the default set- Directory User Agent (DUA) The software that
tings of many printers, altering character sets, accesses the X.500 directory service for the user,
page lengths etc. which may be a person or more software.
direct access Use of storage medium which can direct positive Film produced by direct screening.
access information without the need for direct screening Reproduction process in which
sequential searching, e.g. a disk as compared copy is separated and screened in one step. As
with a cassette. distinct from indirect screening where a scan-
direct approach platen Press on which the plat- ner output unit produces continuous-tone
en approaches the forme on a parallel plane films which are then contacted through a half-
with it. tone screen to produce final hard-dot positives.
direct broadcast satellite (DBS) A satellite which dirty 1. Typesetting with many errors introduced
transmits video signals directly to the standard at the keyboard. 2. Copy with many handwrit-
satellite dish, usually sited on the sides of ten amendments.
buildings. DISA See Defense Information Systems Agency.
Direct Client to Client Protocol (DCC) An disc The traditional British spelling of disk. It has
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol which been formalised for use in the term compact
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 55
disc, this spelling being part of the CD stan- supports text and graphics at a resolution of
dard, although magnetic disks are almost 6403400 pixels in mono or 3203200 pixels in
always spelt with a ‘k’ (see disk). colour. EGA (enhanced graphics adapter) pro-
disc refiner Machine which refines pulp by rub- duces medium-resolution colour at a maximum
bing fibres between vertical rotating discs. 6403350 pixels. VGA (video graphics array)
discrete speech In voice recognition technology, produces 6403480 pixels and 256 colours on
speech that contains short pauses between colour monitors or 64 shades of grey on mono
words to improve the recognition process. monitors. SVGA (super video graphics array)
discretionary hyphens Hyphenation points for produces 8003600 pixels with 16.8 million
words, either held in the hypenation exception colours, and is suitable for running Windows.
dictionary of a front-end system or introduced EVGA (enhanced video graphics array, also
while keyboarding new text. They indicate called XGA or extended graphics array) pro-
where a word may be broken if it needs to be duces 10243768 pixels with 16.8 million
hyphenated at the end of a line. Discretionary colours.
hyphens will overrule any logical hyphenation display ads Advertisements ‘displayed’ to occupy
program in use. part or all of a page rather than set in columns.
disc ruling A method of ruling stationery with display character generator A component of a
metal discs. VDU that converts input signals into those that
disk The US spelling, which has become stan- define the character shape on the screen.
dard for (magnetic) computer disks. (See also display face A typeface designed for display
disc.) sizes rather than for composition sizes.
disk cartridge A portable hard disk contained display matter Typography set and displayed so
within a protective casing that may be loaded as to be distinguished from the text, e.g. head-
onto a disk drive. ings. Hence display sizes are sizes of type from
disk crash A hardware or software malfunction 14pt upwards.
resulting in an inability to access the contents display papers and boards Papers and boards
of a disk. used for point-of-sale or exhibition purposes.
disk drive A device which writes information to Display PostScript A form of PostScript which
or reads information from a magnetic disk. See makes it possible to display a true PostScript
disk. image onscreen (strictly WYSIWYG). However,
diskette See floppy disk. it is much slower than QuickDraw for the
disk operating system (DOS) In computing, the Macintosh and various screen drivers for the PC.
operating system which controls how input/ It is implemented on the NeXT computer.
output routines are handled by the computer. display sizes Sizes of type larger than 14pt, i.e.
disk pack A set of disks mounted on a common used for display rather than text.
spindle. Each disk is a thin metal rigid platter display tube See cathode ray tube.
coated on both sides with a magnetic material display type Type used for headlines, titles etc.,
(typically ferrous oxide). The surface is divided rather than for text (see body type). Display
into tracks (concentric rings) and each track is typefaces are usually 14pt type or larger. Some
divided into sectors (subdivisions of the typefaces are designed specifically for this use,
tracks). Data is recorded as magnetised spots while other expert sets have special versions of
along each track, and is accessed by read-write particular typefaces intended for use as dis-
heads. play faces.
dispersion The spreading (over time) of a wave diss Distribute. Return letterpress type to the
packet as it propagates through a medium, case after printing.
such as optical fibre, which is not free space, as dissolving pulp Highly processed and pure
each wavelength has a very slightly different chemical pulp.
speed of propagation. Distiller See under Acrobat.
display adapter Also called graphics adapter and distortion A corruption of a signal as a result of
video controller, that part of a computer circuit- changes to the waveform.
ry which interprets data so that it can appear on distributed computing (distributed data pro-
the screen as text or graphics. Different adapters cessing, DDP) The dispersal of computing
produce varying resolutions. MDA, or mono- power, storage and applications throughout a
chrome display adapter, is a very low-level form number of computers connected through a net-
which supports only monochrome text. CGA, or work, rather than concentrating computing on
colour graphics adapter, is a basic adapter which a mainframe. (See also client-server.)
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Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) A doctor blade Soft metal blade that removes
computer architecture based on open systems excess ink from the surface of a gravure print-
and promoted and controlled by the Open ing surface when it is scraped over the top.
Software Foundation. document A term which is not generally defined.
distributed database A logical database that In some circumstances it is equivalent to a com-
looks like a single database to the user, but puter file, while in others it may be what can be
which is divided among several physical loca- viewed or even what is printed. Also used for a
tions. An example is the Internet Domain hypertext node or a collection of nodes on
Name System (DNS). (See also distributed related topics. Multimedia documents, by def-
computing.) inition, contain more than just text and graph-
distributed data processing (DDP) See distrib- ics. (See also document instance, structured
uted computing. documents, SGML.)
distributed file system (DFS) A file system document architecture Rules for the formulation
which, while accessible to any user and appear- of text processing applications. These are not
ing to be local, is actually distributed over a part of SGML, but may be used in conjunction
number of computers. (See also distributed with SGML to control the structure and seman-
computing, distributed database.) tics of a document. (See also DSSSL, ODA.)
Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Document Content Architecture/Revisable
Network (DOMAIN) A proprietary network Form Text (DCA/RFT) A document format
protocol used by Apollo (now Hewlett used by IBM’s DisplayWrite program. It should
Packard) workstations. not be confused with Microsoft Rich Text
Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) An IEEE Format (RTF).
standard for the control of access to networks, document delivery The supply of individual
so that access units queue until bandwidth documents, usually copies of already pub-
becomes available. DQDB also allows band- lished articles, following a request which has
width to be reserved in advance for voice or been delivered over a network. The supply of
video traffic. DQDB is used in metropolitan the document may be in electronic form, effec-
area networks. tively a download.
distributing rollers Rollers on a press which dis- document image processing (DIP) The scanning
tribute ink from the duct to the inking rollers. of (usually large volumes of) documents and
distribution See diss. subsequent storage on CD-ROM or WORM
dithering A technique used in computer graph- disks, which are indexed. Many companies are
ics to create the appearance of additional using this approach both to reduce storage
colours and shades of grey. As a bit can only be space requirements and to provide better cus-
on or off, depending on the colour resolution tomer service in that the documents are much
(bits per pixel) or number of grey levels, there more easily accessible. The software used gen-
will be a limit to the number of colours (or grey erally also includes facilities for optical charac-
levels) that can be displayed. However, as the ter recognition (OCR), so that the text of the
dots which make up a conventional half-tone documents can be extracted for use in other
illustration are much larger than a pixel, pixels applications.
are grouped in ways which fool the eye into document instance The actual content, i.e. text
thinking that it is seeing more shades of grey and markup, of an SGML document corre-
(by using pixel groups making up different sponding to a particular Document Type
shapes) or additional colours (by combining Definition.
pixel combinations of different colours which Document Interchange Format (DIF) A standard
the eye integrates). Dithering is also used in file format used by the US Navy to interchange
anti-aliasing. documents between different computer pro-
ditto Typographic symbol for ‘repeat the above grams.
matter’. Set as 9. document reader An input device that reads
DLCI See data link connection identifier. marks or characters, usually on specially pre-
DLL See datalink layer, Dynamic Link Library. pared forms and documents, such as cheques.
DLT See digital linear tape. These devices use optical mark recognition
DLZ1 See Digital Lempel-Ziv 1. (OMR), optical character recognition (OCR)
DMA See direct memory access. and mark sensing.
DNA See Digital Network Architecture. Document Style Semantics and Specification
DNS See Domain Name System. Language (DSSSL) An ISO standard (ISO
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10179) which defines how to transfer informa- (US military). Although the .us domain
tion about the presentation of an SGML docu- includes subdomains for the 50 states, they are
ment to formatting software, associating style rarely used. Within the .uk domain, there is the
sheet information with a document instance. .ac.uk subdomain for academic sites and the
SGML, by definition, says nothing about how a .co.uk domain for commercial ones. Other top-
document is to appear, either on paper or on level domains may be divided up in similar
screen. DSSSL is intended to formalise the ways.
process of associating appearance information domain address The name of a host on the
with the SGML structure. Internet which is part of the hierarchy of
Document Type Definition (DTD) The defini- Internet domains.
tion of a document type in SGML. This is a for- domain name See domain.
mulation of the hierarchy of the document and Domain Name Server (DNS) An alternative
the definitions and relationships of the ele- name for Domain Name System.
ments that make up that hierarchy, together Domain Name System (DNS) (Also Domain
with their markup tags and their attributes, Name Server.) A hierarchical method of nam-
the rules for applying the tags and definitions ing Internet addresses, based on the domain
of entities. The generalised DTD actually forms and subdomains. DNS is also used to describe
part of an SGML document, but in many SGML the distributed data query service which is
applications is not seen by the user, e.g. in used for translating hostnames into IP
HTML, which is defined by a DTD. Other well addresses. (See also Berkeley Internet Name
known and widely used DTDs are the CALS Domain, network information center.)
DTD and the American Association of dongle A hardware component sold with a soft-
Publishers (AAP) DTD, which has been revised ware package and without which the package
and published as ISO 12083. is rendered unusable. The dongle is inserted
DocuTech A high-speed laser printer from into the computer’s serial port, external expan-
Xerox, which produces print-quality output. sion port or internal expansion slot.
This makes short-run printing economic. (See DOOM A popular three-dimensional monster-
also Indigo, Xeikon.) hunting action game published by id Software.
Docuverse A concept of the whole world being DOS See MS-DOS.
one document, put forward by Ted Nelson in dot 1. The individual element from which a half-
connection with Xanadu and one which is tone reproduction is made up. 2. Synonym for
embodied in the way the World Wide Web has pixel. Dots per inch (dpi) is the standard mea-
developed. sure of resolution, expressed as dots or pixels,
DoD The US Department of Defense, whose for image output systems.
Advanced Research Projects Agency set up dot address An Internet address in dot notation.
ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet. (See dot etching Colour correcting on screened colour
also CALS.) separations by changing the size of the dots by
dodge To block light from selected areas while hand etching to change tonal balance.
making a photographic print in order to bring dot for dot Reproduction of an already screened
out detail. half-tone by photographing it as if it were fine
dog-eared Description of a book that has been line.
damaged through use, resulting in ragged and dot gain The increase in size of dots in a half-
worn page and cover corners. tone illustration when they are printed on
dog-eared pages Corners of pages that are inad- paper (using a printing press, rather than a
vertently folded over during processing. When computer printer). The magnitude of the dot
the book is trimmed and the corners corrected gain will depend on the characteristics of the
the untrimmed portions protrude. press, the paper and the ink. If there is cooper-
DOI See Digital Object Identifier. ation between the originator of the artwork and
DOMAIN See Distributed Operating Multi the printer, it may possible to use software to
Access Interactive Network. adjust the colour curves and even dot size to
domain A group of computers on the Internet obtain the image which is desired.
whose hostnames share a common suffix, the dotless i An ‘i’ available in some photocomposi-
domain name. Domains often indicate a coun- tion fonts for the purpose of accommodating
try, e.g. .uk, or a type of organisation: .com ligatures.
(commercial), .edu (educational), .net (network dot matrix Patterns of dots used to create images
operations), .gov (US government), and .mil on screen or printer.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 58
dot matrix printer A computer printer which selecting an icon, double-clicking almost
forms its printed characters from a pattern of always means that the command associated
dots. Most dot-matrix printers are either 9-pin, with the icon or with a file name should be exe-
18-pin, or 24-pin models, which describe the cuted. If a file name is double-clicked, then this
number of pins held on the vertical matrix is equivalent to (single-) clicking on the name
which forms the letters. The more dots the to select it and then (single-) clicking on the
sharper the letters. ‘OK’ button.
dot notation The usual notation for IP addresses, double-coated Coated paper which is given two
consisting of one to four numbers most often coats either side instead of the normal one.
given as a decimal (also known as dotted deci- Gives increased smoothness and consistency to
mal notation), e.g. (but can be the sheet.
given in hexadecimal or octal). Many com- double density disk A floppy disk which can
mands will accept an address in dot notation in store twice as much information as its ‘single
place of a hostname. density’ counterpart.
dot pitch A measure of the spacing (and by impli- double dot half-tone Two half-tone negatives
cation the size) of the individual dots of phos- exposed into a combination image on a plate to
phorescent material that provide the image on a give greater clarity to the highlights and shad-
screen when irradiated by the electron beam. On ows (on one neg) and the middle-tones (on the
a colour monitor, each spot of light is made up of other).
a group of three separate dots which glow red, double-duty envelope Envelope which can be
green and blue (see RGB). In general, the small- re-used by the recipient.
er the dot pitch, the sharper the image below a double elephant Drawing paper measuring
certain dot pitch threshold, although there are 2 7 340 inches.
other factors involved. The screen resolution, in double-page spread Facing pages in a book or
pixels, is determined by the electronics of the periodical.
display and a single pixel may be made up of double printing Two exposures in register from
4–16 separate phosphor groups. separate half-tones.
dot slurring Elongation of dots at their trailing double roll A second press roll over the printing
edges. surface when extra inking is required.
dots per inch (dpi) The resolution of a printer or double-sided 1. Floppy disk with readable con-
scanner is measured in dots per inch. For a tent on each side. 2. Paper with coating on two
printer it is the number of dots of toner placed sides.
on the paper (in both directions), while for a double-sided disks Disks which can store infor-
scanner it is the number of charge-coupled mation on both sides.
devices per inch. double spread Print going across two facing
dot spread Unacceptably enlarged dot size for- pages.
mation during printing. double-tone half-tone A colour plate printed
dotted decimal notation See dot notation. slightly out of register to create a duotone
double black In printing four-colour process effect.
illustrations and heavy black solids together, double-tone ink A printing ink which creates an
refers to printing the black twice: once for the extra tone on drying, due to spreading.
half-tone, and once for the solid. Permits better doubling A second out-of-register image pro-
control of ink weight and tracking. duced during a single impression. Caused by
double-black duotone A duotone created from the ink on the blanket remaining wet after
two black plates. Used in very high-quality impression and transferring back from the
work to extend the ranges available. blanket cylinder to the following sheet. If the
double burn An exposure of two or more images following sheet is out of register it appears as a
onto a single film or plate to create one com- double image.
posite image. Often applies to half-tone films doublures An ornamental lining to a book cover
which are held on a separate foil from line that covers up the edges of the leather which
films: the two sets of foils are printed down has been turned in.
onto plate as separate operations. doughnut hickey A hickey with a white ‘halo’
double case A type case combining upper and around it.
lower case. DOVID Diffractive optically variable image
double-click To click twice on the button of a device: a hologram is the most common ex-
mouse. While single-clicking usually means ample.
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dow etching A powderless etching technique for threads are pulled through cover boards and
letterpress plates invented by Dow Chemical glued.
Corporation. Drawing eXchange Format (DXF) A graphic file
down Not functioning or not accessible. The format, similar to IGES. Commonly used by
term is applied to hosts on the Internet, as well CAD systems.
as to computers in general. drawing program Software that enables the user
downlink A satellite earth station that receives to draw and design on screen.
signals (such as television) from a satellite. (See drawing tools Functions in a paint/drawing
also uplink, TVRO.) program, normally displayed as icons in a tool-
download To transfer data from a distant com- bar, which allow the user to draw with preset
puter to a local one, often over the Internet, shapes or freehand.
using anonymous ftp or other technique. The drawn-on cover A binding style in which the
opposite of upload, although the distinction cover is glued directly onto the spine. Also
between downloading and uploading is not known as ‘wrappered’.
always clear, except that downloading often draw program A program used to create and edit
refers to transfer from a larger host system objects (lines, circles, squares etc.) using a vector
(especially a mainframe) to a smaller client sys- approach, such as Bézier curves. Should be con-
tem. (See also downloadable font.) trasted with a paint program, which is used to
downloadable font (Also called soft font.) A edit and manipulate bitmaps. It is usually pos-
font (or typeface) that is not resident (perma- sible to import bitmap graphics into draw pro-
nently stored) in a printer, but has to be sent, or grams, but not to edit them. If a bitmap is auto-
downloaded, from disk to printer before it can traced, then a vector graphic is produced, which
be used. It may be necessary to download fonts can be edited in the draw program.
before sending a file to be printed, but increas- draw-type graphic A graphic created from a
ingly applications will download the required series of geometric elements stored in memory.
fonts as part of the printing operation. Exactly Also known as an object-oriented graphic or
how this is carried out depends on the types of vector graphic. Contrast bitmap graphic.
fonts used (e.g. PostScript or TrueType), dressing 1. The range of typefaces held on a
whether Adobe Type Manager is used, and the photosetter. 2. Putting the typefaces in a photo-
printing interface. setter.
down-time Non-productive time when a printing drier A mechanical device, such as a gas oven,
machine is being maintained or made ready. used to dry ink on heatset web machines.
dpi See dots per inch. driers Additives in printing ink such as cobalt,
dp or DP See data processing. manganese and resinates, which accelerate
DPS See double-page spread. drying.
DPSK See differential phase shift keying. drilling Perforating a pile of sheets with holes for
DQDB See Distributed Queue Dual Bus. special binding methods, such as looseleaf.
draft quality output Low-quality, high-speed driography Litho platemaking process in which
printer output from dot-matrix printer. (See the non-image areas are silicone rubber.
also letter quality.) driver Computer routine which handles commu-
drag To move the mouse cursor while holding nication between CPU and peripherals. In type-
down the mouse button and then, at a new setting, a program which controls a printer or a
position, to release the button. Used on scroll typesetter (printer driver, typesetter driver).
bars, to move icons, to resize drawings, to drop cable The wiring between a computer and
select text and for many other tasks. its Ethernet transceiver.
drag and drop Technique of using a mouse to drop cap(s) Drop capital. A letter or letters at the
‘pick up’ items on screen and move them else- beginning of a paragraph which extend beyond
where. the depth of the rest of the text line. Also called
dragon’s blood A red powder used for protecting drop initial(s). Compare cocked-up initial.
side walls from underbiting during the etching drop folio Page number at the foot of a page.
of letterpress plates. drop guides Guides on a printing machine which
drainability The rate at which paper stock parts position the sheet ready for the grippers.
with water when drained. drop heads See dropped heads.
draw down A thin film of ink spread on paper drop in To insert text or artwork into space left in
with a spatula to evaluate its shade. a typeset page.
draw-in Binding method in which the section drop initial See drop cap(s).
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dropout Characters lost in data transmission for acters which can be transferred onto paper by
whatever reason. rubbing.
drop-out blue Light blue, invisible to mono- dry-up See scumming.
chrome litho film. Useful for grids, marks on DSA See Directory System Agent.
artwork etc. Also known as non-reproducing DSI See digital speech interpolation.
blue. DS level See data service level.
drop-out half-tone Half-tone in which the high- DSP See digital signal processing.
light areas have no screen dots and simply DSS See digital signature standard.
show the white of the paper. Also known as a DSSSL See Document Style Semantics and
deep-etch half-tone. Specification Language.
dropped heads Chapter headings positioned a DSU See digital service unit.
few lines below the top of full text pages. DTD See Document Type Definition.
drop shipment Direct delivery to customer, shop DTE See data terminal equipment.
or warehouse of large numbers of books by DTMF See dual tone multi frequency.
publisher or printer, i.e. circumventing agent or DTP See desktop publishing.
wholesaler. DTR See data terminal ready.
dross The surface skin on molten type metal. DUA See Directory User Agent.
drum An obsolescent computer storage medium dual-attached An FDDI interface where a device
using a rotating magnetic drum. is connected to both FDDI token-passing rings,
drum printer A line printing device containing a so that uninterrupted operation continues in
drum on which each printable character forms the event of a failure of either of the rings.
a complete row across the drum surface. While all connections to the main FDDI rings
drum scanner Scanner with cylindrical platen for and some critical devices such as routers and
mounting transparencies to be scanned, as dis- concentrators are dual-attached, host comput-
tinct from a flatbed scanner. ers are normally single-attached or dual-
dry back The loss of gloss of an ink as it dries. homed to a router or concentrator.
dry creping See creping. dual-homed A connection to an FDDI network
dry end The last function of a Fourdrinier paper- in which a host computer is simultaneously
making machine whereby the wet web of connected to two separate devices in the same
paper is dried by passing between hot rollers. FDDI ring. Normally, one of the connections
dry indicator size test Method of measuring becomes active while the other is blocked.
paper’s water resistance. (See also Cobb size However, if the first connection fails, the back-
test.) up link takes over. The difference between a
drying cylinder Heated revolving cylinder dual-homed device and a dual-attached device
which dries newly made sheets of paper as is that while the former can tolerate a fault in
they pass over it. one of its ‘homes’, the latter can tolerate a fault
drying section The last part of the papermaking in one of the FDDI rings.
machine, after the press section, which com- dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) Otherwise
pletes the drying of the web. known as touch-tone. The method employed
drying time Time taken for the ink on a printed in telephony throughout the US to define the
sheet to dry enough for further work to be done keys pressed when dialling. Pressing a key
on the sheet, e.g. binding or extra printing. generates two simultaneous tones, one for the
dry litho Offset plate which does not need to be row and one for the column.
dampened for the ink to be distributed. Dublin core A core of metadata elements pro-
dry-mounting A method of photographic mount- posed (at a 1995 conference in Dublin, Ohio) as
ing which uses pressure-sensitive backing. a basis for searching for information available
dry offset See letterset. over the Internet.
dry picking resistance The picking resistance of duck-foot quotes Arrow-shaped quotation
paper in dry conditions. marks (« and »). See guillemets.
dry point Method of engraving with a needle duct Ink trough on a printing press. The duct
directly onto bare copper plate without using roller regulates the amount of ink released.
acid. duct roller Roller that takes inks and passes them
dry proof Plastic proof as opposed to a machine to the distributing rollers that ink the forme.
proof from the metal. dull-coated paper Paper coated with a matt finish.
dry pulp Pulp in dry sheets. dull finish enamel An enamel paper with a low
dry transfer lettering Sheets of typographic char- gloss.
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dummy Mock-up of a book or other piece of dye A soluble colouring matter (pigments are
printing to indicate specifications. insoluble).
dump Transfer a computer file into or out of stor- dyed through In bookbinding, a dyed-through
age. cloth is dyed on both sides, not just on the sur-
dump bin Point-of-sale container for easy stack- face. Contrast whiteback.
ing of goods. dyeline paper Specially treated paper used in the
Duodecimo (12mo) Book in which each leaf is dyeline copying process. See diazo.
one twelfth the size of the printing sheet, giv- dyeline prints or dyelines See blueprints.
ing 24 pages. dyeline process Copying and proofing method
duoformer The duoformer paper machine has an which uses special coated paper contacted to
additional wire running on top of the normal film.
machine wire, which draws water from the dye mask Special sort of colour film used when
topside of the web, producing an evenly colour separating transparencies by camera to
formed sheet. As distinct from the twin-wire assist with colour correction. (See also mask-
process, which has two separate webs of paper ing, trimask.)
which are brought together before pressing. dye transfer Photographic process producing
duotone A black-and-white photograph (or other colour prints with dyes which are selectively
artwork) that is reproduced using two colours, absorbed.
both near to black. Two half-tone images are Dylux Proprietary name for double-sided, light-
generated, one of which is slightly underex- sensitive proofing paper.
posed and the other slightly overexposed, and dynamic allocation Assignment of operating
they are printed one on top of the other. The system resources to a program at the time of
effect is to give a more striking image, together execution rather than at the point that the pro-
with more control to the designer, who can gram is loaded.
vary the proportions of the two images. dynamic bandwidth allocation, dynamic band-
Tritones and quadtones are also possible. width management (DBM) The allocation of
dupe See duplicate block. bandwidth as and when it is required by users,
duplex See full duplex, half duplex, simplex. depending on the burstiness of their traffic. All
duplex cutter A sheeting device which cuts two packet-switched networks provide dynamic
different sheet lengths from the web simultane- bandwidth allocation.
ously. dynamic channel management (DCM) Alloca-
duplex half-tone See duotone. tion of the channels available as and when
duplex paper Paper with a different colour on required by users.
each side. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) A Microsoft
duplex printing Double-sided printing. Windows hotlink protocol that allows applica-
duplicate block, film, transparency plate tion programs to communicate using a client-
etc. More than one identical item produced server model. DDE is mainly used to include live
from the same original. Used for printing sev- data from one application in another, e.g. spread-
eral copies ‘up’ on a machine, printing in two sheet data in a wordprocessed report by refer-
locations, or for other purposes. ence, so that whenever the latter is processed the
duplicator Small office machine for short-run latest version of the spreadsheet data is included.
reproduction from a stencil. In version 3.1 of Windows, DDE was enhanced
duplicator paper Special absorbent paper for by Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).
duplicating from a stencil master. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
dusting Accumulation of powdered paper on the A protocol in a Windows NT server that pro-
non-printing areas of a blanket. vides dynamic allocation of IP addresses to
dust jacket Paper wrapper of a book carrying the PCs running on a Microsoft Windows local
title and author’s name. area network. (See also Reverse Address
Dutch grey board See grey board. Resolution Protocol.)
DVD See digital versatile disk. dynamic IP address A temporary IP address,
DVI See digital video interactive. which is allocated when a user connects to the
Dvorak Keyboard layout in which the keys are Internet, usually over a dial-up connection.
positioned so as to be most readily accessible to (Compare with static IP address.) Dynamic IP
the fingers which most often use them. Contrast addresses allow a more efficient use of IP
azerty, qwerty. addresses, the number of which is finite. See
DXF See Drawing eXchange Format. TUBA.
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Dynamic Link Library (DLL) An executable pro- Ecash A trial form of electronic funds transfer
gram component for Microsoft Windows that over the Internet (and soon by electronic
can be loaded and linked as required at run mail). Each user withdraws money from his or
time, and then unloaded when no longer need- her bank account and, using Ecash software,
ed. Windows itself uses DLL files to handle stores it on his or her own computer. The
such aspects as international keyboards, while money can then be spent over the Internet at
Windows wordprocessing programs use DLL any shop accepting Ecash. Security is provided
files for functions such as spelling and hyphen- by a public-key digital signature. (See also
ation checks. Other operating systems – such as CyberCash, DigiCash, Mondex.)
SunOS (the Sun Microsystems version of Unix) ECF Elemental chlorine free, relating to pulp and
and the RISC OS on the Acorn Archimedes – paper manufacture. ECF pulp is one stage less
also use dynamically linked libraries. pure than TCF, totally chlorine free, pulp.
dynamic memory Computer memory that will echo In telecommunications, the reflection of
degrade in time if a power source is not per- part of the signal energy from the remote end
manently or frequently applied. back to the transmitter. Also a kind of news-
Dynatext A viewer for SGML-based documents, group on FidoNET.
together with the related graphics etc., pro- echo cancellation A process that isolates and fil-
duced by Electronic Book Technologies. ters out unwanted signals, resulting from
echoes of the main signal, on a telephone line.
Also a technique which permits full duplex
transmission over two wires.
echoplex A communications procedure in which
E a receiving station acknowledges receipt of a
message by echoing it back to the transmitting
ECMS See Electronic Copyright Management
E-1 A European leased line service, used by System.
primary rate ISDN with a bit rate of 2 Mbps. Econet A network connecting those concerned
The equivalent of the US T-1 service. (See also about environmental preservation and sustain-
E-3, E-4). ability. (See Institute for Global Communi-
E-3, E-4 European PDH services running at cations.) Also a network produced by Acorn
34.368 Mbps (E-3) and 139.264 Mbps (E-4). For Computers for the BBC Microcomputer and its
the US, see data service levels. successors.
E13B Magnetic ink font used on cheques. edgeboard connector The most common method
E164 The worldwide number plan of the ITU-T of connecting add-on printed circuit boards to
for identifying network connections via ISDN computer hardware.
and SMDS. edge cutters Waterjets on a paper machine which
EAN European Article Number. See barcode. ‘clean off’ the edges of the web on the wire.
e&oe Errors and omissions excepted. Words on edge decoration Coloured dyes, marbling trans-
an invoice or estimate by which a company fers or gilding on trimmed book edges.
covers itself against mistakes in the invoice. edge gilding Gold-leaf edging on a book.
ear Space by the side of the masthead on a news- edge tear Broken edge of web.
paper, usually reserved for advertisements. edge tearing resistance Resistance of paper to
early selling Bookshop sales of a book made prior the further development of a small edge tear.
to the publication date set by the publisher. EDI See electronic data interchange.
earmark Particular characteristic or feature of a EDIF See Electronic Design Interchange Format.
typeface which distinguishes it from all others EDIFACT See ISO 9735.
and assists recognition. edit Check, arrange and correct data or copy
EARN See European Academic and Research before final presentation.
Network. editing terminal Visual display unit capable of
earpieces Small advertisements on either side of retrieving a file and editing the contents prior
a newspaper’s masthead. to processing.
easer Printing ink additive used to reduce tack. edition All the copies of a printed work from the
EBCDIC See Extended Binary Coded Decimal same set of type or plates.
Information Code. edition binding Conventional, production-line,
Ebone A European-wide backbone. case-bound binding.
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editor A software utility employed to aid the pro- electronic data interchange (EDI) (Or electronic
duction and modification of source programs. dissemination of information.) The exchange of
editorial 1. Publication’s formal views on a sub- certain business documents – such as orders,
ject expressed in a special column. 2. The edito- invoices, bills of lading – in standard formats
rial matter (as distinct from advertisements) in between organisations, using electronic mail.
a publication. Can include electronic funds transfer.
edutainment The integration of interactive edu- Electronic Design Interchange Format (EDIF) A
cation and entertainment services or software. format to transfer data between CAD/CAE
In Europe usually on CD-ROM, while in North systems.
America often supplied via a cable network. electronic dissemination of information
(See also infotainment.) (EDI) See electronic data interchange.
EEMA European Electronic Messaging Associ- electronic document Any document that is held
ation. in electronic, as opposed to print-on-paper,
EFL English as a foreign language. form.
EFTPOS See electronic funds transfer at point electronic dot generation The ability of an out-
of sale. put scanner to generate half-tone dots directly
EGA Enhanced graphics adapter. Category of on the output medium in a variety of screen
driver for graphics monitor. (See also CGA, rulings and forms.
VGA, SVGA.) electronic engraving Letterpress block engrav-
eggshell antique Bulky paper with a slightly ing with a stylus controlled by a light-sensitive
mottled surface, like that of an egg. cell scanning the original.
EGP See Exterior Gateway Protocol. electronic funds transfer The use of telecommu-
Egyptian Type style with a squared serif. nications or a network to send payments from
eight-bit clean Describes systems that take advan- one organisation to another, usually via their
tage of all eight bits of a byte, using extended bank accounts.
character sets (unlike ASCII). In programs and electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFT-
communications only using the first seven bits POS) Transfer of funds between bank accounts
(i.e. a character set from 0 to 127), the eighth bit is by electronic means, usually implemented at a
often used as a parity bit or to contain a flag. If point-of-sale computer terminal (or check-out)
binary files, including most wordprocessor files in a supermarket on the basis of information
using ANSI coding, are sent over a communica- supplied on a debit card; telephone lines are
tions link that is not eight-bit clean (and this is used to make an automatic debit from the cus-
many communications links), the files will be tomer’s bank account to pay a bill. (See also
corrupted. Coding approaches such as MIME, electronic data interchange (EDI), Mondex.)
uuencode and BinHex can be used to convert electronic journal (E-journal) The electronic
such files to ASCII for sending over the Internet. equivalent of a paper-based journal (or maga-
EIS See executive information systems. zine), available either over the Internet or by
E-journal See electronic journal. direct dial-up (see OCLC e.g.). The journal may
Ektachrome Alternative name for transparency. be an electronic version of a print-on-paper jour-
electro Electrotype. Duplicate of block or forme nal, but an increasing number of E-journals exist
made by coating a mould with copper and only in electronic form and are regarded by some
nickel. areas of the academic community as the most
electron gun See gun. efficient way of communicating the results of
electronic colour retouching The ability to alter research. Over the Internet there are many differ-
local areas of a scanned colour subject by defin- ent delivery methods, e.g. via email, by using an
ing and then amending them electronically. ftp archive (with the contents page distributed
Available on most EPC systems. by email or mailing list), or over the World
electronic composition Computer-assisted type- Wide Web. Most E-journals are free but some
setting and page make-up. require a subscription to be paid for access.
Electronic Copyright Management System Those available by dial-up may have a propri-
(ECMS) A system that will allow the electron- etary browser program, such as Guidon, which
ic submission of copyright registration to the was used by OCLC, and these are available only
US Copyright Office and electronic notification by subscription. There is much discussion over
of registration. Many of the transfers per- whether electronic journals will eventually
formed in the ECMS will use Privacy replace printed journals and over the related
Enhanced Mail (PEM). question of the importance, or otherwise, of peer
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 64
review (the refereeing of academic papers before electronic scanner 1. Machine which scans full-
they are published), which is a significant ele- colour copy wrapped around a drum and, by
ment of conventional printed journals but may reading colour densities, produces separations.
or not be part of the operation of an E-journal. 2. Device on a printing press or paper machine
The role of the commercial publisher in E-jour- which sends control readings back to a console
nals is also much discussed. See E-journal. or to the machine itself.
Electronic Libraries Projects (e-Lib) A series of electronic slanting Creation of a slanted roman
projects in the UK concerned with electronic typeface by a photosetter or laser printer to
access to information in UK higher education. imitate italics.
electronic mail Transfer of documents of messages electronic spreadsheet See spreadsheet.
between computers or wordprocessors using electronic transfer of funds See electronic funds
direct links, telecommunications or satellites. transfer.
electronic mail address The address that is used electronic whiteboard (EWB) (Also described as
to send electronic mail to a specified destina- audiographic teleconferencing.) A method in
tion. On the Internet the RFC 822 standard is which users can share a writing area over a com-
probably the most widely used, although X.400 munications link. Originally this was a device
addressing is also in used. (See also bang path, based on a whiteboard, so that the pen move-
fully qualified domain name.) ments at one end of the link could be transmitted
electronic markup Generic codes inserted into a to a pen at the other end, but the term is now
text sent on disk or down the wire, which identi- often applied to screen-sharing systems with
fy headings, different levels of text etc. The codes similar functionality.
can be converted into typesetting commands by electrophotographic printing See under electro-
means of a look-up table at the time of output. photography.
See also generic markup and ASPIC. electrophotography The use of electrostatic
electronic money A method of payment without forces to copy images, as in photocopiers.
using cash. A card, e.g. Mondex, is inserted into electrostatic printing A copying process involv-
a machine (a form of automatic teller machine) ing the reflection of light from an original onto
at a bank and an amount of money is transferred an electrically charged drum. Areas affected
onto the card. This is equivalent to a cash with- by the light lose their charge. Toner, retained
drawal in that the money is taken from the user’s by the charged areas, is fused to the paper,
account. Money is then spent by passing the card thereby creating an image. Also, electrophoto-
through a trader’s card-reading machine, so that graphic printing, xerography, xerographic
the requisite amount is transferred from the card printing. Laser printers use this principle for
and credited to the trader. Ecash provides a sim- output.
ilar facility, but over the Internet. electrotype Duplicate of block or forme made by
electronic page composition system (EPC sys- coating a mould with metal.
tem) An EPC electronic page composition sys- element A structural part of an HTML or SGML
tem is one which comprises a series of inter- document (e.g. paragraph). The name and usage
linked computers based on colour scanners. of an element, together with its attributes, are
The complete range of processes encompassed defined in a Document Type Definition.
by a large electronic page composition system Elements are coded within a document instance
comprises the colour scanning of originals, by using tags. (See also attribute, entity.)
retouching and colour correction, soft proofing, elhi or El-Hi US. Publishing for elementary and
the scanning-in or direct entry of text, masking high schools.
and page assembly, tint laying, and final output e-Lib See Electronic Libraries Projects.
of one-piece imposed page films in four elision Omission of a character from a series of
colours, or press-ready printing plates. characters which will not affect the overall
electronic pen See light pen. meaning, e.g. with dates: 1990–99 vs 1990–1999.
electronic point of sale (EPOS) System where elite Small size of typewriter type: 12 characters
sales are charged automatically to a customer’s per inch. Microelite has 15 characters per inch;
credit card and the shop’s computer records the pica has 10 characters per inch.
resulting changes in stock as they occur. ellipsis Three dots (...) indicating an omission.
electronic publishing Any form of publishing in elliptical dot Elongated dot giving a smoother
an electronic medium, eg online, CD-ROM. gradation of tone in middle-tones.
electronic rights Rights to publish and sell ma- Elm A full-screen-based Unix mail (or electronic
terial on electronic devices. mail) program.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 65
elrod Letterpress casting machine for rules and sions of the EPS format for the Macintosh (which
leads. uses a PICT format for the bitmap image) and
ELT English language teaching. for the PC (which uses a TIFF format).
em 1. Width of the body of the lower case ‘m’ in Encarta The Microsoft multimedia encyclopaedia.
any typeface. 2. Standard unit of measurement enclosure Contents of mail shot.
(also called ‘pica’). One em equals 0.166044 encode To code groups of characters.
inches. encrypt Codify material so that it requires decod-
email (or e-mail) See electronic mail. ing in order to be read.
email (or e-mail) address See electronic mail encryption Conversion of a plaintext file to
address. ciphertext, so that it can be used or understood
embossed finish Surface pattern pressed in paper. only by those who have the information to
embossing See blocking. decode or decrypt it.
em dash An elongated hyphen (the width of cap- encyclopedia Reference book, often in several
ital ‘M’ in the font in use), which is used with- volumes, giving information on many subjects
in printed (and electronic) documents as a form or on a single subject, usually arranged in
of punctuation. Different publishers and differ- alphabetical order and indexed.
ent nationalities have different conventions en dash An elongated hyphen (the width of capi-
about how the em dash and en dash should be tal ‘N’ in the font in use), which is used within
used. See dash. printed (and electronic) documents as a form of
emerald Obsolete type size of about 6½pt. punctuation. Different publishers and different
emote icon See emoticon. nationalities have different conventions about
emoticon (Or emote icon.) An ASCII glyph or how the en dash and em dash should be used.
group of characters used to indicate an emotion- (See dash.) There are two almost universal uses
al state in electronic mail or news, also described of an en dash. The first is to indicate a range, as
as a smiley. (See also baudy language.) a substitute for the word ‘to’ (or ‘through’ in the
emulation Setting up a computer, a terminal, a US), e.g. ‘pp 20–30’ (pages 20 to 30), while the
network or communication equipment in such second is to denote a relationship, e.g. ‘speed is
a way as to make it appear to another compu- a time–distance relationship’.
ter etc. as a different device. For example, it is endmatter The final parts of a book after the
possible to make a PC appear as a terminal to main text: appendices, notes, index etc.
a mainframe. endnotes Explanatory text positioned at the end
emulator A program that permits a computer to of a book in the form of extra notes.
imitate a different system. end of file (EOF) The physical termination point
emulsification Dispersing of water into another of an amount of data or the mark used to indi-
liquid, e.g. when water bleeds into the ink on a cate this point.
litho plate and degrades the image. end-of-line decisions Decisions on hyphenation
emulsion Photosensitive coating on film or plate. or justification made either by the operator or
Hence, ‘emulsion side’. automatically by the typesetting system.
en Half the width of an em. The width of the aver- end or end leaf See endpaper.
age type character, used as the basic unit of endpaper Strong paper used for securing the
measurement for casting off copy. Also character body of a book to its case. Endpapers may be
or keystroke, in the sense of ens per hour (= char- plain, coloured, marbled etc. and should be
acters set in one hour) or ens of setting (= char- specified with the grain direction parallel to
acter count in a manuscript). the spine.
enamel paper Paper coated on one side with a endsheets See endpapers (US).
very high finish. end-tag The tag which indicates the end of an
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) A PostScript file element in SGML or HTML. The logical struc-
format that has special structure, which will ture of a document may mean that end-tags are
allow application programs to view it and not always necessary, because they are implied
manipulate it in certain ways (crop, scale or by the next start-tag or another end-tag.
rotate), but not to change it otherwise. The EPS Whether or not end-tags should be included for
file format consists of two parts: the first is the particular elements is defined in the Document
PostScript code which will generate the image on Type Definition (DTD).
an output device, while the second is a low-reso- end-to-end performance A measure of network
lution bitmap image for viewing and editing in performance, which will be related to band-
the other applications. There are different ver- width and other factors.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 66
engine-sized pulp See beater-sized pulp. equilibrium moisture content Moisture content
engine sizing Sizing paper in the beating of paper at the same relative humidity as its
machine or refiner rather than at a later stage in environment.
manufacture. See size. erasable optical disc See compact disc-record-
English Obsolete type size, approximately 14pt. able, floptical disc.
English finish Smoothly calendered book paper. erasable storage Storage medium that can be
engraving 1. Printing plate etched for use in let- erased and reused as required, i.e. a floppy disk.
terpress. 2. Print made from such a plate. ergonomics The study of equipment design in
ennage Total area of type, measured in ens. the context of man/machine interface, with the
entity A code used in SGML and HTML. There express purpose of reducing operator fatigue
are two types: the first is the character entity, and discomfort, and to ensure maximum oper-
used to code non-ASCII characters using ating conditions.
ASCII coding, while the second use is as a kind erlang The standard unit for measuring telecom-
of macro and inclusion facility. (See also munications traffic. One erlang of traffic indi-
attribute, element.) The second use is not cur- cates continuous 100% loading of one circuit or
rently implemented in HTML. 50% loading of two circuits.
envelope paper Paper made for high-speed erratum slip Slip of paper pasted into a book and
envelope die-cutting machines. containing list of author’s post-press corrections.
envelope-stuffer Mail shot promoting or adver- error correction See error detection and correc-
tising products or services, sent out in an en- tion.
velope. error detection and correction Detection of
environment In personal computing, the screen errors in transmitted or stored data and the cor-
presentation (user interface) of information. rection of them. The simplest form of detection
User-friendly environments concentrate on is to use a single added parity bit, a cyclic
the pictorial representation of instructions (see redundancy check (CRC) or a checksum,
WIMP). More traditional environments require which will indicate that an error has occurred.
knowledge of the operating system’s particular Use of multiple parity bits will also indicate
conventions (e.g. MS-DOS). which bits have been inverted and should
Envoy A document exchange format, originally therefore be corrected to restore the original
part of the PerfectOffice package, which also data. The more extra bits that are added, the
included the WordPerfect wordprocessor. Now greater the chance that multiple errors will be
distributed by Corel. Has some similarities to detected, and therefore be correctable. (See also
Acrobat, but is less widely used. Also a per- hamming code, forward error detection.)
sonal digital assistant produced by Motorola, escalator clause Clause in a contract that allows
which incorporates two-way wireless commu- royalties to increase in line with certain levels
nication. of sales.
EOL End of line. escape sequence Refers to Epson Standard Code
EOT End of tape. for Printers, a standard set of printer-control
EP See electronic publishing. codes widely used in the industry.
EPC system See electronic page composition escrow Deposit of information with a third party
system. for safe-keeping. The practice is used for the
ephemera Small printed item, such as a theatre deposit of software source material to ensure
or match ticket, intended to last just for the spe- that it will be available should the supplier
cific event but which some people collect. cease to trade. It is now being used for deposit
epigraph Quotation in book prelims. of encryption keys by the US government. See
epilogue Closing section at the end of a novel or Clipper.
play. esparto Long-fibred grass used in pulp for paper-
EPOS See electronic point of sale. making.
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only esquisse Rough layout or design.
Memory. May be overwritten with special etch To produce a printing plate by chemical
equipment. See ROM, PROM, firmware. removal of non-printing areas. Etching ink pro-
EPS/EPSF See Encapsulated PostScript/Encap- tects the plate from the etching solution.
sulated PostScript File. etching 1. See colour etching. 2. Form of print
equalisation Compensation, in high-speed created by cutting the image into a specially
modems, for the differences in attenuation at coated plate using acid.
different frequencies on a telephone line. Ethernet A local area network, developed by
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ex libris Bookplate or label pasted inside a book eXtensible Markup Language (XML) A simplified
showing the owner’s name. version of SGML, developed under the auspices
exotic typefaces Typefaces, such as Russian or of the W3 Consortium, with the aim of enabling
Chinese, which do not use Latin characters. SGML to be ‘served, received and processed on
expanded memory In MS-DOS applications, mem- the Web in the way that is now possible with
ory beyond the conventional 640K. Expanded HTML’. XML has been designed for ease of
memory (or ‘EMS memory’) is an older standard implementation and to be interoperable with
and has been mainly replaced by the use of both SGML and HTML. One area in which XML
extended memory (‘XMS memory’). has an advantage over SGML is that it is
expanded type Typeface with characters wider designed to handle international character sets
than the normal font. corresponding to ISO 10646 (which includes
expansion board A component added to a com- Unicode).
puter system in order to enhance its capabili- extensible paper Paper which has tear resistance
ties. Also known as add-on boards, they may due to stretching properties.
provide the user with additional memory, extension Name used in some applications soft-
graphics, colour, communications features etc. ware for additional programs whch add func-
expert set (or expert collection.) A font with an tionality.
extended character set, including such charac- extent Length of a book in pages.
ters as true small capitals, non-aligning (or old- Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) A protocol
style) numerals and additional accented charac- which distributes routing information to the
ters. routers which connect autonomous systems.
export To copy out from one program into anoth- (See also gateway.)
er, typically from a page-make-up program to a external modem A modem which has its own
wordprocessing program. housing, cables and power supply, which is usu-
export filter A program which converts text from ally connected to a computer via a serial line, as
one format and code structure into another. opposed to an internal modem. While using an
exposure The process in which light-sensitive external modem means having an additional
materials (e.g. plates or film) are exposed to a piece of equipment, there are advantages in that
light source. it is possible to obtain an indication of the oper-
exposure unit See output scanner. ational state from the configuration of the indi-
expurgated edition Edition which has had objec- cator lights and, on some modems, it is possible
tionable material removed. to control functions by using push buttons.
extended ASCII An alternative term for high- extract Quoted matter within a text, often set
level ASCII. indented and in a smaller type size.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information extranet The extension of an intranet to allow
Code (EBCDIC) An 8-bit character code set access to other, authorised, users.
developed by IBM, mainly used on mainframes.
Within IBM a number of variants of EBCDIC are
used but more generally ASCII is the standard.
extended graphics array See XGA.
extended-level synthesizer An extension to the
minimum capability required by the Microsoft
Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC) speci-
fication for a music synthesizer within
Microsoft Windows (see base-level synthesiz- face 1. The printing surface of a piece of type.
er) so that it is capable of playing at least 16 2. A style of type, i.e. typeface.
simultaneous notes on 9 melodic instruments, face-down feed When the side of the sheet to be
together with 16 simultaneous notes on 8 per- printed faces downward on the feed board.
cussion instruments. (See also Musical facility fee See access fee.
Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI).) facing Lining of fibreboard.
extended type See expanded type. facing editorial Appearing opposite editorial
extender Substance added to paint, glue and ink pages. A special position used when ordering
to make it less opaque or increase its bulk. advertisement space.
extenders Ink additives used to increase coverage. facing pages Pages which face each other in an
Typical extenders include whiting, borytes, blanc open book or magazine. Also double-page
fixe. spread.
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FEC See forward error correction. fibrefelt Another name for imitation cloth.
FECN See forward explicit congestion notifica- fibre-optic cable A protective glass or plastic cable
tion. containing a pure fibre of the same material,
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) used to transmit light from LEDs or lasers in the
The US government body responsible for regu- communication of signals.
lating communications. fibre-optics The technique of communicating
Federal Information Exchange (FIX) One of the data by the transmission of light through plastic
interconnection points between the US govern- or glass fibres.
ment networks and the Internet. fibre-optic transmission A transmission method
Federal Networking Council (FNC) The co-ordi- that uses modulated infra-red or visible coher-
nating group of representatives of US federal ent light, which is transmitted down dozens (or
agencies concerned with federal networking, hundreds) of strands of glass fibre (or other
especially those networks using TCP/IP and transparent material – optical fibres). Optical
the Internet. fibre is less vulnerable to external noise than
feed The active electronic part of an antenna other transmission media and is cheaper than
where the signal is either originated or is con- copper wire, although it is much more difficult
centrated for reception. (See also newsfeed.) to connect. In addition, it is more difficult to
feed board The surface over which paper is tamper with the signal (to monitor it or inject
passed to the printing mechanism of a press. data in the middle of a connection), which
feed edge Edge of a sheet presented to the lays of makes fibre-optics appropriate for secure com-
a press. Also called gripper edge, leading edge munications. The light beams do not escape
or pitch edge. from the medium because they are totally inter-
feeder The mechanism on a press which sepa- nally reflected. Each fibre can carry many sig-
rates and lifts sheets into the printing position. nals (a single fibre can transmit 200 million
feed holes Holes in paper tape used by the telephone conversations simultaneously) and,
sprocket on the mechanical reader to feed the as the frequency is high (1014–1015Hz), the infor-
tape in. mation transfer rate is also high. Fibre-optics is
feet The base of a piece of metal type. a vital element of the information superhigh-
feint ruling Horizontal pale blue lines running way, because fibre-optics is one of the few
across stationery. methods that can provide the bandwidth nec-
felt finish A finish to paper created by felts with essary for such services as video on demand
special weaves. (VoD) and full real-time videoconferencing.
felt-side Top side of paper formed on a paper fibre puffing Coated paper surface roughening
machine wire. As distinct from the underside caused by heatset drying on a web press.
or wire side. fibrilla Part of cellulose fibre separated during
fenchel tester Device for comparing the stability the refining process.
of two papers when wet. fibrillation In papermaking, the process of
festoon In web-offset printing, an arrangement roughening the outside of the fibre to increase
of long loops at the paper feed which allows bonding capabilities.
paper to be tensioned during autopasting on FidoNET A worldwide hobbyist network of per-
the fly using a flying paster. sonal computers accessible from a range of
festoon dryer Method of drying paper by hang- low-end machines.
ing it over heated pipes in loops. field A predefined area of a computer record.
Fetch A program for the Macintosh, which FIFO See first in first out.
enables the transfer of files using ftp. figure 1. A line illustration referred to in the text
fibre The cellulose constituents in wood pulp. of a book. 2. A numeral, either in arabic or
fibre cut Damage to the web on a papermaking roman form.
machine caused by a bundle of fibres. file Text, or any collection of related records held
fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) A local on a computer in structured form.
area network standard based on a token ring file compression The compression of data in a
made up of fibre-optic cable at 100 Mbps file, usually to reduce storage requirements or
(although copper cabling can be used, in which transmission time.
case it is termed CDDI). It is suited to data traf- file conversion The process of changing either a
fic and is replacing Ethernet at many sites. file medium or its structure.
FDDI 2 operates at 200 Mbps and incorporates file management An established procedure for
voice and video as well as data. the creation and maintenance of files.
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file server A computer in a network that holds photosetter advances between lines of type to
files, which can be accessed by users on the net- create leading. Also called film feed or line
work. File servers often also act as print servers, feed.
while database servers provide database intelli- film feed See film advance.
gence such as transaction processing, indexing, filmless proofing Also called filmless hardcopy
logging, security and so on. Storing files on a file proofing or digital proofing. Proofs generated
server means that it is unnecessary to have mul- off an electronic page composition system
tiple copies stored on individual computers, through the medium of, e.g., a laser or thermal
which both saves disk space and makes control- colour printer. As distinct from plastic proofs
ling and updating files easier, particularly for which are made by contacting films, or
software upgrades. machine proofs which are made from plates.
file transfer Copying a file from one computer to film make-up Positioning pieces of film ready
another computer over a network or a direct for platemaking. Page make-up is used as the
connection. term for pages or assembly for full imposition.
File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) film master See image master.
An application layer protocol for file access, film mechanical Camera-ready material com-
transfer and remote manipulation (ISO 8571). posed in film rather than paper.
File Transfer Protocol (ftp) A client-server pro- film plotter See output scanner.
tocol that enables a user on one computer to film processor Machine which automatically
transfer files to and from another computer develops, fixes, washes and dries exposed film.
over a TCP/IP network (often over the film recorder An output device that captures
Internet); ftp is also used to describe the client data and records it onto film, usually at high
program that the user executes to transfer files. resolution. See imagesetter.
fill The pattern and the colour inside an object filmsetting Creating type on film by means of a
produced in a draw program. The parameters photosetting system.
controlling the fill are almost always handled film wrapping See plastic wrapping.
separately from those controlling the outline of filter 1. An electronic or optical device which
the object. Fill is also used in some text process- removes unwanted frequencies from a signal.
ing programs to indicate whether lines should 2. A program which converts one file coding
be run on to make a single paragraph or set line structure into another, e.g. in converting from
for line as keyed in. This is to allow for editing one wordprocessor format to another or from a
programs which do not allow soft carriage wordprocessor format to a desktop publishing
returns on-screen. format. 3. A control within a firewall machine
fill character A character, typically a space, that that blocks transmission of certain kinds of
is added to a set of characters to make the set traffic.
up to a given size. filter factor The extra exposure necessary to
filler advertisement Advertisement used to counteract the light-reducing effect of a filter.
occupy redundant space rather than booked Finder The file and memory management system
for insertion. generally used in the Apple Macintosh. Finder
fillers Pigments added to the furnish of paper to allows only one program to be run at a time.
improve the printing or opacity characteristics. MultiFinder allows multi-tasking and is built
fillet A decorative line on the binding or page of into the System 7 operating system.
a book. fine etching Dot etching on metal plates to
fill-out forms Often abbreviated to forms. The improve tone values.
principal way in which World Wide Web sites fine grain Photographic paper with emulsion
request information from Web users. Users characteristics which are not obtrusive through
enter appropriate data within a form (as with the picture.
conventional printed forms) or they select fine papers High-quality printing and writing
options from amongst a number given and this papers.
information is transferred back to the host. fines Small fragments of fibre remaining after
fill pattern A choice of patterns and shades used refining.
to fill objects created under most WYSIWYG fine screen A screen with ruling over 120 lines to
graphics packages. Originally a MacDraw/ the inch.
MacPaint feature, now emulated by other soft- finger A program which can be used over the
ware packages. Internet to obtain information about a particular
film advance The distance by which film in a user, or about all users logged on to a system,
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local or remote. Typically shows full name, last pages one and three after folding. See outer
log-in time, idle time, terminal line and terminal forme.
location (where applicable). May also display first colour down The first colour printed on a
other information; e.g. if mail facilities are sheet when more than one colour is being used.
accessed from a mail server over a dial-up link, first copy time In page printing, the time taken to
then it is possible to see what mail messages are produce the first copy in a set of identical copies,
waiting to be downloaded to the local computer. as distinct from the time taken to produce each
fingerprint A method of software protection in subsequent identical copy. When each page of a
which a unique signature is written to a floppy multipage document is different, each page will
disk. When the program is run, a test sequence be produced at this (much slower) speed.
checks for the presence of the signature and first edition The first print run of a book that
disables the program if it is found to be absent. often gains value as a collector’s item.
finial Decorative curved part of a letter that ends first-generation computers Early computers that
in a hook. used vacuum tubes.
finish The type of surface on a particular grade first-generation photosetters Early photosetters
of paper, e.g. machine finished or supercalen- modelled after hot metal machines and largely
dered. Also, varnish or lamination on a cover mechanical in operation.
or jacket. first in first out (FIFO) Data storage method in
finishing Bindery processes taking place after a which the first item recorded is the first to be
job is printed and bringing it to its final form retrieved.
ready for despatch, i.e. folding, stitching, cut- first-level heading First (and most important)
ting, inserting etc. level in a series of headings in a book.
FIPP International Federation of the Periodical first proof The earliest proof used for checking
Press. by proofreaders.
firewall Any kind of security barrier to prevent first revise The corrected proof made after errors
external changes to a system by hackers etc. noted on the first proof have been re-set.
(See firewall code, firewall machine.) Often a First Virtual A US bank that provides a method of
system that prevents external access from the secure payment over the Internet by issuing an
Internet to an organisation’s computers. identification number that references back to a
Internet access may, however, be provided credit card number, avoiding the necessity for
using a proxy system. The firewall is intended the credit card number itself to be transmitted.
to protect other machines at the site from fist A printing symbol shaped like a black hand,
potential tampering via the Internet. used to indicate a cross-reference.
firewall code Code put into a system both to fit Space between letters which can be reduced or
ensure that users cannot cause any damage and expanded. See character compensation, char-
to keep the user interface friendly. Also used to acter fit, kerning.
limit the damage which a known programming FITS See Flexible Image Transport System.
bug could cause if not correctly fixed. FIX See Federal Information Exchange.
firewall machine or firewall system A system fixative Protective spray used on surface of art-
that isolates an organisation’s computers from work.
external access, e.g. through the Internet. An fixed back Book back glued directly to the back
organisation sometimes provides some of the pages. Also fastback, tightback binding.
Internet access through use of a proxy system. fixed length record A record that is of the same
The firewall is intended to protect other length as others with which it is associated.
machines at the site from potential tampering fixed position Set location for an advertisement
by external users. within a periodical, often specified by reference
firmware Software which is necessary for the to other material, e.g. facing leader page.
general routines of a computer and which can- fixed space The amount of space between letters
not be changed by the user. Usually held in and words which cannot be varied for justifi-
ROM. cation needs. Contrast variable space.
first and second linings The two linings applied flag In general, a variable or quantity that can take
to the back of the book in case binding. The first on one of two values (often ‘on’ or ‘off’). May be
lining is normally mull, a form of muslin cloth, a bit (within operating systems) or a byte in
the second lining normally kraft, a strong form some programs. In communications bit-oriented
of brown paper. protocols, it is a unique bit pattern used to iden-
first and third Printed sheet which contains tify the beginning and end of a frame.
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flame An electronic mail or Usenet news mes- flat tint plate Letterpress block used for printing
sage that is the equivalent of an angry retort or a tint.
a strong opinion, intended to rebuke or even to flat wrapping Wrapping a magazine with film or
insult or provoke. Also used as a verb to paper without folding it.
describe the sending of such a message. flax tow Linen fibres used in papermaking.
flame bait A message which is intended to pro- fleuron Typographical flower ornament used for
voke a flame or even a flame war. decorative purposes. Known as a dingbat in
flame war An acrimonious dispute consisting of DTP.
a series of flames. flexiback binding Binding with reinforced spine
flange See bevel. using paper or fabric lining.
flap Protective cover for piece of artwork. flexible bandwidth service (FBS) An alternative
flash exposure Additional exposure given to a to leased lines and multiplexers, allowing
half-tone to enhance shadow areas. changes to the bandwidth available to any site.
flat 1. Lacking contrast when printed. 2. Assem- Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) The
bled film on a carrier sheet ready for printing. standard data interchange and archive format
Also foil. of the astronomy community.
flat artwork Artwork which is drawn on a solid flexichrome Hand-coloured photograph.
base and which cannot always be directly flexography Relief printing process using flexi-
scanned. ble, deformable plates.
flat ASCII A text file that contains only ASCII (7- flexstabil binding Binding method used for
bit) characters and uses only ASCII-standard heavy books and catalogues. A centre portion
control characters. Thus it includes no 8-bit of the back of the book is scooped out, flooded
embedded codes specific to a particular pro- with glue, and resealed, prior to the cover
gram or output device. Also called plain being drawn on. Extremely durable adhesive
ASCII. SGML files are flat-ASCII in that all binding method.
non-ASCII characters are represented by char- flier Promotional leaflet or handbill.
acter entities. flight simulator A computer-controlled device
flat back Bound with a flat back (as distinct from for training pilots. It consists of an artificial
rounded). Also, square back. cockpit mounted on hydraulic legs, so that the
flatbed A press with the printing surface flat pilot feels that he or she is flying a real aircraft.
rather than curved as on a rotary press. Also, a popular computer program giving a
flatbed press Mechanical printing machine similar on-screen display.
where the printing plate on the bed of the flippy disk Double-sided floppy disk.
machine is laid flat so the inking rollers and float Centre a piece of artwork in an area which
then the impression cylinder with the paper is too large for it.
can roll over it. floating accents Accents which are not tied to a
flatbed proofing press A litho flatbed press given character in type font and can therefore
designed for producing machine proofs from be positioned over any letter.
colour separation plates in limited numbers. flocculation Ink-mixing fault caused when pig-
flatbed scanner A scanner with a flat platen, ment floats as particles in the ink vehicle rather
rather like a photocopier, as opposed to one than dispersing smoothly. Solid areas have a
with a scanning drum. spotty, pimply, appearance.
flat etching Etching of a plate in a tray of solu- flong The special paper used for making moulds
tion. in stereotyping.
flat file A representation of a database or tree flooding Excess of ink on a printing plate.
structure as a series of single files from which flop Reverse film so that a mirror-image is pro-
the structure can be rebuilt. duced.
flat plan Diagrammatic scheme of the pagination floppy disk Small flexible plastic disk widely
of a magazine or book. Indicates available used for magnetic storage of information on
colour positions, so that colour illustrations can small computers. The standard size is 3.5 inch-
be positioned for printing in the most econom- es.
ical way. floppy disk drive A device into which a floppy
flat-stitching Method of sewing sections of a disk may be loaded and from which data may
book by passing the thread through the side of be read or written.
the section near the fold (contrast saddle- floptical disc A removable optical disc which is
stitching). the same size as a 3.5 inch floppy disk, but has
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a capacity of up to 25Mbs. Floptical disk drives flying paster Pasting mechanism which joins a
can often also be used for conventional 3.5 inch new reel of paper to that currently running out
disks. (See also SyQuest disk.) on a web press without stopping the press.
floriation Tooled decoration on leather binding flying spot Light source used to scan documents
in the form of little flowers. in OCR machines.
flotation de-inking Removing ink from recycled flyleaf Plain sheet in a book next to the covers.
paper by creating a ‘froth’ which can be Usually pages 3–4 of the front endpaper.
skimmed off. FM See frequency modulation.
flourish Freehand, often curling, finish at the end FM screening See frequency modulation screen-
of a normal character. ing.
flow The spread of ink over press rollers. FMV See full-motion video.
flowchart Diagram showing the sequence of FNC See Federal Networking Council.
steps in a computer program. F number Defines the aperture of a lens at differ-
flow control The techniques used in serial com- ent settings, and is obtained by dividing the
munications to indicate when the sender focal length of the lens by the diameter of the
begins and ends sending data and when the aperture. Also referred to as f-stop.
receiver is able to accept it. May be either soft- FOB Free on board. Carriage paid only up to the
ware flow control or hardware flow control. point of placing goods on board a vessel at the
Typically, received data will be written to a departure port. Contrast cif, which includes
fixed-size buffer. When the amount of buffered carriage payment right up to the point of plac-
data reaches a certain level, a signal will be sent ing goods on the quayside at the arrival port.
to the transmitter to stop transmission until FOC Father of Chapel. Print union equivalent of
sufficient data has been read from the buffer so shop steward.
that another signal can be sent to start trans- focal length Distance between an optical lens’
mission again. (See also x-on/x-off.) centre and the focusing plane, with the lens
flowers Flower and leaf decoration tooled onto focused at infinity.
leather binding and used by designers. focal plane The plane where light entering a lens
flowing In desktop publishing, the entering of forms a sharp image.
text into a pre-formatted page such that it con- focus Sharpness of definition in photography or
tinues to fill out columns and/or pages until a in projection of a product or service.
rule or image is encountered, or until the text is fog Unintended light penetration of photograph-
exhausted. ic materials.
fluff Loose surface fibres on paper. Also, lint. foil 1. Carrier for planning films. 2. In bookbind-
fluffing Build-up of loose fibres of fluff especial- ing, short for stamping foil: a plastic film coat-
ly found on the surface of soft paper. ed with clear or coloured lacquer and a thin
fluorescent Radiating a white glow, as in a sub- layer of condensed aluminium, which is used
stance added to paper stock to make very white to block covers. The aluminium layer and
paper. coloured lacquer on top of it detach from the
fluorescent ink Ink with extreme brightness plastic carrier under heat and pressure from a
qualities which react to ultraviolet light. blocking brass during the blocking process,
Fluorescent papers have fluorescent pigments leaving the design or lettering engraved on the
added. Fluorescent whitening is included in block transferred into the surface of the case
pulp to add brightness to paper. material with the thin, coloured metallic layer
flush Cut to match the edge with that of the on top of it. Popular colours are ‘imitation gold’
cover. and ‘imitation silver’.
flush centre, left or right In wordprocessing or foil papers Papers with metallic surface.
DTP, alignment of text to the centre, left or folding boxboard High-quality carton maker’s
right of the column or page. (See also justifica- board which has good scoring and folding
tion.) characteristics.
flush cover A cover trimmed flush with the folding chases Chases which join to form a com-
pages of the text of the book. plete signature.
flush left/right Type aligned with either the left- folding endurance Measure of deterioration of
or right-hand margins. paper along a constantly repeated fold.
flush mount A letterpress plate mounted on its fold-out Folded sheet in text which opens out
base with adhesive. beyond the page size. Also, gatefold, throw-out.
flyer See flier. foliation The numbering of manuscript pages.
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folio 1. Page number at the head or foot of a page force card Male die used in die-stamping.
of text. 2. Sheet of copy. fore and aft Method of printing two copies of a
FolioViews A content management system, book simultaneously with the pages joined
mainly for textual information, although links head to head (two-up).
can be made to graphics etc. Requires struc- fore-edge Outer edge of a book, opposite the
tured documents, but not necessarily SGML. binding edge.
Can provide its own database structure. foreword Introduction to a book, not written by
follow-on posting A contribution to a news- the author. As distinct from a preface.
group or forum that is a public response to a format 1. Trimmed page size, or physical specifi-
previous posting. cation for a page or a book. 2. Frequently occur-
follow style Instruction to compositor to set to ring set of typographical commands stored as a
the publisher’s specified style. code on a phototypesetter. 3. Structure imposed
font A complete set of characters all of the same on a floppy disk by an operating system utility
typeface and point size. before it can be used to accept data.
font metrics The detailed design specifications of a formation The fibre distribution of a sheet of
font, which include the widths of individual paper. The two extremes are described as ‘wild’
characters, the x-heights, how tall the capital let- or ‘even’.
ters are, the kerning pairs and many other items. Format Output Specification Instance
Different font systems store this information in (FOSI) An SGML-marked-up document that
different ways: for QuickDraw on a Macintosh, uses the CALS output specification as its
the metrics form part of the screen fonts; the font Document Type Definition (DTD). A FOSI
metrics for a TrueType font are stored in the contains formatting information structured
TrueType font file itself; for Type 1 PostScript according to SGML. FOSI styles define all fea-
fonts the metrics are stored in PFM (PostScript tures of composition: font, leading, quadding,
font metrics) files. Type 1 fonts usually also have spacing etc. (about 125 characteristics in all).
corresponding AFM (Adobe font metrics) files, FOSIs map SGML documents to appearance-
but these are not used by most applications. based markup ready for composition by a
font size In the UK and US, font size is usually FOSI-capable system. FOSIs were originally
given in points (1 point = 0.351mm) and 12 intended for print but can equally be applied to
points make up a pica, the basic unit of typo- composition on-screen. FOSIs use the same
graphic measurement. Elsewhere in Europe, constructs as documents but apply them to for-
point sizes and measurements are given using mat instead of to structure and content.
the Didot system, based on a 12-point cicero, forme The printing surface as imposed and
which measures the same as 12.8 British points, mounted ready for printing. By extension, a flat
so that 1 Didot point = 0.376mm. of pages imposed for printing one side of a
font substitution Printing an outline font to sheet.
replace a bitmapped screen font. When output is former folder Type of web press folder which
sent from a Macintosh to an Apple LaserWriter draws paper over a kite to make first fold. As
printer, e.g., the driver will substitute Times, distinct from a ribbon folder.
Helvetica and Roman for the New York, Geneva forme rollers Rollers in contact with the plate on
and Monaco screen fonts. In a slightly different a press.
context, Adobe Acrobat will use Multiple forms See fill-out forms.
Mastering technology to generate a font if the formula publishing Publishing a series of books
font called for in a pdf file is not present on the according to a classification or format estab-
system where the Acrobat file is being viewed. lished by the publisher.
foolscap Paper size measuring 13.5317 inches. forum A discussion group accessible through a
foot Bottom of a book or page. bulletin board system, a mailing list, or a
footer In books, the running footline that some- Usenet newsgroup. Users submit postings for
times appears at the bottom of each page. (See all to read and discussion follows. A forum is
also header.) both asynchronous and available to all (or all
footnotes Notes explanatory to the main text, set those authorised) and can be contrasted with
in smaller type at the bottom of the page. both real-time Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and
footprint 1. The surface area of a desk or bench point-to-point personal email.
that is required by an item of computer hard- forward error correction (FEC) An error-correc-
ware. 2. Area over which the signal from a tion technique which adds extra bits to a trans-
transmitter can be received. mission over a communications link. This
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allows errors to be detected and corrected with- 1975. Fractal objects contain structures that are
out any retransmission of data. nested within each other, so that each smaller
forward explicit congestion notification structure is a reduced version of the larger form,
(FECN) A notification, in frame relay, that a although not identical. Many mathematical
network node is congested. FECN allows the structures are fractals, but fractals also describe
receiver to reduce the traffic in certain circum- natural objects, such as clouds, mountains and
stances, e.g. by delaying acknowledgement coastlines, which do not have simple geometric
messages. shapes and generally cannot be described using
forwarding Binding stages from after sewing conventional Euclidean geometry. Fractals are
until casing-in. also not definable in terms of specific numbers
FOSI See Format Output Specification Instance. of dimensions. Fractals can be generated using
foul proof Proof with corrections added. a number of easily obtainable programs. See
foundry chase Chase used in stereo making. fractal compression.
foundry lockup A forme locked up for making fractal compression A method of compressing
moulds of electrotypes, stereotypes etc. images by expressing the image as an iterated
foundry type Hard-wearing metal type charac- function system (IFS), which can then be
ters used in hand composition. expanded to generate the required number of
fountain Damping solution reservoir on a press. levels of (synthetic) fractal detail. Generating
Fountain rollers measure out the damping the IFS from the image is the most difficult step
solution to the damping rollers. and involves running a (patented) compression
fountain solution Solution of water and chemi- algorithm on the bit pattern of the image.
cals used in litho to prevent the non-printing fraktur German gothic characters.
areas from accepting ink. Also, damping solu- frame 1. A sequence of contiguous bits, enclosed
tion. by opening and closing flags, transmitted over
four-colour process See CMYK, colour separ- a serial link. A frame generally contains its
ation. own addressing and error-checking informa-
four-colour separation See colour separation. tion and is sent between datalink layer entities.
Fourdrinier Papermaking machine named after The size of the frame will depend upon the pro-
the brothers who invented it. Uses a wire belt tocol used. 2. A single image that forms part of
to convey the wet paper. a series that make up either a video or an ani-
Fournier A stylish, italic typeface designed by mation. See video capture card.
Pierre Simon Fournier. frame-check sequence (FCS) A field containing
fourth cover Outside back cover of a periodical. error-checking information which is added to a
fourth estate Newspapers and magazines frame in bit-oriented protocols, such as frame
regarded as the fourth power in the land. relay.
fourth-generation computers Computers using frame grabber A device which allows a single
large scale integration (LSI) technology. frame of a video to be captured and subse-
fourth-generation photosetters Photosetters quently used as a still image.
using lasers to expose the characters. frame rate The number of frames of an anima-
fourth wave Used to describe typesetting and tion, video or television picture displayed
origination systems based on standard hard- every second. The higher the frame rate, the
ware and software, and with a high degree of smoother the movement will be, although, for
compatibility with other systems and compo- an animation, more processing power and sys-
nents. tem bandwidth will be required. A rate of
four-way entry Reference to a pallet that may be about 30 fps is necessary to give the impression
picked up by a fork-lift truck in any of the four of smooth movement. A European standard
directions. (PAL) television signal displays 25 fps and a US
foxing or fox marks Discolouration on paper by standard (NTSC) signal displays 30 fps.
brownish marks ofen caused by damp affecting Various kinds of compressed or simplified
chemical impurities in the paper. It can also video (such as QuickTime) often use fewer
occur if ink leaks from another page, especially frames per second but the results may not
from an illustration. appear natural.
fps Frames per second. See frame rate. frame relay A connection-oriented wide area
FQDN See fully qualified domain name. network interface standard which caters par-
fractal An irregular, fragmented, geometric shape. ticularly for bursty data communications. It
The term was invented by Benoit Mandelbrot in includes error detection but not error correc-
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tion, and is suited to the interconnection of for shipments from several companies, which
LANs, and to the connection of dedicated lines are then sent out as one large shipment.
and X.25 to ATM, SMDS and B-ISDN. freight forwarding The organisation of freight
frames A facility available in HTML-3 onwards, handling for customers. A freight forwarder
implemented by current World Wide Web can offer a variety of services, ranging from a
browsers, which allows the browser screen to comprehensive service including packing, full
be broken into several different areas, some of documentation, customs clearance, pick up
which may remain static, acting as menus, and delivery of all his customer’s freight, to a
while new information is downloaded into the specialised service offering any part of the
main screen area. freight operation, e.g. customs clearance of a
frame switching An extension of frame relay, in package at an airport.
which the full data link protocol is implement- French fold The fold used on greetings cards,
ed, including frame acknowledgement, flow which folds a sheet into four pages, exposing
control and error correction. only one side of the sheet and leaving the join
franco Free. at the edges.
freeness Measure of purity in woodfree pulp (i.e. French groove In binding, the groove or channel
the degree to which the pulp is free of lignin left by bringing the case board slightly away
traces). from the shoulder of the book. Also, joint.
Freenet A US community-based bulletin board French sewing Plain, conventional sewing. Also
system. Freenets are funded and operated by called section sewing.
volunteers; they are part of the National Public frequency The number of repetitions per unit
Telecomputing Network (NPTN), an organi- time of a periodic waveform. The number of
sation based in Cleveland, Ohio, devoted to cycles per second for an electromagnetic wave-
making computer communication and network- form is expressed in hertz (Hz, kHz, MHz or
ing services as freely available as public libraries. GHz). High frequency (hf) comes between
free sheet 1. Periodical or newspaper distributed 3–30MHz, and is used mainly for long-distance
free to its readers. 2. Woodfree paper (US). communication. Very high frequency (VHF)
Free Software Foundation An organisation comes between 30–300MHz, and is used for
devoted to the creation and dissemination of television, FM radio broadcasting and voice
software that is free from licensing fees or communication. Ultra high frequency (UHF)
restrictions on use. Its main work is supporting comes between 300MHz–3GHz and is used for
the GNU project, which has produced replace- television and voice communication.
ments for many Unix utilities and other tools. frequency division multiplexing (FDM) The
Software is distributed under the terms of the simultaneous transmission of many signals
GNU General Public License, which also pro- through one medium (such as a wire) by mod-
vides a good summary of the Foundation’s ulation at the transmitter into separable fre-
goals and principles. (See also copyleft.) quency bands.
free-text search Searching text files for any com- frequency modulation (FM) A method for en-
bination of characters, often words. Search coding a carrier signal by changing the fre-
engines which are able to carry out free-text quency according to the data being transmitted.
search often include Boolean facilities and frequency modulation (FM) screening Type of
proximity searching so that, e.g., one can electronically-generated screening where the
search for the occurrence of a group or string of dots produced are all the same or very similar
characters within, say, 20 words of another minuscule size (microdots) and are spread over
group or groups. Some search engines offer an area to lesser or greater degrees to give the
switchable contextual searching as a further shades of grey required. Contrast AM screening.
feature. Such engines are usually based on frequency shift keying (FSK) A modulation
indexing and the approach should be contrast- technique in which two different tones are used
ed with keyword search. to represent the 0 and 1 states of binary data.
freeware Software made available by the author frequently asked questions See FAQ.
at no cost, often over the Internet. The author fret Interlaced pattern used in border and cover
still retains copyright and thus it is not quite design.
the same as public domain software (PDS). friar Pale printed area where not enough ink has
(See also shareware.) been applied, contrast monk.
freight forwarder Person or company that friction feed Printer mechanism where the paper
arranges the shipping and customs documents is secured and fed by two rollers.
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friction glazing Form of glossy finish imparted full run All the editions of a newspaper.
to paper by a special calender. full stop A punctuation mark in the form of a dot
frisket Device on a hand-press for holding down on the baseline that shows that a sentence has
paper during printing. come to an end. Sometimes used after initials
front end General term for all the parts of a pho- and abbreviations.
tosetting system before the output unit/image- fully qualified domain name (FQDN) The full
setter, e.g. input keyboards, screens, editing ter- name of a system, including its local hostname
minals etc. and its domain name, so that ‘eps-edge’ is a
frontispiece Illustration on the page facing the hostname and ‘eps-edge.demon.co.uk’ is an
title page of a book. FQDN. See network, network address.
frontlist Publisher’s list of books currently being function codes Codes which control the function
published or about to be published, contrast of a phototypesetter or output device rather
backlist. than generating characters.
frontmatter Prelims of a book. furnish The components in a paper.
front of book Part of a periodical before the bulk furniture Letterpress spacing material.
of the editorial pages, often dedicated to adver- fuzz Loosely bonded fibres projecting from the
tisements. surface of paper.
FSK See frequency shift keying. fuzzy logic In the context of word searching, fuzzy
FSP A connectionless protocol for moving files logic programs encompass words which look or
around networks, rather like ftp, with protec- sound very similar to the word required, e.g. a
tion against server and network overloading. It search for the name Smith might also pull in
is probable that FSP is an acronym for file serv- Smithe, Smythe, Smyth, Smitt etc.
er protocol. FWA Fluorescent Whitening Agent. A loading
f-stop See F number. similar to an OBA added to paper to increase
FTAM See File Transfer, Access and Management. whiteness and brightness.
ftp See File Transfer Protocol. FYI For your information. A subseries of RFCs
ftp archive See archive site. which convey general information about topics
ftp by mail A service offered by DEC so that peo- related to TCP/IP or the Internet.
ple without Internet access can obtain copies of
files which are available by anonymous ftp.
fudge To touch up a photograph by, e.g., air-
fugitive inks Inks which fade or change colour in
unstable atmospheric conditions or in bright
fulfilment Supplying a complete order.
full-bound Binding style in which the case-cov- gallery The camera department in a process
ering material is one piece of cloth or leather. engraving house.
As distinct from quarter-bound, half-bound or galley An oblong metal tray for holding metal
three-quarter bound. type.
full capitals or full caps Full-sized, regular capi- galley proof Proof of typematter not made up
tals as distinct from small capitals. into page. Also known as slip proof.
full colour Four-colour process. galvanised Inconsistent in colour or density of
full duplex Data transmission in both directions printed ink.
simultaneously. Contrast simplex, half duplex. Gameboy Proprietary hand-held hardware for
full duplex (FDX) Communication in which it is running computer games.
possible to transmit and receive at the same gamma A measure of contrast in photographic
time. The usual data communications channel processing.
(the V.24 interface) between a computer and a gamma version Preview version of an electronic
modem is full duplex. (See also half duplex, publication at the stage where everything
simplex.) should be ready for commercial release.
full measure Complete width of a column of text. gang printing Running more than one job on the
full-motion video (FMV) System used to deliver same sheet.
moving images and sound on a computer. gap 1. The space between records on disk or tape.
full-out Set flush with no indentations. 2. The space between a read/write head and
full point See full stop. the recording medium.
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gapless Refers to the elimination of any gap on gelatine Water-soluble protein obtained from
the printing cylinder, so allowing smaller waste animal bones and used to make glue and size
trim in the printed product and higher running for coating paper.
speeds. GenCode A generic coding project set up by the
Garalde Generic term for the group of typefaces US Graphics Communications Association. An
also known as Old Face. important precursor of SGML.
garbage Redundant programs or data. Generalised Markup Language (GML) The
gas plasma display An alternative to the cathode generic markup language developed at IBM in
ray tube in a VDU, a gas plasma display consists 1969; the principal precursor of SGML. The
of a sealed unit made from two sheets of flat acronym originally comprised the initials of the
glass filled with a neon/argon gas. Conductors three inventors, Charles Goldfarb, Edward
are etched onto the glass plates (vertical on the Mosher and Raymond Lorie.
front plate, horizontal on the rear plate) and generation 1. Stage of reproduction from an orig-
images are formed when currents coincide at inal. 2. Stage of development of a technology,
conductor junctions. e.g. fourth-generation phototypesetters.
gate Part of a computer circuit which tests a pre- generic coding Coding the structure of a docu-
condition in a program, e.g. the statements ment rather than its typographical con-
‘and’ and ‘or’. stituents.
gatefold A page in a magazine or book which generic font A font used in screen display or a
folds out to double its size. proof printer to represent an entire category of
gatekeeper See gateway supplier. higher-quality output fonts. To ensure that line
Gates, Bill William Henry Gates III, Chief endings in the generic font match the eventual
Executive Officer of Microsoft, which he co- output, inter-character spacing is adjusted to
founded in 1975 with Paul Allen. compensate for the variations in set width
gateway A communications device or program between the generic font and the ultimate out-
that passes data between networks which have put font.
similar functions but dissimilar implementa- generic markup A method of adding information
tions. Should not be confused with a protocol to text, indicating the logical components of a
converter. Thus, a router is a layer 3 (network document, such as paragraphs, headers or foot-
layer) gateway, and a mail gateway is a layer 7 notes. SGML is an example of such a system.
(application layer) gateway. The term ‘router’ Specific instructions for layout of the text on
is now used in place of the original definition of the page do not appear in the markup.
‘gateway’. Also an interface between an exter- Essentially the same as generic coding.
nal source of information and a World Wide genre publishing Publishing a series of novels
Web server. Common Gateway Interface classified in a particular way, such as science
(CGI) is a standard for such interfaces. fiction, mystery, romance etc.
gateway supplier In newspaper production, an geographical information system (GIS) Software
approved prepress supplier who checks and that makes possible the visualisation and
standardises files coming into the newspaper manipulation of spatial data, and links such
from external sources. Also gatekeeper. data with other information such as customer
GATF Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, or maintenance records.
Pittsburg, US. geosynchronous orbit The position where com-
gathering Collecting sheets or signatures of a munications satellites remain stationary in orbit
printed job into the correct sequence for bind- above the same point on the equator – about
ing. (See also collate.) 23300 miles above the earth’s surface. Such satel-
gauge Device for measuring length, thickness or lites may be described as ‘geostationary’.
other dimensions. geosynchronous satellite A satellite in geosyn-
gauze Thin woven fabric used to strengthen chronous orbit.
hinges in binding. ghosting An unintended faint printed image
Gb Abbreviation for gigabyte. caused by problematic ink conditions, normal-
GCR See grey component replacement. ly ink starvation.
gear streaks Marks on a printed sheet caused by Ghostscript The GNU PostScript interpreter
the gears on a press cylinder. with previewers for a number of systems.
Geek of the Week A program, broadcast over Ghostview An interface to the Ghostscript
Internet Talk Radio, in which Internet experts PostScript interpreter, which allows PostScript
are interviewed. files to be viewed in X windows.
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GIF See Graphics Interchange Format; ‘.gif’ is gloss art Shiny artpaper as opposed to matt art or
also the filename extension for files in Graphics coated cartridge which have a dull finish.
Interchange Format. glossary Alphabetically arranged list of terms
gigabyte (Gb) One thousand million bytes. One and their meanings.
gigabyte of computer storage is roughly equiv- glossy Photographic print with a glossy surface.
alent to 150 million words of text, or the text glueability Measure of speed of paper adhesive
content of 2000 average-sized novels. bonding and its strength.
gigo Garbage in, garbage out. Programmer’s slang glyph A sculpted character or symbol with refer-
to describe bad output caused by faulty data. ence to the character’s shape rather than its iden-
gilding Decorating a binding, top edge or fore- tity within a character set. Whether two repre-
edge of a book with gold leaf. sentations of the same character in two different
gilt in the round Fore-edge of a book gilded after Glyphic fonts constitute one or two glyphs is
the book has been rounded. Achieves better not agreed, so, for example, the sans-serif ‘g’s in
cover than gilt in the square: gilded before the typefaces Arial and Helvetica might be
rounding. regarded as two glyphs or two representations of
gilt in the square Gilded before rounding. the same glyph.
GIP Glazed imitation parchment. Glyphic BS 2961 classification for typefaces based
GIS See geographical information system. on a chiselled rather than a calligraphic form,
give-away Free promotional leaflet or gift. usually used in display sizes. Examples are
GKS See Graphical Kernel System. Albertus, Chisel, Festival, Latin.
GKS-3D The three-dimensional version of the glytch Program error.
Graphical Kernel System (GKS). GML See Generalised Markup Language.
glair Substance which bonds gold leaf to leather. GNN See Global Network Navigator.
glassine Tough but partially transparent paper GNS See Global Network Service.
used for protective purposes and for overlays GNU Acronym standing for ‘GNU’s Not Unix!’,
on artwork. the Free Software Foundation’s project to pro-
glazed Paper with a glossy or shiny finish. vide a freely distributable replacement for
glazed vellum Vellum paper with a glazed sur- Unix, including GNU Emacs, the GNU C com-
face, used for decorative documents. piler, gzip and much more. GNU software is
glitch Unexpected irregularity or malfunction of available from many GNU archive sites.
a computer. go back N A datalink layer communications pro-
Global Network Navigator (GNN) A collection of tocol which allows retransmission of faulty
free services provided by publisher O’Reilly & blocks.
Associates. ‘The Whole Internet Catalog’ (based goldenrod paper Opaque orange paper on which
on the book by Ed Krol) discusses the most use- film is assembled for platemaking.
ful Internet resources and services and provides golden section or golden rectangle Perfect page
live links to those resources. The ‘GNN Business proportions, based on the ratio of 34:21.
Pages’ list companies on the Internet. The gold foil Paper with a foil coating. ‘Gold leaf’
Internet ‘Help Desk’ provides help in starting comprises thin sheets of real gold.
Internet exploration and NetNews is a weekly golfball typewriter Typewriter using a replace-
publication that gives news about the Internet. able spherical head, or ‘golfball’. Each golfball
Global Network Service (GNS) The service represents one typeface.
which connects national PSS services. Gopher A menu-driven hierarchical document
Formerly known as International Packet retrieval system, which began as a campus
SwitchStream (IPSS). wide information system (CWIS) at the
global search and replace The facility of a com- University of Minnesota and is now available
puter program to find all examples of a word or over the Internet. Gopher allows a single
group of words in a file and replace them with Gopher client to access information from any
an alternative. accessible Gopher server, providing the user
Global System for Mobile Communications with a single ‘Gopher space’ of information.
(GSM) The standard for digital cellular com- Gopher has been largely superseded by the
munications, which is in the process of being World Wide Web, which includes access to
adopted by over 60 countries. The GSM stan- Gopher documents as one of its protocols.
dard is currently used in the 900 MHz and 1800 Gopher client A program which runs on the local
MHz bands. machine and provides a user interface to the
gloss Smooth, shiny finish. Gopher protocol.
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GOSIP See Government Open Systems Inter- graphic boundary In DTP, the dotted line set
connection Profile. around a graphic which defines the boundary
gothic See black letter. up to which text can flow. (See also standoff.)
Goudy Old face type designed by American graphic file format The format in which graphics
typographer Frederic Goudy. are stored and transmitted. There are two main
gouge Tool used to make a groove or indentation types: raster or bitmap graphics (in which the
for decorative lines on a book cover. image is stored as a bitmap) and vector or out-
Gouraud shading A method of surface shading line graphics (in which the image is stored
or rendering used in animation to make the using geometric formulae). There are many dif-
surface of rounded objects look smoother and ferent file formats, some of which are used by
more natural. (See also Phong shading.) specific computers, operating systems or appli-
Government Open Systems Interconnection cations. Some formats use file compression,
Profile (GOSIP) Used by both US and UK particularly those which handle colour.
governments. A procurement specification for graphic papers Papers for printing or writing.
OSI protocols, although the protocols used by graphics The creation, modification and manipula-
the two governments are not identical. tion of (usually static) graphic images. The two
gradient fill Another term for a graduated fill. basic forms are bitmap or raster graphics, and
graduated fill A gradual shift from one colour to vector graphics. In general, bitmapped graphics
another, from a dark tone to a light one in an are handled using paint programs, able to access
object fill. An ideal graduated fill avoids band- individual pixels or groups of pixels, while vec-
ing. (See also Gouraud shading, Phong shad- tor graphics are handled using draw programs,
ing.) which allow the manipulation of graphics as
grain direction Direction of fibres in a sheet of mathematical objects. A third way of represent-
paper. Long grain describes fibres running par- ing images uses fractals. Graphics are stored in a
allel with the longest side of a sheet; short wide variety of graphic file formats.
grain along the shortest side. (See also machine graphics adapter See display adapter.
direction.) graphics-based software Software which requires
graining 1. Mechanical roughening of a litho a graphical user interface (GUI) for it to be able
plate to retain water. 2. Treatment of paper, to operate, unlike ‘character-based’ or ‘text-
board, or laminated board to give a textured based’ software, which can be operated using a
effect. command line interface. The Macintosh is
grainy Photographic film or print with coarse graphics-based, while PCs and Unix require
grain visible usually due to high speed of film. Windows or X windows software to allow them
grainy edge Surface roughness on edges of web to be run in graphics mode. Graphics-based soft-
caused in the drying process. ware allows operation in WYSIWYG mode, so
gram Metric unit of weight. theoretically anything can be shown on the
grammage Weight of paper expressed as grams screen, subject to resolution and colour limi-
per square metre. tations.
Graphical Kernel System (GKS) A standard for graphics display terminal A VDU capable of dis-
outline graphical input/output. (See also playing pictures in line or tone in addition to
PHIGS.) text.
graphical user interface (GUI) (Pronounced graphics insertion Text and pictures photoset in
‘goo-ey’.) An interface that allows users to one operation.
choose commands and other options by point- Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) (Pro-
ing to a graphical icon or by pulling down a nounced with a hard ‘G’, as in ‘gift’.) A graph-
menu and then activating the choice, either by ic file format in which images are compressed
using the keyboard or by clicking with a with the Lempel-Ziv Welch algorithm. It was
mouse. Provides what is often thought of as a originally developed by CompuServe and is
more user-friendly approach than a command widely used for images in online services and
line interface. A GUI runs under a windowing particularly the World Wide Web.
system, such as X windows, Microsoft graphics primitive In a vector (object-oriented)
Windows or Macintosh. Although the Apple graphics program, one of the basic graphic
Macintosh operating system was the first com- units, e.g. circle, rectangle, line.
mercially available GUI, the concept originated graphics scanner An input device, which allows
in the early 1970s at Xerox PARC with the images on paper to be input into computer sys-
Xerox Star. (See also WIMP, WYSIWYG.) tems as bitmap graphics files.
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graphics tablet An input device in which a stylus are frequently defined computer terms in 256
or cursor is moved by hand over a flat surface. steps from pure white to pure black, each step
The computer keeps track of the position of the identified by a different 8-bit number. The
stylus, making it possible to input drawings or grey-level value of each pixel of an original is
diagrams. Graphics tablets are generally used sampled by an analyse scanner in scanning an
with graphics programs, though they can be original and allocated its grey level value as
used instead of a mouse with most programs. one of these 256 steps. See grey scale.
Some graphics tablets are sensitive to pressure, grey scale The use of (discrete) shades of grey, from
so that with appropriate graphics software the black to white, to represent an image. If the pix-
line thickness can be recorded. Recent develop- els of a grey-scale image have N bits, then 2N - 1
ments in handwriting recognition may lead to levels can be represented. If N = 1 the image is
wider use of graphics tablets. monochrome, i.e. black and white. Grey-scale
grater roller Roller on a web-offset press which monitors represent pixels by using different
carries the web. (See also air bar.) intensities, often with up to 256 different levels.
grave accent Small sign placed over a vowel to Grey scaling is used to represent continuous
alter the pronounciation to a specific phonetic tone images. (Note the difference from dither-
sound. ing.) The US spelling of grey is ‘gray’.
graver Engraving tool. grid 1. Sheet with ruled lines used to ensure
gravure Process in which recesses on a cylinder square makeup of photocomposed material. 2.
are filled with ink and the surplus removed Systematic division of a page into type areas
with a blade. The paper contacts the cylinder and positions for other regularly occurring fea-
and ‘lifts’ the ink from the recesses. Used for tures (headline, folios etc.). Sometimes printed
long-run magazines and catalogues. in drop-out blue and used for camera-paste-up
gray scale See grey scale. ‘Gray’ is the US purposes.
spelling and is widely used. grinder Machine that crushes wood in the first
greaseproof Translucent paper with high resis- step of the papermaking process.
tance to grease penetration. grip Margins needed at the feed edge of a sheet
great primer Obsolete term for 18pt type. of paper for the grippers on the press. Also
Great Worm See Internet worm. gripper edge and gripper margin.
greeked text Simulated text used to display small gripper edge See pitch edge.
type on a screen. Line breaks in greeked text grippers Metal fingers that position the paper
correspond to the correct breaks in the text sim- and pull it through the printing press.
ulated. groove Space at the book’s hinge, between the
Green Book See rainbow series. cover board and the spine, which should
grey balance The ability to print a neutral grey enable the book to lie flat when open.
from four-colour printing plates with no gross profit Monies remaining after direct costs
coloured tinges showing through. Monitored have been subtracted from revenue.
by a grey balance patch on colour bars. grotesque Form of sans serif typeface.
grey board or Dutch grey board Homogenous ground An electrical connection or common con-
case board made from newsprint furnish. Grey ductor connected to the earth. Also known as
board or unlined chipboard are the normal the ‘earth wire’.
boards used for case-making. Millboard is grounded Connected to the earth.
used for specific heavy-duty bindings, e.g. sta- groundstation (Also known as ‘earth station’.) A
tionery or archive bindings. communications and control installation on
Grey Book The document defining the electron- earth for a satellite relay.
ic mail protocol used in the JANET Coloured groundwood American term for mechanical pulp.
Books software suite. groundwood sheet Mechanical paper (US).
grey component replacement (GCR) Colour sepa- Group 3 fax The standard which is currently
rations where the black printer carries more widely used for facsimile over PSTN. It oper-
detail than with conventional separations and ates at 9600 bps and approximately 200 dpi res-
the tertiary, or complementary, elements of any olution. The average transmission time of an
colour hue are removed. Also called ICR (inte- A4 page is about 30 seconds.
grated colour removal) or achromatic separa- Group 4 fax The standard for facsimile over pri-
tion. mary rate ISDN. Compared with Group 3, it
grey levels Separate tones of grey reflecting back offers better resolution, more grey levels and
from a continuous-tone original. Grey levels improved error-correction and data-compression
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 83
facilities. It also provides for colour. (See also Gutenberg Project See Project Gutenberg.
Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group (JBIG).) gutter Binding margin of a book.
group addressing Addressing a message to a GWHIS A commercial version of NCSA Mosaic
group of addresses. Makes multicasting pos- for Microsoft Windows 3.x and Windows for
sible. Workgroups, released by Quadralay Corp-
groupware General applications software intend- oration.
ed to help groups of people working together gypsum Mineral from which plaster of Paris is
over a network to co-ordinate and organise their made, used in papermaking as a loading.
activities (workgroup computing). Such soft- gzip The GNU compression utility, developed by
ware usually includes electronic mail facilities the Free Software Foundation. Uses Lempel-
and scheduling programs and may also allow Ziv LZ77 compression. Compressed files can
computer conferencing and audioconferencing, be restored to their original form using gzipd
audiographic teleconferencing and videocon- or gunzip. All GNU compressed files available
ferencing. (See also CSCW, Lotus Notes.) by anonymous ftp are in gzip format and their
GSM See Global System for Mobile Communi- names end in ‘.gz’.
cations. gzipd Decompressor for gzip.
gsm or g/m2 Grams per square metre: the
measure of substance of paper or board.
guard Linen or paper put on the back of a book
section to provide additional strength. The
process of doing this is known as ‘guarding a
section’. The first and last sections of a heavy
reference work may be ‘guarded’ in this way.
GUI See graphical user interface.
guide Non-printing line in DTP used to align H.120 A standard for video compression at
content. transfer rates of 2 Mbps, now superseded by
guideline Line on artwork indicating the print- (and not compatible with) the newer H.261 set
ing area. Also, keyline. of standards.
Guidon Viewer software for SGML documents, H.261 A video compression standard developed
developed for OCLC and used for the world’s by ITU-T to work with ISDN principally to sup-
first purely electronic refereed journal, ‘Clinical port videophone and videoconferencing appli-
Trials’. Now no longer used by OCLC, which is cations. Data can be compressed on the fly at the
moving journals to the World Wide Web. rate of 64p kbps, where ‘p’ is the number of
guillemets Arrow-shaped quotation marks not ISDN channels used (from 1 to 30). The standard
used in English. See duck-foot quotes. includes a system of frame difference, so that
guillotine Machine which cuts paper into sheets. each frame in a video sequence is encoded only
Programmatic guillotines can perform a whole as the differences between it and the preceding
series of measured cuts without re-setting for frame, thus saving space. Now part of H.320.
each measurement. H.320 A recent ITU-T standard embracing the
gum arabic Gum exuded by some acacia trees H.261 video compression standard. Used in
used for the adhesive layer on a stamp, label etc. most videoconferencing systems.
gummed paper Paper coated on one side with hache Symbol either meaning a number or indi-
adhesive. cating a space is required.
gumming Applying adhesive to paper. hack In journalism, someone who writes to
gum up To apply gum arabic to a litho plate. order, contrast investigative journalist.
Gum arabic protects the image area and pre- hacker One who gains unauthorised access to
vents oxidation. machines or networks, often with malicious
gun The component of a cathode ray tube that intent. Originally, a computer enthusiast.
provides a continuous stream of electrons. A hair cut Curved cut in a web on a papermaking
monochrome display will require a single gun machine.
while colour displays must be provided with hairline Very fine line or stroke in a letter.
three, one each for red, green and blue. Hairline register is colour register within ± half
gunzip Decompression utility for files com- a row of dots.
pressed with gzip. hair spaces Very thin letterpress spaces used
gusseting Waving occurring at the heads of un- between letters in a word.
trimmed signatures. halation Blurred halo effect in the highlight areas
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of a photo, caused by reflection back from the H&J Abbreviation used for hyphenation and
emulsion substrate. justification.
half-binding Type of bookbinding in which the handle A nickname used online. The term is
spine and corners are bound with a different taken from CB (community broadcast) radio.
type of material to the cloth or paper covering handles In DTP, those areas of a selected item of
the rest. text or of a graphic which can be clicked and
half-bound Book case binding style: covered in held so that the selected subject can be acted
one material on the spine and corners and anoth- upon. Examples are the eight small solid rec-
er material (paper or cloth) on the remainder. tangles which surround a selected shape: the
half duplex Asynchronous communication in two small rectangles at the ends of a selected
which data can be relayed in only one direction line; the horizontal lines with loops at the top
at a time. Two-way transmission is possible but and bottom of a selected text block (called win-
the transmissions must be alternate. dowshade handles) etc.
half leather bound Book bound with leather Handle System A distributed and scalable sys-
binding on the spine, part of the front and tem developed by the US Corporation for
back, and the corners. National Research Initiatives (CNRI) for stor-
half page Advertisement occupying half a peri- ing the names of digital objects and the infor-
odical page, horizontally or vertically. mation needed to locate those objects via the
half plate Photo measuring 634 inches. Internet. (See also Digital Object Identifier
half sheet work See work and turn. (DOI).)
half-size press Printing press designed for a handling stiffness Rigidity of paper when held,
maximum sheet approximately 71031010mm e.g. stiffness of a newspaper held by the reader.
(280 3 4 00), i.e. half the size of a quad sheet. handmade paper Paper made by hand in a
(See also mini-web.) mould. Decorative content can be introduced
half stuff Paper pulp that is ready for the beater. into the pulp. The edges are deckled.
half title Title of book, sometimes shortened, handout Publicity leaflet for handing out on the
printed on the first right-hand page in the book street, at exhibitions etc.
– the half-title page. Sometimes called bastard hand setting Making up lines of metal type by
title. hand, usually in a composing stick.
half-tone Illustration created by dots of varying handshake A data communications technique
size, resulting in the appearance of continuous consisting of prearranged signals which moni-
tone. Therefore, ‘half-tone negative’ and ‘half- tor the transmission of data by halting and
tone positive’. restarting the flow as necessary and ensuring
half-tone screen 1. Cross-ruled film or glass plate the integrity of the whole.
used to create half-tone dots. Dot formations handshaking An electronic exchange between
can be round, elliptical, rectangular, or pin- two devices which confirms that they are com-
cushion. 2. The same effect ahieved through municating with each other and establishes the
software. communications channels and protocols neces-
half-up Instruction to prepare artwork at 150% sary for the devices to send and receive data.
of final size. Hardware handshaking uses voltage levels or
HALGOL A simple language developed by pulses on wires to carry the handshaking sig-
Hewlett-Packard for communicating with nals, whereas software handshaking uses data
devices such as modems and X.25 PADs. units, i.e. ASCII characters, carried by some
halide Silver compound used to put a light-sen- underlying communication medium. Hand-
sitive coating on photographic film and paper. shaking is also used to control the flow of data:
halo effect Build-up of ink at edges of printed two devices use a handshaking signal to stay in
letters and half-tone dots, creating a darker sync with one another.
perimeter to the dot. hanging indent Typesetting style in which the
hamming code Extra bits added to transmitted first line of a paragraph is set full out and the
data in order to improve error detection and remainder are indented.
correction. Hamming codes are used with data hanging punctuation Punctuation marks at the
sent from space probes, since requesting end of justified lines which are allowed to jut
retransmission is not very practical because of out very slightly in order to give a visually
the long delays involved. straight right-hand edge to a column or page.
handbill Publicity sheet, normally printed on Effect achievable only on sophisticated
one side only, for delivery by hand. hyphenation and justification programs.
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hardback Book bound in a stiff cover, or cased than a simple number in the Vancouver sys-
binding. tem), and the full references are at the end of
hard-bound See case-bound. the section displayed in alphabetical order.
hard carriage return A carriage return that is Also called author-date system.
inserted by the user, i.e. at the end of a para- hash or hash code An index number, otherwise
graph, rather than the soft carriage return meaningless, that is generated from a list or
inserted by software. series of pointers.
hard copy Copy written, typed or printed as dis- hash table An array of pointers used to provide
tinct from stored in electronic form. rapid access to data items which are distin-
hardcover See case-bound. guished by some key. Used, e.g., in compres-
hard disk A rigid magnetic storage disk capable sion algorithms.
of higher data density and speed than floppy hatch Draw closely spaced lines in a drawing to
disks. See floppy disk, Winchester disk. give the effect of tone.
hard-dot positives Film produced either by con- Hayes AT command set The de facto standard
tact or by direct laser scanning where the dot according to which almost all modems are
edges are hard and can be retouched by hand designed today. Each command is preceded by
to a limited extent. the attention code (AT). A listing of the full
hard-hyphen Hyphen essential to the spelling of command set will be found in the manual of
a word. Contrast soft hyphen or discretionary any modem which is Hayes compatible.
hyphen. Hayes compatible The term used to indicate that
hardness Resistance of paper to indentation by a modem is able to understand the Hayes AT
printing plate, type or pen. command set, which has become the de facto
hard-sectored Pertaining to floppy disks physi- standard according to which almost all
cally divided into sectors by means of index modems are now designed.
holes in the disk surface. Compare soft-sec- HCI See human-computer interaction, human-
tored. computer interface.
hard-sized Paper with a high degree of sizing. HCOM An Apple Macintosh audio format
hardware Computer term for equipment as dis- HDLC See high-level data link control.
tinct from programs. HD-MAC See high-definition multiplexed ana-
hardware flow control An alternative term for logue coder.
hardware handshaking. HDTV See high-definition television.
hardware handshaking A technique for regulat- head 1. Top or top margin of a page. 2. Heading.
ing the flow of data across an interface by headband Cotton or silk cord attached to the top
means of signals carried on separate wires. A of the back of a book. (See also tailband.)
common example is the use of RTS (request to headbox The part of a papermaking machine
send) and CTS (clear to send) signals on an which dispenses the stock on the moving wire.
RS-232 serial line. (See also handshaking, headcap The ends of leather binding on the spine
software handshaking.) that are folded in and tucked into the spine.
hard-wired Circuit or program as constructed by head end A broadband network component that
the manufacturer of a piece of hardware and converts the transmit frequency band to the
which cannot be changed. receive frequency band, making it possible for
hardwood Wood from some deciduous trees (not stations to transmit and receive over a single-
conifers). cable network.
hardwood pulp Pulp made from hardwood header The portion of a packet, preceding the
(deciduous) trees, e.g. oak, beech, birch, euca- actual data, containing source and destination
lyptus. As distinct from softwood pulp. addresses, error checking and other fields. Also
harlequin Ornamented typographical character. used to describe the part of an electronic mail
Hart’s Rules A reference book of rules for message or news article that precedes the body
spelling, hyphenation and punctuation, widely of a message and includes the sender’s name
used by most printers and publishers in the and email address and the date and time the
UK. It was originally written for staff at Oxford message was sent. In conventional books it is
University Press. sometimes used to describe the running head-
Harvard system System of displaying biblio- line appearing at the top of each page. (See also
graphical references which originated in footer.)
Harvard University. References in the text are heading 1. Title of a section or chapter in a work,
cited as author and year of publication (rather set in displayed type. 2. See headline.
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headline A displayed line or lines at the top of a HEPnet An association concerned with network-
page or a piece of text. (See also running head.) ing requirements for high-energy physicists.
HeadLiner A World Wide Web push technology, Hercules graphics adaptor (HGA) Standard
similar to BackWeb and Castanet, providing developed by the Hercules Corporation for
personalised delivery of public information, high-resolution mono graphics adaptor that
such as news. Similar, but not identical, to displays text or graphics at a resolution of
PointCast. 7203348 pixels.
headliner Typesetting machine used for produc- Hermes UK teletext and electronic mail system.
ing display setting. hertz (Hz) A measure of frequency. One hertz is
head margin The white space above the first line one cycle per second; 1kHz = 1000Hz; 1MHz =
on a page. 1 000 000Hz. (See also bandwidth.)
head-mounted display (HMD) A stereoscopic heterogeneous network A network running
set of goggles, with a separate display for each more than one network layer protocol.
eye, used in virtual reality systems to give the Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL) A
user the impression that he or she is actually in vector graphics language originally used by
the virtual world created by the virtual reality Hewlett-Packard plotters. Now HPGL has been
application. incorporated into PCL Level 5, used to control
headpiece Ornamental design at the head of a HP LaserJet printers.
chapter. hexadecimal or hex A numeric notation scheme
head-to-head, head-to-tail Alternative imposi- with a base of 16. In hex, decimals 0–15 become
tion schemes for a pair of books or printed cov- 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B, 0C,
ers/jackets, which are printed as one, and cut 0D, 0E, 0F. Decimal 16 is then 10; decimal 17 is
apart at the final stage. 11; decimal 27 is 1B; and so on.
headword Word that forms the heading for an hf See high frequency.
entry in a dictionary or encyclopedia. HGA See Hercules graphics adaptor.
heat-resistant splice Join in paper which will hickey Spot on a printed sheet caused by dust,
resist the heat of a heatset press. lint or ink imperfections. Particularly notice-
heat sealing Closing plastic bags by semi-melt- able in solids, large type half-tones, tints etc.
ing techniques. hierarchical addressing and routing When a net-
heat seal paper Paper coated on one side with work is divided into a hierarchy of smaller net-
adhesive activated by heat. works, each level can be made responsible for
heat sensitive Paper which responds to heat in its own routing. Internet addresses, or fully
such a way that it can attract an image or oth- qualified domain names, have a hierarchical
erwise be used for reproductive purposes. form, which reflects this hierarchical routing.
heatset Drying of ink on paper using heat, on a Names on the Internet are little-endian, while
web-offset machine. Hence heatset inks. names on JANET are big-endian (although, in
heat sink Material employed to conduct heat order to avoid confusion, JANET addresses are
away from a component. often given as little-endian). (See also Exterior
heat transfer Transfer of ink from paper to anoth- Gateway Protocol, protocol, Interior Gateway
er material (e.g. fabric) by heat and pressure. Protocol.)
Special paper and ink are necessary. hierarchy An inverted tree structure. Examples
hectograph Machine that makes copies by using in computing include: a directory hierarchy
gelatine plates to take impressions of the mas- where each directory may contain files or other
ter copy. directories; a hierarchical network; a class hier-
height to paper Standard height of letterpress archy in object-oriented programming (OOP);
type and blocks. Varies from country to country. and the structure of a Document Type
helical scan A way of writing data to a video tape Definition (DTD) in SGML.
or digital audio tape (DAT). high-definition multiplexed analogue coder (HD-
help A method of providing information to the MAC) A high-definition television (HDTV)
user. Often hypertext-linked to the application standard used in Europe. (See also MUSE.)
itself and to an index. Usually also includes a high-definition television (HDTV) Has twice
search facility. the resolution of normal television, giving a
Hempel quoins Expandable wedges used to lock very clear picture at about 1200 lines per screen
up letterpress formes. with a height-to-width ratio of 3:4. HD-MAC is
hemp fibre Papermaking fibre made from rope the standard in Europe, while commercial
or from the hemp plant. MUSE services are run in Japan.
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high-density plastic Thin, strong plastic film where the front or back is joined to the spine,
used for wrapping magazines where weight is strengthened in cased books by a strip of
critical. gauze.
high frequency (hf) (Also known as the short- hinged style Type of paperback binding cut
wave band.) The part of the electromagnetic flush, where the cover is creased to facilitate
spectrum between about 3–30 MHz, which is opening.
used mainly for long-distance communication. hinting A method developed by Adobe Systems,
high key Tonal values lighter than mid-grey. Inc. to reduce the effects of aliasing when out-
high-level ASCII or extended ASCII The term line fonts are printed. It uses a series of priori-
often used to describe characters with code ties, either encoded as extra information in the
numbers from 128 to 255, as the true (‘basic’, font or applied using set mathematical formu-
plain, flat) ASCII character set only includes lae, to correct noticeable distortions, such as
the characters from 0 to 127. Because there is no uneven stem weight. PostScript Type 1 and
standard for extra characters, DOS, Windows TrueType fonts are hinted. Hinting is only
and the Macintosh each assign different char- required for small characters or for printers
acters to the high-level ASCII code numbers, with a low resolution when the presence or
although generally they are used for accented absence of a single dot makes a visible differ-
characters and other commonly used symbols. ence to a character.
See ANSI character set. histogram Graph with values depicted as verti-
high-level data link control (HDLC) A bit-ori- cal rectangles drawn from the baseline.
ented data link control protocol specified by HLS See hue, lightness and saturation. A
ISO for transmitting variable-length packets method of representing colour in computer
over a datalink. Functionally equivalent to graphics. (See also RGB, HSV.)
ADCCP. HMD See head-mounted display.
high-level language A computer programming hold Retain matter for subsequent use.
language which uses English-language instruc- holding fee Also called a blocking fee. The fee
tions. Use of a high-level language then charged by a picture library when a picture is
requires a translator program within the com- retained by a client beyond the agreed period.
puter to convert these instructions from high- holding lines Design lines which indicate the
level language into machine-code. See also area of a piece of artwork on a page (US).
low-level language. holdout Resistance to ink absorption of a paper.
highlights Lightest tonal values in a half-tone. Holland cloth Smooth, hardwearing linen used
high resolution High density of detail. Is often to strengthen hinges.
used to describe the numbers of pixels or dots hollow 1. Space between the case and the back of
per unit area in an image. The higher the reso- the sewn sections in a hardbound book. 2. By
lution, the more information there is in a given extension, the material used for reinforcing the
amount of visual space. inside spine of a case. Examples include a
high-resolution or high-res Capability to display board hollow, presspahn hollow, Oxford hol-
or detect a vast number of pixels in a unit area. low.
High Sierra standard A standard defining the file hologram or holograph A three-dimensional
system for CD-ROMs. It is equivalent to ISO image created by lasers.
9660. The name derives from the name of the holography A method of recording and then
hotel where a significant meeting to agree on reconstructing three-dimensional images
the standard took place. (holograms) using coherent light beams from
high spaces Letterpress spaces cast to shoulder lasers. The laser beam is split into two and one
height of type and used in formes for stereo- part used to illuminate the object. The light
typing. waves scattered by the object are then recom-
high speed Data communications speeds above bined with the other, reference, part of the orig-
9600 bits per second, being in excess of speeds inal beam and the interference pattern thus cre-
normally attainable via voice-grade circuitry. ated is stored as a hologram on a photographic
highspeed skip Rapid movement in a printer plate. When the hologram is illuminated a
which enables it to skip over the perforations in three-dimensional image is created.
continuous stationery. home page (Sometimes called a ‘welcome page’.)
high-yield pulp Synonym for CTMP, or chemi- The first page accessed on the Web site of an
thermomechanical pulp. individual or institution on the World Wide
hinge Line which allows a bookcover to bend Web. This may have a URL that consists of just
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a hostname, e.g. ‘http://www.pira.co.uk’. All es to access frequently, stored as part of the set-
other pages on a server are usually accessible up in a World Wide Web viewer, such as
by following links from the home page. There Netscape. Clicking on the name of the docu-
can also be links to other home pages. It is also ment (strictly speaking, its URL) will activate a
used to describe the page that is fetched when link to that document and fetch it to the screen.
a user starts his or her browser. (See also bookmark.)
homogenous A homogenous board is made on a hotmelt Type of synthetic resin adhesive used in
Fourdinier machine of one furnish throughout. perfect binding. Can be used alone (one-shot
A pasteboard is made up of two or more plys binding) or in conjunction with PVA (two-shot
of different papers or homogenous boards binding).
which are pasted together. HoTMetaL Editing and parsing software from
honorarium Voluntary payment made to a pro- SoftQuad which enables the user to create and
fessional person who has not charged a fee. edit documents coded in HTML and conform-
hooked An illustration or plate can be hooked in ing to the HTML Document Type Definition
a book by folding the paper along the edge and (DTD). HoTMetaL is a specialised version of the
wrapping the edge round the outside of a sec- more general Author/Editor software for creat-
tion. The illustration/plate is then secured with ing and editing SGML-conforming documents.
that section in the binding. hot metal composition or hot type Typesetting
hop One of a series of file transmissions required where instructions for setting characters, whole
to get a file from point A to point B on a store- words or lines of type using molten metal are
and-forward network. On such networks, e.g. fed to the setting machine by perforated tape
UUCPNET and FidoNET, an important metric produced by the compositor’s keyboard.
is the number of hops (number of network seg- hot-pressed paper Paper that is made smooth by
ments or routers passed through) in the short- being pressed between heated metal plates.
est path between machines, irrespective of their hot-pressing Using a hot stamp to block letters
geographical separation. (See also bang path.) onto a cover.
hopper Station on a machine (especially in bind- hot spot The active location of a cursor on a
ing) where printed sections are stacked and bitmap display. Also described as a screen region
dropped onto a conveyer belt. that is sensitive to mouse clicks, which trigger
horizontal format US. Book format where top some action, often to activate a link to another
and bottom edges are longer than the spine and application or another part of a document. Used
fore-edge. UK: known as landscape format. widely in hypertext applications and now in
host A computer system which provides services World Wide Web viewers to access other docu-
to users of a network. Also a computer to ments or applications, such as email or ftp.
which one connects using a terminal emulator. house advertisement Filler advertisement for
hostname The unique name by which a comput- periodical’s own company.
er is known on a network. house copies Copies of a magazine for use with-
host number The host part of an Internet in the publishing house rather than for sale.
address. house corrections Errors introduced by the type-
hot-ground pulp Paper pulp that has been setter and either corrected before proofs are
ground using very little water, so that the pulp sent to the customer, or marked on the cus-
becomes hotter. tomer’s proofs for his attention.
HotJava A World Wide Web viewer developed housekeeping File initialisation, creation, main-
by Sun Microsystems and written in the Java tenance and back-up tasks.
object-oriented language. It is able to pull house style See style of the house.
down applets, applications also written in HPGL See Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language.
Java, from the server on the fly in order to per- hqx The filename extension for Macintosh
form specific tasks, such as viewing an MPEG BinHex format files.
movie, if no MPEG viewer already exists on the H series The series of ITU-T recommendations
client system. Java is now implemented in governing audio-visual services, including
other viewers such as Netscape Navigator. video compression. Some of the most signicant
hotlink See link. Also a mechanism for sharing are given separately.
data between two application programs where HSV Hue, saturation and value (or brightness).
changes to the data made by one application A method of representing colour in computer
appear instantly in the other’s copy. graphics. (See also RGB, HLS.)
hotlist A list of documents which the user wish- HSWO Heatset web-offset.
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HTML See HyperText Markup Language. hygrometer Instrument used to measure relative
HTML-3 The 1997 version of HTML. humidity.
HTML-4 The current (1999) version of HTML. hygrometry Measurement of humidity.
HTTP See HyperText Transfer Protocol. hygroscopic Absorbing moisture.
HTTPS See HyperText Transmissiom Protocol HyperCard Software for information storage and
(Secure). retrieval on the Macintosh. Consists of a ‘stack’
hub A device or computer to which several other of ‘cards’, each of which can hold text, graph-
devices are connected (like spokes to the hub of ics, sound, animation etc., together with links
a wheel). The central node of a network. Hubs to other cards. HyperCard is very similar to
provide flexibility in logical interconnection of hypertext, although it does not conform to the
networks and data equipment. rigorous definition of hypertext. (See also
Hubnet A 50 Mbps fibre-optic network devel- HyperTalk.)
oped at Toronto University. Hyper-G Now called HyperWave. An advanced
hue Essentially, a representation of how colour is World Wide Web server technology, based on
perceived, based on the artist’s colour wheel an object-oriented database, developed espe-
from violet to red (red and violet then being cially for hypermedia at the University of Graz,
adjacent). The relationship between hues is Austria. Hyper-G provides tools for structur-
thus represented in terms of the number of ing, maintaining and serving heterogeneous
degrees separating them on the colour wheel. multimedia data, including automatic hyper-
Huffman coding A data compression technique, link consistency and advanced navigation
first described by D A Huffman in 1952, in tools. As HyperWave, it includes authoring
which the length of the encoded symbol varies utilities (Harmony for Unix and Amadeus for
in inverse proportion to its information con- Windows).
tent. Thus the more often a symbol or token is hyperlink A hypertext link. A reference from
used, the shorter the binary string used to rep- some point in one hypertext document to
resent it in the compressed stream. another document or another place in the same
human-computer interaction (HCI) The study of document. A hyperlink is usually displayed in
how humans use computers and of the design some distinguishing way, such as a different
of computer systems to make them easy, quick colour, font or style, or even as a symbol or
and productive for people to use. (See also graphic.
user-friendly, human-computer interface.) hypermedia A combination of hypertext and
human-computer interface Any tool or utility multimedia, or the extension of hypertext to
which allows a user to interact with a comput- include graphics, sound, video and other kinds
er, e.g. WIMP, command line interface or even of data. (See also HyperText Markup
virtual reality. Language, World Wide Web, HyTime.)
Humanist Generic term for Venetian-style type- HyperNeWS A hypertext system developed at
faces. the Turing Institute, Glasgow, based on NeWS.
humidification Addition of water vapour to air. HyperTalk The programming language which
humidity Quantity of water vapour in the atmos- can be used to control HyperCard stacks.
phere. (See also absolute humidity and rela- hypertext A term, used originally by Ted Nelson
tive humidity.) as part of his vision ‘Xanadu’ in the mid-1960s,
Hunter Lab values American scales, used to to describe a collection of documents (or
measure colour. nodes) containing cross-references or links so
hybrid computer One which has elements of that, with the aid of an interactive browser pro-
both digital and analogue computers. gram, the reader can move easily from one doc-
hydrapulper Large circular metal tank in which ument to another in a non-sequential manner.
dry pulp is mixed with water, and other ingre- Although Xanadu is still in existence, the
dients added, in the first stages of papermak- World Wide Web is now the most widely used
ing. The stock from the hydrapulper passes on implementation of hypertext. See hypermedia.
for refining in a cone refiner system prior to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) The
release to the paper machine. underlying hypertext language of the World
hydration Pulp state where water does not drain Wide Web. HTML is based on an SGML
away through the mesh. Document Type Definition (DTD). HTML can
hygro-expansivity Growth or shrinkage of paper be viewed using one of a number of viewers, or
due to moisture content. Hence also ‘hygro- clients, the best known of which are Internet
instability’. Explorer and Netscape. In addition, browser
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IDN See Integrated Digital Network. Image Compression Interface (ICI) A standard
IE See Internet Explorer. interface to compression algorithms, produced
IEC See International Electrotechnical Com- by C-Cube Microsystems.
mission. image-editing software See paint program.
IEE See Institution of Electrical Engineers. image file formats There are many formats used
IEEE See Institute of Electrical and Electronics to store images in files: GIF, TIFF, pcx and
Engineers. JPEG are common.
IEEE 802 The IEEE standards for local area net- image map An image in which different comput-
works (LANs). IEEE 802.3 covers CSMA/CD, er actions are initiated when part of the image
IEEE 802.4 token bus and IEEE 802.5 token is selected. See ISMAP.
ring. image master Photographic original for second-
IEPG See Internet Engineering and Planning generation photosetting fonts. Also, film master.
Group. image plotter See imagesetter.
IESG See Internet Engineering Steering Group. image processing The manipulation of images,
IETF See Internet Engineering Task Force. usually using algorithms e.g. to enhance con-
IETM See Interactive Electronic Technical trast, reduce noise (remove spots) or change
Manual. colours.
IF In high-level programming a conditional state- image recorder See imagesetter.
ment in which action is taken only if the condi- imagesetter A high-resolution output device that
tion is met. usually provides output on photographic
I/F Abbreviation for interface. material (either bromide or film) or directly on
IFF See interchange file format. IFF/8SVX is an printing plates. The software technology is
Amiga audio file format. essentially the same as that of the laser printer,
IFS See iterated function system. although the hardware will probably be differ-
IGC See Institute for Global Communications. ent. Resolutions can be as high as several thou-
IGES See Initial Graphics Exchange Specifi- sand dots (or spots) per inch, which are neces-
cation. sary to achieve the output of high-resolution
IGP See Interior Gateway Protocol. half-tones. Most imagesetters today use
IINREN See Interagency Interim National PostScript. Imagesetters were previously called
Research and Education Network. typesetters. Synonyms include image plotter,
illuminate To draw decorative illustrations on a image recorder, laser plotter, laser recorder,
manuscript. laser setter, laser output unit, film recorder
illumination Decoration of an initial or letter in etc.
an old manuscript with gold, silver or bright imaging model How output is represented on
colours. screen, e.g. in a GUI. See QuickDraw GX,
illustration board One-sided heavy drawing card. TrueImage.
ILMI See Interim Local Management Interface. IMEI See International Mobile Equipment
image A two-dimensional rectangular array of Identity.
pixels, each pixel consisting of one or more bits imitation art Paper loaded with china clay in the
of information, representing brightness, colour pulp and highly finished to give an ‘artpaper’
etc. (see RGB, HLS, HSV). Images may be cre- appearance. As distinct from true art paper,
ated on screen or taken from an image capture which has a china clay surface applied to a con-
device, such as a scanner, digital camera or ventional base paper.
frame grabber. (See also image compression, imitation cloth Reinforced and embossed paper
image file formats, fractal.) commonly used for binding hardback books
image area piling Build-up of lint and ink on instead of cotton cloth. Also, fibrefelt. Contrast
litho press blanket in the image area. woven material.
image compression The reduction of the amount imitation gold foil Aluminium foil with gold lac-
of information required to represent an image, quer on plastic carrier. Used for blocking the
so that the file size is smaller, which means that covers of books.
it will require less space in computer memory imitation parchment Tough greaseproof paper.
and storage and that it takes less time to trans- imitation silver foil Aluminium foil with clear
fer over networks and communications sys- lacquer on plastic carrier. Used for blocking the
tems. Is used in fax transmission and in video- covers of books.
phone and multimedia systems. (See also impact printer Any printer in which the required
JPEG, compression, fractal.) character strikes the paper through an inked
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 92
ribbon. See daisywheel printer, dot matrix index board Board suitable for index cards and
printer. similar stationery.
imperfection Book with printing or binding faults. index hole A hole in a floppy disk which is used
imperial A former British size of large paper to signal the start of a track or sector.
(30322 inches). indexing The creation of ordered lists of entries or
import To copy across from an external program terms. Most World Wide Web search engines,
into a current program, typically from a word- such as AltaVista and Yahoo, use indexing in
processing application into a page make-up order to speed up access to data, as does most
program. database software.
import filter A program which accepts input Indian ink Intensely black drawing ink.
from an external program and converts it into a india paper Very thin opaque rag paper often
format suitable for the user’s current program. used for high-quality bibles.
imposed colour proofs Colour proofs produced indicia Formal mailing information or permit
from machine formes which are imposed to the printed on envelope or item to be mailed.
final page sequence of the job. Contrast scatter Indigo One of the leading digital presses.
proofs. The main advantage of imposed colour indirect letterpress See letterset.
proofs is that the effects of tracking can be indirect printing Process where the printing sur-
properly considered. face is not in direct contact with the paper, e.g.
imposition The arrangement of pages on a print- offset lithography.
ing plate so that, when a publication is folded indirect screening Four-colour origination in
and bound, the pages are in the correct which the final output films are in continuous
sequence. Traditionally, this was done by phys- tone, and are screened afterwards separately,
ically arranging the film or bromide before cre- rather than as they are output from the scanner.
ating the plate, but now either computer or Contrast direct screening.
photographic methods are frequently used. inferior Small character set below the baseline at
Software is available to impose PostScript files. the foot of another character.
impregnating Running book binding cloth Infobahn A term (taken from the German
through starches or chemicals to enhance its ‘Autobahn’) for the information superhighway.
quality or appearance. Information Engineering A research programme
impression 1. Pressure of the plate in contact with of the European Commission, concerned with
paper or blanket at the moment of printing. how information and data are created, stored,
2. All the copies of a book from one printing. distributed, changed or manipulated, and used.
impression cylinder Cylinder which holds the A major area of interest is electronic publishing.
paper against the printing surface. information highway See information super-
impression tolerance The flexibility with which highway.
paper receives letterpress impression. information retrieval A term used in the context
imprint Publisher’s and/or printer’s identifying of obtaining information from online databases
text printed in a book or other work. in response to a query formulated in an appro-
IMSI See International Mobile Subscriber priate way. Large companies and libraries still
Identity. access online databases in this way, usually by
incised Typeface based on letters engraved in directly dialling into the database provider
stone, such as Perpetual. Also known as and, for structured information, this is still a
‘glyphic’. very efficient way of obtaining information,
inclusive type area Type area inclusive of head- particularly for someone familiar with the data
line and folio. Contrast exclusive type area. structure and query syntax. However, for the
incunabula Early printing. individual, access to information via the World
indent 1. Set type further in from the left-hand Wide Web and indexes and search tools, such
margin than the standard measure of sur- as AltaVista, Yahoo and Lycos, is now a real
rounding text. 2. In paper trading, an indent alternative.
paper is one which is available from the mill by information superhighway (Also called infor-
special making order only, and is not held in mation highway, Infobahn, infostrada,
common stock by the mill as a standard line. National Information Infrastructure.) A term
index 1. Alphabetical list of subjects contained in first used by US Vice-President Al Gore in the
the text of a work, together with their page num- early 1990s for high-speed communications
bers. 2. The contents of a file with references for networks carrying multimedia applications
locating the contents. and information around the world. The term is
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 93
widely used but rarely defined, meaning dif- which forms the image at high speed by
ferent things to different people. For successful deflecting ink droplets electromagnetically. The
implementation it will require high communi- quality of printed text is not as good as that on
cations bandwidths, generally not currently a laser printer at the same resolution, but inkjet
available over the Internet. printers provide a relatively cheap way of
infostrada A term (taken from the Italian ‘auto- printing both monochrome and colour images
strada’) for the information superhighway. of acceptable quality.
Infosync Software that is used to download ink mist Ink filaments thrown off the rollers dur-
updates to information at the bit level. ing high-speed coldset web offset printing.
Information is downloaded from a database to inkometer Instrument which measures the tack
the client. Then, whenever the client accesses of ink.
the server, either via the World Wide Web or ink piling Build-up of ink on offset blanket.
over a dial-up connection, Infosync checks the ink receptivity Uniform acceptability of ink on
local database (on the client) against the master paper surface.
database (on the server) at the level of the bits ink rub Smears of ink caused when the surface of
stored, and downloads any changes since the an abrasive paper, often matt art, rubs against
last access. In this way the amount of data the ink film before it is completely dry. Often
transferred is kept to a minimum, but the data- occurs during the binding process.
base can be accessed locally, both of which keep ink set-off Unintentional transfer of wet ink from
down communication charges. one printed sheet to another in the delivery
infotainment The integration of interactive stack.
information and entertainment services or soft- ink starvation Ink starvation is caused by the
ware. In Europe usually on CD-ROM, while in image on one part of the plate cylinder requir-
North America often supplied via a cable net- ing more ink to cover it than that particular
work. (See also edutainment.) track of the inking rollers can handle.
infra-red The part of the electromagnetic spec- inline Typographic style in which the characters
trum with wavelengths between about 0.7-100 comprise white inner areas contrasting against
µm. It is used extensively for fibre-optic com- the outlined shape.
munications. inner forme The imposed forme which forms the
infra-red port Port which accepts data via a wire- inside of the sheet when folded and which
less infra-red link. therefore contains the second page of the sec-
ingrain paper Rough-surfaced paper for book tion. Contrast outer forme.
covers. in pro In proportion. Also RIP.
in-house typesetting Typesetting carried out input Data going into a CPU.
inside a publisher’s premises, and controlled INRIA The French National Institute for Research
by the publisher. in Computer Science and Control, which is
initial First letter in text when set in such a way working with the World Wide Web Consortium
that it stands out, e.g. bigger than its normal cap in developing standards for HTML and the
text size. See cocked-up initial, drop initial. World Wide Web.
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification INRIA Videoconferencing System (ivs) A
(IGES) A standard for the exchange of CAD videoconferencing tool for the Internet, devel-
(computer-aided design) files. oped at INRIA and based on the H.261 video
initialise Run a program which sets all data val- compression standard.
ues at nil and prepares a storage medium such insert Plate section placed into the middle of a
as a floppy disk to be compatible with the sys- text section in a book. Contrast wrap.
tem in use. inserting Placing loose material inside a section
ink duct Part of printing machine which holds or book. Contrast insetting.
ink before it is released to the cylinders. insertion Inclusion of an advertisement in a peri-
ink flotation sizing test Test which measures odical.
paper sizing by floating paper on ink and cal- insetting Placing and fixing one section inside
culating penetration time. another.
ink fountain Device which supplies ink to the inspection copy Copy of a book sent to a poten-
inking rollers. tial customer (often a school) for inspection
ink hickey See hickey. prior to buying.
ink holdout See holdout. Institute for Global Communications (IGC) A
inkjet printer A non-impact printing mechanism provider of networks and networking tools for
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 94
international communications and information integrated services local network (ISLN) A local
exchange. The IGC networks – PeaceNet, network technology that can handle voice and
Econet, ConflictNet and LaborNet – are the non-voice services on the same network.
only networks dedicated solely to environmen- Intel Company that designs and manufactures
tal preservation, peace and human rights. the microprocessors used in most PCs. The
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers range 80086–80486, used from about 1980 on,
(IEEE) (Often known as ‘I triple E’.) US profes- has now been extended with various versions
sional society, which is involved in academic of the Pentium.
publishing, organisation of conferences and intellectual property rights The rights of an
formulation of standards. IEEE standards are author or creator to the use and re-use of mate-
widely used in computing and communica- rial created by him or her, including copyright.
tions. In particular, IEEE 802 standards are con- How such rights can be protected in an age of
cerned with local area networks (LANs) electronic publishing and the World Wide
including EtherNet and Token-Ring. Web is the subject of much debate.
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) UK pro- intelligent agent An automated network infor-
fessional society (not to be confused with the mation gathering tool, which searches the
IEEE). Publisher of Physics Abstracts and the Internet either to locate documents on subjects
INSPEC databases. Also publisher of Electronics specified by the user or to create indexes.
Letters, the first refereed journal to be available Sometimes referred to as a knowbot or spider.
in both printed and electronic forms (via OCLC (See also AltaVista, Microcosm.)
and based on SGML, using the Guidon viewer). intelligent character recognition (ICR) Optical
instruction Order in a program telling a comput- character recognition equipment which can be
er to carry out an operation. programmed to recognise an infinite variety of
intaglio Printing from a recessed image, e.g. styles, as distinct from earlier OCR systems
gravure, die stamping etc. which would recognise certain strictly limited
integrated book Book with text and pictures typewriter faces only.
together throughout (as opposed to pictures in intelligent terminal A computer, with its own
a plate section). memory and processor, but not necessarily
integrated circuit Silicon chip. storage memory, which is used as a terminal to
integrated colour removal (ICR) See achromatic another system. On a dumb terminal, all the
separations. processing is carried out on the system
integrated digital network (IDN) A network accessed. (See also client-server.)
which uses digital technology with the switch- INTELSAT See International Telecommuni-
ing and transmission functions integrated. cations Satellite Consortium.
integrated half-tone density See percentage dot interactive Being able to accept and react to user
area. input. This is generally applied to a program or
integrated production system Production sys- to a communications medium. Thus almost all
tem where all the processes work together computer applications are interactive, while
automatically. normal television is not and teletext is only
integrated publishing house Publishing house interactive in that the user can choose the page
which publishes both in hardback and paper- to go to.
back. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
integrated services digital network (ISDN) A net- (IETM) A hypertext standard developed in
work that provides end-to-end digital connec- association with the CALS initiative.
tivity to support a wide range of services, both interactive video See video. Applications in
voice and non-voice, e.g. fax. ITU-T standards which it is possible for the user to interact with
have been recommended for interfaces and oper- and control information (including text, sound
ating procedures. More simply described as a or moving images) stored on video disk. It is
digital telephone service as opposed to the ana- widely used for training purposes, but also
logue service which has been used ever since forms an intrinsic part of CD-I.
telephone services were introduced. Band- Interagency Interim National Research and
widths vary from 56 kbps in the US and 64 kbps Education Network (IINREN) A still-evolv-
in Europe upwards. ISDN has the advantage ing, high-bandwidth US network, part of
that lines can be combined to increase band- NREN.
width. (See also basic rate ISDN, primary rate Intercast A hardware and software technology,
ISDN.) developed by Intel, which allows PC users to
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watch television and simultaneously receive UK company which pioneered disk format
broadcast Web pages related to that cable or conversion in the early 1980s, when there were
television programme. many more disk formats than there are today.
interchange file format (IFF) Type of audio file Intermedia Interchange Format A standard
format. See Audio IFF. hypertext interchange format based on the
intercharacter spacing In wordprocessing, the Intermedia hypertext system.
use of variable spaces between characters intermediates Films used in the intermediate
which, in conjunction with variable interword stages of reproduction between the original
spacing, combine to give an impression of and final printing films. Normally continuous
typeset quality. Also, letterspacing. tone.
interface The physical boundary between two internal memory Memory of a computer which
systems or devices (hardware interface). Also is immediately accessible (i.e. in RAM or ROM
used to describe the specifications for the pro- form), as opposed to in external storage (disk
tocols, procedures, codes etc. (software inter- etc.).
face) that enable communication between two internal modem A modem which takes the form
dissimilar systems or devices. (See also user of a card or board which is situated within the
interface: how the user is able to interact with computer. (Compare with external modem.)
the computer.) internal sizing Rosin, alum or starch sizing
interfacing codes Generic tags used for the elec- added to the papermaking stock at the refining
tronic markup of headings etc. in text. stage to prevent ink spread on paper. Also
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) A called engine sizing or ‘beater sizing’. As dis-
network management specification for B- tinct from surface sizing which is carried out at
ISDN/ATM networks, based on the Simple the size press on the papermaking machine.
Network Management Protocol (SNMP). International Data Encryption Algorithm
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) An Internet (IDEA) An encryption algorithm used by
protocol which controls the routing of informa- Pretty Good Privacy.
tion to the routers within an autonomous sys- International Electrotechnical Commission
tem. (See also Exterior Gateway Protocol, (IEC) An international standards body at the
Routing Information Protocol.) same level as ISO.
interlacing A technique for increasing resolution International Mobile Equipment Identity
on graphic displays or screens. The electron (IMEI) The 15-digit serial number which iden-
beam traces alternate lines on each pass, pro- tifies the GSM handset (sometimes found on
viding twice the number of lines that would the back of the phone).
appear on a non-interlaced screen. However, International Mobile Subscriber Identity
screen refresh is slower and screen flicker may (IMSI) A number which is used by the SIM
be increased over that seen on an equivalent card in a digital mobile phone to identify itself
non-interlaced screen because any given pixel to a GSM network.
is only refreshed half as often. International Organisation for Standardisation
interlay (cut or mechanical) Cut-out paper (ISO) A voluntary organisation, founded in
placed between a letterpress plate and its 1946, responsible for creating international stan-
mount which increases pressure on the solids dards in many areas, including computers and
or dark tones. communications. These include the seven-layer
interleaves 1. Sheets of paper put between wet model for network architecture, Open Systems
printed sheets to prevent set-off. 2. Different Interconnection and SGML. Some important
types of paper interleaved with the text paper standards are listed under their ISO number. (See
in a book. also International Telecommunications Union.)
inter-library loan (ILL) Service involving International Packet SwitchStream (IPSS) The
libraries borrowing from one another those service which connects national public data
titles not held in their own collection which network PSSs to other national networks oper-
have been requested by a user. ated by PTTs. It is now known as Global
interlinear Written or printed between lines of Network Service (GNS).
text. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) A system
interline spacing Leading: space between lines in that provides special characters (IPA charac-
text. Also, film advance, film feed, line feed. ters) and ASCII equivalents for phonetics (how
Intermedia A hypertext system developed by a characters or combinations of characters are
research group at Brown University, US. Also a pronounced).
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 96
International Standard A standard which has individual user will usually depend on the
been approved and published by the speed of the local connection. Many utilities
International Organisation for Standardisation and services, such as email, newsgroups, ftp
(ISO). and Gopher, are available on the Internet, but
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) A the World Wide Web has become the most
10-digit identification number, individual to important way of distributing and accessing
each book (and edition) that is published. information. There are several bodies associat-
While there is no legal requirement for books to ed with the running of the Internet, including
carry these numbers, they are used by both the IAB (Internet Architecture Board), the
librarians and booksellers. The numbers are IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers
allocated on a national basis and part of the Authority), the IEPG (Internet Engineering
number is unique to the publisher of the book, and Planning Group), the IESG (Internet
while the last digit is a check digit. (See also Engineering Steering Group) and the ISOC
ISSN, PII, DOI.) (Internet Society).
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) internet (Without a capital ‘I’.) Any set of net-
An 8-digit identification number that is allocat- works interconnected with routers.
ed to each journal that is published. It remains Internet address (Or IP address, TCP/IP address.)
the same for all issues and volumes of a journal. The 32-bit host address defined by the Internet
Unlike the ISBN, it does not contain any infor- protocol and usually represented in dotted dec-
mation that identifies the publisher, but is an imal notation, e.g. The address
arbitrary number made up of seven digits plus a can be split into a network number (or network
check digit. The PII and DOI initiatives have address) and a host number unique to each host
been developed to make it possible to identify on the network, and sometimes also a subnet
individual articles within journals. address. The way the address is split depends
International Telecommunications Satellite on its class. The Internet address must be trans-
Consortium (INTELSAT) Established in 1964, lated into an Ethernet address by, e.g., ARP
it launched its first communications satellite, (Address Resolution Protocol).
Intelsat 1 (or ‘Early Bird’) in 1965. It currently Internet Architecture Board (IAB) The body that
has over 30 communications satellites in orbit. is responsible for the development of Internet
See satellite communications. protocols. It has two task forces: the Internet
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the
An international body, part of which, the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) and also
telecommunication standardisation sector includes the Internet Assigned Numbers
(ITU-T), is responsible for making technical Authority (IANA).
recommendations about telephone and data Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(including fax) communications systems. (IANA) The central registry for various
Before 1 March 1993, ITU-T was known as assigned numbers, such as port and protocol
CCITT. Plenary sessions are held every four numbers, and options, codes and types. Part of
years and new standards are adopted and pub- the Internet Architecture Board (IAB).
lished. ITU-T is responsible for the H series, I Internet Assistant An add-on for Microsoft
series, T series, V series etc. of standards wide- applications, which allows the user to edit
ly used in communications. HTML files and to convert wordprocessing
internegative Negative for a colour print. and other formats to and from HTML. Can also
Internet (With a capital ‘I’.) The largest internet act as a World Wide Web browser.
in the world, made up of a three-level hierar- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) An
chy composed of backbone networks, such as extension to the Internet Protocol (IP), which
ARPANET, NSFNET and Milnet, mid-level allows for the generation of error messages,
networks and stub networks. These are con- test packets and informational messages.
nected using the Internet Protocol (IP). Access Internet-Draft Working document of the Internet
to the Internet can be either from a network Engineering Task Force.
such as JANET or via a point of presence pro- Internet Engineering and Planning Group
vided by such companies as Demon, and the (IEPG) A group set up to promote a technical-
major online services – AOL, CompuServe, ly coordinated operational environment of the
Microsoft Network. Although the internation- global Internet. However, the IEPG is not a
al links within the Internet operate at high group which conducts activities of a technical
bandwidth, the bandwidth available to the developmental nature.
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 97
Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) A Internet Research Steering Group (IRSG) The
body which provides the first technical review governing body of the Internet Research Task
of Internet standards and is responsible for the Force.
day-to-day management of the Internet Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) The body
Engineering Task Force (IETF). which considers long-term Internet issues
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) An open from a theoretical point of view. It has Research
international community of network designers, Groups, similar to Internet Engineering Task
operators, vendors and researchers, who work Force Working Groups, each of which is allo-
to co-ordinate the operation, management and cated a different research topic. Multicast
development of the Internet, including protocol audio/video conferencing and Privacy
and architectural issues in the short to medium Enhanced Mail (PEM) are examples of devel-
term. The IETF meets regularly and proceedings opments which have been initiated in the IRTF.
are made generally available. Internet service provider (ISP) Also called
Internet Explorer (IE) Microsoft’s browser for access provider. A company providing a point
the World Wide Web. of presence (PoP) on the Internet.
Internet Multicasting Service See Internet Talk Internet Society (ISOC) A non-profit-making,
Radio. professional membership organisation con-
Internet Network Information Center cerned with the technical evolution of the
(InterNIC) The joint name for the providers of Internet and with stimulating interest in the
registration, information and database services scientific and academic communities, industry
to the Internet. Funded by the US National and the public about the technology, uses and
Science Foundation, each service is run by a applications of the Internet, as well as promot-
different company. General Atomics provides ing the development of new applications for
information services, AT&T provides directory the system.
and database services and Network Solutions, Internet Talk Radio (Internet Multicasting
Inc. (NSI) provides registration services. The Service.) A US-based service that broadcasts
companies work closely together, as well as in radio programmes of technical interest over
collaboration with other network information MBONE. The best known is probably Geek of
centers (NICs) in the US and elsewhere in the the Week.
world. internetworking The interconnection of two or
Internet number See Internet address. more networks, usually local area networks
Internet phone A software and hardware solu- (LANs), using some kind of router or gateway,
tion, which allows long-distance telephone so that they appear to be one network.
calls to be made via the Internet, so that con- Internetwork Packet eXchange (IPX) Protocol
nection is via the TCP/IP network, rather than used by Novell NetWare. If a router has IPX
through the usual telephone network. routing, local area networks (LANs) can inter-
Although the costs are lower, in that the caller connect so that Novell NetWare clients and
pays only local telephone charges, the quality servers can communicate.
can be much poorer than for standard tele- Internet worm (Or Great worm.) A worm perpe-
phone connections. trated in 1988 by Robert T Morris, which quick-
Internet Protocol (IP) The network layer for the ly used up all available processor time on the
TCP/IP protocol suite widely used on Ethernet systems it infected via email. It was a signifi-
networks. IP is a connectionless, best-effort cant event in public awareness of the Internet
packet-switching protocol, providing packet and its vulnerability to hackers. (See also
routing through the datalink layer. Computer Emergency Response Team.)
Internet Registry (IR) The registry of network InterNIC See Internet Network Information
address and autonomous system number Center.
identifiers operated by the Defense Data interpositive Photographic positive which will
Network Network Information Center (DDN be subject to further camera work to obtain the
NIC) on behalf of the Internet Assigned finished result.
Numbers Authority. Interpress A page description language, devel-
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) A facility that allows oped at Xerox PARC, and in many ways the
people to ‘talk’, i.e. interact directly, with others forerunner of PostScript.
in real time over the Internet. This facility does interpreter A program translator.
not allow actual audio communication, but see Intertype Proprietary name of a linecasting
Internet phone. machine similar to a Linotype.
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interword spacing In wordprocessing and desk- ISDN-2 See basic rate ISDN (operating over two
top publishing, the use of variable interword channels).
spacing to achieve justified columns of text. See ISDN-30 See primary rate ISDN, where 30 chan-
intercharacter spacing. nels are available to the user.
intranet A network providing similar services to I series The series of ITU-T recommendations
those provided by the Internet, but only with- concerning data transmission over ISDN.
in an organisation, e.g. a World Wide Web ISLN See integrated services local network.
server on an internal network to provide infor- ISMAP An attribute of the HTML tag ‘<IMG>’
mation within a company. (See also extranet.) (inline image) which specifies that if the image
introduction Introduction to the subject matter is selected in a World Wide Web browser,
of a book, as distinct from preface, foreword. clicking on a point will generate a request relat-
inventory Complete list of stock or goods held in ing to the coordinates of that point. This is
a warehouse or shop. often used in maps (as the name might suggest)
Inverform machine Type of papermaking to provide information about a feature at the
machine used particularly in board making. A coordinates selected.
series of head boxes feed consecutive layers of ISO See International Organisation for
wet stock over the main, first, layer at the wet Standardisation. Also a prefix to the reference
end of the machine to build up a thick final numbers of standards issued by that body.
layer of stock on the wire. ISO 646 The ISO standard for seven-bit charac-
inverse video (Also called reverse video.) When ters. ASCII is the US equivalent, although it
the image on the screen appears as a ‘negative’, differs in a few bracket characters. See ISO
so that the parts which are conventionally 8859.
black appear as white and vice versa. Inverse ISO 8613 The ISO standard defining Open
video is often used to indicate that something, Document Architecture.
e.g. a portion of text, has been selected for ISO 8859 (ISO Latin.) An ISO standard for eight-
copying, moving, deletion etc. bit single-byte coded graphic character sets for
invert half-tone Gravure printing which uses the major European languages that can be rep-
half-tone dot structures. resented using Latin characters. In addition,
I/O Input/output. Relating to systems which can covers the Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew and Arabic
input and output to and from a computer. alphabets. Latin alphabet No. 1 is often used as
ion deposition Reproduction process which cre- an extension of and replacement for ASCII.
ates an image by toner sticking to an electrical- ISO 8879 includes some extra characters used
ly charged area of paper. in SGML.
IP See Internet Protocol. ISO 8879 The ISO standard defining SGML.
IPA See International Phonetic Alphabet. ISO 9069 The ISO Standard Document
IP address See Internet address. Interchange Format (SDIF).
iph Impressions per hour. The normal measure ISO 9241 Part 8 of this ISO standard is concerned
of printing speed. with representation of colour on computer ter-
IP-Multicast The multicast system operating over minals.
the Internet. Subsequently called MBONE. ISO 9660 The ISO standard defining a file sys-
IPSS See International Packet SwitchStream. tem for CD-ROMs. This is equivalent to the
IPX See Internetwork Packet eXchange. High Sierra standard.
IR See Internet Registry. ISO 9735 or EDIFACT The ISO standard for
IR Infra-red. electronic data interchange for administration,
IRC See Internet Relay Chat. commerce and transport. First published in
IR coating Coating varnish cured by infra-red 1988, it was amended and reprinted in 1990. It
light. defines appplication layer syntax.
Iris proofs Full-colour digital proofs generated ISO 10179 The ISO standard for the Document
from PostScript files and increasingly used as Style Semantics and Specification Language
contract proofs in place of Cromalin proofs or (DSSSL).
machine proofs. ISO 10180 The ISO standard for the Standard
irrational screening See stochastic screening. Page Description Language (SPDL).
IRSG See Internet Research Steering Group. ISO 10646 The ISO standard for 32-bit and 16-bit
IRTF See Internet Research Task Force. character encoding, which includes Unicode.
ISBN See International Standard Book Number. Originally ISO 10646 (32-bit) and Unicode (16-
ISDN See integrated services digital network. bit) codes were developed separately but, fol-
Dic.pag2 30/1/0 19:02 Page 99
lowing the failure of the Draft ISO 10646 to be iterated function system (IFS) The fractal sys-
accepted, Unicode was taken within the scope tem, discovered by Michael Barnsley, that is
of ISO. used in fractal compression (as marketed by
ISO 10744 The ISO standard for HyTime. Iterated Systems Ltd). Iterated function sys-
ISO 12083 A revised version of the American tems have been described (by the mathemati-
Association of Publishers (AAP) SGML DTD, cian Heinz-Otto Peitgen) by comparing them to
covering books and academic journals. a multiple-reduction copying machine, which
ISO 13818 The ISO standard for MPEG-2 com- is just like a normal copier except that: there are
pression. multiple lens arrangements to create multiple
ISO/OSI seven-layer model The ISO Open overlapping copies of the original (which is
Systems Interconnect seven-layer model, what makes IFS a system); each lens arrange-
which standardises levels of services and types ment reduces the size of the original (the con-
of interaction for exchanging data through a traction aspect); and the copier operates in a
communications network. The model separates feedback loop, with the output of one stage as
computer-to-computer communications into the input to the next (the iterative aspect).
seven layers: the application layer (top), pre- Thus, each image is treated as a combination of
sentation layer, session layer, transport layer, many smaller, self-similar images. However,
network layer, datalink layer and physical although these principles are widely known,
layer (bottom). Note that TCP/IP does not con- the exact compression algorithm used (and
form to the OSI model. marketed) by Iterated Systems Ltd is a very
ISOC See Internet Society. well kept secret.
isochronous A form of data transmission in which ITU See International Telecommunications
the time between two characters is an integral Union.
number of bit times, whereas in asynchronous ITU-T See International Telecommunications
transmission, characters may be separated by Union.
random-length intervals. Asynchronous data ivory board Fine board manufactured by lami-
can thus be transmitted over a synchronous nating two high-quality sheets together.
data link. An isochronous service is used when ivory paper Thick writing paper that is the
time-dependent data, such as video or voice, is colour of creamy white ivory.
to be transmitted. Asynchronous Transfer ivs See INRIA Videoconferencing System.
Mode (ATM) can provide isochronous service.
ISODE ISO Development Environment. An
implementation of the upper layers of OSI.
isolated Advertisement with no other advertise-
ments surrounding it.
ISO Latin See ISO 8859.
ISO sizes Formerly DIN sizes. International
range of paper and envelope sizes, comprising
A series, B series, and C series. jacket Dustcover on book.
ISP See Internet service provider. jacket paper High-quality, one-sided coated
ISPBX Integrated services private branch paper used for book jackets.
exchange. A telephone switchboard oriented to jacketwrap US term for jacket paper.
switching ISDN connections both within an jaggies The visual effect caused by aliasing, so
organisation and from that organisation to the that curves look like a series of steps. (See also
outside world. anti-aliasing.)
ISSN See International Standard Serial JANET See Joint Academic NETwork.
Number. JANET IP Service (JIPS) Joint Academic
issue All copies of a publication with the same NETwork Internet Protocol Service. Note that
content. JANET used the Coloured Book protocols
issue life Average reading life of a periodical before establishing JIPS.
before it is no longer topical. Janus See Joint Academic Network Using
IT Information technology. Satellite.
ital Abbreviation for italics. Japanese vellum Paper made in Japan from the
italic Specially designed letters that slope for- bark of the mulberry tree.
ward. Contrast sloped roman. Java An object-oriented progamming language,
italicise To print a word or text in italics. designed for programming the Internet. While
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standard from the ISO and ITU-T for coding decreasing) the space either between words
and compression of colour images. Named (wordspacing) or between letters (letterspac-
after the committee (sometimes also called the ing) or both. Hyphenation is often used in con-
Joint Picture Encoding Group) that designed junction with full justification, hence the use of
the image compression algorithm. JPEG works the expression H&J. Full justification tends not
best on full-colour or grey-scale digital images to be used in electronic publications that are
of real world scenes and not so well on non- viewed on screen, particularly if the text wraps
realistic images, such as cartoons or line draw- when the window size or the type size is
ings, because the technique involves smooth- changed.
ing of the image and loss of detail. JPEG does justify In wordprocessing and desktop publish-
not handle compression of black-and-white (1- ing, the use of intercharacter and/or interword
bit-per-pixel) images or moving pictures. spacing to achieve even left and right margins.
Joint Picture Encoding Group Another name for just-in-time (JIT) Production technique based on
the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG). the concept of acquiring materials and compo-
Joint Technical Committee (JTC) A standards nents at the very last moment which still allows
body reporting to both ISO and IEC. production and selling to schedule.
Jordan Type of paper machine refiner. jute Indian plant used to produce pulp for espe-
journeyman A print worker who has completed cially hard papers.
his apprenticeship. juvenilia Works produced by an author or artist
joystick A device, like an aircraft pilot’s joystick, as a child.
consisting of a hand-held device that can be
moved in a horizontal plane, the position being
transmitted to a computer. Usually used to con-
trol games, with one or more push-buttons on
the top, whose state can also be read by the
computer. Needs a joystick (game control) port.
Simple games joysticks are often only capable
of moving an object in one of eight different
directions. K Measure of computer storage. K = 1024 com-
JPEG See Joint Photographic Experts Group. puter bytes but often used loosely as 1000.
jpg The usual filename extension for JPEG files. K56 flex A modem technology which provides
JTC See Joint Technical Committee. speeds of up to 56 kbps on the download side.
jughead An Internet search utility which oper- Kalamazoo Proprietary system of scheduling
ates within Gopher. Similar to Veronica, but and listing documents.
only searches directory names. kamyr digester Digester used in production of
jukebox A way of storing and accessing large chemical pulp.
numbers of compact discs. Used mainly in doc- K and N absorbency Test for comparing rate of
ument image processing applications. ink absorbency of different papers.
Julia set A type of fractal image, named after kaolin Fine clay used as a filler in papermaking.
French mathematician Gaston Julia. (See also kappa number Grading number which indicates
Mandelbrot set.) the ability of paper to be bleached. The test
jumbo reel The large reel of paper formed and involves treating the paper pulp with perman-
wound up at the end of a paper-machine. ganate.
Jupiter project A project at Xerox PARC based on Kb See kilobyte.
the development of Multi-User Dungeon kbps Kilobit(s) per second. Transfer rate of 1000
(MUD) role-playing environments to include a bits per second. See bps and Mbps.
virtual reality implementation of the real keep standing Instruction to keep type made up
world, so that participants can communicate for possible reprinting.
about their actual physical environment. kenaf Type of plant fibre used in papermaking.
justification The arrangement of text on a page Kerberos An authentication and key distribution
or screen so that it is aligned with either the left system, in which authorised users share a
or right margin, or with both. Fully justified secret key with the key distribution centre. This
text has lines of the same length that are per- key acts as a master, which effectively gives
fectly aligned with both the left and the right them access to the system.
margins. Both margins are even; full justifi- kerfs Shallow indents in the back of a book sec-
cation is produced by increasing (or sometimes tion which the sewing threads lie in.
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Kermit A widely used public domain asynchro- keyword A word which is indexed to improve
nous file-transfer protocol, originally developed the speed of searching. (Contrast with free-text
at Columbia University and made available searching.) The term has a special meaning in
without charge. Kermit is available as part of SGML to indicate a property of an element or
most communications packages and on most a marked section.
operating systems. The UK centre for Kermit dis- keyword and context (KWAC) Library indexing
tribution is at the University of Lancaster. Kermit system with index entries selected from signifi-
uses intensive encoding and error detection, and cant words in the text and a book’s title.
hence is fairly slow but very robust. keyword in context (KWIC) Library system
kern Part of a typographic character projecting whose index entries use keywords from the
beyond the body. title or text of a book, and include the title or
kerning Adjusting the spacing between two adja- text it relates to.
cent letters to create a better visual fit, also called keyword out of context (KWOC) Library system
‘aesthetic kerning’, which explains the rationale. that indexes book titles under relevant keywords.
Traditionally meant decreasing the amount of KI A secret key or algorithm (or formula) embed-
space, but has come to mean either increasing or ded within the SIM card in a digital GSM tele-
decreasing the space between the letters. Note phone, employed to validate the user.
that this is not the same as letterspacing. kicker Short line above a headline, set in smaller
kerning pairs Pairs of letters which invariably type.
need spacing adjustments made to them for kill Delete unwanted matter. Distribute type.
visual neatness. Autokerning performs this killfile A list of subjects or names which a user
function automatically. does not want to appear in the list of messages
kettle-stitch Stitch joining one signature of a hand- sent to him or her from a newsgroup.
sewn book to the next. (See also blind stitch.) kilo/kilogram Measure of weight.
key A sequence of characters which is used in kilobit 1024 bits of data.
encryption and decryption. (See also public kilobyte (kb) One thousand computer bytes, or
key, private key.) Also part of the keyboard. more loosely, characters. As continuous text, in
keyboard The array of keys used to input into a disk storage terms, this works out at around
system. 150 words.
key escrow encryption The deposit of encryp- Kilostream A private leased-line 64 kbps service
tion keys in escrow. (See also Clipper.) available from BT.
key forme The forme or plate positioned first in Kimball tag A stock-control device used in clothes
colour work. Hence also ‘key negative’. shops. It consists of a small punched card
key frame A frame in an animated sequence of attached to each item, containing serial number,
frames which was drawn or otherwise con- price etc. as a pattern of small holes, a barcode or
structed directly by the user rather than gener- a magnetic strip (and probably as text). The tag
ated automatically, e.g. by tweening. (or part of it) is removed at the till and kept as a
keyline A line drawn on artwork to show where computer-readable record of the sale. The
illustrations or other material should be placed. removable part of the tag often also carries an
As documents become more integrated with electronic trigger, so that an alarm is set off if the
illustrations included as part of the file, this use tag is taken past detectors near the shop door.
is becoming less frequent. However, the concept kinetic friction Resistance to sliding of one ma-
still survives in software packages which allow terial over another.
display of pages without illustrations, either to kiosk A booth set up in a place where the public
reduce transfer time over a communications link can obtain information. The number of com-
or to cut down the refresh time of the screen. puter multimedia kiosks, where the user can
key numbers Numbers on advertisements which access an interactive display to obtain informa-
identify the source in which they appeared. tion conventionally provided by a human, is
key plate The printing plate which sets the regis- growing rapidly.
ter position for the other plates. kiosk-mode browser A World Wide Web brows-
keystroke One key depression, often used as a er configured to allow the user access to only a
measure of productivity of an operator. 10000 restricted range of documents.
keystrokes per hour (approximately 1500 words) KIS See Knowbot Information Service.
is a fairly typical output rate for a trained oper- kiss-fit Printing on an offset press different
ator on average work. This equates to around colours that touch each other, but using no
10000 words per working day/shift. traps. Kiss-fitting is not always suitable for all
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printing jobs but when it is, the result should be LaborNet A network connecting those concerned
clearer than when traps are used. about industrial relations. See Institute for
kiss impression Very light printing impression. Global Communications.
kite ‘V’-shaped plate over which the web of laced-on-boards Signatures of a case-bound
paper is drawn to create first fold. book ‘laced on’ to the case boards.
Kleenstick Proprietary name of pressure-sensitive lacquer Synthetic coating applied to a printed
adhesive-backed paper. piece for protection or gloss.
knife folder A type of folding machine which laid lines The narrow parallel lines in a laid
uses a knife between inwardly rotating rollers. paper, as opposed to the wider lines at right-
Contrast buckle folder. angles to these called the chain lines.
knocking up To line up the edges of a pile of paper. laid paper Paper with watermark lines parallel to
knowbot A tool which searches a network for each other formed by a dandy roll.
specific information. Also known as a spider. laminated Thin plastic film applied by heat and
Knowbot Information Service (KIS) A white pressure to a printed sheet for protection
pages ‘meta-service’ that provides a uniform and/or appearance. (See also OPP lamination.)
interface to various white pages services on the lampblack Carbon pigment ink with dull, very
Internet. With the Knowbot Information Service, black appearance.
a single query can be formed, which will search LAN See local area network.
for white pages information from the NIC whois landscape The orientation of a picture, screen or
service, the RIPE European white pages service page such that its width is greater than its
and others, and the responses will be displayed height. Most screens are landscape, while most
in a single, uniform format. KIS can be accessed books, and certainly journals, are portrait. This
via telnet, whois or email. is a limitation on using Acrobat technology
Knuth, Donald E The author of The Art of when reproducing printed pages on-screen,
Computer Programming, to typeset which he because when a full page is viewed the text is
wrote the TEX document formatting system and generally unreadable. (See also aspect ratio.)
its font-design program Metafont. TEX is wide- language In computing, a structured communi-
ly used for formatting mathematical equations. cations vocabulary using codes and words,
Kodak Photo CD A format developed by Kodak which can be translated into the machine code
and Philips for the storage of images originated which runs the computer. See high-level lan-
from 35mm slide or negative film. Originally guage, low-level language.
intended for display, via a television, from a LAN Manager The Microsoft local area network-
special photo CD player, but now displayable ing environment.
by most graphics display programs. LAP See Link Access Protocol.
kraft Strong brown paper used as a second lin- LAPB See Link Access Protocol (Balanced).
ing, and in many forms of packing application. LAPD See Link Access Protocol on the D channel.
kraft pulp See sulphate pulp. LAPM See Link Access Protocol for Modems.
Kromecote Proprietary name of a cast-coated large post Standard size of paper 4193533mm.
paper with glossy finish. laser An acronym of Light Amplification from
KWAC See keyword and context. the Stimulated Emission of Radiation (devel-
KWIC See keyword in context. oped from Maser, where the initial ‘M’ stands
KWOC See keyword out of context. for ‘microwave’). Lasers create coherent light,
i.e. with a single frequency and phase. This has
two effects: the energy is concentrated, so that
high-powered lasers can be used for appli-
cations such as surgery and welding; and the
L coherence means that the beam can carry infor-
mation. The second property is used in laser
printers, fibre-optics and holography.
laser disc An optical disc (also known as a video
L/C See letter of credit. disc) that holds both audio and visual images.
label 1. A record which identifies the items stored Generally used to store long recordings of
on a disk or tape. 2. Caption on a technical line films, plays, opera etc. Uses analogue storage
drawing. and plays back via a television or monitor.
label paper Paper gummed on one side and usu- Disks are typically 12 inches in diameter.
ally coated on the other, for labels. laser output unit See imagesetter.
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laser plotter See imagesetter. Each layer uses the layer below it and provides
laser printer A high-speed, non-impact device facilities for the layer above; how this is done
which employs laser technology and xero- also forms part of the protocol suite. The use of
graphic technology to sensitise selected areas layers simplifies communications protocols.
of a belt or drum coated with a photosensitive TCP/IP has five layers of protocols (also called a
material. As the belt or drum revolves it picks TCP/IP stack); OSI has seven.
up toner which is transferred to the paper via layering A technique used within draw programs
heated rollers. for handling vector or object-oriented graphics.
laser recorder See imagesetter. Each object is drawn on its own layer, so that
laser setter See imagesetter. objects can be placed ‘in front of’ or ‘behind’ any
laser xerography See laser printer. other object; this arrangement can be changed
last colour down The final colour to be printed in with the draw program. In addition, most draw
colour work. programs allow objects to be grouped on layers
latency The time it takes for a packet to travel (each object still occupies its own layer within
from sender to receiver across a network, or that group layer). This gives great flexibility to
the period of time that a frame is held by a the expert user. Image editing programs, such as
device on a network before it is forwarded. Adobe PhotoShop, also use layering and it is
Latency and bandwidth are two of the most used in other types of program, such as Apple’s
significant factors in the performance of a com- HyperCard, to improve presentation and access
munications channel. to information.
latent image The latent electrostatic image gen- layer-on Machine-minder who feeds sheets to the
erated by a photocopier and which powder machine.
turns into a visible image. layout Sketch of a book or other publication,
lateral reversal Change of image from wrong- to showing the plan to work to.
right-reading or vice versa. lc (or l.c.) Lower case. (See also u/l or u/lc; c&lc.)
LATEX A document preparation system based on LCD See liquid crystal display.
the TEX typesetting system and developed by lead Thin metal strip used for separating lines of
Leslie Lamport. LATEX uses commands which type.
relate to the structure of the document, rather leader 1. Row of dots used to lead the eye across
than to how it should appear, and thus has simi- a page. 2. See editorial. 3. A length of blank
larities with SGML. The LATEX formatting paper or magnetic tape used for loading pur-
software then converts these to native TEX. poses.
LATEX is probably the most widely used ver- lead-in The introduction in a piece of setting,
sion of TEX, although there are similar systems often in a bold or different face.
such as AMS-TEX, developed by the American leading The spacing between lines of type. Also
Mathematical Society, with particular emphasis interline spacing, film advance, film feed,
on mathematical material. line feed.
latex-treated paper Paper impregnated with leading edge The edge of a sheet or plate at
latex for toughness. which printing begins. Also, gripper edge,
latin alphabet Western European alphabet, as this. pitch edge.
lay Guide on a printing machine which positions lead time The time it takes for a requirement to
a sheet before printing. Hence, lay edges. be satisfied.
layboy A stacking device on a paper sheeter. leaf Single sheet, comprising two pages.
lay down Impose a job. leaflet Folded printed sheet comprising only a
lay edge Edge of a sheet laid against the front or few pages.
side lay of the machine. leaf site On a network or the Internet, a machine
layer An aspect of communications architectures, that merely originates and reads email and
which are organised using relatively indepen- does not relay traffic. The ratio of the number
dent protocols, each in a different layer. Each of leaf sites to backbone sites can affect the effi-
layer is concerned with a different aspect of the ciency of the network.
communication, so that the lowest layer controls learned journal A scholarly journal published on
communication between the hardware of differ- an occasional basis by a university or academic
ent hosts, while the highest is concerned with research body, concerned with a specialised
application programs. For each layer, programs academic subject.
at different hosts use protocols appropriate to a leased line A private telephone circuit perma-
particular layer to communicate with each other. nently connecting two points. Most wide area
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networks are built out of leased lines. While letterform The shape of a letter.
leased lines can be analogue or digital, today letterhead The name and address of a person or
most are digital. Typically, the bandwidth is organisation printed at the top of a piece of
from 64kbps upwards. The bandwidths are fre- headed stationery.
quently the same as those of ISDN, which can be lettering Hand-drawn typography or a typeface
regarded as an extension of digital leased lines to designed to look hand-drawn.
dial-up communications. This equivalence letter of credit (L/C) A letter addressed by a bank
should make it easier for leased lines, forming in an importing country to its agent bank in the
part of networks, to be integrated with ISDN. exporting country, authorising the latter, pro-
leather Leathers used in bookbinding include viding an agreed set of conditions is met, to
goathides, pigskins, calfskins, vellum, sheep- release a specified sum of money to the account
skins, forels. of the exporter. A ‘Confirmed Irrevocable
leathercloth Bookbinding grade of cloth: a plas- Letter of Credit’ carries the absolute guarantee
ticated cotton, dyed-through and calendered. of the issuing bank, and cannot be revoked
leatherette Paper that has been made to imitate unless agreed by all parties.
leather by embossing. letterpress Printing from images with a raised
leather pulp Pulp made from leather scraps and surface which impresses on the paper.
used for reconstituted leather coverings. letter quality (LQ) Output from printers, typical-
leave edge The edge of the sheet which leaves ly daisywheel printers, that are of a similar
the machine last as it goes through the printing quality to office typewriters. Compare near let-
rollers into the delivery. ter quality.
LED See light emitting diode. letterset Also called ‘dry offset’, ‘offset letter-
ledger paper A strong paper for clerical use. press’ and ‘indirect letterpress’. A relief plate
LED printer A printer, similar to a laser printer, transfers the image to a blanket and thence
which uses a bank of LEDs as the image source, onto the paper.
rather than a single laser beam. letterspace Space between letters.
leg Short column of type. letterspacing Adding or reducing the space
legend Caption. between individual characters, as opposed to
legibility The ease with which a page, design or between words, in a formatted document. When
typeface can be read. used correctly, the effect should be pleasing.
Lempel-Ziv compression Also known as substitu- However, when done automatically in order to
tional compression. Two lossless data compres- reduce the interword spacing in justification,
sion schemes were proposed by Jakob Ziv and the effect can often be the reverse. Although the
Abraham Lempel in 1977 and 1978, LZ77 and default of some DTP programs, such as
LZ78 (of which Lempel-Ziv Welch (LZW) com- QuarkXPress, is to use letterspacing, most typo-
pression is a variant). graphic designers would agree that it should
Lempel-Ziv Welch (LZW) Variant of a form of only be used as a last resort in justified text. In
lossless data compression. electronic publishing, letterspacing should
length The ‘flowability’ of a printing ink. ‘Short’ only be used as a design tool.
ink does not flow as easily as ‘long’ ink. levant Soft, pliable goatskin for bookbinding
LEO satellite See low earth orbiting satellite. covers.
Letraset Proprietary name of sheets of transfer lexical analyser A tool, designed for use in pro-
lettering. gram compilation, but also useful in text appli-
letterbomb A piece of email containing code that cations for string comparison and conversion.
can act rather like a virus, affecting the opera- The Unix tool Lex is one of the most commonly
tion of the recipient’s computer, e.g. locking up used.
the terminal. Often not particularly serious but lexicographical order Listing of words in alpha-
the potential for serious damage is there, just as betical order, as in a dictionary.
with real letter bombs, from which they take lexicon A term for dictionary, esp. of Latin,
their name. (Does not mean quite the same as Hebrew, Arabic or Greek.
mail-bomb.) Lexis/Nexis An online legal, news and business
letter-by-letter alphabetisation See alphabeti- information service, owned by Reed-Elsevier,
sation. providing full-text legal information (LEXIS)
letter-fit Spacing between characters in a typeface. and news (NEXIS).
Letterflex plate Proprietary letterpress photo- LHA A shareware DOS program for compress-
polymer plate, similar to an APR plate. ing and archiving files in a similar way to
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 106
PKZIP. LHA used to be called LHARC. appropriate interface program, the computer is
Compressed files have extensions lha and lhz. able to calculate the position of the light pen on
LHARC The previous name of LHA. the basis of a grid stored in memory.
lhz The filename extension for a file produced by light pipe A fibre-optic cable in contrast to cop-
the LHA program. per wire.
Lib Con number See Library of Congress num- light primaries See additive primaries.
ber. light secondaries The complementary, or ‘oppo-
library binding Durable type of case binding site’ colours to the additive primaries.
used on books in libraries. light-sensitive Paper which changes its condi-
library material Text or pictures held on file for tion when exposed to light.
subsequent use. lightweight coated paper (lwc) Coated paper
Library of Congress number US system for bib- (often part-mechanical) below 60gsm.
liographical data. The number is printed on the lightweight paper Normally taken to mean
title-page verso. paper less than 60gsm in substance.
lick-coated paper Paper with a very light coating. lignin The substance in wood which binds the
Also pigmented paper, light-coated paper, fibres together. Removed during the pulping
size-press coated paper. process.
lift Take typeset material or pictures from else- limp Paper that is pliant.
where to reuse. limp binding Paperback binding.
ligature A glyph (or character) that is a combi- limp-bound Referring to a book with a limp or
nation of two or more single characters. In the paper binding. (See also case-bound.)
past, particularly when hot metal or cold type line 1. Rule. 2. Copy which consists of solid black
were used for typesetting, a whole range of lines or dots only, and has no intermediate grey
ligatures was used, but their use has become tones. Contrast tone.
less common as computer typesetting has lineage Calculation of number of lines taken up
developed. They are virtually never used in on- by a piece of text; similarly, system of charging
screen presentation of text, although they may for advertisement space based on the number
be specified in HTML documents as part of a of columns used.
(designed) text block transmitted as a graphic. Lineale Typeface without serifs, otherwise
light box Box with glass top illuminated from known as sans serif type.
within so that transparent artwork can be line and tone combination An origination made
viewed on its surface. by combining the line elements of an original,
light-coated paper See size-press coated paper. shot for line, with the tone elements of the same
light emitting diode (LED) A diode which glows original which are shot for tone. Hard, sharp
red, green or amber when energised by low outlines are retained as line.
voltage. They are commonly employed as a line block A relief plate produced from a line
light source in multimode fibre-optic systems. drawing.
In some applications, such as digital watches, line conversion Conversion of continuous-tone
they have been replaced by LCDs which require copy to line copy by photographing it without
less power. LEDs are also used in printers. a half-tone screen.
lightface Lighter version of a roman typeface. line copy Copy which has no gradation of tones,
lightfast ink Ink which will fade less readily than i.e. comprising solid black lines or shapes. Also
normal ink on prolonged exposure to strong ‘line drawing’, ‘line engraving’ etc.
light. See blue wool scale. line feed Advancement of paper in a photosetter
light gate array An array of cells which can be or printer by one line. Equivalent to leading.
programmed to allow or prevent light passing line gauge Measuring ruler used for copyfitting
through to expose photographic material in the and measuring type. Also called type gauge
creation of an image. Used in some photosetters. and depth gauge.
lightness A measure of relative brightness. Used line high The upper level, i.e. the character 1, in
in the HLS method of representing colour in serial communications. See break.
computer graphics. line length Column width.
light pen A device which looks like an ordinary line mechanical Paste-up of line copy ready for
pen, but which can be used to instruct the com- the camera (US).
puter to modify part of a screen image. At its tip, line negative Negative of line illustration or text.
the pen has a photoreceptor that emits signals linen finish Imitation linen texture on paper
when it receives light from the screen. With an surface.
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line noise Spurious characters (electrical noise) in avoid storing files twice and ensure consistent
a communications link, particularly an RS-232 updating, although the user sees two or more
serial connection. Can have many causes, e.g. different file names.
poor connections, interference or crosstalk, Link Access Protocol (Balanced) (LAPB) A bal-
electrical storms, cosmic rays, birds on tele- anced version of the Link Access Protocol.
phone wires, or telephone wires rubbing Link Access Protocol (LAP) A protocol specified
against tree branches. for the datalink layer in the ITU-T X.25 pack-
linen screen Half-tone screen giving a linen et-switched interface standard. (See also Link
effect. Access Protocol (Balanced).)
line overlay Line work on overlay separate from Link Access Protocol for Modems (LAPM) The
half-tone. automatic repeat request system used in the
line printer Output device which prints one line V.42 protocol.
at a time usually with non-letter-quality reso- Link Access Protocol on the D channel (LAPD)
lution. An ISDN datalink layer protocol.
line probing A feature that will allow a modem linkbase A database that contains a series of
to identify the capacity and quality of the tele- World Wide Web links for specific text strings.
phone line and adjust itself for maximum See Webcosm.
throughput using the highest possible data linked image A graphic image that is stored in a
transmission rate. Line probing is available on different file from the current hypertext page,
some V.34 modems. so that it is displayed by selecting a link,
liner Paper used to cover another paper or board although the image may also be included auto-
for extra strength, thickness or finish. matically, depending on the coding of the
linespacing Space between lines of photoset hypertext page.
type. linocut 1. Design made by carving in relief on a
lines per inch (lpi) Measure of image resolution. block of linoleum. 2. A print made from a
(See also dots per inch.) linocut.
lines per minute A measure of line printer speed. Linofilm Proprietary name of a once-famous but
line turnaround time In a communications link, now obsolete photosetter.
the transmission delay between the end of one Linotron Name for high-speed cathode ray tube
block of data and the beginning of the next. It is photosetting machines manufactured by
particularly significant in half-duplex links. Linotype.
For RS-232-C interfaces line turnaround time is Linotype Linecasting machine manufactured by
the delay between request to send (RTS) and Linotype.
clear to send (CTS) signals. lint Surface fibres released from paper during
lining Part of the spine strengthening in a case- printing.
bound book. See first and second linings. linting The build-up of lint on an offset blanket
lining figures Arabic numerals the same height as causing hickies in the printed result.
capitals, also known as aligning numerals. As LINX A UK neutral interconnect, based at
distinct from non-lining or old-style figures. Pipex’s London point of presence.
link (Also called hotlink.) In hypertext docu- liquid crystal display (LCD) Consisting of a
ments, a connection from one document to sandwich of two glass plates and a fluid. The
another (see also anchor). The use of links liquid darkens when a voltage is applied, thus
within HTML documents can be regarded as creating an image.
perhaps the most appealing aspect of the liquid lamination A high-gloss nitrocellulose
World Wide Web, in that links can be followed varnish applied to book covers or jackets (US).
between documents, irrespective of where in list Often used for mailing list.
the world they are situated. Linking is also list broker Someone who sells lists of names and
used within programs and applications in addresses in specific market-oriented cate-
order either to save space by not duplicating gories.
data, or to ensure that data is always up to date. listing Computer print-out of data or a file.
Links within hypertext documents may be listing paper The paper used for computer list-
explicit, i.e. they need to be clicked on, or ings, traditionally printed with light green hor-
implicit, in that the link is triggered automati- izontal stripes and punched with sprocket
cally (see linked image). In application pro- holes at the sides.
grams the link is almost always automatic. listserv An automated mailing list manager,
Links are also used in the Unix file system to originally designed for the BITNET/EARN
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network, which processes email requests for cessing unit (CPU) bus in order to speed up
addition to or deletion from mailing lists, of data transfer between the CPU, disks, graphics
which there are now thousands, on many dif- boards and other devices. This benefits video
ferent subjects. Some listservs also provide applications in particular. There are two com-
other facilities such as retrieving files from mon specifications, VESA and Intel’s PCI,
archives. although PCI is likely to become the standard,
literal Mistake introduced in keyboarding, often allowing a wider choice of video boards.
only affecting one or two characters. local echo A term recently used instead of half
lith film A high-contrast film. duplex. The term comes from the need to dis-
litho See lithography. play (or echo) input at a terminal connected to
lithograph A print made from a stone or plate by a mainframe computer by a half-duplex link.
lithography. local loop The telephone circuits between a sub-
lithographic plate Printing plate used in the scriber’s installation and the switching equip-
litho process. ment at the local exchange.
lithography Planographic printing process in local loopback address The special Internet
which ink is applied selectively to the plate by address,, which is defined by the
chemically treating the image areas to accept Internet Protocol for a host to send messages to
ink and the non-image areas to accept water. itself.
Shortened to litho. LocalTalk One of the types of network hardware
litho prep Litho film assembly and platemaking. available in the AppleTalk system. PCs can
little-endian The ordering of the components of also be connected to a LocalTalk network with
a hierarchical name in which the domain name the right adapter board.
is specified last. loc cit Abbreviation from the Latin phrase ‘loco
live link Also known as a hotlink. (See also link.) citato’ meaning ‘in the passage already quoted’
live matter Copy which will go to press rather used in a footnote to refer to another note.
than be deleted. lock up 1. To secure metal type in a forme ready
live net Any World Wide Web server which pro- for the next stage of production. 2. In program
vides access to live material, probably using execution, a state from which the system can-
video cameras. not escape.
LiveWire A visual development environment, loft-dried High-grade papers dried in a drying
developed by Netscape and based on the Java shed to allow natural evaporation.
language. logical link control (LLC) A protocol specified in
LLC See logical link control. IEEE 802.2 for data link level transmission con-
loading Substance (clay or gypsum) added to trol. It forms the upper portion of the OSI
paper furnish during beating to make the datalink layer. The LLC sublayer presents a
paper more opaque and solid. uniform interface to the user of the datalink
loadings Minerals and fillers added to the fur- service, usually the network layer. Below the
nish of paper. LLC sublayer is the medium access control
loan A rag writing paper. (MAC) sublayer.
local area network (LAN) A geographically limi- login An alternative term for log on, used on
ted data communications network (typically to Unix systems.
a 1 km radius or within a building), which logo See logotype.
allows resource sharing. A LAN allows com- log-off A computer instruction issued by a user
puters to have access to common data, pro- indicating the termination of a session.
grams and peripherals, and it typically consists log-on An instruction, issued by a user, request-
of PCs with adapter cards, file servers, printers ing access. A log-on sequence will usually
and gateways to other networks. Ethernet, include entry of a password.
Token-Ring, FDDI and LocalTalk are examples log on, logon, logging on The process of con-
of standard LANs and data rates up to 100 necting a user to a network or to a multi-user
Mbps are possible. LANs use software to man- computer system.
age the components and the two best known logo scanner A flatbed scanner which converts a
programs are Novell NetWare and Microsoft logo, or other special symbol, into digital sig-
LAN Manager, so that client-server computing nals for computer input and displays it on a
can be supported. (See also wide area network.) VDU. The image may then be manipulated or
local bus A bus, designed to match the speed of changed in some way before output to a laser
the processor, which extends the central pro- printer.
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logotype Company name or product device used compression algorithm in which all the informa-
in a special design as a trademark. Shortened to tion in a file is retained, allowing it to be recov-
logo. ered perfectly by decompression. Examples of
long grain Sheet of paper in which the grain lossless compression are the Unix compress and
direction (or machine direction) runs parallel PKZIP. (See also lossy compression, which is
with the longest side. the opposite of lossless.)
long-grain press Web-fed magazine or paper- lossy compression A term describing a data com-
back printing press which prints all the pages pression algorithm in which the amount of
with the long edge of the page in the direction information in the data, as well as the number
of travel of the printing cylinder, i.e. produces of bits used to represent that information, is
long-grain publications. Contrast short-grain reduced. The lost information is usually
press. assumed to be less important to the quality of
long ink An ink that flows easily. the data (usually an image or audio) because it
long primer Obsolete type size, approximately can be recovered reasonably by interpolation.
10pt. MPEG, JPEG and fractal compression are
long run A high printing number for a job. examples of lossy compression techniques.
long ton Imperial ton (2240lb), equal to 1.12 short Lotus Notes A group of workflow application
(US) tons, or 1.0161 metric tonnes. programs developed by Lotus, but now owned
look-and-feel The general appearance and func- by IBM, which allows organisations to share and
tion of a user interface (usually a graphical user co-ordinate documents and exchange electronic
interface or GUI) including such things as the mail messages. Notes supports replication on
way icons are used, conventions for the mean- multiple servers and between the server and the
ing of different buttons on a mouse and the desktop client. (See also computer-supported
appearance and operation of menus. The first cooperative work.)
GUI was developed on the Xerox Star, but this low earth orbiting satellite (LEO satellite) A
was not a commercial success, its main look- polar-orbiting satellite in a low orbit used for
and-feel concepts being exploited in the Apple communication with hand portable terminals.
Macintosh. Subsequently, Apple sued Microsoft lower case Small letters as distinct from capitals.
claiming that the look-and-feel of Microsoft Abbreviated as lc.
Windows infringed Apple’s copyright. The case lower-case letters Uncapitalised letters, such as
was mainly decided in Microsoft’s favour. those that make up all this sentence (except the
lookthrough The finish or opacity of paper as first letter). The term is derived from the days
viewed when held up against the light. of cold type, when the capitals were kept in the
look-up table A table of conditions written as an top typecase and the small letters in the bottom
instruction program. In typesetting, look-up (or lower) case. Capitals are thus sometimes
tables are used mainly for hyphenation deci- referred to as upper-case letters.
sions, font-width information, and code con- low-level language In computer programming, a
version when text is being transferred from one language closely related to the machine-code of
system to another. Also, translation table. the computer. A low-level language is convert-
loop Series of computer instructions repeated ed by an assembler program into the final
until a condition is reached which diverts from machine-code instructions. More efficient than
the loop. high-level languages but more difficult to
loopback A communications diagnostic pro- write.
cedure, in which the transmitted data stream is low resolution (Often shortened to low-res.) The
looped back to its source, so that it can be com- opposite of high resolution. While some
pared with the transmitted data. graphics are just low-resolution to begin with,
loose leaf Binding which uses steel rings passing other graphics are created or scanned as com-
through drilled holes in the paper to hold the plex, high-resolution images (probably for off-
sheets together. set printing). However, in order to save disk
loose proof Proof of one colour separation out of space and/or to shorten screen display times,
the four (US). low-res versions are produced for use in page
lossless Term describing a data compression make-up and placement of the image. Usually
algorithm in which all the information in a file the high-resolution version is merged using the
is retained, allowing it to be recovered perfect- Open PrePress Interface. (See also resolution.)
ly by decompression. lpi See lines per inch.
lossless compression A term describing a data LPM Lines per minute.
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machine revise Printed sheet for checking forge, MICR is used extensively in banking for
against the press proof. marking and identifying cheques.
machining Printing. magnetic inks Inks with magnetic content that can
MacinTalk The speech synthesis utility on the be read by electronic sensing. Used on cheques.
Macintosh that, with appropriate programs, magnetic tape Narrow tape magnetically coated
makes things talk. Used in educational pack- for the storage in serial form of computer data.
ages. magneto-optical A hybrid technology that is used
Macintosh See Mac. in compact disc-recordable (CD-R). Data stor-
macro A combination of commands, used in var- age is magnetic. However, the laser beam heats
ious kinds of interactive programs, e.g. word- the very small area involved before it ‘writes’, i.e.
processors, as well as in text formatting or re-orients the relevant magnetic domains. When
typesetting programs such as TEX. In an inter- this area cools, it becomes twice as resistant to
active program, a series of commands can be change as the equivalent area on a standard mag-
‘recorded’ and then can be ‘played’ to create netic disk. A lower-power laser is used to ‘read’
the same effect, by using either a function key, the disk. If the area is to be overwritten, then it is
a menu command or a button. Alternatively, again heated by the ‘writing’ laser.
macros can be written essentially as small com- mail Often used to mean sending a message via
puter programs, including functions and con- email to a specific recipient. Also a program
ditional expressions. The more complex macros running under the Berkeley version of Unix.
can take parameters such as a text string or a mail-bomb To send, perhaps together with others,
value for such items as page number, interline a huge number of email messages to one person
spacing or typesize. or to a system, aiming to crash the recipient’s
Macromedia Director One of the multimedia system. The actual way in which this will hap-
applications development packages from pen will vary from system to system. Mail-
Macromedia. Authorware from the same com- bombing is rather like ‘road rage’, in that it is
pany provides an alternative approach. (See used against someone who has apparently
also Shockwave.) offended against the rules of netiquette, but in
macron Mark (-) printed above a long or stressed turn is itself a breech of netiquette, causing
vowel. inconvenience not only to the target, but also to
made ends See joints. many other people and systems.
mag 1. Magazine. 2. Magnetic (as in tape). mailbox (or mail box) A file, a directory or a mes-
magazine 1. Regularly appearing publication sage queue on a specific system in which
(typically weekly or monthly) covering a subject incoming email messages are stored for a par-
area with less topicality than a newspaper but ticular user or for distribution to a mailing list
with current events and fashions considered. or via a mail server.
2. Container for storing matrices of a linecasting mail bridge A gateway that forwards email mes-
machine. sages between networks. (See also mail gate-
magazine supplement Magazine inserted in a way.)
newspaper. mail exchange record (MX record) A record type
magenta Process red. One of the colours used in used in a Domain Name Server, showing
four-colour process printing. which host can handle email for a specific
magnefite pulp A sulphite pulp made using domain.
magnesium bisulphite rather than calcium mail exploder The part of an email system which
bisulphite in the cooking process. The magne- enables multiple mailing and mailing lists. The
sium waste liquor can be chemically recovered. sender uses a single address and the mail
magnetic card A wordprocessing recording exploder distributes the message to the indi-
medium. vidual addresses in the list.
magnetic disk A disk with a magnetisable sur- mail gateway A gateway between two or more
face coating onto which data may be recorded. email systems, transferring and, where neces-
See floppy disk, hard disk, Winchester disk. sary translating, messages between them. The
magnetic head See read-write head. translation can sometimes be quite complex and
magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) The in early mail gateways there were often prob-
ability of suitable devices (character recogni- lems with characters being lost or mistranslated.
tion systems) to read characters printed in This was particularly true if non-ASCII charac-
magnetic ink for rapid input to a computer. ters were involved. The use of MIME has virtu-
Because magnetic-ink characters are difficult to ally solved that problem.
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mailing list List of names and addresses to one kind of fractal image. It is named after
which mailing pieces can be sent. Benoit Mandelbrot, who discovered the fractal
mailing piece Promotional material mailed out. principle and this set. Another fractal set is the
mail merge A wordprocessing utility enabling Julia set.
name and address files to be merged with a text manifold paper A lightweight paper used for
file containing a letter. copies or for airmail. (See also bank.)
mail path (Or source route.) An email address manila A tough paper made from hemp and
which gives the route of a message, listing the often used for envelopes.
hostnames through which it must pass. This is Man-Machine Language (MML) A language
infrequently used on the Internet, where the developed by ITU-T for telecommunications
route is determined at each host through which applications.
the message passes. manual Book giving instructions about a tech-
mail reflector An email address that provides a nique or details of operation of a device.
mail forwarding function, either if the recipient Manual of Style Instruction manual covering
has moved (or just changed address) or some- spelling, hyphenation and punctuation, pub-
times to protect the identity of the recipient. lished by the University of Chicago Press, and
mail server A program that sends files or infor- used by American editors, printers and pub-
mation in response to email requests. Mail lishers.
servers were used before Internet access was so Manufacturers Automation Protocol (MAP) An
wide. They are less used today, when informa- applications-layer application for office
tion is easily available via the World Wide Web automation over networks, developed by
or File Transfer Protocol (ftp). General Motors on the basis of the OSI model
mail shot A single sending of promotional mate- based on token bus. (See also TOP.)
rial to a list of names and addresses. manuscript Abbreviated to MS. Typed or hand-
mainframe Large computer. written copy for setting. Also typescript, copy.
Majordomo A widely used freeware mailing list MAP See Manufacturers Automation Protocol.
processor that runs under Unix. MAPI See Microsoft Mail Application Program
majuscule Capital or upper-case letter. Interface.
makegood Periodical advertisement re-run marbled paper Paper covered with a marbled
because the original was faulty. design, used for endpapers of books. True mar-
make-ready Setting up a printing machine ready bled paper is made by hand: paper is dipped
to run a specific job. into a bath containing liquid pigment colours
make-up Making-up typeset material into pages. floating on a viscous gum solution, and then
making order An order for paper to particular dried. Imitation marbled paper is normal paper
specifications needing to be made specially printed with this pattern by litho: this is the
rather than withdrawn from stock. sort more commonly used.
making-up Assembly of printed sections prior to marching display Visual display of one line of
sewing. type displayed sequentially as keyboarded.
mall A set of linked URLs on the World Wide marginalia Marginal notes.
Web, which give information about commer- margin guides The non-printing dotted lines in
cial products and services for sale that can DTP programs which mark the basic margins
often be purchased using credit cards or special of the page within which the text is fitted. One
banking services, such as First Virtual, or by of three sorts of page layout guide.
using electronic money. margins Areas of white space left around printed
MAN See metropolitan area network. matter on a page.
management information base (MIB) The col- mark A data circuit impulse corresponding to the
lection of objects managed, as part of SNMP active condition of the receiving device.
(Simple Network Management Protocol), by Compare space.
an agent or piece of software running in a net- marked proof The proof on which the printer’s
work component, such as a router. reader has marked corrections.
Manchester encoding A digital encoding tech- marked section A section of an SGML document
nique in which a negative-to-positive voltage that is to be treated in a special, usually condi-
transition within a fixed period indicates a tional, manner.
binary 0 and a positive-to-negative voltage markings or marks Identifying description writ-
transition indicates a binary 1. ten onto a label, e.g. the title of a book on a con-
Mandelbrot set A mathematical set representing signment of paper sent to a printer to show the
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 113
printer the use for which the paper has been master proof Printer’s proof or reader’s proof.
sent. (See also marked proof.)
mark sensing A technique for reading into a masthead Graphic device which displays a
computer pencil marks on specially prepared newspaper’s name on the front page.
forms. Because the pencil marks contain mat See matrix.
graphite, which conducts electricity, when the Matchprint Proprietary dry proof, similar to a
mark sense reader, a series of small metal Cromalin.
brushes, touches a mark, an electrical contact is matrix Also ‘matrice’. Mould from which type-
made and thus the mark is detected. face is cast or photographic master of type font.
markup Instructions on a layout or copy for the matrix printer or dot matrix printer One in which
compositor to follow when typesetting or mak- each character is represented by a dot pattern.
ing up pages. (See also electronic markup.) (See also daisywheel printer, laser printer.)
markup language A language (or metalanguage) matt or matte Dull finish, as distinct from glossy.
designed to formalise the markup process for mature Acclimatise paper to pressroom humidi-
text. Markup languages also give facilities for ty. Also called conditioning.
including links to multimedia items, such as maximise button In Windows applications,
graphics, audio and video. resizes a window to fill the full screen rather
marquee A method of selecting objects, usually than a small part of it.
in a draw program, as an alternative to clicking Mb Abbreviation for megabyte.
on specific objects. The mouse is held down MBONE See Multicast Backbone.
and moved, forming a rectangle on the screen Mbps Megabit(s) per second. Transfer rate of one
(indicated in different ways in different pro- million bits per second. (See also bps, kbps.)
grams). Everything that is completely within MCA See Micro Channel Architecture.
the rectangle is selected. McCain sewing See side-sewing.
mask Opaque overlay which masks out the un- MCI See Media Control Interface.
wanted portion of a photograph. MCI Mail A large commercial email service.
masking In process colour origination using a Note that this is not related to Media Control
camera, masking meant the use of colour com- Interface, but named after the US company
pensation techniques during the separation MCI which operates the service.
process to achieve results more faithful to the MCR Magnetic character reading.
original and less liable to colour correction (e.g. MD In papermaking, machine direction. As dis-
applying a trimask or other specially made tinct from CD (cross direction).
mask to an original to reduce contrast or MDI See Multiple Document Interface.
enhance detail in separate areas and for specif- mean line Imaginary line which runs along the
ic colours). In colour film make-up, masking is top of the lower-case letters in a line of text.
the process of marking out specified areas, Also, x-line. Compare baseline.
either electronically or mechanically, which are measure Length of line of type.
to undergo tint-laying, reversed out illustra- mechanical Camera-ready paste-up (US).
tion, reversed lettering etc. (See also unsharp mechanical binding Binding held together by
masking.) metal or plastic coils. (See also spiral binding.)
masking paper See goldenrod paper. mechanical composition See machine composi-
masking tape A translucent adhesive tape for tion.
masking out unwanted areas on film. mechanical ghosting Ghosting caused by blan-
massaging Manipulation of copy on a VDU. ket irregularities.
mass market Broadly based market; in book pub- mechanical paper Paper made from mechanical
lishing, general-interest paperbacks. pulp.
mass storage device Backing storage such as mechanical pulp Pulp produced mechanically, by
magnetic disk or magnetic drum which is capa- grinding, rather than chemically. There are sev-
ble of holding large amounts of data. eral sorts. See stone groundwood mechanical
master 1. A plate for a duplication machine. 2. pulp (SGW), refiner mechanical pulp (RMP),
Original tape, disk, film etc. from which copies thermomechanical pulp (TMP), chemi-thermo-
will be made. mechanical pulp (CTMP).
master page grid In DTP, the basic page layout, mechanical separations Separate colour overlays
held in memory as a job template for the in register with each other.
design and kept independently from the text mechanical tint Patterned sheet which can pro-
itself. duce tonal effects on line work.
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media The materials onto which data can be bar across the top of the screen or a window,
recorded, i.e. floppy disk, magnetic tape etc. containing the names of pull-down menus.
Media Control Interface (MCI) A standard con- menu-driven Software program laid out in the
trol interface for multimedia devices and files, initial form of a number of questions to which
used under Windows. the user replies in order to action the program.
media converter Device which reads from one merge Combine two or more files into one.
medium (normally a disk) and translates its message handling system (MHS) The services
content in order to output to another medium and protocols that provide OSI email, speci-
(often a disk). (See also multi-disk reader.) fied in the ITU-T X.400 series of recommenda-
media data form Method of presenting informa- tions and also defined as the Message-
tion about a publication for use by advertisers Oriented Text Interchange Standard (MOTIS)
for comparison with other publications. by ISO. It is used by CompuServe.
Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Message-Oriented Text Interchange Standard
Technology One of the leading research organ- (MOTIS) The ISO version of MHS.
isations concerned with developments in mul- message switching A method of transmission in
timedia and communications. Headed by which messages are stored at an intermediate
Nicholas Negroponte. switching centre until a channel is available for
Media Player A Windows utility which allows them to be transmitted to their final destina-
both audio and video files to be replayed. tion. (See also packet switching.)
medium The means of conveying something; an meta An HTML tag, defining metadata, which is
intermediate. used by many of the World Wide Web search
medium access control (MAC) A protocol for con- engines, either as part of the indexing or as
trolling access to a specific network. Part of the part of a keyword search.
IEEE 802 network standards. The lower portion metadata Often called information about informa-
of the datalink layer, OSI layer 2. Essentially the tion. Structured data which describes types of
interface between a computer and a network, information. Often used for searching, e.g. using
determining which unit transmits at any par- the Z39.50 protocol, although the data may not
ticular time. (See also MAC address, logical actually form part of the viewable document.
link control.) metafile See Windows Metafile Format.
megabyte (Mb) One million computer bytes or, Metafont A font design and generation package
more loosely, one million characters. As contin- which is a companion to the TEX typesetting
uous text in disk storage terms, this works out language.
at around 150000 words or two average-length metalanguage A (computer) language in which
novels. See also kilobyte. the logic and statements of another language
Megafloppy A text compression technique, devel- are discussed and specified. SGML, e.g., is a
oped by Eurofield Systems, Australia, designed metalanguage in that it specifies how to do
to enable the publication of large amounts of things, rather than what to do.
data on floppy disk. The technique also provides metallic inks Inks containing metallic powders
encryption, so that the files may be transferred to to give a gold or silver printed effect. Best
hard disk and accessed, without decompression, printed in conjunction with a primer.
but so that the data cannot be copied or accessed metamerism In colour printing, used to describe
without a PIN number. the phenomenon whereby certain colours shift
melinex Thick, polyester-based film. in hue under different lighting conditions.
memory Internal storage of a computer. The metric system The decimal system of measure-
memory of a computer is where it finds its ment. See Appendix.
instructions and the data it is to work with, as metropolitan area network (MAN) A network
well as where it stores its results. It is organised linking users that usually covers an area the size
as a series of locations or cells each of which of a city. Often implemented using optical fibre.
can hold one computer word. The locations are (See also SMDS, SONET, local area network,
given numbers which enable the computer to wide area network.)
identify their positions. See RAM, ROM. mezzotint Form of print created by removing a
menu A type of user interface in which the user roughened surface to a greater or lesser degree
is presented with a series of options, from from a specially burred metal plate, thus creat-
which he or she can select, either with a mouse ing areas of continuous tone; used to simulate
or by entering a text string, often just a number. the effect of painting. By extension, a form of
menu bar In a graphical user interface (GUI), the half-tone screen which imitates this effect.
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can be recycled within the mill. Paper made misprint Typographical error.
using mill waste as a majority furnish should misregister One colour or more printed out of
not really be termed recycled even though it alignment with other colours.
sometimes is. mitre 45° angle join at corners of metal rules.
Milnet Military Network. Part of the US Defense mixed furnish Referring to papers which have
Data Network. Also part of the Internet. mechanical and woodfree pulps in their fur-
MIME See Multipurpose Internet Mail nish. See part-mechanical paper.
Extensions. mixing Usually applied to typefaces of different
mimencode (Originally ‘mmencode’.) An im- fonts in one line of text.
provement on uuencode for use in email. mm Millimetre.
Uuencode uses some characters that become mmencode The original name for mimencode.
corrupted across certain mail gateways (partic- MML See Man-Machine Language.
ularly those converting to and from EBCDIC). MMX An extra set of instructions built into later
Uuencode also has a number of variants. (1997) versions of Intel’s Pentium microproces-
Mimencode is more robust. sors to support operations on multimedia and
mini See minicomputer. communications data types. They can handle
miniature A small-scale, minutely finished portrait many common multimedia operations, such as
or similar illustration in a medieval manuscript. digital signal processing, normally handled by
mini-cassette Used as a backing storage device, a separate sound card or video card. Intel states
usually in smaller portable computers. These that this is not an acronym for MultiMedia
cassettes are similar in design to those used in eXtension, but an Intel brand name.
pocket dictation machines. mnemonic codes Easily remembered codes:
minicomputer Small but powerful computer, abbreviations or tags which suggest their
usually dedicated to one job rather than gener- meanings (e.g. bd1 = bold style 1).
al data processing. MNP See Microcom Networking Protocol.
minifloppy disk A name given to 5¼0 floppy Mobile Station International ISDN Number
disks to identify them as different from (MSISDN) The telephone number (0902
80 floppy disks. As 5¼0 disks became the type XXXXXX) dialled to contact a mobile user.
in widest use the term fell into misuse. Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) A telephone
minimise button In Windows applications, exchange for a cellular network.
turns a window into an icon at the foot of the mock-up A layout or rough of artwork. Also
screen. called a visual.
minion Obsolete term for 7pt type. mod A filename extension for a sampled music
Minitel The French viewdata system provided file format, which is made up of digitised
free by the French telephone system as a way of sound samples (unlike MIDI files), arranged in
obtaining directory information. However, patterns to create a song.
Minitel is now widely used to provide infor- modelling tint A tint added to pure white to
mation on a range of services. make it brighter, usually blue or red.
mini-web Small web offset machine typically modem or modulator/demodulator Device
producing 16pp A4 colour sections (8p A4 to which converts analogue communication (e.g.
view). Also known as narrow-web, or half-size telephone transmission) into digital form and
press. vice versa. Modem transmission speeds are
minuscule or miniscule Lower case letter. rated in kbps. Common ratings are 14.4 and
mips Millions of instructions per second. 28.8. By comparison, the data rate of ISDN
Measurement of computer processing speed. transmission goes from 64 upwards.
mirror An Internet archive site holding a copy of moderated The term describing mailing lists and
files from another site, so as to allow users to newsgroups which are edited and managed by
access them more quickly, as well as reducing a moderator.
the load on the source site. Usually whole direc- moderator A person or persons editing and man-
tories are mirrored in a structured way, e.g. to aging a moderated mailing list or Usenet
provide access in Europe or the UK to a US newsgroup. The moderator will read all incom-
source. This is different from a cache or proxy ing submissions and decide which ones will be
server, which just stores everything which is sent out to the mailing list or newsgroup.
requested through it, to speed up subsequent Modern Late 18th century typestyle, also called
access. The term is also used to describe dupli- Didone.
cation of storage on disk, e.g. in RAID systems. modern figures See lining figures.
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modular Hardware system capable of being monospaced Letters which have all the same
expanded by adding on compatible devices. set widths, as in typewriter faces or non-
modulated Subject to modulation. WYSIWYG VDU screen displays.
modulation The modification of the amplitude, monotone Illustrative material in one colour.
frequency or phase of an analogue carrier wave Monotype Proprietary name of a hot metal type-
so that information can be transmitted. See casting machine which assembles characters
amplitude modulation. individually rather than line-by-line.
modulator Device which modifies the aplitude, montage Several images assembled into one
frequency or phase of an analogue carrier wave piece of artwork.
so that information can be transmitted. MOO See under Multi-User Dimension.
moiré An undesirable pattern that can appear in moral right Right of editors or illustrators to
graphic images; a result of the superimposition have some influence on the publication of a
of one regular pattern or screen on another, so work they have contributed to, even when they
that interference takes place, causing a period- do not own the copyright.
ic variation of intensity. It is similar to the phe- morgue Newspaper reference library.
nomenon of ‘beats’, which occurs with sound. morocco Goatskin with fine grain for bookbinding.
(See also aliasing.) morphing The gradual distortion of one image
moisture content Amount of moisture in paper, into another by moving points on the original
expressed as a percentage of weight. A mois- image to certain corresponding points in the
ture content of around 7–8% is recommended second image. Used in animation software.
for printing papers in optimum press room (Compare with tweening.)
conditions (20°C, 55–65% RH). Mosaic An early World Wide Web browser or
moisture welts Wrinkles in a paper roll caused client from NCSA, which runs on a number of
by moisture absorption after drying. different platforms. Has been largely super-
molleton Cotton material used on damping seded by Netscape Navigator (developed by
rollers. the same team) and by Internet Explorer.
Mondex Electronic money scheme first trialled in motherboard The printed circuit board contain-
Swindon. ing the main components of a computer. See
monitor Screen which displays the operations of add-on board, expansion board.
a machine in real time. Mother of Chapel See under FOC.
monk Dark printed area resulting from too much Motif The standard graphical user interface
ink being added, contrast friar. (GUI) for Unix systems, based on X windows.
mono See monochrome. Motion Picture Encoding Group Another name
monochrome Literally means one colour, often for the Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG).
black on white (although see bilevel bitmap), MOTIS See Message-Oriented Text Interchange
but used for grey scales. Used to describe black Standard.
and white printers and displays, which will mottle Uneven printing in solid areas caused by
usually be white, green or orange on black, or poor ink or uneven absorption characteristics
black on white. A grey-scale monitor displays a in the paper.
range of grey values, not just black or white, mould See matrix.
even though there is still no colour. mould-made paper Paper either made by hand,
monogram Device made from the linking together or made on a cylinder mould machine.
of two or more letters, usually someone’s initials. mount Base of wood or metal which supports a
monograph Academic book concerned with a letterpress printing plate.
single specialised subject or aspect of it. mouse Small electronic puck which may be
monoline Typeface with all strokes appearing to moved laterally and vertically on a plain flat
have the same thickness, e.g. Univers. surface to control the movement of a cursor on
monomode fibre A type of optical fibre that has a VDU screen. (See also puck, trackball.)
a very fine core, the diameter of which is mouse mat A mat on which a mouse can be moved
approximately the wavelength of light. There is around. For a mechanical mouse, this is usually
very low dispersion of the optical signal and a plastic surface on a foam-rubber backing, while
therefore monomode fibres are used for high for an optical mouse, the surface is usually a
bandwidths over long distances. (Compare firmer plastic carrying a grid ruled in two
with multimode fibre.) dimensions.
Monophoto Proprietary name of an early British moveable type Type cast as individual metal
phototypesetting system. units, contrast slug.
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moving JPEG A compression technique for mov- mull Muslin fabric fixed to the back of a case-
ing images in which each frame is compressed bound book under the spine covering. See first
using JPEG still compression. Although there and second linings.
is no agreed standard for moving JPEG, there multicast A form of broadcast in which packets
are chips available that are appropriate for tele- are delivered only to specified destinations.
vision resolutions and frame rates. Implemented over the Internet as MBONE.
Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) (Also multicast addressing An addressing scheme
called Motion Picture Encoding Group.) An used to send packets over Ethernet to all
ISO standard for coding full-motion video devices of a certain type or as a broadcast to all
information in a compressed form. Encoding is nodes.
done offline while retrieval is performed in real multicast backbone (MBONE) A virtual network
time. (See MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3.) MPEG which runs on top of the Internet and supports
can also be used for audio files. multicast and multimedia transmission, inclu-
Mozilla An alternative name for Netscape ding videoconferencing, shared whiteboard
Navigator, when it was first designed as a ver- and shared editing of documents. The quality is
sion of Mosaic. not very good, at about 3–5 fps (commercial
MPC See Multimedia Personal Computer. television is about 10 times that), but this keeps
MPEG See Moving Pictures Experts Group. telecommunications data rates low.
MPEG-1 The first version of the MPEG format, multicast IP See IP-Multicast.
which was optimised for CD-ROM. It works in multicode One keystroke which generates sever-
a similar way to JPEG to compress data within al commands.
a frame and then uses block-based motion multicolour keyline artwork Baseboard art-
compensated prediction (MCP) to remove data work with overlays to show the divisions of
between frames, essentially keeping only infor- the colours.
mation that changes between frames. Audio is multi-disk reader Machine which reads a variety
also compressed using sub-band encoding. of disks in different formats and translates their
MPEG-1 will give quality which is at least as content to output disks. Also, media converter.
good as VHS video, although the audio quality multidrop A network configuration which has
is not as high. multiple stations, but ensures that only one can
MPEG-2 An improved version of MPEG-1 transmit at any one time. (See also multipoint.)
intended for broadcasting compressed video MultiFinder The Macintosh utility which allows
over satellites. Now also includes HDTV. multi-tasking to be incorporated into the
MPEG-3 A development of MPEG-2 to handle System 7 operating system.
HDTV applications. However, after it had been multi-layer headbox A headbox which distrib-
developed, it was later discovered that with utes up to three different layers of stock onto
some (compatible) fine tuning, MPEG-2 and the wire simultaneously.
MPEG-1 syntax worked satisfactorily for HDTV. Multilith Proprietary name of a small offset
Because of this and pressures for standardi- press once in wide use.
sation, HDTV is now handled under MPEG-2. multimedia Initially a human-computer inter-
mpg The usual filename extension for a file in face term describing interactions with text,
MPEG format. graphics, audio and video. In general terms,
MS See manuscript. however, the interactive use of these various
ms See millisecond. media together. This may involve the use of
MSC See Mobile Switching Centre. hypertext and generic coding schemes, such as
MS-DOS The operating system used on the IBM SGML and HTML. Multimedia became wide-
PC and its clones. Note that Windows 95 and ly available with the development of the CD-
Windows NT run as operating systems them- ROM, but is now being exploited more and
selves, although MS-DOS commands can still more over the World Wide Web, using such
be accessed in a window. facilities as MBONE and MPEG compression.
MSISDN See Mobile Station International Multimedia/Hypermedia Information Coding
ISDN Number. Experts Group (MHEG) An ISO group work-
MUD See Multi-User Dimension. ing on the development of standards for bit-
mu-law A companding scheme, based on sam- stream specifications for multimedia and
pling, for analogue-to-digital conversion of hypermedia.
speech. It is used in PCM CODECs (COder/ Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
DECoder) in the US telephone network. See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
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Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) (NCSA) The organisation where the first version
(Pronounced ‘middy’.) A standard covering how of Mosaic was developed.
computers and musical instruments or synthe- national characters An expression used for char-
sizers interact. MIDI covers both the hardware acters of the Roman alphabet with accents and
and the protocols for how music is encoded and other diacritical marks that are used in certain
transferred between different devices, which written languages, but not in English. They are
may be an instrument, synthesizer or computer. listed in ISO 8859.
A MIDI interface is required and is standard on National Information Infrastructure (NII) (Or the
some Macintoshes. It is then possible to input at information superhighway.) The planned inte-
a standard piano-type keyboard or synthesizer grated communications structure of the US,
and edit the music on-screen, each channel being based on a nationwide network of broadband
separately editable. The basic unit of information networks, which is intended to give all
is ‘note on/off’, together with the pitch and vol- Americans access to the country’s information,
ume, but other information can be added. communication and computing resources. The
mutton An em quad. NII is planned to include all current and future
mux See multiplexer. public and private networks, as well as satellite
MX record See mail exchange record. communications and to cover all aspects of infor-
mylar Polyester film made by Du Pont and used mation, communication and entertainment.
for stripping positives. National Information Services and Systems
(NISS) An information archive service, based
at the University of Bath, intended primarily for
UK educational institutions. (See also BIDS.)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
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in particular, the World Wide Web. A browser paragraph or more which insets the text affect-
provides navigation facilities for hypertext ed inside the previous margin. Typically used
documents via links, which in the World Wide to highlight a piece of extract setting within
Web are implemented using HTML and HTTP. main body text.
Navigator A program that helps the user to make Net A rather loose term, sometimes applied to
the most of CompuServe. Netscape Navigator the Internet itself, at others to specific net-
is a World Wide Web browser. works. Also used as a prefix to describe people
NBA Net Book Agreement. and events related to Usenet and the Internet.
NCR Proprietary name of a paper which, being netaddress Another name for the Knowbot
impregnated with dye, transfers an image onto Information Service.
the sheet below when written or typed on. NetBEUI See NetBIOS Extended User Interface.
NCSA See National Center for Supercomputing NetBIOS An applications programming inter-
Applications. face (API) which controls network operations
NC varnish Nitrocellulose varnish: a high-gloss on PCs running under MS-DOS. It is a set of
varnish applied to book covers. network commands issued by an application
ND No date, meaning no fixed date mentioned program and interpreted by a network operat-
in publishers’ reports as to when a book will be ing system.
in stock. NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI)
NDIS See network device interface specification. The network transport layer protocol relating
NE New edition. Used in publishers’ reports to to the NetBIOS applications programming
confirm that a new edition of a book will be interface.
published. Net Book Agreement Agreement in the publish-
near letter quality (NLQ) The top level of quali- ing and bookselling trades to sell books at the
ty that can be obtained by dot matrix printers. retail price dictated by the publisher. An exam-
They attempt to emulate higher-quality output ple of retail price maintenance.
by printing a line and then reprinting it to Netcaster See Netscape Netcaster.
enhance the characters by the addition of serifs. netCDF See Network Common Data Form.
nearside lay The sidelay on the operating side of Netfind A white pages directory, based on peo-
the press. (See also offside lay, lay.) ple’s names, which will try to find telephone
neckline White space under a headline. and email information.
needle printer Term for matrix printer. netiquette Network etiquette. Mainly refers to
neg Abbreviation for negative. the conventions recognised on Usenet and in
negative Reverse photographic image on film. mailing lists.
negative acknowledgement (NAK) A mnemonic netmask A 32-bit mask that shows how an
for ASCII character 21. Sent from a receiving Internet address is divided into network, sub-
station to a transmitting station, indicating that a net and host parts.
previous transmission(s) has not been received NetNews A weekly publication that gives news
correctly. about the Internet.
negative assembly Combining negatives on a Netscape See Netscape Communications Corp-
flat ready for platemaking. oration, Netscape Communicator, Netscape
negative-positive print The standard colour ‘en’ Navigator, Netscape Netcaster.
print. Netscape Collabra An information exchange
negative-working plates Litho plates which are forum that is part of Netscape Communicator,
exposed using negatives. intended to be used either publicly or privately.
Negroponte, Nicholas Director of the Media Netscape Communications Corporation Origin-
Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of ally Mosaic Communications Corporation, a
Technology, a founder of Wired magazine and company set up in 1994 by, among others, Marc
author of ‘Being Digital’. Andreessen, who created NCSA Mosaic, to
Nelson, Ted The originator of the concept of market a new version of Mosaic, which was
hypertext in his 1967 proposal for Xanadu and called Netscape (also Mozilla), now Netscape
the Docuverse. Navigator.
NE/ND New edition/no date. Netscape Communicator A suite of software
NEP New edition in preparation. including the latest version of Netscape
nest To place a program routine within a larger Navigator, as well as Netscape Netcaster and
routine. Netscape Collabra.
nested indent A left or right indent applied to a Netscape Navigator A World Wide Web browser
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network management The set of tasks that are newsgroup An electronic Usenet interest group
necessary to ensure that a network provides devoted to a particular topic. Groups can be
the required level of service to its users at a rea- either moderated or unmoderated. Some news-
sonable cost. The ISO model defines five cate- groups also have parallel mailing lists for
gories: fault management; configuration man- those without news access, while some moder-
agement; security management; performance ated groups are distributed as moderated
management; and accounting management. digests, with an index.
Many network management systems are based newspaper Publication containing topical
on the Simple Network Management Protocol reportage.
(SNMP). newspaper lines per minute (nlpm) An early
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) A pro- measure of photosetter speeds. Specifically, out-
tocol for the distribution, retrieval and posting put measured in 8pt lines to an 11em measure.
of Usenet news articles over the Internet. It is news posting Item sent to put up on a news-
basically a client-server system. While NNTP group.
is usually built into a news reader program, it newsprint Paper made from mechanical pulp for
can also be used via telnet. the printing of newspapers, usually between 45
network number Part of the network address. and 58gsm.
network operating system The system software news-reader A program which makes it straight-
used to integrate the computers on a network. forward to read Usenet news articles. It may
Examples include Novell NetWare, Microsoft run either on the access provider’s machine if
LAN Manager and IBM System Network there is only terminal access, or on the user’s
Architecture (SNA). machine if there is full IP access.
network operations center (NOC) The location news stall circulation Periodical distribution
at which a network or internet is managed. through retail newsagents as distinct from the
This will include the monitoring and resolution mail.
of any problems. (Compare with network NEWT A TCP/IP communication stack for
information center.) Windows, which provides users with direct net-
Network Time Protocol (NTP) A protocol that work access.
synchronises clocks located on the Internet. Newton The Apple personal digital assistant.
network to network interface (NNI) An inter- NEXIS See LEXIS/NEXIS.
face between two networks operating the same next to editorial Instruction to position adver-
protocol. tisement adjacent to editorial text.
network topology The physical and logical rela- NFS See Network File System.
tionship between the elements (nodes) of a net- NIC See network information center, network
work. Common topologies include a star, bus, interface card.
ring and tree. nick Groove in metal type which appears upper-
neutral interconnect A network infrastructure in most during assembly.
which network service providers can freely nickletype An electrotype plated with nickel.
exchange traffic without any policy restric- NII See National Information Infrastructure.
tions. Examples are the GIX (Global Internet Nintendo A Japanese company that produces
Exchange) at MAE-East (a Metropolitan Area hardware and software for games.
Ethernet in the Washington area), and the nip Pressure point between two rollers.
Ebone or European backbone and LINX, a UK nipping Pressing a book to flatten the signatures
neutral interconnect based at Pipex’s London and remove air from between the sheets. This
point of presence. takes place after the book-blocks are sewn and
neutral sized paper Paper which is sized with before they are rounded and backed, and sent
neutral pH7, acid-free, size. This gives it con- on for further processing. Also known as
siderable qualities of longevity, but less than crushing or smashing.
those required for the standard of permanent NIS See Network Information Service.
paper which must be acid-free in furnish as NISS See National Information Services and
well as surface. Systems.
NeWS See Network extensible Window System. NIST See National Institute of Standards and
news chase Special chase of newspaper-page size Technology.
which incorporates its own locking mechanism. NLP Network layer protocol, see network layer.
newsfeed A source from which a regular ‘feed’ of NLQ See near letter quality.
Usenet newsgroups can be obtained. NNI See network to network interface.
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NNTP See Network News Transfer Protocol. change means 1 and no change at the bit bound-
no break area In text setting, a defined sequence ary means 0. It is also called transition coding.
of words or characters within which hyphen- non-scratch inks Inks resistant to marking.
ation is disallowed for grammatical or contex- non-tarnish paper Paper free from chemicals
tual reasons. which will tarnish metal surfaces in contact
NOC See network operations center. with it.
node A host or device attached to a network or, non-volatile memory Memory (e.g. bubble
more strictly, a point in a network where com- memory) that retains information when the
munications lines terminate or where a device power supply is removed.
is connected to the communications lines. Also non-woven material See imitation cloth.
used to describe a hypertext or HTML docu- non-WYSIWYG Standard typewriter-style dis-
ment. play.
no flash Photosetting command which prevents Nordsen binder Device which applies a line of
exposure of characters. Used to create space of glue beneath the shoulder of a book-block to
specific length. reinforce the casing-in process. Useful for
noise Unwanted signals or information which heavy books.
interferes with the required information. This normal ‘Upright’ letters as distinct from italic.
may be literal noise in telecommunications; it Also called roman or plain.
may be visual in computer graphics, where notch binding A form of unsewn binding in
there are, say, spots on an image; or it may be which notches are punched in the backs of the
metaphorical in the sense that a communica- sections as they are folded on the folding
tion contains irrelevant information which machine, and glue applied in through the
obscures the real message. notches to hold the leaves together. Also called
nominal weight American system of specifying slotted binding. (See also burst binding.)
basis weight of paper. notes Explanations at the bottom of page or end
non-consumable textbook Textbook which will of book expanding on material in the text.
be re-used constantly rather than written in. Endnotes are at the end of the book, footnotes
non-counting keyboards Keyboards which can- at the bottom of the page.
not access justification logic and whose output Not Yet Published (NYP) Answer in book distri-
therefore must be further processed by a CPU. bution indicating that a book is not yet avail-
non-destructive cursor A VDU cursor that can be able for sale.
moved about the screen without altering or Novell The company that sells NetWare, the
destroying displayed characters. most widely used operating system software
non-image area Area on a lithographic plate that for local area networks (LANs).
does not take ink and will therefore not be Novell NetWare Operating system for local area
printed. network from Novell running on Ethernet. Uses
non-impact printing Electronic methods of IPX/SPX, and NetBIOS or TCP/IP network pro-
image transfer without striking paper. See tocols. It supports various operating systems:
inkjet printer, laser printer. MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, Macintosh and
non-interlaced Not using interlacing. Unix.
non-lining figures See old-style figures. np New paragraph
nonpareil Obsolete term for 6pt type. NREN See National Research and Education
non-printing codes Codes that are directions for Network.
the printer, not a printed character. NRS See Name Registration Scheme.
Non-ranging figures See non-lining figures. NRZ See non-return to zero.
non-reflective ink Light-absorbing ink used to NRZI See non-return to zero inverted.
print machine-readable characters. ns A nanosecond.
non-reproducing blue See drop-out blue. NSF See National Science Foundation.
non-returnable Cannot be returned. NSFNET See National Science Foundation
non-return to zero (NRZ) A binary encoding Network.
technique in which symbols 1 and 0 are repre- nslookup A Unix program for querying an
sented by high and low voltages with no return Internet Domain Name Server to find the
to the zero reference voltage between bits. Internet address corresponding to a given host
non-return to zero inverted (NRZI) A binary name or vice versa.
encoding technique in which a signal is inverted NT See Windows NT.
for 1 and not inverted for 0, so that a voltage NTIS See National Technical Information Service.
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 125
NTP See Network Time Protocol. from one application, as an object, in another
NTSC See National Television Standards application, but also to edit the data in the orig-
Committee. Also used to describe the US tele- inal application without leaving the appli-
vision format defined by the Committee. cation in which the data has been included.
null characters Characters that have no effect on OLE-2 is an improved version of OLE-1 and is
the meaning of a sequence of characters. May a full implementation of object orientation,
be used to pad fields to a required length or to allowing access to parts of applications without
fill in gaps between data blocks. Note that a loading the full application associated with the
null character usually has the ASCII value 0. (It embedded object, so, e.g., a spreadsheet’s
is not the character zero, which has ASCII value @function engine could be called up from
48.) Note also that the null character does have within a wordprocessor to sum, a column of
significance in some programming languages, numbers. (See also OpenDoc.)
e.g. C. object-oriented (OO) To do with objects. Object-
null-modem A special cable that is used to con- oriented graphics and object-oriented program-
nect the serial interfaces of two computers, so ming appear to use the term in slightly different
that they can exchange data. Essentially it con- ways but, at a certain level, object-oriented
nects pin 2 (transmit) of the RS-232-C port of graphics are a particular application of object-
each computer to pin 3 (receive) of the port on oriented programming. Similarly, while the use
the other computer. It also has a male connec- of objects in Object Linking and Embedding
tor at both ends. (OLE) seems at the application level to be trans-
numbering machine On- or off-press device parent to the user, object-oriented programming
which numbers printed sheets consecutively, underlies this.
e.g. for tickets. object-oriented database (OODB) A system
nut An en quad. offering database management facilities in an
NYP Not yet published. object-oriented programming environment.
Data is stored as objects and relationships are
defined between objects. Multimedia applica-
tions can be handled as objects, with the type of
multimedia object being part of the object’s
O definition, so that it can be handled correctly
(in a similar way to associating specific appli-
cations with specific file types).
object-oriented design (OOD) A design method
OBA Optical bleaching agent. Added to the fur- in which a system is modelled as a collection of
nish of bright white papers. objects and objects are treated as belonging to
OBC Outside back cover. a class within a hierarchy of classes, each class
object A combination of data that has a well- having properties and relationships with other
defined, distinct existence. This may be a classes, including inheritance, in which proper-
graphic object, a group of database fields (see ties are ‘inherited’ from classes further up the
object-oriented database), a cell in a spread- hierarchy. Object-oriented design is one aspect
sheet, a range of cells, or even an entire spread- of object-oriented programming.
sheet or a video clip. Such objects are handled object-oriented graphic See draw-type graphic.
in object-oriented programming and used by object-oriented language A language for object-
such systems and protocols as Object Linking oriented programming. Examples are
and Embedding (OLE). Draw programs treat Smalltalk, C++, Modula-2, SIMULA-67, Java.
graphics as objects, e.g. a line, a circle, a trian- object-oriented programming (OOP) A type of
gle, an irregular shape etc. (See also object-ori- programming which operates on objects, or col-
ented design.) lections of discrete data structures (see object-
object code or object language Machine code, as oriented design). Operations that can be per-
translated from a source program. formed on particular objects form part of those
object graphics See object-oriented graphic. objects, and will be common to all objects in a
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) particular class. This has great advantages in
(Pronounced ‘olé’) A distributed object system terms of the user interface in that, as long as the
and protocol from Microsoft. A general en- interface to an object remains consistent, other
hancement to Dynamic Data Exchange, which aspects of the program can be varied as neces-
makes it possible not only to include live data sary. (See middleware.) There are an increasing
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 126
number of object-oriented languages. The Office Document Architecture (ODA) The orig-
release of Java has brought object orientation to inal name for Open Document Architecture.
the World Wide Web. offline The opposite of online. Many people
object program Program in machine code trans- read and write email messages offline and then
lated from a source program. go online to send the new messages (see offline
oblique Slanted, usually used of type, or some- reader). Offline is also used on Usenet to mean
times graphics. Note that oblique type, i.e. private, i.e. a private (email) discussion, rather
upright type slanted with the computer, is not than inclusion in a public newsgroup.
the same as italic type, i.e. a font that has been offline reader Software which allows email to be
designed as italic. However, if a sans serif type is read and written offline (generally to save tele-
used, it may only be the expert who can tell the phone costs, when users connect to a point of
difference. presence via a modem).
oblong Bound at the shorter dimension. Also, off-machine coating Coating applied to a paper
landscape. as a separate operation. Contrast on-machine
OCLC See Online Computer Library Center, coating.
Inc. offprint Part of a book or journal printed sepa-
OCR Optical character recognition. The inter- rately, e.g. an article from a journal.
pretation of typewritten characters by a offset Printing which uses an intermediate medi-
machine which scans the text and stores it in um to transfer the image onto paper, e.g. a rub-
memory, often for subsequent typesetting. ber blanket wrapped around a cylinder as in
OCR-A A typeface designed to aid machine read- offset litho.
ability. Compare OCR-B. offset letterpress See letterset.
OCR-B A machine-readable typeface that is offset lithography See offset.
designed to be more legible to humans than offset paper Any paper suitable for offset litho
OCR-A. printing.
OCR paper High-quality bond suitable for opti- offset press Lithographic press which offsets the
cal character recognition equipment. image onto a blanket before transferring it to
octal A counting system based on 8, widely used paper.
in computing, essentially because it is based on offside lay The lay opposite the operating side of
powers of two (see binary system). The octal a press. As distinct from nearside lay.
digits are 0–7 so that, e.g., the decimal number OK Press Approved for press.
12 is 14 octal, while octal 10 is equivalent to OKWC OK with corrections. Instruction to a
decimal 8. Compare binary, hexadecimal. typesetter to make corrections and then pro-
octavo Abbreviated as 8vo. The eighth part of the ceed to next stage.
traditional broadside sheet. Used to describe Old English A black letter typeface.
book sizes, e.g. Demy Octavo. Old Face Early 17th century typestyle. Also
octet Eight bits. This term is used in networking, called ‘Old Style’ and Garalde. A roman type-
rather than byte, because some systems have face such as Bembo, which has oblique, rather
bytes that are not eight bits long. than vertical, shading; no great differentiation
ODA See Open Document Architecture (origi- between fat and thin strokes; and with bracket-
nally Office Document Architecture). ed, not hairline, serifs.
ODBC Open Database Connectivity interface: a old-style figures Also called non-lining figures.
facility in Windows which allows the user to Numerals which do not align on the baseline
open and query a structured database file. but have ascenders and descenders. As distinct
oddment A book signature, with fewer pages than from modern or lining figures.
the others, which has to be printed separately. OLE See Object Linking and Embedding.
ODIF See Open Document Interchange Format. OLE-2 See Object Linking and Embedding.
ODP See Open Distributed Processing. OLTP See online transaction processing.
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer. An OEM OMR See optical mark reader/optical mark
product is one which is a rebadged and possibly recognition.
enhanced version of an original manufactured on-demand publishing The concept of printing
product, and which sells under its rebadged books one at a time from computer store ‘on
name. demand’, rather than tying up capital by print-
OFC Outside front cover. ing for stock.
offcut Superfluous pieces of paper left over when one-letter index Index with divisions by letter
the paper is cut down to the correct size. (but often including x, y and z together).
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one-shot binding Perfect binding with one OOD See object-oriented design.
applicaton of hot-melt glue only. As distinct OODB See object-oriented database.
from two-shot binding. OOP See object-oriented programming.
one-shot periodical rights One-off right to OP Out of print: information from a publisher
reprint part of a text in a single edition of a that a book is no longer available.
magazine or newspaper. OPAC See online public access catalogue.
one-sided art Paper coated on one side only opacity The quality of opaqueness in a paper.
(such as jacket art). Opacity is measured in %, with around 90%
one-up One copy of a book printed at a time. being an average for 80gsm printing paper.
one-way hash function A function that produces opaque 1. To paint out areas on film with an
a fixed-length hash code from a variable-length opaque paint. 2. The paint used in opaquing,
message. It is impossible to determine the orig- also called photopaque.
inal message from the hash code. Used in digi- opaque printing An MF printing paper with
tal signatures. high opacity.
one-way screen Half-tone screen with the lines op cit Abbreviation from the Latin ‘opere citato’
one-way only, vertically. and used to mean ‘in the work already quoted’,
onionskin Lightweight cockle-finish blank found in notes and bibliographies.
paper often used for airmail stationery. open If applied to a file, either within a pro-
online Connected, so that data can be trans- gramming environment or via a graphical user
ferred, say, to a printer or a network. interface (GUI), open means available for
Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC) manipulation (editing, printing etc.), as well as
A US not-for-profit membership organisation for writing to, so that a file must be opened
offering computer-based services and research to before it is accessible by the user or by soft-
libraries and educational organisations. Provides ware. Open is also used to refer to systems
online library services, but has also hosted which provide good connectivity. (See also
‘Electronic Journals’ online, over a dial-up link, open systems, where the term has a special
including the world’s first purely electronic jour- meaning.)
nal ‘Clinical Trials’. Previously used Guidon as open architecture In computer system design,
its principal viewing software, but has now the ability to allow for extra peripherals in
moved journals to the World Wide Web. order to expand the system at any time in the
online public access catalogue (OPAC) A term future.
used to describe any type of computerised Open Distributed Processing (ODP) A standard
library catalogue. The largest in the UK is that describing the extension of the OSI application
put up by the British Library. layer communications architecture to the
online system Originally used to describe any behaviour of the end system in order to make
system that allowed user interactivity with the possible distributed multi-vendor systems.
computer. Subsequently used to describe a OpenDoc An object linking architecture, with
large database, such as DIALOG, which similarities to OLE-2 (with which it is compati-
allowed searching and other interactivity. Now ble), developed by Component Integration
refers to almost any system accessed via a Laboratories (CILabs) and supported by lead-
modem or network, more often than not a con- ing vendors, including Apple and IBM.
nection to the Internet. OpenDoc is based on CORBA, which OLE-2 is
online transaction processing (OLTP) The pro- not, and is therefore a more open product. It
cessing of transactions by computers in real aims to enable embedding of features from dif-
time. Used widely in banking and financial ferent application programs into a single
institutions. working document in the same way as OLE-2,
on-machine coating Coating applied to the base but will work over a wider range of operating
paper on the paper machine itself. As distinct systems. Note that, although it is described as
from off-machine coating, where the base an open document architecture, this can be
paper is coated as a completely separate opera- confusing in that OpenDoc is quite different
tion, giving a superior result. from ODA and is not concerned with struc-
on-the-fly Refers to any process which occurs as tured documents in the sense that ODA and
output is being performed, such as the screen- SGML are.
ing of half-tones simultaneously with output to Open Document Architecture (ODA) (Originally
an image recorder. called Office Document Architecture.) ISO
OO See object-oriented. 8613 for describing structured documents. It
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has similarities with SGML, but also two main PostScript and TrueType technologies. En-
differences: firstly, it does not use simple ASCII dorsed by all the major font developers. It is
coding and requires special software (and ide- intended to remove font compatibility problems.
ally hardware – only prototype systems have OpenWindows A GUI server for Sun Micro-
so far been constructed); while, secondly, it pro- systems workstations.
vides not only generic coding structures based operand Item of data being operated on by pro-
on content, but also a coding system for for- gram.
matted documents, based on blocks, pages etc. operating system The underlying computer soft-
It can therefore be used to exchange formatted ware that controls the operation of a computer.
documents, in either revisable or non-revisable Operating systems include MS-DOS, Unix,
forms. See Open Document Interchange Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2 and the
Format. Macintosh operating system.
Open Document Interchange Format (ODIF) operation Result of a computer command.
The part of the ODA standard concerned with OPI See Open Pre-Press Interface.
document interchange. OPP lamination Oriented polypropylene lamina-
opening Facing pages of a book. tion. The standard book-jacket lamination film.
Open Journal Project An Electronic Libraries (e- optical brightener Dye which emits visible radi-
Lib) project concerned with automatic cross- ation. Used to ‘brighten’ paper.
referencing and hyperlinking electronic jour- optical centre The ‘visual’ centre of a page, about
nals. 10% higher than the mathematical centre.
Open Pre-Press Interface (OPI) Proprietary sys- optical character recognition See OCR.
tem which automatically replaces low resolu- optical density Light-absorbing capacity of an
tion images with high resolution images so that image area.
design work can be handled using relatively optical disc A storage medium in which laser
small files. technology is used to write to and read from
Open Software Foundation (OSF) A consortium the disk. (Note that, because certain standards
of computer companies, the aim of which was were spelt thus, the normal convention is to
to develop a Unix-based open systems stan- spell optical disc with a final ‘c’, while magnet-
dard. Its first operating system release was ic disk is spelt with a final ‘k’.) Optical discs can
called OSF/1. be analogue (audio CDs) or digital (all discs
open systems Systems that conform to Open used in computer applications). Types include
Systems Interconnect or POSIX standards, CD-ROM, CD-R, laser discs and WORM.
almost all based on the Unix operating system. optical fibre See fibre-optic transmission.
However, any system that can communicate optical letterspacing Space between letters
with other systems is often described as an which accommodates their varying shapes and
open system, particularly by vendors who gives the appearance of even space.
wish to emphasise the connectivity of their sys- optical mark reader (OMR) A scanning device
tem in contrast to the proprietary systems, such that can read pencil marks on specially
as large mainframe computers, which tied designed documents. Can either be optical
users to a single manufacturer. (similar to OCR) or use mark sensing.
Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) ISO standard- optical mark recognition (OMR) The use of an
ised network model built in seven layers in optical mark reader in mark sensing.
such a way that different operating systems can optical scanner Device that copies an image by
work together, also known as the ISO/OSI using electronic signals so that it can be dis-
seven-layer model. The layers each have a sep- played and stored on computer.
arate group of tasks and are known as: the optical storage Data stored on viewing equip-
application layer (top), presentation layer, ses- ment, such as microfiche, optical disc etc.
sion layer, transport layer, network layer, optical wand Device that reads data from a bar-
datalink layer, physical layer (bottom). code.
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) An alter- O/R address See originator/recipient address.
native term for Open Systems Interconnect. Orange One of the principal providers of mobile
(See also ISO/OSI seven-layer model.) communications networks in the UK.
open time In binding, the time between an adhe- Orange Book The US government’s document that
sive being applied and when it sets. In printing, characterises secure computing architectures and
the time an ink stays fluid on the press. defines levels A1 (most secure) through to D
OpenType A font specification combining (least secure).
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orange peel Multi-indentation effect on paper. outline font (Also described as a vector font or
order form Form on which a buyer can fill in the scalable font.) A font that is stored in terms of
detail of his intended purchase as an order to its outline shape rather than as a bitmap.
supply. Because it is a type of object-oriented graphic,
orientation In wordprocessing or DTP, the po- an outline font can be scaled to any size and
sitioning of a page or illustration on a page, the transformed, e.g. by sloping or just using the
options being described as landscape or portrait. outline. The most common types of outline
original Photograph or drawing to be reproduced. fonts are PostScript and TrueType. In addition,
original plate Letterpress plate produced by PCL 5 uses outline fonts to print. Normally, the
photo-mechanical etching as distinct from fonts are stored in association with the printer
stereotyping. or software RIP and the output bitmaps gener-
origination All the processes involved in the ated on the fly at the appropriate printer (or
reproduction of original material, including screen) resolution.
make-up, up to plate-making stages; and also outline graphics Another term for vector or
including typesetting. object-oriented graphics.
originator/recipient address (O/R address) A out of focus Blurred, not properly focussed by a
structured address used in X.400 mail. camera.
ornamented Typeface embellished with decora- out of print (OP) See OP.
tive flourishes. out of register One or more colours out of align-
ornaments Another term for dingbats. ment with the others in a piece of printing.
orphan The first line of a paragraph alone at the out-of-round Distorted paper reel.
bottom of a column or page (in printed materi- out of square Corners not cut at right angles.
al). Occasionally used to mean the last line of a out of stock (OS) Computer response to an order
paragraph at the top of a page (more common- for a book title which is no longer in stock.
ly described as a widow). Widows and orphans output Data or any form of communication com-
are generally not a problem with electronic ing out of a computer after processing.
publishing (on-screen) as the text can easily be output recorder The output half of a colour scan-
scrolled to show subsequent lines (unless a ner which records the image onto film. See also
page-based program, such as Acrobat, is used). output scanner.
orthochromatic film Photographic material output scanner The output half of a colour scan-
insensitive to red. The standard grade of pho- ner which records the image onto film, typical-
totypesetting film and origination film. ly by laser. Also known as output recorder, or
OS See out of stock. exposure unit, or film plotter.
OS/2 An operating system, originally developed outsert Item of promotional material on the out-
jointly by IBM and Microsoft Corporation and side of, rather than inside, a pack or periodical.
planned to be a successor to MS-DOS. outset See outsert.
However, once the cooperation between the out-turn sheet 1. Specimen printed sheets of a
companies ended, IBM continued to develop book dispatched to the publisher for approval.
OS/2, as OS/2 Warp, while Microsoft extended 2. Sample sheets of plain paper taken from a
its development to produce Windows NT. shipment for the purchaser to approve.
oscillator rollers Rollers that control the amount outwork Operations put out to another company
of ink that is fed to the impression cylinder. for reasons of specialism or capacity.
OSF See Open Software Foundation. overcasting Method of attaching leaves together
OSI See Open Systems Interconnect. to make a section that can be bound, in partic-
OSI seven-layer model See Open Systems ular the first and last sections.
Interconnection (OSI). overexposure Too lengthy an exposure of film,
outdent To move part of a line of text into the causing a thin, ‘chipped’, image. Underexposure
margin, contrast indent. leads to a dense, dark, murky image.
outer forme The imposed forme which forms the overhang cover Cover larger than the text pages.
outside of the sheet when folded and which Also yapp cover.
therefore contains the first page of the section. overhead In communications, all the information
Contrast inner forme. that is transmitted in addition to the user data.
outline Typeface comprising only an outline with This may include control and status informa-
no ‘solid’ area. Contrast also inline, in which tion, routing information, error-detection infor-
the characters have white inner areas against a mation and any repeated data. The term is also
bolder outline shape. used in other contexts, with a similar meaning.
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overlay 1. Transparent cover to artwork contain- data stream into discrete packets so that it can
ing instructions or additional detail. 2. Paper be transmitted over the specified medium and
used on machine cylinder to increase pressure then the packets recombined at the receiver.
on solid areas of blocks. Most often used in connection with X.25 sys-
overmatter Typeset matter which was not used tems.
in the final printing. packet driver Software for local area networks
overprinting An additional printing over a pre- (LANs) that divides data into packets for trans-
viously printed sheet. See colour blanks. mission over a network. It also reassembles the
overrun Copies printed in excess of the specified packets of incoming data so that application
printing number. programs can read the data as a continuous
overs See spoilage. stream, as if arriving at a serial port. The use of
overset See overmatter. packet drivers allows multiple applications to
oversewing Attaching single leaves to a sewn share the same network interface at the
book with thread sewing. datalink layer. Different types of packet driver
overstock Hold more stock than is required. allow applications to make more or less use of
overstrike A method by which a wordprocessor network facilities.
might produce a character not in its character set. Packet InterNet Groper (PING) A program
A Yen symbol, e.g., could be produced by print- which is used to check whether hosts can be
ing a ‘Y’ and overstriking an ‘equals’ symbol. reached. PING sends an ICMP echo request
own ends Endpapers, blank leaves at the begin- and waits for a reply, reporting success or fail-
ning and end of the text. ure, together with various statistics. The term is
Oxford hollow A hollow on the back of a book also used as a verb, so that ‘pinging’ means
which consists of a tube of brown paper running the program and sending the signal.
attached to the back of the folded sections and The acronym was probably devised in analogy
the inside of the case hollow. Used for heavy with the sound produced by ASDIC equip-
books where reinforcement is necessary. ment, when looking for submarines.
oxidation Chemical action with the oxygen in the packet radio (PR) Communication between com-
air: one of the principal ways in which sheet- puters using amateur (HAM) radio. Can be
fed offset ink dries. Oxidation also affects litho used for email etc. Can be connected through
plates, attacking the non-image area. the Internet and has a special domain in IP
Gumming up a plate helps prevent this. space. Must be used only by licensed radio
ozalid Print made by a form of diazo copying amateurs (HAMs).
process and often used for proofing film. (See packet-switched See packet switching network.
also blueprints.) packet switching network Computer-controlled
communications network in which data is
divided into ‘packets’ transmitted at high
packet switch node (PSN) A computer used in a
P packet-switched network to accept, route and
forward packets.
Packet SwitchStream (PSS) BT’s packet-switch-
ing system.
PABX See private (automatic) branch exchange. packing Paper placed next to the impression
package Set of software bought ‘off-the-shelf’ cylinder in letterpress, or the plate of blanket in
rather than specifically written for a purpose. litho, to adjust printing pressure.
package insert Promotional material contained packing density Amount of information which
in a product’s packaging. can be stored on a magnetic medium.
packager Organisation which provides complete PAD See packet assembler/disassembler.
publications ready to be marketed. page One side of a leaf.
packet A block, or specified number of bytes, page count Synonym for extent (US).
which contains both control information and page description language (PDL) In desktop
data. Can be sent by connectionless (packet publishing, software necessary for the compo-
switching) or connection-oriented communi- sition of combined text and graphics, encom-
cations. passing factors such as scaling, font rotation,
packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) Device graphics and angles. Some examples, such as
(can be hardware or software) for splitting a Adobe’s PostScript, are device-independent.
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Other PDLs include Interpress from Xerox, available for use in a paint or draw program.
DDL from Imagen Corporation and Interleaf’s The colours available in the palette will depend
RIP print. on the screen resolution (and thus the number
page layout program See desktop publishing of colours) chosen. See CMYK, RGB, colour.
(DTP). pallet Wooden base on which paper or books are
PageMaker The original DTP program; still a stored. Also known as skid and stillage. The
leading product. Its main rival is QuarkXPress. ‘European standard’ pallet size is 10003
page make-up The use of a page layout or DTP 1200mm, four-way entry. A maximum pallet
program to arrange text and pictures on a page. weight of 1000kg and maximum height of
page make-up terminal A specialised desktop 1219mm (49) is commonly specified. Typical
publishing workstation used to assemble type pallet loads might come to 1000–1250 books of
and graphics in finished page form for output average octavo size; or around 12500 sheets of
as a piece. quad demy (one tonne in 80gsm).
page printer or page-oriented printer A printer palletise To load goods on pallets.
in which the complete image of a page is Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) See Xerox
formed and then printed. Page printers gener- PARC.
ally use a page description language. Virtually pamphlet Booklet comprising only a few pages.
all printers used in graphic arts and the print- pamphlet binding See saddle-stitching.
ing industry are page printers, including panchromatic film Photographic material sensi-
imagesetters as well as laser printers. The term tive to all colours.
was originally developed to distinguish these panel Display board.
printers from line printers, such as dot matrix Panorama A browser for SGML documents, pro-
and daisywheel printers. Inkjet printers can duced by SoftQuad, Inc., which can be used in
use either method. conjunction with an HTML browser, such as
page proof Proof of a page before printing. Netscape Navigator, to view SGML documents
page pull test Test to determine the strength of over the World Wide Web.
binding of an adhesive-bound book. pantograph Mechanical apparatus for copying a
pager (Also called a bleeper.) A small personal line drawing.
radio (receive-only) which is used to alert the Pantone Proprietary name of a widely used
person using it. Models are also available colour-matching system.
which will receive short messages. Pantone Matching System (PMS) See Pantone.
page scrolling The movement, on a VDU, of an paperback Book bound with stiff paper.
entire page (or screen) of data. paper basis weight See basis weight.
pages per inch Number of pages per inch of paperboard Lightweight board in the range
thickness. US measurement of bulk. 200gsm–300gsm. See board.
Abbreviated ppi. paper master Paper plate used on small offset
page traffic Readership of a given page of a pub- machine.
lication calculated as a percentage of total read- paper surface efficiency (PSE) Printability of
ership. paper.
page view terminal VDU which can display a paper tape Strip of paper which records data as a
page in its made-up form. series of punched holes arranged in ‘channels’
paginate To display the page munbers. or ‘tracks’ across the width.
pagination Page numbering. papeterie Smooth, stiff paper used in greeting
paging Scanning text on a VDU page by page. card manufacture.
paint program A software application that pro- papier maché Repulped paper with stiffening
vides the ability to create and edit bitmaps. additives which can be used for moulding.
Also called image-editing software. (Contrast papyrus Egyptian reed from which the earliest
with a draw program, used for editing vector form of paper was made.
graphics.) paradigm Set of norms and values associated
paint-type graphic See bitmap graphic. with an operation or environment which
pair-kerning In typography, the automatic kerning becomes the accepted ‘way of doing things’.
of selected pairs of letters for better aesthetic paragraph formatting The application of a format
effect. or style (including such factors as typeface,
PAL See phase alternate/alternating line. typestyle, indents, space before and after) to a
palette An analogy to the paint palette used by whole paragraph in a desktop publishing sys-
artists, this is a window showing the colours tem or wordprocessor. (Contrast with character
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 132
formatting, where only the selected characters error. Also, unlike more complex error detec-
are affected.) tion and correction systems, it is impossible to
paragraph opener Typographic device marking tell which bit is wrong. (See also checksum.)
the start of a paragraph which needs emphasis- parity bit A check bit added to a series of binary
ing, e.g. ●. digits to make the total odd or even according
paragraph widow A very short line (one or two to the logic of the system.
words) appearing as the last line of a para- parity error An error discovered by checking the
graph anywhere on a page. To be avoided if parity.
possible. See widow. parser An algorithm or program which is used to
parallel Two parallel lines used as a symbol for check the syntactic structure of a file or struc-
footnotes. tured document. An SGML, e.g., parser checks
parallel communication Data transfer in which that a document instance (i.e. a document
each bit is transferred along its own line, in coded in SGML) corresponds to the specified
contrast to serial connection, in which bits are Document Type Definition and will report
transferred one at a time. Parallel communica- any errors. SGML parsers are often integrated
tion is generally used only over short distances, with editing programs, so that documents can
mainly because data integrity is lost over be parsed as they are created or edited.
longer distances. part-mechanical paper Paper containing up to
parallel folding Folding a sheet with all the folds 50% of mechanical pulp with the balance chem-
parallel to each other. Contrast right-angle ical pulp. Compare mechanical paper, wood-
folding. free paper.
parallel interface An interface over which parallel part-title The title of a section of a book on the
communication is carried out. Also called a recto page, see also half-title.
Centronics interface. partwork Publication issued in a number of parts
parallel port See parallel communication. which can be purchased separately and which
Usually, ‘parallel port’ describes the physical then combine to make up the whole.
connection on a computer, most frequently pass 1. One run through a printing press. 2. An
used for connecting printers. operation that realises the completion of a job
parallel transmission Data communications from input through processing to output.
method where each bit in the computer byte pass date See copy date.
travels in parallel with its fellows and bytes pass for press Authorise the final form of a pub-
arrive intact. (Contrast serial transmission.) lication for printing.
Widely used for transmission to printers. (See passive matrix A design of liquid crystal dis-
also Centronics interface.) play.
parameter A variable set to a constant value for a pass-on rate Estimated number of readers of a
specific operation. publication per copy sold.
PARC See Xerox PARC. password A secret (or private) arbitrary string of
parchment The skin of a sheep or goat which was characters which has to be typed into a com-
soaked in lime and scraped to make it smooth puter in order to allow access to a system or a
for use as a writing or painting surface in the particular program. Normally it is not dis-
Middle Ages. Also refers to a high-grade, thick, played on the screen, so that it remains private.
cream-coloured paper, made to resemble old paste To insert text or graphics from the clip-
parchment. board into an open document.
parchmentise To treat paper to make it trans- pasteboard 1. Board made from several lamina-
lucent and waterproof, like parchment. tions of thinner sheets. Also known as pasted
parenthesis A round bracket. board. Contrast homogenous board. 2. In DTP
parity The general meaning is equivalence. In programs, the area which surrounds the page
computing and communications parity usually display in a publication window.
means the number of 1s, as opposed to 0s, in a paste drier Type of drier used in inks.
byte or word. A redundant parity bit is added pasted unlined chipboard See unlined chipboard.
to each byte and this is set to make the number paster Rotary printing press device that changes
of 1 bits in the byte even (for even parity) or odd the reel of paper automatically as required.
(for odd parity). Parity bits are a basic form of paste-up Dummy or artwork comprising all the
error detection, but will detect only single bit elements pasted into position.
errors because, if an even number of the bits are patch Sub routine inserted into a program after
incorrect, then the parity bit will not show the writing.
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 133
patch corrections Small patches of corrected peer A communications unit (hardware or soft-
typesetting which are intended for pasting over ware) on the same protocol layer of a network
the original (wrong) text. as another.
patching Pasting corrections into film or artwork. peer-to-peer Network arrangement in which each
patching-up Letterpress packing during make- computer has equal power: any can hold appli-
ready. cations and data and control network traffic, as
patent base Base on which electrotypes are distinct from the more common client-server
mounted. architecture.
path The explicitly routed, node-by-node, Internet peer-to-peer network A group of computers,
address or the link between two machines. (See usually PCs, connected with network cards
also bang path.) Path is also used in computer and cable. Each workstation is as important as
operating systems to specify the order in which its peers, acting both as client and server. With
directories should be accessed when a program appropriate software, it is possible for each
(or executable file) is called. computer to see the disk drives of every com-
PBA Periodicals Barcoding Association. puter as a local drive. There is no separate file
PBEM See play by electronic mail. server.
PBM See play by electronic mail. PEIPA See Pilot European Image Processing
PBX See private (automatic) branch exchange. Archive.
PC Personal computer. Microcomputer for home pel See pixel.
or office use. PEM See Privacy Enhanced Mail.
PC/NFS A version of NFS that will allow PCs to penetration One of the ways in which inks dry.
connect over an Ethernet to a Unix system (See also absorption.)
PC-DOS Version of Microsoft’s Disk Operating pen name Name adopted by authors other than
system specific to the IBM PC. Slight, mainly their own.
insignificant, variations from MS-DOS. pen ruling Method of printing ruled sheets with
PCI See Peripheral Component Interconnect. a set of pens, under which the sheet travels.
PCL See Printer Command Language. Pentium A series of chips developed by Intel,
PCM See pulse code modulation. widely used in PCs, especially those handling
PCMCIA See Personal Computer Memory Card multimedia.
International Association. Pentium II Processor chip launched by Intel pro-
PCN See personal communication network. viding processing speeds of 233MHz and
PCS See personal communication services. 266MHz and using RISC technology.
pcx A widely used bitmap graphics format, origi- percentage dot area The percentage of a half-
nally developed for the program PC Paintbrush tone that is black as opposed to white.
by Z-Soft. The filename extension is ‘.pcx’. perfect binding Adhesive binding widely used
PD See public domain. on paperbacks. Glue is applied to the rough-
PDA See personal digital assistant. ened back edges of sections to hold them to the
pdf See portable document format. cover and each other. Also called adhesive
PDH See plesiochronous digital hierarchy. binding, cut-back binding, thermoplastic
PDL See page description language. binding, threadless binding.
PDS Public domain software. See public perfect bound Book that has perfect binding, in
domain. which leaves are attached to the spine with
PDU See protocol data unit. glue that does not dry out completely, rather
PE Printer’s error. Normally a literal in type- than by sewing.
setting. perfecting Printing both sides of a sheet at one
PeaceNet A network concerned with issues of pass. Such a press is called a perfector.
peace and social justice, including human rights, perfector Printing machine that prints both sides
disarmament and international relations. (See of a sheet of paper concurrently.
also Institute for Global Communications.) perforate To make a row of small holes in, e.g.,
pearl Old type size, similar to 5pt. paper so that a section may be torn off easily.
pebble finish Textured surface on paper, added perforated tape See paper tape.
after making or sometimes after printing. perforating Punching a series of holes in paper,
pebbling Embossing paper after printing with a either as a coding process or to facilitate tearing
pebbled pattern. off a section.
peculiars Special characters outside a normal perforating rules Letterpress steel rules which
font range. indent the sheet.
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 134
perforations The row of small holes in a sheet of Newton, will now take handwriting input. The
paper which allows a designated section to be original idea was that eventually PDAs would
torn off easily. become multi-functional, acting as telephones,
perforator Keyboard which produces punched faxes and remote terminals to other systems, as
paper tape. well as providing local services, such as a diary,
peripheral Computer input or output device scheduler etc. BT has already produced a pro-
which is not part of the main CPU, e.g. a printer. totype which straps to the wrist.
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) A personal identification device (PID) A device,
local bus designed by Intel. It is more efficient such as a magnetic card, which carries
than the VESA local bus, running at 33MHz. It machine-readable identification, so as to pro-
is used on Pentium-based computers but is vide authorisation for access to a computer sys-
processor-independent. tem. PIDs are often used in conjunction with
PERL (Practical Extraction and Report Language) PIN numbers in, e.g., automatic teller
An interpreted computer language mainly machines. (See also smartcard.)
used for processing and converting text and personal identification number (PIN) A pass-
text strings. It is widely used in developing word which is used for access, either physical
World Wide Web tools and applications. via a digital door lock, or to a computer system.
permanence Paper’s resistance to ageing. Often used in conjunction with a PID.
permanent inks Inks which do not fade. Also, personal information manager (PIM) Software
lightfast inks. that includes a diary, address book etc., as well
permanent paper Paper which is acid-free and as various other programs, which may include
made to stringent conditions for archival pur- small databases and basic spreadsheets (for
poses. The accepted standard for manufacture expenses). May well be used on a personal dig-
is laid out in American standard ANSI Z39 1984 ital assistant and potentially can be extended
and specifies neutral pH, alkaline reserve, to include personal communications.
chemical furnish, and specified tear resistance PET Polyethylene terephthalate: the most com-
and fold endurance. mon plastic used for bottles, replacing glass.
permissions 1. Permission given to a publisher petal printer See daisywheel printer.
for him to reproduce material which is some- PGP See Pretty Good Privacy.
one else’s copyright. Normally the subject of a pH Measurement of acidity or alkalinity.
fee. 2. Authorisation to read or write a file or to phase alternate/alternating line (PAL) The tele-
execute a program. Forms an integral part of vision standard used in most European coun-
the Unix operating system but, as Unix is the tries including the UK. France, which uses
operating system used by most servers on the SECAM, is the principal exception. (See also
Internet, will be encountered by anyone using NTSC.)
utilities such as ftp and telnet. phase modulation An alternative term for phase
peroxide bleaching The bleaching of woodpulp shift keying.
using hydrogen peroxide. More environment phase shift keying (PSK) A modulation tech-
friendly than chlorine bleaching which it is nique used to transmit digital information. The
steadily supplanting. phase angle of the carrier wave is changed to
personalcast See narrowcast. represent the values of different bits (or groups
personal communication network (PCN) The of bits).
communications network based on cellular and PHIGS Programmers’ Hierarchical Interactive
fixed telephone networks. (Called PCS, per- Graphics System. A three-dimensional graph-
sonal communication services, in the US.) ics standard including language-independent
personal communication services (PCS) The US functions for applications that produce com-
term for personal communication network. puter-generated images on either raster- or
Personal Computer Memory Card International vector-graphic output devices.
Association (PCMCIA) A group of manufac- Philips Dutch electronics company. Has had great
turers which developed the cards used for influence, with Sony, on the development and
peripherals in (mainly) portable/notebook com- standardisation of the CD. In particular, devel-
puters. These cards are described as PCMCIA oped compact disc interactive (CD-i) and,
cards and include memory circuits, modems, jointly with Kodak, the Kodak Photo CD.
network adapters and even disk drives. phloroglucinol Chemical used on paper to test for
personal digital assistant (PDA) A small, hand- woodfree or mechanical furnish. Phloroglucinol
held computer. Many, including the Apple is applied to a paper: if the stain remains yellow
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it is woodfree; if the stain turns red it contains photonics The optical equivalent of electronics,
mechanical pulp. The depth of colour of the red i.e. transmission of information using photons
stain indicates the percentage of mechanical fibre rather than electrons, or light instead of electri-
present. city. Often used as an equivalent for fibre optics.
phoneme In speech recognition systems, a unit of photopaque Opaquing fluid used to spot nega-
sound. Spoken words are divided into tives.
phonemes in much the same way as written photopolymer Plate coating which polymerises
words are divided into characters. (solidifies) on exposure to strong light. Used
PhoneNet A networking system connecting for long runs.
devices that are AppleTalk-compatible. It uses photopolymer plate Letterpress printing plate
ordinary telephone cabling. made with photopolymer material and once
phonetic alphabet Alphabet with special pho- used extensively for paperback printing.
netic characters which instruct the reader how photoprint Photographic print.
to pronounce the words or phrases referenced. photoproof Phototypeset proof.
phonetics Symbols designed to have a direct cor- photo retouching The modification of bitmap
respondence with sounds and used to indicate images, using image-editing software or paint
correct pronunciation. programs.
Phong shading A method of shading or rendering photosensitive Paper or film that reacts to light.
used in animation. It is similar to Gouraud sur- photosetting See phototypesetting.
face shading but instead of the colour being lin- Photoshop An image manipulation (paint) pro-
early interpolated between normals to adjacent gram from Adobe. Probably the most widely
polygons, the normals themselves are interpo- used program of its type in the graphic arts
lated, so that there is one normal per pixel in the industry.
rendering window, from which the colour photostat Trade name for a photocopy.
shades are calculated. The results are similar to phototypesetter Device for producing high-reso-
Gouraud shading, except that any reflections on lution text on photosensitive paper or film.
the surface of an object are sharper. Phong shad- phototypesetting Setting type onto photograph-
ing also allows detailed editing of the rendering. ic paper or film. Phototypesetters employ vari-
Photo CD See Kodak Photo CD. ous techniques to create the image, with com-
photocomposition Typesetting performed by a puters assisting in the operation logic.
photosetter. photounit The part of a phototypesetter in which
photocopy 1. Duplicate of a photograph. 2. Dupli- the photographic image is created and
cate of a document etc. produced on a copying exposed.
machine. pH value Measure of acidity or alkalinity of a
photoengraving Letterpress printing plate. substance. 7 = neutral; less than 7 = progressive
photogram Print made by exposure of object acidity; more than 7 = progressive alkalinity.
directly on photographic paper. physical addressing The Ethernet low-level
photogravure Gravure printing in which the addressing scheme. Uses a 48-bit address in a
cylinder image is photographically produced. single packet. (See also Internet address.)
photolettering Method of setting display-sized physical layer The lowest layer in the OSI seven-
type from photographic fonts. layer model. It is concerned with the electrical
photolithography Lithographic process with and mechanical connections and MAC. It is
photographically produced plate image. used by the datalink layer. Typical physical
photomechanical Assembled type and/or illus- layer protocols are CSMA/CD and token ring.
trations as film ready for platemaking or fur- pic Abbreviation for picture. Plural: pix.
ther processing. pica A typographical unit of measurement. Each
photomechanical composition Filmsetting, see pica is divided into 12 points. Although origi-
photocomposition. nally 6 picas equalled 0.996 of an inch, in the
photomechanical transfer Abbreviated to PMT. development of PostScript the point has been
Paper negative which produces a positive print standardised so that there are 72 points per inch
by a process of chemical transfer. Extensively (thus on a screen with 72 pixels per inch, one
used for line artwork and screened prints. pixel equals one point). Although most desktop
photomontage Print comprising several other publishing, wordprocessor and graphics pro-
photographs. grams allow size specification in inches or cen-
Photon Proprietary name for a photosetter once timetres, typographic units are almost always
widely used. another option. Typesize is always specified in
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 136
points. Pica was also used for typewriters with pigment foil Foil which is of coloured pigment
10 characters per inch, as opposed to elite, rather than imitation gold or silver.
which had 12 characters per inch. Pica and elite PII See Publisher Item Identifier.
are sometimes used to describe typefaces, but Pilot European Image Processing Archive
really refer to pitch. (See also font size.) (PEIPA) Archive at the University of Essex,
pi characters Special characters outside the nor- UK, devoted to image processing, computer
mal alphabetic range and not normally con- vision and computer graphics.
tained in a standard font, e.g. special maths PIM See personal information manager.
symbols. PIN See personal identification number, posi-
pick Fibres that have been pulled from the paper tive intrinsic negative.
surface by smudges of ink on the printing Pine (Program for Internet News & Email.) A
plate. menu-driven program, running under Unix,
pick-away See pull-away. for reading, editing, sending, and managing
picking The lifting of areas of paper surface dur- electronic messages.
ing printing which happens when ink tack is pin feed The method of feeding continuous sta-
stronger than the surface strength. tionery by lining up pins on the machines with
PICS See Platform for Internet Content a series of small holes in the paper.
Selection. pin feed platen A printer cylinder that feeds
PICT A graphic file format used on the Apple paper through the machine via sprocket holes.
Macintosh for draw-type (vector) graphics PING See Packet InterNet Groper.
files. The format uses QuickDraw to display ping Alternative name for the Portable Network
images on-screen. PICT is not PostScript-com- Graphics format.
patible and the incompatibilities can lead to pinholes 1. Small holes in paper surface. 2. Small
unpredictable results. holes in the dense black image area of a nega-
pictogram Pictorial symbol for a word, phrase or tive which let through the light, and need to be
chart statistics. spotted out using an opaquing fluid.
picture element See pixel. Pink operating system An object-oriented oper-
picture list List of illustrations intended for a ating system developed jointly by IBM and
book drawn up by a picture researcher. Apple. Also called Taligent.
Picture Quality Scale (PQS) A system in which pinless Refers to the elimination of the standard
image quality is rated on the basis of image fea- pin mechanisms which control paper webs
tures that are perceived by the human eye, going through folders.
rather than on the signal-to-noise ratio, in pin register system The use of holes and pins to
which quality is assessed pixel by pixel. provide a system of aligning copy, film and
picture research The process of locating illustra- plates in register. The Protocol system is one of
tions for a book from picture libraries, museums, the best known. Also punch register system.
galleries etc. pipelining Breaking information up into packets
PID See personal identification device. which traverse networks successively. This
pie Jumbled type. Sometimes spelt pi. leads to fewer network delays.
piece fractions Fractions built up typographical- pipe roller The roller on a web press that rotates
ly out of more than one piece of type. freely.
pie chart A graphic diagram representing a pie, Pipex A UK Internet provider to other commer-
the portions of which vary to indicate values or cial companies and public-sector organisations.
percentages. Services include a commercial internetworking
pierced block Letterpress block with a hole cut service and a backbone with multiple interna-
through it to leave a large area of white on tional links. Pipex uses re-sellers connected to
impression. its backbone to provide services to end-users.
PIF Print image file: the printing format generat- piping Small ridges on the paper surface.
ed by the pdf RIP in Agfa’s Apogee system. PIRA Printing Industries Research Association:
piggyback form A continuous-stationery tractor- British organisation that does research into
fed carrier designed to feed headed stationery printing techniques and offers advice and staff
and envelopes into a printer. training to member companies.
pigment The constituent of a printing ink that pitch The horizontal spacing of printer charac-
gives it its colour. ters. Common pitches are 10, 12, and 15 (10, 12
pigmented paper Size-press coated or light- or 15 characters to the linear inch).
coated paper. pitch edge The edge of the sheet which is fed into
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 137
a printing or folding machine. Also known as establish the correct positioning for the real text
the gripper edge or leading edge. and the correct typography for it.
pix Pictures, particularly photographs. plain ‘Upright’ letters as distinct from italic. Also
pixel An abbreviation for ‘picture element’ (or ‘pic- called roman or normal.
ture cell’). The smallest resolvable rectangular plain ASCII Means just the real ASCII charac-
area that can be displayed on-screen or stored in ters including none of the extended ASCII
memory. In a monochrome image the pixel may characters. See flat ASCII.
be just black or white but, if grey scales are used, plaintext A message before encryption or after
then each pixel will have its own brightness, decryption, in its readable form, rather than its
from 0 for black to the maximum value (255 for encrypted form. (Compare with ciphertext.)
an 8-bit pixel) for white. On a colour monitor, planer Block of wood used to tap letterpress type
each pixel is made up of a triple of red, green and into place on the surface of the stone.
blue phosphors (see RGB) and each is controlled planning All the processes involved in imposi-
by a number of bits (see 8-bit colour, 24-bit tion, laying pages down onto foils in imposi-
colour). This will affect the palette and will be tion sequence etc., ready for platemaking.
related to the screen resolution. (Compare planographic printing Printing from a flat (as
voxel.) distinct from indented or relief) image, e.g.
pixel depth The number of bits of information litho.
contained in each pixel of information scanned Plantin Widely used typeface designed by
or displayed. Scanners will typically run 8 bits Christopher Plantin.
per pixel, resolving 256 shades of grey overall plastic plate Letterpress printing plate made of
in the case of grey-scale images or 16.7 million plastic.
shades of colour overall in the case of full- plastic proof Proof such as Cromalin,
colour images. In the case of colour images, not Matchprint etc. made by exposing colour sepa-
all the shades may be capable of display on rations to a special material which images in
many monitors – see CLUT. the process colours corresponding to each sep-
pixel editing The ability to examine and delete aration. Also called a dry proof. As distinct
individual pixels, typically around the outside from a machine proof (wet proof) which is
of images, in order to tidy up outlines. made by printing from plates.
pixels per inch Measurement of graphic resolu- plastic wrapping Wrapping magazines in poly-
tion. See pixel. thene, usually by machine.
pixmap (A contraction of ‘pixel map’.) A three- plate 1. A one-piece printing surface. 2. Single
dimensional array of bits that corresponds to a leaf printed on separate paper and attached to
two-dimensional array of pixels, so that proper- a book.
ties or attributes can be associated with specific plate cylinder The press cylinder which carries
pixels. Can be thought of as a stack of N the plate.
bitmaps. Is used in X windows and QuickDraw plate finish High, calendered finish given to
GX. Improves handling of icon images and ani- paper.
mation. A pixmap can be used only on the screen plate folder See buckle folder.
on which it was created. plate hooked and guarded Printed plate fixed
PKUNZIP A program for decompressing files into a book by extending the back margin
compressed with PKZIP. under a signature and sewing it in.
PKZIP Probably the most widely used file com- platen Small letterpress printing machine on
pression and archiving utility on PCs. Also which the paper is pressed up against the ver-
used for transferring files over the Internet. It tically-held type-bed.
uses a variation on the sliding window plate scanning Electronic scanning of a press-
compression algorithm. (See also PKUNZIP, ready plate generating a magnetic file which
gzip.) There is also a related Windows version, can be used to set the printing machine ink
WinZip. keys for make-ready. (See also CCI.)
PL/1 An early structured programming lan- plate section Printed illustrations separated from
guage, devised in the mid-1960s by IBM, and the text matter and often on different paper.
containing many of the features of FORTRAN, platesetter Imaging unit on a CTP device which
ALGOL and COBOL. exposes the plate either by laser or by thermal
placeholder In DTP, a piece of specimen text imaging techniques.
placed in position on a page template for sub- plate size A size of negative or photographic
sequent replacement by the real text. Used to print 80 3 60.
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plates joined on the guard Two printed plates plug-in A term describing applications associat-
joined by adhesive at the back margin to form ed with Netscape Navigator (although the
a four-page section. term is now used more widely). Plug-ins are
platesunk Area of paper compressed (for display rather like applets, in that they enable certain
purposes) below the surrounding surface by a types of file, e.g. QuickDraw movies, to be
forcing plate. accessed from within Netscape Navigator.
platform A rather loose term, which means a ply Layer of paper or board joined to another for
combination of a particular computer and strength, thus: 2-ply, 3-ply etc.
operating system. PMS See Pantone Matching System.
Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) PMT See photomechanical transfer.
An infrastructure for associating labels (meta- PNG See Portable Network Graphics, ping.
data) with Internet content. Originally de- POC See point of contact.
signed to help parents and teachers control pocket portable A portable microcomputer
what children access on the Internet, it can also developed from, and in general terms little
be used to cover other aspects, including pri- more use than, pocket calculators.
vacy and intellectual property rights. POE See PowerOpen Environment.
plating Fitting the plates to the plate cylinder. point 1. A typographical unit of measure, one-
The plating sequence is the order in which they twelfth of a pica. (See pica for more details.)
are affixed to the cylinder. 2. To locate a pointing device (usually the cursor,
play by electronic mail (PBEM, PBM) A kind of controlled by a mouse) on a screen item, such as
game in which the players use email to com- a word, menu or icon, in a graphical user inter-
municate. A natural extension of ‘play by mail’ face (GUI). See point-and-click.
games in which the players use snailmail. point-and-click To point at something on the
Playstation A games console produced by Sony. screen and then click a mouse button. This is a
plesiochronous Nearly synchronised. A term common way of selecting an item, such as an
describing a communication system where icon, a menu item or a word in a graphical
transmitted signals have the same nominal digi- user interface (GUI). However, it is a some-
tal rate, described as bit-synchronous, but are what generic, not to say ambiguous, term, in
synchronised on different clocks of comparable that sometimes it means point-and-click (once),
accuracy and stability. Signals can be regarded sometimes it means point and double-click,
as plesiochronous if significant events occur at while occasionally it really means point and
nominally the same rate, with any variation in then hold the mouse button down.
rate constrained within specified limits. PointCast A free service, based on push technol-
plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH) A trans- ogy and providing personalised delivery of
mission system for voice and data communica- public information, such as news, weather,
tion using plesiochronous synchronisation. sport etc. Displays the information in a screen
PDH is the conventional multiplexing tech- saver. A later rival service is HeadLiner. (See
nology for networks, including ISDN, but is also BackWeb, Castanet, Netscape Netcaster.)
gradually being replaced by SONET and other pointer 1. Arrow-shaped cursor, used in DTP
SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) schemes. systems. See pointing device. 2. Within certain
Plexus A World Wide Web server. computer programming languages, pointers
plot To draw an image or graph from variables or are used to describe the location of data. (See
information supplied as a series of coordinates. also hash table.)
plotter Device which draws graphics from com- pointing device A device used to control the
puter instructions using either laser techniques movement of a pointer or cursor on the screen,
or mechanical techniques. See imagesetter. usually in a graphical user interface (GUI). The
plotter font See outline font. mouse is the most common pointing device.
plough Hand cutter used for cutting the edges of pointlining Beard on typefounders’ type.
cased books. point of contact (POC) An individual who is
PLR See Public Lending Right. associated with a particular Internet entity
plucking See picking. (network, domain, ASN etc.).
plug compatibility Pertaining to the manufacture point of presence (PoP) A site, run by an Internet
of equipment that can be connected to that pro- service provider, which users can access via
duced by other manufacturers via cable and modem or ISDN connections. Such a site will
plug. A form of connection commonly employed usually have banks of modems and other
in IBM PC and compatible microcomputers. telecommunications, together with access to an
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 139
Internet backbone. PoPs may be geographically porosity The degree to which a paper is porous to
distributed to improve access and keep tele- air. Very open, porous papers give difficulties
phone costs down. Virtual PoPs may also be with feeding.
accessible through third parties. port An input and/or output connection to or
point of sale (POS) The place in a shop (or other from a computer.
business operation) where a sale is transacted, portability In software terms, the design of pro-
e.g. a supermarket checkout. grams that allows them to be run on more than
point-of-sale terminal (POS terminal) A comput- one computer system. An identical name is no
er terminal (often part of the checkout equip- guarantee of portability. BASIC, e.g., has many
ment, or cash register) used in shops to input dialects, few of which are truly portable.
and output data at the point of sale. At a POS portable computer A computer which has all its
terminal, information about items sold is input, constituent parts (processor, disk drives, key-
often using a barcode or Kimball tag. Details of boards, display and power source) in a single
price etc. are then retrieved from a central com- enclosure and weighs less than 30lbs.
puter and a fully itemised receipt is printed. portable document Any document – for
The transaction may also provide input to a instance, in pdf format, SGML or HTML –
stock-control system and be used for aspects of which can be transferred between systems.
market research. In addition, it may be possible portable document format (pdf) The format
for electronic funds transfer to be carried out used by Adobe Acrobat files. Note that pdf
from the POS terminal. See EFTPOS. files are not the only portable documents.
point system The main system of typographic Portable Network Graphics (PNG) A graphics
measurement. 1pt = 0.351mm (0.0138370) (See format for compressed, lossless bitmapped
also Didot, pica.) image files. Introduced to replace GIF, partly
point-to-point A circuit connecting two nodes because of GIF’s shortcomings, but also
directly. because Unisys is claiming copyright to LZW
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) The protocol compression, which is the basis of GIF.
which provides the Internet standard method Portable Pixmap (PPM) A colour image file
for transmitting IP packets over serial point- format. See graphic file format.
to-point links. PPP was designed to be an portal Web site ‘gateway’ for a generically
improvement on SLIP, operating both over grouped range of subjects, products or services.
asynchronous connections and bit-oriented Many portals aim to provide ‘one-stop shops’
synchronous systems. for their communities of users.
poke A high-level language instruction designed portrait The orientation of a picture, screen or
to place a value into a specific memory location. page, such that its height is greater than its
Polite Agent A patented agent that is part of width. Most books and journals are portrait.
BackWeb and monitors online activity. (See also landscape, aspect ratio.)
polling Checking every so often to see if an oper- POS See point of sale.
ation needs to be carried out, e.g. if there is positive An image on film or paper in which the
email to be transferred from a server. The term dark and light values are the same as the origi-
is sometimes also used to include actually car- nal, as distinct from negative.
rying out the operation itself. positive intrinsic negative (PIN) A type of detec-
polymerisation Drying of ink by ultraviolet tor used in fibre-optic data links.
curing. positive-working plates Litho plates which are
polythene wrapping See plastic wrapping. exposed using positives.
polyviny chloride See PVC. POSIX An acronym loosely based on ‘portable
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) Synthetic cold-melt operating system interface for computing en-
glue used in binding. vironments’, the ‘X’ indicating the association
POP See Post Office Protocol. with Unix. A set of IEEE standards that describes
POP3 Version 3 of the Post Office Protocol. how applications can be written so that they can
Email software often provides this as an alter- run unchanged on different systems. This was
native to SMTP. one approach to making interfaces to operating
pop-up menu A menu that is brought to the screen systems vendor-independent. Unix was the basis
by clicking on a word or icon, which can be any- of POSIX but subsequently other vendors have
where on the screen, or even in some appli- changed their (proprietary) operating systems to
cations just by clicking the right mouse button. become POSIX-compliant, which means that
pop-ups Cardboard cut-outs which stand erect. they provide an open systems interface and are
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 140
able to communicate with all other POSIX-com- cheaper (partly because there is no royalty pay-
pliant systems. Open Systems Interconnect ment to Adobe) or provide features not avail-
(OSI) is a related approach to solving the same able in PostScript itself.
problem. PostScript fonts See outline fonts, which form
post To send an email message to a mailing list part of the PostScript language. It was in
or a newsgroup. (Contrast with mail, which is PostScript that such fonts were first widely
generally used to mean sending a message to used. There are two types of font, Type 1 and
specific recipients.) Type 3. Type 1 fonts use hinting and Adobe’s
post, telephone and telegraph administration proprietary format, while for Type 3 fonts there
(PTT) A provider of a public telecommuni- is no hinting and the format is publicly avail-
cations service, e.g. British Telecom in the UK able. Type 1 fonts can be interpreted by Adobe
and the Bell operating companies in the US. May Type Manager (ATM) for display on-screen,
also be involved with setting national standards while Type 3 cannot. Similar font technologies
and policy on telecommunications issues. are TrueType and QuickDraw GX. A new font
post-binding Type of binding that uses metal specification, OpenType, has recently been
posts that pass through holes punched in the developed with the aim of removing font com-
loose leaves. patibility problems. (See also Supra.)
poster A single sheet in a large size printed on PostScript interpreter A piece of software spe-
one side only for public display. cially written to convert PostScript files to a dif-
posterisation A technique in which the number ferent code command set supported by a non-
of colours or grey levels in a bitmap image is PostScript output device.
reduced, with the effect that there is no longer PostScript Level 2 An improved version of
a continuous variation in the shades. Paint PostScript featuring better handling of colour
(image editing) programs often have this as an half-tone screening and colour matching; com-
editing option. pression for large files; and more facilities for
poster paper One-sided glazed paper with rough handling Japanese Kanji and other Asian-lan-
underside suitable for pasting. guage fonts. Not all PostScript printers will
poster type See woodtype. handle Level 2 and many users will not require
postmaster Both the person who supervises elec- most of the features. (See also Supra.)
tronic mail at a particular site on the Internet PostScript Level 3 The latest version of PostScript,
and a special email address set up to which any intended to provide enhanced image technology,
messages regarding the email service at that faster page processing, closer integration with
site, e.g. problems or queries, should be sent. the World Wide Web and ‘PlanetReady’ printing
This allows messages to be aliased to the per- to handle local language needs in different parts
son who is acting as postmaster (not necessari- of the world.
ly the same person all the time). pot The container for molten metal on a type-
Post Office Protocol (POP) A protocol designed to casting machine.
allow single-user hosts to access mail from a potboiler Work written to make the author a liv-
server, either over a network or a modem link. ing, often of questionable merit.
There are three versions: POP, POP2 and POP3, POTS Plain old telephone system. See public
and the latter two are not backwards compatible. switched telephone network.
These versions were developed to make the pro- powdering Build-up of paper dust on a blanket.
tocol available to a wider range of hosts. POP3 is powderless etching Method of etching letter-
often used as an alternative to SMTP. press line plates in one step.
PostScript Adobe System’s proprietary page Power Macintosh See Apple Computer ’s
description language. Achieved prominence Macintosh, based on the PowerPC chip. A sig-
through its adoption by Apple, and by far the nificant difference from earlier Macintoshes is
most widely used PDL. that, although it is designed to be used with the
PostScript clone A raster image processor (hard- Macintosh operating system, System 7.5, other
ware or software) that will interpret PostScript, operating systems can also be used. (See also
but is not using the true Adobe PostScript inter- PowerOpen Environment.)
preter. These processors are also described as PowerOpen Environment (POE) A definition
PostScript compatible. Such interpreters, e.g. containing API and ABI specifications based
Ghostscript, may either be available as public on the architecture of the PowerPC processor. It
domain software or – even if they are commer- is similar to POSIX, but goes further as it
cial products, such as Hyphen – they may be includes binary compatibility.
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power pack The component which supplies (and prepress proofs Proofs made by techniques other
controls) electrical current to other computer than printing.
components. pre-print Previously printed matter which is
PowerPC A RISC microprocessor jointly designed then re-wound ready for running in with
by Motorola, IBM and Apple Computer. Used in another printed job. Often colour advertising
the Power Macintosh and various IBM models. intended for running in with black and white
pp Pages. newspaper work.
PPA Periodical Publishers Association. preprinted Part of a job printed before the main
ppi Pages per inch. American method of specify- run through the press.
ing the thickness of paper. The European mea- presensitised plate Offset litho plate supplied by
suring system is the micron or volume. the manufacturer with a light-sensitive coating,
PPM See Portable Pixmap. e.g. an offset litho plate. Often shortened to
ppm Pages per minute (laser printing). Standard ‘presen plate’.
rates vary from 8–20 ppm for most of the com- presentation graphics A program which can be
monly used laser printers. used for slide presentations. Such presenta-
PPP See Point-to-Point Protocol. tions can now usually incorporate a range of
PQS See Picture Quality Scale. multimedia features and can be presented elec-
PR See packet radio. tronically.
precision cutting Sheeting paper to very fine tol- presentation layer The second-highest layer (layer
erances to avoid further guillotining. 6) in the ISO seven-layer model. This layer is
precision register quoins Quoins on which the concerned with aspects such as text compression
degree of adjustment can be set precisely. (encryption) and code or format conversion.
preface Formal statement before the text of a Provides service to the application layer and
book by the author. As distinct from foreword. accesses the features of the session layer.
preferred position Advertisement location Presentation Manager The graphical user inter-
which an advertiser would prefer for his copy face (GUI) in IBM’s OS/2 operating system.
if it is available. press 1. Generic term for all periodicals. 2. Print-
prefix Word attached to the beginning of anoth- ing machine.
er word to adjust or qualify its meaning, e.g. press after correction Instruction to proceed to
ex-, non-. printing after final corrections.
preflighting or preflight checking The process press costs The costs associated with printing
of checking files using a software program in and manufacturing a job from plates onwards.
order to pre-empt problems at production As distinct from prepress costs.
stages further down the line. Typical checks pressing Flattening folded sections before bind-
and diagnostics include validating graphics file ing.
formats embedded in applications, fonts, page presspahn hollow A hollow made of a strip of
geometry, trapping characteristics, blends. brown reinforced card applied to the inside of
prekissing Paper and blanket making contact too the spine of a cased book. Less rigid than a
early, resulting in a double impression. board hollow, more durable than paper.
prelims Abbreviation of preliminary matter. The press proof Proof taken from the press after
matter in a book which precedes the text. make-ready but before the full run.
Premiere Desktop video editing software from press release News of an event sent to the press
Adobe. for publication.
premium book Book offered to purchasers of press section In papermaking, the section of the
another book or series, or at a specially reduced paper machine where the web of paper is first
price to attract people to subscribe to a book club. pressed before it is passed on to the drying
prepress The entire range of operations which cylinders.
come before the press or printing stages in a pressure-sensitive Adhesive when pressure is
publishing project. They include author costs, applied.
illustration costs, typesetting, origination and presswork The work or management of a print-
make-up, and typically finish at the stage of ing press, also called ‘machining’.
final files or films ready for platemaking. Prestel Viewdata service provided by BT, in
prepress costs All the costs associated with which information is presented on a television
bringing a job ready for press up to but not screen but accessed via the telephone network.
including printing the first copy. As distinct Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) A high-security RSA-
from press costs. based public-key encryption application for
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of DES and RSA encryption methods. (See also programming A sequential list of instructions by
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), RIPEM.) which a computer performs its designated tasks.
private (automatic) branch exchange (PABX/ Programs may be written in one of many high-
PBX) A switching telephone exchange located level languages or a low-level language. High-
within an organisation to connect users both level languages are often suitable for amateur or
internally and to the public telephone network. hobby use while low-level languages would
private circuit Circuit limited to preselected users. almost certainly only be used by professional
private key See public-key encryption. programmers.
private line Another term for a dedicated circuit progressive proofs or progs Proofs of each plate
or line. in a colour set showing each colour alone and
process blue, red, yellow Used to indicate the in combination with the others as a guide to
cyan, magenta and yellow colours of the four- colour matching, at the printing stage. (See also
colour process inks. bastard progressives.)
process camera Camera designed for the various progs Progressives, or progressive proofs.
photographic processes involved in printing, Project Gutenberg A collection of electronic texts
as distinct from original photography. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-
process colour(s) The four colours CMYK, used Champaign, US, available for wide distribution
in printing and the colour separation process. over the Internet. The first text online was the
(See also four-colour process.) Declaration of Independence and it is hoped to
process colour printing Printing of colour plates have 10000 texts by the year 2001.
using four-colour plates. projection platemaking equipment Equipment
process engraving Letterpress engraving. such as the Rachwal or DaiNippon SAPP sys-
process inks Cyan, magenta, yellow and black tems which make plates by exposing from
formulated as a set of four to print colour. 35mm or 70mm roll microfilms mounted in the
process lens Photographic lens designed for head of computer-controlled step-and-repeat
graphic arts work. machines. The microfilm contains the pages of
process plates Half-tone colour plates for four- the job shot sequentially; the step-and-project
colour process printing. machine is programmed to locate and expose
process set The four process inks. each page in imposition order onto the plate.
process white Special white paint used to cover PROLOG An acronym for PROgramming in
over unwanted block lines on artwork. LOGic languages. PROLOG has been developed
process work Four-colour printing. for use in artificial intelligence applications and
Procomm A PC-based communications program has been adopted by the Japanese as the main
used for accessing bulletin boards. There are language for their fifth-generation computers.
various versions for both DOS and Windows. PROM Programmable Read Only Memory.
Prodigy An online service developed in the US Stores programs which cannot be altered by the
by IBM and Sears (an advertising company). user. (See also firmware.)
Provides electronic mail and information, as PROM burner See PROM programmer.
well as shopping and travel arrangements. promiscuous mode A communications mode in
Includes commercials. Also acts as a host for which all packets are accepted, irrespective of
World Wide Web pages, which can be accessed their actual destination addresses.
(and downloaded) in the usual way. PROM progammer A device designed to write
pro-forma invoice Invoice drawn up to show the data to a PROM chip.
value of goods, and needed either for docu- prompt A message, usually displayed but some-
mentation purposes or to obtain pre-payment. times audible, requesting an action from a com-
program The complete set of instructions which puter user.
control a computer in the performance of a task. proof A trial printed sheet or copy, made before
program counter The register that contains the the production run, for the purpose of checking.
address of the next program instruction to be proof copy Page proofs of a book bound in a paper
executed. cover and distributed for publicity purposes.
program library A suite of general purpose com- proof corrections Corrections made to the text,
puter programs held on backing store. layout or illustrations on proofs.
programmable Any device that can receive, store proofing Process of producing proofs of a book
and act on a computer program. so that the contents, text, design etc. can be
programmer The person employed to write, checked for errors.
develop or maintain computer programs. proofreader’s marks Symbols used by a proof-
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 144
reader for marking corrections on proofs. See protocol stack A set of protocols which work
Appendix. together on a layered model to provide a set of
proofreading Post-typesetting stage in the pro- communications functions, so that each layer
duction process where the author and a reader uses the protocols of the layer below it to provide
check the proofs for errors, omissions etc. a service to the layer above. The OSI seven-layer
proofs Pages of typeset text, returned to a pub- model provides a standard framework within
lisher for correction by, e.g., author and proof- which such a protocol stack can be defined.
reader. prove To pull a proof.
propagation delay The time taken for a signal to provincial press Newspapers circulating in
travel from one end of a transmission channel to regional areas.
the other. Within optical fibres, signals travel at proximity search A searching technique in
the speed of light, while the propagation speed which, e.g., one is able to search for the occur-
in electrical cables is half to three-quarters of rence of a group of characters within, say, 20
that. (Compare with latency.) words of another group or groups.
proportional fonts See proportional spacing. proxy Using one Internet address name to mean
proportional spacing Spacing letters in text so that another. This is usually done by a host answer-
each takes up its own width, rather than all ing Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
taking the same width (see monospaced fonts). requests intended for another host and rerouting
Thus ‘m’ and ‘w’ take up a comparatively wide packets to the actual destination. A listserv is a
space and ‘i’ a narrow one. Virtually all material kind of proxy.
is now set in proportionally spaced fonts, proxy gateway See proxy server.
whether for printing or display on the screen. In proxy server A server which controls indirect
one sense, monospaced fonts can now be seen as access to an Internet server, so that external sys-
a transient development, forced on users by the tems excluded for security reasons by a firewall
limitations of the mechanical typewriter; can communicate (also described as a proxy
handwriting is, after all, proportionally spaced. gateway). The term is also used, particularly on
proprietary software Manufacturers’ off-the- the World Wide Web, to describe a server that
shelf software packages holds a cache of files or documents, in order that
Prospero A distributed file system containing vir- they can be accessed more quickly or easily. Any
tual files on a central host, each one representing documents requested which it does not hold it
an Internet resource. For example, a file may will obtain from the remote server and save a
represent a telnet session to a particular host or copy so that when the user next requests that
a file which is available using ftp, together with document it will be available more quickly.
the information needed to obtain that file. PS, ps Both an abbreviation for PostScript and
Prospero can thus be used to integrate Internet the file extension which is often used for
information services, including Gopher, WAIS, PostScript files.
Archie, and the World Wide Web. PS/2 IBM’s Personal System /2 line of computers.
protective ground Electrical connection between PSDN See public switched data network.
two electronic devices designed to prevent PSE Paper surface efficiency.
damage to either. Protective ground is typically PSK See phase shift keying.
provided in an RS-232-C interface via pin 1. PSN See packet switch node.
Compare signal ground. PSS See Packet SwitchStream.
protocol In general, an agreed set of rules on how PSTN See public switched telephone network.
something should be carried out. In communi- psychrometer Instrument used for determining
cations and networks, these govern areas such relative humidity (RH).
as data format, timing, sequencing, access and PT Precision trimmed (paper).
error control and syntax of messages. Different PTR Acronym for paper tape reader.
layers of the OSI seven-layer model use differ- PTT See post, telephone and telegraph admini-
ent protocols. stration.
protocol converter A program or hardware publication The printing and issuing of a book,
device to translate between different protocols newspaper etc. for public readership.
concerned with the same function. publication window In DTP, the basic window
protocol data unit (PDU) A packet of data which which appears when a document is being
is passed across a network at a specific layer of worked on. It comprises one or two pages, the
the OSI seven-layer model using a specific pasteboard, page icons, the pointer, scroll bars,
protocol. title bar, menu bar etc.
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 145
public carrier A provider of a public telecommu- publisher’s list price The price of a book as
nications service. See PTT. reported in a publisher’s list.
public domain (PD) If intellectual property publisher’s reader Person employed by a publish-
(books, computer programs, images etc.) is in er to read and report on submitted manuscripts.
the public domain, it is available to anyone publisher’s statement Publisher’s authorised
without charge. Most commonly, this applies to notice of circulation and distribution statistics.
public domain software, which is usually soft- Publisher Item Identifier (PII) An extension of the
ware developed on behalf of the US govern- ISBN and ISSN system, introduced by a group
ment and which by law has to be available in of leading US academic (scientific) journal pub-
this way. It is important to distinguish such lishers so as to provide a way of identifying indi-
software from shareware, which is not free, or vidual items, such as articles, within both books
at least free only for evaluation. and journals. It also provides a unified identifi-
public key See public-key encryption. cation system for books and journals.
public-key cryptography See public-key publishing The business of preparing, printing
encryption. and distributing books, magazines etc. and
public-key encryption (Or public-key cryptogra- selling them to the public.
phy.) An encryption scheme in which each user puck A pointing device with functions similar to
has a pair of keys, called the public key (which cursor keys or a mouse. It does not generally
can be generally known) and the private key have the same degree of freedom of movement
(that is, of course, kept secret). A message is as a mouse but rather works within a tray-like
encrypted using the public key of the person to enclosure.
whom the message is to be sent; this can then be pull 1. A proof. 2. A single print for subsequent
decrypted only using the recipient’s private key. photo-litho reproduction, aka a repro pull.
This means that secret information never has to pull-away A section which contains a number of
be transmitted over publicly accessible net- blank pages (typically 4pp) either in the middle
works or other communications media, as only or at front and back, which are to be removed
the public key is ever communicated. Public-key prior to binding. Also, pick-away.
cryptography is used both for encryption and pull down menus Also referred to as pop-up
for authentication, often of digital signatures. menus. Options are revealed only when a
RSA is probably the best known and most wide- menu type is accessed, usually by a pointing
ly used public-key encryption system. and dragging action with a mouse. Once the
Public Lending Right PLR: an author’s right to option has been selected the menu disappears
receive a fee from a library commensurate with leaving the screen free.
the rate of borrowing of a book written by that pulling Resistance between paper and printing
author by library members. surface.
public library system System of public libraries pull-out Part of a publication which can be
open to the public throughout the country. removed from the binding and used separately.
public switched data network (PSDN) Usually a pulp The raw suspension of woodfibre, treated
digital network (and of a higher bandwidth either chemically or mechanically, in water.
than the PSTN), particularly suitable for data Chemical pulp contains many fewer impuri-
communications. Generally operated by a PTT. ties than mechanical pulp.
public switched telephone network (PSTN) A pulp board A homogenous board manufactured to
public telephone network or the collection of its full thickness on the papermaking machine.
them around the world, operated by PTTs. pulping Recycling or destroying books etc. that
Sometimes called POTS in contrast to PSDN. have been withdrawn from the market.
publish To prepare, print and distribute a book, pulpwood Wood for the manufacture of wood
magazine etc. pulp.
publisher Company that prepares and publishes pulse code modulation (PCM) A method by
books, software etc. for general distribution which an analogue signal is represented as
and sale. digital data. The analogue data is sampled at
publisher’s binding A binding style where an regular intervals (a fixed frequency), and the
edition of a book is cased with a plain cloth sampled values converted into binary codes for
binding. transmission using a digital link.
publisher’s list List of books that a publisher is punch binding See burst binding.
currently selling, including new titles and punched card Card punched with a pattern of
backlist. holes encoding data for subsequent reading.
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punched card reader Device that reads data from quadrat A piece of blank metal type for creating
a punched card and translates it into a form space between characters.
that can be recognised by a computer. quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) A
punched tape See paper tape. form of transmission in which digital data is
punch register system Device which punches encoded in an analogue signal by a combi-
registered holes in sets of films or plates for nation of amplitude modulation and phase
positioning purposes. Also, pin register system. modulation. This is used when the modem
pure woodfree See woodfree. bandwidth is 9600 bps or higher.
push technology The download of information quadrille Grid paper.
by information providers, either over the quad royal Sheet of paper measuring 503 4 00.
Internet or using broadcast techniques, on the quadtone The use of four (possibly Pantone)
basis of information profiles supplied by users, colours in combination to produce a particular
in contrast to the pull technology of the World effect in printing. May be used to produce a
Wide Web, in which information is down- finer grey-scale effect. (See also duotone.)
loaded by users when they specify a URL. qualified 1. Reader who meets criteria necessary
PVA Polyvinyl alcohol, a water-based cold-melt to receive free subscription of periodical.
emulsion adhesive which is flexible when dry 2. Research subject which meets the criteria
and is used particularly in glueing the spines of being tested by the project.
cased books and in perfect binding. (See also quality 1. The whole set of features of a product
two-shot binding.) or service which relates to its being able to sat-
PVC Polyvinyl chloride. Applied as a coating or isfy the needs of the end-user. 2. In paper, the
impregnated into base paper for durability. brand or type of paper.
quality assurance Abbreviated QA. Umbrella
term for all activities associated with the cre-
ation and maintenance of a quality system
within a company.
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QuickDraw controls how text and images are radiation drying The drying ink by ultraviolet
drawn on the screen. (See also PICT images.) and infra-red radiation.
QuickDraw can also be used to control printers radio frequency (rf) Frequencies (of electromag-
and, although text will be indistinguishable netic radiation) above about 300Hz, at which
from that on a PostScript printer if Adobe electromagnetic waves can be transmitted.
Type Manager or TrueType is used, images rag Material sometimes used in the manufacture
may be of lower quality. of expensive paper.
QuickDraw GX An imaging model that works ragged Text layout that is not justified. Most text
alongside QuickDraw but controls the Mac’s on-screen is ragged right, i.e. the left-hand mar-
video and print output directly. There are three gin is aligned while the right-hand margin is
modules: typography, graphics and printing. not. Ragged left and ragged centre (ragged on
The former is enhanced by a font technology, both margins) are also used in books, but only
TrueType GX. The graphics module is object- usually as a design feature.
oriented, providing full control over graphic ragged right Text with irregular line lengths, i.e.
objects, including colour, while the printing with an even left margin but an uneven right
module ensures that the colours are repro- margin.
duced accurately. rag paper Paper made from stock containing a
quick-setting ink Ink that has been specially substantial percentage of rag.
treated to set rapidly. RAID Redundant arrays of inexpensive/inde-
QuickTime A general multimedia-handling util- pendent disks. An approach to storing large
ity developed by Apple, initially for the amounts of data in a secure fashion. RAID is
Macintosh, but now also available for increasingly used in multimedia installations,
Windows. QuickTime makes it possible to dis- running either under Unix or on a network
play ‘movies’ and animated sequences with with the NetWare network operating system.
synchronised high-quality sound. It operates as rail Part of a linecasting machine. Terms ‘upper
a software extension (or plug-in), so that mul- rail’ and ‘lower rail’ were sometimes used by
timedia can be embedded in other documents. extension to denote shift and unshift.
QuickTime includes its own video compres- Rainbow Document Type Definition An SGML
sion technology. Document Type Definition (DTD) that speci-
quire 1. One-twentieth of a ream (25 sheets). 2. A fies a document in terms of its appearance, in
section or signature. some respects similarly to HTML. Descriptions
quirewise binding See saddle-stitching. of documents in terms of this DTD can be used
quoin A wedge or expanding device used to lock as an intermediate stage in converting word-
up letterpress chases. processor documents to SGML.
quotation marks (or quotes) Either single or dou- rainbow series A series of technical manuals, each
ble inverted commas, used to mark the start of which has a different coloured cover. Origin-
and finish of dialogue or other quoted passage. ally used to describe the US government’s secu-
q.v. Abbreviation for the Latin quod vide, meaning rity series, e.g. the Orange Book. The PostScript
‘which see’, used for indicating a cross- ‘Cookbooks’ (Red Book, Green Book, Blue
reference. Book, White Book) have also been described in
qwerty Standard typewriter keyboard layout, this way, so what is meant depends on the appli-
qwerty being the arrangement of keys on the cations with which the user is familiar.
top left-hand row of the keyboard. raised printing See thermographic printing.
RAM Abbreviation for random-access memory.
RAM disk Not a disk at all, but a large area of
random-access memory (RAM) in a computer
which has been allocated to hold some or all of
R the contents of a floppy or hard disk, enabling
far faster read—write operations. At the end of
a session the contents of a RAM disk are rewrit-
ten back to floppy or hard disk.
RACE (Research into Advanced Communication random-access memory (RAM) Random access
Technologies in Europe.) A European Com- memory, most frequently described as RAM, is
mission R&D programme. the temporary, interactive, area of memory in a
rack board Display board or device designed to computer in which programs work and manip-
be mounted on a rack. ulate the data. Data in RAM is lost when the
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 148
computer is switched off unless it is first saved kbps) and the North American (56 kbps) ver-
to disk. Compare ROM. sions of ISDN. Which is meant will depend on
random access Method of directly accessing a the context.
specific address on a computer file without the rate card Leaflet or kit showing costs of adver-
need for a sequential process. tisement space in a publication.
range Align (type etc.). rattle Noise made by paper when it is handled,
rapid access processing Method of quick film which indicates the degree of stiffness.
and paper processing using heated chemicals. raw data Data before processing or preparation.
Rapid access paper is the photographic materi- raw stock Base paper before coating.
al used. (See also stabilisation paper.) ray tracing A method of creating realistic images,
RARE See Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche in which the paths taken by rays of light are
Européenne. traced, from an observer’s eye, through a point
RARP See Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. in the image plane to an object. Each object can
RA sizes Sizes of stock sheets of printing paper then be considered as a collection of differently
that are slightly larger than the equivalent A shaped surfaces, each with properties such as
sizes (see Appendix for paper sizes. colour, reflectance, transmittance and texture.
raster 1. In laser setting, the underlying pattern r&b or r&j See rounding and backing and
or ‘net’ of lines which represents the structure rounding and jointing.
over which a typeset image is formed by the rcp Remote copy. A Unix utility for copying files
selective exposure of dots in a series of hori- over the Ethernet. Similar to ftp.
zontal, line-by-line, sweeps. 2. The horizontal R&D Abbreviation for research and develop-
pattern of lines on a video display or television ment.
that makes up the picture. Each line is made up read/write head Device in a disk drive that reads
of a series of dots or pixels. Also used general- data on a disk or transfers additional data to it.
ly (as the equivalent of bitmap) to describe a reader 1. Person who checks proofs for accuracy.
similar pattern, as in raster graphics and raster 2. Device which can ‘read’ from magnetic
fonts. media or, in the case of OCR, from typescript.
raster data Data held in raster form. Contrast reader’s proof First typeset proof used by the
vector data. printer’s reader.
raster font See bitmap font. readership Number of readers of a publication,
raster graphics The same as bitmap graphics, in as distinct from the number of copies sold. See
which an image is made up of an array of bits pass-on rate.
(or pixels). (Compare with vector graphics.) read-only memory (ROM) Computer memory
raster image processor (RIP) Either a program or supplied as a chip inside the computer and
a piece of hardware that converts a file held in a which cannot be altered by the user. ROM typ-
page description language, usually PostScript ically contains the basic system programs, resi-
and possibly containing vector graphics, to a dent in the computer. Compare random access
raster or bitmap image for output on a page memory (RAM), which is the dynamic part of
printer or imagesetter or on screen. The RIP the computer’s memory.
will create a bitmap at the correct resolution for read–write head The component which reads
the output device, so that the page description from and writes to a magnetic disk or tape.
file can be resolution independent. Adobe ready state An indication in a DTE/DCE inter-
Type Manager rasterises PostScript fonts so face that the DTE device is ready to receive
that they can be displayed or printed on non- incoming data and the DCE device is ready to
PostScript devices. accept a request to send data.
rasterise Turn into a raster (bitmap) version by Realaudio A program, implemented as a client-
scanning or digitally processing. server architecture, for playing audio over the
raster scan The technique of plotting an image by Internet. Sound is compressed into Realaudio
the selective exposure of dots, line by line, in a files by an encoder which is part of the
series of horizontal sweeps following a raster Realaudio server. The client, a Web browser
pattern or grid. plug-in or add-on (and the latest browsers
rate adaptation Can either refer to conversion in have the facility built in), decompresses the
a terminal adaptor between the data rate at a stream of data sent from the server, which is
V.24 serial interface (with a probable maximum then output using the sound facilities of the
of 28 800 bps) and the 64 kbps of ISDN, or computer. A 28.8 kbps modem is required for
mean conversion between the European (64 music-quality sound.
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 149
real time Method of computing in which opera- feed end of a web-offset press. Multi-colour,
tions are performed on data simultaneously multi-effect, web-offset machines may have up
with input and output. to three reel-stands feeding paper simultaneous-
ream 500 sheets of paper. ly. The printed webs are brought together in the
ream-wrapped Sheets wrapped in lots of 500. folder, and are folded together.
rebind Binding a set of stored sheets, set aside reel-up The reeling section of a paper machine.
after the first binding. re-etch To deepen the image on a plate.
recall Calling a computer file from backing store referee Person requested to give a report on
into memory. another’s character, aptitude, suitability etc. for
recognition memory Read Only Memory (ROM) a job.
in an optical character reader holding the pat- reference Direction to a page or a publication
tern characteristics of a particular font. See where information may be found. Often con-
optical character recognition. tained in separate list in set style.
reconstituted leather Leather made from pulp of reference concrete syntax The syntax, i.e. the
different leather scraps. delimiters, notation etc., that is defined in the
record A discrete block of computer data, typi- SGML standard. In other words, this is the
cally consisting of a number of fields. form of coding that the standard recommends,
recording unit See imagesetter. although it can be changed in the SGML
record locking Software which prevents more declaration.
than one network user editing a database reference mark Star-shaped symbol (*) that indi-
record at the same time. cates that the reader should refer to a footnote.
Recover An operating system command used to refiner mechanical pulp (RMP) Pulp made by
recover damaged or deleted disk files. When a passing wood chips through a refiner. Midway
file is deleted, only its reference in the disk in quality between stone groundwood mech-
index is removed. Provided the user has not anical pulp (SGW) and thermomechanical
attempted to write new data to the disk, the pulp (TMP).
Recover command may be used to resurrect refining The second main stage of papermaking
such files. after dry pulp has been mixed in a hydrapulper
recovered fibres Fibres from waste paper as at the first stage. The stock from the hydra-
opposed to virgin pulp. pulper is further refined in a cone refiner and,
recto A right-hand page. after cleaning, is ready for pumping to the
recycled paper Paper for which the majority fur- paper machine. Also known as beating.
nish is consumer waste paper of one sort or reflection copy Copy viewed by its reflected
another, either printed or unprinted. Paper light, e.g. a photograph, as distinct from trans-
made mainly from mill waste does not fall mission copy, which is viewed by transmitted
under this definition although it is sometimes light. Also known as ‘reflective copy’, and
rather misleadingly termed recycled too. ‘reflex copy’.
Red Book See rainbow series. reformatting Setting new typographical parame-
redlining Facility available to use with some ters for a previously set piece of copy.
wordprocessing packages which shows where refresh rate Rate at which an apparently contin-
alterations have been made to a document. uously displayed image is flashed on a VDT,
Red Sage A joint project between the University e.g. 60 times a second etc.
of California, San Francisco, AT&T Bell refusal When one ink film will not print on
Laboratories and a number of publishers of another.
biomedical journals. Provides online access to regional network See mid-level network.
scanned images of biomedical journals via the register 1. Positioning of colours accurately to
RightPages server software developed by form a composite image. 2. Storage location in
AT&T Bell Laboratories. computer memory.
reducers Printing ink additives. register marks Marks in the same relative posi-
redundancy Inclusion of duplicate information. tion on films or plates to enable correct posi-
This is often used as a check, particularly in tioning to be achieved.
transferring information between systems, so register pins Pins which locate in holes made by
that an additional check digit or bit is included. a punch in a punch register system.
(See also validation.) register punch See punch register system.
reel Roll of paper. Also, web. registration The alignment of the different
reel-stand The unit housing a reel of paper at the colours in the printing of coloured material; see
Dic.pag3 30/1/0 19:04 Page 150
CMYK. Registration marks are printed for tions, usually books, which are discounted for
alignment purposes outside the area of the fin- sale on preferential terms.
ished publication. Most DTP and page layout remote Located away from main plant or, in the
programs have inclusion of registration marks case of technical equipment, having no direct
as an option on their print menus. electronic link with the main processing plant.
reglet Narrow strip of wood or metal used to remote log-in Connecting to and using a remote
make spaces between lines of type. computer, via a protocol over a computer net-
reimposition Changing the layout of an imposi- work, as though locally attached.
tion due to changes in size, number or a differ- remote procedure call (RPC) A protocol used in
ent folding machine. client-server computing, in which a program
reinforced binding Binding that is strengthened (the client) sends a message, together with spe-
at the joints to allow for hard use or for a par- cific arguments, to a remote system (the server)
ticularly heavy book. requesting it to execute a designated proce-
rekey To re-enter data by means of a keyboard. dure, using the arguments supplied, and return
relational database A type of database in which the result to the client. Because there are many
entries are structured in defined fields, usually incompatible RPC protocols, middleware has
of a fixed length. By using tables which relate to been developed to convert the protocols and
one another by having a field in common, most thus allow more general communication.
information need only be stored once. Thus, removable cartridge disk A disk system in which
e.g., a database may include a table containing hard disks, contained within protective car-
spare parts and another containing customer tridges, may be removed from and replaced in
details. Ordering a part will entail referencing suitable disk drives.
both these tables. Relational databases are Rename A command common to several operat-
increasing in their flexibility but are still not ing systems, which enables the user to change
appropriate for applications including large the name of a file.
amounts of unstructured text. Text databases render, rendering The process of applying colour,
are more appropriate for this, particularly if shading and shadows to a computer-generated
they are SGML compatible. The most widely image, on the basis of a mathematical model, to
used relational databases used on open systems make it appear realistic. Ray tracing is a com-
include Oracle, Informix and Ingres. (See also mon method. (See also Gouraud shading,
object-oriented database.) Phong shading.)
relative humidity (RH) Amount of water vapour renewal Repeat of subscription to a periodical.
present in the atmosphere expressed as a per- repaginate Change the page numbers.
centage of saturation. Standard testing condi- repeat Repeated insertion or showing of an
tions for paper are 23°C and 50%RH. Optimum advertisement.
press conditions are 20°C and 55–65%RH. repeater Equipment used to allow transmission
Contrast absolute humidity. over long distances, in which signals are ampli-
relative units Divisions of one em used as a fine fied, retimed or reconstructed before retrans-
measurement for spacing or character-width mission. Also used in Ethernets to connect seg-
calculations. ments. (See also media converter.)
reliable communication Communication in replacement fee Fee paid to a picture library to
which there is a guarantee (i.e. a check) that cover the cost of replacing a lost or spoiled pic-
messages will reach their destinations both ture.
complete and in the correct order. This is done Replay A video system used on Acorn comput-
by including a checksum or cyclic redundancy ers. Uses compressed images with real-time
check as part of each message or packet, so that decompression.
if the check fails, indicating that the message is replication A function of Lotus Notes in which
incomplete or corrupt, the sender is notified. document databases can be distributed across
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the networks. Can use various protocols including
reliable protocol used on both the Ethernet and X.25 and TCP/IP. Replication is also used more
the Internet. generally to mean duplication, e.g. as in ‘illegal
relief Printing method using a raised image, e.g. software replication’.
letterpress. repository Textbase or database software which
remainder 1. (vb) To sell books at a reduced allows text to be stored, edited and archived in
price, usually because the title has not sold suc- structured form.
cessfully. 2. (n) remainders are unsold publica- repp Writing paper with a patterned surface.
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reprint 1. Subsequent printing of the first edition is secreted by some plants and conifers and
of a publication. 2. Printing of part of a publi- used in papermaking and ink production.
cation for promotional or editorial use. resin-coated paper Abbreviated to ‘RC paper’.
repro Prepress camerawork, scanning and film Photographic paper with good longevity of
make-up. Also, origination. image used in photosetting.
reproduction See repro. resist A protective chemical or coating.
reproduction fee Fee paid for the right to repro- resolution Measurement of image fineness stated
duce an illustration. in lines per inch (lpi), dots per inch (dpi), or
reproduction proof A proof taken from type for pixels per inch as created by an output device
subsequent reproduction. such as a scanner, imagesetter, laser typesetter,
reprographics or reprography General term for or laser printer. Low-resolution laser printers
electrostatic printing, diazo printing, or any output typically at 300 dpi, medium-resolution
other form of short-run duplicating and printing. at 400 dpi, high-resolution at 600 dpi. Laser
repro paper Coated paper suitable for use in cam- photosetters output typically at around 1200 dpi
era-ready artwork. Also called baryta paper. (medium) up to 2400 dpi (high). Some image-
reproportion Change the relative dimensions of setters output at lower resolutions vertically
artwork (usually photographically) to create a rather than horizontally (e.g. 1600H3800V).
new shape. VDU screen resolutions typically vary from
repro pull See reproduction proof. 72–100 pixels (dots) per inch.
Request For Comments (RFC) The series of resolver The TCP/IP software that formats
numbered Internet information documents requests sent to the Domain Name Server for
(begun in 1969), including standards (all hostname-to-Internet address conversion. (See
Internet standards are recorded in RFCs, but also address resolution.)
most RFCs are not standards). Unlike the for- response rate In direct mail, the number of
mal development of ITU-T and ANSI stan- orders generated compared to the number of
dards, RFCs are developed on the basis of pro- mailshots sent out, expressed as a percentage.
posals put forward by the Internet research and response time The time taken to display the
development community (hence the name). result of a command on a VDU.
request to send (RTS) Signal sent in a communi- restore MS DOS command to restore to a fixed
cations system before a message can be sent. disk a file or group of files that have been
Before transmission can take place CTS (clear stored on back-up disk/s by the MS DOS back-
to send) must be received. up operation.
required hyphen or hard hyphen Hyphen that is résumé 1. Summary of a text. 2. US: a person’s edu-
always found in a word, even if it is not split by, cational and professional history. UK: curriculum
e.g., a line break. (See also soft hyphen.) vitae.
resale price maintenance (RPM) Where the price retarders Printing ink solvents which extend the
of a book is fixed by the publisher and the ink’s open time.
retailer is not permitted to sell it at a discount. reticulation Spotting caused by wet ink not dry-
rescreen To take a subject which is already ing properly on a previously inked surface.
screened (e.g. a printed photograph) and shoot retouch To paint over film or artwork by hand or
it again with a new half-tone screen. It is electronic means in order to improve or repair
important in doing this to avoid moiré pattern- the image.
ing. retouching Correcting a photographic print or
Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne transparency before reproduction. As applied
(RARE) An association of national and interna- to colour separation films, see colour etching.
tional European research networks. retree Slightly damaged paper sold at a reduced
Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE) A collaboration price and often marked xx. (See also broke.)
between European networks to provide returns Books sent back to the supplier because
Internet services using TCP/IP. they have not been sold.
resident font Permanent font data in a printer or reversal Creation of white text or images on a
device that does not have to be downloaded. black background. Sometimes referred to as
residual rights Rights still held by an author WOB (white on black). See reversed out.
after others have been transferred. reversal film Contact film with the same positive
resiliency Measure of paper surface condition and negative values as the original, i.e. black is
after printing. reproduced as black. Also, autopositive film,
resin Sticky substance, insoluble in water, which direct-duplicating film.
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Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) A into ribbons for folding. As distinct from a
protocol that provides the reverse function of former folder.
ARP, mapping a hardware address (MAC rib site An intermediate Internet site (analogous
address) to an Internet address. to a backbone site) offering high-speed link
reverse characters Characters that are displayed between a backbone site and leaf sites.
in a way that contrasts them with others in the Rich Text Format (RTF) An ASCII format for
same piece of text with the purpose of high- wordprocessing and related files, developed by
lighting or emphasising the content. Microsoft for exchange of files between sys-
reversed out Type printing white out of another tems. It should be noted that, over the years,
colour. Microsoft has modified the format, so that care
reverse indent See hanging indent. needs to be taken with its use. It provides a step
reverse leading Ability of a photosetter to move towards structured documents and SGML in
film or paper ‘backwards’ to achieve exposure that styles are explicitly coded and can be sep-
of complicated text or columnar matter. arated from their typographic representation. It
reverse left to right To turn a picture round so is sometimes used as an intermediate step in
that the right side becomes the left and vice converting wordprocessor documents to
versa. SGML. (See also Rainbow Document Type
reverse-reading See wrong-reading. Definition.)
reverse video An ability provided by some sys- right-angle folding Folding a sheet with one or
tems to reverse the VDU image so that data is more folds at right-angles to each other.
displayed as black characters on a white (or right-angle folds Folds at 90° angles to each
green or amber) background. Also known as other.
inverse video. RightPages A server and browser for scanned
reversionary Property, such as a copyright, that images, developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories
passes to another on the death of the present and used in the Red Sage and SuperJournal
owner, particularly when it returns to the orig- projects.
inal author or their heirs. right-reading Film which reads ‘correctly’, i.e.
reversion of copyright Return of copyright to from left to right, when viewed from the emul-
the author when the publisher fails to keep the sion side. As distinct from wrong-reading.
book in print. rights Legal rights connected to a work: e.g. pub-
Revisable Form Text (RFT) See Document lication, serialisation, broadcasting, merchan-
Content Architecture/Revisable Form Text. dising et el.
revise A revised proof for subsequent reading. right side In papermaking, the top side or felt-
revision control system Programs which store side of the web.
and keep track of successive versions of a doc- rigid disk See hard disk.
ument or series of documents as they are Rinco process Process which creates gravure
amended. positives by photographing a proof of white
rf See radio frequency. letters on a black background.
RFC See Request For Comments. ring binder Loose-leaf binder with stiff covers
RFT See Revisable Form Text. and ring-shaped clasps that can be opened to
RGB Red, green, blue. The additive colour sys- go through holes punched in the paper.
tem used in televisions and computer monitors. ring binding Binding by means of holes in paper
In a cathode ray tube (CRT) display, signals which locate on metal rings.
from three different electron guns (each carry- ring network A network topology in which a
ing a different colour signal) activate the appro- loop (or closed path) is formed, so that each
priately coloured phosphor coating on the node is connected to two adjacent nodes (like
screen, creating a colour image; liquid crystal an electrical ring main). (See also token ring.)
displays (LCD) work similarly but use a differ- RIP 1. Rest In Proportion. An instruction to allow
ent technology. Compare this with CMYK, the all the other pieces in a batch of artwork to
subtractive colour system used to produce undergo the same enlargement or reduction as
colour data for printing. See colour space, one piece marked. 2. See raster image proces-
colour gamut. sor, Routing Information Protocol.
RH See relative humidity. RIPE See Réseaux IP Européens.
ribbon cable Flat plastic-coated cable in which RIPEM Riordan’s Internet Privacy Enhanced
the lines lie parallel to each other. Mail. An implementation of Privacy Enhanced
ribbon folder Web press folder which cuts web Mail (PEM).
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RISC Reduced instruction set computer. A type ROMP (regionally organised modem pool) The
of computer processor architecture. The service providing virtual points of presence.
instructions are to the processor from the oper- root See root directory.
ating system and do not affect applications, root directory The top directory in an (inverted)
except in that they are intended to increase pro- tree-and-branch filing system. It contains all
cessing speed. the other directories. Unix and DOS use this
river Undesirable formation of word spaces into system.
a vertical ‘river’ of white in the text. ROP Abbreviation for ‘Run of Paper’. In maga-
RJ-11 An American-style telephone connector. zines or newspapers: material printed as part
May be found on the back of US-manufactured of the main text.
modems. rosin An important component in papermaking
RJ-45 A telephone cable connector for an ISDN size.
line. rot13 (Rotate alphabet 13 places.) A simple
RLE See run-length encoding. encryption routine in which each English letter
rlogin Remote login. A Unix utility which allows is replaced with the one 13 places forward or
a user to log in to a remote computer via the back along the alphabet. Used in Usenet news
Internet. (See also telnet.) reading and posting programs to hide items
RMP See refiner mechanical pulp. which may offend. Rot13 is self-inverse, in that
ROB Run of book. the same program can be used to encrypt and
rocker sealer Heated element in film-wrapping decrypt.
machine which seals centre join. rotary Printing from plates on cylinders.
Rockwell Protocol Interface (RPI) A modem rotogravure Gravure printing on rotary press.
interface in which data compression and error rough A sketch or layout.
correction are provided as software, rather rough proof Proof for identification rather than
than as part of the hardware. Maximum speed reading.
is 14 400 bits per second. rounding and backing Also ‘rounding and joint-
roe chlorination number Measurement of how ing’. Shaping a book so the back is convex. As
much chlorine can be absorbed by a sample of distinct from flat back binding.
paper pulp, thereby showing how easily it can rounding and jointing See rounding and back-
be bleached. ing.
roll Reel (US). round-trip time (RTT) The time taken to send a
roll coating Coating applied to paper by rollers. packet to a particular host and receive it back,
rolled Paper glazed by rolling. giving a measure of the current network delay.
roller Round metal bar used to guide the paper Can be obtained with ‘ping’ (the Portable
through a printing press. Network Graphics format).
rolling ball See trackball. rout To trim away the blank parts of a plate so
rolling headers Moving titles or headers of pages they are not printed by accident.
that are being displayed electronically as they route Either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it is the
are received. path taken over a network from source to des-
roll-out 1. Using a roller to spread ink on paper tination. As a verb, it describes the actions
for sampling purposes. 2. In direct mail, the taken by a router (or in routing).
projection of orders which should come from a router A device which allows connection
full mailing based on the response to a test between dissimilar networks (such as Ethernet
mailing. and Token-Ring), although a common protocol
roll wrapping Rolling a magazine to wrap paper is required. A router will calculate the shortest
around it for mailing (as distinct from folding). route for each destination, based on network
ROM See read-only memory. layer information and routing tables. (See also
Roman Plain, upright style of type used in ordi- bridge, gateway, Exterior Gateway Protocol,
nary script. Interior Gateway Protocol, brouter.)
roman figures Roman numerals such as iii, xviii, routine A computer program with a selective
xxv etc. task.
Romanisation Transliterating a non-Western routing 1. Cutting away non-printing areas of a
script into Roman characters. plate. 2. The process, carried out by a router, of
Romanise The act of transliterating. selecting a suitable path through a network.
roman type ‘Upright’ letters as distinct from italic. (See also Exterior Gateway Protocol, Interior
Known as plain or normal in DTP systems. Gateway Protocol.)
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routing domain A set of routers that exchange on the initials of the authors, R Rivest, A
routing information within an administrative Shamir and L Adleman). It is based on the
domain. product of two large prime numbers and the
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) A protocol difficulty of factoring these. While the system
which uses distance vector routing, that is, the has been broken, the amount of computing
number of hops required to the destination. power and the time required underlined the
This does not, however, always give the fastest security of the approach. (See also DSS.)
route because it does not take account of the RTF See Rich Text Format.
bandwidth of the connections. RTS See request to send.
royal Standard size of paper 4803636mm (met- RTT See round-trip time.
ric system). R type Colour print made from a transparency
royalty Fee paid to an author which is calculated without any intermediate negative. Contrast C
from the number of sales of a book or perfor- type.
mances of a work. rub-down lettering See transfer type.
RP Reprinting. rubilith Red masking film which is opaque to
RPC See remote procedure call. light and used in making photographic masks
RPI See Rockwell Protocol Interface. for drop-outs, reverses, tint-laying etc.
RPM See resale price maintenance. rub-out Computer code which deletes.
RRP Recommended retail price. rub-proof Ink with good abrasion resistance.
RS-232 A standard type of computer interface used rubric Heading of a book chapter or passage
to connect serial devices, equivalent to ITU-T which is printed in red or special lettering.
V.24 and V.28. It is used for modems and other ruby See agate.
peripheral devices. Also described as a serial rule A line (of specified thickness).
interface. (Compare with parallel interface.) The ruler guides In DTP, the two electronic rulers used
‘RS’ stands for Recognised Standard (of the US for the accurate alignment of text. See guide.
Electronic Industries Association – EIA). The rules Printing lines, measured in points.
interface is also described as RS-232-C, the C ruling Making lines on paper by pen or disk
indicating that this is the third version of RS-232, ruling.
which is that commonly used. (See also data run 1. The activation of a computer program.
communication equipment, data terminal 2. Number of printed copies of a publication.
equipment.) RS-232 specifies the physical con- run-around The flow of text around an irregularly
nections of the interface, while RS-423 specifies shaped graphic. The ability to do this is a feature
the electrical signals. of a page layout program. Note that it is not gen-
RS-232-C The standard serial communications erally a feature of electronic documents, such as
socket used in data transfer. those coded with HTML (because they are
RS-422 A data transfer protocol developed by the dynamic), although page-based electronic docu-
US Electronic Industries Association (EIA), ments, such as Acrobat files, will include such a
providing a higher data transfer rate than the feature.
RS-232 protocol, as well as improved immuni- run back To take back text from the beginning of
ty to electrical interference. It is part of RS-449, one line to the end of the previous one, or from
which is equivalent to ITU-T V.35. RS-422 is the top of one page to the bottom of the previ-
used by the Apple Macintosh. ous one.
RS-422 A more robust version of the RS-232-C, run-length encoding (RLE) A compression algo-
specially designed for integrated technology. rithm which replaces sequences of repeated
RS-423 A specification for the electrical signals characters (or groups of characters) with a sin-
on a serial (RS-232 or RS-422) line. Together gle character and the length of the run. It is
with RS-422, forms RS-449. mainly used for storing bitmaps, since it
RS-449 A physical interface standard specified by encodes the points at which there is a change
the US Electronic Industries Association (EIA), from black to white, on to off, 0 to 1, and the
for interconnection of DTE and DCE using RS- distance since the last switch (in the opposite
422/RS-423 signals, equivalent to ITU-T V.35. direction). Huffman coding works in a similar
RS-485 An enhanced version of standard RS-422, fashion, but is more complex.
permitting up to 32 stations to be attached to a runnability Ability of paper to be printed with-
common bus. out problems.
RSA encryption A public-key encryption and running head A title repeated at the top of each
authentication system (the acronym is based page. Also known as ‘running headline’.
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running order 1. Set of notes indicating the order undergoing scanning and analysis. Also dot,
of events in a production. 2. List of the contents pixel.
of a printed work to guide the printer in his samples per inch See dpi.
imposition. sampling A technique used in converting signals
running sheet Printed sheet taken from the start from analogue to digital, in which the values of
of a print run to check if it is being printed cor- an analogue signal are measured at fixed time
rectly. intervals and the measured values converted to
running text Columnar main text on a page (as digital values. To reproduce the analogue signal
distinct from displayed material). a digital-to-analogue converter is used. Samp-
run-of-book See run-of-paper. ling is used in making digital audio recordings.
run-of-paper Advertisement location allocated at sand trap Set of bars in a trough used for sieving
the publisher’s choice, anywhere in the publi- pulp to remove any particles of grit before it
cation. goes into the papermaking process.
run on 1. To continue printing after the first num- sans serif (or sanserif) A category of type in
ber of sheets have been printed. 2. To eliminate which there are no serifs. Considered to be less
breaks, i.e. line breaks, from text. formal than serif type, in printed matter sans
run out Output film or bromide from a photo- serif type is most often used for display pur-
typesetting machine. poses: in magazine and bookwork it therefore
run round See run-around. tends to be used for headings, rarely for contin-
run through Ruled lines stretching from one uous text. There is some debate as to whether it
edge of the paper to the other with no breaks. is better than serif type for use in electronic
runtime Cut-down version of a program that is publishing, i.e. for on-screen material.
bundled with another application in order to SAR See segmentation and reassembly.
provide specific and limited functions. SATAN See Security Administrator Tool for
RW Ream wrapped. Analysing Networks.
RWOP Ream wrapped on pallets. satellite communications The use of geosynchro-
nous satellites to reflect digital communications
signals back to earth. Satellites are required
because, at the frequencies used, there must be
a direct line of sight between the source and the
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 156
scale-out System of ordering different numbers The conventional screen angles are: black 45°;
of copies for individual stores in a chain. magenta 75°; yellow 90°; cyan 105°.
scaling Calculating or marking the enlargement screen capture, screen dump Copying the image
or reduction of an original for reproduction. on the computer screen (or part thereof) to a file
scamp Rough layout. Also, rough. or a printer. Often used in manuals etc. and
scan Use a scanner to digitise images or text. books about computer applications to illustrate
scan-a-web Method of scanning the image on a what the screen looks like.
moving web by means of a rotating mirror. screen clash MoirŽ patterning caused by incor-
scanner Computer-controlled sampling device rect screen angles, or occurring when previous-
which reads the relative colour densities of ly printed, screened, half-tones are rescreened.
copy and produces colour separations. See screen editor Software that allows the user to
analyse scanner, output scanner, EPC system. edit a complete page of text displayed on
scatter proofs Proofs of illustrations where the screen.
subjects are arranged in random order. As dis- screened print A print with a half-tone screen,
tinct from imposed colour proofs. typically a PMT.
schedule 1. Sequence of events and deadlines screen finder A plastic viewer placed over a half-
agreed for production. 2. Schedule of bookings tone to determine the screen ruling.
for an advertising campaign. screen font A font that is designed specifically
scheduler An operating system utility that initi- for viewing on-screen. In principle, with
ates processes according to assigned priorities Adobe Type Manager and TrueType, any font
and available system resources. can be used in this way but, in practice, certain
scholarly books Books devoted to academic sub- fonts (often bitmap fonts) are used to present
jects. screen information (e.g. menus, file names,
scholarly publishing The publishing of academ- screen labels) at a constant size in GUIs.
ic books. However, electronic publishing applications,
scissors and paste job Part of the design process such as the World Wide Web, in general use
where parts of artwork or film are rearranged scalable fonts.
and prepared for paste-up and camera-ready screen format The screen layout design.
copy before reproduction. screenless litho Printing by litho with specially
SCL Scanner command language. Computer lan- coated plates that can hold very fine continu-
guage governing the format in which images are ous-tone detail.
collected, stored, and output. (See also TIFF.) screen process printing See silk screen printing.
score To impress paper with a rule to ease folding. screen resolution In the context of computer
scoring Making indents or grooves in paper or monitors, the number and layout of pixels that
board so that it will bend or fold more easily, make up the image on the screen. It is
used on the covers of paperbound books. expressed as the number of pixels across and
Scotchprint Proprietary translucent proofing down: small portable screens are typically
material. 640 3 480 (VGA), whereas high-end compu-
SCPC See single channel per carrier. ters have a resolution of 800 3 600 (SVGA).
scrapbook An AppleMac accessory in which text screen ruling The number of lines or dots per
and graphics which are used frequently can be inch on a screen. The conventional screen rul-
stored for access and insertion into documents. ings in common use for bookwork are 100, 120,
scraperboard Card or board with a blackened 133, 150 lines per inch (40, 48, 54, 60 lines per
surface which can be scraped off with a knife to centimetre).
produce white line drawings which resemble screen saver An application which either blanks
engravings (the colours can be reversed). the screen of a computer left temporarily
scratch pad memory A small area of memory unused or replaces whatever was on the screen
used as a temporary working area. with a moving image. This both avoids any
screen 1. Pattern of lines that creates the dot for- burn-in effects and protects what was on the
mation in half-tones. As well as the normal screen from casual oversight. Clicking a mouse
crossline screen at 45°, other screens include button or pressing a key restores the original
the vertical screen at 90°, one-way screen, linen image. There is a wide variety of screen savers,
screen, textured screen, mezzotint screen etc. 2. some of which are games.
See visual display unit (terminal). screen tint Film with dots in one of a grade of
screen angles Varied angles of each screen used percentages (10%–90%) used for printing a
in colour half-tones to avoid moiré; patterns. shade of a colour rather than its full strength.
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 157
scribed lines Lines scratched on the emulsion of scum or scumming Build-up of ink on the non-
film for subsequent printing. image area of an offset plate.
script 1. A series of commands that can be exe- SDH See synchronous digital hierarchy.
cuted as a single unit. A DOS batch file, e.g., is SDIF See Standard Document Interchange
a kind of script. Unix includes whole program- Format.
ming languages of this kind described as SDLC See Synchronous Data Link Control.
‘shellscripts’, which can include parameters SEA See self-extracting archive.
and variables. Similarly CGI-scripts are used search and replace See global search and replace.
to create dynamic HTML applications, while search engine Software which makes it possible
JavaScript is a version of Java that can be used to search files and/or databases for specific
within HTML documents. 2. A typeface which terms. The two principal approaches are
simulates handwriting. Boolean search and free-text search, which
scroll, scrolling Upwards, downwards or side- usually involves using indexing. The more
ways smooth motion of data across a screen, as structured the data/files, the more precisely a
if a window were being dragged across the search can be defined, depending on the func-
data. In a GUI environment, it is usually acti- tionality of the search engine. Search engines
vated with the mouse, although in other envi- used on the World Wide Web include AltaVista
ronments it may be activated by holding down and Yahoo; another popular search engine is
the ‘arrow’ keys on the keyboard. Topic, which forms part of the Acrobat suite.
scroll bars In DTP systems, the bars at the right search fee Fee charged by a picture service to
and bottom of the publication window which cover the cost of conducting research in its own
contain boxes and arrows. The boxes and files on a client’s behalf.
arrows are used to move within the display searching Trying to locate required character
area of the publication window. strings or words. Examples are keyword search-
SCSI (pronounced ‘scuzzy’) Small Computer ing and free-text searching. (See also proximity
Standard Interface: An 8-bit parallel interface search, contextual search.)
used by the Apple Macintosh and the PC for search key An item to be compared with speci-
connecting peripheral devices, such as disk fied areas in a database search.
and CD-ROM drives, printers, and tape drives. search routine Computer routine for finding
SCSI can support data transfer rates of up to specified words or groups of words in text.
4Mbs per second. SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 are later SECAM (Sequential Colour and Memory or
versions with wider data buses, supporting Système Electronique Couleur avec Mémoire.)
higher transfer rates. A television coding standard used in Europe
SCSI-2 A version of the SCSI interface specifica- (mainly France and some Eastern European
tion, including ‘Fast SCSI’ mode (up to 10Mbs countries). (See also PAL, NTSC.)
per second) and ‘Wide SCSI’ (16 bit, up to secondary clear to send A signal in an RS-232-C
20Mbs per second, or occasionally 32-bit, up to interface when used with modems providing
40Mbs per second). primary and secondary transmission lines, the
SCSI-3 An interface standard to provide faster primary line providing a high data rate with
data transfer and increased functionality than the secondary line providing a lower data rate
SCSI-2. Because of the problems of parallel in the opposite direction. See clear to send.
communication at higher transfer rates and secondary colour The colour made by a mixture
longer distances, SCSI-3 proposes serial inter- of two primary subtractive colours, e.g. yellow
facing with clock information included in the + red = orange.
data stream to avoid signal delay problems and secondary fibres See recovered fibres.
layered protocol definitions similar to those second cover Inside front cover.
used in networking. second-generation computers Early computers
SCSI chain Several SCSI devices linked togeth- using transistors in place of vacuum tubes.
er with SCSI cables. This is necessary because second-generation photosetters Photosetters
there is usually only one SCSI port on the back using electromechanical means (negative
of the computer, so devices must be linked one strips, engraved discs) to expose type fonts.
to another in a chain, with the first and last second-level heading Second in number (and
devices terminated. importance) of a series of headings in a book.
SCSI device Any device, such as a scanner, CD- seconds See retree.
ROM drive or external hard disk, that is con- secret-key cryptography Encryption when both
nected to the computer by a SCSI port. sender and recipient usually have the same
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 158
key. (See symmetric-key cryptography.) The adaptation layer which is concerned with seg-
opposite of public-key cryptography. menting the application layer information into
section A folded sheet forming part of a book. ATM cells of the correct length for transmission
section sewing Conventional sewing, as in most and reassembling them on receipt.
paperback or hardback books. The full specifi- Seiko RC-4000 An information-storage wrist-
cation is ‘section-sewn continuous’, or French watch containing a serial interface, so as to
sewing or Smyth sewing (US). allow information to be transferred without the
sector The smallest portion of a magnetic disk need for input using very small keys.
that can be addressed by a computer. A subdi- selected file back-up A means of improving
vision of a track. (See also disk pack.) storage space on back-up disks or tapes by
sector mapping A method of speeding up disk copying data blocks sequentially. In this way
access time. If sector addresses are recorded unused or redundant blocks are not copied.
sequentially the operating system will have to Selectric Composition Golfball typewriter manu-
wait for the disk to complete a revolution factured by IBM.
before the next can be accessed. The spreading self-adhesive paper Gummed pressure-sensitive
of sector addresses around the disk gives the paper.
operating system time to process each before self-copy paper Carbonless copy paper.
the next reaches the read-write head. self cover Cover of the same paper as text pages.
secure HTTP (S-HTTP) An extension of HTTP, self-endpapers or self-ends Endpapers that are
providing independently applicable security part of the printed book but affixed separately
services for transaction confidentiality, authen- to the inside of the cover.
ticity/integrity and non-repudiability of origin. self-ends First and last pages of a book-block
The protocol will allow, e.g., credit card trans- used as endpapers.
actions over the Internet. (See also HyperText self-extracting archive (SEA) An archive format
Transmission Protocol (Secure).) originally used on the Apple Macintosh, in
secure sockets layer (SSL) A protocol, originated which double-clicking on a file icon would
by Netscape Communications Corporation, in extract the contents. However, the term is now
order to provide secure communications on the also applied to executable files which run under
Internet. It is used by HTTPS and as a layer MS-DOS, frequently used as a way of down-
below HTTP, SMTP, NNTP, ftp, Gopher and loading software over the Internet. Running the
telnet, but above TCP/IP. SEA file once it has been received unpacks and
Security Administrator Tool for Analysing often expands the files contained within it.
Networks (SATAN) A tool for gathering infor- self-mailer Printed piece mailed without enve-
mation about remote systems, especially secu- lope.
rity aspects, via a network. The results can be semi-bold Typeface that is not heavily embold-
stored in a database and viewed with an ened.
HTML browser such as Netscape. semi-chemical pulp Combination of chemical
Security Association ID (SAID) A 32-bit field and mechanical pulp.
which will be added to packet headers in the semicolon Punctuation mark (;) which can break
proposed Internet Protocol Version 6 in order up a sentence or list, or marks the end of a line
to provide encryption and authentication. in computer programming.
security firewall See firewall. semiconductor Material used in the construction
security paper Paper incorporating features of transistors, diodes and photoelectric cells.
which make counterfeiting difficult. semi-display Advertisements displayed in boxes
see-safe Agreement where the publisher will or laid out as a full or part page within classi-
credit a bookseller for unsold books at the end fied advertisement pages.
of a period under certain conditions, e.g. orders SENDIT See Systems Engineering for Network
for other titles from the publisher’s list. Debugging, Integration and Test.
see-through See show-through. sendmail A Unix email system.
SEGA One of the leading manufacturers of video sensitivity guide Piece of film with graded den-
games. sity used to monitor exposure.
segmentation The division of a packet of infor- separation See colour separation, origination.
mation into shorter packets for transmission separation negative See colour separation nega-
over a communications system. tive.
segmentation and reassembly (SAR) A sublayer sepia A brown tint used in photography to give
of the ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) the impression of age.
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sequence, sequencer Software used to control serigraphy See silk screen printing.
the input of music and sounds either from a server A computer which either holds informa-
piano-type keyboard or other instrument con- tion accessed by other computers over a net-
nected through a MIDI interface or on screen work, e.g. a file server or database server, or
using a computer keyboard. Also the editing of which provides a service, e.g. a print server,
those sounds, and output of the sounds, again which carries out the printing processes for all
via a MIDI interface. computers on a network, reducing the load on
Sequenced Packet Xchange (SPX) A guaranteed the other machines. The Internet is based on a
delivery protocol used by NetWare. network of servers. Also a program providing a
sequential access Reading items in computer service to a ‘client program’. See client-server.
memory in sequence rather than by random server side include A World Wide Web server
access. feature, which makes it possible for informa-
serial Transfer of one bit at a time in sequential tion to be included in HTML documents when
order. they are called up by a browser. This works by
serial communication Also ‘serial transmission’. replacing HTML tags in one file with the con-
Data transfer in which one bit is transferred at tents of another file, essentially using macros.
a time, in contrast to parallel communication, service provider See Internet service provider.
in which a number of bits are transferred con- session A period of connection to a server, e.g.
currently. (See also serial device, serial inter- via the Internet or World Wide Web.
face, RS-232.) session layer The third-highest layer (sometimes
serial device A peripheral device that is connect- referred to as layer 3 and sometimes as layer 5)
ed to a computer through a serial interface. of the OSI seven-layer model. It uses the trans-
Modems are probably the most commonly port layer to establish a connection between
used serial devices, although a mouse and processes on different hosts and handles the
other devices can be connected in this way. security and creation of a session. It is used by
Keyboards are also examples of serial devices. the presentation layer.
serial interface An interface through which data set 1. To typeset, output, or otherwise record an
is transmitted one bit at a time, unlike a paral- image on paper or film. Frequently used syn-
lel interface. Also described as an RS-232 inter- onyms include plot, record, output. 2. The
face. width of a character.
serial line Wires, or a telephone line, connecting set off (or set-off) 1. (vb) In printing the transfer-
two serial ports. See RS-232, RS-422. ence of the ink from a plate to a rubber surface
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) A version of and then from rubber surface onto paper is
the Internet Protocol (IP) which is used over a known as setting off (hence offset lithography).
serial line. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) was 2. (n) The unwanted transfer of undried ink to
designed as an improvement upon SLIP. another sheet which typically occurs at the
serial port Another term for a serial interface, delivery end of the printing press. Precautions
although often used to refer to the physical can include the use of an anti set-off spray.
connection on a computer. See, in contrast, par- setting rule Brass rule used for measurement in a
allel port. composing stick.
serial printer One which prints a single character set width See set.
at a time. Compare line printer, page printer. seven-layer model See Open Systems Inter-
serial to parallel converter A device that con- connect.
verts the sequential input from a serial trans- sew To fasten the sections of a book with thread.
mission device and passes it on via the sexto Obsolete term for one-sixth of a standard
required number of parallel lines. size sheet.
serial transmission Data transmission in which Seybold The Seybold Reports were originally pro-
one bit in transferred at a time. duced by John Seybold to cover technical devel-
series A complete range of sizes in the same opments in the publishing industry. Sub-
typeface. sequently, they have developed to cover desktop
serif The terminal stroke at the end of a line mak- publishing and, in 1996, Internet publishing. In
ing up part of a character. Thus the characters addition, a series of conferences is held each year
in serif typefaces carry serifs, while characters to report on developments.
in sans serif (or sanserif) typefaces do not. SFL Sheetfed litho.
seriffed With serifs, i.e. finishing strokes at the SGML See Standard Generalised Markup
end of a letter form. Language.
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SGML declaration The first part of an SGML shielded cable A data transmission communica-
document, which defines the syntax used in the tions cable that is shielded against external
document, i.e. the coding structure, delimiters, interference by a grounded metallic outer
the character set etc., with changes from the wrapping. See noise.
reference concrete syntax. Note that, although shift A key which, when depressed, gives a dif-
logically this is the first part of any document, ferent designation to all the other keys, e.g.
preceding the Document Type Definition, the turns a lower-case letter into an upper-case let-
SGML declaration may well be part of the ter.
SGML application software and therefore not shift codes Codes employed to increase the
visible to the user. number of addressable characters. By reserving
SGMLS A public domain SGML parser devel- two characters to perform each of shift and
oped by James Clarke. unshift functions the number of available char-
SGW See stone groundwood mechanical pulp. acters will be increased.
shade The lightness or darkness of a colour, as shilling stroke or shilling mark Solidus or
distinct from its hue. oblique stroke.
shaded watermark Watermark with opaque shiner Light spot in paper.
rather than transparent appearance. shingle The allowance made in imposition for
shadowmask A perforated sheet at the rear of a creep, i.e. the fractional space by which the
colour CRT screen that is used to separate beams back margins of the outer pages of a section
from red, green and blue electron beam guns. need to be increased in order to make all the
shadows Dark parts in a photograph or half-tone back margins appear to be equal when the sec-
print represented by 70%–100% dot sizes. tion is folded. Hence, shingling, to carry out
Contrast highlights, midtones. this operation.
shank The body of a piece of type. shive Coarse fibre in paper or pulp.
shared file One that can be accessed by two sys- Shockwave Macromedia’s delivery platform for
tems and which may be used to provide a creating and packaging multimedia for the
means of communication. World Wide Web.
shareware Software that may be obtained and shoot Photograph.
tested for free, usually for a limited time peri- shooting stick Short piece of wood used to tight-
od. It is often distributed through Internet file en space in the lock-up of formes.
transfers or on floppy disk. After the trial peri- short column Column that contains fewer lines
od is complete, users are asked to pay a regis- than other columns in the same book.
tration fee to the author or distributor of the short descenders Descenders that are shorter in
package. Payment of the fee often brings addi- some typefaces than in others.
tional facilities or documentation. short-grain paper Paper where the grain runs
sheepskin White material made from the skin of parallel to the shorter side of an oblong sheet.
sheep used in binding. short-grain press Web fed magazine or paper-
sheet The full-size piece of paper for printing, back printing press which prints all the pages
before folding or cutting. with the short edge of the page in the direction
sheeter Machine which cuts reels to sheets. of travel of the printing cylinder, i.e. produces
sheet fed Printing by separate sheets as distinct short-grain publications. Contrast long-grain
from reels. press.
sheet stock Publisher’s printed sections held at short ink An ink that does not flow easily. The
the printer for binding up later. opposite is a long ink.
sheetwise Printing one side of a sheet at a time. short message service (SMS) A service which
As distinct from perfecting. allows messages of up to 160 characters to be
sheetwork To print each side of the sheet from a received and displayed on a GSM telephone,
separate forme. Each sheet yields one copy. As even when the telephone is being used for
distinct from work and turn. speech.
shelflife The usable storage life of a material (e.g. short sheet Sheet with too small a width dimen-
a plate). sion mixed in with sheets of the correct size.
shield (Or screen.) The grounded (or earthed) short-term subscription Periodical subscription
conducting material that surrounds the trans- less than one year in duration.
mission medium, e.g. the central conductor of a short ton American ton (2000lbs) equal to 0.893
coaxial cable. Its purpose is to stop interference long (imperial) tons, or 0.9072 metric tonnes.
from other electromagnetic radiation and noise. shoulder The raised shoulder of the book back
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 161
which is formed in the rounding and backing signature 1. The letters of the alphabet or numer-
process. The height of the shoulder should als printed at the bottom left-hand corner of
approximate to the thickness of the board to be sections to show the correct sequence of sec-
used for the case. tions. 2. Synonym for section. 3. The few lines
shoulder head A form of boxed head which is of information added at the end an email mes-
ranged left on a line of its own. As distinct from sage or news posting, giving information
a side head. about the sender. (See also digital signature.)
show-through Lack of opacity in a sheet of paper silk screen printing Method which employs a
to the point where the printed image on one fine mesh to support a stencil through which
side of a page is excessively visible from the ink is squeezed.
reverse side. silurian Paper with a small percentage of long-
shrink wrap Plastic film wrapping. fibred, dyed threads giving it a characteristic
S-HTTP See secure HTTP. ‘hairy’ look. Used for covers or endpapers.
sidebands The upper and lower frequency SIM See subscriber identity module.
bands around a carrier frequency that are pro- SIM card serial number (SSN, SIM serial num-
duced when a signal is modulated. ber) The 19-digit number used to identify a
side head A form of boxed head which is ranged SIM card.
left and from which the text runs on in the SimCity A simulation game from Maxis
same line. As distinct from a shoulder head. Software, in which the player designs, builds
side lay The guide on a sheet-fed press which and runs his or her own city. SimCity 2000 is an
positions the sheet sideways. upgraded version. The game also has applica-
side notes Short lines of text set in the margins. tions in system dynamics studies.
side run An addition to the ‘making’ on a paper Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) A proto-
machine which helps to fill up the maximum col used to transfer email between computers,
width (deckle). either over an Ethernet or over the Internet.
side-sewing Binding by sewing through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
sides of the gathered sections. Also known as A protocol used for managing interconnected
McCain sewing. IP networks. It is used on the Internet. Version
side-stabbing Used loosely to describe side wire 2 (SNMP v2) is a revision of SNMP with
stitching. But strictly, a form of stitching where improvements in performance and security.
the stitch on one side of the book penetrates simplex Data communication in one direction
only two-thirds distance, and a complementary only. Contrast full duplex, half duplex.
stitch at the other side completes the securing. simultaneous transmission The transmission of
sidesticks Strips of wooden furniture used when data in one direction simultaneously with mes-
locking up a letterpress chase. sages transmitted in the other. See full duplex.
side wire stitching Binding by stapling through Singer sewing Saddle thread-sewing through
the back margin of the sections. the spine of an inset book.
sig Abbreviation for signature. single-attached An FDDI interface where a
signal element The smallest unit of a signalling device is connected to only one of the FDDI
code. token-passing rings. This kind of connection is
signal ground The communications signal, via usually used for a host computer. See, in con-
pin 7 in an RS-232-C interface, that establishes trast, dual-attached.
a common voltage reference for data signals. single board computer One in which all compo-
signal quality detector A data communications nents required for memory, logic and
signal generated by a synchronous modem and input/output operations are contained on a
used to indicate the probability of an error in single printed circuit board.
received data. single channel per carrier (SCPC) A multiple
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio, SNR) The ratio access communications technique in which
of useful information (‘signal’) to useless each signal is allocated a specific carrier,
‘noise’. Originally used in electronics and com- instead of a number of signals being multi-
munications and measured in decibels. plexed onto a single carrier, as in FDMA.
However, now often used as well to describe single ended An electrical connection, such as a
communication in a more general sense, partic- coaxial cable, where one wire carries the signal
ularly on the Internet referring to Usenet and another wire or a shield is grounded
newsgroups, where the term is a measure of (earthed). This is in contrast to a differential
the quality of the information posted. line.
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small pica Obsolete term for 11pt type. SNMP See Simple Network Management
smalls See small capitals. Protocol.
SmallTalk Xerox’s proprietary operating system, SNOBOL StriNg-Oriented symBOlic Language,
which formed the basis of the WIMP environ- a programming language used in artificial
ment. intelligence applications.
smartcard A plastic card (similar to a credit card) snowflaking White dots on a printed piece
with an embedded microprocessor and memory caused by water droplets or debris.
for storing information. It can store, e.g., person- S/N ratio (or SNR) See signal-to-noise ratio.
al data, identification and bank account details, Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
to enable it to be used as a credit or debit card. Telecommunications (SWIFT) A value added
Other uses include hotel door ‘keys’, passports network used by banks throughout the world.
and medical records. Electronic money can also socket The interface between an operating sys-
be stored on such a card. tem, such as Unix or Windows, and network
smashed bulk The bulk of a book-block under communication facilities. It can either be bi-
compression when casing-in a hard-bound book. directional (stream-oriented) or datagram
smashing See nipping. (destination-addressed messages with fixed
SMDS See Switched Multimegabit Data length). The socket provides a communications
Service. end-point (in analogy with an electrical socket)
smiley See emoticon. and a file descriptor with which to access that
s-mime (Secure MIME.) A specification for socket. Each socket has an associated socket
secure email in MIME format. Includes address that is made up of a port number and
authentication (using digital signatures) and a network address.
privacy (using encryption). socks A security package that makes it possible for
smoothing press Rollers on a paper machine a host behind a firewall to access resources out-
which smooth the web before drying. side the firewall while maintaining the security
smoothing roll coating Application of coating to requirements. Replacements are provided with
paper surface by rollers revolving against the features such as sockets, so as to allow programs
web direction. such as finger, ftp, telnet, Gopher and World
smoothness Evenness of paper surface. Wide Web browsers to be used in the normal
SMS See short message service. way.
SMTP See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. soda pulp Pulp produced from hardwood chips
Smyth sewing Conventional section sewing. cooked in caustic soda. See sulphate pulp.
SNA See System Network Architecture. soft carriage return A carriage return that is
snailmail A pejorative way of describing the tra- inserted by the software as a line wrap, i.e. not
ditional postal service as compared with email. the end of paragraph (hard carriage return)
Originated in the US, but now used internation- that is inserted by the user.
ally. soft copy Non-paper version of text, e.g. on a
snap to grids Function on graphics packages and VDU.
electronic page composition systems which per- soft cover Paper cover as distinct from case boards.
mits elements of a page to be positioned approxi- soft dot Half-tone dot with soft (etchable) hala-
mately and then automatically ‘snapped’ exactly tion around it.
into alignment to a grid by a command issued soft-dot positives Film separations produced off
through the mouse by the operator. a camera or scanner which have soft edges to
snd When used as a file extension or as part of a the dots which can be retouched by hand.
filename, indicates that the file is a sound file. soft font See downloadable font.
sneaker net A perhaps ironic term describing the soft format A soft-sectored disk format in which
transfer of data between computers by taking a the length of the sector may be specified by the
removable medium, such as floppy disk or system designer.
magnetic tape, and walking (wearing ‘sneak- soft hyphen A hyphen introduced into a word
ers’) from one machine to the other. It is proba- by an H&J program, as opposed to a hard
bly worth noting that, in spite of the irony, the hyphen grammatically essential to the word.
bandwidth in real time for such a transfer may softmodem The provision of modem software in
be very high, i.e. it can be the quickest method! such a way that it is loaded into the computer’s
sniffer A network monitoring tool used to cap- memory when a system is booted, so that
ture data packets and, by decoding them, show modem facilities are provided transparently to
the protocol data. the user.
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soft proof A representation on screen of what SoundBlaster The most widely used make of
will be printed rather than a proof on paper or sound card for the PC. Has become the de facto
in any ‘hard copy’ form. standard. VOiCe is a related audio format.
soft-sectored Pertaining to floppy disks with a sound board See sound card.
single index hole in the disk surface for syn- sound card A plug-in board (also called a sound
chronisation purposes, the start of sectors board), usually for a PC, which provides out-
being identified by signals stored on the disk. put of high-quality stereo sound, controlled by
Compare hard-sectored. application software. An essential if multime-
soft typesetter A desktop publishing VDU, such dia is to be used and standard on most new
as a preview screen, usually non-interactive, PCs. The de facto standard is the SoundBlaster
showing an exact replica of a piece of work as card.
it will appear in print. See WYSIWYG. sound resource A file which, when accessed with
software Computer programs. appropriate software in the presence of a
software flow control An alternative term for sound card, will produce audio signals.
software handshaking. source code or source language The program-
software handshaking A technique for regulat- ming language in which a user’s program is
ing the flow of data across an interface using written, usually a high-level language.
software programs. See handshaking, hard- source program Program written in a language
ware handshaking. which requires subsequent translating into an
software package A set of programs written for a object program which the computer can
specific purpose, e.g. wordprocessing. understand. Usually, a source program is writ-
software protection Technical and/or legal ten in a high-level language and translated by
method adopted to prevent unauthorised usage. a compiler into an object program in machine
softwood pulp Pulp made from softwood (conif- code. Alternatively the source program may be
erous) trees, e.g. fir, pine, spruce. As distinct written in a low-level language and translated
from hardwood pulp. by an assembler into an object program in
solid 1. Typeset with no leading between the machine code.
lines. 2. Printed area with 100% ink coverage. source quench A control message within the
solid density patches Patches of solid for each of Internet Protocol (IP) that requests a host to
the process inks in a colour bar testing strip. transmit more slowly over a particular connec-
They reveal print density for each of the four tion in order to avoid congestion.
colours across the sheet. source route An email address, determined at
solid state Electronic components which use the source of a message, which specifies as a
solid materials for current manipulation, e.g. series of hostnames the route a message should
transistors. take. A bang path is the most usual kind.
solidus Oblique slash, printing as /. However, it is now more usual for the route to
solus advertisement Advertisement placed away be determined at each stage.
from others advertising a similar product. space An impulse (or lack of impulse) which
solvent Ink dissolver. indicates a binary zero. Compare mark.
SONET See Synchronous Optical NETwork. spacebands Spacing pieces used by linecasting
SONET ring An architecture used for SONET in machines.
metropolitan areas, which makes it possible for spaces (or spacers) Pieces of metal type used to
the network to continue functioning if a net- space out letters or words.
work component fails. space segment Part of a satellite communications
Sony A Japanese electronics company, which system, including the satellite and the space
originated the Walkman and subsequently the transmission links.
Data Discman. Also had great influence, with spacing Spaces between characters or lines of
Philips, on the development and standardisa- type.
tion of the CD, and manufactures the popular spamming Sending messages to a large number
Gameboy console. of newsgroups irrespective of relevance to the
sort 1. A single character of type. 2. To order data subject of those newsgroups. The intention is
into a given sequence, e.g. alphabetical. often to advertise, but the intent may also be
sort key Part of a data record used to determine malicious or just mischievous. Spamming usu-
the position into which the whole record will ally gives rise to flames, which increases the
be sorted. See sort. traffic even more.
sound See audio. S paper See stabilisation paper.
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SPDL See Standard Page Description Language. it. May be used to find specific information or
speaker model In voice recognition technology, to create an index. Also called a crawler or Web
the characteristics of an individual user’s crawler. Can also be regarded as an intelligent
speech patterns. agent.
spec Specification. spike To reject a news story (formerly the reject-
special character Character which is not present in ed copy would have been filed on a spike).
the usual range available in a font. spiking Irregular surges in power on an electri-
special colour A printing ink colour mixed spe- cal power line causing interference with sensi-
cially for a job rather than made up out of the tive electronic equipment.
process colour set. spine The back edge of a book.
special furnish Papers made from a special mix- spine brass See brass.
ture of pulps for a specific purpose. spine lettering The words on a spine of a book,
speciality papers Papers for special industrial or often blocked in gold or silver.
commercial use, often with unusual properties. spinner A revolving display rack for books.
special sort Unusual character necessary in a job. spinoff A useful by-product resulting from the
specimen Sample page set to show the typogra- manufacture and development of another
phy. invention.
speckle See skips. spiral binding Binding using a continuous spi-
spectro-photometer Instrument that measures ral of wire or plastic threaded through punched
paper colour from its reflected light. holes in the back margin.
spectrum Complete range of colours from long spirit duplication Duplication by moistening a
wavelengths (red) to short wavelengths (blue). carbon dye on a master to transfer it to sheets.
speech recognition (Or voice recognition, voice splice Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured
input.) A technique in which spoken words are with adhesive. (See also flying paster.)
interpreted by a computer system. Most sys- split boards Cover boards in two layers between
tems must be ‘trained’ by the user giving the which are glued the edges of the endpapers
interpretation of a series of representative and section tapes in hand-bound books.
words, and may need training for each indi- split fountain or split duct working Colour
vidual using the system. Usually it is necessary printing technique which divides the ink duct
for words to be spoken in a rather unnatural, to achieve different colours across different
detached manner although recent software has parts of the same roller.
been developed to recognise more natural pat- split fraction Fraction written as numbers one
terns of speech, as well as to analyse strings of above the other, separated by a dash.
words and interpret the context, distinguish- split run Print run of a publication divided in
ing, e.g., between ‘no’ and ‘know’. Speech two (or more) stages to accommodate changes
recognition is particularly useful in ideograph- in text, changes of binding style etc.
ic languages such as Chinese. splitting Tearing of paper suface areas on the
speech synthesis Or voice output. The genera- press.
tion from a textual or phonetic description of a spoilage Waste incurred during the printing or
waveform which sounds like human speech. binding processes.
The generation of numbers, e.g. associated spoofing A technique used to reduce wide area
with an on-screen calculator, is quite common. network overhead. Packets sent for manage-
Speech synthesis is also used in voicemail sys- ment purposes are answered by bridges or
tems. routers, rather than by the remote LAN, fooling
spellcheck Function that checks the spelling in a (spoofing) the local device into thinking that a
text against a dictionary held in the computer. remote LAN is still connected, whether it is or
spelling check program Or ‘spellchecker’ or not, thus reducing the traffic on the WAN,
‘spelling checker’. A computer program which because no packet is ever sent out. Current LAN
checks the accuracy of each word of input protocols are not able to handle spoofing well
against the spellings of a dictionary held in mem- but, because bandwidths are generally greater
ory and displays discrepancies on the screen. than on WANs, the facility is not so necessary.
sph Sheets per hour. The standard measurement spooling Refers to the simultaneous printing of a
of sheetfed printing speed. text whilst the user is engaged on some other
spider A program that automatically explores activity, such as editing another text. The term
the World Wide Web. It finds one document comes from the acronym SPOOL, standing for
and then retrieves the documents referenced in simultaneous peripheral output online.
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spot Painting out unwanted light-spots on a neg- squash Ink that has overrun the intended image
ative with a purple water-soluble ink called area.
opaque. SRA sizes Sizes of stock sheets of printing paper
spot colour Colour that is usually specified in a for printing bled work, larger than the equiva-
document as a particular, often Pantone, lent A sizes. See Appendix for paper sizes.
colour, say for text or graphical features. This is s/s Abbreviation for same size in reproduction
in contrast to process colour. specifications.
spotted negatives Negatives which have been SSB See single-sideband transmission.
painted to delete any unwanted light-spots. SSL See secure sockets layer.
spotting Retouching or covering up marks on SSN See SIM card serial number.
artwork or film in preparation for printing. stabbing See side-stabbing and side wire stitch-
spot varnish Varnish applied to selected parts of ing.
a printed sheet. Often used to enhance the stabilisation paper or S paper Photographic
sheen of photographs. paper used for photosetting output. Has short
spray Chemical used to spray printed sheets to image-retention span once processed and can-
prevent set-off. Also, anti set-off spray. not be used when subsequent corrections will
spraying Ejection of ink off the rollers, usually be stripped in at a later stage. Contrast resin-
because it is too thin. coated paper.
spread Pair of facing pages. stack 1. The calendering unit on a paper
spread coating Method of paper coating using a machine. 2. Pile of sheets, printed or unprinted.
controlled flow of coating material onto the 3. See layer.
paper surface. stacked press Sheetfed press in which the print-
spreading Ink creep on printed areas. ing units are stacked one above the other (the
spreadsheet A software package designed to same model as blanket-to-blanket web presses).
perform financial calculations. Users are pre- Stacker A hard-disk compression utility, now
sented with a grid of alphabetically identified owned by Microsoft.
columns and numbered rows. Each intersection staging Method of correcting photo-engravings
forms a cell which may contain text, numerics by stopping out and re-etching.
or algebraic formulae. As the contents of one stamping See blocking.
numeric cell are altered, the contents of refer- stamping die Steel or brass plate used for block-
enced formulae cells are updated automatically. ing. See brass.
spread spectrum Another term for code division stamping foil See foil.
multiple access. stand-alone A self-contained hardware system
spring back A rounded springy back for stationery which needs no other machine assistance to
books made of strawboard or millboard. function.
sprinkled edges Edges of a book-block sprin- standard artwork Artwork drawn for common
kled with blobs of ink. use and made available in printed form for fur-
sprite A small bitmap image, which can be ther reproduction. Often sold as books or as a
defined, by progam, in terms of its shape, subscription service. (See also clip art.)
colours and other graphic characteristics. standard document A wordprocessing file con-
Sprites are then manipulated, singly or togeth- taining a document that can be merged with
er, as part of screen displays or games. variable information to produce a letter. See
sprocket holes Feed holes in paper tape. mail merge.
SPX See Sequenced Packet Xchange. Standard Document Interchange Format
SQL (Often pronounced as ‘sequel’.) See (SDIF) ISO 9069, a standard for exchanging
Structured Query Language. SGML documents.
square back Flat back binding. Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML)
square back or square spine Binding style that A generic markup language defined by ISO
leaves the back of the book flat rather than 8879:1986 for representing documents in terms of
curved. their hierarchical structures. SGML is a language
squared-up half-tone A photograph with right- and not a coding system so that for each applica-
angle corners, rectangular or square. tion a Document Type Definition (DTD) is
squares The parts of a case which overlap the defined in which the hierarchy of the class of
edges of the leaves on a case-bound book. documents is described in terms of the coding to
square serif Typeface with serifs heavier than the be used. A DTD, as well as describing the hier-
strokes. archical structure, can also include references to
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external entities such as graphics, video, audio any request and, if a transaction fails, it is up to
and computer programs. So SGML can be used the client to repeat the request. However, this
as the basis for multimedia applications, the code will usually mean that more information has to
being interpreted by SGML-compliant viewers be included in each request and this has two
such as Dynatext or Panorama. HTML is based effects: increasing the amount of information in
on an SGML DTD and World Wide Web the request and requiring the server to interpret
browsers are currently only able to interpret the it each time it is received, both slowing down
HTML DTD. SGML describes structure and not end-to-end response. The World Wide Web
appearance but increasingly this is seen as a lim- server is stateless, in contrast to an ftp server,
itation, and support for typographical format- which exchanges information with the client
ting is being developed. Cascading Style Sheets before the file is transmitted.
(CSS) provide appearance-related functionality state of the art Pertaining to what can be achieved
not specified in the HTML DTD. An SGML doc- without further research or development.
ument actually consists of three parts: the SGML static IP address An IP address that is perma-
declaration; the DTD; and finally the document nently allocated to a user. (Compare with
instance (what the reader thinks of as the docu- dynamic IP address.)
ment), but in most applications it is only the doc- static neutraliser An attachment on a litho press
ument instance that is seen by the user. which removes static electricity from the paper.
Standard Page Description Language (SPDL) station 1. Unit of a binding or wrapping machine.
The ISO standard (ISO 10180) for page 2. Data terminal equipment on a datalink or
description languages, based very closely on network.
PostScript. stationery binding Binding which allows books
standard testing conditions Officially specifed to remain flat when open (to facilitate writing
conditions under which paper is tested: 50% in).
relative humidity and 23°C. STD 1 The Internet Architecture Board official
standing film Film stored after printing or proof- list of Internet standards, each of which is
ing pending subsequent re-use. given an STD number, so that, e.g., STD 2 is the
standoff In DTP systems, the distance between a document listing the current Internet assigned
graphic and its boundary. Text which is flowed numbers, STD 9 is the STD defining File
around a graphic will not encroach into the Transfer Protocol (ftp), and STD 15 the STD
standoff area. (See also graphic boundary.) defining the Simple Network Management
star network One in which each device is con- Protocol.
nected to a central controller. As terminal to ter- steel engraving Intaglio plate often used to
minal communication is not possible, the entire reproduce fine designs on stationery (e.g. bank
network will become inoperable if the central notes, share certificates etc.).
computer fails. Compare ring network. stem Upright stroke of a letter or figure.
starred roll Paper roll with buckled inner layers step-and-repeat machine A device which expos-
caused by loose winding and forming a ‘star’ es the same image repeatedly according to pre-
pattern when viewed from end-on. programmed instructions.
start bit The bit which signals the start of a block step index Index letters in the foredge margins of
of data in asynchronous communications. (See a book revealed by cutting the margins away
also stop bit.) progressively to expose the letters sequentially
start of text A data communications control char- positioned from top to bottom throughout the
acter that terminates a message heading indi- text. Also known as cut-through index.
cating that the text of the message follows. stepped index A type of optical fibre in which
start-stop transmission An alternative name for the core has a different refractive index to that
asynchronous transmission. Data blocks are of the cladding, with a sharp change in refrac-
preceded by a start bit and followed by a stop tive index at the boundary between them. It is
bit (or bits). usually used for transmission at high speed
start-tag The tag which indicates the start of an over long distances.
element in SGML or HTML. stereographic Viewing two-dimensional objects
stat See photostat. (pictures, drawings) so that they appear to be
stateless server A server in which each request is three-dimensional.
treated independently, without reference to stereotype Duplicate printing plate cast in a
any previous request. There is no need for stor- mould taken from the original. Abbreviated to
age to be allocated to keep information about ‘stereo’.
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strip gumming Applying water-soluble adhe- stuffed Compressed with the compression utility
sive to paper strips. StuffIt, although the term is also used to
stripper film Very thin film used for hand correc- describe a file compressed by other means. (See
tions. also zip.)
stripping Film handling, correction and assem- stuffer Publicity material sent out in the mail
bly (US). with other literature.
stripping guide Layout for film assembly. StuffIt A file compression utility for the
stripping-in Inserting or assembling film in Macintosh, developed by Aladdin Systems Inc.
pieces using tape or adhesive. Also used for archiving. See stuffed.
strip test Use of special paper to test the pH of an stump The first part of a hyphenated word at the
offset fountain solution. end of a line. Some typesetting systems permit
structured document A document that is coded the definition of a ‘minimum stump’, i.e. the
in such a way as to indicate its structure, rather minimum number of letters which it is accept-
than its formatting, so that, e.g., there will usu- able to leave before a hyphen.
ally be no concept of page, although sections stump line The last line of a page ending with a
and perhaps chapters may be coded since they hyphen. Considered very undesirable.
are structural elements. While a wordprocessor stx Start of text. A control character within a
document can be a structured document, use of packet or message designating the end of the
a parser, together with a standard such as header and the start of the text of the message.
SGML, will guarantee that the structure of the style Typographically, whether text is bold, italic,
document is as defined in the DTD. Structured reversed or underlined. The term is also used to
documents are important in the context of elec- describe a set of formatting characteristics, such
tronic publishing because parsing provides a as typeface, typesize, interline spacing (leading),
‘proofreading’ facility, conventional checking indents, hyphenation and justification parame-
of material often being impractical because of ters and even language, that can be applied to a
either the size or complexity (or both) of the paragraph and saved under a defined name.
files in a multimedia application. Almost all wordprocessors and desktop pub-
structured programming A method of program lishing systems (page layout programs) allow
design and structure intended to aid the the use of styles. These can be combined into
debugging process. style sheets or templates. The principle is now
Structured Query Language (SQL) (Often pro- being extended to HTML authoring tools.
nounced ‘sequel’.) A language designed for style of the house Typographic and linguistic
searching for information within relational data- rules of a publishing house. Also house style.
bases, usually within a client-server architec- style sheet A combination of styles or formatting
ture, and retrieving the information in a struc- (also called a template) which is appropriate
tured form. SQL commands can also be used to for a particular type of document. Thus, there
add to or change the information in a database. will be different style sheets for letters, invoic-
SQL has a structure which is similar to natural es, reports etc. The principle is now also
language (English), which is intended to make it applied in HTML under the name Cascading
easy for non-specialists to use; however, the syn- Style Sheets.
tax must be adhered to, so it is not easy for a stylus 1. Instrument with a hard point for engrav-
novice to use. Alternatively, it can be embedded ing on metals. 2. Special pen used for graphics.
in other languages. SQL is both an ISO and an sub 1. Sub editor, journalist who edits copy.
ANSI standard, although it is under revision. 2. Subscription to a magazine or journal.
stub Network which carries packets between a sub-band encoding An audio compression tech-
backbone and local hosts. nique in which the signal is split into frequency
stub binding System of binding where the spine bands. Parts of the signal which are not
is formed by sewing the folded sections to detectable by the ear are then removed and the
stubs of paper which are then glued together. signal encoded using variable bit rates, so that
stub network A network which carries packets more bits per sample are used in the middle fre-
between a backbone and local hosts. quency range. Sub-band encoding is used in
studio system or studio front-end system Pre- MPEG-1.
DTP typesetting front-end system similar to sub-edit To prepare, modify and correct a manu-
DTP in its concept with WYSIWYG correcting script for publication. This will include checking
facilities, a WIMP operating environment, and the grammar; placing of illustrations, references,
text-and-tone output capabilities. footnotes etc.; headers; pagination and more.
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sub-editor Member of staff of a publishing house sulphite pulp Pulp made from wood fibres
who sub-edits a manuscript prior to printing. cooked in an acidic mixture containing calcium
sub heading Secondary level of heading on a bisulphite and sulphur dioxide in water.
printed piece. Particularly suited to softwoods.
sub master Diazo film copy used for plate- sunk cord sewing System of binding where the
making. cords lie in grooves cut in the backs of the sig-
subnet Part of a network that shares a network natures.
address with other portions of the network and SuperATM A version of Adobe Type Manager
can be identified by a subnet address or num- in which Multiple Mastering technology is
ber. A subnet has the same relationship to a enabled. (See also pdf, Acrobat.)
network as a network does to an internet. supercalender A calendering stack with alter-
subnet address The subnet portion of an IP nate hard steel rollers and soft rollers which
address. See address mask. imparts a high gloss finish to paper as it ‘slips’
subnet mask See address mask. between them. Usually off-machine.
subnet number See subnet address. supercalendered mechanical See WSOP.
sub routine Set of instructions in a computer supercalendered paper Paper with a highly
program which perform a constantly repeated glazed finish, achieved by passing it through a
operation such as a mathematical function. heavy cylinders.
subscriber identity module (SIM) A smartcard supercalendering Producing a highly glazed fin-
which a user needs in order to use the GSM ish to paper by roller pressing it in a super-
digital network. calender.
subscript Inferior character. Small character supercomputer A very powerful mainframe
printed below the baseline as part of a mathe- computer used where extremely high speeds
matical equation. and storage are required.
subsidiary text Extracts, footnotes, and other superhighway See information superhighway.
secondary text in a book. Typically set smaller superior Small character set above the line espe-
than the body text. cially used in mathematical statements or to
substance Paper weight measured in grams per indicate footnotes.
square metre. See Appendix. SuperJANET A broadband expansion of JANET,
substitutional compression An alternative started in 1989.
description of Lempel-Ziv compression, in SuperJournal project One of the demonstrator
that an occurrence of a particular phrase or projects, run in 1993, to give an indication of
group of bytes in a block of data is substituted the potential of the SuperJANET network.
by a reference to a previous occurrence of that Provided one of the first examples of electron-
phrase. ic journals, including full-colour illustrations,
substrate 1. Base paper before coating. 2. Carrier running over a network.
for another material or coating, e.g. film. superscript Small character printed above the
3. Surface being printed on. normal base line for larger characters.
subtitle Secondary or additional title. supershift Function on a typesetting keyboard
subtractive colour The colour seen when white which makes makes it possible to use another
light is reflected from a coloured object. font.
Subtractive colour is used in printing (see super source quench A special packet within the
CMYK). Screen displays use additive colour. Internet Protocol (IP) which is designed to
subtractive primaries Yellow, magenta and cyan, stop an Internet host transmitting. It is rather
the process colours. like a source quench, except that it is a redirect
suction feeder Machine feeder which uses air control packet, which looks as though it comes
blowers and suckers to separate and lift sheets. from a local router, instructing the host to send
suffix Syllable or letters attached to the end of a all packets to its own local loopback address.
word to form a derivative of that word, e.g. Thus, no packets will be transmitted. A breath-
-ation, -itis. of-life packet can be used to restart transmis-
sulphate pulp Also known as kraft pulp. Pulp sion.
made from wood fibres cooked in an alkaline Super Video Graphics Array (SVGA) HIgh res-
mixture containing caustic soda (sodium olution monitor for displaying graphics.
hydroxide), sodium sulphide and sodium sul- super VGA See VGA.
phate. Particularly suited to hardwoods, but support In computing software terminology,
increasingly used for softwoods too. ‘supporting’ a function means providing the
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 171
facility to run that function. For example, a rate (or baud rate) may not be the same as the
printer which ‘supports’ PostScript is one that bit rate for a transmission. 2 Used in type-
is provided with the programs to accept and setting and desktop publishing to describe a
run PostScript code. non-alphabetical or mathematical character,
supported sleeve Cylindrical, wire-mesh sleeve which usually does not form part of the ASCII
which can be fitted over the body of a dandy character set.
roll and removed when not required. symmetric-key cryptography A cryptography
Supra An extension of Adobe PostScript to pro- system where both parties have the same
vide the functionality required for high-resolu- encryption key, as in secret-key cryptography.
tion imagesetters. The opposite of public-key cryptography.
surface picking See picking. sync bit A bit used for data communications
surface plate Conventional presensitised litho synchronisation.
plate in which the image stands slightly proud synchronous In data transmission, signals co-
of the surface. Compare deep-etch plate, ordinated by regular timing pulses. Blocks of
bimetal plate, trimetal plate. data are transmitted at a measured rate dic-
surface sizing Sizing of paper carried out on the tated by timing devices at both ends of the
sizing press of the papermaking machine. interface. Compare asynchronous.
surface strength Resistance of paper surface to Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) An
picking or lifting. IBM protocol similar to ISO HDLC (high-level
surfing (Or ‘surfing the Internet’, ‘surfing the data link control).
Web’.) Use of World Wide Web browsers to synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) Inter-
move around URLs, following cross-references. national digital telecommunications hierarchy
The analogy with surfing arose because of the with standard data rates based on multiples of
apparent ease of moving around the Web. the bit rate 51.84 Mbps.
surprint Exposure of a second image on an Systems Engineering for Network Debugging,
already exposed image. Integration and Test (SENDIT) A two-year
SVGA Super video graphics array. See under project funded by the European Commission
display adapter. and intended to produce software tools for dis-
swash letter An ornamental character, usually an tributed applications running on networks of
italic cap. microcomputers.
swatch Colour specimen printed on paper or a synchronous key encryption Data encryption
set of such specimens. using two interlocking keys, which is the basis
swelled rules Rules which are wider at the centre of public-key encryption. It is not possible to
than at the ends. determine one key from the other. (See also
SWIFT See Society for Worldwide Interbank Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).)
Financial Telecommunications. synchronous modem One with an internal clock
Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) A which produces streams of data at a fixed trans-
connectionless transport protocol developed mission rate. See synchronous transmission.
by Bellcore and based on DQDB (Distributed Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET) The
Queue Dual Bus) for use in metropolitan area North American version of SDH (synchronous
networks in the US. CBDS (connectionless digital hierarchy).
broadband data service), developed in Europe, synchronous transmission Data transmission in
is almost identical. The data format has the which each bit is transmitted at a given rate.
same length and structure as that used for Synchronous transmission is capable of higher
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), provid- speeds than asynchronous transmission but
ing an easy upgrade path to ATM. requires that both transmitter and receiver
sword hygroscope Probe used to determine the remain in exact synchronisation. While each
moisture content of a stack of paper. block is preceded by special synchronisation
swung dash 1. Printing symbol (~) used in dic- bits, no start and stop bits are used.
tionary definitions to show that a headword is synopsis Summary or outline of a book.
being repeated. 2. A carriage return sign used syntax The rules of grammar regulating the use
in some computer programs. of a language.
symbol 1. A waveform produced by a modulator synthesizer An electronic device that makes
or modem that may be uniquely identified by a musical notes or other sounds. It may be a chip
demodulator or a second modem. As a symbol on the sound card that can create sound in
may be generated from several bits, the symbol response to digitised instructions. With a MIDI
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interface, a computer can control one or more tabbing Movement of the cursor in a wordpro-
synthesizers. cessing program enabling it to jump from one
synthetic papers Synthetic materials, typically column to the next, useful in tabulations.
plastic, which have many of the properties of tab index Index letters printed on tabs which are
paper and can be printed. Usually expensive. stuck to the far edge margin of a book.
SyQuest disk The brand name for a removable table Data stored in a form, often an array, that is
hard disk drive and cartridge hard disk with a suitable for reference.
high storage capacity. The term is often also table of contents generation The computer-aided
used to describe removable disks from other compilation of a table of contents by taking
manufacturers. These devices first became specified headings from text, sorting and dis-
popular when it was necessary to transfer large playing them.
colour PostScript or bitmap files for printing. tablet See graphics tablet.
SYSGEN An operating system command used tabloid Newspaper size approximating to A3.
to transfer system files to a specified disk drive. tabular As arranged in a table or list.
System 7 The 1991 version of the Macintosh tabular material Typeset tables or columns of
operating system, which provided much figures.
greater functionality than the previous operat- tabulate To set out text in preset columns with
ing system, including multi-tasking. the cursor moving to each one automatically as
system functions Functions relating to the the text is keyed.
movement of data within a system and con- TAC See terminal access controller.
trolled from the keyboard, e.g. writing to mem- tack The viscosity and stickiness of ink.
ory, or transmission between peripherals. tacketing Method of strengthening stationery
system generation An operating system utility binding using ‘slips’ or bands of leather.
that allows a user to customise an operating tag A generic markup tag is one which identifies
system and related applications programs to a particular atttribute: an ‘A’ heading, e.g., in
suit hardware requirements. the markup of text. Tags are converted to type-
System Network Architecture (SNA) A propri- setting by allocating typographical specifi-
etary communication architecture, or protocol, cations to them and translating them inside the
developed by IBM for their mainframes and front-end of the typesetting system.
initially based upon SDLC. SNA was incorpo- tagged image file format (TIFF) A graphic file
rated in many IBM hardware and software format used for bitmap images. TIFF files can
implementations. It performs a similar task to be black and white, grey scale or in colour.
the TCP/IP and OSI protocols. tailband Cotton or silk cord attached to the foot
Systems Application Architecture (SAA) An of the spine of a book. (See also headband.)
IBM architecture for client-server computing. tail-end hook See back-edge curl.
System X A modular, computer-controlled, digi- tail-piece Typographical device at the end of a
tal switching system used in telephone systems. chapter or book.
tails Bottom margins of pages.
take An amount of copy for typesetting allocated
to one operator. Part of a newspaper story
which has been divided up for speed of setting.
T Taligent An object-oriented operating system
being developed jointly by IBM and Apple.
Formerly called Pink.
talk Communication over a network or the
T-1 A digital leased-line communications service Internet in real time. See Internet Relay Chat.
available in the US, used for ISDN at 1.544 Tandem A network configuration in which
Mbps. Equivalent to the European E-1 service. point-to-point circuits are linked together.
T-3 A digital carrier facility used to transmit a tandem working Using more than one printing
DS-3 (see data service levels) signal at 44.736 machine in-line.
Mbps. (See also ISDN.) It is equivalent to the tape See punched tape.
European E-3 service. tape editing Correcting information stored on
TA See terminal adaptor. tape, usually resulting in a second, edited tape.
tab In typesetting or wordprocessing, to deter- tape merging The combining of data from a mas-
mine the points where the text is to align verti- ter tape and a correction tape to produce a
cally. third, error-free tape.
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tape streamer A magnetic tape transport designed also computer supported cooperative work).
to perform back-up operations. Usually implies being employed by a company,
tape transport The device which moves tape past rather than working freelance, although the
the reading heads. distinction is not clear.
TAPI See Telephone Application Program teleconferencing Either audioconferencing or
Interface. videoconferencing.
taping Pasting strips of material to binding sec- telegraphy Transmission of data, predating tele-
tions to add strength. phony, using bipolar dc current signalling.
TAPPI See Technical Association of the Pulp and Output was on teleprinters.
Paper Industry. telematics The combined use of telecommuni-
tare Weight of an empty container or unloaded cations and computing. The word comes from
vehicle. the French ‘télématique’, which means relating
targa A graphic file format used for bitmap to telecommunications. The term is widely
images, often used as the format for output used in the European Union.
from ray-tracing programs. teleordering Computerised book ordering sys-
taster Small sample of a book, typically a chapter, tem in which the bookseller’s orders are put
sent out by a publisher for promotion purposes. through to the central computer at the end of
TCF Totally chlorine free, relating to pulp and the day, and relayed to the publisher’s distrib-
paper manufacture. See also ECF. ution service the following day.
TCL See Tool Command Language. Telephone Application Program Interface
TCP See Transmission Control Protocol. (TAPI) A Windows 95 application program
TCP/IP See Transmission Control Protocol/ interface that enables hardware-independent
Internet Protocol. access to telephone-based communication. (See
TDM See time-division multiplexing. also CTI.)
tdma See time-division multiple access. telephony See telecommunications. Involving
tearsheet Page from printed periodical used as voice transmission, as opposed to telegraphy.
proof or evidence of publication, especially of telepresence The experience which the user of
advertisement. multimedia applications, such as virtual reali-
tear test 1. Test which determines grain direction ty, undergoes so, although not physically in the
in paper by the ease of tearing. 2. Test to deter- virtual world, the user feels psychologically
mine strength. that he or she is, e.g., travelling at very high
technical/office protocol (TOP) An applica- speed.
tions-layer application for office automation teleprinter Remote printer used in the early days
over networks developed by Boeing on the of telex and telegraphy.
basis of the OSI model based on Ethernet. (See teleprocessing Using telecommunications to
also MAP.) carry out data processing on a remote basis.
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper telepublishing Another term for electronic pub-
Industry (TAPPI) American professional lishing.
organisation. telescoped roll Reel of paper with progressively
technical press Periodicals concerned with tech- misaligned edge.
nical subjects and circulating among specialists Telescript An object-oriented programming lan-
in those subjects. guage, developed by US company General
TEI See terminal endpoint identifier, Text Magic and designed specifically for handling
Encoding Initiative. communications. The intention is to make com-
Telecom Gold A nationwide electronic mail ser- munications programming simpler and pro-
vice operated by British Telecom. vide cross-platform, network-independent
telecommunications Communication via tele- messaging, in much the same way as
phone systems. Telecommunications today PostScript did for formatted files.
range from simple voice communication over teletex An international text exchange service, 40
the telephone to complex systems involving times faster than telex.
computers, fax machines, modems and related Teletext Broadcast system displaying text and
equipment. schematic images on a TV screen. Organised in
telecommuting (Or teleworking.) Working at pages, which can be called up by the user key-
home and communicating with colleagues and ing numbers from a displayed index.
others over telecommunications systems teletype A peripheral equipped with a keyboard,
instead of physically commuting to work (see printer and paper tape punch and reader.
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teletypesetter Linecasting system driven by six- terminal adaptor (TA) Equipment used to con-
channel paper tape generated on separate key- nect terminal equipment with RS-232 ports to
boards. ISDN basic rate interface. TAs replace the
teletypesetting (TTS) Typesetting operated by modems used on analogue lines and, as far as
punched paper tape, often over a telegraphic the user is concerned, effectively perform the
system. Formerly popular system for newspa- same task, connecting to a telephone line.
pers. terminal emulation Connecting a computer to
teletypewriter Keyboard and printer attached to another computer using a terminal emulator.
a computer system that can input data direct or terminal emulator A program that makes it pos-
make punched paper tape. sible for a computer (often a PC) to act as a ter-
television receive only (TVRO) A satellite dish minal to another system, often a mainframe or
and receiver combination to receive television Unix. The commonest type of terminal emulat-
from a satellite. The more powerful the satel- ed is the VT 100. Note that it is not important
lite, the smaller (and therefore cheaper) the how the physical connection is made and this
dish needs to be. Similarly, for more powerful can be via telnet, by dial-up or even as a direct
signals, the receiver needs to have less complex or network connection.
(and thus again cheaper) decoding circuitry. terminal endpoint identifier (TEI) (Or terminal
teleworking See telecommuting. equipment identifier.) The identifier used for
telex (Teletypewriter exchange service.) An specific items of communications equipment,
analogue service based on teleprinters. Now e.g. telephone, fax machine, modem, in an
virtually superseded by teletex, fax and, most ISDN installation.
recently, email. terminal equipment identifier See terminal
telnet The standard Internet protocol that allows endpoint identifier.
users of one host to log into a remote host so terminal server A device that allows many ter-
that they are seen as normal terminal users of minals (serial lines) to be connected to a local
that host. Essentially provides the same facili- area network (LAN) through a single network
ties as directly dialling in to a remote host, but connection.
over the Internet, and thus avoiding telephone termination Adding a terminator to a series of
charges – or at least reducing them to the cost SCSI devices.
of a local call to the nearest point of presence. terminator 1. See Ethernet. 2. The device which
(See also tn3270.) must be added at the beginning and end of a
template 1. An underlying page design or grid SCSI chain.
into which text and graphics are placed. 2. A TEX (Pronounced ‘tek’ – Greek tau, epsilon, chi.) A
standard document that can be used as the public domain document formatting and type-
basis of a class of documents, so that, e.g., in a setting language developed by Donald Knuth,
wordprocessor, a template for a letter can originally for setting Volume IV of his The Art of
include the letter heading, including graphics, Computer Programming, as he had become di-
and any other standard information, such as ssatisfied with the quality of the setting in
the date, which can be generated automatically Volumes I to III. The language uses macros and
from the system date. Templates are now wide- has a number of different implementations, such
ly used in many applications and in most cases as LATEX, which incorporates macros that
any document can be saved as a template. A describe document styles and has become a
similar term is style sheet. standard for setting technical material. This is
tensile strength Capability of paper to withstand partly because it provides facilities for setting
stretching and pulling. equations and mathematical material, but also
TERM A program that runs under Unix and because the mathematical syntax is described in
allows users dial-up access to the Internet the language of the mathematician or computer
without using SLIP or PPP. scientist (rather than that of the compositor –
terminal A device, usually a keyboard and hence the reluctance of conventional typesetters
screen, that is connected to a computer or net- to use it). In addition, TEX input is entirely in
work, on which data may be input or dis- ASCII, so that is easy to transmit by email. It is
played, but has no processing power of its also used as a screen formatter for equations by
own. Also described as DTE. such browsers as Dynatext and also by organisa-
terminal access controller (TAC) A device that tions such as the American Mathematical Society
connects terminals to the Internet, usually via for distributing academic journals electronically.
modems. Note, however, that TEX is not WYSIWYG,
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although in some implementations screen pre- the distribution of grey levels over the surface
view of pages is possible. (See also Metafont.) (described in the two different ways), while in
text The body typesetting in a book as distinct the structural approach textures are considered
from headings and display type. as composed of simple texture elements (‘tex-
text area Area occupied by text on a page, nor- els’; see for comparison pixels).
mally governed by a grid. textured screen Half-tone screen that yields a
text block In DTP, an area on a page into which textured pattern on the half-tone created.
the user has placed text. tftp See Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
text database A database for handling large thermal imaging Exposure technique associated
amounts of, often unstructured, text. They were with CTP plates which uses heat to expose the
originally designed to handle newspaper image.
archives and utilise tags, together with specially thermal paper Special paper that produces a
designed software for indexing, searching and black coating when hot, allowing characters to
extraction. Recently, some have been made be printed by fine, heated pins.
available in SGML-compatible versions. Well thermal printer A non-impact printer. Heat is
known examples include BRS Search, Status and applied to a ribbon carrying waxed ink which
Basis Plus. is transferred to the paper in the form of dots.
text editing Any rearrangement or change per- thermal transfer Method of printing where the
formed upon textual material, such as correct- ink is transferred to the paper by heat.
ing, adding and deleting. thermographic copier Copying machine that
text editor An editing program used, most fre- uses heat to take an image from the carbon in
quently by programmers, to edit text or ASCII the original and transfer it to heat-sensitive
files. Unlike wordprocessors, text editors pro- paper.
vide no control over formatting except indirect- thermographic printing Relief effect created by
ly when, e.g., TEX files are edited and these heating special powder or ink on a sheet to give
include ASCII-coded formatting information ‘raised’ typesetting.
that is subsequently interpreted by the TEX thermomechanical pulp Abbreviated to TMP.
program. Superior, stronger mechanical pulp produced
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) An initiative from steam-heated wood chips.
designed to make possible the exchange of thermoplastic Description of a substance that
electronic texts for academic research purposes, becomes pliable when heated and hardens on
rather than for publishing. SGML coding is cooling.
used and a TEI DTD has been published. In thermoplastic binding See adhesive binding.
spite of its academic emphasis, there is much in thermosetting Using material that will set per-
the TEI work which is relevant to electronic manently when heated but can be moulded
publishing in general. whilst warm.
text pages The principal matter in a book as dis- thesaurus A feature of some wordprocessing
tinct from the frontmatter and endmatter. packages. Synonyms for words can be accessed
text paper 1. Fine quality paper for printed pub- online by highlighting a word and activating
licity work. 2. The body paper of a magazine or the dictionary program behind it.
book as distinct from the cover stock. thick Ethernet A colloquial name for the original
text processing Wordprocessing using a com- yellow cable Ethernet standard, 10Base5.
puter to key in, edit and output text as docu- thick space Letterpress spacing piece equal to
ments, letters, labels etc. one third of an em.
text retrieval The process of finding words or thimble A printing element similar to a daisy-
phrases in running text by computer matching. wheel but formed into a thimble-like shape.
Also called word search or free-text search. thin Ethernet See cheapernet.
text type Body type of the main text in a book. thinners Solvents added to ink to reduce tack.
Loosely, a composition size of type of 14pt or thinnet See cheapernet.
less, as opposed to a display type. thin space Letterpress spacing piece equal to
Textura Black letter or gothic type. one-fifth of an em.
texture A descriptor for the graphic properties of third cover Inside back cover of a magazine, usu-
a surface in terms of smoothness/coarseness ally reserved for advertisements.
and regularity. Approaches used to define tex- third-generation computers Computers in
ture are statistical, structural and spectral. which integrated circuits – silicon chips – first
Statistical and spectral techniques are based on replaced transistors.
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third-generation photosetters Photosetters using tightback binding Binding in which the backs of
cathode ray tubes to generate the typographical the sections are stuck to the spine of the book,
images. reinforcing its strength. Also known as fast-
thirty The symbol -30- is used on some newspa- back binding.
pers to indicate the end of a story in copy. tight edges Referring to a stack of paper in which
thread See topic thread. the edges of the sheets are stretched tight and the
threaded In DTP systems, text is threaded when its centre of the sheets are baggy. Caused by the
several parts or text blocks are linked together stack having a higher moisture level than the
by the user into a continuous story. Threaded surrounding atmosphere. Compare wavy edges.
text behaves as a single element of continuous tilde A pronunciation mark placed over a letter,
text which the program identifies as such and e.g. in Spanish over an ñ to change the sound to
keeps together in correct sequence no matter ny.
how much the page layout may be changed, or tile In the DTP make-up of publications with a
how many corrections are inserted or deleted. page size larger than A4, a portion of the page
threadless binding See adhesive binding. that is printed on a single sheet of paper. To
thread sealing Binding method using meltable make the complete page, the various tiles are
threads as ‘stitches’ to secure individual sec- assembled and pasted together.
tions before trimming and forwarding. tile, tiling The arrangement of windows in a
thread sewing Conventional sewing. Also graphical user interface (GUI) so they abut
known as French sewing or section sewing. rather than overlap (or cascade).
thread stitching Securing inset books by stitch- tiling fill or tiled fill To fill a border with a dec-
ing through the spine with threads. oration created from the repetition of a single
three-colour process Process work using the yel- pattern (tile).
low, magenta and cyan without black. time-division multiple access (tdma) See time-
three-knife trimmer Cutting machine with three division multiplexing.
knives which trim books and magazines along time-division multiplexing (tdm) (Or time-divi-
three edges. sion multiple access.) A type of multiplexing in
three-quarter binding Method in which the which data from several users is transmitted
majority of the case of a book is covered in onto a single channel in series, each user having
leather or cloth and the remainder in a different its own time slot. Used in both satellite commu-
material. nication and long-distance telephone systems.
throwaway Free newspaper comprised largely of time-out The use of a timer to limit the period of
advertisments. a program’s operation. Often used in commu-
throw-out A page which folds out of a book or nications, so that if there is no transmission
magazine to a size larger than the book trim. over a communications link during a specified
Also fold-out, gatefold. time, then the link is broken.
thumb hole Lettered grooves cut into the fore- time-sharing Concurrent processing of several
edge of a book, such as a dictionary, to enable jobs or programs on a computer.
easy access to sections of an index, also known time-slicing The technique used by computers to
as a thumb index. switch between concurrent applications and
thumb index Index where the alphabetical divi- programs. Effectively a time slot is allocated to
sions are cut into the edge of the book trim. each process and the computer switches
thumbnail sketch Small rough drawing. between them. On a powerful computer, the
ticket board Pasteboard. user appears to have access all the time. Time-
tick marks 1. Alternative term for crop marks or division multiplexing uses a similar approach.
cut marks. 2. Marks on rulers which define the (See also multi-tasking.)
increments being measured. Times New Roman Probably the most widely
tied letters See ligature. used typeface, designed by Stanley Morison
TIFF Tagged image file format. A standard for- for The Times newspaper in 1932.
mat for the storage of bitmap graphics and time to live (TTL) A field in the header of the
scanned images. Internet protocol that indicates how many
TIFFIT (TIFF/IT) Proposed format for imposed more hops a packet may make before it is dis-
pages captured as part of a digital workflow carded or returned to the sender.
system. tint A solid colour reduced in shade by screen-
tight Laid out on a page so that there is little ing. Specified as a percentage of the solid
white space. colour, and in a particular screen ruling.
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tint generator Program on an epc system which letters and a hyphen) is an IBM implementa-
generates tints inside a designated area. tion of the protocol.
tinting Mechanical tint or stipple which is Token-Ring The IBM implementation of the
preprinted and can be used by a designer. token ring network topology.
tint laying Using films to create a tint. TokenTalk Software that makes it possible for
tip in (or tip-in) 1. (vb) To fix a single leaf inside Apple Macintoshes to connect to a Token-
a section. 2. (n) A tip-in is an extra leaf, pasted Ring network.
into a bound book. tombstone Basic advertisement for professional
tip on To fix a single leaf, or endpaper, to the out- services which conforms to the limitations
side of a section. imposed by law or by professional associations.
tissue A fine, thin paper used for a variety of ton Measure of weight. One ton = 1016 kilos.
purposes where a delicate, lightweight paper is tone Colour variation or shade of grey, as distinct
required. from line which is solid black only.
titanium dioxide Mineral used in papermaking toner Chemical used to create image in photo-
to add brightness and opacity. copying processes.
title bar In DTP, the line immediately below the tonne Metric tonne, equivalent to 0.984 long
menu bar in the publication window which (imperial) tons, or 1.102 short (US) tons.
contains the name of the open publication. toolbar An area of a window, usually at the top
title page Page of a book carrying the title, or bottom, carrying buttons for commonly
author’s name and publisher’s name. Always a used commands.
recto. Tool Command Language (TCL) A programming
titling Type font only available in full-faced caps. language, similar to PERL, that is used in devel-
TMP See thermomechanical pulp. oping World Wide Web tools and applications.
tn3270 A program used to connect a local com- tooling Impressing a design onto the leather
puter to a remote IBM mainframe host which, cover of a book using a hand punch.
because it uses a proprietary operating system, tooth Rough surface, as applied to a paper.
does not understand telnet. The program emu- toothy Having a rough surface.
lates an IBM 3270-type terminal. TOP See technical/office protocol.
toggle Any electronic device having two states. top edge See fore-edge.
In wordprocessing, any command which, in topic thread A series of postings, e.g. to Usenet
identical form, is used to both switch a function or CompuServe, on a single topic, or more cor-
on and off (e.g. underlining). rectly connected by reference header informa-
token bus A topology used in local area net- tion. If a user follows a thread, he or she will
works (LANs). In order that there are no ‘colli- access a series of Usenet postings connected in
sions’ or priority conflicts on the network, a this way. Most newsreaders give the option of
special control frame (the token) must be following threads automatically.
received by a station before it is allowed to Topic (Verity Topic) A search engine both used
transmit on the bus. Once that station has as part of large Web sites and quite widely inte-
transmitted its messages, it passes the token to grated into other applications, such as Acrobat.
the next station on the bus, which is then top of form A character printer feature that
allowed to transmit. Most commonly used as advances paper by one page.
specified by the IEEE 802.4 token bus standard. topology The mathematical study of intercon-
token passing A procedure used in token bus nections. A network topology shows the sta-
and token ring networks. tions or hosts on the network and how they are
token ring A topology used in local area net- connected. Within a communications protocol,
works (LANs). Stations are connected in a the network layer must be aware of the net-
closed ring and a special control frame (the work topology in order to be able to route
token) is passed around the ring. In order that packets correctly.
there are no ‘collisions’ or priority conflicts on TOPS See transcendental operating system.
the network, a token must be received by a sta- top side The side of a web facing upwards dur-
tion before it is allowed to transmit on the ring. ing making, i.e. opposite to the wire side. Also
Once that station has transmitted its messages, called the felt-side and the right side. Tends to
it passes the token to the next station on the be smoother than the wire-side.
ring, which is then allowed to transmit. Most torn-tape system Paper tape typesetting system
commonly used as specified by the IEEE 802.5 involving manual removal and feeding of tape
token ring standard. Token-Ring (with capital from one machine to another.
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touch screen An input mechanism in which a trade press Periodicals targeted to specific trades
user can communicate with the computer by or businesses.
touching a particular location on the screen trade publishing The publishing of general-
with a finger. Touch screens are most widely interest books which are sold through the retail
used in applications where the users are un- bookshop trade.
familiar with computers, e.g. public informa- trade tolerance Allowance for under or over
tion systems. Generally, other pointing devices, delivery quantities deemed acceptable com-
such as the mouse or joystick, are more com- mercially. Applies particularly to paper, with
mon. The point at which the screen is touched reference to the Paper Trade Customs.
is detected either using a sensitive membrane trade typesetting A trade typesetter is one whose
or as a result of light beams being interrupted. livelihood is typesetting. As distinct from in-
touch-tone The method employed in telephony house typesetting, or typesetting as a facility
throughout the US to communicate the keys offered as part of a total print-bind service.
pressed when dialling. See dual tone multi traffic In general, transmissions over the
frequency (DTMF). Internet, but usually used to indicate the num-
to view Referring to the number of pages ber of transmissions at any one time.
appearing on one side of a plate or sheet, e.g. trailing blade coater Device for scraping excess
32-to-view = 32pp each side of the sheet = 64pp coating off paper.
unit. transceiver A communications device that is capa-
tpi See tracks per inch. ble of both transmission and reception. More
tracing paper Transparent paper manufactured specifically, the physical device that connects a
for tracing. host interface, e.g. an Ethernet controller, to a
tracing programs See autotracing. local area network (LAN). (See also CSMA/CD.)
track 1. In printing, the line or strip around the transcendental operating system (TOPS) A
circumference of the printing plate governed local area network (LAN) that provides peer-
by one inking key. All items positioned in this to-peer file transfer and is used to connect PCs
track will be subject to the same density of ink- and Macintoshes in such a way that files
ing on the press run. 2. In computing, one of appear on a user’s system in a form compatible
the concentric rings of a disk along which data with that system.
is stored. transducer A device that converts sound, tem-
trackball or tracker ball An input device that perature, pressure, light or other physical sig-
performs the same function as a mouse, but nal to or from an electronic signal.
remains stationary, the rotation within its transfer type Pressure-sensitive type on carrier
mounting controlling the cursor position. sheets. Can be rubbed off to create type in posi-
Trackballs are generally used in portable or lap- tion on the page. Also known as ‘transfer letter-
top computers and form an integral part of the ing’.
keyboard in most cases. transient Short-duration noise or the pertu-
tracking 1. When illustrations are in track on the rbation of a signal or power supply for a short
press, they are subject to the same density of period.
ink. The tracking of subjects means their posi- transistor A component made up of layers of dif-
tions relative to each other along the same ferent semiconducting materials which, when a
track. 2. See track kerning. current is fed to one of its three terminals, con-
track kerning Global reduction in letterspacing trols the flow of current between the other two
to achieve a tighter visual effect. The same as conductors.
character compensation. Transitional Type style such as Baskerville
tracks per inch A measure of density of tracks on which evolved between Old Style and Modern.
a magnetic disk. transition coding An alternative term for non-
tractor feed A printer drive mechanism compris- return to zero inverted.
ing a chain or belt equipped with teeth which transit network A network that carries traffic
engage with the sprocket holes of continuous between other networks; it may also carry traf-
stationery. fic for its own hosts. Almost by definition it
trade houses Companies in the printing industry must be connected to at least two other net-
whose main work is for other printers. Often works. (See also backbone, stub.)
specialists in a specific operation, e.g. laminating. translation table See look-up table.
trademark Unique printing mark identifying a translator A compiler, interpreter or assembler
company. conversion program that translates a high-
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level language or low-level language (source message sequencing, flow control and multi-
code) into machine code (object code). plexing, so that messages sent from one host to
transliterate Transcribe into characters of a dif- another arrive both uncorrupted and in the right
ferent language. order. The most widely used implementation is
translucent Semi-transparent, allowing light to Transmission Control Protocol.
pass through. transpose Abbreviated trs. Exchange the posi-
transmission codes Standard code sets used in tion of words, letters or lines, especially on a
computers to represent alphanumeric charac- proof. Hence transposition.
ters and numbers. Examples include ASCII transposition Altering the order of a group of
and EBCDIC. characters.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol transputer Computer consisting of a single chip.
(TCP/IP) (Transmission Control Protocol over trap, trapping The overlap between two colours
Internet Protocol.) The transport layer protocol used in printing to ensure that there is no white
generally used on Unix systems and on the appearing between them as a result of paper
Internet, as well as on many Ethernet systems. It movement or poor registration. Gives a slightly
was developed mainly by the US Department of less clear impression than kiss-fit, but allows for
Defense and includes both network layer and variation in printing conditions. Trapping char-
transport layer protocols. The term is often used acteristics are often monitored by a test strip in
to include telnet, ftp and UDP. Note that the colour bars printed on a four-colour job.
TCP/IP is a de facto standard and not directly trap-door function A mathematical or program-
compatible with the OSI (Open Systems ming function that is easy to compute, but
Interconnect) model (although discussions are whose inverse is very difficult to compute.
frequently held to try to integrate the two Widely used in cryptography, particularly in
approaches). public-key cryptography.
transmission copy Copy which is viewed by tree A topology based on the branches of a tree
transmitted light, e.g. a transparency. As dis- converging at a trunk or root. The concept is
tinct from reflection copy which is viewed by used, inverted, in tree-and-branch filing sys-
reflected light. tems. Tree topologies are also widely used in
transparency 1. Full-colour photographic posi- broadband networks so that there is only one
tive on transparent film for viewing by trans- route between any two stations.
mitted light. Suitable as copy for separation. tree-and-branch filing system A filing system in
2. See data transparency. which all files are stored within directories, in
transparency viewer Box arrangement with spe- analogy with an inverted tree structure or like
cial light source to enable the viewing of trans- folders in a filing cabinet. Each directory may
parencies under consistent conditions. in turn be stored within another directory. The
transparent In computing, a process is trans- root directory contains all the other directories
parent to the user if he is unaware of it going and corresponds to the filing cabinet.
on. Used particularly of computer processing trichromatic Using three process colours
which is taking place as an operator is doing (magenta, yellow, cyan) to print in full colour.
something else. trim Cut edges off sheets to square up or reduce
transparent inks Inks such as process inks which size. Hence trimmed size is the size after trim-
permit other colours to show through when ming.
overprinted and so produce subsequent mixed trimask Special photographic mask made of
colours. three-layer film and used in camera separation
transponder A device, mainly used in telecom- processes to colour correct separations as they
munications, that receives a signal, amplifies it are made.
and then retransmits it, possibly at a different trimetal plate Lithographic plate for very long-
frequency. Transponders are widely used in run work where three layers of metal are used
satellite communications. in manufacturing the plate.
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol See trim marks Alternative term for crop marks or
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet tick marks.
Protocol. trim to bleed Trim so that printed solids reach
transport layer The middle (fourth) layer in the the edge of the trimmed sheet.
ISO seven-layer model. Also called the host- Trinitron A cathode ray tube manufactured by
host layer, it uses the network layer to provide Sony that produces an especially bright, sharp
reliable end-to-end message transport including picture without distortion.
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triple DES A form of encryption which uses the trunk A high-capacity communications circuit
DES cipher three times. that carries many channels. See tree.
triple lining Extra lining used to make very trunk network The main part of the telephone
strong binding for a book’s spine. network that passes through the country. The
Triple-X (XXX) An abbreviation for the combina- majority in the UK is now digital and uses
tion of X.3, X.28 and X.29 protocol standards fibre-optic cable rather than traditional copper
documents defining the operation of a PAD, cable but local loops to business and home
particularly in X.25 networks. users are still largely analogue.
triplex board Board made up of three layers of TS Abbreviation for typescript.
thinner paper or of one central layer lined on T series The series of ITU recommendations
both sides with paper. governing teletex.
tritone The use of three (possibly Pantone) TTL See time to live. It is also used in electronics
colours in combination to produce a particular to mean transistor-transistor logic.
effect in printing. May be used (with cyan, yel- TTS See teletypesetting.
low and magenta hues) to produce a finer grey- TTS code Six-level code used by teletypesetters.
scale effect. (See also duotone.) tty See teletype.
trivial file transfer protocol (tftp) A simple file TUBA An Internet addressing proposed scheme
transfer protocol that is used for downloading which will allow longer address names, and
bootcode (code which will restart the operating therefore more addresses, to be used. This is
system) to diskless workstations. necessary because the Internet is growing so
troubleshoot To find and rectify a fault in hard- fast that the existing supply of IP numbers will
ware or software. be exhausted before long.
trs See transpose. tub sizing To size or glaze paper by dipping it in
true colour Otherwise called 24-bit colour. a vat of gelatinous solution.
Refers to the colour generated by monitors TULIP (The University LIcensing Program) A
capable of displaying the full 16.7 million program set up by the publisher Elsevier at a
colours available from 24-bit RGB (8-bit red number of US universities, providing electron-
plus 8-bit green plus 8-bit blue). As distinct ic access to journals in materials science and
from 8-bit colour which is that generated by engineering.
monitors capable of displaying only 256 tumbler work See work and tumble.
colours of shades of grey. tuning Within font technology, means to
true dictionary See dictionary. improve the appearance of a font on-screen and
TrueImage A page description language and in printed documents.
imaging model developed by Microsoft for turnaround document A document produced by
printers, similar to PostScript. (See also a computer that is subsequently used as input
TrueType.) after additional data has been added. Such
true italic Designed italic face in a font documents are usually a type of form or card,
true small caps Small caps designed as such, which is printed in a typeface readable by OCR,
rather than created as a smaller size of main- with a standard grid suitable for OMR. Once the
text capitals (in which case the strokes fre- form or card, e.g. a survey form or some kind of
quently look too thin). meter reading, has been completed, then a uni-
TrueType A font system developed as a rival to versal document reader, capable of handling
PostScript and subsequently supplied as part of both OCR and OMR, is used to input the data.
Microsoft Windows 3.1. TrueType fonts are turnaround time The time taken to reverse the
scalable (or outline) fonts and incorporate direction of transmission in a half-duplex com-
hinting. TrueType is also used to refer to the munication.
software that converts the TrueType font for turned 1. A table or illustration turned sideways
rendering on-screen or on a printer. (See also on a page so as to fit better. Such tables or illus-
Type-1 fonts, Type-3 fonts and Adobe Type trations should always be turned so that the foot
Manager.) A new font specification, OpenType, of them is on the right-hand side of the page
has recently been developed with the aim of when the book is in normal, upright, position.
removing font-compatibility problems. 2. News setting carried over onto another page.
TrueType GX A version of TrueType fonts that is turned in Cover material turned over the edges
used in QuickDraw GX. of the board.
Trumpet A news-reader for Microsoft Windows, turner bar Bar on a web offset press which redi-
using the Winsock library. rects the web through a right-angle degree.
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turnkey system A system which is complete and two-sheet detector A device for stopping the
designed for a specific use. With hardware this press if more than one sheet is fed.
implies that the supplier has full responsibility two-shot binding Adhesive binding in which
for installation, with software the implication is the first application is of PVA adhesive, the sec-
that the user may initiate the package without ond of hot-melt adhesive. Compare one-shot
necessarily understanding or even being aware binding.
of the operating system. two-sidedness Undesirable differing finish of
TVRO See television receive only. the felt-side and the wire side of a sheet.
tweening An interpolation technique used in two-wire circuit A circuit used to connect a tele-
animation, in which a program generates extra phone subscriber to the local exchange, usually
frames between the key frames created by the consisting of a twisted pair.
user. This gives smoother animation without tying-up Using cord to secure type for storage.
the user having to draw every frame. Tweening tympan Appliance for raising the printing paper
uses mathematical formulae to generate the to the correct height in a hand-operated press.
coordinates of important elements at a series of Type An operating system command used to dis-
discrete times. (See also morphing.) play the contents of a text file.
twice-up Instruction to prepare artwork at 200% type 1. Single metal letter or character. 2. Metal
of finished size. slugs with raised letters or symbols used for
twin-axial cable A shielded coaxial cable with creating a line of print.
two conductors within the outer shield. Type 1 font A PostScript outline font having the
twin-wire Smooth board or paper made from highest typographic quality, mainly because
two separate webs which are brought together Type 1 fonts incorporate hinting. For some
at the press section of the twin-wire paper years, as Adobe kept the Type 1 specification a
machine. Contrast the duoformer principle secret, other font developers could generally
with which it is sometimes confused. only develop Type 3 fonts. Now, however, the
twin-wire fourdrinier Papermaking machine. specification is publicly available and therefore
Two wire meshes make two layers of paper almost all fonts created are Type 1. As well as the
which are joined back-to-back while still wet and outline specification, Type 1 fonts also include a
this creates sheets that are smooth on both sides. screen, bitmapped font, although the develop-
twisted pair A cable in which pairs of conductors ment of Adobe Type Manager now means that
are twisted together in order that crosstalk the outlines can be directly rendered for viewing
from nearby wiring and other noise is ran- on-screen. (See also TrueType fonts.) A new font
domised. (See also unshielded twisted pair.) specification, OpenType, has recently been
twoÕs complement A method of representing a developed with the aim of removing font-
negative value in binary arithmetic, the negative compatibility problems.
being obtained by complementing the digits and Type 2 font Type 2 font technology was devel-
adding one to the result. oped by Adobe Systems, but subsequently
two-binary, one-quaternary (2B1Q) The encod- abandoned before release. Thus there are no
ing for basic rate ISDN. Type 2 fonts.
two-colour press Two-unit machine which can Type 3 font A PostScript font developed, proba-
print two colours on a sheet in a single pass. bly by a type vendor other than Adobe, before
two-letter index Index based on divisions of two Adobe made the Type 1 specification publicly
letters in each section. available; almost all these have now been con-
two-line drop capital Initial capital letter taking verted to Type 1. Although Type 3 fonts can be
up the depth of two lines of type, sometimes more ornate, incorporating grey shades, vari-
used decoratively at the beginning of a section able stroke widths or graduated fills, they have
or chapter. a number of disadvantages. These are princi-
two-revolution press Letterpress machine where pally that they cannot incorporate hinting (and
the impression cylinder revolves twice for each thus do not print well at smaller sizes), they
sheet: once to make the impression, and then to have larger file sizes and they cannot be ren-
rise clear of the type for delivery of the sheet. dered by Adobe Type Manager.
two-revolution printing Letterpress printing type area Area occupied by text on a page.
process where the cylinder does two revolu- typecasting Setting type in metal by a machine
tions per impression. such as Linotype.
two set Printing two copies of a book simultane- type character A single figure or letter, tradition-
ously with the pages joined head-to-head. ally known as a sort.
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underlay The packing under a letterpress block uniform resource name (URN) (Formerly called
which brings the height up to impression level. universal resource number.) A proposed way
underline 1. Caption (US). 2. A wordprocessing of describing Internet resources that is based on
facility to automatically underline text. content, rather than the location (see uniform
underrun Paper delivery or printing quantities resource locator (URL)). The URN concept is
which fall short of the order. being developed because the URLs change (for
underside Bottom side of a web of paper. Also various reasons, e.g. because documents are
known as the ‘wire side’ or wrong side. The moved around within directory structures or
other side is the top side, felt-side, or right side. the host changes). The syntax will be similar to
unearned advance Money paid to an author that of URLs, and URNs will require a registry,
before royalties have been earned from sales so that the actual location of a document can be
but which will be deducted from that anticipat- accessed directly. Initially called uniform
ed income. resource number.
Unicode A 16-bit character-encoding system that uniform resource number Former name for uni-
is intended to include all characters in all lan- form resource name.
guages (including Chinese and similar lan- union paper Special wrapping-paper compris-
guages). It forms part of ISO 10646 and is back- ing two webs joined by tar coating.
wards-compatible with ASCII (7-bit encoding). unit 1. Smallest subdivision into which the em
Instead of the 128 characters which can be character width measurement of a font is
encoded with ASCII, 65 000 can be encoded divided. Used as the counting basis for all char-
with Unicode. QuickDraw GX is one of the acter widths in a font. Actual size varies with
first applications to take advantage of the stan- the manufacturer’s system. 2. One set of print-
dard, but it is gradually expected to become the ing cylinders with associated machinery. A
standard approach, so that the current incom- four-colour press will have four units, each
patibilities between coding schemes for non- printing one colour.
ASCII characters become a thing of the past. unit value The number of units in a character
uniform resource characteristic (URC) (Formerly width. See unit.
called uniform resource citation.) A method of Univers Widely used sans serif typeface
encoding Internet resources, including types of designed by Adrian Frutiger.
URI. The method is based on SGML and universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
includes approaches to searching that bear (UART) An integrated circuit used within a
some similarity to SQL. computer system to handle serial communica-
uniform resource citation Former name for uni- tion. Essentially the UART converts the inter-
form resource characteristic. nal parallel signals, used on the computer’s
uniform resource identifier (URI) (Formerly internal bus, to a serial data stream, sent to a
called universal resource identifier). A general serial port. (See also USRT.)
way of addressing resources on the Web, Universal Copyright Convention
including uniform resource locators (URLs) (UCC) International agreement on copyright
and uniform resource numbers (URNs). (See set up by the United Nations in Geneva in 1952.
also URC.) universal resource identifier Former name for
uniform resource locator (URL) (Formerly uniform resource identifier.
called universal resource locator.) A way of universal resource locator Former name for uni-
specifying an Internet resource, such as a file, form resource locator.
a World Wide Web site or a newsgroup. URLs universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/
are used in HTML documents to specify the transmitter (USART) An integrated circuit
target of a hyperlink. An example URL is used in a computer to convert parallel data to
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/. The part before a serial form for synchronous or asynchronous
the first colon specifies the protocol to be used, transmission. (See also UART, USRT.)
which may be ftp, telnet, Gopher etc., rather universal synchronous receiver/transmitter
than HTTP (http being perhaps the most com- (USRT) A device designed to control the tim-
mon). The part of the URL after the colon is ing of synchronous data transfer, and serial to
interpreted differently depending on the proto- parallel conversion. Compare UART.
col. Normally, a hostname (or a port) will fol- university press A university printing press that
low the double slash. Other information can prints university documents. 2. Publishing
follow the single slash and this may be a direc- house owned by a university.
tory and file structure or, e.g., a query. Unix or UNIX A multi-user operating system
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allowing several operators to use the same upper case Capital letters.
computer simultaneously. upper-case letters Capitalised letters, such as the
Unix to Unix Communication Protocol (UUCP) first letter of this sentence. The term is derived
See Unix to Unix Copy Program from the days of metal type, when the capitals
Unix to Unix Copy Program (UUCP) A protocol were kept in the top (upper) typecase and the
used for communication between Unix systems, small letters in the bottom (or lower) case.
now also developed for other operating sys- upper memory In MS-DOS, the next 384K after
tems, but increasingly replaced by protocols the 640K of conventional memory which is
such as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) usually reserved for running system hardware.
and NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). upright Designation for binding along the
UUCP is also used to describe the international longest dimension. Also, portrait.
network of hosts which communicate using the upward compatibility The ability of one com-
UUCP protocol, and is also known as Unix to puter to run programs written for a later
Unix Communication Protocol. See UUCPNET. model, but not vice versa.
unjustified Typesetting with even word spacing, URC See uniform resource characteristic.
therefore having a ragged right edge. URI See uniform resource identifier.
unlined chipboard Case board made from URL See uniform resource locator.
mixed waste furnish and consisting of a num- URN See uniform resource name.
ber of plies of thin board pasted together. (See USART See universal synchronous/asynchro-
also Dutch grey board, millboard.) nous receiver/transmitter.
unsewn binding See perfect binding. Usenet (Pronounced ‘use-net’; a contraction of
unsharp masking (USM) Feature offered on ‘Users’ Network’.) A distributed bulletin
most scanners which by deliberately lowering board system, based on Unix systems, which
the background resolution in pre-defined local contains a very large number of newsgroups
areas increases the sharpness of detail in these on virtually every subject there is. (See also
areas. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP).)
unshielded twisted pair (UTP) A form of cabling Usenet news See Usenet.
used for local area networks (LANs), rather user area That part of computer memory alloca-
than coaxial cable. Also used for telephone ted to user programs, the remainder being
connection in the US. (See also twisted pair; the reserved for buffers and operating systems.
lack of a shield is possible because of the effects User Datagram Protocol (UDP) An Internet pro-
of twisting.) tocol similar to TCP and layered on top of IP,
unshift Keyboard designation for lower case. used for sending packets of information
unstuff To decompress a file that has been between applications. However, UDP is con-
stuffed. nectionless and does not guarantee delivery.
untrimmed Pages in a book which have not been Thus, error processing and retransmission
trimmed. must be handled by the application.
untrimmed size Dimensions of a sheet or printed user-defined format An instruction assigned to
piece before trimming. an input key to perform a particular command
unzip To decompress a file that has been zipped. or string of commands over and above any nor-
(See also PKUNZIP.) mal function. Keys programmable by the user
up 1. Running (in the case of equipment). 2. Sev- in this way are known as UDKs (user-defined
eral at once: two-up means two copies the same keys), user programmable keys, or macros.
out of one sheet. user-defined key Keyboard character which can
UPC Universal product code. US: system of bar- be programmed by the user to perform a spe-
coding packaging and book covers. cific function.
update Edit a file by adding current data. user-friendly A term, perhaps obvious in mean-
uplink The link (or sometimes the earth station) ing but difficult to define, used to describe sys-
which conveys signals to a geosynchronous tems, software and user interfaces which are
satellite. The opposite of downlink. easy to interact with, needing little or no prior
upload To transfer files over a communications training or documentation for the user.
link or a network, usually from a smaller sys- user interface 1. See environment. 2. The way in
tem to a larger host. This may, e.g., be a bulletin which a user interacts with a program or sys-
board. The opposite of download, although see tem. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are
comment under download concerning the increasingly becoming the norm, although
interchangeability of the two terms. command interfaces are still used. Both of
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 185
these may also include menu-driven interfaces. duplex (unidirectional) data transmission at
(See also HCI.) 1200 bps. This was used for Prestel.
USM See unsharp masking. V.24 The ITU-T standard defining serial inter-
USRT See universal synchronous receiver change circuits between DTE and DCE (and
transmitter. not related to modems, except that the fre-
USSCII US Standard Code for Information quencies recommended were chosen so as not
Interchange, synonymous with ASCII. The to interfere with the control tones used in tele-
only difference lies with the character associat- phone systems). Together with V.28, this is
ed with code 123 (hash in USSCII, pound sym- equivalent to RS-232-C.
bol in ASCII). V.25 The ITU-T standard concerned with auto-
utilities Software programs designed as tools to answer modems.
assist in the development of systems, the recov- V.28 The ITU-T standard that defines the electri-
ery of data etc. cal signal characteristics of serial interchange
UTP See unshielded twisted pair. circuits. Together with V.24, this is equivalent
UUCP See Unix to Unix Copy Program. to RS-232-C.
UUCPNET The international store-and-forward V.32 The ITU-T modem protocol allowing data
network made up of all the interconnected rates of 4800 or 9600 bps.
Unix machines in the world, together with V.32 bis The ITU-T modem protocol allowing
some machines running UUCP-type software data rates of up to 14.4 kbps. ‘Bis’ means the
on other operating systems. If a machine is on second version, rather than twice the speed.
UUCPNET, it can be reached by giving the V.32 terbo This is not an ITU-T protocol, but a
bang path. proposal from a group of modem manufactur-
uudecode A program (originally written for ers for a 19.2 kbps modem. It has been overtak-
Unix to be used with UUCP but now widely en by the development of V.34 modems.
used on other systems) to convert ASCII text Originally called ‘V.32ter’ (i.e. the third version
produced by uuencode back to a binary file. of V.32), but renamed (and mis-spelt) because
uuencode A program (originally written for of a misunderstanding.
Unix to be used with UUCP, but now widely V.34 The ITU-T modem protocol allowing data
used on other systems) to convert binary files rates of up to 28.8 kbps and also allowing the
into a special ASCII format that can then be sending of fax. K56 flex, however, can give up
transmitted by email (which is only able to to 56 kbps on the download side. (See also
handle ASCII characters). The file is converted V.FC, V.fast.)
back using uudecode. (See also SMTP, MIME.) V.35 The ITU-T standard for data transmission at
UUPC UUCP for MS-DOS and Microsoft 48 kbps over serial connections. It is the equiv-
Windows. alent of RS-422/RS-449.
UV light See ultraviolet light. V.42 The ITU-T standard protocol for error cor-
UV varnish Ultraviolet varnish. Sometimes rection between modems. See MNP.
installed in-line with a printing machine, a uv V.42 bis The ITU-T standard for data compression
varnish unit deposits a high-gloss varnish for modems. An extension of V.42. Compression
dried by exposure to UV light. ratios of up to 4:1 can be obtained. ‘Bis’ means
the second version, rather than twice the speed.
vactor (Virtual actor.) A character in animations,
controlled by a human actor, who provides the
voice and uses a data glove to provide move-
V ment.
vacuum frame Contact printing frame using vac-
uum pumps to hold copy in position.
vacuum tube See first-generation computers.
V.21 The ITU-T protocol for a basic 300 bps VALID Acronym for VALue IDentification lan-
modem. guage, a high-level programming language.
V.22 The ITU-T modem protocol allowing data validation Checking data to ensure that it is
rates of 1200 bps. valid, which may mean that it is complete,
V.22 bis The ITU-T modem protocol allowing accurate or reasonable. Validation may be car-
data rates of 2400 bps. ‘Bis’ means the second ried out in a number of ways, including com-
version, rather than twice the speed. parison with a mask, calculation of a checksum
V.23 The ITU-T modem protocol allowing half- or parity checking.
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value added network (van) A network which owned by Corel. Ventura was the first DTP pro-
offers users more than just data transmission. gram to use styles or tags in any systematic
This can include anything from a simple email way, preceding in practice the wide implemen-
storage service up to a range of commercial tation, if not the development, of SGML.
services. ver An operating system command that displays
van See value added network. the version of the operating system in use.
Vancouver system System for displaying biblio- verification Data validation achieved by keying
graphical references much used in STM pub- the information twice and then performing a
lishing. Bibliographical references in the text character-by-character check.
are limited to a number, and all the references verify An operating system utility that confirms
are listed at the end of the relevant section in that data written to disk has been correctly
the numerical order in which they have recorded.
appeared. Contrast Harvard system. Verity Topic See Topic.
Van Dyke American term for a brownline or Veronica A keyword search service that allows
brownprint: type of dyeline proof. the user to search all gopher sites for menu
vanity publisher Publisher who publishes books items (files and directories).
on payment of a fee by the author but does not version number Identification of a particular
distribute or market them. ‘edition’ of software.
variable A name given to a memory location verso Left-hand page with even number.
which is used to hold the current value of vari- vertical jobbing press Small letterpress machine
able data. that operates with flat formes moving vertically
variable space Space between words used to jus- and not horizontally.
tify a line. Contrast fixed space. vertical justification Spacing a column or page
varnish Thin, transparent coating applied to of type to fit a predetermined depth. Automatic
printed work for gloss or protection. process on some typesetting systems. (See also
vat machine Machine used in the paper industry feathering.)
for making board. vertical screen Screen in which the cross lines are
vat papers Handmade papers formed on a wire at 90° and upright rather than at 45° as in the
in a vat. conventional cross line screen.
VDI See Virtual Device Interface. vertical scrolling The ability to move text dis-
VDT See video display terminal. played on a screen up or down a line at a time
VDU See visual display unit. to reveal other parts of the text.
VDU/VDT See visual display unit/terminal. Vertigo A media player technology developed
vector A line and its direction. Vector instructions by Adobe, to work with Bravo and Java.
given to a computer enable the computer to cal- very high frequency (VHF) The band in the elec-
culate and plot the outlines of graphics and tromagnetic spectrum between about 30 and
type characters. A programmed instruction 300MHz, that is used for television transmission,
then fills in the outline. Contrast bitmap. FM radio broadcasting and voice communi-
vector data Data held in vector (outline) form. cation. Contrast ultra high frequency (UHF).
vector font Another name for an outline font. very small aperture terminal (VSAT) A kind of
vector graphic A graphic created using vector groundstation used for communications with
data (geometric shapes). See draw-type graphic. communications satellites.
vehicle Liquid component of ink which serves to VESA local bus A local bus defined by the Video
carry the pigment and bonds it to the substrate. Electronics Standards Association (VESA – a
vellum 1. Prepared inner side of calf-skin, used US industry body) for use originally in PCs.
in binding. 2. Imitation of this type of surface Rivalled by PCI.
on paper. VF See voice frequency.
velox print Term for screened print. V.fast (or V.FC) A 28.8 kbps modem protocol
Vendor Independent Messaging (VIM) An developed by modem manufacturing compa-
email system for local area networks (LANs), nies Hayes and Rockwell before V.34 had been
developed by a group of companies headed by approved. While V.FC is not compatible with
Lotus as a competitor to Microsoft’s MAPI. V.34, V.34 modems manufactured by Hayes
Venix Version of the Unix operating system and Rockwell will also support V.FC.
developed by Venturcom. VGA Video graphics array. High-resolution
Ventura A desktop publishing program, origi- graphics adapter standard adopted for IBM
nally developed at Xerox PARC, but now PS/2. Offers 256 colours on colour monitors, or
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64 shades of grey on monochrome monitors. video disk A 12-inch digital disk which looks
See EGA, SVGA. rather like a long-playing (vinyl) record and
VHF See very high frequency. can store full-motion video, audio and data.
video Moving images, conventionally consid- Video disks have been used both for entertain-
ered in terms of television images and usually ment (e.g. complete operas) and for interactive
in a recorded form, but now extended to learning applications, but are being superseded
include moving-image files of all types and live by various types of CD. They are likely to be
images capable of being stored on computer made completely obsolete by DVD.
systems and transmitted over networks. video display A text or graphics display device
Common formats include QuickTime, MPEG which may be a cathode ray tube, LED or gas
and avi. The term is also used to describe an plasma display.
individual video tape or film. (See also video video display terminal (VDT) A type of terminal
on demand, full-motion video.) that consists of a keyboard and a screen. (See
video accelerator A video board designed to also visual display unit.)
speed up what happens on the computer video graphics array See VGA.
screen. Depending on the application, it may video on demand (VoD) A projected system in
either improve motion on the screen or cause which viewers can request a particular video
the screen to remap faster. (film), either over cable or over ISDN, at any
video adapter Another term for a video board. time and it will be downloaded for (one-time)
video board (Or video adapter, video card.) The viewing.
circuit board which controls the screen display video phone A telephone by which users can
on a computer. The term predates the use of communicate both visually and audially.
video to describe moving pictures (as seen on a video RAM See video random access memory.
video recorder). Examples in the PC world are video random access memory (VRAM) Fast
VGA (video graphics array) and CGA (colour memory chips used for storing the image(s) to
graphics adapter), which provide different levels be displayed on a computer screen.
of functionality. Modern, high-specification video terminal Computer display terminal.
machines may use proprietary video boards to videotex A communication system that uses tele-
provide additional functionality, such as power vision sets or low-cost terminals to provide
saving. information from a central database. There are
video capture board (or card) A circuit board two types: Teletext, which is one-way and
that acts as an analogue-to-digital converter, essentially non-interactive, and viewdata,
so that analogue signals (usually video or sin- which is interactive via a telephone line. While
gle frames) can be saved to file. teletext is fairly successful in the UK, Prestel,
video card Another term for a video board. the BT viewdata service, is used only in spe-
video CD Compact discs that comply with the cialist applications e.g. by travel agents. In
White Book standard. They require a drive France, however, the Minitel system is widely
which is eXtended Architecture (XA) compati- used. It is probably fair to say that the World
ble. See compact disc eXtended Architecture. Wide Web provides most of the functionality
video clip Short length of video included in com- of videotex, but with a much better user inter-
puter application. face. Note that, confusingly, teletext is a form of
video compression The compression of sequences videotex, but teletex is something different.
of images. Algorithms for video compression viewdata A form of videotex used for displaying
take advantage of there usually being only small information interactively on a television or
changes from one frame to the next, so that the computer screen. Within the UK, Prestel is the
first frame is recorded using similar techniques best-known implementation, while in France,
to those for still images (see JPEG e.g.) and then Minitel is widely used.
only the differences between frames are record- viewer An application that allows a particular for-
ed. See MPEG, H.261. mat of file to be viewed, e.g. a JPEG viewer. Also
videoconferencing A meeting between two or another term for a World Wide Web browser.
more groups of people in different places, who vignette Half-tone with background fading out.
can both see and hear one another using video VIM See Vendor Independent Messaging.
and audio links. Video compression is often virgin fibre Fibre used for the first time to make
used but, because of bandwidth limitations, paper (i.e. not re-cycled).
images are quite often disjointed and may some- virtual channel An individual connection within
times break up. (See also virtual meeting.) a virtual path.
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 188
virtual circuit A connection in a network that be implemented over the World Wide Web.
appears to the user to be an end-to-end circuit Also called Virtual Reality Markup Language,
or physical connection, while it is actually a because of its relationship with SGML.
dynamically variable network connection. virtual telecommunications access method
virtual corporation A corporation or company (VTAM) A data communications access
that has no physical existence, usually being a method that is used with IBM’s System
collaboration between people or companies Network Architecture (SNA).
that are geographically separated and conduct virus A program, usually written anonymously
their business using electronic communica- with malicious or mischievous intent, which
tions, such as email, videoconferencing etc. attaches itself to executable program files so
Virtual Device Interface An ANSI graphics stan- that when these are transferred from computer
dard defining an interface between device- to computer (on disk or via the Internet), it
independent and device-dependent graphics spreads (like a biological virus). A virus is usu-
code. ally triggered by a particular stimulus, which
virtual disk See RAM disk. may be running the program to which it is
virtual document A document which is generat- attached or just the system date reaching, e.g.,
ed in response to a request, e.g. by a CGI- ‘Friday the 13th’. A worm is a specific kind of
script, but otherwise does not exist. virus. (See also Internet worm.)
virtual LAN A local area network (LAN) which viscoelastic Flexible enough to return to original
appears to be a single LAN but is actually con- size after stretching.
nected via a dynamically variable connection. viscosity Resistance to flow; tackiness.
virtual meeting A service in which users can Visicalc A proprietary spreadsheet package.
observe and, if they wish, take part in multi- vision system A computer system for interpret-
party videoconferencing. ing signals from a video camera. Used in robot
virtual network See virtual LAN. systems to increase their functionality.
virtual path The location of a file or directory on visitor location register (VLR) A database of
a particular host, as seen by a remote user information in the MSC containing informa-
accessing it via, e.g., the World Wide Web. tion about visiting (roaming) mobile tele-
Within the URL, the virtual path appears as ‘. . phones from other networks.
. /~name/. . .’, where ‘~name’ is replaced with visual A layout or rough of artwork. Also, mock-
the real path, which is configured by the local up.
administrator. The effect of this is to restrict visual display unit (VDU) The unit of a comput-
access from external users to specific parts of er system containing a screen; usually part of a
the local network, as well as providing for pri- video display terminal.
vate home pages. visual display unit/terminal (VDU/VDT) A
virtual point of presence (VPoP) (Or virtual cathode ray tube screen and keyboard for
PoP.) A telephone number which is accessed by input and correction of copy to a computer or
an Internet user, from which the call is relayed, photosetter.
via a ROMP, to a bank of modems at the access visualisation Producing a visual or graphical rep-
provider’s actual point of presence. This ser- resentation of numerical data. Representations
vice is usually operated as a separate service by can be anything from a simple graph to a com-
someone other than the service provider. In this plex three-dimensional surface with colours rep-
way users have to pay only for local calls. resenting different kinds of data. Visualisation is
virtual PoP See virtual point of presence. used increasingly in executive information sys-
virtual reality Form of computer simulation tems so as to provide managers with an easily
which uses three dimensional graphics and and quickly understood interpretation of trends
video, together with tactile physical devices to and related data.
give the user the impression that his environ- viz Abbreviation for the Latin word videlicet
ment is physically changing. meaning ‘in other words’.
Virtual Reality Markup Language See Virtual VLR See visitor location register.
Reality Modelling Language. VLSI Very Large Scale Integration. The next gen-
Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) A eration of chip on from the LSI chip. The VLSI
specification for the design and implementa- chip contains many more gates and offers
tion of a platform-independent language for expanded capabilities.
virtual reality scene description so that three- voc The file extension for the VOiCe audio format.
dimensional environments (or cyberspace) can VoD See video on demand.
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Vodaphone One of the principal providers of VPoP See virtual point of presence.
mobile communications networks in the UK. VR See virtual reality.
VOiCe An audio file format developed for the VRAM See video random access memory.
SoundBlaster card. The file extension is ‘.voc’. VRML See Virtual Reality Modelling
voice action In speech recognition technology, an Language.
operation much the equivalent of a keystroke VSAT See very small aperture terminal.
or mouse-click that can be invoked by a voice V series The ITU-T series of recommendations
command. for data transmission over telephone. They are
voice activation (Or speech recognition, voice usually used in connection with modems, for
recognition, voice input.) Giving commands to which they define operating speeds (band-
a computer by speaking rather than by using widths in bps) and other features, such as error
the keyboard or mouse. Although frequently correction. The commonly used recommenda-
featured in science fiction, it is now a reality. tions are listed as separate entries. Note that
voice band See voice frequency. ISDN is covered by the I series. (See also H
voice data entry See speech recognition. series, T series, X series.)
voice file In speech recognition technology, the VT 100 A DEC video terminal produced in the
file that contains the user’s voice model. 1980s. However, the command set which was
voice frequency (VF) Analogue signals that are associated with it has become a de facto stan-
within the frequency range used to transmit dard in communications, so that almost every
speech (between 200Hz and 3.5kHz), i.e. the communications program offers VT 100 com-
range of the human voice. patibility or emulation.
voice input An alternative name for speech VTAM See virtual telecommunications access
recognition or voice activation. method.
voicemail An electronic mailbox system in
which spoken messages from telephone callers
are recorded. Outgoing messages are often gen-
erated electronically using speech synthesis.
voice modem A modem that can handle voice
(and usually fax) communications as well as
data communications. (See also fax modem.)
voice output Another name for speech synthesis.
voice recognition An alternative name for W3 An abbreviation used for the World Wide
speech recognition, voice activation or voice Web. Also a World Wide Web browser designed
input. to work with the Unix editor Emacs.
voice synthesis See speech synthesis. W3C See World Wide Web Consortium.
void hickey A hickey appearing as a white spot W3 Consortium See World Wide Web
on the printed image. Consortium.
volatile storage Storage media in which data is waffling Deformation of a sheet caused by exces-
lost if the power supply is removed. Compare sive ink tack.
non-volatile storage. See RAM. WAIS See wide area information server.
volume 1. Bound book. 2. Thickness of paper WAN See wide area network.
expressed as a volume number (e.g. vol 18) warm colours Red and yellow shades.
equal to the thickness in millimetres of 100 warp The long threads in a woven cloth which
sheets of that paper at 100gsm. represent the machine direction. The cross-
volumetric A volumetric paper is one which is threads are the weft or woof.
made to a guaranteed bulk. Typically an Antique wash drawing Black and white illustration with
wove. tones created by grey or black ink or paint
voucher proof Proof sent by the printer for infor- washes.
mation only, not for proofreading. washing The unintended dissolving by water of
vouchers Free copies of a periodical given to pigment in ink during litho printing.
advertisers in that issue. wash-up The cleaning of the printing units of a
voxel In analogy with pixel, the smallest identifi- press prior to a change of ink or shut-down of
able part of a three-dimensional space, identi- the machine.
fied by the cartesian coordinates of either its waste furnish Board or paper furnish consisting
centre or one of its corners. The term is used in of waste paper – packaging, cardboard,
three-dimensional modelling. newsprint, magazine papers etc.
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water finish High finish to paper achieved by Web master The person responsible for main-
damping the web as it passes through the cal- taining and administering a Web site.
ender stack. web offset Reel-fed offset litho. May be heatset
water immersion size test Test using water or coldset. A variety of possible configurations
immersion to establish the effectiveness of sizing are possible ranging from one mono unit with
in a paper as a water repellent. a single reel-stand up to multi-unit colour
waterleaf Moisture-absorbent paper such as presses with up to three reel-stands.
blotting paper or filter paper. Web page A World Wide Web page, i.e. an
waterless litho Offset litho process using special HTML document.
plates which do not require damping. web press See web-fed.
watermark Design impressed into a paper web Web server A program that serves file and data
during manufacture by the dandy roll. to Web browsers. See client-server.
water-soluble inks Inks used in screen printing Web site The related set of Web pages operated
and gravure. by a single organisation or individual, usually
water vapour transmission rate Test to determine identified by a single IP number.
the waterproof qualities of packaging paper. web-sized mechanical sc paper See WSOP.
WAV See Windows Waveform. web-sized offset printing paper See WSOP.
wavelength division multiplexing A multiplex- web tension Adjustable degree of lateral pull on
ing technique used in fibre-optic communica- a web of paper in a web press.
tions. An optical multiplexer is used to com- wedge serif Serif which is an additional straight
bine light of different wavelengths into a single line rather than curved stroke (contrast brack-
wavelength for transmission. A demultiplexer eted serif).
is used to separate the signals. weft The cross-threads in a woven material.
wavy edges Referring to a stack of paper in Contrast warp.
which the edges of the sheets are baggy and the weight 1. In typography, the degree of boldness
centre of the sheets are stretched tight. Caused of a typeface style (e.g. light, medium etc.). 2. In
by the stack having a higher moisture level paper specification, the substance.
than the surrounding atmosphere. Compare welcome page Another term for a World Wide
tight edges. Web home page.
wax engraving Engraving produced by using wet-end The Fourdrinier wire section and the
wax as a mould for an electro. Used particular- pressing section of a paper machine.
ly for rule work. wet-on-wet Superimposition of colours on a
wax test Test of picking of paper surface using multi-unit press (i.e. before each colour has
graded wax sticks. dried).
waygoose or wayzgoose Annual party, dinner or wet printing See wet-on-wet.
outing for printing-house employees. wet proof See machine proof.
WEB A self-documenting programming lan- wet stock Pump in its liquid form or during for-
guage developed by Donald Knuth and used mation on the wire.
in writing TEX. wet strength Tensile strength of saturated paper.
Web See World Wide Web. wet strength paper Paper that remains strong even
web A continuous length of paper (i.e. a roll or when wet because of resin added to the pulp.
reel) as distinct from sheets. wetting agent An additive which decreases the
Web address Another name for a URL. surface tension of water.
Web browser See browser. wf Wrong font. Proofreader’s mark indicating an
Webcosm A development of Microcosm for incorrect typefont has been used in setting.
World Wide Web documents so that users are WF See woodfree paper.
able to set up linkbases which, for each specif- What you see is what you get See WYSIWYG.
ic text string, contain a link to one or more wheel printer A printer with printable characters
URLs. This can then be overlaid on a Web page held on metal wheels.
to add user-controlled links. Different linkbas- whip stitching Sewing technique used to join
es can be overlaid on the same page to reflect sheets at the edges.
the different interests and levels of experience whirler Machine which applies photosensitive
of the user(s). coating to printing plates.
Webcrawler See spider. whiteback Cloth which is dyed on its surface
web-fed Presses printing on webs of paper only, with the reverse side remaining white.
rather than sheets. Contrast dyed-through cloth.
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Windows NT (‘NT’ stands for ‘New Technology’.) wood-containing Referring to papers which are
A 32-bit operating system developed by part-mechanical in furnish.
Microsoft, after its split with IBM, on the basis woodcut Hand engraving cut into a block of
of previous development work on OS/2. NT is wood for print-making.
a complete multi-user, multi-tasking operating wood engraving Illustration printed from a
system, which was aimed at the corporate net- block of wood sawn against the grain, where
work market and seen as a competitor to Unix. the design is cut into the end grain of the wood,
The user interface started very similar to that with the result that is clearer and more hard-
of Windows 3.1, and the latest version is close- wearing than if a woodcut had been used.
ly related to Windows 95. It is not limited to woodfree paper Full woodfree paper contains no
running on the Intel chip range and some large mechanical pulp at all. This is sometimes
installations have used the DEC alpha chip. known as ‘pure woodfree’. It is generally
Windows sockets (Winsock) A socket system accepted, however, that woodfree paper may
developed for Windows systems, providing include up to 10% mechanical or other fibre
both a standard API and a standard ABI. and still fall within the definition of ‘woodfree’.
Windows Waveform (WAV) A sound format woodfree pulp Pulp which is processed chemi-
developed by Microsoft and used principally cally and which contains no mechanical
in Microsoft Windows. The file extension is groundwood.
‘.wav’. wood pulp Raw material made from wood fibre
wing effect The result of out-of-square guillotin- mixed with water, used to make paper.
ing of a book: when the book is opened the woodtype Typographical characters (usually in
edges look like a pair of butterfly wings rather sizes over 72pt) made from wood. Often called
than being parallel along the tops and bottoms. poster type.
Winsock See Windows sockets. woof The cross threads in a woven material.
WinZip An implementation of PKZIP for Also, weft. Compare warp.
Microsoft Windows. (See also zip.) word As a computer term, a set of bits recog-
wipe-on-plate Litho plate to which the light-sen- nised by the computer as the smallest logical
sitive coating is applied by hand. unit of information for processing.
wire The moving fine mesh belt on which liquid word break Division of a word at a line ending.
stock is formed into a web of paper by draining word-by-word aplhabetisation See alphabeti-
away the water. The ‘wire side’ is the side of the sation.
web which rests on the wire (also known as the wordprocessing The act of composing, inputting
underside or wrong side). Wire mark is the and editing text through the medium of a ded-
impression left by the wire on the web. icated wordprocessor or specific wordprocess-
wire-binding or wire-0 binding Binding method ing software.
comprising a continuous double loop of wire wordprocessor An editing and formatting pro-
running through slots in the margin of a book. gram with which documents, including graph-
Wired A US magazine concerned with the ‘digi- ics, can be input, edited, formatted and printed.
tal revolution’ (see Negroponte). There is also, (Contrast with text editor.) Most wordproces-
not surprisingly, a World Wide Web version sors now run as graphical user interface (GUI)
(http://www.wired.com). applications, and the distinction between high-
wireless Usually used to describe networks that end wordprocessors and low-end page make-
are connected, not by wires, cables or optical up programs is very hazy. The two most com-
fibres, but by radio communication (in much mon wordprocessors are Microsoft Word and
the same way as radio broadcasting was once WordPerfect.
commonly described as the ‘wireless’). word search Finding words or phrases in text by
wire-side Side of paper facing the wire on the computer matching.
paper machine during making. wordspace The variable space between words
wire stitching See saddle-stitching. which may be increased or decreased to justify
with the grain In the direction of the length of a line.
the original web. Paper folds more easily with WordStar A proprietary wordprocessing package.
the grain. Contrast against the grain. word wrap The automatic wrapping of text onto
wizard Help feature which guides the user the next line when a line end is encountered.
through the steps of a process. work and back See sheetwork.
WMF See Windows Metafile Format. work and tumble Printing the reverse side of a
WOB White on black (i.e. reversed-out). sheet by turning it over on its long axis from
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 193
gripper to back and using the same plate. Each and there are more than 120 organisations
sheet, cut in half, yields two copies. involved. The consortium, jointly with INRIA,
work and turn Printing the first side of a sheet, reached an agreement in March 1996 with lead-
turning the stack across its short axis, and then ing vendors to develop interoperability stan-
printing the reverse side of the sheet using the dards for HTML features such as multimedia
same plate and the same gripper edge. Each objects, style sheets, forms, scripting, tables,
sheet, cut in half, yields two copies. high-quality printing, and improved access for
work and twist Imposition which enables paper the visually impaired.
to be turned over and twisted through 90° to World Wide Web Worm (WWWW) An automat-
print the other side. This changes the edge ic indexing tool for the World Wide Web.
which is fed to the grippers. WORM Acronym for Write Once Read Many
workbook Book with blank spaces provided for times, an optical disc on which data can be
a student’s answers. recorded but not erased by the user.
workflow The control of documents moving worm A piece of programming code that propa-
around an organisation. gates itself over a network, replicating itself as
workgroup computing Groups of people work- it goes. A kind of computer virus.
ing together over a network to coordinate and wormhole routing A form of message passing in
organise their activities. See groupware. which parts of the message are transmitted
workings Number of passes through a printing independently, unlike store-and-forward rout-
machine to make up a complete job, e.g. four ing, where the whole message must be received
workings on a single-colour press to produce a by a node before the message can be forwarded
four-colour print or one working on a four- to the next node. It reduces the latency and the
colour press. storage requirements at each node.
workspace The space available on a computer wove Paper produced using a plain, woven
for work that will not need to be saved. dandy roll and therefore without laid lines, as
workstation A terminal, usually with its own distinct from laid paper.
processing power, e.g. running X windows and woven material Genuine cloth, used for case
connected to a Unix system. The term is also covering. The two main qualities of woven
used more generally to mean any intelligent cloth used for coverings are ‘single-warp’ and
terminal connected to a network. More popu- ‘double-warp’ buckram. In the case of single-
larly, the term is used to mean a special desk on warp buckram, the standard specification is
which a computer is used. ‘40/40’, i.e. 40 strands of thread per linear inch
work-up The unintentional lifting to impression in each direction.
level of spacing materials in a letterpress wp See wordprocessor.
forme. wpm Words per minute.
World Wide Web (WWW, W3) A hypertext- WPS Windows printing system: software devel-
based system for accessing information over oped by Microsoft which optimises printing in
the Internet. WWW was originally developed a Windows environment.
at CERN by a team led by Tim Berners-Lee, in wrap 1. Plate section placed around the outside
order to provide easy access to high-energy of a folded text section in a book and bound in.
physics information. Files are coded using Contrast insert. 2. See word wrap.
HTML and users view the information with a wraparound A wordprocessing facility that
browser, such as Netscape Navigator or moves a word to a preceding or following line
Internet Explorer. First publicly released in late to avoid word breaks or to allow for deletion or
1991, since when it has become one of the most insertion.
important methods of information transfer in wraparound plate Thin letterpress printing plate
the world, with a growth rate that has turned which is clamped around the plate cylinder.
the Internet from a tool used by academics and wrapper See dust jacket.
researchers to a medium of popular communi- wrapping Attaching a paper cover by gluing at
cation. (See also Docuverse, URL, HTTP.) the spine. See drawn-on cover.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3 Consortium, wrapround A section wrapped round a signature
W3C) An organisation based at the Massa- rather than contained within it.
chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) original- wrinkles 1. Creases in printed paper caused by
ly created to develop common standards for uneven moisture absorption. 2. Uneven surface
the evolution of the World Wide Web. The of ink during drying.
director of the Consortium is Tim Berners-Lee write To record or output electronic data.
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write enable A means of allowing data to be X.25 The ITU-T recommendation that specifies
written to magnetic disk or tape. With floppy the interface between data terminal equipment
disks this is achieved typically by the removal (DTE) and data communications equipment
of an adhesive tab from the disk’s write-protect (DCE) in a packet-switching network. X.25
notch, while with magnetic tape the same defines the standard network layer, datalink
objective is achieved by repositioning a sliding layer and physical layers, and is used in pack-
tab on a cartridge or cassette enclosure or by et-switching networks all over the world.
the replacement of a file protect ring on a reel of X.28 The ITU-T standard specifying how to con-
magnetic tape. Compare write protect. trol a PAD from DTE on a public network. (See
Write Once Read Many times (WORM) An also X.3.)
optical disc, similar to CD-ROM. WORM discs X.29 The ITU-T standard, specifying procedures
are generally used for archiving and in docu- for the exchange of control information and
ment image processing systems. (See also user data between remote packet-mode DTE
COLD.) and a PAD. (See also X.3.)
write protect A means of preventing data being X.75 The ITU-T standard that specifies the proto-
written to magnetic disk or tape. With floppy cols for communication between two packet-
disks this is achieved by placing an adhesive switched data networks in different countries.
tab over the disk’s write-protect notch, while X.400 series The ITU-T standard for electronic
with magnetic tape it is achieved by reposition- mail (email) systems. Such services have been
ing a sliding tab on a cartridge or cassette implemented by PTTs in a number of countries
enclosure or by the removal of a file protect and are normally connected to the Internet.
ring from a reel of magnetic tape. Compare X.400 addresses are rather different from IP
write enable. addresses and tend to be very long. One prob-
writings Papers sized for writing without ink lem with X.400 for large organisations is that
spread. the directory is normally public, which may
wrong font See wf. not always be desirable.
wrong grain See cross grain. X.500 The set of ITU-T standards that are con-
wrong-reading Film which reads incorrectly, i.e. cerned with electronic directory services such
reversed from left to right, when viewed from as knowbot, white pages and whois.
the emulsion side. Also called reverse-reading. XA See CD-ROM XA.
wrong side See underside, wire side. Xanadu The first proposal, by Ted Nelson, for a
WSOP Web-sized offset printing paper. A high- hypertext system. It was in this context that the
finish sc mechanical paper mainly used for term ‘hypertext’ was first proposed.
magazines, but appropriate for some grades of X bitmap The format for bitmaps in the X win-
bookwork. dows system.
WWW See World Wide Web. xbm See X bitmap.
WWWW See World Wide Web Worm. X client An application process in an X windows
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get. system, which calls upon an X server to gain
Acronym used to describe a visual display access to a window.
showing an exact replica of its output. Xeikon One of the leading digital presses.
Xenix A version of the Unix operating system
developed by Microsoft.
xenon flash Intense momentary light source
used in photosetting.
X xerographic See xerography.
xerography Electrostatic copying process in
which toner adheres to charged paper to pro-
duce an image.
X.3 The ITU-T standard that specifies the basic Xerox Trade mark for a type of photocopier.
functions and user-selectable capabilities of a Xerox PARC Xerox research centre in Palo Alto,
packet assembler/disassembler (PAD). California
Together with X.28 and X.29, X.3 specifies the Xerox Star The computer which had the first
functions, interfaces and control procedures for graphical user interface (GUI), developed at
a PAD that give start-stop-mode terminals Xerox PARC but never really exploited. Most
access to a packet-switched public data net- of the know-how which went into the Star was
work. exploited in the Apple Macintosh.
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 195
XGA Extended graphics array developed by file format for X windows. The file extension is
IBM. It is the standard for the colour video ‘.xbm’.
graphics adaptor for PCs, having a resolution X windows A windowing system based on
of 1024 3 768 pixels with 256 colours on an TCP/IP networking and originally developed at
interlaced display. MIT, widely used on Unix systems. May run on
x-height The height of the lower-case letter ‘x’ in a dedicated X terminal or some other system,
a particular typeface or font; ‘x’ is used e.g. a Macintosh or a PC under Windows, run-
because it the only letter that effectively has a ning an X server. The process uses a client-
clearly defined flat top. The x-height deter- server X protocol. The X client, an application
mines the apparent size of the font, while the program, issues a request to the X-server, which
relationship between the x-height and the cap generates the bitmapped display. Motif, now
height (the height of the capital letters) is a the standard graphical user interface (GUI) for
characteristic of a typeface and can affect its Unix systems, is based on X windows. Note
readability. that in this case it is the screen/keyboard which
x-line Alignment along the tops of lower-case is acting as the server (of the display), while the
letters. Also, mean line. X clients run on the main file server system.
XML See eXtensible Markup Language. This can lead to some confusion.
Xmodem An asynchronous file-transfer system xx Mark indicating retree.
protocol used over modems, which works by xxx Mark indicating broke.
transferring blocks of data and then waiting for XXX See Triple-X.
acknowledgement. This makes the transfer x-y co-ordinates Horizontal (x) and vertical (y)
slow but accurate. Ymodem and Zmodem are alignments used by computers for siting pixels
enhanced versions of Xmodem which work at in screen displays or output.
higher transmission rates. Another widely
used File Transfer Protocol is Kermit. Over the
Internet, ftp is the most commonly used proto-
Xmodem-1K A version of Xmodem that uses
1kbyte packets.
x-on/x-off The flow control procedure generally
used in communications. An x-on character
starts data flow and an x-off character stops it. Yahoo A hierarchical index of the World Wide
Note that ‘x-on’ is equivalent to keying ‘con- Web. Allows searches in specific subject areas.
trol-q’ while ‘x-off’ is equivalent to ‘control-s’. Other widely used search utilities are AltaVista
XON-XOFF A data communications protocol and Lycos, but there are a large number of
which typically requires a full duplex link. search engines available.
When the receiving device is unable to accept yankee dryer Steam-heated paper-drying cylinder
further data it sends an ASCII XOFF character. generating a glazed finish to the paper so treated.
X protocol A standard protocol used by clients yankee machine A papermaking machine that
(applications) and servers in the X windows contains a glazing cylinder.
system for exchanging requests for window yapp cover Binding material edges which over-
operations. lap the case boards to provide a ‘fringed’ effect.
XRN A newsreader program running under X Often used on bibles.
windows. See Usenet news. Yellow Book A CD-ROM format, compliant
X series The series of ITU-T recommendations with ISO 9660. Disks in this format can be
governing data transmission over public data played on most drives and are suitable for most
networks. The most widely applied are listed multimedia applications for PCs.
individually. Note that this series does not yellow cable The cabling defined in the original
include the X.400 or X.500 series. thick Ethernet specification.
X server Software which produces an X win- Ymodem An asynchronous file transfer proto-
dows display. Can run on an X terminal, a col, which is an enhancement of Xmodem. It
Macintosh or a PC running Windows. provides a greater block size and allows batch-
X terminal An intelligent terminal or work- es of files to be transferred, while Xmodem
station which operates as an X server on a net- allows only transfer of single files. (See
work, usually Ethernet. communications.) Ymodem-g is a non-stop
X window bitmap graphic A bitmap graphic version, i.e. not batch, which is much faster but
Dic.pag4 28/9/00 12:49 am Page 196
if there is an error, the transfer will abort. (See zinco or zincograph Letterpress line block made
also Zmodem.) of zinc.
Ymodem-g See Ymodem, Zmodem. zip A file format widely used for data compres-
Ytalk A multi-user Chat program, running under sion, e.g. in transferring programs and other
X windows, that supports multiple connections. large files on floppy disk or over the Internet.
The files used to compress and decompress are
PKZIP and PKUNZIP. There is also now a
Windows version, WinZip. Note that PKZIP is
shareware and not public domain software,
Z although the supplier, PKWare, provides run-
time licences for PKUNZIP.
Zip-a-tone Proprietary name for patterned line
or dot effects applied as rub-down film onto
Z39.50 An ANSI standard for information artwork. (See also Letraset, transfer type.)
retrieval. It is a network protocol, working on a zip drive A type of super-floppy drive with
client-server basis, giving a set of rules govern- much higher capacity and operating at a much
ing the formats and also providing a query syn- higher speed.
tax. It is intended to be user-friendly, so that the Zmac The former name of the World Wide Web
user does not need to be aware of the communi- site of the Ziff-Davis Macintosh magazines.
cation between the computers, in much the same Now part of ZDNet.
way as with tools such as WAIS, but it has the Zmodem A File Transfer Protocol that is a devel-
advantage that it is session-oriented so that crite- opment of Xmodem and Ymodem, but which
ria and the results of previous searches can be includes error checking and crash recovery, so
reused. There is now, however, a gateway to the that if a transfer is interrupted, it can be contin-
World Wide Web. Z39.50 is mainly used by ued later, rather than completely repeated. The
librarians and information scientists. transfer rate is similar to that of Ymodem-g as
Zapf dingbats A typeface designed by Hermann it runs continuously, rather than in batch mode.
Zapf, which includes common dingbats. It is zoom In analogy with a photographic lens, to
usually provided as one of the standard fonts make what appears in a screen window (in a
with a PostScript laser printer. graphical user interface) larger (zoom in) so
ZDNet (Formerly called Ziffnet.) An electronic that a smaller area is seen, or smaller (zoom
information service provided by Ziff-Davis, the out), so that a larger area is seen. Depending on
publisher of computer magazines, giving the application, either the magnification may
access to electronic versions of these maga- be selected from a menu or, for zooming in, the
zines, as well as much other information. There cursor changes (usually to a magnifying glass)
is a complementary CompuServe version, and the area to be zoomed in on is marquee
which also provides a software archive. selected. If zooming in is performed by the lat-
Ziffnet (Formerly the name of ZDNet.) An infor- ter method, zooming out is usually achieved by
mation service associated with the Wall Street clicking an icon which has the effect of undo-
Journal. ing the last zoom in (marquee selection itself
zinc engraving Relief engraving made on zinc cannot be used because the desired area of
and often used for short-run blocking in prefer- viewing is larger than what can currently be
ence to a chemac. Also called zinco. seen on the screen).
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Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 198
Metric prefixes
Prefix Abbreviation Multiplication factor
pico p 0.000000000001
nano n 0.000000001
micro µ 0.000001
milli m 0.001
centi c 0.01
deci d 0.1
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 199
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 200
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 201
Mass gram g
kilogram kg (1kg=1000g)
tonne t (1t=1000kg=1000000g)
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 202
Typographical measurements
and screen rulings
Points and Picas (Anglo-American standard)/
Didots and Ciceros (European standard)
Inches Millimetres
Anglo-American point .013837 0.351
Pica .166044 4.218
Didot point .0148 0.376
Cicero .1776 4.511
1.069596 (1.0696)
0.9349324 (0.9349)
___________________ Didot
Point size Inches Millimetres Inches Millimetres
1 .013837 .351 .0148 .376
3 .041511 1.054 .0444 1.128
6 .083022 2.109 .0888 2.256
7 .096859 2.460 .1036 2.631
8 .110696 2.812 .1184 3.007
9 .124533 3.163 .1332 3.383
10 .138370 3.515 .1480 3.759
11 .152207 3.866 .1628 4.135
12 .166044 4.218 .1776 4.511
14 .193718 4.920 .2072 5.263
18 .249066 6.326 .2664 6.767
24 .332088 8.435 .3552 9.022
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 203
Screen rulings
Lines per inch Nearest standard equivalent Paper surface
lines per cm
65 26 newsprint
85 34 newsprint
100 40 MF
120 48 MF/matt coated
133 54 MF/matt coated/art
150 60 matt coated/art
175 70 art
200 80 art
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 204
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 205
841 mm
594 mm
1189 mm
420 mm
A2 841 mm
297 mm
594 mm
210 mm
148 mm
420 mm
297 mm
210 mm
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 206
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 207
American measurement
The American system of paper measurement and calculation retains much in common with
Britain’s old Imperial system. Thus standard units of measurement for weight are: pounds, hun-
dredweights (100 lbs) and tons (2000 lbs). Paper size is measured in inches and quantity in reams
(500 sheets) or sheets. Specific grades of paper are cut to its basic size. Substance is identified by
basis weight. Basis weight = weight (lbs) of a ream of paper cut to its basic size.
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 208
30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120
44 52 59 67 74 89 104 118 148 178
17½ 3 22½ 25 29 33 37 41 50 58 66 83 99
19 3 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120
23 3 29 42 49 56 63 70 84 98 112 140 169
23 3 35 51 59 68 76 84 102 118 136 169 203
24 3 36 54 64 72 82 90 110 128 146 182 208
25 3 38 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 200 240
28 3 44 78 90 104 116 130 156 182 208 260 312
32 3 44 88 104 118 134 148 178 208 238 296 356
35 3 45 100 116 132 150 166 198 232 266 332 398
38 3 50 120 140 160 180 200 240 280 320 400 480
42 3 58 154 179 205 230 256 308 358 410 512 614
50 60 65 80 100 130
135 162 175 216 270 351
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Cyrillic alphabet
Dic.App.pag 30/1/0 19:12 Page 210
Greek alphabet
Fraktur alphabet
Teaching alphabet
This alphabet is used in teaching children to read. It is based upon the principle of ‘one sound,
one letter’. The alphabet is shown here with the equivalent sounds of the letters. The capital
letter forms are identical with the lower case.
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Phonetic alphabet
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Mathematical symbols
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Use figure
1/2/etc. Through letter