15 Is 28681 Ps PetroMod Cores FINAL
15 Is 28681 Ps PetroMod Cores FINAL
15 Is 28681 Ps PetroMod Cores FINAL
Geocellular models built in Petrel 2015 contain detailed facies and property
distributions that can be incorporated into PetroMod software for dynamic
forward modeling.
Petroleum systems modelers using the Petrel platform’s facies modeling tools
have access to powerful distribution techniques to represent the subsurface
according to analogues and geological concepts, while honoring data trends
and distributions. These detailed facies descriptions significantly enhance
temperature and pressure prediction, and hydrocarbon charge analysis
of a petroleum system.
PetroMod software provides a standardized user interface across
PetroMod 3D simulation cases can be prepared in the Petrel platform, all 1D, 2D, and 3D modeling workflows.
with the simulation started direct from Petrel 2015. The simulation results
are available in the Petrel platform or PetroMod software and can be used
for further analysis in context of the original geophysical or well data.
PetroMod 2015 Core System
PetroMod 2D core The input model can be enhanced when built together with the detailed
PetroMod 2D is primarily applied in areas with sparse data, where a geological description of source rocks based on the source rock characterization
section in 2D ideally captures all relevant information and can be used to quickly processes in the Petrel platform. The 3D capabilities also enable fast flowpath
develop and test conceptual models. It is particularly suited for structurally migration simulation, which provides a rapid assessment tool for drainage
complex areas for fast simulation results and to gain a better understanding areas, and fill and spill analysis of a petroleum play.
of the region prior to constructing a 3D model. PetroMod 2D software is also
Full 3D petroleum systems modeling in a deepwater exploration area in which
routinely applied in areas with dense data coverage if rapid analysis is desired,
temperatures, pressures, and petroleum properties in both post- and presalt
and for pressure prediction work with full 2D temperature and pressure
plays are routinely predicted with PetroMod software. All core and advanced
simulations and preliminary charge evaluations.
migration simulator components can also be licensed individually to allow
customized solutions for individual challenges.
Data input, model setup, simulation, and results output capabilities—all provided
in a single application.
PetroMod 3D core
PetroMod 3D enables the full 3D assessment of pressure and temperature
The PetroMod 3D core enables full 3D assessment of pressure and temperature
in a sedimentary basin through geological time. The results can be used in a sedimentary basin through geological time.
to achieve the following:
■■ Enhance pore pressure prediction for seismic velocity inversion Specifications
PetroMod software is available on all hardware platforms running Microsoft
■■ Improve imaging processes
Windows 7 (64-bit) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 (64-bit) operating systems.
■■ Predict drilling hazards in early stages of exploration PetroMod software provides the same interface, functionality, and binary data
■■ Provide detailed assessment of maturation, generation, formats on all platforms, meaning input/output files can be easily transferred
and expulsion of hydrocarbons within mixed hardware systems.
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