Com Res 10485

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Intramuros, Manila CONTINGENCY PROCEDURES ABAS, Sheriff M. Chairman IN CONNECTION WITH THE PARRENO, Al A. Commissioner MAY 13, 2019 NATIONAL AND GUIA, Luie Tito F, Commissioner LOCAL ELECTIONS. GUANZON, Ma. Rowena Amelia V. Commissioner Xo INTING, Socorro B. Commissioner CASQUEJO, Marlon S. Commissioner KHO, Antonio T. Jr. Commissioner Promulgated:_February 13, 2019 RESOLUTION NO. 10497 WHEREAS, by virtue of Republic Act No. 9369, the Commission on Elections has resolved to adopt a paper-based automated election system (AES) in connection with the May 13, 2019 National, Local and ARMM Regional Elections, by using Vote Counting Machines (VCMs) in the voting, counting and transmission of election results from the precinct level, and the Consolidation Canvassing System (CCS) in the canvassing/consolidation of the electronically transmitted election results from the precinct/city/municipal/district/ provincial board of canvassers; WHEREAS, Section 11 of Republic Act No. 9369, provided that one of the requirements in the certification of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) “that the AES, including its hardware and software components, is operating properly, securely, and accurately, in accordance with the provisions of said Act", is the “development, provisioning and operationalization of a continuity plan to cover risks to the AES at all points in the process such that a failure of elections, whether at voting, counting or consolidation, may be avoided” WHEREAS, on December 6, 2018, the Commission promulgated Resolution No. 10460, otherwise known as “General Instructions for the Electoral Boards (EBs) on the Process of Voting, Counting and Transmission of Election Results in Connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Pista? WHEREAS, on January 23, 2019, the Commission promulgated Resolution No. 10485, entitled” General Instructions for the Board of Canvassers on the Constitution, Composition and Appointment; Consolidation/Canvass and Transmission in Connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Elections."; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, Republic Act No. 9369, and other election laws, the Commission HEREBY RESOLVES to promulgate, the following Contingency Procedures in connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Elections” Sec. 1. Scope. - These contingency procedures shall supplement: 1) Resolution No. 10460 dated Dec 6, 2018 or Otherwise Known as "General Instructions for the Electoral Boards (EBs) on the Process of Voting, Counting and Transmission of Election Results in Connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Elections" ; 2) Resolution No.10485, dated January 23, 2019 entitled "General Instructions for the Board of Canvassers on the Constitution, Composition and Appointment; Consolidation/Canvass and Transmission in Connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Elections”; Sec. 2, Definition of Terms. - 1. BOC — Board of Canvassers, body constituted under COMELEC Resolution No. 10485. 2. CCS — Consolidation Canvassing System. 3. CCS Operator — Consolidation Canvassing System Operator. 4. Continuity Plan —a list of contingency measures, and the policies for activation of such, that are put in place to ensure continuous operation of the AES. 5. Commission — refers to the Commission on Elections. 2 . DESO - Dep Ed Supervising Official. x . DESO-TSS - DESO Technical Support Staff. 8. EB — Electoral Board, the body which conducts the election in the polling place of the precinct usually composed of public school teachers appointed by the Commission. 9. NTSC — National Technical Support Center, where all AES-related contingencies nationwide are reported, addressed and resolved, manned by the PMO Technology Group from COMELEC, the NTSC officers, technicians and coordinators. & 10. NCC - National Command Center. 11. VCM — Vote Counting Machine. 12. VCM Box - Refers to the VCM and its peripherals as enumerated in the checklist. Sec. 3. Organizational Structure of the National Technical Support Center - For the purpose of implementing this Contingency Plan, the following Organizational Structure is hereby adopted: CONTINGENCY PLAN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART TaD Senn Cova ¥ PROECT MANAGE y PMO PROJECT DIRECTOR - comet TATONAL TENE ‘SUPPORT CENTER (NTSC) wiona comma CENTER (NCC) REGIONAL ELECTION } binerons (ne) i Pmoviicia Leon CALE sa SUPERIORS PE) CONSOLIDATION AND DISTRICT BOARD OF cases z cavassertonog | ELECTION OFFICERS (EOs) OPERATOR CITY/MUNICIPAL BOARD OF (CCS Operator} ‘CANVASSERS (C/MBOC) OFFICIAL (DESO) DESO TECHNICAL SUPPORT (2) =——— ‘STAFF (DESO-TSS)

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