Calendar of Activities

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July 15, 2016 (FRI) to July 30, Filing of: (1) applications for
2016 (SAT) registration of voters for
the barangay elections; and (2)
Applications for membership to
the Katipunan ng
Kabataan (KK).

August 04, 2016 (THU) Last day to post notice of

hearing with list of applicants

August 08, 2016 (MON) Last day to file opposition to

the applications for: (1)
registration as voters for
the barangayelections; and (2)
membership to theKatipunan
ng Kabataan.

August 11, 2016 (THU) to August Approval or disapproval of

15, 2016 (MON) applications for: (1)
registration as voters for
the barangayelections; and (2)
membership to theKatipunan
ng Kabataan.

August 19, 2016 (FRI) Last day to post the list of

approved and disapproved
applications for: (1)
registration as voters for
the barangay elections; and (2)
membership to the Katipunan
ng Kabataan.

August 25, 2016 (THU) Last day to file petition for

inclusion of voters. (Sec. 34,
R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29,
R.A. 6646).

August 31, 2016 (WED) Last day to file petition for

exclusion of voters. (Sec. 35,
R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29,
R.A. 6646).

August 31, 2016 (WED) to Period to constitute the

September 05, 2016 (MON) members of the Board of
Election Tellers (BETs) and
Barangay Boards of Canvassers

September 01, 2016 (THU) to Illegal release of

November 30, 2016 (WED) prisoners before and
after election. (Sec.
261 (n), OEC).

September 11, 2016 (SUN) Last day for the ERB to certify
the List of Voters for
the barangay and sangguniang
kabataan elections.

September 16, 2016 (FRI) Last day to post

the barangay andsangguniang
kabataan Computerized Voters’
Lists (CVL). (Sec. 30, R.A.
8189 in relation toSec. 29, R.A.

September 16, 2016 (FRI) to Appointment or

October 30, 2016 (SUN) hiring of new
employees, creation
of new position,
promotion, or giving
of salary increases,
remuneration or
privileges. (Sec. 261
(g), OEC).

October 01, 2016 (SAT) to October Raising of funds thru

31, 2016 (MON) dances, lotteries,
cockfights, etc. (Sec.
97, OEC).

October 01, 2016 (SAT) to ELECTION PERIOD Alteration of

November 07, 2016 (MON) territory of a precinct
or establishment of a
new precinct. (Sec. 5,
R.A. 8189).

Carrying of firearms
or other deadly
weapons (Sec. 32,
R.A. 7166).

Use of security
personnel or
bodyguards by
candidates (Sec. 33,
R. A. 7166).

Transfer or detail of
officers and
employees in the civil
service including
public school
teachers. (Sec. 261
(h), OEC).

Organizing or
maintaining reaction
forces, strike forces
or similar forces.
(Sec. 261 (u), OEC).

Suspension of any
elective provincial,
city, municipal or
barangay officer.
(Sec. 261 (x), OEC).

October 03, 2016 (MON) to Filing of Certificates of

October 05, 2016 (WED) Candidacy. (Sec. 7, R.A. 6679)

October 05, 2016 (WED) Last day to issue notice of

inspection and verification of
the completeness of the Voters’
Registration Records (VRRs)
and sealing of the Book of
Voters for each barangay and
sangguniang kabataan
precinct. (Sec. 31, R.A. 8189 in
relation to Sec. 29, R.A. 6646).

October 06, 2016 (THU) to Inspection and verification of

October 14, 2016 (FRI) completeness of the Voters’
Registration Records (VRRs)
and sealing of the Book of
Voters for
eachbarangay and sangguniang
kabataan precinct. (Sec. 31,
R.A. 8189 in relation to Sec. 29,
R.A. 6646).

October 21, 2016 (FRI) to October Campaign Period (Sec. 7, R.A. Removing,
29, 2016 (SAT) 6679) destroying,
defacing, tampering
or preventing
distribution of lawful
election propaganda.
(Sec. 83, OEC).

Holding of barangay Making any donation

assemblies and candidates fora. or gift in cash or in
(Sec. 47, OEC) kind. (Sec. 104, OEC).
(Note: prohibition
includes the day
before election and
election day).

Using armored land,

water or air craft
(Sec. 261 (r), OEC).
(Note: prohibition
includes the day
before election and
election day).

Appointing or using
special policemen,
agents or the like.
(Sec. 261 (m), OEC).
(Note: prohibition
includes the day
before election and
election day).

October 21, 2016 (FRI) to October Construction or

30, 2016 (SUN) maintenance of
provincial, city,
orbarangay funded
roads and bridges.
(Sec. 3, R.A. 6679).

October 30, 2016 (SUN) EVE OF ELECTION Campaigning (Sec. 3,


Selling, furnishing,
offering, buying,
serving or taking
intoxicating liquor,
etc., (Sec. 261 (dd),

Giving, accepting free

transportation, food,
drinks and things of
value (Sec. 89, (OEC).

(Note: Acts
mentioned in the
three preceding
paragraphs are
prohibited until
election day).
October 31, 2016 (MON) ELECTION DAY Campaigning (Sec. 3,

Casting of votes (From 7:00

o’clock a.m. to 3:00 o’clock
p.m.) (Sec. 190, OEC)

Counting and canvassing of Voting more than

votes and proclamation of once or in
winning candidates substitution of
(Immediately after 3:00 another (Sec. 261 (z)
o’clock p.m.) (2) and (3), OEC).

Soliciting votes or
undertaking any
propaganda for or
against any candidate
within the polling
place or within thirty
(30) meters thereof.
(Sec. 261 (cc), (6),

Selling, furnishing,
offering, buying,
serving or taking
intoxicating liquor,
etc., (Sec. 261, (dd),

Opening of booths or
stalls for the sale,
etc, of wares,
merchandise or
refreshments within
thirty (30) meters
radius from the
polling place. (Sec.
261 (dd) (2), OEC).

Giving, accepting free

transportation, food,
drinks and things of
value (Sec. 89, OEC)

Holding of fairs,
cockfights, boxing,
horse races or similar
sports. (Sec. 261 (dd)
(3,) OEC).

November 30, 2016 (WED) Last day to file Statements of

Contributions and
Expenditures (SOCE) (Sec. 14,
R.A. 7166).

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