National Forest Policy, 1988

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1.1. In Resolution No. 13/52-F, dated the 12th May 1952, the Government of
India in the erstwhile Ministry of Food and Agriculture enunciated a Forest
Policy to be followed in the management of State Forests in the country.
However, over the years, forests in the country have suffered serious depletion.
This is attributable to relentless pressures arising from ever-increasing demand
for fuelwood, fodder and timber; inadequacy of protection measures; diversion
of forest lands to non-forest uses without ensuring compensatory afforestation
and essential environmental safeguards; and the tendency to look upon forests
as revenue earning resource. The need to review the situation and to evolve, for
the future, a new strategy of forest conservation has become imperative.
Conservation includes preservation, maintenance, sustainable utilisation,
restoration, and enhancement of the natural environment. It has thus become
necessary to review and revise the National Forest Policy.


2.1 The basic objectives that should govern the National Forest Policy are the

- Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and, where

necessary, restoration of the ecological balance that has been adversely
disturbed by serious depletion of the forests of the country.

- Conserving the natural heritage of the country by preserving the
remaining natural forests with the vast variety of flora and fauna, which
represent the remarkable biological diversity and genetic resources of the

- Checking soil erosion and denudation in the catchment areas of rivers,

lakes, reservoirs in the interest of soil and water conservation, for
mitigating floods and droughts and for the retardation of siltation of

- Checking the extension of sand-dunes in the desert areas of Rajasthan

and along the coastal tracts.

- Increasing substantially the forest/tree cover in the country through

massive afforestation and social forestry programmes, especially on all
denuded, degraded and unproductive lands.

- Meeting the requirements of fuelwood, fodder, minor forest produce and

small timber of the rural and tribal populations.

- Increasing the productivity of forests to meet essential national needs.

- Encouraging efficient utilisation of forest produce and maximising

substitution of wood.

- Creating a massive people's movement with the involvement of women,

for achieving these objectives and to minimise pressure on existing

2.2 The principal aim of Forest Policy must be to ensure environmental stability
and maintenance of ecological balance including atmospheric equilibrium

which are vital for sustenance of all lifeforms, human, animal and plant. The
derivation of direct economic benefit must be subordinated to this principal aim.


3.1 Existing forests and forest lands should be fully protected and their
productivity improved. Forest and vegetal cover should be increased rapidly on
hill slopes, in catchment areas of rivers, lakes and reservoirs and ocean shores
and on semi-arid, and desert tracts.

3.2 Diversion of good and productive agricultural lands to forestry should be

discouraged in view of the need for increased food production.

3.3 For the conservation of total biological diversity, the network of national
parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserves and other protected areas should be
strengthened and extended adequately.

3.4 Provision of sufficient fodder, fuel and pasture, specially in areas adjoining
forest, is necessary in order to prevent depletion of forests beyond the
sustainable limit. Since fuelwood continues to be the predominant source of
energy in rural areas, the programme of afforestation should be intensified with
special emphasis on augmenting fuelwood production to meet the requirement
of the rural people.

3.5 Minor forest produce provides sustenance to tribal population and to other
communities residing in and around the forests. Such produce should be
protected, improved and their production enhanced with dueregard to generation
of employment and income.


4.1 Area under forests

The national goal should be to have a minimum of one-third of the total land
area of the country under forest or tree cover. In the hills and in mountainous
regions, the aim should be to maintain two-third of the area under such cover in
order to prevent erosion and land degradation and to ensure the stability of the
fragile eco-system.

4.2 Afforestation, Social Forestry & Farm Forestry :

4.2.1 A massive need-based and timebound programme of afforestation and tree

planting, with particular emphasis on fuelwood and fodder development, on all
degraded and denuded lands in the country, whether forest or non-forest land, is
a national imperative.

4.2.2 It is necessary to encourage the planting of trees alongside of roads,

railway lines, rivers and streams and canals, and on other unutilised lands under
State/corporate, institutional or private ownership. Green belts should be raised
in urban/industrial areas as well as in and tracts. Such a programme will help to
check erosion and desertification as well as improve the micro-climate.

4.2.3 Village and community lands, including those on foreshores and environs
of tanks, not required for other productive uses, should be taken up for the
development of tree crops and fodder resources. Technical assistance and other
inputs necessary for initiating such programmes should be provided by the
Government. The revenues generated through such programmes should belong
to the panchayats where the lands are vested in them; in all other cases, such
revenues should be shared with the local communities in order to provide an
incentive to them. - The vesting, in individuals, particularly from the weaker
sections (such as landless labour, small and marginal farmers, scheduled castes,
tribals, women) of certain ownership rights over trees, could be considered,

subject to appropriate regulations; beneficiaries would be entitled to usufruct
and would in turn be responsible for their security and maintenance.

4.2.4 Land laws should be so modified whereever necessary so as to facilitate

and motivate individuals and institutions to undertake tree-fanning and grow
fodder plants, grasses and legumes on their own land. Wherever possible,
degraded lands should be made available for this purpose either on lease or on
the basis of a tree-patta scheme. Such leasing of the land should be subject to
the land grant rules and land ceiling laws. Steps necessary to encourage them to
do so must be taken. Appropriate regulations should govern the felling of trees
on private holding.


4.3.1 Schemes and projects which interfere with forests that clothe steep slopes,
catchments of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, geologically unstable terrain and
such other ecologically sensitive areas should be severely restricted. Tropical
rain/moist forests, particularly in areas like Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, should be totally safeguarded.

4.3.2 No forest should be permitted to be worked without the Government

having approved the management plan, which should be in a prescribed format
and in keeping with the National Forest Policy. The Central Government should
issue necessary guidelines to the State Government in this regard and monitor

4.3.3 In order to meet the growing needs for essential goods and services which
the forests provide, it is necessary to enhance forest cover and productivity of
the forests through the application of scientific and technical inputs. Production
forestry programmes, while aiming at enhancing the forest cover in the country,
and meeting national needs, should also be oriented to narrowing, by the turn of

the century, the increasing gap between demand and supply of fuelwood. No
such programme, however, should entail clear-felling of adequately stocked
natural forests. Nor should exotic species be introduced, through public or
private sources, unless long-term scientific trials undertaken by specialists in
ecology, forestry and agriculture have established that they are suitable and
have no adverse impact on native vegetation and environment.

4.3.4 Rights and Concessions The rights and concessions, including gazing, should always remain
related to the carrying capacity of forests. The capacity itself should be
optimised by increased investment, silvicultural research and development of
the area. Stall-feeding of cattle should be encouraged. The requirements of the
community, which cannot be met by the lights and concessions so determined,
should be met by development of social forestry outside the reserved forests. The holders of customary rights and concessions in forest areas should
be motivated to identify themselves with the protection and development of
forests from which they derive benefits. The rights and concessions from forests
should primarily be for the bonafide use of the communities living within an
around forest areas, specially the tribals. The life of tribals and other poor living within and near forests revolves
around forests. The rights and concessions enjoyed by them should be fully
protected. Their domestic requirements of fuelwood, fodder, minor forest
produce and construction timber should be the first charge on forest produce.
These and substitute materials should be made available through conveniently
located depots at reasonable prices.

6 Similar consideration should be given to scheduled castes and other poor
living near forests. However, the area, which such consideration should cover,
would be determined by the carrying capacity of the forests.

4.3.5 Wood is in short supply. The long-term solution for meeting the existing
gap lies in increasing the productivity of forests, but to relieve the existing
pressure on forests for the demands of railway seleepers, construction industry
(particularly in the public, sector), furniture and panelling, mine-pit props, paper
and paperboard etc. substitution of wood needs to betaken recourse to.
Similarly, on the front of domestic energy, fuelwood needs to be substituted as
far as practicable with alternate sources like bio-gas, LPG and solar energy.
Fuel-efficient "Chulhas" as a measure of conservation of fuelwood need to be
popularised in rural areas.

4.4 Diversion of forest lands for non-forest purposes

4.4.1 Forest land or land with tree cover should not be treated merely as a
resource readily available to be utilised for various projects and programmes,
but as a national asset which requires to be properly safeguarded for providing
sustained benefits to the entire community. Diversion of forest land for any-
non-forest purpose should be subject to the most careful examinations by
specialists from the standpoint of social and environmental costs and benefits.
Construction of dams and reservoirs, mining and industrial development and
expansion of agriculture should be consistent with the needs for conservation of
trees and forests. Projects which involve such diversion should at least provide.
in their investment budget, funds for regeneration/ compensatory afforestation.

4.4.2 Beneficiaries who are allowed mining and quarrying in forest land and in
land covered by trees should be required to repair and re-vegetate the area in

accordance with established forestry practices. No mining lease should be
granted to any party, private or public, without a proper mine management plan
appraised from the environmental angle and enforced by adequate machinery.

4.5 Wildlife Conservation

Forest Management should take special care of the needs of wildlife

conservation, and forest management plans should include prescriptions for this
purpose. It is specially essential to provide for "corridors" linking the protected
areas in order to maintain genetic continuity between artificially separated sub-
sections of migrant wildlife.

4.6 Tribal People and Forests

Having regard to the symbiotic relationship between the tribal people and
forests, a primary task of all agencies responsible for forest management,
including the forest development corporations should be to associate the tribal
people closely in the protection, regeneration and development of forests as well
as to provide gainful employment to people living in and around the forest.
While special attention to the following :

- One of the major causes for degradation of forest is illegal cutting and
removal by contractors and their labour. In order to put an end to this
practice, contractors should be replaced by institutions such as tribal
cooperatives, labour cooperatives, government corporations, etc. as early
as possible.

- Protection, regeneration and optimum collection of minor forest produce

along with institutional arrangements for the marketing of such produce;

- Development of forest villages on par with revenue villages;

- Family oriented schemes for improving the status of the tribal
beneficiaries; and

- Undertaking integrated area development programmes to meet the needs

of the tribal economy in and around the forest areas, including the
provision of alternative sources of domestic energy on a subsidised basis,
to reduce pressure on the existing forest areas.

4.7 Shifting Cultivation

Shifting cultivation is affecting the environment and productivity of land

adversely. Alternative avenues of income, suitably harmonised with the right
landuse practices, should be devised to discourage shifting cultivation. Efforts
should be made to contain such cultivation within the area already affected, by
propagating improved agricultural practices. Area already damaged by such
cultivation should be rehabilitated through social forestry and energy

4.8 Damage to Forests from Encroachments, Fires and Grazing

4.8.1 Encroachment on forest lands has been on the increase. Ibis trend has to
be arrested and effective action taken to prevent its continuance. There should
be no regularisation of existing encroachments.

4.8.2 The incidence of forest fires in the country is high. Standing trees and
fodder are destroyed on a large scale and natural regeneration annihilated by
such fires. Special precautions should be taken during the fire season. Improved
and modem management practices should be adopted to deal with forest fires.

4.8.3 Grazing in forest areas should be regulated with the involvement of the
community. Special conservation areas, young plantations and regeneration
areas should be fully protected. Grazing and browsing in forest areas need to be
controlled. Adequate grazing fees should be levied to discourage people in
forest areas from maintaining large herds of non-essential livestock.

4.9 Forest based Industries

The main considerations governing the establishment of forest-based industries

and supply of raw material to them should be as follows:

- As far as possible, a forest-based industry should raise the raw material

needed for meeting its own requirements, preferably by establishment of
a direct relationship between the factory and the individuals who can
grow the raw material by supporting the individuals with inputs including
credit, constant technical advice and finally harvesting and transport

- No forest-based enterprise, except that at the village or cottage level,

should be permitted in the future unless it has been first cleared after a
careful scrutiny with regard to assured availability of raw material. In any
case, the fuel, fodder and timber requirements of the local population
should not be sacrificed for this purpose.

- Forest based industries must not only provide employment to local

people on priority but also involve them fully in raising trees and raw-

- Natural forests serve as a gene pool resource and help to maintain

ecological balance. Such forests will not, therefore, be made available to
industries for undertaking plantation and for any other activities.

- Farmers, particularly small and marginal farmers would be encouraged

to grow, on marginal/degraded lands available with them, wood species
required for industries. These may also be grown along with fuel and
fodder species on community lands not required for pasture purposes, and
by Forest department/corporations on degraded forests, not earmarked for
natural regeneration.

- The practice of supply of forest produce to industry at concessional

prices should cease. Industry should be encouraged to use alternative raw
materials. Import of wood and wood products should be liberalised.

- The above considerations will however, be subject to the current policy

relating to land ceiling and land-laws.

4.10 Forest Extension

Forest conservation programme cannot succeed without the willing support and
cooperation of the people. It is essential, therefore, to inculcate in the people, a
direct interest in forests, their development and conservation, and to make them
conscious of the value of trees, wildlife and nature in general. Ibis can be
achieved through the involvement of educational institutions, right from the
primary stage. Farmers and interested people should be provided opportunities
through institutions like Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Trainers' Training Centres to
learn agrisilvicultural and silvicultural techniques to ensure optimum use of
their land and water resources. Short term extension courses and lectures should
be organised in order to educate farmers. For this purpose, it is essential that
suitable programmes are propagated through mass media, audio-visual aids and
the extension machinery.

4.11 Forestry Education

Forestry should be recognised both as a scientific discipline as well as a

profession. Agriculture universities and institutions dedicated to the
development of forestry education should formulate curricula and courses for

imparting academic education and promoting post-graduate research and
professional excellence, keeping in view the manpower needs of the country.
Academic and professional qualifications in forestry should be kept in view for
recruitment to the Indian Forest Service and the State Forest Service.
Specialised and orientation courses for developing better management skills by
in service training need to be encouraged, taking into account the latest
development in forestry and related disciplines.

4.12 Forestry Research

With the increasing recognition of the importance of forests for environmental

health, energy and employment, emphasis must be laid on scientific forestry
research, necessitating adequate strengthening of the research base as well as
new priorities for action. Some broad priority areas of research and
development needing special attention are:

i. Increasing the productivity of wood and other forest produce per unit of
area per unit time by the application of modem scientific and
technological methods.
ii. Revegetation of barren/marginal/waste/mined lands and watershed areas.
iii. Effective conservation and management of existing forest resources
(mainly natural forest eco-systems).
iv. Research related to social forestry for rural/tribal development.
v. Development of substitutes to replace wood and wood products.
vi. Research related to wildlife and management of national parks and

4.13 Personnel Management

Government policies in personnel management for professional foresters and

forest scientists should aim at enhancing their professional competence and

status and attracting and, retaining qualified and motivated personnel, keeping
in view particularly the ardous nature of duties they have to perform, often in
remote and inhospitable places.

4.14 Forest Survey and Data Base

Inadequacy of data regarding forest resources is a matter of concern because

this creates a false sense of complacency. Priority needs to be accorded to
completing the survey of forest resources in the country on scientific lines and
to updating information. For this purpose, periodical collection, collation and
publication of reliable data on relevant aspects of forest management needs to
be improved with recourse to modem technology and equipment.

4.15 Legal Support and Infrastructure Development

Appropriate legislation should be undertaken, supported by adequate

infrastructure, at the Centre and State levels in order to implement the Policy

4.16 Financial Support for Forestry

The objectives of this revised Policy cannot be achieved without the investment
of financial and other resources on a substantial scale. Such investment is
indeed fully justified considering the contribution of forests in maintaining
essential ecological processes and life-support systems and in preserving
genetic diversity. Forests should not be looked upon as a source of revenue.
Forests are a renewable natural resource. They are a national asset to be
protected and enhanced for the well-being of the people and the Nation.

India is one of the few countries which has a forest policy since 1894. The
policy was revised in 1952 and again in 1988. The main plank of the revised
forest policy of 1988 is protection, conservation and development of forests.

Its aims are:

1. Maintenance of environmental stability” through preservation and restoration
of ecological balance.

2. Conservation of natural heritage;

3. Checking soil erosion and denudation in catchment areas of rivers, lakes and

4. Checking extension of sand dunes in desert areas of Rajasthan and along

coastal tracts;

5. Substantially increasing forest/tree cover through massive afforestation and

social forestry programmes;

6. Taking steps to meet requirements of fuel, wood, fodder, minor forest

produce, soil and timber of rural and tribal populations;

7. Increasing productivity of forests to meet the national needs;

8. Encouraging efficient utilisation of forest produce and optimum substitution

of wood; and

9. Taking steps to create massive people’s movement with involvement of

women to achieve the objectives and minimise pressure on existing forests.

An Integrated Forest Protection Scheme (IFPS) was being implemented during

the Tenth Five Year Plan and is being continued during Eleventh Plan.

The Planning Commission suggested renaming the scheme as ‘Intensification of
Forest Management’ during the 11th Five Year Plan. It is proposed to broad-
base the scheme by including following two new components in addition to the
existing components of IFPS, i.e., infrastructure development and forest fire
control management.

The new components are: conservation and restoration of unique vegetation and
eco-systems; protection and conservation of sacred groves; and joint forest
management (JFM). The conceptual framework for JFM emphasises
development of partnerships with forest fringe people.

The Government of India has assigned the ownership of minor forest produce to
the people living in and around forests for the purpose of collection, processing,
trade and marketing through a national level legislation named as the Scheduled
Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest rights) Act,
2006. This will help the forest-dependent people to improve their economy.

Forest Conservation Act:

To check indiscriminate deforestation and diversion of forest land for industrial
or construction work the Forest Conservation Act was enacted in 1980. The Act
was amended in 1988 to further facilitate prevention of forest destruction.

The basic objective of the Act is to put a check on the indiscriminate diversion
of forest lands. Under the provisions of this Act, prior approval of the Central
government is required for diversion of forest land to non-forest purposes. Since
the enactment of the Act, the rate of diversion of forest land has come down.

As diversion of forest land is normally not favoured, permission under this Act
is difficult to obtain. The rare exceptions carry stipulations for compensatory
afforestation and other conditions as laid down in the Act and in the National
Forest Policy, 1988.

National Forest Commission:
The National Forest Commission, the first of its kind, was set up in 2003. It
submitted its report in March 2006.

Some of the commission’s recommendations are:

i. Emphasis on the need to undertake scientific research to assess the optimum
forest/tree cover according to forest type and topography to meet the intended

ii. Amendment of the Indian Forest Act, 1927.

iii. The forest department should implement the Biological Diversity Act, 2002
and Environment Protection Act.

iv. Re-scheduling of species under Wildlife Protection Act to avoid man-animal


v. No further amendment and dilution of Forest Conservation Act, 1980.

vi. No change in the National Forest Policy of 1988.

Wildlife and its Conservation:

The term ‘wildlife’ refers to the wild undomesticated animals living in their
natural habitats such as forests, deserts, grasslands, etc.

India may be divided into the following five ecological sub-regions for
studying its varied wildlife:
I. The Himalayan Mountain System:
This region is again divided into the following three regions with their
characteristic wildlife:
(a) The Himalaya Foothills:

Big mammals of north India like elephant, sambar, swamp deer, cheetal, hog
deer, great Indian one-horned rhinoceros, wild buffalo, golden langur, etc.

(b) Western Himalayas (high altitude region):

Wild ass, wild goats (thar, markhor, ibex) and sheep (Nayan, Marcopolo’s
sheep, bharal or blue sheep); antelopes (chiru and Tibetan gazelle), deers
(hangul or Kashmir stag and slou or Sikkim stag, musk deer); smaller mammals
like marmots and pikas, etc.

(c) Eastern Himalayas:

Red panda, hog badgers, crestless porcupines, goat antelopes (scrow, goral,

II. Peninsular Indian Sub-region:

This is a true home of Indian wildlife with two distinct zones (a) peninsular
India and its extension into the drainage basin of the Ganges river system, and
(b) desert region of Rajasthan.

(a) Peninsular India:

It is the home of wildlife thriving in tropical moist deciduous to tropical dry
deciduous vegetation. Important fauna include elephant; wild boar; deers
(cheetal or axis deer, hog deer, swamp deer or barasinga, sambhar); antelopes
(four-horned antelope, nilgai, blackbuck, etc.); wild dog; and gaur (a bull).

(b) Indian Desert:

Animals are mostly burrowing ones. Among mammals rodents are the largest
group. The Indian desert gerbils are mouselike rodents. Other animals are wild
ass, blackbuck, desert cat, caracal, etc. Among birds the most famous is Great
Indian bustard.

III. Tropical Evergreen Forest Region or Indo-Malayan Sub-region:
The region with heavy rainfall is very rich in animals. There are wild elephants,
gore and other larger animals. Most species are tree dwellers. The most
prominent ones are hoolock gibbons (only ape found in India), golden langur,
capped langur or leaf monkey, etc.

IV. Andaman and Nicobar Islands:

These islands are home to many species of mammals, reptiles and marine
aniinals. Among mammals, bats and rats are predominant. They constitute about
75 per cent of the total mammals found on islands. Pigs, crab-eating macaque,
palm civet and deers are other important land animals of the islands. Dugong,
false killer whale and dolphin are prominent marine mammals. The islands
house rare birds such as Narcondum hornbill, Nicobar pigeon and megapode.

V. Mangrove Swamps of Sunderbans:

Fish, small crabs, and the Dorippe (having an unusual association with sea
anemone), weaver ants, spotted deer, pigs, lizards, etc., are important animal
lives. There is also the tiger of Sunderbans.

Endangered Animal Species Some of our animals have already become extinct
and there are many others facing danger of extinction. All stich species have
been classified into three categories: endangered, threatened and vulnerable.
Endangered species are those considered in imminent danger of extinction,
while threatened species are those that are likely to become endangered—at
least locally—within the foreseeable future. Vulnerable species are naturally
rare or have been locally depleted by human activities to a level that puts them
at risk.

The primary reasons of extinction of wildlife are as follows:

(i) Destruction of their natural habitats due to expanding agriculture,
urbanisation and industrialisation.

(iii Overgrazing by domestic animals that convert the areas into deserts.

(iii) Poaching for meat, skin, fur, ivory, rhino horns, etc.

(iv) Export of some species.

The endangered species include the Asiatic lion, a rare wild animal that survives
in India alone. It is found in the Gir National Park (Gujarat) and in the
Chandraprabha Wildlife Sanctuary (near Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh). They also
famous for crocodiles, panthers and nilgais. The Chandraprabha Sanctuary
preserves the sambhar, chital, tiger, panther and the sloth bear as well.

Another fast disappearing species is the one-horned rhinoceros which is housed

in the Kaziranga National Park (Assam), the home of wild buffaloes, tigers and
sambhars as well, and the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary, also in Assam, which is
famous for wild buffaloes, rhinos and elephants. The Kashmir stag or hangul

which is found in the Dachigam National Park (Kashmir) has been identified as
yet another endangered species.

Conservation of Wildlife:
Due to continuous increase in the number of endangered species, many steps
have been taken to protect and manage the wildlife of the country. Government
and nongovernment organisations have been set up to protect the wildlife.

The wildlife management in India aims at (i) protection of natural habitats

through a controlled and limited exploitation of species; (ii) maintenance of the
viable number of species in protected areas (national park, sanctuary, biosphere
reserve, etc.); (iii) establishment of biosphere reserves for plant and animal
species; and (iv) protection through legislation.

A number of Wildlife Acts have been made from time to time by the Union and
the state governments.

Important among them are:

(i) Madras Wild Elephant Preservation Act, 1873

(ii) All India Elephant Preservation Act, 1879

(iii) The Wild Birds and Animals Prohibition Act, 1912

(iv) Bengal Rhinoceros Preservation Act, 1932

(v) Assam Rhinoceros Preservation Act, 1954

(vi) Indian Board for Wildlife (IBWL), 1952

(vii) Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960

(viii) Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

Protected Areas Network:
Conservation of wildlife is a comprehensive system of protected areas. There
are different categories of protected areas with different objectives. These
include national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserve, nature, natural
monuments, cultural landscapes, etc.

The biosphere reserve programme was launched by the UNESCO in 1971 to

(a) conserve representative samples of ecosystems, (b) provide long-term in-situ
conservation of genetic diversity, and (c) promote appropriate and sustainable
managements of the living resources. In India, the first biosphere reserve—
Nilgiri biosphere reserve— came into being in 1986.
Project Tiger:
Project Tiger was launched in 1973 on the basis of the recommendations of a
special task force of the Indian Board of Wildlife to (i) ensure maintenance of
available population of tiger in India, and (ii) preserve the areas of such
biological importance as a national heritage for the benefit, education and
enjoyment of the people.

Project Elephant:
In India elephants are mainly to be found in the rain forests of Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu, and Kerala; the tropical forests of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Central India,
and the western region; and the Himalayan foothills in the north-east and
Uttarakhand. India has about 25,000 elephants.

The elephant habitat has shrunk over the years, and poaching for elephant tusks
has endangered the species, especially in southern India. Construction of roads
and dams has led to encroachment of forest lands, interfering with the
traditional migratory routes of elephants necessary for them in their search for

Conversion of natural forests to monocrop plantations for commercial purposes

has also been harmful. The forced isolation of elephants in reserves has often
led to inbreeding with the consequential negative effects.

Project Elephant was launched in February 1992 to assist states having free-
ranging populations of wild elephants to ensure long term survival of identified
viable populations of elephants in their natural habitats.

The project is being implemented in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,

Assam, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Tamil
Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

(i) Ecological restoration of existing natural habitats and migratory routes of

(ii) Development of scientific and planned management for conservation of

elephant habitats and viable population of wild Asiatic elephants in India;

(iii) Promotion of measures for mitigation of man-elephant conflict in crucial

habitats and moderating pressures of human and domestic stock activities in
crucial elephant habitats:

(iv) Strengthening of measures for protection of wild elephants from poachers

and unnatural causes of death;

(v) Research on issues related to management of elephant conservation;

(vi) Public education and awareness programmes;

(vii) Eco-development;

(viii) Veterinary care; and

(ix) Building up the stock of field staff, mahouts and veterinarians.

Protecting Vultures:
The report of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
made a shocking revelation on the population of vultures that has decimated in
the entire region of South Asia. One of the major causes of decimation of the
population of vultures is the pharmaceutical drug, diclofenac, which is toxic to
the bird even at relatively low dosage.

In May 2006, the Government of India initiated preventive actions to curb

further decline in the population of vultures which also includes banning the use
of diclofenac in the veterinary sector.

Protecting Gharials:
It was reported in 2008, that since mid-December 2007 dozens of the rare
Indian crocodile, known as the gharial, had turned up dead on the banks of the
Chambal River. They perished, apparently as a result of a mysterious liver
disease, while the population of these animals in the wild has been dropping

The gharial (a fish-eating crocodile with a long snout), native to South Asia, is
one of the most endangered freshwater crocodile species. The World Wide Fund
for Nature believes it is extinct in its former habitats of Pakistan, Bhutan and
Myanmar. Now, it is reported only from India and Nepal.

The government set up protected areas along the Chambal to prevent poaching
of their skin for high-grade crocodile leather, and it raises eggs in captivity to
protect them from predators.

Eco-development Scheme:
An eco- development scheme in and around national parks and sanctuaries
including tiger reserves was also launched to provide alternate sources of
sustenance to the communities living at the fringes of national parks and
sanctuaries including tiger reserves, to improve the ecological productivity of
the buffer zones of protected areas through the involvement of these
communities in protecting these sanctuaries and national parks and their wild-
life; through a well-designed package of activities aimed at providing
sustenance to the forest side communities and ameliorating their hardships to
minimise conflicts between those communities and the protection staffs.

Steps Needed:
Awareness should be created on the importance of wildlife in the ecological
scheme. Hunting should be strictly controlled. Poaching should be stopped.
Captive breeding of wildlife should be taken up on a larger scale, even as more
reserves and national parks are developed.


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