Experimental Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Viscosity of Melts During Iron Ore Sintering
Experimental Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Viscosity of Melts During Iron Ore Sintering
Experimental Evaluation of Chemical Composition and Viscosity of Melts During Iron Ore Sintering
Satoshi MACHIDA, Koichi NUSHIRO, Koichi ICHIKAWA, Hidetoshi NODA1) and Hidenori SAKAI2)
Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Co., 1, Kokan-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-8510 Japan. 1) JFE Mineral Co.,1,
Kawasaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260-0835 Japan. 2) JFE Mineral Co., 1, Kokan-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-8510 Japan.
(Received on August 27, 2004; accepted on November 20, 2004 )
The viscosity of the melts formed in the sintering reaction was measured for evaluating the fluidity of the
melts, which play a crucial role in the sintering process. Using the sphere draw-up method carried out the
measurements of high temperature viscosity. With low-melting point compositions of the Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2
system, the viscosity of high SiO2 content melts (Fe2O3/CaO/SiO238.5/34.5/27.0 weight basis) was 5 times
higher than that of low SiO2 content melts (Fe2O3/CaO80/20). The viscosity of low SiO2 content increased
with addition of Al2O3 and SiO2. Similarly, with melt compositions generated from actual ores, viscosity de-
pended on the contents of Al2O3 and SiO2.
Based on the results, the viscosity of the melted liquid was estimated from the chemical composition,
and the viscosity of the solid-liquid coexistence phase was also evaluated using a viscosity calculating equa-
tion for suspensions. The viscosity distribution of the solid-liquid coexistence phase at 1 300°C in the ternary
composition system Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2 was obtained.
KEY WORDS: iron ore; sinter; melt; slag; viscosity; viscosity estimation; suspension.
Fig. 4. Effect of additives on viscosity with low-melting point composition in Fe2O3–CaO system.
Fig. 5. Cross section of sample after the assimilation test. (Assimilating condition: 1 300°C)
Fig. 7. Comparison of the measured and calculated viscosities in composition N with SiO2 addition.
sample No. 4, which had low contents of both compounds. a *Al2O3aBibWAl2O3c .....................................(4)
The viscosity is largely dependent on the contents of SiO2
and Al2O3 in this tests, and these results have the same ten- a1.20105T 24.3552102T41.16
dency as the measured results of the viscosity using b1.40107T 23.4944104T0.2062
reagents described in the previous section.
c8.00106T 22.5568102T22.16
4. Discussion
In Eq. (1), m o is the viscosity when the melt is a
4.1. Calculation and Evaluation of Viscosity of Melted monomolecular system. And Bi* is a modified basicity
Liquid with Extended Compositions index obtained from the composition of the melt and the in-
Iida et al.13) have proposed a calculating method using trinsic coefficient a i [iFe2O3 (aci.), CaO, SiO2, Al2O3,
network parameters which is applicable to molten fluxes in MgO]. These terms have the values calculated from Eqs.
steelmaking, blast furnace slag, etc. We attempted to apply (2) and (3), respectively. T is absolute temperature, and Xi is
a viscosity calculating equation to the results as mentioned mole concentration. Table 4 shows the values of m 0i of the
in Sec. 3.2. Figure 7(a) shows a comparison of the mea- constituent components used in this research.
sured and calculated viscosities for a system comprising In Eq. (3), the numerator is a term showing basic oxides,
composition N with added SiO2 in which the calculated vis- while the denominator is a term showing acidic oxides. Wi
cosities were obtained by original method.13) The compara- is the weight ratio of each component. Regarding the am-
tive difference defined by subtracting the measured value photeric oxides Fe2O3 and Al2O3, when both Fe2O3 and
from the calculated value and dividing by the measured Al2O3 were assumed to be acidic, the comparative differ-
value was a maximum of 80%. As described in Sec. 3.3, in ence between the measured and calculated values became
the measured values, the rate of increase in viscosity tended smaller. Therefore, in calculating Bi*, Fe2O3 was assumed
to decrease with increasing SiO2 addition. But, as a result, to be acidic, as shown in Eq. (5).
the comparative difference increased more in higher viscos-
ity. Moreover, the difference became even greater when α CaOWCaOα MgOWMgO
Al2O3 or MgO was added. Bi *
α Fe2O3 ( aci.)WFe2O3 α SiO2WSiO2 α *Al2O3 WAl2O3
The equation proposed by Iida et al. would be applied to
slags consisting mainly of SiO2, CaO, and Al2O3, which is ...........................................(5)
significantly different from the high Fe2O3 compositions in
this research. Therefore, we attempted to modify the coeffi- Because the number of measurement points was limited
cients for calculation. Five components (Fe2O3, CaO, SiO2, in this research, it was difficult to optimize the intrinsic co-
Al2O3, and MgO) were considered as objects of the calcula- efficients for each component. Then, the original intrinsic
tion. The following Eq. (1) is the viscosity equation.13) coefficients of the basic oxides CaO and MgO and the
E acidic oxide SiO2 were used on the assumption that the be-
µ L Aµ 0 exp ...........................................(1) havior of the basic oxides CaO and MgO and the acidic
Bi * oxide SiO2 in the melt does not differ greatly from that in
steel slag. On the other hand, we attempted optimizations of
A1.7451.962103T7.000107T 2
the intrinsic coefficients for the amphoteric compounds
E11.113.65103T Fe2O3 and Al2O3. As the optimization procedure, the value
of a Fe2O3 was obtained for composition NSiO2 and com-
µ0 ∑µ 0i X i
position NMgO systems, and the value of a Al2O3 was de-
α Fe2O3WFe2O3 α CaOWCaOα MgOWMgO termined for composition NAl2O3 system. Table 4 shows
Bi * .......(3) the original and modified values of the intrinsic coefficient
α SiO2WSiO2 α *Al2O2 WAl2O3 a i for the constituent components used in this work. To
Fig. 8. Comparison of the measured and calculated viscosities in composition N with MgO or Al2O3 addition.
shown in Fig. 12. Due to the restriction of the maximum controlled appropriately. Moreover, because the coke used
volumetric concentration f VC of the solid phase in the melt, as a heat source contains SiO2 and Al2O3 in the form of ash,
a fluid condition appears at the composition inside the line fine dispersion is useful from the viewpoint of controlling
of limitation (solid phase ratio S0.52). the melt composition.
In the regions (1) and (7) as shown in Fig. 11, the viscos-
ity is relatively influenced by the SiO2 composition. In the
5. Conclusions
regions (2) and (6), the intervals of the iso-viscosity line are
narrow because the compositions of regions (2) and (6) are In order to understand the basic physical properties of
close to those of suspended solid. In the regions (4) and (5), the melts formed during iron ore sintering, the viscosity of
the iso-viscosity lines extend toward the composition of melted liquid using reagents and iron ores were measured
C2S, because C2S solid phase ratio increase gradually with and the viscosity of suspension was calculated. The follow-
decreasing of Fe2O3 contents. ing conclusions were obtained.
In the regions (8) to (14), the neighbor of the region (7), (1) With low-melting point compositions of the
also the iso-viscosity lines extend toward the Fe2O3, CS and Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2 system, the viscosity of high SiO2 con-
C2S. tent melts was 5 times higher than that of low SiO2 content
On the other hand, the two liquid regions (1) and (7) in melts. Moreover, the viscosity of low SiO2 content in-
Fig. 11 become a single region above 1 315°C. When vis- creased with addition of Al2O3 and SiO2. Similarly, with
cosity at 1 350°C or higher was calculated by the method melt compositions generated from actual ores, viscosity de-
described above, inconsistencies occurred in the viscosity pended on the contents of Al2O3 and SiO2.
values with the compositions where these regions combine. (2) An intrinsic coefficient for low-melting point com-
This is due to the difference in the viscosity equations for positions of the Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2 system melts was pro-
the two liquid phase regions, and in particular, suggests the posed in the calculation of viscosity, enabling qualitative
possibility that the intrinsic coefficient a of the amphoteric evaluation of viscosity based on the melt composition.
oxide Fe2O3 changes sensitively in response to basicity. (3) The viscosity distribution of the solid-liquid coexis-
Further study of this point is necessary. tence phase at 1 300°C in the ternary composition system
Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2 was obtained using a viscosity equation
4.3. Control of Melt Fluidity Behavior by Composition for suspensions.
of Melts
Low SiO2 content melts have lower viscosity, as also Nomenclature
mentioned in concerned with the viscosity measurements of h : Measured viscosity of melt (Pa s)
compositions M and N. From the viewpoint of improving m : Viscosity of melt (Pa s)
the fluidity of melts, preventing the formation of a high m L: Viscosity of liquid phase (Pa s)
SiO2 content melt can be considered effective. Then, SiO2 m 0: Viscosity of non-network forming melts (Pa s)
should be dispersed uniformly in the raw material with the m 0i: Viscosity of component i of non-network form-
composition range near the region (1) as shown in Fig.11. ing melts (Pa s)
However, on the other hand, processes in which SiO2 or Bi : Basicity index ()
Al2O3 are localized in the material have also been proposed Bi*: Modified basicity index ()
from the viewpoint of keeping enough fluidity of melt. In Wi: Weight fraction of component i ()
this case, although the sintering with which the contents of Xi: Mole fraction of component i ()
SiO2 or Al2O3 is partially low in the materials can be per- S: Volumetric ratio of solid phase ()
formed satisfactorily, the sintering in the other part have f VC: Maximum volumetric concentration of solid
low fluidity of melts and sintering temperature should be ()