Sinter Plant
Sinter Plant
Sinter Plant
As on today, sinter has become widely accepted and preferred burden material in blast
furnaces. Almost, there is no blast furnace operating without sinter, nowadays.
The sintering technology was developed for the treatment of the waste fines of iron ore,
coke, limestone, dolomite and metallurgical wastes.
This topic features are related and suitable for 25 m2 annular sinter machine. All topics
have been written and formatted based on the practical observations. Producing quality
sinter is much similar in all types of sinter machines and producing quantity deeply
depends on what raw material we choose / available.
For successful operation of the blast furnace, recommended quality of sinter is as follows.
Physical quality
RI (Reducibility Index) 65 - 70
Chemical properties:
The main chemistry of the sinter should meet the BF requirements and it should improve
the quality of burden.
CaO (from Limestone) and MgO (from Dolomite) in sinter, eliminate the direct feeding of
the flux in BF which minimises the cost of the hot metal. Sinter may be charged up to 80
% safely.
This causes improving the productivity of the BF and minimising the coke (Fuel)
consumption alongwith reduction of the burden material inside the furnace faster with
consistent quality of the hot metal.
The effect of the self-fluxing sinter is a big asset for BF operations. Basicity (CaO / SiO2)
of the sinter should meet the BF demands depending on the sinter ratio in BF.
FeO should be 8 - 10 %.
If Al2O3 is < 2.3 then FeO should be 8 - 9.
if Al2O3 is > 2.3 then FeO should be 9 - 10.
If FeO is more, sinter will become more brittle, causing more fines generation & cause for
continuous furnace hanging and increases coke rate in blast furnace.
If FeO is less, sinter will be weak causing more fines generation & leading continuous to
furnace hanging
Micro fines (- 100 Mesh) = Max 25% (As low as possible) (More micro fines need more
fuel consumption for sinter)
Normally we get iron ore fines that is having 100 mesh (- 0.15 mm micro fines) minimum
of 25 % and 15 % to 20 % +8 mm size.
We are planning to install on-line screening to separate + 8 mm size from the lot and the
same will be used in blast Furnace which will add more value to the fines. (Will be
benefited approx Rs. 3.50 to 4 Cr per year)
Coke fines
Productivity and quality are determined by the coke combustion behaviour during
sintering process. Due to the density difference between iron ore fines and coke fines,
coke fines form layer on the surface of raw mix balls / nodules.
Suction temperature will increase with increase in coke fines up to certain limit. This is
due to the fact that coke burns to liberate temperature and start agglomeration. During
agglomeration the bed shrinks and forms voids. Through these voids, suction take place
alongwith temperature distribution. When coke exceeds its limit beyond the requirement it
forms thick stickers on hearth and drops suction and temperature. Sometimes top layer of
the bed becomes hard and restrict suction, resulting drop in suction temperature.
Limestone and dolomite are used as flux materials (Both 10 to 40 mm size) which will be
crushed and used in process where fraction of 1 mm to 5 mm should be 80 to 85 %
Metallurgical wastes
Flue dust and GCP dusts (from BF) are being used at present by collecting from
proportionate bunkers. SMS & rolling mill is in project stage and planned to use EOF slag,
SMS scale & mill scale etc. alongwith flue dust in future.
As per given burden, raw materials will be collected on a common conveyor from the
respective bunkers through weigh feeders and then mixed homogeneously in mixing
drums (primary & secondary mixing drums) by adding required water (7 to 8 %) and then
feed on sinter machine. Generally, raw mix bed height is 550 mm and will be adjusted
based on quality of the raw material. The bed will be in running (motion) condition and will
be taken to ignition front. The raw mix undergoes through the ignition furnace and there is
a negative suction from bottom. As soon as suction takes place, hot products of
combustion are sucked through the bed and transfer its heat to the next layer of the bed
keeping it ready for the combustion. These flue gases are let out from chimney through
ESP. After completion of the sintering process, sinter cake will be crushed and screened
after discharge from the machine. Sinter having size > 5 mm will go to the cooler and then
it will go to BF. Sinter with size < 5 mm size fines will be re-cycled in the process.
Highest production achieved so far is 1,168 MT / day @ 1.95 t/m2/hr productivity with
99 % plant availability
Sinter return fines (- 5 mm size) controlled < 15 %
Sinter plant is the best housekeeping area with high greenery and got award for Best
Housekeeping & Best Safety Practice in SLR Metaliks Ltd.
Every month achieving 100 % safety compliances
Average tumbler is 70.5
Range Range
(@ present) (Expected)
Fe (T) 52 - 53 55 - 56
Feo 9 - 10 8-9
Range Range
(@ present) (Expected)
SiO2 6.5 - 8.0 4.5 - 6.0
CaO 11 - 12 9 - 11
MgO 2.3 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.3
Al2O3 3.50 - 4.50 > 2.3
Basicity 1.4 - 1.5 1.80 - 2.00
Tumbler index 69 - 71 71 - 74
If above expected quality sinter will be replaced with iron ore in blast furnace, maximum
ratio (80 - 85 %) of sinter can be used safely.
Production cost of the sinter has to be considered while using the sinter in blast furnace
which is depending on the cost of raw materials for sinter making.