Ijirstv2i12133 PDF
Ijirstv2i12133 PDF
Ijirstv2i12133 PDF
Stress refers to the strain appear the conflict between our external environment and us, leading to emotional and physical pressure.
Everyone in their working atmosphere is exposed to tension and anxiety as they get through the duties assigned to them. This paper
seeks to determine the impact of various constituents of occupational work stress on the employees of banking sector. The present
study is confined only to State Bank of India, main branch, Tiruchirappalli. A sample of 250 employees was considered. Random
convenient sampling was used. It was found from the results because of long time working hours, role of conflict and political
pressure there is high degree of occupational work stress amongst the private and public sector bank employees.
Keywords: long time working hours, role of conflict, political pressure
Stress refers to the strain appear the conflict between our external environment and us, leading to emotional and physical pressure.
Workplace stress is the harmful in terms physical and emotional response that occurs when there is a poor match between job
demands and the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. These conditions may lead to poor work performance or even
injury. Job stress is also associated with various biological reactions that may lead ultimately to compromised health, such as
cardiovascular disease. Stress is a prevalent and costly problem in today’s workplace. About one-third of workers report high levels
of stress. One-quarter of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. Three-quarters of employees believe
the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago. Evidence also suggests that stress is the major cause of turnover in
1) To identify the factors causing stress among banking employees (literature review)
2) To measure the stress level among banking employees(questionnaire)
3) To analysis the effect of such stress among bank employee (statistical tools)
(Shukla & Garg, December 2013 ) The author has discussed that most of the employees fear with the fact that lack quality in their
work puts stress on them. It is found that maximum number of employees in banks remains in stress. 50% employees feel that they
are overloaded with work. 44% employees feel tensed due to their non-achievement of their target of work. 38% employees
accepted that they will obey the order of their boss by sacrificing their important domestic function. It indicates fear and stress
among employees. 24% employees feel stress due to their family related problems. It means such employees feel greater level of
stress as compared to other employees. Half of the employees accepted that there is conflict among the employees. It is a concern
for top management. Only 48% employees feel that strategies used by banks to manage stress of employees are effective. Majority
of the employees try to find solution to relieve them from stress.50% employees use YOGA or other ways to relieve them from
stress. In spite of stress, majority of the employees balance in their social life.
(Masood, September 2013) The author has discussed that employees have try to work with energy ability and determination
even if they are not provided with the support, they need to perform their tasks with honesty. They are more focused to avoided
stress and at their work place decrease directly affects their performance. If avoided then turn-over are unusually high and in this
viable business world of today, if such be the ratio of employee turn-over then organizations could collapse. This finally leads to
increase the working conditions and the working relationships among employees in the organizations. If the employees becoming
overly stress during the job. They prefer to quit for few days and taking rest at home.
(S Uma Mageswari, May. 2014) The author had made attempt to identify the stress factors (stressors) and to examine the coping
strategies among bank employees of different sectors. From the forgoing chapters, the researchers consolidate the important
observations recorded in the study in the form of major findings and draws conclusions that world enable one to make valid suggest
ions for toning the stress management strategies in the banking sector. A certain amount of stress is a positive and pleasurable
thing. It leads to productivity in the human race. Hence, effective stress management does not always mean minimizing or
eliminating stress. It is to keep the stress at the optimal level. Though the overall stress is moderate at present, it could be further
shifted to optimum level by giving special attention to the stressors, managerial decision policies and job contents. Managerial
policies in which the stress is high at present may be changed in relation to the expectations of the employees. In private banks,
desired level of stress could be infused by paying attention to role factors in addition to managerial and job factors. Necessary steps
may be taken to influence the level of stress, which exists among certain group of employees. The management should pay attention
to employees with more experience. Similarly, management should attempt to satisfy people at the top level, who experience 'dis
stress'. Training on coping strategies may be arranged for certain groups of employees who are older or who have higher
qualifications, since they not only differ in the perception of stressors but also in the coping strategies, by making them recognize
the appropriate coping strategies, stress could be proactively reduced.
(Dhankar, June 2015) The author had investigated the occupational stress level among employees of banking sector. There is
not a single factor which determines the stress in banking employees’. Factors like work overload, ambiguity, pressure, confliction
etc. are responsible for stress. Occupational stress has become leading feature of modern life. It has wide-ranging effects on
employees’ behavior and adjustments as well as off the job. A substantial portion of organization research involves the study of
stress among employees. A large number of problem related to employee health, declining levels of productivity and competence
is related to occupational stress. Minimizing occupational stress in the coming time would be part of company policy of the
organizations and be seen as an imperative strategy to target better employee satisfaction.
(Jayashree, 2014) The author has discussed that stress is inevitable and unavoidable in the banking sector. Her finding revealed
that a majority of the employees face severe stress- related ailments and a lot of psychological problems. Hence, it is suggested in
her study that the management must take several initiatives in helping their employees to overcome its disastrous effect.
Research design
Descriptive research has been conducted for the study
Sample design
Population of research is 250 employee of the organization and among which 100 employees has been chosen for sample
respondent using convenience sampling method.
Data collection
Primary data collected through questionnaires given to respondents
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6.636a 3 .084
Likelihood Ratio 6.758 3 .080
Linear-by-Linear Association .375 1 .541
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.88.
Calculated value = 6.636
Table value = 12.592
Calculated value < Table value
H0 accepted.
There is no significant difference between Gender and Stress in Organization
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant difference between Educational Qualification and Stress in Organization
H1: There is a significant difference between Educational Qualification and Stress in Organization
Table - 4.18
Qualification * Face stress in Organization
Face stress in Organization
Mostly Rarely Sometimes Not at all
Count 2 4 2 2 10
Expected Count 1.4 4.8 3.2 .6 10.0
Count 6 36 22 0 64
Expected Count 9.0 30.7 20.5 3.8 64.0
Count 4 6 4 2 16
Professional degree
Expected Count 2.2 7.7 5.1 1.0 16.0
Count 2 2 4 2 10
Expected Count 1.4 4.8 3.2 .6 10.0
Count 14 48 32 6 100
Expected Count 14.0 48.0 32.0 6.0 100.0
Table - 4.19
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 18.424a 9 .031
Likelihood Ratio 19.825 9 .019
Linear-by-Linear Association .483 1 .487
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 11 cells (68.8%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .60.
Calculated value = 18.424
Table value = 16.919
Calculated value >Table value
H0 rejected
There is a significant difference between Gender and Stress in Organization
Hypothesis 3
H0: There is no significant difference between Age and Work stress
H1: There is a significant difference between Age and Work stress
Table - 20
Age * Stress related to factors
Stress related to
Work Environment Supervisors Workgroup Social Injustice
Count 6 0 2 0 8
Expected Count 1.8 4.0 1.8 .5 8.0
Count 12 34 12 4 62
Age 30-40
Expected Count 13.6 31.0 13.6 3.7 62.0
Count 4 16 8 2 30
Expected Count 6.6 15.0 6.6 1.8 30.0
Count 22 50 22 6 100
Expected Count 22.0 50.0 22.0 6.0 100.0
Table - 4.21
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 16.843a 6 .010
Likelihood Ratio 17.500 6 .008
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.930 1 .047
N of Valid Cases 100
a. 6 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .48.
Calculated value = 16.843
Table value = 12.592
Calculated value >Table value
H0 rejected. There is a significant difference between Age and Work stress
Hypothesis 4
H0: There is no association between Stress and workload
H0: There is an association between Stress and workload
Table - 4.21
Face stress in Organization Workload
Pearson Correlation 1 .176
Face stress in Organization Sig. (2-tailed) .080
N 100 100