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Table of Contents
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Section Title
1 Introduction to PeakVue
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This section presents the background information and PeakVue techniques. PeakVue
processing is proving to be the preferred technique for detection of machine defects in
traditionally difficult applications. This processing has been effective in both slow speed
and high speed applications, typically far earlier than routine spectral and waveform
vibration data collection.
PeakVue stands for peak value and can be used to detect short duration higher
frequency waves called stress waves. Stress waves are created when metal is bent,
impacted, cracked or scuffed. For example, if a rolling element in a bearing passes
over a defect which may still be below the surface of the inner or outer race, the race
will deflect and then spring back. This motion will create a sine wave. This sine
wave, or Stress Wave will have the following characteristics:
PeakVue measures the highest amplitude found in this waveform and holds it as the
highest value during a waveform time length equal to 1 over the sampling rate.
PeakVue also passes the waveform data through a high pass filter to remove
unwanted high amplitude vibration frequencies from the data. The high pass filter
should be set above the conventional Fmax of the spectrum.
The PeakVue gives you the option of two types of filters:
• Band Pass
• High Pass
Each one filters data out of a signal, which you may find useful when analyzing
signals with large dynamic ranges. For example, some spectra have both large and
small amplitudes relative to each other. Because of the dynamic range of the
analyzer, however, you cannot analyze the low amplitude vibration in the same plot as
the high amplitude vibration. A filter helps resolve the problem.
Dynamic Range
Dynamic range is defined as the ability of the analyzer to distinguish between the
highest and lowest amplitude signals. It is controlled by the Analog to Digital (A/D)
processor. The 2120 has a greater than 90 dB dynamic range. Decibel (dB) units are
used because the logarithmic scale makes it easier to describe numbers that are very
large and very small with the smaller numbers. Filters can increase the effective
dynamic range by omitting frequencies of high amplitude, allowing the lower
amplitude signals to be shown.
Band-Pass Filter
There are two types of bandwidth filters S Constant Percentage Bandwidth and
Constant Bandwidth. These filters primarily serve the same function. PeakVue can
utilize the constant bandwidth type filters of: 20-150 Hz,50-300 Hz, 100-600 Hz, and
500-1,000 Hz.
Notice the difference between the two types of filters in the example above. As
shown, the filter to choose is the Constant Bandwidth Filter, because it provides the
best resolution between both high- and low-frequency components.
High-Pass Filter
The high-pass filter gives you the ability to filter out low-frequency components for
detailed analysis as illustrated above. This proves useful when low-frequency, high-
amplitude data swamps the high-frequency, low-amplitude data you want to see. This
situation often occurs when high-frequency events appear in the same plot as Run
Speed and its related harmonics.
Selection of the high pass filter frequency filter is the most important consideration
when using PeakVue. The goal of the filtering process is to remove the rotational
vibration frequencies such as turning speed harmonics, bearing frequencies, multiples
of gear mesh frequency, etc. The high pass filter should be selected to remove these
rotational frequencies. Therefore, select a filter above the highest operational or defect
frequency that you can estimate.
Although the information we are looking for is lower frequency in nature, we want to
use acceleration as our data analysis unit.
Generally, the 1000-Hz high pass filter is a good choice. The PeakVue process alters
the length of short-duration, very high-frequency events occurring in a machine’s
vibration data. Be sure to set up a measurement point that uses an accelerometer
and does not integrate the data
Measurement Considerations
Keep in mind that the PeakVue reading is really a high frequency measurement even
on low speed equipment. The following are recommendations for making
2120 Setup
PeakVue can be accessed from the 2120 Acquire Spectrum Menu.
Y PREFILTER Choices are: 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10kHz and
20kHz High Pass or 500-1000 Hz Band Pass.
Collection of at least one data point per machine component is recommended using
the PeakVue technology for early detection of bearing and gear defects, shaft to seal
rubs, torsional vibration as well as other machine problems. For machines that run at
less than 600 RPM, PeakVue should begin to replace normal processing for all
MasterTrend Setup
This can also be activated from a MasterTrend Analysis Parameter Set definition. One
technique is to setup many “generic” PeakVue sets and modify them as needed.
In this database, nine sets have been created. The names explain the FMAX and High
Pass filter.
This set may be used for a shaft speed less than .5 Hz (30 RPM).
The Signal Processing Parameters tab is where PeakVue is enabled. The high pass
filter is chosen to be above the FMAX . The selection of the HP filter is based on the
desired elimination of any unwanted frequencies to increase dynamic range.
The Units Type Code should be set to Accel<---------Accel. Analysis Parameter set 19
is an appropriate choice for this point.
This technique is very powerful as a diagnostic tool and early detection method. In
this section, we have examined the setup and considerations for PeakVue as well as
methods of enabling this feature from both the 2120 Machinery Analyzer and
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Y Relate time waveform length and frequency bandwidth to sampling rate and
sample size.
Y Choose the correct analysis window for each vibration analysis opportunity.
Y Have the ability to use the 2120 analyzer and the Analyze function to
acquire data utilizing PeakVue®.
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For the DFT, the time waveform is recreated in the analyzer by digitally
sampling, and then it is transformed into the frequency domain. The FFT
process works based on the assumption that the signal measured and digitally
sampled is one period of a periodic signal that extends to minus infinity and to
plus infinity. Normally, this is true for most vibrating pieces of equipment.
It is the digital sampling process that makes the signal processing more
complicated. The information here unlocks the mysteries of digital signal
processing without getting bogged down in too much theory.
In order to understand the FFT digital sampling process, you must understand
the relationship between lines of resolution (LOR), maximum frequency (Fmax),
length of time waveform (Tmax), the digital sample size, filters, and unit
Once data has been converted to the frequency domain from the time domain,
view all the frequencies of interest in as much detail as possible. Resolution is
the number of parts of the spectrum, usually called lines of resolution (LOR).
The number of lines of resolution selected are divided into the maximum
analysis frequency (Fmax) to arrive at the bandwidth (BW).
BW = Fmax/LOR
The lines are actually the center frequencies of what are often called bins of
energy. Each bin actually contains an infinite number of frequencies, and all
the energy in the bin is summed and represented by a single amplitude at the
center frequency identified at each line of resolution.
This will give adequate resolution for identifying trend changes and reasonable
data collection time.
One popular way of setting Fmax is to use an order based set based on turning
speed of the shaft being monitored. Let’s take a look at the effect of RPM on
the Sample Rate with a typical 70 x Turn Speed Rolling Element Bearing
RPM x 70 * 2.56
= Fmax =Sample
60 HZ (3600 CPM) 4,200 10,752/sec
20 HZ (1200 CPM) 1,400 3584
1 HZ (60 CPM) 70 179
If the time window is held constant at .01 seconds, an Fmax of 4200 hz would
give 107 samples (10,752 ÷ 100). PeakVue would take the above time
increment, sample it at 100,000 samples per second, independent of the Fmax.
The highest value would be “captured” for processing. Transient events, like
those produced in stress waves from defects or impacting in metal are easily
Tmax = 1 / BW
Tmax = LOR/Fmax
At face value, this is a simple and often used equation. However, to understand
the limitations of some analyzers, it is important to more fully investigate the
relationship between the Fmax, the LOR, and the Tmax.
These terms have already been defined, but be aware that some analyzers have
an upper limit on the sample size. In the 2120, this number is 4,096.
Therefore, a 400-line spectrum would require 2.56 * 400 = 1,024 samples, a
800-line spectrum would require 2.56 * 800 = 2,048 samples, a 1600-line
spectrum would require 2.56 * 1600= 4096 samples and a 3200-line spectrum
would require 2.56 * 3200= 8,192 samples. However, if the analyzer is limited
to 4,096 samples, then the 3200-line spectrum will be created from 4,096
samples since it is the upper limit of the analyzer. This is important when
discussing the Tmax in the time waveform, because, in general, raising the Fmax
decreases Tmax, and raising LOR increases Tmax to the point that the multiple of
2.56 * LOR reaches the sample limit in the analyzer. In this case, the sample
size for anything greater than 1600 lines is forced to be 4,096.
The table below demonstrates how this limitation affects the Tmax for a
maximum 4,096 sample size analyzer.
Fmax Sample Rate (Sr) = L.O.R. Sample Size (Ss)= Time (sec.)=
Fmax*2.56 L.O.R.*2.56 Ss ÷ Sr or
LOR ÷ Fmax
400 1024 400 1024 1.00
400 1024 800 2,048 2.00
400 1024 1600 4,096 4.00
400 1024 3200 8,192 8.00
( 4,096 stored by (4.00 stored
MT)) by MT)
The last entry in the table may seem incorrect, but remember 4,096 is the
maximum sample size, and anything that would be greater than 4,096 is forced
to be 4,096 for storage in MasterTrend. This is the reason your time waveform
is not affected when following the raise-the-LOR-to-lengthen-the-time-
waveform rule. You must be aware of the upper limit of the sample size and
the number of lines of resolution to which this number corresponds. To
increase the amount of time in the time record, it will become necessary to
adjust the Fmax to a lower value. The following chart show the effect on the time
record of various Fmax settings.
Fmax (Hz) Sample Rate (Sr) = L.O.R. Sample Size (Ss)= Time (sec.)=
Fmax*2.56 L.O.R.*2.56 Ss ÷ Sr or
LOR ÷ Fmax
1000 2560 1600 4096 1.6
400 1024 1600 4096 4
200 512 1600 4096 8
100 256 1600 4096 16
10 25.6 1600 4096 160 (maximum
(low freq. stored by MT)
10 25.6 3200 8192 320 (160 stored
by MT)
The vibration data that is the input signal into the analyzer is a time-varying
voltage proportional to the vibration measured by the transducer. In other
words, an accelerometer produces a voltage that varies over time relative to the
acceleration measured by the transducer. The voltage amplitude in the time
waveform is converted to the desired amplitude units based on the sensitivity
and conversion factor of the transducer.
Most analyzers have the ability to convert from the measurement units of the
transducer to either of the other two units in the time domain or the frequency
domain. At CSI, integration of the time signal is called analog integration and
integration of the frequency domain is called digital integration.
Therefore, if any one of these terms has been measured, integration and
differentiation allows any of the other terms to be calculated, provided the
analyzer or software used is capable of this conversion process.
This section has introduced some signal processing basics. A clear understanding
of signal processing may help the analyst when making decisions on how to setup
a vibration data collection point. PeakVue is a unique process, with great power in
many applications.
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This equipment is in a large papermill. The chipper is fairly slow speed and runs
24 hours a day. The equipment was on a normal vibration route.
Wood Chipper
SKF 23156C double row sperical roller bearings
900 HP
300 RPM
Synchronous Motor
The normal data is shown below. The relatively low amplitudes in both the
spectrum and waveform would not have alarmed automatically.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency in Hz
Acceleration in G-s
The analyst suspected a bearing problem and decided to setup to take PeakVue
data. Notice the impact level in the waveform is only .6 G’s Pk-Pk. The real level
will be shown later. With a 500 hz Fmax the sample rate is 1,280 samples/sec.
Utilizing the Analyze function, additional data was stored.
PeakVue Setup
The setup of PeakVue is flexible, so the analyst should not feel intimidated when
using it. Many “incorrect” setups will still give good data. The choice of Fmax and
the High Pass Filter follow some basic rules.
In this case the running speed is 300 RPM or 5 HZ. Then, 3-10 times would yield
an Fmax of anywhere in the range of 150-500 HZ. The “correct” Fmax would have
been 500 HZ. Remember, don’t get too worried about being exact, PeakVue is
The analyst chose a 100 HZ Fmax . The high pass filter should be the next filter
available above Fmax . The filter could have been 500hz, 1Khz, 2Khz, 5Khz,
10Khz, or 20Khz. He chose 2Khz. With the filter we are trying to increase the
dynamic range of the equipment by filtering out any high G levels that would
interfere with stress wave processing. If there are high G levels near 1000hz, set
the filter at 2000hz.The results are shown.
RMS = 1.26
LOAD = 100.0
RMS Acceleration in G-s
RPM = 300.
0.30 RPS = 5.01
Freq: 2.221
0 20 40 60 80 100 Ordr: .443
Frequency in Hz Spec: .311
The highest amplitudes in the axial direction are at the Fundamental Train
Frequency (FTF). The cage is impacting, but how high is the real amplitude?
The waveform reveals what the normal processing was missing.
RMS = 1.55
LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 300.
14 RPS = 5.01
Acceleration in G-s
12 PK(+) = 17.26
PK(-) = .8885
10 CRESTF= 11.16
Time: 2.246
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Ampl: -.409
Time in Seconds
If we look closer, we can see multiple impacts at every other revolution of the
RMS = 1.84
LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 300.
14 RPS = 5.01
Acceleration in G-s
12 PK(+) = 17.26
PK(-) = .8885
10 CRESTF= 11.16
Time: 1.094
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Ampl: 17.33
Time in Seconds
RMS = 2.09
LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 300.
14 RPS = 5.01
Acceleration in G-s
12 PK(+) = 17.26
PK(-) = .8885
10 CRESTF= 11.16
>SKF 23156C
C=BSF : 20.51
Time: 1093.8
800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Ampl: 17.33
Time in mSecs Dtim; .00000
Freq: .00000
The Fault Frequency lines line up on the 1x BSF (ball spin frequency). We actually
have peaks in between signifying 2x BSF This signifies 2 defect areas, 180
degrees on one roller.
The roller shows heavy electrical fluting. The same pattern appeared 180 degrees
apart on the other side of the roller. Fluting can occur due to a number of causes.
Basically it is a voltage discharge through a bearing. This can occur due to static
buildup and discharge or when a welder uses the machine for ground when
welding a shaft. These defects were clearly seen in PeakVue spectrum and
especially the time waveform.
MasterTrend Setup
To setup this machine as a route point, the following screens should be followed.
Add a measurement point called CPA, Chipper PeakVue Axial . This spherical
roller bearing shows defects in the axial direction best.
Choose the appropriate Analysis Parameter (AP) set. Using the rules from earlier:
Fmax = 5 Hz * 10 * 5
Fmax = 500 Hz
Steam Turbine/Generator 220 MW
This equipment is in a large electric generating facility. The turbine turns at 3600
RPM and has a pinion gear to a larger gear. This turns the exciter for the
4 : 1 R e d u c t io n G e a r
G 8 A /P 8 A
G 7 A /P 7 A
Measurement Points for Gears
3-12 © Copyright 1997, Computational Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
PeakVue Training
Case Histories and Applications
The normal data is shown below for G7A, gearbox input shaft, inboard side.
RPS = 59.77
: 1500.
Freq: 1494.2
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Ordr: 25.00
Frequency in Hz Spec: .06725
The gearmesh and sidebands made the analyst decide to use PeakVue to get a
better look.
Y The other point should be setup for the bearing and lower order shaft
information at 25-50 orders of the shaft speed
Choose the appropriate AP set. The first point would be setup as the lower
frequency. This is a sleeve bearing, so no bearing information is needed. We will
be concerned with shaft turning speed harmonics. Choose the Fmax to be 10-15
times turning speed. The input shaft is 60 Hz * 15 = 900 Hz, so choose the 1,000
Hz set.
The second point is the high frequency point at 3.5 times gearmesh. Gearmesh is at
around 1,600 Hz, 3.5 *1600 is 5,600 Hz. Choose the 5,000 Hz Fmax set with 5,000
Hz high pass filter.
Alarm Limits
Setting Alarm Limits (AL) on PeakVue points may have to be done manually with
a different AL set for each point. Experience with different machines and
historical data may be the best guides. Operational characteristics as well as the
Fmax and High Pass Filter Settings will also have to be taken into consideration.
The first time a PeakVue reading is taken, we may assume that the machine is in
good condition (the majority of machines are not in failure - we hope!).
© Copyright 1997, Computational Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. 3-15
PeakVue Training
Case Histories and Applications
Using this as a baseline, we can set an alarm at 100-300 percent of the baseline as
a guideline .
Y Historical data
Y Operational characteristics of the machine
Y Fmax and High Pass Filter Settings
The Peak-Peak waveform alarm and Overall spectrum alarm may be the best
alarms to start out with. The set below was chosen based on the baseline data.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Frequency in Hz
Acceleration in G-s
0.18 03-APR-97 12:49
RMS = .0215
PK(+) = .0962
0.06 PK(-) = .0328
CRESTF= 4.48
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time in mSecs
The baseline data shows very low levels in both the spectrum and waveform.
This gearbox shows no major defects, so a generic AL set is made.
In this case history, the normal spectrum and waveform information showed
possible gear mesh problems with high GMF with sidebands. This has always been
considered a indicator of wear and/or broken teeth. PeakVue refuted that
conclusion by showing that no major impacting or micro welding of metal was
occurring. These gears were inspected with no abnormal wear conditions found.
The high GMF and sidebands of the pinion and bull gear running speed were
found to load related. At lower loads, the gears were backlashing creating
amplitude and frequency modulation. The modulation was reflected by the
sidebands of run speed around GMF in the spectrum. This caused the spectrum
data to appear in alarm.
Reciprocating Compressor
200 HP Crankshaft
1775 RPM Motor Piston Double Row 345 RPM
Spherical Roller Brgs
Normal Processing
Freq: 5.625
0 60 120 180 240 300 Ordr: .975
Frequency in Hz Spec: .03228
PeakVue Processing
Analyze Spectrum
01-OCT-97 11:46
(PkVue- HP 500 Hz)
Freq: 5.781
0 60 120 180 240 300 Ordr: 1.001
Frequency in Hz Spec: .06494
RPM = 347.
RPS = 5.78
Freq: 47.34
0 60 120 180 240 300 Ordr: 8.195
Frequency in Hz Spec: .04590
The outer race and inner race (BPFO, BPFI) fault frequencies are visible,
signifying faults in the crankshaft bearings. They were lost in the noise in normal
Freq: 62.50
0 60 120 180 240 300 Ordr: 10.80
Frequency in Hz Spec: .01953
The waveform shows 1 G impacting, a moderate fault. The bearing was reported
as being in stage 3 of bearing failure due to the high number of harmonics in the
spectrum and levels in the waveform.
RMS = .1947
FAULT LOAD = 100.0
RPM = 347.
0.6 RPS = 5.79
Acceleration in G-s
-0.6 ALERT
-0.8 FAULT
Time: 1.599
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 Ampl: -.190
Time in Seconds
The filtering feature of PeakVue was used to eliminate a large amplitude vibration,
increasing the dynamic range so lower amplitudes could be seen. The metal
impacting caused stress waves identifying severe looseness in the bearings. The
bearings were changed and found to be loose and have significant eye visible
This spindle grinder grinds the race of a wheel bearing. The high speed bearings
are oil mist lubricated. High speed bearings need to be monitored on a more
frequent schedule because minor defects can progress into major defects quickly.
Progression of Fault
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Frequency in Hz
Acceleration in G-s
When the spindle is in good condition, the levels are low in both the spectrum and
23-APR-97 18:03
RMS = .8030
PK ALARM PK(+) = 4.41
0 PK(-) = 1.04
CRESTF= 5.49
Freq: 253.13
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Ordr: .999
Time in mSecs Spec: .09424
One and a half months later, the fault has progressed to a major failure. The
monitoring schedule should be adjusted because of the speed. The spectrum shows
impacting at half harmonics indicating severe looseness. The non-synchronous
peaks are severe bearing defects.
PeakVue worked well at detecting this high speed bearing failure. The monitoring
schedule may need to be adjusted as speed increases. Even small faults can
progress to catastrophic at high speeds.
Gearbox 280 HP
1190 RPM
(half) AC Motor
17 T 63 T 40 T
1 = 20 Hz
2 = 5.39
43 T
14 T 3 = 1.89
1 2 3 4 = .66
5 = .27
15 T 6 = .36
41 T 31 T
17 T
0.04 30-JAN-97 11:25
OVRALL= .0477 V-DG
0.03 PK = .0475
LOAD = 100.0
0.02 RPM = 1190.
RPS = 19.83
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
Frequency in Hz
Acceleration in G-s
PeakVue Processing
: 11.20
W=Tth Rept(4>6)
: .0212
X=Speed #6 : .36
0.04 : 11.86
: 11.56
Freq: .656
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Ordr: .03282
Frequency in Hz Spec: .06006
Harmonics of the #4 shaft are apparent. The #6 shaft harmonics is also visible.
K1UG - # 20 Miner Peak Vue
#20 PV -L10 Left Side Point 10
Analyze Spectrum
W X 30-JAN-97 12:56
(Filtr-HP 1000 Hz)
RMS = .3082
LOAD = 100.0
RMS Acceleration in G-s
RPM = 1200.
0.08 RPS = 19.99
0.04 : 11.86
: 11.56
Freq: .362
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Ordr: .01813
Frequency in Hz Spec: .06396
The gearbox continued to run, for a while. The picture below shows the results
when the failure occurred.
PeakVue is outstanding for slow speed and complex gearboxes. The filtering can
get rid of the high amplitude GMF, and allow us to see the impacting of shafts,
gear teeth and bearings.
A microprocessor based instrument has been developed to enhance the analysis of complex
mechanical devices such as gear boxes for defect detection employing vibration analysis
techniques. The physical phenomena relied on for analysis are the stress waves which are emitted
as a result of metal-to-metal impacting, microwelding, etc. For rotating equipment, these stress
waves are generally emitted at a periodic rate; therefore, synchronous averaging can be employed
for signal enhancement. The pulses used for timing pulses from which synchronous averaging
occurs are generated digitally within the microprocessor based instrument. The digitally
generated output pulse string is analytically generated from a reference input pulse string
acquired from the mechanical device under analysis.
The methodology implemented in the new microprocessor based instrument described herein was
applied to a small double reduction gear box with a known defective tooth. The results obtained
from synchronous averaging of the stress waves are compared to synchronous averaging of the
vibration signals (standard methodology). The results obtained using the stress wave analysis
were more informative and simpler to interpret
An accelerometer measures the absolute motion (acceleration) of the surface it is attached to.
Surface motion can occur because of 1) motion of the entire body in a global sense, 2) structural
resonances of the body, and 3) stress waves traveling through the body. Entire body motion is
generally in the lower frequency range and directly proportional to the driving force. Structural
resonances are dependent on the makeup of the body and can significantly amplify motion at
specific (resonant) frequencies. Stress waves are generally set up in a body due to localized
effects such as impacting, microwelding (tearing), etc. For metallic objects impacting on a
metallic surface, the stress waves emitted consist of bending and shear waves. As bending waves
travel away from the initiation point, they cause a small surface motion much like the pressure
waves seen in a pool of water. Shear waves, which travel faster than bending waves do not
introduce surface distortions, but do get converted to bending waves when traveling through
interfaces. For metal-to-metal impacting, the dominant frequency in bending waves will be in the
1KHz to 15 kHz range; however, the impact signature will excite a broad band of frequencies.
The bending waves will attenuate as they travel away from the point of impact, but the higher
frequencies will attenuate more rapidly than the lower frequencies (approximately inversely
proportional to frequency). Furthermore, the frequency content within the impact is dependent on
the impact itself, e.g., small objects or sharp surface impacting will have higher frequencies than
larger objects or smooth surface impacting.
The large variability in frequency content due to the shape and size of the impacting object and
attenuation due to dispersion within an impacting signature makes a specific frequency difficult
to impossible to monitor. The frequencies within impact signatures are generally greater than
those within bulk vibration or larger structural resonances and hence can be separated and
monitored from a timing and energy perspective. Impacts occurring at the moving shaft (gear
teeth, inner race on bearings, etc) will generate stress waves which must travel through interfaces
where significant attenuation could occur and hence may require signal enhancement (such as
time synchronization) to provide a reliable monitoring technique.
The methodology developed by CSI Patent pending. for stress wave monitoring with time
synchronous averaging capability has been implemented in a microprocessor based instrument
and is described below.
The basic signal from stress waves (impacts, etc.) general1y cannot be synchronous averaged
because a) the frequency within the packet varies somewhat due to the nature of the stress
producing source and b) the reasonably high frequency of a few kilohertz would require
unrealistic stability in the synchronous timing pulse. The envelope of the stress packet could be
synchronously averaged but would require a sampling rate in the kilohertz range to assure
detection of the peak (detect the energy within the packet). The methodology adopted herein is to
employ a peak detector which can be reset at a predetermined rate. This ensures the detection of
the peak at reasonable slow sampling rates. The basic technique is to hold the signal from input
to output such that the output in the interval t to t + _t is the maximum of the input signal from
the previous time (t-_t) to t
To illustrate the functionality gained from this approach, consider monitoring a bearing on a shaft
turning at 1 RPM. The fault frequency would be in the 5 to 25 RPM range. Early bearing defects
will generate stress waves (impacts) with time durations in the 5-50 msec range whose peak
value could be very short lived. To look for bearing faults, one would like to capture a time
record consisting of two or more shaft revolutions. Most portable meters have a minimum
(analysis bandwidth) frequency range for the spectral analysis of (FMAX) 10 Hz which means the
minimum sampling frequency is 25.6 samples/sec. For an FMAX of 10 Hz (sampling frequency of
25.6), and a specified block size of 400 frequency lines, the sampled block of 1024 data points
would take 40 sec to fill (specified 1600 frequency lines would take 160 sec to fill). A sampling
rate of 25.6 sec means that one sample occurs approximately every 39 msec. If one were using
envelope detection, the event would be entirely missed many times and synchronous averaging
would be of very little value. Using the peak hold methodology, a hold time of greater than 40
msec would guarantee the peak would always be detected. This ability to correlate the peak hold
time with sampling rate permits the use of synchronous averaging for stress packet analysis on
very slow to fast machinery. Accordingly, one can carry out synchronous averaging for stress
wave analysis on a wide spectrum of machinery using time synchronous averaging.
(16/88)(17/54) = 17/297
It was known that there was a cracked tooth on one of the gears.
The sensor used for analysis was an accelerometer mounted over the bearing on the input shaft.
The tach signal used for reference was from the slow output shaft. The results presented below
1. No synchronous averaging.
2. Synchronous for each shaft of the straight vibration signal.
3. Synchronous for each shaft for the stress wave using the peak follower methodology.
The last subsection will be a summary of the findings from the results.
3.2 Results
Results obtained by synchronous averaging 25 blocks in the data collector are presented in Figure
5 through Figure 7 (the input to the data collector was the output of the microprocessor based
stress wave signal conditioner). The stress wave signal conditioner was set up as:
2. Multiplication factors for input tach pulse (from gear box output shaft) were:
1.0 forFigures
54/17 forFigure6
17.471 forFigure7
Accordingly, the synchronous results for Figure 5 are relative to the outlet or slow shaft, the
synchronous results for Figure 6 are relative to the intermediate shaft, and the synchronous
results for Figure 7 are relative to input (or fast) shaft.
From the results presented in Figures 5 through 7 it is obvious that a stress wave (probable
impact) is occurring once per revolution of the input shaft (Figure 7). There also are stress wave
activity occurring 11 times per revolutions of the intermediate shaft (Figure 6). There is no
discernable stress wave activity associated with the output (or slow) shaft (Figure 5).
2. The one defective tooth on the drive pinion has damaged 11 teeth on the 88 gear wheel
and some impacting is occurring when the mating pinion engages any of these 11 teeth. The
combination of 16 teeth driving 88 teeth (prime number of 2 and 11) ensures that any specific
tooth on the pinion will engage only 11 of the 88 teeth on the gear wheel.
1. The microprocessor generated tachometer presents a reliable pulse string from which
signal enhancement employing synchronous averaging can be successfully employed for
both the vibration component and the stress wave component of the signal obtained from
an accelerometer.
2. The peak following circuitry employed for synchronous averaging of the stress wave
component functioned very well.
4.0 Conclusions
The use of a microprocessor to generate an output pulse string at a deterministic rate relative to
an input reference pulse string proved very useful to permit signal enhancement through
synchronization. Synchronous averaging was made possible for both the normal vibration
component as well as the stress wave component of signals acquired by using an accelerometer
as the sensor. The methodology employed here for processing the signal representing stress
waves was:
2. Holding and output the peak value over a specified time range.
This monitoring of the peak value is capable of providing the similar information at a relatively
slow sampling rate that envelope detection would at a relatively high sampling rate. The use of
the relatively slow sampling rate makes possible the use of the typical data collector to collect
long duration data records with the assurance of capturing short lived impulse (stress wave)
In addition to the ability to execute synchronous averaging of the vibration signal and the stress
wave signal to inaccessible shafts in a gearbox which was demonstrated in this paper; the
methodology presented here would be equally applicable to hard to detect bearing failures such
as inner race defects in the presence of high background vibration. The ability to synchronize on
specific fault event rates and the peak follower capability should prove very useful in monitoring
bearings in slow machinery, gear boxes, etc.
Figure 1.
Spectra and time trace from a 4 block average for an Fmax of 800 Hz and 800 line spectra.
Figure 2.
Twenty five block synchronous average of vibration signal relative to output (slow) shaft.
Figure 3.
Twenty five block synchronous average of vibration signal relative to intermediate shaft.
Figure 4.
Twenty five block synchronous average of vibration signal relative to input shaft.
Figure 5.
Twehty five block synchronous average of stress wave signal relative to output shaft.
Figure 6.
Twenty five block synchronous average of stress wave signal relative to intermediate shaft.
Figure 7.
Twenty five block synchronous average of stress wave signal relative input shaft.