Eye Sight Test Certificate
Eye Sight Test Certificate
Eye Sight Test Certificate
This form is to be completed by a qualified Medical Practitioner/Optometrist, who should read the notes on page two prior to
commencing any testing.
A. Applicant details
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) Surname Given name
Postal Address
Same as street address Town / suburb State Postcode
Date of birth Identified by (Driver’s Licence, etc) Level of certificate of competency applied for
B. Results of examination
1 Letter Test (Snellen Principle)
With or without aids to vision
6/6 Better eye 6/9 Other eye
Where to lodge: Roads and Maritime Services NSW • Maritime Safety QLD • Transport Safety VIC • Marine and Safety TAS •
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure SA • Department of Transport WA • Marine Safety NT.
Privacy Statement
The collection of information requested in this form is required or authorised by Schedule 1 of the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel)
National Law Act 2012 (the Act). It will be used for purposes related to the Act and may be provided to Commonwealth or State / Territory government
agencies for the purposes of marine safety. Failure to provide the information may result in the transaction not being processed. To contact us, or for
more information on how to access or correct your personal information, how to make a privacy complaint, or how your information may be used or
disclosed for purposes beyond those described in this statement, visit www.amsa.gov.au/privacy/
Colour Vision
A colour-corrective lens cannot be used in a colour-vision test.
The Ishihara test shall be conducted using all 24 plates. In order to pass, a candidate must correctly identify at least 13 of
the first 15 plates in the 24-plate version. The only optical aids permitted to be used for colour vision testing are prescribed
lenses worn by an applicant for the acuity test. An applicant may not use tinted glasses or tinted contact lenses.
Where an applicant fails the Ishihara colour vision test, he/she may be re-examined with the Holmes-Wright lantern test type
“B” or the Marine Orders colour matching test for Marine Engine Driver Grade 1NC and Engineer 3 NC candidates.
In the case of applicants Master <24m NC, Master (Inland Waters), Coxswain Grade 1 NC, Coxswain Grade 2 NC the
National Regulator or the delegate of the National Regulator may, in lieu of the above requirements, accept a statement
from a suitably qualified optometrist, eye specialist or medical practitioner, that after having examined the applicant, the
applicant suffers no greater abnormality in colour-vision than could be tested by the Ishihara Test.
Colour vision testing is not required for:
General Purpose Hand NC;
Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 NC; or
Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 NC.