One Compact Device, Designed To Solve Any Network Challenge: Highlights

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One compact device, designed to

solve any network challenge

• Adaptable and modular Remote Telecontrol Units
suitable for all environments
• Full range of protocols (DNP3.0, IEC 61850, IEC
60870-5... ) to communicate with all devices and
control centers
• Embedded Ethernet switch with (2) 10/100 BaseTx,
IEC 61850 (2) FX100 fiber optics and RSTP/ PRP/ HSR
compliant redundancy
• Up to 4 Ethernet ports, 4 serial ports, and optional,
internal 4G, 3G and GPRS modems

Our scalable RTUs can simultaneously handle older and newer protocols on serial, wireless and Ethernet networks -
making substation automation less complex and more affordable.
Remote telecontrol units (RTUs) for SCADAs are frequently employed as bay controllers for data acquisition in
substations, often requiring further devices for gateway and more advanced functionalities like load shedding or
microsecond timestamping. Our modular iRTUs are powerful controllers with embedded ethernet switches, state-of-
the-art features and internal I/Os, allowing you to do it all with one small device. They can map serial servers to IEC
61850 logical nodes, collect and process data from old and new IEDs, report directly to the cotrol center with any
standard protocol (e.g. IEC 60970-5-104, DNP3) and handle all common protocol conversions:.
An architecture based on iRTUs is open and scalable: you can easily integrate future generations of devices (IEDs,
sensors, routers etc.) and adapt to any present and future needs, such as changing network topology or
communication media.
Communication Ports Standards and Compliance
The iRTU comes with 2 independent 10/100 BaseTX Ethernet The diverse backgrounds of our partners and clients from all
ports (two different MAC addresses, RJ45 connector) and an over the world have helped us gather state-of-the-art know-
internal Ethernet switch with (2) 10/100BaseTX, (2) fiber optic how and firsthand experience in a great variety of energy
FX100 sensors with ST, SC o SFP connectors, and RSTP/PRP/ applications. This joint knowledge is the foundation of our
HSR redundancy. optimized iRTU family, which has a proven track record of
being particularly effective and resistant for a diverse range
Additionally, the iRTU carries 4 software configurable serial
of applications and harsh environments belonging to the
ports: 1 full RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 + 2 basic RS-232/RS-
energy industry.
485/RS-422 and 1 RS-422/RS-485 port (EXP422) to connect
iRTUe models. Optionally, one of the serial ports can be As a result, the iRTU meets the requirements of extensive
replaced with an internal 4G(LTE), 3G and GPRS modem. standards, such as IEC61850-3, IEC60870-2-1 & IEC60255-26.

Time Management Communication Protocols & IP Networking

The iRTU manages a broad range of time synchronization The iRTU was designed to use a high number of protocols
methods with fault tolerant priority schemes (NTP, IEEE1588/ (see data sheet) and communicate with several control cen-
PTP, IEC60870-5-101, DNP 3.0) to ensure that your network ters at once. It is equipped with transparent TCP bridging
is synchronized and you can retrace any network failures. and configurable IP routing to tunnel any serial protocol
(such as Modbus) over a TCP/IP connection and facilitate the
The time stamp accuracy of the iRTU is superior to one 1ms
control of complex IP networks.
and has a 1 microsecond resolution. In case the time server
fails, the iRTU can rely on its high accuracy real time clock The iRTU IEC 61850 capabilities have been A level certified
(1.5ppm) as a backup. by DNV-KEMA.

IEC61131-3 PLC Automation Inputs and Outputs

Thanks to its internal PLC based on IEC 61131-3, the iRTU can iRTUs are equipped with internal I/O modules for direct data
provide powerful automation and control functionalities. acquisition and feature a 2.5kV isolation. The DIs can be
For example, you can easily reuse programs on different chosen in 4 voltage levels (or customized) and grant a 1 ms
projects, run multiple PLC instances simultaneously or use timestamp accuracy. Each input can also be defined as a
triggered variables for control commands and set points. It counter and provide individually configurable debounce and
also allows to run hot program updates, stop PLC executions decluttering filters. Its AIs have a current range of ±20 mA
depending on the quality of selected PLC inputs and debug (other voltages and currents upon request) and a 0.15%
PLCs online, either cycle-by-cycle or step-by-step. accuracy.
The iRTU has a high execution speed – a 2000 ST line The iRTU also offers internal dry contact electromechanical
program takes less than 3ms. relay outputs in several ratings and with an isolation of 6 kV.

Even smaller, but just as smart.

The iGWlite is a special device for protocol conversion and other gateway function-
alities. It almost takes no space on a DIN-Rail, but still employs the full iGrid proto-
col stack. It carries 1 Ethernet & 1 RS485/RS422 port and can be equipped with an
optional RS232 port (copper or fiber) or a 2G/3G/4G modem.
It is the first gateway worldwide to handle TASE 2.0 to directly connect smaller gen-
eration plants with transmission control centers.

More specifications on the back

iRTU B0 Series M Series
(4) Software configurable serial ports with LEDs: The M series replaces one of the serial ports with an
(1) Full RS-232/ RS-422/ RS-485 serial port internal modem: M0 (GPRS), M1 (3G + GPRS) and M2
(2) Basic RS-232/ RS-422/ RS-485 serial ports (4G/LTE + GPRS)
(1) RS-422/ RS-485 serial port (EXP-422 port*)
(2) 10/100BaseTX Ethernet ports (RJ45 connector)
(1) USB port to connect peripheral devices
(1) MGMT port (MiniUSB connector) for local
maintenance Internal I/O Configurations
*for iRTUe connection
iGW S/M/B Series: no I/Os, same ports as iRTUs
C1 – (8) digital inputs, (4) relay outputs, and (2) DC
current analog inputs (4-20mA)
iRTU S Series D1 – 24 digital inputs
The S Series carries the B0 ports and an embedded
Ethernet switch (connected to one of the two
independent Ethernet ports), which provides:
iRTUe – Remote I/O Expansions
S0 – (3) 10/100BaseTX RJ connectors
(2) FX100 ports with HSR/PRP redundancy and SC, iRTUs and iGWs can be freely extended by connecting
ST or SFP connectors several iRTUe. They are IEC 61850 (GOOSE) compliant
and come in many configurations such as 48 DI (D1D1),
S3 – (2) 10/100BaseTX RJ connectors and (2) FX100
16 relays (R1R1), 16 AI (A1A1), 24 DI + 8 relays (D1R1), 24
ports with RSTP redundancy and SC, ST or SFP
connectors DI + 8 AI (D1A1) or 8 relays + 8 AI (A1R1).

Substation Schema with iRTU Functioning as Bay Controller Unit

Smart Solutions for Smart Grids iGrid T&D Headquarters

C/ Marie Curie, 8-14, Parc Tecnològic
08042 – Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) Tel. +34.93.502.79.85, [email protected]
Protocol Stack General Characteristics

Master/Slave IEC 60870-5-101 Master/Slave IEC 60870-5-104 Power supply W : wide range, 32 - 250Vdc / 80 - 250Vac
(2.5kVrms isolation) 24 : 19.5-60Vdc (2.5kVrms isolation)
Master/Slave Modbus TCP/UDP and JBUS (master) Master/Slave ModbusRTU
MTBF 177,000h (one hundred seventy seven thousand hours)
Master/Slave DNP3.0 (serial, UDP, TCP) Master IEC 60870-5-103
Environmental Operating temperature : -25ºC to +70ºC
Master IEC 60870-5-102 Master DLMS
IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2, IEC 60068-2-3, IEC 60068-2-14,
Master Profibus DP Master Spabus, Mlink, Procome IEC 60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-38
Master IEC 62056-21 SNMP Agent/Manager Vibration & shock test IEC 60068-2-6, IEC 60068-2-7
IEC 61850 MMS Client/Server IEC 61850 GOOSE Publisher/Subscriber Physical External dimensions: 173 x 78.4 x 137 mm (HxWxD)
IP30 enclosure with DIN Rail mounting

iGComms Software Application

RTC & Time Synchronization
Redundancy deployable on a hot-standby configuration, optional redundant power supply
Security IEC 62351-3 and IEC 62351-5 support, including TLS/SSL, SSH and VPN connections Real-time Clock (RTC) with 1.5 ppm drift and microsecond
resolution timestamp
IEC 61131-3 automation logic and PLC programming, with LD, FBD, ST and SFC editor
Server NTP, IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-104, DNP3.0, PTP
LUA language can be used to create simple and complex logic and mathematical expressions
Client IEEE1588(PTP), SNTP, IEC 60870-5-101, IEC 60870-5-102,
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 60870-5-104 DNP3.0, DLMS, Spabus,
Communication Ports & CPU Mlink, Procome and Profibus DP

Serial up to 4 software configurable ports with RS-232/RS-485/RS-422

Configuration & Maintenance
Ethernet (2) 10/100BaseTX ports with independent MAC addresses
Wireless full internal 4G(LTE), 3G and GPRS modem (optional) Easy configuration with iConf tool
Ethernet switch (S Series) up to (4) 10/100BaseTX ports with RJ45 connection and (2) FX100 Internal web server, allowing real time monitoring of the sys-
with ST, SC connectors or SFP interface, and supporting RSTP, HSR and PRP configurations tem and all its internal parameters

CPU ARM Cortex-A7 @ 528MHz, with 4GBytes Flash and 256MBytes RAM. Command console with full information on packet exchanges,
with all available protocols
Local or remote maintenance via USB or Ethernet port
EMC Standards

IEC 60950-1, IEC 60255-5:2000, IEC 60255-22:2000, EN 55022, IEC 61000-6-4, IEC 61000-6-5, IEC
61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-6, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-
9, IEC 61000-4-10, IEC 61000-4-12, IEC 61000-4-16, IEC 61000-4-17, IEC 61000-4-18, IEC 61000-4-29

Ordering Information

Main board & communications SD card

B#01 (2) 10/100BaseTX RJ45 Ethernet + (4) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports S Internal 8 GB microSD card
S#01 PRP/HSR switch with (4) 10/100BaseTX and (2) FX100 Ethernet
+ (4) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports
S#31 RSTP switch with (3) 10/100BaseTX and (2) FX100 Ethernet Fiber optic interfaces (S models)
+ (4) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports
T ST connectors
M#01 2G modem + (2) 10/100BaseTX Ethernet + (3) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports
C SC connectors
M#11 3G modem + (2) 10/100BaseTX Ethernet + (3) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports
F SFP interface
M#21 4G modem + (2) 10/100BaseTX Ethernet + (3) serial RS232/RS485/RS422 ports

I/O board Digital inputs voltage

D1 24 digital inputs 024 24Vdc digital inputs
C1 8 digital inputs + 4 relays + 2 4-20mA DC analog inputs 048 48Vdc digital inputs
125 125Vdc digital inputs
132 132Vdc digital inputs
Power supply
24 19.2-60 Vdcigital inputs
WV 32-250Vdc // 80-250Vac

Smart Solutions for Smart Grids iGrid T&D Headquarters

C/ Marie Curie, 8-14, Parc Tecnològic
08042 – Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) Tel. +34.93.502.79.85, [email protected]

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