Opioid Medication Pain Fact Sheet Revised
Opioid Medication Pain Fact Sheet Revised
Opioid Medication Pain Fact Sheet Revised
The prescription should Take the lowest dose Always talk with
only be for a three- possible for the shortest your doctor about
to seven-day supply period of time. managing your pain
(often this is as few as better without taking
10 pills). prescription opioids.
www.WashingtonHealthAlliance.org www.BreeCollaborative.org
Opioids Facts & Figures
Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental In 2015 alone, 718 people in
Washington died from overdoses
death in the US and in Washington state, and involving opioids.
opioid addiction is driving the epidemic. Washington State Department of Health
More than 3 out of 5 drug overdose Nationally, 4 in 5 new heroin In Washington, 57% of people
deaths involve an opioid. users started out misusing currently using heroin were dependent
prescription painkillers. on prescription opioids before they
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
began using heroin.
American Society of Addiction Medicine
UW Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute
Nearly half of young people who More than 4 in 10 teens who misused 95% of parents believe their child has
inject heroin started off abusing or abused a prescription drug took it never taken a prescription drug for a
prescription drugs. from their parent’s medicine cabinet. reason other than its intended use.
National Institute on Drug Abuse Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Visit www.takebackyourmeds.org to learn more or talk with your pharmacist about disposal options.
www.WashingtonHealthAlliance.org www.BreeCollaborative.org