ISO 9001 Whitepaper - Understanding The Changes

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ISO Revisions

ISO Revisions

ISO 9001 Whitepaper

Understanding the changes
Approaching change
ISO 9001 at a glance
How does ISO 9001 work? Put in the context of quality management, the PDCA approach works
as follows:
ISO 9001 can be applied to all types and sizes of organizations and
helps them put systems and processes in place to ensure that the • Plan. Understand your business environment and customer
organization is focussed on understanding and meeting customers’ requirements and identify how they affect your organization.
requirements. In order to do this it requires the organization to Define your objectives, targets and action plans to improve your
identify, manage, control and improve those business processes that customer satisfaction – all in line with your company’s policy
can have an impact on customer satisfaction.
• Do. Implement your quality and management action plans.
More about ISO 9001’s structure • Check. Monitor and measure your processes and operations
against the company’s objectives and report the results.
As an internationally recognized standard for Quality Management,
ISO 9001 is built on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach. This is • Act. Take actions to improve your customer satisfaction
the operating principle of all ISO management system standards. performance on an ongoing basis.

ISO Revisions

ISO 9001:2015 The impact on organizations

There are 3 key areas which we believe setting – ensures the new standard puts ISO 9001 resulting in linked processes and
will have a significant impact. Leadership at the centre of its thinking activities that deliver value and efficiency.

Many of our clients acknowledge that Secondly it’s all about integration, a new And thirdly its about managing change
standards perform better when they are high level structure has been introduced to in your business, understanding the risks
aligned to the business strategies of an ensure that differing standards support each and challenges which may impact on your
organization and therefore the role of top other. Future standards will be consistent in organizations ability to meet customer
management in their deployment is key. This their structure and better integrated to requirements and taking a preventative
is the first key change in the new standard. approach.
Greater emphasis on the objectives and goal

Who can benefit from ISO 9001?

Organizations new to ISO 9001 Remember – this version does not ask or require for ANY
procedures – BUT what it does ask you to show is control. You need
The new version is more compatible with service organizations
to demonstrate that you have identified areas and can control the
both in language and content. With a greater emphasis on risk and
outcomes. How you do that, is up to you.
opportunity management, its approach is in line with the current
thinking of many senior managers. One of the key objectives of the revision was to enable organizations
using multiple management system standards to develop an
It is interesting to note that initially during the early stages of the
integrated business management system. Going forward all
development – the term ‘products’ was going to be changed to
management system standards will have an identical structure to
become ‘goods’ but it hasn’t. It remains ‘Products and Services’
ISO 9001 enabling easier integration and improved management.

Organizations already certified. For all organizations this is an opportunity to review your approach,
engage with management and deliver a system that is aligned to
Many certified organizations will appreciate that it has fewer
and supports the achievement of your overall business and quality
prescriptive requirements
ISO Revisions

Why ISO 9001 is changing

All ISO management system standards are subject to a regular • Provide a consistent foundation for the next 10 years
review under the rules by which they are written. Following a
• Reflect the increasingly complex environments in which
substantial user survey the ISO Committee responsible for ISO 9001
organizations’ operate
decided that a review was appropriate and created the following
objectives to maintain its relevance in today’s market place: • Ensure the new standard reflects the needs of all potential user
• Integrate with other management systems
• Provide an integrated approach to organizational management • Enhance an organization’s ability to satisfy it’s customers.

ISO Revisions

ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001:2015 will be based on Annex With the new standard in place, Clause 0: Introduction
SL – the new high level structure (HLS) organizations will find it easier to Clause 1: Scope
that brings a common framework to all incorporate their quality management
Clause 2: Normative references
management systems. This helps to keep system into the core business processes
consistency, align different management and get more involvement from senior Clause 3: Terms and definitions
system standards, offer matching sub- management. Clause 4: Context of the organization
clauses against the top-level structure Clause 5: Leadership
and apply common language across all
Clause 6: Planning
standards. Based on the PDCA approach,
ISO 9001:2015 will follow this structure. Clause 7: Support
Clause 8: Operation
Clause 9: Performance evaluation
Clause 10: Improvement

ISO Revisions

What are the significant proposed changes?

The key changes in the proposed standard for 2015 based on the any market assurance and governance goals that the organization
Draft International Standard, published in May 2014, are: might set for its management system.
• The emphasis on leadership This means that senior managers need to be able to demonstrate
• The focus on risk management an understanding of the wider business environment, social, cultural
and regulatory and how that impacts or could impact on the
• Emphasis on objectives, measurement and change organization’s ability to meet customer requirements. In the same
• Communication and awareness context they need to have a grasp of the organization’s internal
strengths and weaknesses and how these could impact on the
• Fewer prescriptive requirements.
ability to deliver their products or services. This will strengthen the
concept of business process management including the need now to
Leadership and business context allocate specific responsibilities for processes, and demonstrate an
Firstly, the organization will need to determine external and internal understanding of the key risks associated with each process and the
issues that are relevant to its purpose, i.e. what are the relevant approach taken to manage, reduce or transfer the risk.
issues, both inside and out, that have an impact on what the
Top management now have a greater involvement in the
organization does, or that would affect its ability to achieve the
management system. They have to make sure that the requirements
intended outcome(s) of its management system. It should be noted
of the management system are integrated into the organization’s
that the term ‘issue’ covers not only problems, which would have
processes and that the policy and objectives are compatible with the
been the subject of preventive action in previous standards, but also
strategic direction of the organization.
important topics for the management system to address, such as
ISO Revisions

What are the significant proposed changes?

Focus on Risk management Communication and awareness

Senior management must be able to demonstrate an understanding Clause 7.3 Awareness is now a clause in its own right: people
of business risks and how they could impact on the ability to meet working under an organization’s control should be aware of the
customer requirements. An effective risk management process will quality policy, objectives, their contributions to QMS, implications of
be critical for successful certification to the new version. non-conformities etc. There is an increased emphasis on awareness
to ensure that everyone knows the implications of not conforming to
It must ensure the management system can achieve its intended
the management system requirements.
outcomes and achieve continual improvement. Clause 6.1 Actions
to address risks and opportunities, is where this is covered and it Which leads into Clause 7.4 Communication – internal and external
addresses the ‘what, who, how and when of risk management. communications are now a requirement. It’s up to you to decide
what/who/when and how you are communicating. Communication
The organization should plan actions to address these risks and
is important for both internal and external stakeholders and an
opportunities, how to integrate and implement the actions into its
organization must develop a communication plan. It is important to
management system processes and evaluate the effectiveness of
decide who will own the communication and ensure that they have
these actions.
the appropriate authority, competencies and knowledge.
SO Risk replaces preventive action. You will need to identify where
The communication plan can include a variety of mediums including
risk arises and ensure controls are in place to manage it. Remember
briefings, meetings, seminars, conferences and newsletters
that risk is defined as ‘the effect of uncertainty on an expected on
result and the new standard makes risk-based thinking more explicit
throughout. Fewer prescriptive requirements
Much will be made of the fact that the new version of the standard
Objectives and measurement has no requirements for procedures but it does have requirements
for documentation. Clause 7.5 Documented Information deals with
The requirements around quality objectives have also been made
documented information and is split into 3 sub-clauses – general,
more detailed. They need to be consistent with the quality policy,
creating and updating and control.
measurable (if practicable), monitored, communicated, and updated
as appropriate. They also have to be established at relevant functions An organization must decide what information they wish to retain,
and levels. how these are updated and controlled and adequately protected

Objectives should include plans on how to achieve them as well as Clause 8 Operations includes:
how the results will be evaluated. The organization must determine • Requirements for customer communication (from information on
who will be responsible for the delivery of the objectives, resources products to contracts and invoicing)
required, what needs to be done and by when.
• Review of design and development changes
So remember that when establishing quality objectives you need to
demonstrate how you plan to achieve them. • Information for external providers

And remember that the objectives (results to be achieved) – can be • Identification and traceability
technical, strategic or operational. • Release of products and services now part of operational controls
• Non-conforming processes, outputs and product and services
All feature a requirement for them to be controlled and you must
consider how best to implement these requirements within your
own organization.
ISO Revisions

The revision and transition timeline

2014 2015 2016-18

May – The Draft International July – The Final Draft September 2018 –
Standard (DIS) is made available International Standard (FDIS). The transition is complete
for public comment
September – The International
Standard is published

Above is the expected timeline for the international standard) will be published requirements. Although this sounds a long
publication of ISO 9001:2015. Summer 2015 and the final publication time our experience suggests that now is
date is scheduled for September 2015. the time to start the process!
We are currently at the DIS (draft
Organizations will then have 3 years
international standard) stage. Following
to complete the transition to the new
feedback on this an FDIS (final draft

ISO Revisions

Where to from here?

Purchase Draft Some of these training courses are available for booking
immediately and all will be advertised on the BSI website so please
If you haven’t already done so, we recommend that you start
keep checking.
preparing now by purchasing a copy of the draft which is available
from the BSI online shop. And remember to talk to your client manager - we are increasing our
client manager’s training by 25% this year to ensure they have all the
knowledge to support you through the transition.
Training Opportunities
We will be working closely with clients to track how they are
We will be encouraging our customers to begin the transition progressing and to analyse the need for training and supporting
process as soon as possible with a view to having plenty of time to materials.
complete the process before the deadline.
And also, something that is unique to BSI – when the time comes for
Now would be a good time to start talking about the revision you to transition, you will have access to our Client Portal which will
in your business and educating those who need to be aware or give you much better visibility of Non-Conformance actions raised
involved in the transition – you may want to start thinking about during your BSI assessment. It will also give you more information
who may require training – for example, anyone involved in the and better communication with your BSI Client Manager, helping
implementation process or internal auditing. you to drive performance through your management systems. This
We will be offering various training courses following publication will be delivered as part of your certification services and therefore
of the FDIS. These will include both requirements training and comes at no additional cost.
lead auditor transition training. Also, with such an emphasis on We are also in the process of enhancing a number of applications
leadership in the new standard, we are looking to offer senior in our Business Improvement Software which will support clients
management workshops to help businesses understand the role of in their transition activities. This will give you tools to support audit
leadership in the new revision and what they need to do to prepare. management, document control, corrective action management and
risk management.

Visit our website

to find out the latest status
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