HDFC Balanced Fund: Scheme Information Document
HDFC Balanced Fund: Scheme Information Document
HDFC Balanced Fund: Scheme Information Document
• capital appreciation along with current income over long term. Moderate Mo
tel de
era w Hig rate
d h ly
Mo Lo
• investment predominantly in equity and equity related instruments
with balance exposure to debt and money market instruments.
Investors understand that their principal will be at
moderately high risk
*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
The Scheme Information Document sets forth concisely the information about the Scheme that a prospective investor ought
to know before investing. Before investing, investors should also ascertain about any further changes to this Scheme
Information Document after the date of this Document from the Mutual Fund / Investor Service Centres (ISCs) / Website /
Distributors or Brokers.
The investors are advised to refer to the Statement of Additional Information (SAI) for details of HDFC Mutual
Fund, Tax and Legal issues and general information on
SAI is incorporated by reference (is legally a part of the Scheme Information Document). For a free
copy of the current SAI, please contact your nearest Investor Service Centre or log on to our
website -
The Scheme Information Document should be read in conjunction with the SAI and not in isolation.
This Scheme Information Document is dated April 30, 2017. HDFC BALANCED FUND SID - DT. APRIL 30, 2017
Page No. Page No.
Before investing, investors should also ascertain about any further changes pertaining to scheme such as features, load
structure, etc. made to this Scheme Information Document by issue of addenda / notice after the date of this Document
from the AMC / Mutual Fund / Investor Service Centres (ISCs) / Website / Distributors or Brokers.
Signed : sd/-
Place : Mumbai Name : Yezdi Khariwala
Date : April 30, 2017 Designation : Chief Compliance Officer
1. Debt issuances of the Government of India, State n Pending deployment as per investment objective, the
and local Governments, Government Agencies moneys under the Scheme may be parked in short-term
and statutory bodies (which may or may not carry deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks.
a state / central government guarantee), The Scheme shall abide by the guidelines for parking of
2. Debt Instruments that have been guaranteed by funds in short term deposits as per SEBI Circular No. SEBI/
Government of India and State Governments, IMD/CIR No. 1/91171/07 dated April 16, 2007, as may
be amended from to time. For details refer ‘What are
3. Debt Instruments issued by Corporate Entities the Investment Restrictions’ on Page 31.
(Public / Private sector undertakings),
n The Scheme may invest in other schemes managed by
4. Debt Instruments issued by Public / Private sector the AMC or in the schemes of any other mutual funds,
banks and development financial institutions. provided it is in conformity with the investment objectives
vii. Government securities where the countries are rated Investment / Risk Mitigation Strategy
not below investment grade 1. Risk profile of securitised debt vis-à-vis risk appetite
viii. Derivatives traded on recognized stock exchanges of the Scheme(s)
overseas only for hedging and portfolio balancing The risk profile of securitised debt is generally at par with the
with underlying as securities risk profile of other debt securities at the same level of credit
ix. Short term deposits with banks overseas where the rating. Securitised debt offers additional income (spread) over
issuer is rated not below investment grade a debt security of similar rating and maturity, which enables
the scheme to optimize its income without taking any additional
x. Units/securities issued by overseas mutual funds or credit risk. Securitised debt is generally less liquid, however,
unit trusts registered with overseas regulators and investment in securitised debt is made to maintain a diversified
investing in (a) aforesaid securities, (b) Real Estate portfolio of debt securities that optimizes return without increasing
Investment Trusts (REITs) listed in recognized stock the overall risk profile of the Scheme.
exchanges overseas or (c) unlisted overseas securities
(not exceeding 10% of their net assets). 2. Policy relating to originators based on nature of
originator, track record, NPAs, losses in earlier
Mutual funds can make overseas investments [as stated securitised debt, etc
in point (i) to (x) above] subject to a maximum of US $300
million (limit per mutual fund subject to overall limit of The originator is an entity (like banks, non-banking finance
US $7 billion) or such limits as may be prescribed by SEBI companies, corporates etc), which has initially provided the
from time to time. loan & is also generally responsible for servicing the loans.
The schemes will invest in securitised debt of originators with
Subject to the approval of the RBI / SEBI and conditions at least investment grade credit rating and established track
as may be prescribed by them, the Mutual Fund may open
Position Limits i. Position limit for Mutual Funds in index options contracts
The position limits for trading in derivatives by Mutual Funds a. The Mutual Fund position limit in all index options
specified by SEBI vide SEBI Circular No. DNPD/Cir-29/2005 contracts on a particular underlying index shall be
dated September 14, 2005, SEBI Circular No. DNPD/Cir -30/ Rs. 500 crore or 15% of the total open interest of the
2006 dated January 20, 2006 and SEBI Circular No. SEBI/ market in index options, whichever is higher, per
DNPD/Cir-31/2006 dated September 22, 2006 are as follows: Stock Exchange.
n View our investments as conferring a proportionate The credit evaluation policy of the AMC entails evaluation of
ownership of the business. credit fundamentals of each investment opportunity. Some of
the factors that are evaluated inter-alia may include outlook
n Maintain a margin of safety (i.e. the price of purchase on the sector, parentage, quality of management, and overall
represents a discount to the intrinsic value of that business). financial strength of the credit. The AMC utilises ratings of
n Maintain a balanced outlook on the market by regularly recognised rating agencies as an input in the credit evaluation
monitoring economic trends and investor sentiment. process. Investments in bonds and debenture are usually in
instruments that have been assigned high investment grade
n The decision to sell a holding would be based on one ratings by a recognized rating agency.
of three reasons :
In line with SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/120/ 2000 dated
l The anticipated price appreciation has been achieved November 24, 2000, the AMC may constitute committee(s) to
or is no longer probable. approve proposals for investments in unrated instruments. The
l Alternative investments offer superior total return AMC Board and the Trustee shall approve the detailed
prospects, or parameters for such investments. The details of such investments
would be communicated by the AMC to the Trustee in their
l A fundamental change has occurred in the company periodical reports. It would also be clearly mentioned in the
or the market in which it competes. reports, how the parameters have been complied with. However,
In summary, the assessment of investment value is a function in case any security does not fall under the parameters, the
of extensive research and based on data and reasoning, rather prior approval of Board of AMC and Trustee shall be sought.
than current fashion and emotion. The idea is to develop a Interest Rate Risk
model that allow us to identify “businesses with superior
growth prospects and good management, at a reasonable An interest rate scenario analysis would be performed on an
price.” on-going basis, considering the impact of the developments
on the macro-economic front and the demand and supply of
In order to implement the investment approach effectively, it funds. Based on the above analysis, the AMC would manage
would be important to periodically meet the management face the investments of the Scheme on a dynamic basis to exploit
to face. This would provide an understanding of their broad emerging opportunities in the investment universe and manage
vision and commitment to the long-term business objectives. risks at all points in time.
These meetings would also be useful in assessing key
In case the stock price of the company falls below Rs. 975 per RISKS
share, the gain in the price of the Put Option when added
n The strategy of taking a long position in index call option
to the actual market price of the stock would bring the sale
realisation per share close to Rs. 975 per share. increases the exposure to the market. The long position
is positively correlated with the market. However, there is
After purchasing the above Put Option, in case the price of no assurance that the stocks in the portfolio and the index
the stock appreciates, remains around Rs. 1000 or declines behave in the same manner and thus this strategy may
slightly to remain above the strike price, the scheme may not not provide gains perfectly aligned to the movement in
avail of the option and the cost for having bought the option the index.
remains fixed at Rs. 15 per share.
In effect, a floor (in this case effectively Rs. 975) is set to the n The risk/downside, if the market falls/remains flat is only
stock by buying an Option at a cost that is known (in this case limited to the option premium paid.
Rs. 15 per share). n The long position will have as much loss / gain as in the
RISKS underlying index. For e.g. if the index appreciates by 10%,
the index options value rises by 10%. However, this is true
n There can be no assurance that ready liquidity would exist
only for options held till maturity.
at all points in time, for the scheme to purchase or close
out a specific options contract. n While option markets are typically less liquid than the
n A hedging strategy using Put Options is a perfect hedge underlying cash market, hence there can be no assurance
on the expiration date of the put option. On other days, that ready liquidity would exist at all points in time, for
there may be (temporary) imperfect correlation between the Scheme to purchase or close out a specific contract.
the share price and the put option.
In terms of Circular No. MFD.BC.191/07.01.279/1999-2000
Strategy Number 3 and MPD.BC.187/07.01.279/1999-2000 dated November
n Using Call option on Index to increase percentage 1, 1999 and July 7, 1999 respectively issued by Reserve Bank
investment in equities This strategy will be used for the of India permitting participation by Mutual Funds in Interest
purpose of participating in the upside of the market. Rate Swaps and Forward Rate Agreements. These products
All swaps are financial contracts, which involve exchange The above example illustrates the benefits and risks of
using derivatives for hedging and optimizing the investment
(swap) of a set of payments owned by one party for another
portfolio. Swaps have their own drawbacks like credit risk,
set of payments owned by another party, usually through an
settlement risk. However, these risks are substantially
intermediary (market maker). An IRS can be defined as a
reduced as the amount involved is interest streams and
contract between two parties (Counter Parties) to exchange, on
not principal.
particular dates in the future, one series of cash flows, (fixed
interest) for another series of cashflows (variable or floating Forward Rate Agreement
interest) in the same currency and on the same principal for
an agreed period of time. The exchange of cashflows need A FRA is an agreement between two counter parties to pay
or to receive the difference between an agreed fixed rate (the
not occur on the same date.
FRA rate) and the interest rate prevailing on a stipulated future
It may be noted that in such hedged positions (fixed v/s floating date, based on a notional amount, for an agreed period. In
or vice versa), both legs of the transactions have interest rate short, in a FRA, interest rate is fixed now for a future period.
volatility as underlying. The special feature of FRAs is that the only payment is the
difference between the FRA rate and the Reference rate and
Basic Structure of a Swap hence are single settlement contracts. As in the case of IRS,
notional amounts are not exchanged.
Assume that the Scheme has a Rs. 20 crore floating rate
investment linked to MIBOR (Mumbai Inter Bank Offered Rate). Assume that on April 1, 2017, the 30 day commercial paper
Hence, the Scheme is currently running an interest rate risk (CP) rate is 7.75% and the Scheme has an investment in a
and stands to lose if the interest rate moves down. To hedge CP of face value Rs. 25 crores, which is going to mature on
this interest rate risk, the Scheme can enter into a 6 month April 30, 2017. If the interest rates are likely to remain stable
MIBOR swap. Through this swap, the Scheme will receive a or decline after April 30, 2017, and if the fund manager, who
fixed predetermined rate (assume 12%) and pays the
wants to re-deploy the maturity proceeds for 1 more month,
“benchmark rate” (MIBOR), which is fixed by the National Stock
does not want to take the risk of interest rates going down,
Exchange of India limited (NSE) or any other agency such as he can then enter into a following forward rate agreement (FRA)
Reuters. This swap would effectively lock-in the rate or 12% say as on April 30, 2017:
for the next 6 months, eliminating the daily interest rate risk.
This usually routed through an intermediary who runs a book He can receive 1 X 2 FRA on April 30, 2017 at 7.75% (FRA
and matches deals between various counterparties. rate for 1 months lending in 2 months time) on the notional
amount of Rs. 25 crores, with a reference rate of 30 day CP
The steps will be as follows - benchmark. If the CP benchmark on the settlement date i.e.
l Assuming the swap is for Rs. 20 crore November 1, 2016 April 30, 2017 falls to 7.50%, then the Scheme receives the
to May 1, 2017. The Scheme is a fixed rate receiver at difference 7.75 - 7.50 i.e. 25 basis points on the notional
12% and the counterparty is a floating rate receiver at the amount Rs. 25 crores for 1 month. The maturity proceeds are
overnight rate on a compounded basis (say NSE MIBOR). then reinvested at say 7.50% (close to the benchmark). The
scheme, however, would have locked in the rate prevailing on
l On November 1, 2016 the Scheme and the counterparty April 30, 2017 (7.75%) as it would have received 25 basis
will exchange only a contract of having entered this swap. points more as settlement amount from FRA. Thus the fund
This documentation would be as per International Swap manager can use FRA to mitigate the reinvestment risk.
Dealers Association (ISDA).
In this example, if the rates move up by 25 basis points to
l On a daily basis, the benchmark rate fixed by NSE will 8% on the settlement date (April 30, 2017), the Scheme loses
be tracked by them. 25 basis points but since the reinvestment will then happen
l On May 1, 2017 they will calculate the following- at 8%, effective returns for the Scheme is unchanged at 7.75%,
which is the prevailing rate on April 30, 2017.
l The Scheme is entitled to receive interest on Rs. 20
crore at 12% for 184 days i.e. Rs. 1.21 crore, (this Interest Rate Futures (IRFs):
amount is known at the time the swap was concluded) An Interest Rate Futures contract is “an agreement to buy or
and will pay the compounded benchmark rate. sell a debt instrument at a specified future date at a price that
l The counterparty is entitled to receive daily compounded is fixed today.” The underlying security for Interest Rate Futures
call rate for 184 days & pay 12% fixed. is either Government Bond or T-Bill. Currently, exchange
traded Interest Rate Futures traded on exchange are standardized
l On May 1, 2017, if the total interest on the daily contracts based on 10-Year Government of India Security and
overnight compounded benchmark rate is higher 91-day Government of India Treasury Bill. IRFs contracts are
than Rs. 1.21 crore, the Scheme will pay the difference cash settled.
to the counterparty. If the daily compounded
Tenure for (Control & Automation) and l HDFC Capital Builder Fund
managing the 10 years in equity research. l HDFC Capital Protection Oriented Fund
Scheme: - Series II
l October 2009 till date: l HDFC Capital Protection Oriented Fund
4 years & 10 months HDFC Asset Management - Series III
Company Limited l HDFC Cash Management Fund
l HDFC Charity Fund for Cancer Cure
l October 2008 to October (Arbitrage Plan)
2009: l HDFC Charity Fund for Cancer Cure (Debt
Nomura Financial Advisory Plan)
and Securities Pvt. Ltd l HDFC Children’s Gift Fund
l HDFC Core & Satellite Fund
Last Position Held: Associate l HDFC Corporate Debt Opportunities Fund
l June 2006 to September l HDFC Dual Advantage Fund - Series I
(Equity Assets)
l HDFC Dual Advantage Fund - Series II
Lehman Brothers Services India (Equity Assets)
Pvt. Ltd. l HDFC Dual Advantage Fund - Series III
(Equity Assets)
Last Position Held: Associate l HDFC Equity Fund
l January 2003 to May l HDFC Equity Savings Fund
2004: l HDFC Floating Rate Income Fund
l HDFC Growth Fund
GE Power Controls India Pvt. l HDFC High Interest Fund - Short Term
Ltd. Plan
l HDFC High Interest Fund - Dynamic Plan
Last Position Held: Application
l HDFC Income Fund
l HDFC Infrastructure Fund
l August 2001 to January l HDFC Large Cap Fund
2003: l HDFC Liquid Fund
l HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund
Larsen & Toubro Limited
l HDFC Medium Term Opportunities Fund
Last Position Held: Project l HDFC MF Monthly Income Plan
Engineer, Control & Automation l HDFC Mid - Cap Opportunities Fund
- Projects l HDFC Multiple Yield Fund - Plan 2005
l HDFC Premier Multi-Cap Fund
l HDFC Prudence Fund
l HDFC Regular Savings Fund
l HDFC Retirement Savings Fund
l HDFC Short Term Opportunities Fund
l HDFC Small Cap Fund
l HDFC TaxSaver
l HDFC Top 200 Fund
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 24
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 27
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 28
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 29
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 30
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 31
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 32
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 33
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 34
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 35
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 36
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 37
l HDFC Fixed Maturity Plans - Series 38
HDFC Balanced Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option Absolute returns for each financial year for the last 5 years^
Period Returns Benchmark HBF - Regular Plan - Growth Option CRISIL Balanced Fund -
(%)^ Returns (%)# 50.00% Aggressive Index
Last 1 Year (365 days) 23.26 16.10 40.00%
Last 3 Years (1096 days) 20.91 11.36
Last 5 Years (1827 days) 17.51 11.11 30.00%
22.20% 22.53% 23.26%
HDFC Balanced Fund - Direct Plan - Growth Option Absolute returns for each financial year for the last 4 years^
Period Returns Benchmark
(%)^ Returns (%)#
HBF - Direct Plan - Growth Option CRISIL Balanced Fund - Aggressive Index
Last 1 Year (365 days) 24.60 16.10 50.00% 46.10%
Last 3 Years (1096 days) 22.07 11.36 40.00%
Since Inception* (1550 days) 19.21 10.53 30.00% 22.83% 22.53% 24.60%
20.00% 16.10%
^Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future 13.40%
Returns greater than one year are compounded annualized (CAGR). 0.00%
*Inception Date: January 01, ’13 -10.00% -0.01% -2.90%
# CRISIL Balanced Fund - Aggressive Index
Since inception returns are calculated on Rs. 64.365 F inancial Year
(allotment price)
* Managing Director of the AMC is covered under the category of Key Managerial Personnel.
Ongoing Offer Period The Scheme offer for Sale / Switch-in and Redemption / Switch-out of Units on
every Business Day. Units of the Scheme would be available at Applicable NAV
This is the date from which the scheme will
on any Business Day.
reopen for subscriptions/redemptions after
the closure of the NFO period. Unit holders have an option to hold the Units in demat (electronic ) form.
However, this facility is not available in case of units offered under the Daily/
Weekly/Fortnightly Dividend Option(s). Units held in demat form will be transferable.
Holding/ transacting of units held in demat mode shall be in accordance with
the procedures/ requirements laid down by the Depositories, viz. NSDL/ CDSL
in accordance with the provisions under the Depositories Act, 1996 and
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations,
Existing/ New Investors under the Scheme may submit their purchase/switch -
in requests as follows:
1. Account Statement (non-demat) form: Investors/ existing Unitholders
opting for units in account statement (non- demat) form, can submit their
valid application for subscription/switch-in at any of the Official Points of
Acceptance of HDFC Mutual Fund.
2. Demat (Electronic) form: Investors/ existing Unitholders, opting for units
in demat form, can submit their valid application for subscription only at
any of the Official Points of Acceptance of HDFC Mutual Fund and not to
their Depository Participants. Investor opting for units in demat form will
be required to mention in the application form DP ID No. and Beneficiary
Account No. with the Depository Participant (DP). The Units allotted will be
credited to the DP account of the Unit holder as per the details provided
in the application form. The statement of holding of the beneficiary account
holder for units held in demat will be sent by the respective DPs periodically.
Applications by Existing/ New Investors under the Scheme must be for the
minimum amount as mentioned on Page 44. The AMC reserves the right to
change the minimum application amount from time to time.
Dividend Policy The Trustee reserves the right to declare dividends under the dividend option
of the Scheme depending on the availability of distributable surplus under the
Scheme. Dividends, if declared, will be paid (subject to deduction of tax at
source, if any) to those Unit holders whose names appear in the Register of
Unit holders on the record date. In case of Units held in dematerialized mode,
the Depositories (NSDL/ CDSL) will give the list of demat account holders and
the number of Units held by them in electronic form on the Record date to the
Registrars and Transfer Agent of the Mutual Fund who shall be eligible to receive
the dividends. Further, the Trustee at its sole discretion may also declare interim
dividend. However, it must be distinctly understood that the actual declaration
of dividend and the frequency thereof will inter-alia, depend on the availability
of distributable surplus as computed in accordance with SEBI (MF) Regulations
and the decision of the Trustee /AMC in this regard shall be final.
There is no assurance or guarantee to Unit holders as to the rate/quantum
of dividend distribution nor that dividends will be paid regularly. On payment
of dividends, the NAV will stand reduced by the amount of dividend and dividend
tax/ statutory levy (if applicable) paid. The Trustee/ AMC reserves the right to
change the record date from time to time.
Allotment All Applicants whose monies towards purchase of Units have been realised by
the Fund will receive a full and firm allotment of Units, provided also the
applications are complete in all respects and are found to be in order. The Trustee
retains the sole and absolute discretion to reject any application.
Normally no Unit certificates will be issued. However, if the applicant so desires,
the AMC shall issue a non-transferable Unit certificate to the applicant within
5 Business Days of the receipt of request for the certificate. Unit certificate if
issued must be duly discharged by the Unit holder(s) and surrendered alongwith
the request for Redemption / Switch or any other transaction of Units covered
All Units will rank pari passu, among Units within the same Option in the
Scheme concerned as to assets, earnings and the receipt of dividend distributions,
if any, as may be declared by the Trustee.
Face Value per unit of all Plans/ Options under the Scheme is Rs. 10.
Who Can Invest The following persons (i.e. an indicative list of persons) are eligible and may
This is an indicative list and you are requested apply for subscription to the Units of the Scheme provided they are not prohibited
to consult your financial advisor to ascertain by any law / Constitutive documents governing them:
whether the scheme is suitable to your risk
profile. 1. Resident adult individuals either singly or jointly (not exceeding three) or
on an Anyone or Survivor basis;
3. Minor (as the first and the sole holder only) through a natural guardian
(i.e. father or mother, as the case may be) or a court appointed legal
guardian. There shall not be any joint holding with minor investments.
*The term “U.S. person” means any person that is a U.S. person within the
meaning of RegulationS under the Securities Act of 1933 of U.S. or as defined
by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission or as per such further
amended definitions, interpretations, legislations, rules etc, as may be in
force from time to time.”
Cash investments
Pursuant to SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/ 21/2012 dated September 13, 2012
read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/10/2014 dated May 22, 2014 the Fund
will accept subscription applications with payment mode as ‘Cash’ (“Cash
Investments”) to the extent of Rs. 50,000/- per investor, per financial year. Cash
Investments in legal tender, accompanied with valid applications, shall be
accepted by the Scheme subject to the following:
3. Cash collection facility with HDFC Bank: Currently, the Fund has made
arrangement with HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank”) to collect cash at its
designated branches from investors (accompanied by a deposit slip issued
and verified by the Fund).
The Bank only acts as an aggregator for cash received towards subscriptions
under various schemes received on a day at the various Bank branches. The
Bank would be remitting the cash collected to the Fund’s scheme usually by
the next business day.
Please refer our website or contact any of our ISCs for an
updated list of designated bank branches / ISCs accepting Cash Investments.
(i) compliance with Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 and Rules
framed there under, the SEBI Circular(s) on Anti Money Laundering (AML)
and other applicable AML rules, regulations and guidelines; and
For details on procedure and conditions for making ‘Cash Investments’, refer
section ‘How to Apply’ appearing in SAI or contact any our ISCs or visit our
Listing Being open ended Scheme under which Sale and Redemption of Units will be
made on continuous basis by the Mutual Fund (subject to completion of lock-
in period, if any), the Units of the Scheme are not proposed to be listed on
any stock exchange. However, the Mutual Fund may at its sole discretion list
the Units under the Scheme on one or more stock exchange at a later date.
The policy regarding re-issue of The number of Units held by the Unit holder under his folio / Demat Account
repurchased units, including the maximum will stand reduced by the number of Units redeemed. Presently, the AMC does
extent, the manner of reissue, the entity not intend to reissue the repurchased units. However, the Trustee reserves the
(the scheme or the AMC) involved in the right to reissue the repurchased units at a later date after issuing adequate public
same. notices and taking approvals, if any, from SEBI.
The Fund at its sole discretion reserves the right to restrict Redemption (including
switch-out) of the Units (including Plan /Option) of the Scheme of the Fund upon
occurrence of the below mentioned events for a period not exceeding ten (10)
working days in any ninety (90) days period subject to approval of the Board
of Directors of the AMC and the Trustee. The restriction on Redemption (including
switch-out) shall be applicable where the Redemption (including switch-out)
request is for a value above Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs). Further, no
restriction shall be applicable to the Redemption / switch-out request upto Rs.
2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs). It is further clarified that, in case of redemption
request beyond Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs), no restriction shall be
applicable on first Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs).
The Trustee / AMC reserves the right to restrict Redemption or suspend Redemption
of the Units in the Scheme of the Fund on account of circumstances leading
to a systemic crisis or event(s) that severely constrict market liquidity or the efficient
functioning of the markets. A list of such circumstances under which the restriction
on Redemption or suspension of Redemption of the Units in the Scheme of the
Fund may be imposed are as follows:
1. Liquidity issues- when market at large becomes illiquid affecting almost all
securities rather than any issuer specific security; or
3. Operational issues; or
4. If so directed by SEBI.
The AMC / Trustee reserves the right to change / modify the provisions of right
to restrict Redemption and / or suspend Redemption of the Units in the Scheme
of the Fund.
Ongoing Price for subscription (purchase)/ The Sale Price will be the Applicable NAV of the Scheme / Plan / Option.
switch-in (from other schemes/plans of
the mutual fund) by investors.
This is the price you need to pay for
purchase/ switch-in.
Ongoing Price for redemption (sale)/ Redemption Price will be calculated on the basis of the Applicable NAV and
switch-outs (to other schemes/plans of loads for different Scheme. The Redemption Price per Unit will be calculated using
the mutual fund) by investors. the following formula:
This is the price you will receive for Redemption Price = Applicable NAV * (1 - Exit Load, if any)
Example : If the Applicable NAV is Rs. 10 and a 2% Exit Load is charged, the
Redemption Price per Unit will be calculated as follows:
= Rs. 10 * (1-0.02)
= Rs. 10 * (0.98)
= Rs. 9.80
Cut off timing for subscriptions/ A] Applications for amount less than Rs. 2 lakh
For Purchase (Including switch-in):
This is the time before which your application
• In respect of valid applications received upto 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day
(complete in all respects) should reach the
by the Fund along with a local cheque or a demand draft payable at par
official points of acceptance.
at the Official Point(s) of Acceptance where the application is received, the
closing NAV of the day on which application is received shall be applicable.
• In respect of valid applications received after 3.00 p.m. on a Business Day
by the Fund along with a local cheque or a demand draft payable at par
at the Official Point(s) of Acceptance where the application is received, the
closing NAV of the next Business Day shall be applicable
• However, in respect of valid applications, with outstation cheques / demand
drafts not payable at par at the Official Point(s) of Acceptance where the
application is received, closing NAV of the day on which the cheque /
demand draft is credited shall be applicable.
B] Applications for amount equal to or more than Rs. 2 lakh
i) For Purchases:
• In respect of valid applications received for an amount equal to or more
than Rs. 2 lakh upto 3.00 p.m. at the Official Point(s) of Acceptance and
where the funds for the entire amount of subscription/purchase as per the
application are credited to the bank account of the Scheme before the cut-
off time i.e. available for utilization before the cut-off time - the closing NAV
of the day shall be applicable.
Where can the applications for purchase/ The application forms for subscription/ redemption#/switches should be submitted
redemption / switches be submitted? at / may be sent by mail to, any of the ISCs / Official Points of Acceptance whose
addresses are mentioned on Page 77 to 83 of the SID.
#In case of units held in demat mode, applications for redemptions should be
submitted to the respective Depository Participants only.
The Investors can also purchase/redeem Units of the eligible Plan(s) under the
Scheme through various channels/modes. Please refer to section "Special
Products available" on Page 45 for more details.
For details on updated list of ISCs / Official Points of Acceptance investors are
requested to call 1800 3010 6767/ 1800 419 7676 or contact the AMC branches
or log on to our website
Minimum amount for purchase/ Minimum amount for Purchase (including Switch-in):
For details refer section 'Highlights / Summary of the Scheme' on Page 3.
The request for minimum amount /units for redemption / switch-out of Units
under each plan / option would be Rs. 500 and multiples of Rs. 1/- thereafter.
There will be no minimum redemption criterion for Unit based redemption. The
Redemption / Switch-out would be permitted to the extent of credit balance in
the Unit holder’s account of the Plan(s) / Option(s) of the Scheme (subject to
completion of Lock-in period or release of pledge / lien or other encumbrances).
The Redemption / Switch-out request can be made by specifying the rupee
amount or by specifying the number of Units of the respective Plan(s) / Option(s)
to be redeemed. In case a Redemption / Switch-out request received is for both,
a specified rupee amount and a specified number of Units of the respective
Plan(s)/ Option(s), the specified number of Units will be considered the definitive
request. In case the value / number of available units held in the Unit holder’s
folio / account under the Plan / Option of the Scheme is less than the amount
/ number of units specified in the redemption / switchout request, then the
transaction shall be treated as an all units redemption and the entire balance
of available Units in the folio / account of the Unit holder shall be redeemed.
The AMC/ Trustee reserves the right to change/ modify the minimum amount/
units for redemption (including switch-out) provision offered under the Scheme
of the Fund.
Minimum balance to be maintained and Investors may note that in case balance in the account of the Unit holder of
consequences of non-maintenance. the Plan(s) / Option(s) of the Scheme does not cover the amount of Redemption
request, then the Mutual Fund is authorised to close the account of the Unit
holder and send the entire such (lesser) balance to the Unit holder.
Investors may note that the AMC at its sole discretion may close a Unit holder's
account under a Plan / Option of the Scheme after giving notice of 30 days,
if at the time of any part Redemption, the value of balance Units (represented
by the Units in the Unit holder's account if such Redemption / Switch were to
take place, valued at the applicable Redemption Price), falls below minimum
amount/ units for Redemption as mentioned above (or as the AMC may decide
from time to time) or where the Units are held by a Unit holder in breach of
any Regulation.
Dividend l The dividend proceeds will be paid directly into the Unitholder's bank
account through various electronic payout modes such as Direct credit/
NEFT/RTGS/ECS /NECS etc. unless the Unitholder has opted to receive the
proceeds through Warrant/Cheque/Demand Draft.
l The proceeds will be paid in favour of the Unit holder (registered holder
of the Units or, if there is more than one registered holder, only to the first
registered holder) with bank account number furnished to the Mutual Fund
(please note that it is mandatory for the Unit holders to provide the Bank
account details as per the directives of SEBI, even in cases where investments
are made in cash). Warrant/Cheque/Demand Draft will be sent to the Unit
holders address (or, if there is more than one holder on record, the address
of the first-named Unit holder).
l The dividend warrants /cheque / demand draft shall be despatched to the
Unitholders within 30 days of the date of declaration of dividend. In the
event of failure of despatch of dividend within the stipulated 30 day period,
the AMC shall be liable to pay interest @ 15% per annum to the Unitholders.
Net Asset Value The AMC will calculate and disclose the NAV, Sale and Repurchase price of the
Scheme at the close of every Business Day and send for publication to atleast
This is the value per unit of the scheme on
2 daily newspapers.
a particular day. You can ascertain the
value of your investments by multiplying the The NAV, Sale and Repurchase price can be viewed on the website of the Mutual
NAV with your unit balance. Fund ( and on the website of Association of Mutual Funds
in India - AMFI ( Investors may also contact any of the
Investor Service Centres (ISCs) of HDFC Mutual Fund for the same.
AMC shall update the NAVs on the website of AMFI ( by
9.00 p.m. every Business day. In case of any delay, the reasons for such delay
would be explained to AMFI in writing. If the NAVs are not available before
commencement of business hours on the following day due to any reason,
Mutual Fund shall issue a press release providing reasons and explaining when
the Mutual Fund would be able to publish the NAVs.
Monthly Portfolio Disclosure The Mutual Fund shall disclose portfolio of the Scheme as on the last day of each
month on its website viz. on or before the tenth day of the
succeeding month in the prescribed format.
Monthly Average Asset under The Mutual Fund shall disclose the Monthly AAUM under different categories of
Management (Monthly AAUM) Disclosure Schemes as specified by SEBI in the prescribed format on a monthly basis on
its website viz. and forward to AMFI within 7 working days
from the end of the month.
Half yearly Disclosures: The Mutual Fund shall before the expiry of one month from the close of each
half year i.e. March 31 and September 30, send to all Unit holders a complete
A. Portfolio
statement of its Scheme portfolio. Provided that the statement of Scheme portfolio
This is a list of securities where the corpus may not be sent to the Unit holders if the statement is published, by way of an
of the scheme is currently invested. The advertisement, in one English daily Newspaper circulating in the whole of India
market value of these investments is also and in a newspaper published in the language of the region where the Head
stated in portfolio disclosures. Office of the Mutual Fund is situated. The disclosure of Portfolio shall be made
in the format prescribed by SEBI. The statement of portfolio shall also be displayed
on the website of the Mutual Fund.
B. Half Yearly Results The Mutual Fund shall host half yearly disclosures of the Scheme’s unaudited
financial results in the prescribed format on its website viz.
within one month from the close of each half year i.e. on 31st March and on
30th September and shall publish an advertisement in this regard in at least
one English daily newspaper having nationwide circulation and in a newspaper
having wide circulation published in the language of the region where the Head
Office of the Mutual Fund is situated.
Annual Report The Scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof shall be sent:
(i) by e-mail to the Unit holders whose e-mail address is available with the
(ii) in physical form to the Unit holders whose email address is not registered
with the Fund and/or those Unit holders who have opted / requested for
the same.
Taxation HDFC Mutual Fund is a Mutual Fund registered with the Securities & Exchange
Board of India and hence the entire income of the Mutual Fund will be exempt
The information is provided for general
from the Income tax in accordance with the provisions of section 10(23D) of
information only. However, in view of the
the Income Tax Act, 1961( the Act). The applicability of tax laws, if any, on HDFC
individual nature of the implications, each
Mutual Fund/ Scheme/ investments made by the Scheme/investors/ income
investor is advised to consult his or her own
attributable to or distributions or other payments made to Unit holders are based
tax advisors/authorised dealers with respect
on the understanding of the current tax legislations.
to the specific amount of tax and other
implications arising out of his or her Resident Investors^^ Mutual Fund^^
participation in the schemes.
Equity Oriented Funds
Tax on Dividend: Nil Nil
Captial Gains:
Long Term Nil Nil
Short Term 15% (plus applicable Nil
surcharge and
education cess)
Note :
Equity Oriented Funds will also attract Securities Transaction Tax (STT) at applicable
^^ The information given herein is as per the prevailing tax laws. For
Further details on taxation, please refer to the Section on 'Taxation on
investing in Mutual Funds' in 'Statement of Additional Information ('SAI').
Investors should be aware that the fiscal rules/ tax laws may change and
there can be no guarantee that the current tax position may continue
Investor services Investors may contact any of the Investor Service Centres (ISCs) of the AMC for
any queries / clarifications at telephone number 1800 3010 6767/1800 419
7676 (toll free), Fax number. (022) 22821144, e-mail: [email protected].
Investors can also post their grievances/feedback/suggestions on our website under the section 'Feedback or queries' appearing under
'Contact Us'. The Head Office of the AMC will follow up with the respective ISCs
to ensure timely redressal and prompt investor services. Mr. John Mathews, Head
- Client Services can be contacted at HDFC House, 3rd Floor, H.T. Parekh Marg,
165-166, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020 at telephone
number (Direct) (022) 66316301 or telephone number (Board) (022) 66316333.
His e-mail contact is: [email protected].
For any grievances with respect to transactions through NSE / BSE, the investors/
Unit holders should approach the investor grievance cell of the stock exchange.
Exit / Redemption Load l In respect of each purchase /
For details refer section 'Highlights / Summary of the Scheme' switch-in of Units, upto 15% of
on Page 4. the units may be redeemed
without any exit load from the
date of allotment.
Load amounts are variable and are subject to change from
l Any redemption in excess of the
time to time. For the current applicable structure, please refer
above limit shall be subject to
to the website of the Fund ( or call at Toll
the following exit load:
Free No. 1800 3010 6767/ 1800 419 7676 or your distributor.
- Exit load of 1.00% is payable
Details of Load Structure
if Units are redeemed /
(On Ongoing basis) switched-out within 1 year
from the date of allotment of
Particulars (as a % HDFC Balanced Fund
of Applicable NAV)
l No Exit Load is payable if Units
Entry / Sales Load Not Applicable
are redeemed / switched-out
Pursuant to SEBI circular no. SEBI/ after 1 year from the date of
IMD/CIR No.4/ 168230/09 dated allotment.
June 30, 2009, no entry load will be
(i) No exit load shall be levied for switching between Options
charged by the Scheme to the investor.
under the same Plan within the Scheme.
Upfront commission shall be paid
(ii) Switch of investments from Regular Plan to Direct Plan
directly by the investor to the ARN
under the same Scheme/ Plan shall be subject to applicable
Holder (AMFI registered Distributor)
exit load, unless the investments were made directly i.e.
based on the investors’ assessment
without any distributor code. However, any subsequent
of various factors including the
switch-out or redemption of such investments from Direct
service rendered by the ARN Holder.
Plan will not be subject to any exit load.
ANDHRA PRADESH : Door No 48-3-2, Flat No. 2, 1st Floor, Sidhi Plaza, Near Visakha Library, Srinagar, Visakhapatnam – 530 016. ASSAM:
Dhawal Complex,Ground Floor, Durgabari, Rangagora Road, Near Dena Bank, Tinsukia - 786 125. BIHAR: G-3, Ground Floor, Om Vihar
Complex, SP Verma Road, Patna - 800 001. 69, Gandhi Chowk (Ground Floor), K.P Road, Gaya – 823 001. GOA: Lawande Sarmalkar
Bhavan,1st Floor, Office No. 2 Next to Mahalaxmi Temple, Panaji, Goa - 403 001. GUJARAT: 111- 113, 1st Floor - Devpath, Building, Off
C G Road,, Behind Lal Bungalow,, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad – 380 006. Office 207 - 210, Everest Building, Opp. Shastri Maidan, Limda Chowk,
Rajkot - 360 001. Plot No-629, 2nd Floor, Office No. 2-C / 2-D, Mansukhlal Tower, Beside Seventh Day Hospital, Opp. Dhiraj Sons, Athwalines,
Surat - 395 001. 103, Aries Complex, BPC Road, Off R.C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara - 390 007. JHARKAND : Millennium Tower, Room
No:15, First Floor, R- Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831 001. KARNATAKA : Trade Centre, 1st Floor, 45, Dikensen Road (Next to Manipal
Centre), Bangalore – 560 042. G 4 & 5, Inland Monarch, Opp. Karnataka Bank, Kadri Main Road, Kadri, Mangalore - 575 003. KERALA:
1st Floor, K C Centre, Door No. 42/227-B, Chittoor Road, Opp. North Town Police Station, Kacheripady, Cochin - 682 018. MAHARASHTRA
: Ground Floor, Rajabahadur Compound, Opp. Allahabad Bank, Behind ICICI Bank, 30, Mumbai Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400 023.
145 Lendra Park, New Ramdaspeth, Behind IndusInd Bank, Nagpur – 440 010. Nirmiti Eminence, Off No. 6, 1st Floor, Opp. Abhishek Hotel,
Mehandale Garage Road, Erandawane, Pune – 411 004. MADHYA PRADESH: Plot No. 10, 2nd Floor, Alankar Complex, Near ICICI Bank,
M. P. Nagar, Zone II, Bhopal - 462 011. 101, Shalimar Corporate Centre, 8-B, South Tukoganj, Opp. Green Park, Indore – 452 001. NEW
DELHI : 7-E, 4th Floor, Deen Dayaal Research Institute Building, Swami Ram Tirath Nagar, Near Videocon Tower, Jhandewalan Extension,
New Delhi – 110 055. Ground floor, Unit no. 5/6/8, Pearls Best Heights I, Plot no. A-5, Nr. Max Hospital, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura
North Delhi. New Delhi - 110 034. ORISSA : Plot No. - 111, Varaha Complex Building, 3rd Floor, Station Square, Kharvel Nagar, Unit 3,
Bhubaneswar - 751 001. PUNJAB : Deepak Towers, SCO 154-155, 1st Floor, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh -160 017. U/GF, Prince Market,
Green Field, Near Traffic Lights, Sarabha Nagar Pulli, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141 002. RAJASTHAN: G-III, Park Saroj, R-7, Yudhisthir
Marg, C-Scheme, Behind Ashok Nagar Police Station, Jaipur – 302 001. 1/5, Nirmal Tower, 1st Chopasani Road, Jodhpur – 342 003. TAMIL
NADU : Old#66 New#86, Lokamanya Street (West), Ground Floor, R. S. Puram, Coimbatore – 641 002. 178/10, Kodambakkam High Road,
Opp. Hotel Palm Grove, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034. TELANGANA: 208, 2nd Floor, Jade Arcade, Paradise Circle, Secunderabad
- 500 003. UTTAR PRADESH: 106 - 107 - 108, 1st Floor, IInd Phase,City Centre, 63/2, The Mall, Kanpur - 208 001. C-81, 1st floor, Sector
– 2, Noida – 201 301. Off# 4, 1st Floor, Centre Court Building, 3/c, 5-Park Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226 001. WEST BENGAL : 2nd
Floor, Saket Building, 44 Park Street, Kolkata - 700 016
B. List of Transaction Points of Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (CAMS), Registrar & Transfer Agents of HDFC Mutual
Fund. These Transaction Points will be in addition to the existing points of acceptance at the offices of HDFC Asset
Management Company Ltd. (Investor Service Centres for HDFC Mutual Fund) except HDFC Arbitrage Fund.
ANDHRA PRADESH : 15-570-33, I Floor, Pallavi Towers, Ananthapur - 515 001. D. No. 5-38-44, 5/1, Brodipet, Near Ravi Sankar Hotel,
Guntur* - 522 002. Bandi Subbaramaiah Complex, Door No: 3/1718, Shop No: 8, Raja Reddy Street, Kadapa - 516 001. D No-25-4-29,
1st floor, Kommireddy Vari Street, Beside Warf Road,Opp. Swathi Medicals, Kakinada-533001. Shop Nos. 26 and 27, Door No. 39/265A
and 39/265B, Second Floor, Skanda Shopping Mall, Old Chad Talkies, Vaddageri, 39th Ward, Kurnool - 518 001. CAMS Service Centre,
No. 15-31-2M-1/4,1st Floor, 14-A, MIG, KPHB Colony, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072. 9/756, 1st Floor, Immadisetty Towers, Ranganayakulapet
Road, Santhapet, Nellore - 524 001. Shop No. 9, First Floor, DO. No.: 17/1/55, G.V.S. Building, Kanyaka Parameswri Street, Bandlamitta,
Ongole - 523001. Door No: 6-2-12, 1st Floor,Rajeswari Nilayam, Near Vamsikrishna Hospital, Nyapathi Vari Street, T Nagar, Rajahmundry
– 533 101. Shop No. 6, Door No. 19-10-8, (Opp. to Passport Office), AIR Bypass Road, Tirupathi - 517 501. 40-1-68, Rao & Ratnam Complex,
Near Chennupati Petrol Pump, M. G. Road, Labbipet, Vijayawada – 520 010. ASSAM : A.K. Azad Road, Rehabari, Tinali, Guwahati - 781
008. BIHAR : Krishna, 1st Floor, Near Mahadev Cinema, Dr. R. P. Road, Bhagalpur - 812 002. Brahman Toil, Durga Asthan, Gola Road,
Muzaffarpur - 842 001. CHHATTISGARH : First Floor, Plot No. 3, Block No. 1, Priyadarshini Parisar West, Behind IDBI Bank, Nehru Nagar
Square, Bhilai Dist. Durg - 490 020. Shop No. B - 104, First Floor, Narayan Plaza, Link Road, Bilaspur - 495001. Shop No 6, Shriram
Commercial Complex in front of Hotel Blue Diamond,Ground Floor, T.P. Nagar, Korba - 495677. C-23, Sector 1, Devendra Nagar, Raipur
- 492 004. DELHI : Flat no.512, Narian Manzil, 23, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110 001. GOA : F4- Classic
Heritage,Near Axis Bank, Opp. BPS Club,Pajifond, Margao, Goa - 403 601. GUJARAT : No. 101, A P Towers, B/H Sardar Gunj, Next to
Nathwani Chambers, Anand - 388 001. Shop No - F -56, 1st Floor, Omkar Complex, Opp. Old Colony, Near Valia Char Rasta, GIDC,
Ankleshwar - 393002. 305-306, Sterling Point, Waghawadi, Opp. HDFC Bank, Bhavnagar - 364 002. Office No. 17, 1st Floor, Municipal
Bldg, Opp. Hotel Prince Station Road, Bhuj – 370 001. A/177, Kailash Complex, Opp. Khedut Decor, Gondal – 360 311. 207, Manek Centre,
* accepts transactions of Liquid Schemes / Plans viz. HDFC Liquid Fund, HDFC Liquid Fund - Premium Plan and HDFC Cash Management
Fund - Savings Plan & Call Plan.
C. List of Limited Transaction Points (LTPs) of Computer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (CAMS), Registrar & Transfer Agents
of HDFC Mutual Fund. These LTPs of CAMS will be the official points of acceptance of transactions for schemes of HDFC Mutual
Fund except transactions of Liquid Schemes / Plans viz. HDFC Liquid Fund, HDFC Liquid Fund - Premium Plan, HDFC Cash
Management Fund - Savings Plan & Call Plan and HDFC Arbitrage Fund. These LTPs will accept transaction / service requests
from Monday to Friday between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. only.
ANDHRA PRADESH : Door No 4-4-96, 1st Floor, Vijaya Ganapathi Temple Back Side, Nanubala Street, Srikakulam - 532 001. ASSAM:
Shyamaprasad Road, Shillongpatty, 2nd Floor, Opp. Hindi School, Silchar – 788 001. BIHAR : Ground Floor, Belbhadrapur, Near Sahara Office,
Laheriasarai Tower Chowk, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga - 846 001. GOA : Office No. CF-8, 1st Floor, Business Point, Above Bicholim Urban
Co-op Bank Ltd, Angod, Mapusa - 403 507. No. DU 8, Upper Ground Floor, Behind Techoclean Clinic, Suvidha Complex, Near ICICI Bank,
Vasco da Gama – 403 802 GUJARAT : F-108, Rangoli Complex, Station Road, Bharuch - 392 001.S-7, Ratnakala Arcade, Plot No. 231,
Ward – 12/B, Gandhidham - 370 201. M-12 Mezzanine Floor, Suman Tower, Sector 11, Gandhinagar – 382011. D-78, First Floor, New
Durga Bazar, Near Railway Crossing, Himmatnagar - 383 001. F 142, First Floor, Ghantakarana Complex, Gunj Bazar, Nadiad - 387 001.
Tirupati Plaza, 3rd Floor, T - 11, Opp. Government Quarter, College Road, Palanpur - 385 001. 2 M I Park, Near Commerce College, Wadhwan
City, Surendranagar - 363 035.10/11, Maruti Complex, Opp. B R Marbles, Highway Road, Unjha - 384 170. HARYANA : 7, IInd Floor,
Kunjapura Road, Opp Bata Showroom, Karnal - 132 001. Bansal Cinema Market, Hissar Road, Besides Overbridge, Next to Nissan car
showroom, Sirsa -125 055. HIMACHAL PRADESH: 1st Floor, Above Sharma General Store, Near Sanki Rest house, The Mall, Solan - 173
212. College Road, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, Pin Code - 176001. JAMMU AND KASHMIR: Anil Nirmal & Associates, Near New Era Public
School, Rajbagh, Srinagar - 190 008. Seven Square Shopping Plaza, 2nd Floor, Near New Airport Road Crossing, Hyderpora Byepass, Srinagar-
190014. KARNATAKA: Pal Complex, Ist Floor, Opp. City Bus Stop, Super Market, Gulbarga - 585 101. Basement floor, Academy Tower,
Opposite Corporation Bank, Manipal - 576 104. Guru Nanak institute, NH-1A, Udhampur - 182 101. MADHYA PRADESH : Shop No. 01,
Near Puja Lawn, Parasia Road, Chhindwara - 480 001. Tarani Colony, Near Pushp Tent House, Dewas - 455 001. 1st’ Floor, Gurunanak
Dharmakanta, Jabalpur Road, Bargawan, Katni – 483 501. 18, Ram Bagh, Near Scholar’s School, Ratlam - 457 001. Opp. Somani
Automoblies, Bhagwanganj, Sagar – 470 002. 123, 1st Floor, Siddhi Vinanyaka Trade Centre, Saheed Park, Ujjain - 456 010. MAHARASHTRA
: B, 1+3, Krishna Enclave Complex, Near Hotel Natraj, Nagar-Aurangabad Road, Ahmednagar* - 414 001. 3, Adelade Apartment, Christian
Mohala, Behind Gulshan-E-Iran Hotel, Amardeep Talkies Road, Bhusawal - 425 201. Hakimi Manson, Behind Bangalore Bakery, Kasturba
Road, Chandrapur - 442 402. House No.3140, Opp. Liberty Furniture, Jamnalal Bajaj Road, Near Tower Garden, Dhule - 424 001. 351,
Icon, 501, 5th Floor, Western Express Highway,Andheri - East, Mumbai - 400 069. Hirji Heritage, 4th Floor, Office No. 402, Landmark: Above
Tribhuwandas Bhimji Zaveri (TBZ), L.T. Road, Borivali - West, Mumbai - 400 092. Shop No.303, 1st floor, Raj Mohd. Complex, Mani Road,
Srinagar, Nanded - 431 605. Kohinoor Complex, Near Natya Theatre, Nachane Road, Ratnagiri - 415 639. Opp. Raman Cycle Industries,
Krishna Nagar, Wardha - 442 001. Pushpam, Tilakwadi, Opp. Dr. Shrotri Hospital, Yavatmal - 445 001. PUNJAB : Near Archies Gallery, Shimla
Pahari Chowk, Hoshiarpur - 146 001. Gandhi Road, Opp. Union Bank of India, Moga - 142 001. 13 - A, 1st Floor, Gurjeet Market, Dhangu
Road, Pathankot – 145001. 152-C, Model Town, District Kapurthala, Phagwara - 144 401. RAJASTHAN : 3 Ashok Nagar, Near Heera
Vatika, Chittorgarh-312 001. TAMIL NADU : 16A/63A, Pidamaneri Road, Near Indoor Stadium, Dharmapuri - 636 701. 104/6, Pensioner
Street, Opp. Gomath Towers, Dindugal - 624 001. No.9/2, 1st Floor Attibele Road, HCF Post, Behind RTO office. Mathigiri, Hosur - 635
110. 4th Floor, Kalluveettil Shyras Center, 47, Court Road, Nagercoil - 629 001. 156A / 1, First Floor, Lakshmi Vilas Building, Opp. to District
Registrar Office, Trichy Road, Namakkal - 637 001. D. No. 59A/1, Railway Feeder Road, (Near Railway Station), Rajapalayam - 626 117.
4B / A-16 Mangal Mall Complex, Ground Floor, Mani Nagar, Tuticorin - 628 003. TELANGANA: Shop No: 11 - 2 - 31/3, 1st Floor, Philips
Complex, Balajinagar, Wyra Road, Near Baburao Petrol Bunk, Khammam - 507 001. UTTARAKHAND : No 7, Kanya Gurukul Road, Krishna
* accepts transactions of Liquid Schemes / Plans viz. HDFC Liquid Fund, HDFC Liquid Fund - Premium Plan and HDFC Cash Management
Fund - Savings Plan & Call Plan.
Eligible investors can undertake any transaction, including purchase / redemption / switch and avail of any services as may be provided by
HDFC Asset Management Company Limited (AMC) from time to time through the online/electronic modes (including fax / email) via various
sources like its official website -, mobile handsets, designated fax number(s) / email-id(s), etc. Additionally, this will also
cover transactions submitted in electronic mode by specified banks, financial institutions, distributors etc., on behalf of investors, with whom
AMC has entered or may enter into specific arrangements or directly by investors through secured internet sites operated by CAMS. The
servers including fax/email servers (maintained at various locations) of AMC and CAMS will be the official point of acceptance for all such
online / electronic transaction facilities offered by the AMC to eligible investors.
Both financial and non-financial transactions pertaining to Scheme(s) of HDFC Mutual Fund ('the Fund') can be done through MFU at the
authorized POS of MFUI. The details of POS published on MFU website at will be considered as Official Point of Acceptance
(OPA) for transactions in the Scheme.
The eligible AMFI certified stock exchange Brokers/ Clearing Members/ Depository Participants who have complied with the conditions
stipulated in SEBI Circular No. SEBI /IMD / CIR No.11/183204/2009 dated November 13, 2009 for stock brokers viz. AMFI/ NISM certification,
code of conduct prescribed by SEBI for Intermediaries of Mutual Fund will be considered as Official Points of Acceptance (OPA) of the Mutual
Investor may approach any of the above banks for submitting their ASBA Application forms during this NFO. The above list is subject to change
from time to time. For the updated list of Self Certified Syndicate Banks (SCSBs) and their Designated Branches (DBs) and their details, please
refer to the website of SEBI, BSE, NSE or HDFC Mutual Fund.
Registered Office :
HDFC House, 2nd Floor, H.T. Parekh Marg,
165-166, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020
Tel.: 022-66316333 l Toll Free no. 1800 3010 6767/ 1800 419 7676 l Fax : 022-22821144
e-mail for Investors: [email protected]
e-mail for Distributors: [email protected]
website :