Unit 2:: Learning Objectives Key Learning Points

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Accounting and Financial Management for Travel Agencies

Module 1: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management

Unit 2: Basic Bookkeeping and Financial Management

Learning Objectives Key Learning Points

‚‚Explain the benefits of using the
PDCA cycle
2.1 • Following the PDCA cycle for business planning involves
ff Planning for the future

‚‚Read basic account statements ff Doing the daily work of running the business
ff Checking to see if the business is running as planned
‚‚Use double-entry bookkeeping to
account for basic transactions
ff Acting to bring the business back on-plan

‚‚Describe options for using credit

cards to pay airlines
2.2 •

The profit and loss statement reports revenue and expenses.
The balance sheet summarizes what the agency owns, what it
owes, and what is owed to the business owners.
‚‚Differentiate between liquidity
and profitability 2.3
• When using double-entry bookkeeping, every transaction has
two elements: a debit and a credit.
• When expenses or assets increases, they must be recorded
as debits. When they decrease, they’re recorded as credits.
• When revenue or liabilities increases, they must be recorded
as credits. When they decrease, they’re recorded as debits.
2.4 • All transactions have two equal accounting elements. These
transactions are reflected both in the balance sheet and in the
profit and loss statement.
2.5 • Every transaction must be recorded with an assigned account
code. Accounts codes group similar revenue and expense
transactions together in the same account number.
2.6 • When a customer makes a travel purchase by credit card, the
card supplier assumes the risk of non-payment.
• Agencies need to decide whether to pay airlines using
customer credit cards, or their own payment system.
2.7 • An agency with liquidity has enough cash to pay its expenses
in the short term. An agency needs to earn long-term profits to
turn into cash so that it can continue to pay expenses.

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