Lesson Plan One

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Name: Shelby Stephens

Date: April 9, 2019

EDSE 457
Vocabulary Lesson Plan Template

Use this form to complete Lesson Plan #1.

**Be detailed and specific about each topic.**

Your Content Area: Social Science

Describe the subject/ topic of the My unit discusses key events leading up to the American Revolution, as well as when it turned from a
unit rebellion to a revolution.
Which grade level is this lesson This lesson is designed for an eighth-grade class.
Explain why students might Students may struggle with this unit since it introduces multiple topics and is considered a baseline for
struggle with this unit American history. Many students may remember topics discussed in their fifth-grade class or may
remember certain scenarios from movies and tv shows that are not entirely accurate.
List the terms you chose to focus Loyalist, Militia, Act, Salutary Neglect, Proclamation, Patriots, Boycott, Apprehend, Circumstance
Explain why you chose these terms Most of these words are tier two, meaning that they have a specific context in history but are words that
and which tier the words belong to are used in multiple subjects. I chose these words since they are key terms that students will need to
(how will knowing them help your know in order to follow along with the lesson but are generalized enough that their knowledge and
students to be more successful in understanding of these words is important beyond this lesson and can even apply to their everyday
their unit work?) knowledge. If I can teach my students these vocabulary words before the start of the lesson we will be
able to focus more on content.
Explain what background The background knowledge I can choose to focus on are instances in popular culture in which there are
knowledge you chose to focus on references to the American Revolution. I can look into things my student might know and point those
and why knowing it will help your out before students share with their peers. For videos I will also try to show them ones from a site they
students to be more successful in are familiar with such as khan academy and brain pop since these sites may be used in multiple subject
their unit work. areas. Having students start with a KWL also have students start thinking about what they already

Student writing component: There will be multiple short writing opportunities for students to organize and record their thoughts. On
Where in these two days will the first day, students will start a KWL chart, they will write a few sentences about each vocabulary
students write? word. The second day students will do a short response to a warm up question, they will answer guided
video questions, and they will revisit the warm up question to add or revise their original thoughts.
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
Student speaking component: Students will speak about every piece of the lesson on both days. There will be opportunities for
Where in these two days will students to share with a shoulder partner as well as share in a whole class setting. There is only one
students speak? portion of the second day where I expect students to work individually, however, they will have the
opportunity to discuss their answers at a later point.
Student Engagement: When and Students will be actively constructing knowledge by scaffolding their previous knowledge and applying
how will students be actively it to develop a hypothesis as to what made the colonist’s fight for independence a revolution. They will
constructing knowledge? create an original idea based on prior knowledge and discussion of key vocabulary terms. They will then
revise or add to this hypothesis based on watching an overview of key information on the revolution.
This is a question we will continually revisit this idea throughout the unit.
Rigorous, Higher Order, Critical Students engage in critical thinking of drawing connections between prior knowledge and how what
Thinking: When and how do they know about the topic can explain what the vocabulary terms mean and why they apply to our unit.
students engage in thinking skills The concept of creating a hypothesis based on prior knowledge and then adding to it based on content
that demonstrate Depth of learned shows how what they are learning expands on their previous knowledge.
Knowledge (DOK) levels 3 or 4?

Day #1 Activities: Introduce Vocabulary

Describe the Day #1 learning goals Students will have a firm understanding of key vocabulary terms that will be used throughout the lesson.
List the content area standards 8.1 Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate
addressed on Day #1 their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.

List the Common Core Literacy 8 R2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
standards addressed on Day #1 summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Describe the lesson plan for the What the Teacher Does: What the Students Does:
day; be detailed and include all I expect a detailed, step-by-step explanation of all I expect a detailed, step-by-step explanation of all activities
teaching steps and activities. activities that take place during the class period. that take place during the class period.
Describe the lesson in this row; be The first activity we will do when the students In the KWL warm up portion students will
very, very specific. walk in is complete a the “K” in a KWL chart of independently work to complete the K and then I
the American Revolution. Students will have 4 will facilitate a conversation for students to
minutes of independent work, followed by 2 complete the W portion and get students thinking
minutes of a think pair share, and then 6 minutes about what they already know about the American
of sharing their thoughts as a class. In order to Revolution. My role will be to keep the
engage student’s prior knowledge, I may have up conversation going, but I will rely on students to
pictures of works done about the times as well as supply their thoughts and inputs.
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
ask them about any movies, phrases, or shows they
have seen or heard that may mention this topic. For the vocabulary terms students will work to
While we are doing our class discussion, I will complete their own vocabulary charts. I will
encourage students to complete the “W” portion demonstrate the first word so that students know
based on what their classmates have shared. what is expected of them and then students will
work to complete the remaining portions. I will
Once we have completed our warm up KWL chart remind students that students need to come up
I will introduce our vocabulary terms to the class. I with their own ideas but can definitely collaborate
will put them all up on the board and ask the class to make sure they have a firm understanding of the
which of these words we had discussed in our words.
previous conversation. I will also ask students to
share any ideas they have on what the words mean Students will then complete a fill in the blank
or how they may apply to our unit. I will then pass paragraph using their vocab words. This will be a
out our vocabulary chart and will demonstrate how homework assignment as well as completing all
I want these done by completing the first definition vocabulary terms.
as a class. Since this will be one of the first units
we do, I will make sure I explain that this will be a
reoccurring activity we do for each unit so that
students understand that they will complete this
assignment multiple times throughout the year. I
will do the first vocabulary term with the class,
showing them explicitly how I would like them to
be completed and answer any questions that they
may have as we go along. For each word students
will write a dictionary definition, rewrite the
definition in their own words, provide a synonym
or some type of word association, and they will
explain how this term relates to our unit on the
American Revolution. I want each student to
complete their own work but will encourage
discussion and will walk around while students are
completing the assignment to make sure that
students feel supported in the activity. I will do
check ins to make sure the student’s definitions are
correct, but, will leave other portions up to their
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019

Once students complete the vocabulary chart, they

will be given a paragraph in which they will have
to fill in the blanks with vocabulary terms. This
will be homework since I expect vocab to take
most of the period. Students will also be required
to finish any of the vocabulary terms they do not
complete in class.

This is the homework paragraph, the answers have

been written in red to indicate where the blanks
would be.
Fighting in the American Revolution began in
1776 and resulted in Colonies Independence from
Great Britain. The colonists were divided into two
sides. There were the patriots who favored
independence from Britain and the loyalists who
wanted to stay under the British crown. Many of
the colonist’s armies were made up of militias,
which supplemented a trained army that could be
called upon quickly. Uneasy feelings between the
colonists and the British began after the British
ended their policy of salutary neglect began
actively enforcing laws and implementing taxes to
pay debts from the French and Indian war. These
taxes were implemented in the form of acts.
Colonists began to boycott British goods and
would instead try to make their own in response to
the acts. In one instance colonists disguised
themselves as Indians and dumped British tea into
the harbor. None of the suspects were apprehended
and had to pay for the dumped tea. The British also
authorized the Proclamation of 1763 prohibiting
colonists from settling west of the Appalachian
Mountains. There were many events that lead to
the colonists decision to fight for their
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
independence, however, the circumstances had to
be just right for the colonists to be successful.

“I DO” Mode I will facilitate conversation to make sure students are on topic and that discussion is going in the right
Briefly explain which of the direction. I will facilitate the KWL and will walk around while students are completing the vocabulary
activities listed above will be worksheet to make sure students are on the right track. I want to encourage my students to think for
completed as a whole class. Why? themselves and will try to act as a resource, rather than the sole authority of the class. I will ask guided
How will this support student questions to push students in the right direction and will offer ideas if the class seems stuck. This will
comprehension? support student comprehension since students will hear ideas from their peers which they will hopefully
be better able to relate to.
We will have a class discussion as to what students think the vocabulary terms mean and what they
might have to do with the revolution. I will encourage students to take notes of the back of their KWL
chart and will write down what is said so that auditory and visual learners feel supported. We will also
complete the first vocabulary term as a class so that students know what is expected of them and will
give them ideas on how to complete the chart. This will help students who need explicit directions or
who may understand the directions but get confused once they actually begin completing the
“WE DO” Mode Students will share their ideas from the K portion of the KWL with a shoulder partner to pressure test
Briefly explain which of the their ideas before we share whole class. This may also encourage think of connections they didn’t
activities listed above will be previously.
completed with a partner or in a
group. Why? How will this support Students will also be encouraged to discuss their ideas when completing the vocabulary assignment.
student comprehension? Again, this will help students pressure test their ideas or help them if they feel stuck. Having a peer
explain it may also be beneficial since it could be explained in a way that is easier to comprehend.
“You DO” Mode Student will complete the K portion of their KWL chart to see what they already know about the
Briefly explain which of the American Revolution from previous lessons, movies, tv shows, books, or any other place they may have
activities listed above will be learned something. Students will also complete the assessment portion of the vocabulary terms
completed independently. Why? independently to see what words students know and others that they may still be struggling with. I will
How will this support student emphasize that this assignment is graded based on completeness, not on accuracy and that I am
comprehension? assigning it to see what students need more guidance on.
Whole class analysis: How will I hope that many, if not all, of the vocabulary terms are introduced in students’ discussions from the
these activities introduce key KWL chart. This is how I will segue into our vocabulary assignment. I also hope that by asking students
vocabulary and help students about how these vocabulary terms apply to our topic and what they mean will give students enough
overcome their struggles with this scaffolding to actually complete the assignment. Discussing these vocabulary terms in an open
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
conversation will help students feel they already know what they are before having to write down the

Day #1 student support: Be specific about how your lesson plan meets the needs of the students in the
class with additional academic needs:
Affective support – environment, grouping, Instructional Support – strategies used in the
extra time, etc. (explain the support that will be lesson itself (explain the support that will be
provided and a rationale for why that support will provided and a rationale for why that support will
be helpful) be helpful)
4 Intermediate ELLs My classroom will be set up in table groups for Students will receive directions both written and
this assignment. Each table group will be given a verbally. I will also demonstrate how the main
copy of the definitions of each word, this way they assignment should be completed so that they know
can spend more time on the other portions of the what is expected and how to complete it. This will
assignment, rather than just looking up the be helpful if the student learns auditorily or
definition. I will also place each student near a visually or if they have questions along the way of
high achieving student so that they will be able to the assignment. Having students rewrite their own
collaborate with a responsible student. definition, provide a synonym, and explain its
connection to the lesson should also help students
develop a deeper understanding.
IEP students: ASD I will write the agenda on the board so that they All directions and most content will be explained
students know what we will be doing for the class written and verbally so that students will hear what
period. They will also be placed next to students is expected of them and also see it written down.
who will be helpful to these students. These This is the same for the content, I will write down
students will be given the choice of writing their what students share so that all students will have
answers or typing them on the computer. They will access. Giving students the opportunity to
also have access to the printed definitions that are collaborate with their peers should also be helpful
placed in the groups. This will be how I plan to since they will continually get the opportunity to
begin most units, and this will be explained to pressure test their ideas. Having students rewrite
these students, so they know to expect it. The their own definition, provide a synonym, and
lesson also has an expected flow so that these explain its connection to the lesson should also
students don’t feel that it was changed abruptly. help students develop a deeper understanding.
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
IEP students: ADHD These students will be placed at the front of the We will not spend too much time on any certain
class near the projector so that they will have portion of the lesson so that students will be less
fewer distractions and a clear vision of the board likely to wander off task. Switching between
where I am writing down our thoughts. I will also individual, group, and whole class work will also
allow students to complete these tasks on either a help the students collect information. I will make
computer or on a worksheet. They will also have sure to check in with these students multiple times
access to the definitions placed at each table throughout the period to make sure they feel
group. The students sitting around them will be supported and will explicitly have them write what
students who typically stay on task to cause fewer must be completed at home and sign it so that they
distractions for the student. will know what needs to be completed before the
next class.
Life Challenge Student: Ashley I will give Ashely preferential seating based on I will assign minimal homework and will give her
where she feels comfortable and will do check ins more time on any assignments she needs. I also
with her to ensure she feels comfortable and will not assign any work that needs electronics at
supported. She will also have access to the written home without being able to provide a copy of the
definitions that are placed in the table groups. work so that she will not have to worry about this.
10 below-grade level readers (2-4 There is almost no reading done in this class Students will receive instruction both written and
years below grade level) period. The little amount that there is students will auditorily. I will also write down students shared
be able to discuss in their groups so it should not thoughts so they will be able to comprehend their
be an obstacle. Having students write the peers’ work. We will also have group discussions
definition in their own words will also help throughout the lesson so that they can check in
students gain a greater understanding of each with their peers to see if they are on the right track.
vocabulary word. Students will also be separated
throughout the room so that they are near
somebody who does read on grade level and can
be seen as a helper of the group.

Day #2 Activities: Build Background Knowledge

Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
Describe the Day #2 learning goals The learning goals of day two is for students have a basic overview of the revolution as well as to see
their shift in understanding after one informational lesson.
List the content area standards 8.1 Students understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate
addressed on Day #2 their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy.
List the Common Core Literacy 1. Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
standards addressed on Day #2 b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Describe the lesson plan for the What the Teacher Does: What the Students Does:
day; be detailed and include all I expect a detailed, step-by-step explanation of all activities I expect a detailed, step-by-step explanation of all
teaching steps and activities. that take place during the class period. activities that take place during the class period.
Describe the lesson in this row; be Students will begin by completing a warm up of the Student will complete the warm up, and share
very, very specific. question, “what made the Colonists fight for with a partner and then with the class their
independence a revolution?” This is a key concept thoughts. Students will then independently watch
that I hope to teach and do not expect the students to a video and answer guided questions about key
come to a conclusion today, but instead I want to see concepts discussed in the movie. Students will
students’ initial thoughts to see how to proceed. I then share their answers with a partner to see if
will also have a list of things to consider underneath they had the same idea. As an informal
such as the difference between a revolution and a assessment, students will revisit the warm up and
rebellion. What was the outcome of the revolution, add or modify to what they had originally said.
and what did it mean for the groups of people who (Something to note: a key idea in my classroom
participated? This will be done independently for 4 is for students to revisit their work and see how
minutes and then we will move to a think pair share, their thoughts have changed. I will monitor this
and then a whole group discussion. I will write down by having students revisit their ideas in another
the ideas that students had on the board. We will color to see how students have grown. This is the
then go over the answers from the previous night’s same for assignments graded based on
fill in the blank paragraph. Students will grade in completion, not correctness. Students will write
color and then pass it in for me to look at. I will look the correct answers in another color so that I can
over all of them while students complete their next see what they know and what they need to learn.
assignment. After we have gone over the homework I know that this will not be completed with 100%
students will watch an overview video of the accuracy but my hopes are that by emphasizing
American Revolution. Students will watch the the importance of showing growth students will
videos on their chrome books so that they have the be more inclined to follow these directions. I also
opportunity to pause, rewind, or use subtitles to help will have a standing homework assignment of
answer the guided questions. I will also let students having students complete the L portion of their
choose whether they would like to type or hand write KWL chart. This is an idea I want to continually
their answers. The guided questions will be in order revisit through each unit.)
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
and will be focused on key points, rather than little
details. After twenty minutes we will go over the
answers to the questions to make sure students got
the key ideas. As an exit slip, students will revisit
the warm up question and will be able to add or
revise what they previously said based on what they
learned in the video.

Here is the link to the video I would have students


Here are the guided questions and answers. At the

top are vocabulary words from the video I would
give to students to help scaffold.

Levied- impose (or enforce) a tax

Parliament- form of government in the UK (United
Kingdom) had 3 houses
Repealed- to revoke (make void)
Compliance- the act of following a command
Self-Evident- not needing to be explained, obvious

1. When does the narrator say that he starts the

American Revolution?
a. At the end of the French and Indian
war in 1763.
2. Why was the stamp act passed?
a. To help the British pay for the Seven
Years war.
3. Why were colonists upset over the tax?
a. They had no direct representation in
parliament that had levied the tax.
4. What happened to the stamp act.
a. It was repealed
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
5. What year was the Boston Massacre? How
many people died?
a. 1770, 5 dead.
6. What year did the Boston Tea Party happen?
a. 1773
7. What are committees of correspondence?
a. Spread information about who was
and was not observing the boycotts
and could enforce noncompliers into
8. Why does the narrator say that most of the
heavy lifting was done by the declaration of
a. Colonists were already self-governing
and had developed a sense of self as
something separate and different from
Great Britain.
9. About how many colonists stayed loyal to
Great Britain? Where did a majority of them
a. About 20%, most of them lived in
major cities
10. Were all people better off if the colonists
gained their independence? Who was not?
a. No, slaves would have probably been
better off.
11. What does the author say was revolutionary
about the American Revolution?
a. The colonists threw off the rule of an
imperial monarchy and replaced it
with a government that did not have a
12. What two ideas were central to the
a. Property rights and equality.
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
13. When the declaration says that, “we hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal,” did this apply to
a. Women, slaves, men who did not own
enough property were excluded
14. What percentage of people was the
Declaration of Independence “for”?
b. 15-20%
“I DO” Mode Students will collaborate on the warm up question as a class to see what their peers’ ideas are. This will
Briefly explain which activities will give students the opportunity to formulate their ideas and see how they relate to their peers. This will
be completed as a whole class. either validate students’ ideas when their peers have similar ideas or show students they may not be on
Why? How will this support student the right track if their thoughts are entirely different. This also supports student’s comprehension by
comprehension? having their ideas explained in kid friendly language in a way that may help them comprehend better
than reading a textbook.
“WE DO” Mode Students will first share their answers to the warm up in a think-pair-share. This will help students
Briefly explain which activities will pressure test their ideas and hopefully be more comfortable to share whole class. Students will also go
be completed with a partner or in a over their answers to the video notes with a partner to see if they had the same answer and make sure
group. Why? How will this support students are on the right track. This will validate students thoughts or will ensure that they have received
student comprehension? the key ideas of the video.
“You DO” Mode Students will first answer the warm up question based on the previous days lesson and their prior
Briefly explain which activities will knowledge. Students will then individually watch a short overview video and answer guided questions.
be completed independently. Why? At the end of the period students will revisit the warm up and either amend or add to what they had
How will this support student previously said. This will support student’s comprehension by showing their growth and how much they
comprehension? have learned in a single day.
Whole class analysis: How will These activities will help students build background knowledge and either validate any information they
these activities help students build previously knew or clear up any misconceptions they may have had before the unit starts. It will also
student background knowledge help me tailor the lesson to the students’ existing ideas. it will also show students key ideas and themes
and overcome their struggles with of the lesson before they begin learning content so that they start out the unit with a solid foundation.
this unit? They will also have seen their progress they have made by revisiting their previous ideas.

Day #2 student support: Be specific about how your lesson plan meets the needs of the students in the
class with additional academic needs:
Affective support – environment, grouping, Instructional Support – strategies used in the
extra time, etc. (explain the support that will be lesson itself (explain the support that will be
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
provided and a rationale for why that support will provided and a rationale for why that support will
be helpful) be helpful)
4 Intermediate ELLs Students will be grouped with students who are Sharing their ideas with a peer and listening to
trustworthy and on task who will be able to guide what other students contribute will validate their
these students if they are confused or need ideas or lead them on the right track. Having
assistance. The lesson design itself is designed to students complete the video notes independently
be supportive of multiple learning styles and I will also allow them to move at their own pace and
think there are enough accommodations to assist utilize many of the advantages such as pausing,
multiple learning styles. rewinding, and subtitles. Going over the questions
will also help ensure they have the correct
answers. Having students revisit the warm up and
adding or amending their thoughts will also give
them a sense of validation since they will be able
to see what they learned that day.
IEP students: ASD The class agenda will be written on the board so Sharing their ideas with a peer and listening to
that students know what is expected of them for what other students contribute will validate their
the day. They will also be given opportunities to ideas or lead them on the right track. Having
collaborate with peers for any clarifications they students complete the video notes independently
may need. I also hope that the lesson will flow will also allow them to move at their own pace and
naturally so that students do not feel rushed. I will utilize many of the advantages such as pausing,
also give out time warnings, so these students rewinding, and subtitles. Going over the questions
know how long they have to complete the tasks. will also help ensure they have the correct
answers. Directions and content will also be
delivered both auditorily and written.
IEP students: ADHD These students will be seated near me so that I can Sharing their ideas with a peer and listening to
direct them back on task and it will hopefully what other students contribute will validate their
provide less distractions. I will also make sure to ideas or lead them on the right track. Having
give these students time warnings so that they students complete the video notes independently
know how much longer they have to complete will also allow them to move at their own pace and
each assignment. utilize many of the advantages such as pausing,
rewinding, and subtitles. This should also help
them have a greater focus than if I were to play the
video for the entire class. Going over the questions
will also help ensure they have the correct
Name: Shelby Stephens
Date: April 9, 2019
Life Challenge Student: Ashley I will give Ashley preferential seating, so she is There will not be any homework so that Ashely
seated where she feels most comfortable. I will does not have to worry about finding computer
also give her extra time if she needs it to complete access or adding any additional stress. Giving
the assignment, especially since her computer time students the opportunity to work alone, in pairs,
is limited. and whole class will hopefully give her
opportunities to develop her own ideas and have
them validated or pushed in the right direction.
10 below-grade level readers (2-4 My seating chart will be thoughtfully done so that Sharing their ideas with a peer and listening to
years below grade level) students are separated by skills and ability so that what other students contribute will validate their
struggling students are surrounded by peers who ideas or lead them on the right track. Having
will be able to support them. Along with that I will students complete the video notes independently
not cluster them together but may have them close will also allow them to move at their own pace and
to one or two other struggling students who they utilize many of the advantages such as pausing,
will feel comfortable enough to continually rewinding, and subtitles. Going over the questions
collaborate with. will also help ensure they have the correct

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