Alp Intermediate 11

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 Host
 Guest 1
 Guest 2

H: Good Morning everybody

Welcome to “The Today Show”

My name is JHON and I will present my partner today, he is John.

H: Today, we´ll have an incredible program to all you. We have two guests and we will talk about
interest things.

H: Before we invite to our guest on set. I`d like to ask someone from the audience a peculiar

Could you tell me please what do you think about tattoos? Have you ever got a tattoo?


Yes. Do you like how it looks on your body?

Do you like to get more in the future?

NO Do you like to get one someday?

H: In my opinion the tattoos are cool and look amazing in the body, but I´m so afraid of it could
affect my skin in the future.

But our guests love tattoos and you will know why. Please received with claps to our guests Betsy
and Samir.

H: Welcome, welcome to the program.

G1: Hello, thanks for invite us to this amazing program.

G2: We are so happy to be here today…

Hello everybody (to the public)

P:Hello guys. How are you?

G1: We are so excited. We have never been in a TV show, so maybe we can be a little bit afraid but
not much.

G2: We had never thought that we could appear on a TV show. This is unbelievable.
H: So, guys. I would like to talk with ___ at first. I want to know which one was your first tattoo or

G1: This was my first tattoo and I got when I was 14 years old. I remember I was afraid because my
friends convinced me to do it.

H: OMG, 14 years old? that’s too young. What did your parents think about it?

G1: They were so disgusting, but they had to accepted it because it was permanent.

H: What does your tattoo mean?

G1: This tattoo means for me that you won’t never give up, you have to be strong in your decision
always and try to meet all your goals.

H: That’s so interesting. Do All your tattoos mean something? Or some of else are for any reason?

G1: Most of my tattoos mean important seasons during my life, but others I got it because I like
how they look.

H: And the last thing I would like to know is if when you walk on the streets, people look at you in
a strange way, I mean, sometimes when you don’t cover your tattoos, do people avoid to get close
to you or not?

G1: Oh! In fact, some people think that I am like a criminal or I have left prison recently, but in
reality, they don’t understand why I have these tattoos. On in the other hand, some people like
these things and sometimes they like to take a picture with them. I don’t mind because I like it.

H: And what about you__? Why did you change your appearance?

G2: Well,I decided to get big ears , because I really admire the soccer player ¨La Oreja Flores¨ I
think he is a big figure of Peruvian soccer.

P: When did you decide to change your appearance, what did you think people would think?

G2: Well I decided to get on November 15th two years ago and also, I don´t mind what people
would think about it, it´s just me, I don´t hurt anyone so I don’t think it´s something bad.

P: I understand your point of view, so tell me, Why exactly on that date? Anything important in
your life?

G2: Yes, it was the day when Peru´s soccer team classified to the World Cup after 36 years!

P: Oh! That´s amazing, I didn´t remember the exactly date. And What was the first impression of
your friends, family?

G2: At first, they didn´t believe I have done that, they told me I were crazy and I just acted without
thinking. But at the end They understand why I did it and they accepted it because they know how
I am.
P: You´re lucky. You have good friends because sometimes they avoid you when you do something
disgusting to them but in fact, they are your real friends.

G2: Yes, that´s important to me. I really love them because they are when I need them.

P: Well, we have heard about two different interesting stories about a person with tattoos and the
other with big ears, why did they do it? What did their friends think of it? And more.

P: So, the last question I would like to ask is if you would like to get a tattoo. What tattoo would
you like to do? What would it mean?

Don’t answer me, just think about it.

P: Well, we don’t have more time. So, thanks for watching the show. See you tomorrow in your
favorite Tv program “The today show” at the same hour in BBC news channel 175 in Movistar Tv.

Until next time.

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