Davies & Koo

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Evaluation of Measurement Comparisons Using Generalised Least

Squares: the Role of Participants’ Estimates of Systematic Error

John F. Clarea*, Annette Kooa, Robert B. Daviesb

Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand, Industrial Research Ltd, P.O. Box
31-310, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Statistics Research Associates Ltd, P.O. Box 12-649, Wellington, New Zealand

We consider the evaluation of laboratory practice through the comparison of
measurements made by participating metrology laboratories when the
measurement procedures are considered to have both fixed effects (the residual
error due to unrecognised sources of error) and random effects (drawn from a
distribution of known variance after correction for all known systematic errors).
We show that, when estimating the participant fixed effects, the random effects
described can be ignored. We also derive the adjustment to the variance estimates
of the participant fixed effects due to these random effects.

KEY WORDS: metrology; participant fixed effect; random effect; systematic error;
measurement comparison

* Corresponding Author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

1. Introduction
National Metrology Institutes are responsible for independently realising or establishing
scales of physical measurement within a nation. These laboratories participate in ‘key
comparisons’ to compare their measurement scales as a test of whether measurements made
by one laboratory are consistent with with those made by another. See [2] for the
international protocols. These comparisons involve the measurement of a particular physical
characteristic of suitable stable artefacts by the participating laboratories (referred to herein as
participants). Measured values are reported together with estimates of variance and
covariance. These are analysed to test the hypothesis that each participant has made an
appropriate estimate of these quantities.

The variances are estimated by participants based on their knowledge and experience
of the measurement system and correspond to two independent error components: a
participant-specific component (known to metrologists as the ‘systematic’ component of
error), defined as one that takes the same value for all measurements by a participant, i.e. is
fully correlated between all their measurements, and a term encompassing all remaining
error (in metrology, referred to as the random component of error). The variance associated
with the random component of error is in general derived from a statistical analysis of
multiple measurements; the variance associated with the systematic error describes the
participant’s best estimate of the distribution of possible residual systematic errors (according
to the recommendations of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement [1])
after all known corrections have been applied.

The measurements submitted to a comparison have traditionally been modelled as

Yλ , j ,r = θ j + ∆ λ + ϕ λ + ε λ , j ,r (1)

where Yλ , j , r is the rth measurement made by participant λ ( λ = 1, K , L ) of artefact j

( j = 1, K , J ); θ j is the ‘true value’ of artefact j which is usually a constant but could
include a parametric dependence on other physical quantities such as temperature or time; the
random effect ϕλ is the systematic error of participant λ in the measurement due to
recognised sources; the random effect ε λ , j,r is the remaining random error in the
observation, Yλ , j ,r ; and the fixed effect ∆ λ is the participant effect (often referred to as the
‘bias’ of a participant in metrological literature), representing the component of systematic
error in the measurement procedure of participant λ that is due to unrecognised sources of
error (rather than the total systematic error in the measurement procedure as has sometimes
been inferred). Equation (1) is the model implicitly assumed in the usual step-by-step or ad
hoc analyses of a comparison; it is also the most commonly used model in least squares
analyses. The two sets of errors {ϕλ } and {ε λ , j , r } are independent of each other, have zero
expectation and are drawn from parent distributions whose variances have been estimated by
the participant. Typically the covariance structure of the {ε λ , j ,r } will involve correlations
within subsets of a participant’s measurements and the covariance structure of the {ϕλ } may
involve correlations between two or more participants’ measurements. The errors in the
estimates of variance and covariance, as supplied to the analyst by the participants, are
assumed negligible. The results found in this paper hold whether or not the variances and
covariances are known, but if they are subject to non-negligible error, this may need to be
taken into account when determining confidence intervals.

Since the ‘true values’, θ j , are unknown an indeterminacy exists in the model as a
shift in the values of all the θ j can be balanced by a shift in the ∆ λ in the opposite direction.
To avoid this indeterminacy the participants agree to determine ‘consensus’ values of the θ j
by assuming a constraint

∑λ =1 wλ ∆ λ = d

on the ∆ λ where wλ ≥ 0 , =1
wλ = 1 and d is a constant. Then, subject to a non-singularity
condition, the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the θ j and ∆ λ will be unique and
can be found using generalised least squares (GLS). See, for example, [8], sections 3.2 and
3.6. The weights wλ are assigned according to a pre-determined protocol: for example, if one
participant is considered to be the ‘standard’ then its wλ will be one and the rest zero.
Alternatively all the participants may be considered equal and so all the wλ will be equal. Or
there might be a more complicated weighting. If one or more of the participant effects, ∆ λ , is
known, then (2) can be used with a non-zero value for d to incorporate this knowledge into
the model by way of a weighted average of those known effects. In the absence of prior
knowledge of participant effects or artefact values, the constant d is taken to be zero. The
particular characteristics of key comparisons and the application of GLS to their analysis are
discussed in more detail by Koo and Clare [3].

Within the metrological community there have been differences in the way in which
the ϕλ term has been handled due to ambiguity concerning the roles of the ∆ λ and the ϕλ in
the model (1) for the measurement. White [10] and Woolliams et al. [11] argue that the
unknown effects ∆ λ and the ϕλ represent the same parameter and hence the ϕλ should not
enter into the estimates of the participant effects although they should contribute to their
variances. To accommodate this, White [10] excludes the ϕλ from the least squares estimator
and from the calculation of the covariance matrix associated with the solution but takes them
into account by the addition of an extra term to the variance of the estimated participant
effects. Woolliams et al. [11] likewise exclude the ϕλ from the covariance matrix in the GLS
estimator but do include them in determining the covariance matrix of the estimates. In
contrast other authors, e.g. Sutton [9], retain the ϕλ throughout the GLS calculation. This
paper shows that these three approaches give the same results and verifies and generalises
White’s [10] adjustment for the variances.

It should be noted that estimates of the participant effects, as defined in equation (1),
are the quantities required for testing the consistency of participants’ reported
variance/covariance values. If the measurement results were instead being used to determine
the total systematic errors in participants’ measurement procedures, then the ϕλ term should
be entirely removed from the model, and the ∆ λ would then represent the total systematic
error; the participants’ estimates of variance associated with the {ϕλ } do not contribute to the
calculated variances of the ∆ˆ .

Rao [7], Zyskind [12], Kruskal [4] and Puntanen & Styan [6] identify conditions
under which the GLS estimator is equal to the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator even

though the covariance matrix of the measurements is not a multiple of the identity matrix. In
section 2 we consider a model that includes the laboratory comparison, (1), described above.
We show that, under a suitable linear transformation, this model meets a condition described
by Rao [7], and so the ϕλ can be ignored when estimating the artefact and participant effect
values. We also derive the covariance matrix associated with these estimates. In section 3 we
specialise these results for laboratory comparisons, briefly describe a recent key comparison
and use it to illustrate the structure of the covariance matrix of the measurements, and verify
the expression given by White [10]. Simplified expressions for the GLS estimator and for the
covariance matrix associated with the estimates are presented as a corollary in section 4.

Notation. We use X ′ to denote the transpose of a matrix or vector, X . The L2 norm of a

vector, v , is denoted by v 2 . The inverse of the square root of a positive definite matrix, X ,
obtained using an eigenvalue decomposition is denoted by X −1 / 2 . An i × j matrix of zeros is
denoted by 0i , j and an i × j matrix of ones is denoted by 1i , j . Similarly, 0 i and 1i denote
column vectors of length i composed of zeros or ones respectively. Where a matrix X is
being multiplied by a scalar c , we will show the product as c. X .

Seber [8] defines a best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) only for scalars. We define
a vector b as a BLUE for a vector β if g′b is a BLUE for g′β for every vector g . This is a
property of GLS estimators. This definition implies, in particular, that if b is a BLUE of β
then Gb is a BLUE of Gβ where G is a matrix.

2. Estimation in the presence of a participant-specific random effect

In this section we treat a more general situation than that described in equation (1), both
simplifying the presentation and allowing for generalisation. We start with the situation
where the constraint (2) is not needed. Consider a linear model with design matrix, X , where
the observation vector has a covariance matrix, Σ . Rao [7], Lemma 5a, shows that the
ordinary least squares (OLS) estimate gives the same results as the generalised least squares
(GLS) solution and hence gives best linear unbiased estimates (BLUE) if and only if
Σ = XAX ′ + ZBZ ′ + σ 2 I for some A , B and σ 2 where X ′Z = 0 . In particular, if
Σ = XAX ′ + σ 2 I , OLS will give the same results as GLS.

Suppose the linear model can be written in the form

Y = Xβ + Xφ + ε (3)
where φ and ε are vectors of random variables, uncorrelated with each other and having
expectation zero and covariance matrices, A and σ 2 I , respectively. Then the covariance
matrix of Y has the form of Σ above and by Rao’s lemma [7] the BLUE of β is the OLS
estimator b = ( X ′X ) −1 X ′Y . Also cov(b) = ( X ′ X ) −1 X ′ΣX ( X ′ X ) −1 = A + σ 2 ( X ′ X ) −1 .

This result can be extended to the case where the covariance matrix of ε is not σ 2 I
but some positive definite matrix V0 . We can transform (3):

V0−1/ 2 Y = V0−1/ 2 Xβ + V0−1/ 2 Xφ + V0−1/ 2ε . (4)

Then the covariance matrix for V0−1/ 2 Y is Σ = V0−1 / 2 XAX ′V0−1 / 2 + I and we have satisfied
Rao’s condition. See also Rao’s equation (68). By Rao’s lemma the BLUE is obtained from
the OLS estimator for (4) as
b = ( X ′V0−1 X ) −1 X ′V0−1Y (5)
and the covariance matrix of the estimates is
cov(b) = A + ( X ′V0−1 X ) −1 . (6)
Now introduce the constraint (2), initially with d = 0 .

Theorem 1. Suppose
Y = Xβ + Xφ + ε (7)
where Y is an m × 1 vector of observable random variables, X is an m × n design matrix, β
is an n × 1 vector of the unknown parameters, m is the total number of measurements, φ is
an n × 1 vector of random variables with covariance matrix A and ε is an m × 1 vector of
random variables with non-singular covariance matrix V0 . Suppose the β are subject to a
w ′β = 0 (8)
where w is a non-zero n × 1 vector. Suppose X has rank n − 1 and
  (9)
 w′ 
has rank n . Then the best linear unbiased estimator of β is the same as that for the model (7)
with the random effects term, Xφ , omitted.

Proof. We need to transform the model to a form where Rao’s [7] lemma can be applied. Let
v = w / w 2 and introduce an n × (n − 1) matrix S such that ( v S ) is an orthogonal matrix.
It follows that
vv ′ + SS ′ = I , v′v = 1 , S ′S = I , v ′S = 0 and S ′v = 0 . (10)
 I − Xv   X   XS 0
    (S v) =  
0 1   v ′   0 1 
has rank n , since the first and last matrices in the left-hand expression are non-singular, and
( (
hence XS has rank n − 1 . Any β satisfying (8) can be written β = Sβ where β = S ′β is an
(n − 1) × 1 vector since SS ′β = ( I − vv ′)β = β . And any such β satisfies the constraint. So
there is a one-to-one correspondence between the values of β and those values of β that
satisfy the constraint. Thus, the model (7) can be rewritten as
Y = XSβ + Xφ + ε . (11)
Since XS has rank n − 1 , equalling the number of columns, the system is uniquely solvable
for β and hence for β .

We now show that the Xφ term is of the form XSφ so that (11) is of the form (3).
Since X has rank n − 1 there exists a non-zero m × 1 vector f such that
Xf = 0 . (12)
  f ≠ 0
 v′ 
so that v ′f ≠ 0 . Let
F = ( I − f v ′ / v ′f ) = ( I − f w ′ / w ′f ) (13)
and T = S ′F . Then ST = SS ′F = ( I − vv ′) F = F so that XST = XF = X and hence
( (
Y = XSβ + XSφ + ε , (14)
( (
where φ = Tφ , which is in the form of (3). Hence the XSφ can be omitted from (14) when
calculating the best linear unbiased estimator of β and so Xφ can be omitted from (7). This
completes the proof. □
From (5) and (6) the best linear unbiased estimator of β is
( (
b = ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′X ′V0−1Y and cov(b) = TAT ′ + ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 . Hence the best linear
unbiased estimator of β is

b = S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′X ′V0−1Y (15)

and its covariance matrix is
cov(b) = STAT ′S ′ + S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′ = FAF ′ + S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′ . (16)
The second term, for which a simplification is derived in section 4, is just the covariance
matrix when there is no Xφ term and the first term is the adjustment when the Xφ term is
present. This gives the following corollary.

Corollary 1.1. Under the conditions of Theorem 1 the covariance matrix of the best linear
unbiased estimator must be increased by FAF ′ , where F is defined in (13) when the random
effects term Xφ is included in the model.

Now consider the case where we have the constraint w ′β = d with non-zero d as in
( ( ( 2
(2). We can rewrite (7) as Y − d . Xw = X (β − d .w ) + Xφ + ε where d = d / w 2 . Now
( ( (
w′(β − d .w ) = 0 so if we replace Y by Y − d. Xw and β by β − d .w we have transformed
the problem to that considered in Theorem 1. So we have the following corollary.

Corollary 1.2. If (8) in Theorem 1 is replaced by w ′β = d the results of the theorem and
Corollary 1.1 are unchanged.

3. Measurement Comparisons
We apply the results of the previous section to a measurement comparison, (1). An example
of such a comparison exhibiting considerable complexity is shown in Figure 1. The diagram
shows the exchange of 7 artefacts between 15 laboratories. The numbers beside arrowheads
are numbers of measurements of an artefact by a laboratory in each round of artefact
exchange. The covariance structure of the measurements can be demonstrated by considering
possible correlations between measurements indicated in the diagram. Suppose that some
component of MSL’s measurement system had been calibrated at NIST. Then the error in all
of MSL’s measurements due to that component would be correlated with those of NIST, i.e.
the error ϕ MSL would be correlated with the error ϕ NIST . The matrix A of (6) would then
have a corresponding non-zero off-diagonal element. Similarly, one might imagine that of the
four measurements made by NIST on artefact E, the three done before the artefact was sent to
MSL were subject to a common error which was not shared by the final measurement made
after the artefact was returned. In this case the V0 matrix would include non-zero off diagonal
elements within the block corresponding to the measurements made by NIST describing the
correlation between the errors for the first three measurements.

BIPM 2 1

2 G 3,1
F 3,2
1 1,1,1,1
NPL G NIST 3,1,1
1 3,1 B 1
3 F 3,1 NRC
4 1
3 1,1
3 3,1,1 IMGC

E 1,1

2 D C

Figure 1. Diagram showing the exchange of artefacts A…G in a comparison

involving a coordinator (NIST), two sub-coordinators (NML and PTB) and 12
other laboratories. In this case the artefacts were standard platinum resistance
thermometers which the participating laboratories were required to use to
measure their realization of the gallium fixed point on the ITS-90 temperature
scale [5].

Suppose that the design matrix, X , is organised so that the first J elements of β
denoted by Θ represent the artefact values and the remaining L elements denoted by ∆
denote the participant values so that β′ = (Θ′ ∆′) . The elements of each of the rows of X
are zero apart from two elements equal to unity, of which the first is in one of the first J
columns and the other is in one of the remaining L columns. These assign the appropriate
values of Θ and ∆ to each of the measurements in the Y vector. In this way, (1) can be
represented by (7). Provided the full rank condition (9) holds, Theorem 1 can be applied and
so we can ignore the ϕλ term when estimating the values of β as White [10] and Woolliams
et al. [11] propose. Koo & Clare [3] show that a necessary and sufficient condition for (9) to
hold is that any two artefacts in the comparison are linked through a sequence of
measurements of overlapping pairs of artefacts.

Now look at the adjustment to the covariance matrix, FAF ′ . The random effects
apply only to the participant effects, i.e. the first J elements of φ are zero, so we can write

 0 J ,J 0 J ,L 
A =  ( 
 0 L, J A 
where A is the covariance matrix of the random effects, ϕ λ . The constraint (8) applies only
to the participants so we can put w ′ = (0′J w ′) . We can choose f ′ = ( − 1′J 1′L ) . Since
w ′f = 1 we have
 I 1J w ′ 
F =  (  .
 0 L , J I − 1L w ′

Multiplying out FAF ′ , we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2. In the laboratory comparison situation described above the adjustment to the
covariance term can be evaluated as follows:
 B C
FAF ′ =  
 C ′ D 
( (( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( (
where B = 1J w ′Aw 1′J = w ′Aw.1JJ , C = 1J w ′A( I − w1′L ) and D = ( I − 1L w ′) A( I − w1′L ) .

The last term, D , is the adjustment to the covariance term of the estimates of the
participant effects and so is the term of most interest. Expressing this in terms of elements:
( L ( L L L
( ( ( ( ( (
Dλ ,µ = Aλ ,µ − ∑ Aλ ,ξ wξ − ∑ wγ Aγ ,µ + ∑∑ wγ Aγ ,ξ wξ .
ξ =1 γ =1 γ =1 ξ =1
In particular, if A is diagonal, that is the random effects, ϕ λ , are uncorrelated with each
other, then the diagonal elements of D are
( L L
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Dλ ,λ = Aλ ,λ − 2 wγ Aλ ,λ + ∑ wγ2 Aγ ,γ = (1 − wγ ) 2 Aλ ,λ + ∑ wγ2 Aγ ,γ .
γ =1 γ =1
γ ≠λ

This is the expression obtained by White ([10], equation 16) for a comparison in which one
artefact is measured once by each participant and in which their errors are uncorrelated.

There may be other predictors or covariates. For example, if measurements are made
at different temperatures (1) becomes
yλ , j ,r = θ j + κ (Tλ , j ,r − T0 ) + ∆ λ + ϕ λ + ε λ , j ,r

where Tλ , j , r − T0 is the deviation of the temperature from the reference value and the
unknown κ is an additional element in β . To allow for this and similar situations, suppose
that there are additional elements in β with corresponding zero elements in w , f and A .
Then the results of this section are unchanged and there is no correction to the variances for
these additional predictors provided that the rank of X remains at n − 1 , i.e. one less than the
number of columns.

4. Simplification of b and cov(b)

The GLS solution can be found by reducing the problem to a non-singular one by using the
constraint (2) to eliminate one of the ∆ λ (see, for example, Woolliams et al. [11]). This
section presents two alternative methods. Let F , S , T , f and v be as in the proof of
Theorem 1. Then TS = I and so
T   I Tv 
  ( S v ) =  
 v′  0 1 
is non-singular and therefore (T ′ v )′ is also non-singular. The component of the covariance
matrix of b arising from ε in (16) can be written:
 S ′X ′V0−1 XS 0  S ′
S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′ = (S 0 )     for any c ≠ 0
 0 c  0
 T    S ′X ′V0−1 XS 0  T   S ′
= (S 0 )   (T ′ v )     (T ′ v )   (17)
 v′    0 c   v′  0
= ST (T ′S ′X ′V0−1 XST + c.vv′) −1T ′S ′
= STP −1T ′S ′

where P = X ′V0−1 X + c.vv′ . The estimator (15) can be written

b = S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS ) −1 S ′X ′V0−1Y = STP −1T ′S ′X ′V0−1Y = STP −1 X ′V0−1Y. (18)
Since Xf = 0 we have Pf = c.vv′f = cv′f .v . From (17), P is non-singular and so
P −1 v = f /(cv′f ) and P −1 vf ′ = f f ′ /(cv′f ) . Hence P −1 F ′ = P −1 − f f ′ /{c( v′f ) 2 } = FP −1 by
symmetry and so FP −1 F ′ = P −1 F ′ 2 = P −1 F ′ since F 2 = F . Thus, we can further simplify (17)
and (18):
S ( S ′X ′V0−1 XS )−1 S ′ = FP −1F ′ = P −1F ′ = FP −1 = P −1 − f f ′ /{c( v′f )2 } , (19)

b = FP −1 X ′V0−1Y = P −1 F ′X ′V0−1 Y = P −1 X ′V0−1Y . (20)

These expressions will hold for any c ≠ 0 . One can confirm that P −1 F ′ is, indeed, not
dependent on the value of c by adding an extra term g .vv ′ to P and expanding the inverse

using the Sherman-Morrison formula. It is convenient to rescale c so that
P = X ′V0−1 X + c.ww′ . Then we have the following corollary.

Corollary 1.3. Given the model and conditions of Theorem 1 and c ≠ 0 we can obtain the
best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of the unknowns unambiguously from (20) as
b =( X ′V0−1 X + c.ww ′) −1 X ′V0−1Y (21)
and the covariance matrix of that estimate from (16) and (19) as

cov(b) = FAF ′ + ( X ′V0−1 X + c.ww′) −1 F ′

= FAF ′ + ( X ′V0−1 X + c.ww′) −1 − f f ′ /{c(w ′f ) 2 }
where f and F are as defined in (12) and (13).

We can interpret the term X ′V0−1 X + c.ww′ that occurs in (21) and (22) as follows.
Add another ‘observation’ to the data by appending a row c1 .w ′ to X , and appending a zero,
or c1d if we want a bias as in equation (2), to Y . Add an extra row and column to V0 with
c2 in the bottom right hand corner and zeros elsewhere. Then carry out a generalised least
squares analysis as in equation (5). This gives (21) with c = c12 / c2 . Similarly the resulting
covariance matrix needs to be adjusted as in (22). The scalars c1 and c2 are arbitrary apart
from being non-zero but for numerical stability should be chosen to be of a similar size to the
elements of X and V0 respectively. This method has the advantage of not requiring a change
in the number of columns of X during the calculation.

There is another approach to calculating (21) and (22). Suppose we have already
found an estimate b 0 of β with a constraint vector w 0 . Then we can use it to determine an
estimator b = ( I − f w ′ / w ′f )b 0 = F b 0 that satisfies the constraint w ′b = 0 . It follows from
(12) that the addition of the extra term f w ′b 0 / w ′f = ( w ′b 0 / w ′f ).f will not change the
goodness of the fit. If we need the constraint as in (2) add an extra term ( d / w ′f ).f to b . The
covariance matrix for b is obtained by pre- and post-multiplying the covariance matrix for
b 0 by F and F ′ respectively. This is a possibly convenient computational method since one
can initially constrain one of the elements of b 0 to be zero and then apply the correction.

Another version of the formulae (21) and (22) can be found by replacing V0 by the
full covariance matrix V0 + XAX ′ and setting A to zero in (22).

5. Discussion
Three GLS formulations found in the literature [9, 10, 11] for use in the analysis of
measurement comparisons have been shown here to be equivalent. The metrological
community can therefore use any of these implementations without ambiguity with regard to
the results for the purpose of testing the consistency of a participant’s measurements with the
reported variances and covariances. An alternative equivalent formulation, requiring no
transformation of the design matrix to incorporate the constraint, is also given here.

While the result shown here is particularly important in the context of comparison
analysis, the equivalence between the full GLS operator and the GLS operator which
excludes components of variance correlated between all measurements of any participant will
also hold in any other context with the same structure as the comparison problem. In any such
context, this result shows the insensitivity of the values of unknowns to those correlated
components of variance and also allows the separation of their contribution to the variances
of the unknowns.

The authors thank D R White, R Willink, D Krouse and C M Sutton for helpful
discussions and D. R. White for Figure 1. This work was funded by the New Zealand
Government under a contract for the provision of national measurement standards.

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