Principal Component Analysis vs. Exploratory Factor Analysis

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Statistics and Data Analysis

Principal Component Analysis vs. Exploratory Factor Analysis

Diana D. Suhr, Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado

Paper 203-30

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) are both variable reduction techniques and sometimes mistaken as the same statistical method. However, there are distinct differences between PCA and EFA. Similarities and differences between PCA and EFA will be examined. Examples of PCA and EFA with PRINCOMP and FACTOR will be illustrated and discussed.



You want to run a regression analysis with the data youve collected. However, the measured (observed) variables are highly correlated. There are several choices use some of the measured variables in the regression analysis (explain less variance) create composite scores by summing measured variables (explain less variance) create principal component scores (explain more variance). The choice seems simple. Create principal component scores, uncorrelated linear combinations of weighted observed variables, and explain a maximal amount of variance in the data. What if you think there are underlying latent constructs in the data? Latent constructs cannot be directly measured influence responses on measured variables include unreliability due to measurement error. Observed (measured) variables could be linear combinations of the underlying factors (estimated underlying latent constructs and unique factors). EFA describes the factor structure of your data. An observed variable can be measured directly, is sometimes called a measured variable or an indicator or a manifest variable. A principal component is a linear combination of weighted observed variables. Principal components are uncorrelated and orthogonal. A latent construct can be measured indirectly by determining its influence to responses on measured variables. A latent construct could is also referred to as a factor, underlying construct, or unobserved variable. Unique factors refer to unreliability due to measurement error and variation in the data. Principal component analysis minimizes the sum of the squared perpendicular distances to the axis of the principal component while least squares regression minimizes the sum of the squared distances perpendicular to the x axis (not perpendicular to the fitted line) (Truxillo, 2003). Principal component scores are actual scores. Factor scores are estimates of underlying latent constructs. Eigenvectors are the weights in a linear transformation when computing principal component scores. Eigenvalues indicate the amount of variance explained by each principal component or each factor. Orthogonal means at a 90 degree angle, perpendicular. Obilque means other than a 90 degree angle. An observed variable loads on a factors if it is highly correlated with the factor, has an eigenvector of greater magnitude on that factor. Communality is the variance in observed variables accounted for by a common factors. Communality is more relevant to EFA than PCA (Hatcher, 1994).


Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Is a variable reduction technique Is used when variables are highly correlated Reduces the number of observed variables to a smaller number of principal components which account for most of the variance of the observed variables Is a large sample procedure


Statistics and Data Analysis

The total amount of variance in PCA is equal to the number of observed variables being analyzed. In PCA, observed variables are standardized, e.g., mean=0, standard deviation=1, diagonals of the matrix are equal to 1. The amount of variance explained is equal to the trace of the matrix (sum of the diagonals of the decomposed correlation matrix). The number of components extracted is equal to the number of observed variables in the analysis. The first principal component identified accounts for most of the variance in the data. The second component identified accounts for the second largest amount of variance in the data and is uncorrelated with the first principal component and so on. Components accounting for maximal variance are retained while other components accounting for a trivial amount of variance are not retained. Eigenvalues indicate the amount of variance explained by each component. Eigenvectors are the weights used to calculate components scores.

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

Is a variable reduction technique which identifies the number of latent constructs and the underlying factor structure of a set of variables Hypothesizes an underlying construct, a variable not measured directly Estimates factors which influence responses on observed variables Allows you to describe and identify the number of latent constructs (factors) Includes unique factors, error due to unreliability in measurement Traditionally has been used to explore the possible underlying factor structure of a set of measured variables without imposing any preconceived structure on the outcome (Child, 1990).

Figure 1 below shows 4 factors (ovals) each measured by 3 observed variables (rectangles) with unique factors. Since measurement is not perfect, error or unreliability is estimated and specified explicitly in the diagram. Factor loadings (parameter estimates) help interpret factors. Loadings are the correlation between observed variables and factors, are standardized regression weights if variables are standardized (weights used to predict variables from factor), and are path coefficients in path analysis. Standardized linear weights represent the effect size of the factor on variability of observed variables.

Figure 1. Diagram of four factor model Variables are standardized in EFA, e.g., mean=0, standard deviation=1, diagonals are adjusted for unique factors, 1-u. The amount of variance explained is the trace (sum of the diagonals) of the decomposed adjusted correlation matrix. Eigenvalues indicate the amount of variance explained by each factor. Eigenvectors are the weights that could be used to calculate factor scores. In common practice, factor scores are calculated with a mean or sum of measured variables that load on a factor.


Statistics and Data Analysis

In EFA, observed variables are a linear combination of the underlying factors (estimated factor and a unique factor). Communality is the variance of observed variables accounted for by a common factor. Large communality is strongly influenced by an underlying construct. Community is computed by summing squares of factor loadings 2 d1 = 1 communality = % variance accounted for by the unique factor d1 = square root (1-community) = unique factor weight (parameter estimate)


PCA and EFA have these assumptions in common: Measurement scale is interval or ratio level Random sample - at least 5 observations per observed variable and at least 100 observations. Larger sample sizes recommended for more stable estimates, 10-20 observations per observed variable Over sample to compensate for missing values Linear relationship between observed variables Normal distribution for each observed variable Each pair of observed variables has a bivariate normal distribution PCA and EFA are both variable reduction techniques. If communalities are large, close to 1.00, results could be similar.

PCA assumes the absence of outliers in the data. EFA assumes a multivariate normal distribution when using Maximum Likelihood extraction method.


Principal Component Analysis Principal Components retained account for a maximal amount of variance of observed variables Analysis decomposes correlation matrix Ones on the diagonals of the correlation matrix Minimizes sum of squared perpendicular distance to the component axis Component scores are a linear combination of the observed variables weighted by eigenvectors

Exploratory Factor Analysis Factors account for common variance in the data Analysis decomposes adjusted correlation matrix Diagonals of correlation matrix adjusted with unique factors Estimates factors which influence responses on observed variables Observed variables are linear combinations of the underlying and unique factors

PCA decomposes a correlation matrix with ones on the diagonals. The amount of variance is equal to the trace of the matrix, the sum of the diagonals, or the number of observed variables in the analysis. PCA minimizes the sum of the squared perpendicular distance to the component axis (Truxillo, 2003). Components are uninterpretable, e.g., no underlying constructs. Principal components retained account for a maximal amount of variance. The component score is a linear combination of observed variables weighted by eigenvectors. Component scores are a transformation of observed variables (C1 = b11x1 + b12x2 + b13x3 + . . . ). The PCA Model is Y = XB Where Y is a matrix of observed variables X is a matrix of scores on components B is a matrix of eigenvectors (weights) SAS code to run PCA is proc factor method=prin priors=one; where priors specify that the prior communality estimate for each variable is set to one, e.g., ones on the diagonals of the correlations matrix. Using Method=prin with priors=one options runs principal component analysis. EFA decomposes an adjusted correlation matrix. The diagonals have been adjusted for the unique factors. The amount of variance explained is equal to the trace of the matrix, the sum of the adjusted diagonals or communalities. Factors account for common variance in a data set. Squared multiple correlations (SMC) are used as communality estimates on the diagonals. Observed variables are a linear combination of the underlying and unique factors. Factors are estimated, (X1 = b1F1 + b2F2 + . . . e1 where e1 is a unique factor).


Statistics and Data Analysis

The EFA Model is Y = X+ E where Y is a matrix of measured variables X is a matrix of common factors is a matrix of weights (factor loadings) E is a matrix of unique factors, error variation An example of SAS code to run EFA is proc factor method=ml priors=smc; where priors specify that the prior communality estimate for each variable is set to its squared multiple correlation with all other variables, e.g., diagonals of the correlation matrix are adjusted by unique factors. Using method=ml with priors=smc options runs a maximum likelihood factor analysis. Using method=uls with priors=smc runs an unweighted least squares factor analysis. Using method=prin with priors=smc options runs a principal factor analysis.

1) 2)

3) 4) 5) 6)

initial PCA number of components equal to number of variables, only the first few components will be retained Determine the number of components to retain a. Eigenvalue > 1 criterion (Kaiser criterion, (Kaiser, 1960)) Each observed variable contributes one unit of variance to the total variance. If the eigenvalue is greater than 1, then each principal component explains at least as much variance as 1 observed variable. b. Scree test look for an elbow and leveling, large space between values, sometimes difficult to determine the number of components c. Proportion of variance for each component (5-10%) d. Cumulative proportion of variance explained (70-80%) e. Interpretability principal components do not exhibit a conceptual meaning Rotations is a linear transformation of the solution to make interpretation easier (Hatcher, p.28) With an orthogonal rotation, loadings are equivalent to correlations between observed variables and components. Interpret rotated solution Summarize results in a table Prepare paper a. Describe observed variable b. Method, rotation c. Criterion to determine number of components, eigenvalue greater than 1, proportion of variance explained, cumulative proportion variance explained, number of components retained d. Table, criterion to load on component

EFA Steps (similar to PCA).



3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

initial extraction each factor accounts for a maximum amount of variance that has not previously been accounted for by the other factors factors are uncorrelated eigenvalues represent amount of variance accounted for by each factor determine number of factors to retain scree test, look for elbow proportion of variance prior communality estimates are not perfectly accurate, cumulative proportion must equal 100% so some eigenvalues will be negative after factors are extracted, e.g., if 2 factors are extracted, cumulative proportion equals 100% with 6 items, then 4 items have negative eigenvalues interpretability at least 3 observed variables per factor with significant factors common conceptual meaning measure different constructs rotated factor pattern has simple structure (no cross loadings) rotation a transformation interpret solution calculate factor scores results in a table prepare results, paper


Statistics and Data Analysis

PROC and options for PCA

PRINCOMP a procedure to perform principal component analysis Data= specifies dataset to be analyzed Out= output dataset containing original data and principal component scores Prefix= specifies prefix for naming principal components N= specifies number of components to retain FACTOR a procedure to perform exploratory factor analysis, principal component analysis Method=principal, performs PCA with priors=one Rotate=varimax, promax rotation methods are orthogonal, oblique Scree requests a scree plot of eigenvalues Priors=one, sets values of the diagonals of correlation matrix Flag, * flags loadings above a specified value Reorder, sort pattern matrix and rotated pattern matrix from largest to smallest loading for each factor Mineigen= specifies minimum eigenvalue

PROC and options for EFA

PROC FACTOR is a procedure to run exploratory factor analysis and principal component analysis DATA= specifies dataset to be analyzed PRIORS=SMC, squared multiple correlations used as adjusted diagonals of the correlation matrix METHOD=ML,ULS, specifies maximum likelihood and unweighted least squares methods ROTATE=PROMAX (ORTHOGONAL), VARIMAX(OBLIQUE) SCREE, requests a scree plot of the eigenvalues N= specifies number of factors MINEIGEN=1, specifies select factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 OUT= data and estimated factor scores, use raw data and N= FLAG=, include a flag (*) for factor loadings above a specified value


Determine the appropriate statistical analysis to answer research questions a priori.. It is inappropriate to run PCA and EFA with your data. PCA includes correlated variables with the purpose of reducing the numbers of variables and explaining the same amount of variance with fewer variables (prncipal components). EFA estimates factors, underlying constructs that cannot be measured directly. In the examples below, the same data is used to illustrate PCA and EFA. The methods are transferable to your data. Do not run both PCA and EFA, select the appropriate analysis a priori.

Data and Participants

Data is from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth , a longitudinal study of achievement, behavior, and home environment. The original NLSY79 sample design enabled researchers to study longitudinal experiences of different age groups as well as analyze experiences of women, Hispanics, Blacks, and economically disadvantaged. The NLSY79 is a nationally representative sample of 12,686 young men and women who were 14- to 22-years old when first surveyed in 1979 (Baker, Keck, Mott, & Quinlan, 1993).

As part of the NLSY79, mothers and their children have been surveyed biennially since 1986. Although the NLSY79 initially analyzed labor market behavior and experiences, the child assessments were designed to measure academic achievement as well as psychological behaviors. The child sample consisted of all children born to NLSY79 women respondents participating in the study biennially since 1986. The number of children interviewed for the NLSY79 from 1988 to 1994 ranged from 4,971 to 7,089. The total number of cases available for the analysis is 2212. Measurement Instrument The PIAT (Peabody Individual Achievement Test) was developed following principles of item response theory (IRT). PIAT Reading Recognition, Reading Comprehension, and Mathematics Subtest scores are measured variables in the analysis Tests were admininstered in 1988, 1990, 1992, and 1994.


Statistics and Data Analysis

Examples PCA with PRINCOMP

The PRINCOMP procedures runs principal component analysis on the dataset named rawfl. Correlated variables are PIAT math, reading recognition, and reading comprehension scores from 1988, 1990, 1992, and 1994. Eigenvalues are output to a dataset named meignen. The eignvalues are plotted with the PROC PLOT procedure to show a scree plot. proc princomp data=rawfl; var math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94; ods output eigenvalues=meigen; proc plot data=meigen; plot eigenvalue * Number; Output below from the PRINCOMP porcedure shows eigenvalues of the correlation matrix. A prior criteria has been set to select the number of principal components (PC) that will explain a maximal amount of variance. Criteria are that each PC explain at least 5% of the variance, the cumulative variance is at least 75%, and eigenvalues are greater than one. Remember an eigenvalues greater than one explains at least as much variance as the variance explained by one variable (ones on the diagonals of the correction matrix). From the output below, 2 principal components have eigenvalues of 8.28815058and 1.04770385. A third PC has an eigenvalue of 0.69715466, below the 1.0 eigenvalue criteria. Proportion of variance explained by the first 3 PCs is 69%, 9%, and 6%, meeting the criteria. Cumulative variance explained by 2 PCs is 78% and by 3 PCs is 84%. Two principal components are retained, they meet all criteria. The PRINCOMP Procedure Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 8.28814048 7.24043663 0.6907 0.6907 2 1.04770385 0.35054919 0.0873 0.7780retain 2 components 3 0.69715466 0.31370076 0.0581 0.8361 4 0.38345390 0.06882399 0.0320 0.8680 5 0.31462990 0.02470323 0.0262 0.8943 6 0.28992667 0.04134964 0.0242 0.9184 7 0.24857703 0.01229147 0.0207 0.9391 8 0.23628556 0.03297872 0.0197 0.9588 9 0.20330684 0.06144279 0.0169 0.9758 10 0.14186405 0.04657411 0.0118 0.9876 11 0.09528994 0.04162283 0.0079 0.9955 12 0.05366711 0.0045 1.0000 The analysis was run with n=2, to retain 2 principal components. Output below illustrates eigenvalues indicating the amount of variance explained, and eigenvectors, the weights to calculate components scores. proc princomp data=rawfl n=2; var math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94;

The PRINCOMP Procedure

1 2 Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 8.28814048 7.24043663 0.6907 0.6907 1.04770385 0.0873 0.7780


Statistics and Data Analysis

math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94

Eigenvectors Prin1 0.276591 0.292381 0.277473 0.256202 0.295449 0.316860 0.307683 0.289108 0.290135 0.301597 0.292798 0.261855

Prin2 -.397613 -.118885 0.162226 0.303288 -.431803 -.059956 0.179242 0.302284 -.440298 -.046715 0.231146 0.382680

Principal components scores are calculated with eigenvectors as weights. Values are rounded for illustration. SAS calculates the PC scores with eigenvalues shown above. Prin1 = 0.28math88 + 0.29math90 + 0.28 math92 + 0.26math94 + 0.30readr88 + 0.32readr90 + 0.31readr92 + 0.29readr94 + 0.29readc88 + 0.30readc90 + 0.29readc92 + 0.26readc94 Prin2 = -0.40math88 0.12math90 + 0.16math92 + 0.30mathj94 0.43readr88 0.05readr90 + 0.18readr92 + 0.30readr94 0.44readc88 0.5readc92 + 0.23readc92 + 0.38readc94

PCA with FACTOR and rotation

The FACTOR procedure with compute a principal components analysis including rotation. The code below performs the same analysis as PRINCOMP and includes a varimax rotation (orthogonal). Datasest is rawfl, method is principal, rotation is varimax, diagonals of the correlation matrix are equal to one, 2 PC retained, original data and component scores output to dataset pclsub, component loadings are reordered from largest to smallest values for each factor, variables in the analysis are math, reading recognition, reading comprehension over 4 timepoints. proc factor data=rawfl method=p rotate=v priors=one plot n=2 out=pc1sub reorder; var math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94; Results of the factor procedure illustrate eigenvalues. eigenvectors, and variance explained by each component.. The rotated factor pattern shows weights to calculate component scores. The factor procedure labels items as factor even though PCA was run. In this analysis factor could be replaced with principal component. The FACTOR Procedure Initial Factor Method: Principal Components Prior Communality Estimates: ONE Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix: Total = 12 Average = 1

Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 8.28814048 7.24043663 0.6907 0.6907 2 1.04770385 0.35054919 0.0873 0.7780 3 0.69715466 0.31370076 0.0581 0.8361 4 0.38345390 0.06882399 0.0320 0.8680 5 0.31462990 0.02470323 0.0262 0.8943 6 0.28992667 0.04134964 0.0242 0.9184 7 0.24857703 0.01229147 0.0207 0.9391 8 0.23628556 0.03297872 0.0197 0.9588 9 0.20330684 0.06144279 0.0169 0.9758 10 0.14186405 0.04657411 0.0118 0.9876 11 0.09528994 0.04162283 0.0079 0.9955 12 0.05366711 0.0045 1.0000 2 factors will be retained by the NFACTOR criterion.


Statistics and Data Analysis

readr94 readc94 readc92 readr92 math94 math92 readr88 readc88 math88 readr90 math90 readc90

Rotated Factor Pattern Factor1 0.82158 0.81971 0.78003 0.77550 0.75265 0.69977 0.32556 0.30842 0.30938 0.62892 0.53623 0.60581

Factor2 0.33687 0.22319 0.39760 0.46571 0.27189 0.41954 0.90157 0.89759 0.83904 0.66359 0.66015 0.62384 (principal components)

Variance Explained by Each Factor Factor1 Factor2 4.9598291 4.3760152

Component scores are calculated with the following equations (rounded weights). Prin1 = 0.82readr94 + 0.82readc94 + 0.78readc92 + 0.78math94 + 0.75math94 + 0.70math92 + 0.33readr88 + 0.31readc88 + 0.31math88 + 0.63readr90 + 0.54math90 + 0.61readc90 Prin2 = 0.34read94 + 0.22readc94 + 0.40readc92 + 0.47readr92 + 0.27math94 + 0.42math92 + 0.90readr88 + 0.90readc88 + 0.84math88 + 0.66readr90 + 0.66math90 + 0.62readc90


Exploratory factor analysis with dataset rawfl, method is maximum likelihood, scree plot of eigenvalues, diagonals of the correlation matrix are equal to squared multiple correclations, measured variables are math, reading recognition, reading comprehension over 4 timepoints. proc factor data=rawfl method=ml scree priors=smc; var math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94; Three factors are retained, shown as cumulative variance of 1.0215 (below). Preliminary eigenvalues are 43.7192325, 4.9699785, 1.4603799, larger than the amount of variance explained by one variable. Each factor explains 89%, 10% and 3% of the variance. The FACTOR Procedure Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood Preliminary Eigenvalues: Total = 49.0952995 Average = 4.09127496 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 43.7192325 38.7492540 0.8905 0.8905 2 4.9699785 3.5095987 0.1012 0.9917 3 1.4603799 0.8226791 0.0297 1.0215 4 0.6377007 0.5299327 0.0130 1.0345 5 0.1077680 0.0819166 0.0022 1.0367 6 0.0258514 0.0874121 0.0005 1.0372 7 -0.0615606 0.1892583 -0.0013 1.0359 8 -0.2508189 0.0309477 -0.0051 1.0308 9 -0.2817666 0.0602684 -0.0057 1.0251 10 -0.3420350 0.0922321 -0.0070 1.0181 11 -0.4342670 0.0208965 -0.0088 1.0093 12 -0.4551635 -0.0093 1.0000 3 factors will be retained by the PROPORTION criterion.


Statistics and Data Analysis

Hypothesis tests are both rejected, no common factors and 3 factors are sufficient. In practice, we want to reject the first hypotheses and accept the second hypothesis. Squared multiple correlations indicate amount of variance explained by each factor. Eigenvalues of the weighted reduced correlation matrix show. eigenvalues of 62.4882752, 7.5300396, and 1.9271076. Proportion of variance explained is 0.8686, 0.1047, and 0.268. Cumulative variance for 3 factors is 100%. Significance Tests Based on 995 Observations H0: HA: H0: HA: Test No common factors At least one common factor 3 Factors are sufficient More factors are needed DF 66 33 Chi-Square 13065.6754 406.9236 409.74040 343.74040 181.94989 0.94247 Pr > ChiSq <.0001 <.0001

Chi-Square without Bartlett's Correction Akaike's Information Criterion Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion Tucker and Lewis's Reliability Coefficient Squared Canonical Correlations Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 0.98424906 0.88276725 0.65836583

Eigenvalues of the Weighted Reduced Correlation Matrix: Total = 71.9454163 Average = 5.99545136 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 1 62.4882752 54.9582356 0.8686 0.8686 2 7.5300396 5.6029319 0.1047 0.9732 3 1.9271076 1.2700613 0.0268 1.0000 4 0.6570464 0.4697879 0.0091 1.0091 5 0.1872584 0.0202533 0.0026 1.0117 6 0.1670051 0.0724117 0.0023 1.0141 7 0.0945935 0.1415581 0.0013 1.0154 8 -0.0469646 0.1141100 -0.0007 1.0147 9 -0.1610746 0.0355226 -0.0022 1.0125 10 -0.1965972 0.0469645 -0.0027 1.0097

EFA with FACTOR and rotation

Options added to the factor procedure are a varimax rotation (orthogonal), reorder to arrange the pattern matrix from largest to smallest loading for each factor, plot to plot factors, n=3 to keep 3 factors, out=facsub3 to save original data and factor scores. The factor pattern and rotated factor pattern matrices and final communality estimates (diagonals of the adjusted correlation matrix) are shown. Hypothesis tests are both rejected, no common factors and 3 factors are sufficient. proc factor data=rawfl method=ml rotate=v n=3 reorder plot out=facsub3 priors=smc; var math88 math90 math92 math94 readr88 readr90 readr92 readr94 readc88 readc90 readc92 readc94;


Statistics and Data Analysis

The FACTOR Procedure Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood Preliminary Eigenvalues same as above Significance Tests same as above Squared Canonical Correlations same as above Eigenvalues of the Weighted Reduced Correlation Matrix same as above Factor Pattern Factor1 Factor2 0.94491 -0.26176 0.92409 -0.26406 0.89145 0.20878 0.83206 0.19923 0.83040 0.40006 0.81886 -0.13400 0.79779 0.12447 0.75910 0.39092 0.75071 0.46900 0.70865 0.32157 0.64675 0.41433 0.62910 0.37008 Factor3 0.02539 0.00801 0.11313 0.06487 0.16396 -0.21690 -0.30123 0.01863 0.15896 -0.37062 -0.05782 -0.35975

readr88 readc88 readr90 readc90 readr92 math88 math90 readc92 readr94 math92 readc94 math94

The FACTOR Procedure Rotation Method: Varimax Orthogonal Transformation Matrix 1 2 1 0.54103 0.75766 2 0.65147 -0.65205 3 0.53186 0.02797 Rotated Factor Pattern Factor1 Factor2 0.79710 0.37288 0.79624 0.26741 0.67849 0.54244 0.67528 0.32076 0.61446 0.50233 0.58909 0.21823 0.35420 0.88731 0.33219 0.87255 0.24037 0.70172 0.39578 0.31687 0.39013 0.22527 0.35250 0.51487

3 0.36502 0.38783 -0.84637 Factor3 0.31950 0.32138 0.31062 0.41293 0.32608 0.44571 0.22191 0.22813 0.43051 0.69707 0.67765 0.59444

readr92 readr94 readr90 readc92 readc90 readc94 readr88 readc88 math88 math92 math94 math90

Final Communality Estimates and Variable Weights Total Communality: Weighted = 71.945422 Unweighted = 9.364379 Variable Communality Weight math88 0.73553429 3.7804035 math90 0.74270969 3.8855883 math92 0.74295833 3.8909129 math94 0.66215006 2.9610723 readr88 0.96202122 26.3349931 readr90 0.85107493 6.7170126 readr92 0.87649299 8.0949108 readr94 0.80879089 5.2288375 readc88 0.92372805 13.1051008 readc90 0.73621916 3.7926495 readc92 0.72939551 3.6952039 readc94 0.59330358 2.4587311



Statistics and Data Analysis

Factor scores could be calculated by weighting each variable with the values from the rotated factor pattern matrix.. In common practice, factor scores are calculated without weights. The mean or sum of variables is calculated for variables that load, are highly correlated with the factor. Factor scores could be calculated with a mean as illustrated below. Factor1 = mean(readr92, readr94, readr90, readc92, readc90, readc94); Factor2 = mean(readr88, readc88, math88); Factor3 = mean(math92, math94, math90);


Principal Component Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis are powerful statistical techniques. The techniques have similarities and differences. A priori decisions on the type of analysis to answer research questions allow you to maximize your knowledge.

WAM (Walk away message)

Principal components are a weighted linear combination of correlated variables, explain a maximal amount of variance of the variables, are uninterpretable. Factors are underlying constructs, not directly measured, influence responses on measured variables, and are influenced by measurement error (unique factors).


Baker, P. C., Keck, C. K., Mott, F. L. & Quinlan, S. V. (1993). NLSY79 child handbook. A guide to the 1986-1990 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Child Data (rev. ed.) Columbus, OH: Center for Human Resource Research, Ohio State University. Cattell, R. B. (1966). The scree test for the number of factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1, 245-276. Child, D. (1990). The essentials of factor analysis, second edition. London: Cassel Educational Limited. Hatcher, L. (1994). A step-by-step approach to using the SAS System for factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory, 2

edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

SAS Language and Procedures, Version 6, First Edition. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute, 1989. SAS Online Doc 9. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute.

SAS Procedures, Version 6, Third Edition. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute, 1990. SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 6, Fourth Edition, Volume 1. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute, 1990. SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 6, Fourth Edition, Volume 2. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute, 1990. Thorndike, R. M., Cunningham, G. K., Thorndike, R. L., & Hagen E. P. (1991). Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. Truxillo, Catherine. (2003). Multivariate Statistical Methods: Practical Research Applications Course Notes. Cary, N.C.: SAS Institute.

Contact Information

Diana Suhr is a Statistical Analyst in the Office of Institutional Research at the University of Northern Colorado. In 1999 she earned a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at UNC. She has been a SAS programmer since 1984. email: SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.


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