by Saddie LaMort
Entity type:
Golem / Servitor
Height: 13,5cm
Width: 12,5 cm
Depth: 7 cm
- Healing
- Wealth generation
- Protection
Materials used:
- DAS air drying modelling clay
- Wooden toothpicks
- Wooden kebab skewers
- Green, gold, black, mauve acryllic paint
2015 September 27, 13:00 (one day before full moon)
Added more blood, more whiskey in honor of November Eve. Golem now
very strongly alive, but dormant. I breathed on it to give added
life force.
Added Grade VIII° Ingredient X, the first harvest of this year. Put
it on head, shoulders, heart, all over the AMTh of the chest, and on
legs. Blowing breath into its mouth again.
2015 November 1, 13:00
Painted clothes on with green and gold acryllic paint – green for
Venus / Prosperity, gold for Solar / healing. The clay's inherent
red represents the Martial / protective aspect. Golem definitely
alive and semi-conscious, I felt it's ticklish as I use my brush. I
finished with gold ornaments: illuminated the AMTh in the front.
Symbols on back: Sol, Mercury (to aid healing), my personal double
pentagram, Kundalini / Heart Encircled by Serpent, and Ellis,
tapping into the power of the linking sigil. I still had a
significant amount of gold paint left, so I gave the golem shoes. At
this point I start finding it hard to say „it” - HE likes the shoes.
His eyes are mauve, to aid contact with trans-yuggothian power
November 1, 17:00