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Documentation of the creation of Emeth, a golem

by Saddie LaMort
Entity type:
Golem / Servitor

Height: 13,5cm
Width: 12,5 cm
Depth: 7 cm


- Healing
- Wealth generation
- Protection

Materials used:
- DAS air drying modelling clay
- Wooden toothpicks
- Wooden kebab skewers
- Green, gold, black, mauve acryllic paint
2015 September 27, 13:00 (one day before full moon)

I started the construction of a golem.

I've been planning it for ages. This was
the first time I used clay like this, and
I started kneading it, shaping it, taking
bits off for the limbs, etc, Ended up
rejoining the smaller lumps, making a
brick, cutting into it to form the hands,
then cutting and separating between the
legs. The head was made from a separate
lump I rolled into shape and then stuck
onto the torso. I realized that during
the drying period, posture will be an issue, so I inserted a kebab
skewer as a spine of sorts running from the top of the head to the
sole of the right foot. The hands also wanted to slag, so I propped
them up with two tooth picks. I wrote „‫ ”אמת‬on the chest.Tooth picks
also were used for the mohawk. I cut one of the sharp ends off a
tooth pick, cut it down the middle about 2cm length. The golem's
basic code was then written on a small scroll, inserted into the
slit, rolled up, and then put in place as the lowermost spike on the
nape of the neck (approximately where the cerebellum would be
located on a human). After all that, I left him to dry.
Insertion of the code scroll
The drying period was long. The water found its way to the feet, so
after 4 days, I laid the golem on its back so the feet could dry

2015 October 13, (new Moon) approx. 21:00

I cleansed the golem using a

personal version of Florida
1 drop cinnamon essential oil
3 drops clove essential oil
15 drops lavender essential oil
30 drops orange essential oil
1 dl Stolichnaya vodka

I sensed the first emotion, the

clay distincivly „liked” it.

2015 October 19, 18:00

My birthday. I shared the whisky

I got with the golem. Added first
life force batteries that will
power it – on the forehead,
shoulders, heart. The golem
definitely feels more alive. I
chose blood for these lesser

2015 November 1, 00:00

Added more blood, more whiskey in honor of November Eve. Golem now
very strongly alive, but dormant. I breathed on it to give added
life force.

2015 November 1, 11:00

Added Grade VIII° Ingredient X, the first harvest of this year. Put
it on head, shoulders, heart, all over the AMTh of the chest, and on
legs. Blowing breath into its mouth again.
2015 November 1, 13:00

Painted clothes on with green and gold acryllic paint – green for
Venus / Prosperity, gold for Solar / healing. The clay's inherent
red represents the Martial / protective aspect. Golem definitely
alive and semi-conscious, I felt it's ticklish as I use my brush. I
finished with gold ornaments: illuminated the AMTh in the front.
Symbols on back: Sol, Mercury (to aid healing), my personal double
pentagram, Kundalini / Heart Encircled by Serpent, and Ellis,
tapping into the power of the linking sigil. I still had a
significant amount of gold paint left, so I gave the golem shoes. At
this point I start finding it hard to say „it” - HE likes the shoes.
His eyes are mauve, to aid contact with trans-yuggothian power
November 1, 17:00

Samhain ritual with group. Golem is cleansed by water and incense,

then invoking the Horned One godform, he receives more breaths, and
a final awakening by getting his name: Emeth. He receives gifts of
wine and cake.

And here he is happily celebrating his birthday.

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