Guide MultiBoot 06 June 2008
Guide MultiBoot 06 June 2008
Guide MultiBoot 06 June 2008
[size=4][u]Guide for MultiBoot USB-stick with boot.ini Menu[/u][/size]
In this Guide is described How to Make a MultiBoot USB-stick, where boot options
as [b]MS-DOS, FREEDOS 1.0, GRUB4DOS, BartPE, TXT-mode Setup Windows XP, WinPE 2.
0 and SYSLINUX [/b]
can be used directly from boot.ini Menu. In this way a powerful Admin's Swiss Ar
my Knife is obtained.
The [b]USB_MultiBoot.cmd[/b] Batch Program can now be used for making such Multi
Boot USB-Drive,
instead of the Manual Procedure as described below. The Attachment gives USB_Mul file.
The USB_MultiBoot.cmd program can be used for making
MultiBoot USB-Drive for Install of Windows XP with Extra Boot Options for Syste
m Recovery with Ghost.
All Editable Configuration Files for making a MultiBoot USB-stick are given in t
he MULTI_CONTENT folder.
The content of MULTI_CONTENT folder is copied to USB-Drive by the USB_MultiBoot.
cmd program.
Adapt the configuration files and the content of the MULTI_CONTENT folder to you
r personal needs.
Where USB-stick is mentioned in the description, USB-Harddisk with 2 GB FAT Part
ition can be used as well.
Use USB-sticks with High Read/Write Speed and FAT Format for Direct Booting with
MS-DOS from USB.
e.g. Buffalo FireStix RUF2-R2G-S (Corsair Flash Voyager sticks are too slow for
FAT Format)
Direct Booting with MS-DOS from FAT Format USB-stick with boot.ini Menu is prepa
red as follows:
You only have to add from Win98 MS-DOS BootFloppy the files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS
the MULTI_CONTENT Folder and file COMMAND.COM to the folder DOS of the MULTI_CON
TENT Folder.
These Hidden System Files are only visible in Windows Explorer after adjusting T
ools > Folder Options
Run USB_MultiBoot.cmd and choose FAT Format with PeToUSB (max 2GB stick) and
Select Multi_boot.ini as boot.ini (option B ) and MULTI_CONTENT as Source (optio
n 2) in the Main Menu.
The supplied config.sys of the MULTI_CONTENT folder regulates that for MS-DOS
the COMMAND.COM is found in the DOS folder so that confusion with FREEDOS is pre
Direct Booting with FREEDOS from USB was Removed since there were too few cases
More INFO on Install XP from USB: [url="
HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool V2.0.6 - NTFS Format
Install of XP from USB in 16 minutes - Corsair Flash Voyager 4 GB USB-stick
Supports also USB-Drives having FAT32 or NTFS Format, thus overcoming the 2 GB l
imit of FAT Format.
NTFS Format allows larger DriveSize and is very useful for Install of XP from US
Besides NTFS Format is handy for Install of Vista from USB via GRUB4DOS chainloa
d of bootmgr
FAT32 is extremely slow in Windows XP FileCopy during TXT Mode,
whereas NTFS Format of USB-Drive makes everything go faster than with FAT Format
Multi-Partitioning an USB-stick is possible when dummydisk of Anton Bassov
is Installed in your computer [url="
More Info See below.
[b]A. Boot Test[/b] - Making Bootable USB-stick or USB-Harddisk with boot.ini Me
nu and NTLDR Bootsector
First Test if your PC is Booting from USB-stick:
1. Use 2 GB USB-stick with High Read/Write Speed (e.g. Apacer HT203 OR Buffalo F
ireStix RUF2-R2G-S are OK)
2. Format USB-stick with [b]PeToUSB.exe[/b] [url="
to Make Bootable USB-stick with FAT FileSystem, FAT = Faster
such that USB-stick has NTLDR Logical Drive Bootsector(mostly sector 0x3F=63)
and is seen by BIOS as Harddisk (MBR is at sector 0).
Use PeToUSB.exe with Settings: Enable Disk Format with LBA FAT16X
3. Copy XP BootFiles ntldr, NTDETECT.COM, Bootfont.bin and boot.ini from your XP
C-drive to USB-stick
For this purpose in Windows Explorer Extra>Folder Options, Set Hidden and Sys
tem Files to be Visible.
4. Change in boot.ini on stick rdisk(0) in rdisk(1) and add a second entry
so that on Booting from USB-stick you will be able to see the boot.ini Menu.
Before you Edit boot.ini, Remove first via Right-click and Properties the Rea
d Only property.
[code][boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional"
/noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Boot Test Windows XP Professional"
/noexecute=optin /fastdetect[/code]
5. Reboot your PC with USB-stick plugged in and Enter BIOS Setup by pressing [De
lete] or F2
and change Boot settings more permanent so that Harddisk is used as first Boo
t device type
and USB-Drive is seen as first Harddisk. Save BIOS Settings with F10.
6. Test if your PC is Booting from USB-stick with boot.ini Menu. If you can see
the Menu, it is OK
If USB-stick is not bootable:
Check BIOS bootsequence settings or use different USB-stick / computer combin
OR Instead of PeToUSB use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool Version 2.0.6 and u
se FAT filesystem
If you did prepare your USB-stick with USB_MultiBoot.cmd so that it can be used
for Install of Windows XP,
than you had already a stick with boot.ini Menu and the required bootfiles, and
you don't need to do steps 1-4
Instead of an USB-stick one can also make a Bootable USB-Harddisk using the step
s 2-6 given above.
FOR USB-Harddisk make 1900 MB partition at beginning of the USB-Harddisk using e
.g. Partition Magic.
Use FAT Format and Set Active OR use PeToUSB to Format such partition.
Without Set Active you will get DISK BOOT FAILURE.
[b]***** WARNINGS *****
Be very careful with writing of bootsectors with HDHacker, bootsect.exe or mkbt.
Be always aware you make your changes on the right drive. Otherwise loss of DATA
may be the result.
It is advisable to first remove all other removable drives, like USB Backup Hard
disks and Memory Cards,
so that they cannot be involved by mistake in the writing process.
Do NOT use HP Tool for USB-Harddisks having more than 1 Partition
WARNING - HP Tool Formats whole Disk - Second Partition is Lost
Using PeToUSB.exe is SAFE, it can only Format partitions with size less than 2 G
without destroying the existing partition table, so that Data partitions are sti
ll accessible.
Use of USB_MultiBoot.cmd and everything in this Guide is COMPLETELY at your own
risk. [/b]
[b]B. Adding New Boot Options[/b] - e.g. Booting the USB-stick via boot.ini dire
ctly into MS-DOS
This requires making a Bootsector File for each specific Boot Option and Addi
ng a rule to boot.ini
[b]mkbt.exe[/b] of [b]Bart Lagerweij[/b] is very handy to make such Bootsecto
r Files.
See: [url=""][/url]
mkbt.exe is so handy because it can change the Bootcode in the Bootsector,
while keeping the BIOS Parameter Block and the Extended Parameter Block uncha
This means the Drive geometry and File System (FAT) is maintained !
For this purpose the 7 f16*.bin files are supplied in folder makebt\BS_F16 as
Source Code Bootsector Files.
1. Use procedure of Part A to make Bootable USB-stick with boot.ini Menu and NTL
DR Bootsector
Make a proper Selection of your PeToUSB Settings to make a USB-Drive with FAT
PeToUSB Settings To Format USB-Drive : Enable Disk Format with LBA FAT16X
When USB_MultiBoot.cmd is applied on existing USB-Drive with XP Install Files
then Format is not needed and should be DeSelected.
Copy XP BootFiles ntldr, NTDETECT.COM, Bootfont.bin from your XP C-drive to U
Copy XP BootFile Multi_boot.ini from b_ini Folder to your USB-stick and Renam
e as boot.ini
2. Use mkbt.exe to Save the USB-stick Logical Drive bootsector as file
in folder btsec on your USB-stick.
Next use mkbt to Install MS-DOS Bootcode from bootsector file f16msdos.bin in
to USB-Drive Bootsector
Then Save modified USB-Drive Bootsector as Bootsector File
And finish by Resetting USB-Drive Bootsector to the original NTLDR Bootsector
using file
Usage : mkbt [switches] <source> <target>
switches: -c = Copy mode(copy bootsector to Bootsector File, -x = Expert
For this purpose Open a Command Window (cmd) at the USB_MultiBoot\makebt Fold
er and type:
[code]mkbt.exe -x -c R: R:\btsec\
mkbt.exe -x BS_F16\f16msdos.bin R:
mkbt.exe -x -c R: R:\btsec\
mkbt.exe -x R:\btsec\ R:[/code]where R: is your USB-stick drive
3. boot.ini on stick was changed by adding the following rule:
C:\btsec\"3. MS-DOS 7.10"
From Win98 MS-DOS BootFloppy Copy the files IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS and COMMAND.
COM to your USB-stick.
These Hidden System Files are only visible in Windows Explorer after adjustin
g Tools > Folder Options
4. In a similar way we can make the Bootsector File for FREEDOS 1.0 KERNEL.SYS
When both MS-DOS and FREEDOS are added it is necessary to place the COMMAND.C
OM in a folder
and to use in CONFIG.SYS and FDCONFIG.SYS SHELL commands like shell=\dos\comm /e:1024 /p
and 12345?!SHELL=\FREEDOS\COMMAND.COM /E:2048 /F /MSG /P
Download FREEDOS 1.0 bootfloppy image fdboot.img from [url="http://www.freedo"][/url]
5. TXT-mode Setup Windows XP, BartPE and WinPE 2.0 require a bootcode which is t
he same as
present in the NTLDR Bootsector, except that the file to which the bootsector
refers is different,
being XPSTP, PELDR and BOOTMGR respectively instead of NTLDR.
SETUPLDR.BIN of XP was renamed to XPSTP because of NTFS Format 5-letter limit
of MakeBS3.cmd
The program [b]MakeBS3.cmd[/b] made by [b]jaclaz[/b] is very handy to make
Bootsector Files for TXT-mode Setup Windows XP and for Bart
PE or UBCD4Win,
where only the NTLDR loader filename was changed into e.g. XPSTP and PELDR re
spectively using:
[code]MakeBS3.cmd R:\XPSTP
MakeBS3.cmd R:\PELDR[/code]where R: is your USB-stick drive
Such Bootsector Files are given in makebt folder as files f16xpstp.bin and f1
of which the BootCode can be used also by mkbt.exe to make and PELDR
similarly as the procedure for making
6. For [b]Windows PE 2.0[/b] a Bootsector File is required which refers to [b]BO
OTMGR[/b] instead of NTLDR.
The same Bootsector file can also be used to Install [b]Windows Vista[/b] by
launching Vista Setup.
Open CMD Window and use BootSect.exe to change the bootsector for use with bo
[code]BootSect.exe /nt60 R: /force
mkbt.exe -x -c R: R:\btsec\
mkbt.exe -x R:\btsec\ R:[/code]where R: is your USB-stick drive.
Such BOOTMGR Bootsector File is given in makebt folder as file f16btmgr.bin w
ith correct Error Messages,
which can be used by mkbt.exe to make similarly as the procedure f
or making,
so that BootSect.exe which is more difficult to obtain, is no longer needed.
WinPE is a Console with rather limited use.
A lot of simple programs which run from BartPE, do not run from WinPE.
Windows PE 2.0 is included in the Windows Automated Installation Kit WAIK (se
e below for Download)
- Follow the instructions in the WAIK guide to create PE 2.0 files.
- Copy the contents of the "ISO" folder created in the proceding step to the
root of your USB stick.