Mobility For Sap Business One 9.0: Integration Framework Setup
Mobility For Sap Business One 9.0: Integration Framework Setup
Mobility For Sap Business One 9.0: Integration Framework Setup
4. Place password for Integration Framework and click Next. Default is p@ssw0rd
4. Leave other fields as is and put password for your Database.
5. Put B1i password and leave other fields as is. Default is p@ssw0rd.
6. Untick Activate Payroll Support and click Next.
9. Click Done.
10. Open Integration Framework dashboard.
12. Click SLD and check if your DB name is displayed under B1i Server. If not, follow below guide.
To sync DB lists in Integration Framework, perform the following steps:
Make sure all SAP Business One clients are closed and no users are connected to the server.
Log in Integration Explorer -> Scenarios -> Setup -> Select B1system and make it active.
Stop B1i services (DI Proxy, EventSender and Integration)
Use below query to delete all entries of SLSP and SLSPP tables in SBO-COMMON database.
delete from SLSP
delete from SLSPP
13. Re-login to Integration Framework to check if an entry was created for your DB.
14. Update DB and B1i credentials by clicking your DB from the B1i server list and then click the Edit
15. Login to B1 to update the B1i user as well. Make sure that the password is the same on the
Integration Framework.
16. Go back to Integration Framework and test your DBs connections. Both B1DI and JDBC should
prompt a Connect to SBODemoAU successfully message.
For the device ID, you can use the email option to send the device ID to your email.
Sample setup:
Note: Make sure the port is placed after the server’s IP address. Ex:
SSL deployment for Integration Framework
On Windows environment, openssl is not pre-installed with system. Download Win32 or Win64 openssl
installer from
1. Create your own root CA (if it does not exist for other reason)
1.2 Create the certificate (to be deployed to mobile devices): openssl req -new -x509 -key
ServerKey.key -out myCA.cer -days 3650 -subj /CN="custom_CA_name"
2.2 Create the CSR (Client Signing Request): openssl req -new -key ClientKey.key -out
CertReq.csr -subj /CN="server_domain_name"
Note "server_domain_name" should be exactly the same value used for the server field in
mobile app settings (for example the server name or the server ip address).
2.3 Use the CSR to create the certificate based on your own CA key file: openssl x509 -req -days
3650 -in CertReq.csr -CA myCA.cer -CAkey ServerKey.key -CAcreateserial -out ClientCert.crt
3. Deploy the self-signed certificate on the SAP Business One Integration Framework (B1i) server
3.1 Create a PKCS12 keystore and import: openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ClientKey.key -in
ClientCert.crt -out keystore.pkcs12 (For the Export Password, please enter the default Keystore
password: sapB1iP)
3.3 In the Command Prompt, move to the Integration Framework jre bin path (32bit or 64bit
based on your system): <SAP Business One Integration path>\sapjre_7_32\bin (for example cd
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\sapjre_7_32\bin). NOTE: In previous
versions of the Integration Framework this folder might be: \sapjre_6_32\bin.
3.4 Delete the original self-signed certificate from the keystore: keytool -delete -alias tomcat -
keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\
Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -storepass <keystorepassword>
3.5 Convert PKCS12 keystore into Java keystore: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "C:\
Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\
B1iXcellerator\keystore.pkcs12" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\
SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\Tomcat\webapps\
B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -deststoretype JKS -deststorepass <keystorepassword> -srcstorepass
3.6 Change the default alias name to tomcat: keytool -changealias -alias 1 -destalias tomcat -
keystore "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SAP Business One Integration\IntegrationServer\
Tomcat\webapps\B1iXcellerator\.keystore" -storepass <keystorepassword>
B.) Relevant only for option A II.: Install your own created root CA certificate on mobile devices
The app settings should use the servername/domain or ip as defined in the certificate.
Procedure for iOS devices
o Copy the myCA.cer file via a microSD card onto the Android device
Install the file via Settings → Security → Credential Storage and selecting “Install from storage” and
follow the prompts